2020 Education budget to pay ‘only’ salaries ...works, capitation grant hard hit
Customer battles UBA over EOCO arrest Benson Afful
Benson Afful
A Business24 analysis of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Education’s report has revealed that 96.64 percent of the education sector budget of GH¢8billion for 2020 fiscal year is to be used in paying salaries; with a meagre 1.7percent channeled to general activities and payment of capitation grants. Also, feeding grant to special schools, administrative grant to GES headquarters, Regional, Districts, Circuit offices and Special Schools among others, will also be paid from
the same 1.7percent. This means of the GHC 8bn allocate to the sector, over GHC 7.7bn will be spent on paying salaries while under GHC300million is spent on goods and service, CAPEX. The education sector, which is one of the key areas that can spur growth, has in the past years faced a lot of challenges ranging from poor infrastructure and lack of education materials to aid teaching and learning at all levels. The introduction of the Free Senior High School programme, which has almost double enrolment in secondary education, means that there should be a conscious effort to improve infra-
structure both at the secondary and tertiary levels of education. However, the continuous spending of education sector budget to pay salaries and compensation will deprive the sector of the needed infrastructural. In 2018, the Ministry of Education spent about 99 percent of the oil cash used to support the country’s education budget mainly for the payment of school fees in respect of government’s Free SHS programme, while a paltry 1 percent was spent on physical infrastructure. An analysis of the Public Interest and Accountability Committee’s An-
nual Report on Management and Use of Petroleum Revenues for the Period 2018 revealed that of the total Annual Budget Funding Amount (ABFA) allocation of GH¢419,871,012 to the education sector, a little over GH¢414.6million was spent on fees for Free SHS beneficiaries and GH¢5.2million was spent on expanding existing infrastructure and building new ones.
will be spent on paying salaries
A customer of the United Bank for Africa (UBA), Mr. Prosper Kweku Tunnu, has sued the bank at the Circuit Court in Accra for breach of bank-customer relationship. He is seeking from the bank an amount of GH¢50,000 in damages for having to endure public embarrassment as a wrong target in EOCO’s undercover investigations. The suit, which was filed in March 2019, is yet to have its first hearing after several adjournments. The plaintiff, who is also a Senior Accountant at the Ghana School of Law, filed a motion for default judgment in April 2019 as the defendant bank, UBA, had delayed in filing its defense statement. Background to the case Mr. Tunnu who has been a customer of the bank for more than 10 years, had gone to the Accra Central branch of UBA on December 28, 2016 to sign a valid counter cheque to withdraw some money, but was subsequently arrested by EOCO officials. According to him, EOCO had instructed the freezing of his bank account because UBA made misrepresentations to EOCO about his identity as one Bashiru Abdallah, an alleged Nigerian fraudster, who EOCO was looking for. But, Prosper who is not happy with the ordeal he suffered from EOCO, said the bank has refused to apologise to him although he has been a loyal customer of 10 years in good standing with the bank hence the suit. MORE ON PAGE 2
Galamsey is Back: Over 2000 illegal mining sites resurface Eugen Davis In spite of government’s quest to stem the tide of illegal mining, otherwise known as “galamsey”, over 2000 illegal mining sites have resurfaced, reports say. Government in July 2018 procured close to 200 drones to assist its fight against illegal mining across the country. The machines are expected to be used to take live images in districts where the practice is rampant.
A recent tour of various sites and water bodies in the Western Region by the Lands and Forestry Minister, Kweku Asoma Kyeremeh, revealed that the Oda and Ankobra rivers remain heavily polluted, an indication of the continuous illegal mining happening along the banks of the two major rivers and surrounding areas, despite the 85% success rate in fighting against illegal mining touted by government. Government’s effort in fighting the galamsey, though, has been
questioned by the Vice President of IMANI, a policy think-tank, “We are not serious about galamsey, every place it happens is a district, the chiefs receive support from all these people [illegal miners]. We have been paying lip service with this,” he said on a recent radio talkshow. The fight against ‘galamsey’ has long been fought in Ghana but never won. However, the current government stepped up its efforts at the start of April 2017, when it issued
Africa Is the Last Frontier for Global Growth
The Real Consequences Of Fake Medicines
NEW HAVEN – Africa today accounts for around 17% of the world’s population, but only about 3% of global GDP. PG4
NEW HAVEN – Africa today accounts for around 17% of the world’s population, but only about 3% of global GDP. PG8
200 drones deployed to fight illegal mining
a three-week ultimatum to illegal gold miners operating in the country to either stop their activities or face prosecution.
US Dollar
P. Sterling
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