Business Blueprint Magazine - Issue 01

Page 1

May 2010

Special feature



Article: Lea rn From The Young R ich

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS Latest Business News Photo Gallery Success Stories



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From The Editor Welcome to our Magazine! Dear Reader, Welcome to our very first issue of Business Blueprint Magazine! is magazine is something that we are all very proud of and we're so excited to finally share it with you. As you will see, this issue is 20 pages, however we will be growing it over time. We want to listen to your feedback and in the future add in features that you want to see. On a personal note, while I was studying at university, I wrote down a goal that one day I wanted to be the editor of a magazine. During the tough days, when I needed to remember why I was struggling through three years of classes, I knew that I had an end result in mind. Today, I am more than thrilled that I have achieved this goal. We know that this magazine is going to become something you 'must read' every month. It is our mission to pack it full of informative articles, industry news, inspiring stories and links to information that we believe will propel your success. In this issue, we will show you a new way of looking at branding. Its definitely time to step up and identify your companies values and beliefs. Also, we sit down with Will Swayne who is an expert when it comes to internet marketing. Plus don't miss the Members Section where we share some exciting news that is coming up for Business Blueprint. We would love your feedback, so if you have something to say, please email me at and I look forward to hearing from you. Until next time, have a wonderful month.

Contact Us For any enquires please call 1300 782 734 or email

In this month’s magazine … The iPad - revolutionary or unnecessary?... Page 4 How to turn your brand into a cult following... Page 6 Find out from the experts how to increase your average dollar sale... Page 8 Tony Gattari Andrew Smith Taki Moore Find out exactly what investors are looking for when it comes to buying your business... Page 5 Check our the photos from our latest Cash Injection Conference in Sydney... Page 11 We pick Will Swayne’s brain when it comes to internet marketing... Page 13 Claim your free audio, ebook and video... Page 15 Learn the seven main themes from this years Young Rich List... Page 16 Read about three of our Business Blueprint Members and view the directory... Page 19 Be inspired by this month’s success story - Jason Jelicich... Page 20


S S E N I BUS S F E I R B Reserve Rates Rise Even though there has recently been evidence of weaker retail sales and falling building approvals, the Reserve Bank has lied official interest rates by another quarter of one per cent. However housing prices are continuing to show growth, with house prices rising 1.4 percent in February and they are up 3.1 per cent in just the past three months, according to property analysts, RP Data-Rismark.

10 Incredible Facts About Facebook That You Might Not Know… 1. Facebook now has more than 400 million active users 2. More than 35 million users update their status each day

iPad - Revolutionary or Unnecessary? ere has been a lot of debate in the last few months concerning Apple’s new iPad, which has now been released in America and will be available in Australia within the next couple of months. In the US, more than 450,000 iPads were sold in less than a week! It sits somewhere between a laptop and a iPhone and looks set to rival the kindle with its book reading capability. But many are asking if it is needed? When the iPhone was released, consumers went crazy and the sales were through the roof. It seems everything Apple touches turns to gold, and there is good reason. ey are constantly producing products that the market is searching for. However because the iPad is missing some crucial components, critics have been quick to slam it and suggest that there is no need for it. Two of the major missing pieces is the USB port and also that there is no camera function. comScore has done some research relating to the iPad, and they had a look at what people who were interested in purchasing it would use the iPad for. Browsing the internet topped the list at 50%, with reading mail and listening to music close behind. en came reading books at 37%, watching videos/movies and reading newspapers and magazines. So does the iPad have a spot in your daily routine? Between working on your laptop and taking calls on your phone, will you be reading the newspaper on your iPad? You’ll have to wait a few more months, but someday soon you might even be reading this magazine on the iPad...

3. e average user has 130 friends on the site 4. e average user spends more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook 5. ere are now more than 70 translations available on Facebook 6. About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States 7. ere are more than 100 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices 8. More than 3.5 million events are created each month 9. e average user sends 8 friend requests per month 10. More than 5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes photo albums, etc.) shared each week. 4 Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010


American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad in first class. What are you doing to cut costs? When It Comes To Small Business, It’s Time To Think Globally It's a common thought among small business's in Australia to 'wait until we get bigger' before looking at overseas opportunities. However you could be missing out on a number of exciting business deals by having this attitude. It is going to become increasingly important for business owners to start looking offshore when it comes to new streams of income and opportunities. Brazil, Russia, India and China are all countries that are going to greatly influence the way that business is conducted globally and they are worth investigating. For example, these countries are incredible when it comes to hardware such as building roads, railways, airports and buildings. However they also need the soware to back it up. David omas, a global networker and entrepreneur says "You don't have to be a big company to succeed offshore. In fact, you can tap into many opportunities in emerging countries without leaving home. e starting point is to become more aware of what's happening offshore, what skills, services and expertise are in demand globally, how different countries operate and how you can participate without taking your eye off the ball at home". ink about ways that your business could start to tap into this lucrative overseas market. It can certainly be daunting but taking calculated risks in business can oen provide us with fantastic rewards. Do your research and start to take your business to that next global level.

