The Business Bulletin
What is emotional intelligence and why does it matter? Back in 2018 LinkedIn published an article that referred to the following statistic from; “People with high emotional intelligence earn, on average, $29,000 more annually than those who score low on EQ — People who perform well get paid more, and there is a direct correlation between salary and emotional intelligence. For each percentage-point increase in EQ, a person can add $1300 to their annual salary.”
That is a staggering statistic and as it
monitor one’s own and other people’s
was from 2018 who knows what those
emotions, to discriminate between
figures would show now. We know it
different emotions and label them
makes a difference but what is it and
appropriately, and to use emotional
how do you increase it?
information to guide thinking and
■ Actively listen to others
■ Understand the nonverbals
Emotional intelligence (EI or EQ) has been defined, by Peter Salovey and John Mayer, as “the ability to
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In very simple terms a high level of EQ gives you the following abilities;
■ Recognise your emotions ■ Recognise and relate to the emotions of others
cues of behaviour in active communication