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NHIA targets GH¢ 2.7m from levies in 2023

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) has said it expects to receive a total amount of GH¢ 2.7m in 2023 from National Helath Insurance Levies (NHIL) /SSNIT contribution and others to be able to execute its mandate in 2023, the National Health Insurance Fund Allocation Formula 2023 report has revealed.

Parliament before it went on recess approved the National Health Insurance Fund Allocation Formula 2023 report.


The composition of their mandate includes; NHIL and SSNIT Contribution -under this, the NHIF expects to realise a total amount of GH¢ 2.5m from NHIL and SSNIT Contribution.

Premium from Informal Sector -the premium from informal sector is budgeted at GH¢ 126, 87m. This represents an average premium of GH¢ 18.00 approximately per member for projected membership of 7,048,475 expected to register and renew within the year 2023 from the informal sector.

Processing Fees – Processing fees from both the formal and informal sector is budgeted at Ghc88.54m.

This represents an average fee of Ghc5.70 approximately per member for a projected membership of 15,534,145 from both sectors in 2022. The projected membership excludes the pregnant women and indigent categories.

Interest Income from Investment –the authority expects to earn total interest income of Ghc30.28m. This is based on expected portfolio size of Ghc115.69m at projected average nominal return of 20.18percent per annum.

Donor Funding -USAID: the authority expects to receive an amount of GH¢ 12.46m to the USAID in the year 2023. The funding which is expected to cover the period from 2023 -2027 in support of clinical audit, stakeholder consultations, tools for internal and external audit, collaboration with Ghana Health Service among others.

There is also Other Income – the authority expects to earn GH¢ 2.3m from provider credentialing fees (GH¢ 2.00m), sale of tender documents (GH¢ 0.01m), road accident fund (GH¢ 0.29m).

The strategic objectives of the Authority as outlined in the medi- um-term plan are; improve the membership bene t package informed by actuarial projections and sustainable nancing, enhance operations of the scheme, fuse a viable, preventive insurance model into the current curative model, increase participation of private health insurance schemes, ensure human resource development and harmonization.

Further the report notes that under Enhance operations of the scheme –the authority will intensify registration drive to increase active membership coverage of the schem from approximately 57.0percent of the population (31,448,659) in 2022 to 60percent of the projected 2023 population of 32m. The active membership in 2023 is therefore estimated at 19,246,579. Collaborate with the Ministry of Gender,Children and Social Protection for the use of the Ghana National Household Registry(GNHR) to facilitate the registration of the poor onto the NHIS.

In terms of monies received, the report indicated that total amount of GH¢ 2m was received from MOFEP as at December 31,2022. Other receipts during the period amounted to GH¢ 161,23m, giving total receipts of 2.16m for the period. However, the Authority had cash and bank balance of GH¢ 248.92m as at January 1, 2022 giving a total cash and Bank available of GH¢ 2,4m.

Total payment as at December 31,2022 was GH¢ 2,08m. Excess receipts over payments as at the period ending December 31,2022 was GH¢ 321.83m.

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