What Exactly Are Investors Looking For When You’re Ready To Sell Your Business? Recently Wholesale Investor performed a Quarterly National Investor Survey and they asked investors what were the most important deal attributes they looked for when making investment decisions. e results may not be what you think, with the quality of the pitch counting for 0% when it comes to making decisions. Also of low importance was financial projections and historical earnings. At the other end of the scale, the most important attribute was the Strength of Management Team with 68.8% and the Sector followed with 41.6%. Next came Proof of Concept, Quality of Business Plan, Proven Track Record and a Clear Path to Exit. So when you reach a point where you’re ready to present your business to investors, be aware of these statistics and concentrate on the important things. While it might seem logical to put together the most ground-breaking pitch and wow investors with earning potential, the research shows that unless you have a strong management team, proof of concept and a quality business plan, your heading for heartbreak. Also, it’s crucial to present to investors that are interested in your sector.


Strength of Management Team


Quality of Pitch Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010 5

How To Turn Your Brand Into A Cult Following... rewrites and redesigns important business books so they can be read in 30 minutes. is is a summary of Book Rapper’s version of Douglas Atkin’s ‘e Culting of Brands’. High-thriving brands have re-branded branding. ey know their DNA is a holistic part of how our world functions. ey get that we all have a stake in the future of brands and that loyal followers are savvy about how and when they spend their dollars. In the 20th century, identity was linked to what you did in terms of education, profession and religion. It was a signifier of class, cast, and race. As we embrace the 21st century, brands have become the objects and stories by which we make sense of identity. Brands define how we see ourselves and how we connect. Identity is now what we consume. Aer millennia of practice biological and cultural evolution have merged. And brand evolution has been tossed into the mix. Brands are tied into personal identity, feelings and lifestyle as organisations manipulate meaning in our lives and our culture. ey subtly - or not - attach belonging and meaning to their products. Happiness is now linked to consumption.

Originally soap was a homemade, boiled up, greige bar of lard that people use to clean off grime and sweat. Today, organisations have Chief Community Officers who oversee the relationship between a soap brand and it’s community. Soap is styled to sell lifestyle; a lifestyle that has nothing to do with personal hygiene or survival. We no longer buy soap; we are sold sensuality, fun, luxury and regeneration. Yes, we now buy ourselves meaning and belonging! Brands are valuable. Phillips-Van Heusen has just bought the Tommy Hilfiger brand for a cool $3 billion. at’s a lot of clothes! And once again, no survival value here. is brand is worth heaps more than the tangible assets of the company. e value is in the brand; a brand that provides meaning, image and a place to belong. Brands realign our misguided sense of survival.

“Words like ‘audience’, ‘target’ and ‘consumer’ blur the edge; ‘citizen’, ‘community’ and ‘collective’ sharpen the focus”

6 Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010

Brand driven society is removed from nature. We’ve forgotten how to relate to the planet as an equal partner. And yet, in our innate wisdom, we know this fragile partnership is vital to our survival. We want to find a better way forward. High-thriving brands correctly read this want and responded with a meta-shi in branding. Welcome to the citizen led leap in brand evolution. Brand communities are the new order. is seismic transformation has organisations training their lasers on inclusional branding. Words like ‘audience’, ‘target’ and ‘consumer blur the edge; ‘citizen’, ‘community’ and ‘collective’ sharpen the focus. Brand control has shied from the producer to the citizen and cult branding is right on trend. e Brand Arrow: Brands live in the minds of consumers more than in the producer’s logo or balance sheet. Brand development is bi-directional. Sometimes organisations design the brand, build it, drive it and tell us all about it. Other times, they need to sit back and let us shape it, talk about it, share it and tell them what’s happening. To demonstrate this inclusive interaction, designed the Brand Arrow based on Atkin’s ‘e Culting of Brands’. It’s a


is a safety net. It enables individuals to feel strong enough to express inner thoughts and feelings. Business celebrates being ‘customer focused’ and yet fluffs the chance to satisfy consumers basic human need to belong. 8. Commitment: Commitment happens when you act on ideology that says: “Yes, I believe this. Yes, I’ll be part of this”. e key to a secure commitment is to take incremental baby steps. You don’t get married on your first date. Gradually increase interactions to strengthen relationships. Small increments work in the interests of both the producer and the consumer. model made up of 9 components that together create a ‘Brand Plan’. Its function is to lead a brand in a consistent direction. Components of the Brand Arrow are: 1. Cause: What is your cause? What do you want to have happen? If you’re not out to cause something, you don’t have a brand. Your cause is the sharp end of your Brand Arrow. It’s at odds with the current world-view and needs to be to attract a band of worshippers. Your cause is your reason for existence; your point of view; and your point of difference. 2. Believe: Belief and belonging are bedfellows. We need to belong to survive. We need to have similar beliefs to create a common worldview to survive together. We no longer buy products; we buy into a belief system. And, this means that we buy into a community of like-minded people with a similar world-view. 3. Build: Your cause and your beliefs become valuable when you make them tangible. Create physical building blocks to cement your group’s feelings of solidarity. ese tangible elements are designed to create group identity and to

encourage advocacy and sharing about your group, by your group. 4. Demonise: Stop trying to please everyone. Your goal is to create a unique group identity. To achieve this you need to distinguish yourself from other groups. e most direct way to do this is to identify a villain to defeat. Who and what is your biggest tangible or intangible threat? 5. Touching: It’s a huge mistake to believe that your product or your logo is your brand. Your brand is the feeling that people get when they think about, talk about and interact with, your business. It’s an emotional charge. To create brand worship, you need to plan and design when, where and how your flock come into contact with your brand. 6. Meaning: Products and services are copied, imitated and sold. However, it’s hard to duplicate meaning. Enable consumers to find meaning through your brand. Cult brands enable people to make sense of their world. ey are a complete meaning system that your followers use to act out their beliefs and values. Meaning is a big part of what your community buys.

9. Lead: To lead a community of people who choose to follow you is very different from leading a band of conscripted soldiers. Your presence, manner and tone need to reflect that you understand and value your community. You’ll need to influence your group in novel and different ways. ey are savvy, independent individuals. Nurture them and they’ll grow with you. Conversation and community highlight the inclusive brand leader. ese 9 components of ‘e Culting of Brands’ are oxygen to a citizen rich brand. To high-thrive in this community you need a brand plan. You can realign yours with the Brand Arrow. Douglas Atkins proclaims brands as the new ‘religion’ and cites them as ‘nourishment’ for the human condition. He’s on to something. Something big.

To get the complete Brand Worship article visit

7. Belonging: A feeling of security within a group of like-minded people Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010 7


MILK YOUR OWN COWS FIRST So many people in business spend time focusing on trying to get more leads coming in, but they are missing out on what’s already right in front of them. A better strategy would be to make better use of the customers you already have. It’s been said that it is 10 times easier to sell to someone that has already brought from you, than to go out and find a new customer. Every business has an average number that people spend with them. But if you can bump that by 10-15% it can have a dramatic difference to your bottom line. One of our business mentors Tony Gattari uses the analogy of instead of going out and finding more cows, spend the time milking the ones you have already got. ere is a whole bunch of ways you can increase your average dollar sale and here we are going to explore three of the best so we encourage you to put them into your business today.

Andrew Smith

Tony Gattari

Something I developed for my business is a Plumbing Pricing Manual. Rather than charge a customer by the hour for a job, we diagnose the job then refer to the manual that has set prices. It’s like all our quotes combined in one place with rates that ensure we make profit. The average dollar sale has increased significantly through the use of the manual, and we have saved both time and money through systemising my team which has enabled them to do their day to day work without my personal intervention.

So many businesses that I talk to make the false assumption that their customers already know about the full range of products and services that they have. However when I work with a business and go out and talk to their actual customers, only a small percentage of them know all of the divisions and product lines that the company offers.

Our customers are happy because they approve the work before we begin and we’re not competing against companies that don’t offer the level of service that we do. Can you implement a standard pricing structure in your company? If so, your profits can really climb!

This means that the company is literally leaving money on the table so bottom line, inform all your customers about your full range of products and services. Not just in an email which could be easily overlooked, but perhaps a quarterly direct mail piece or even getting people on the phone to talk to your customers about new lines. This will help to capitalise on these missed opportunities.

For more info call 1800 704 822

For more info phone 02 9025 3716

8 Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010


Taki Moore - Make Money By Selling Thin Air...

The following piece of advice is so deadly simple and if implemented, could generate literally 10,000's if not 100,000's of dollars worth of additional income each year. The way that it works is this: Most businesses operate in either a service based business or a product based business. So one of the best ways to increase your average dollar sale is if you have a product business, why not consider adding a complementary service. And if you have a service based business, consider adding a complimentary product. Now before I continue, its important to specify that I am not talking about diversifying into another area. I'm talking about a product/service that extends your current offering and is ideally sold at the same time as the original purchase.

Let me give you an example‌ Lets just say that you are in the electronics business and you sell computers. Clearly, you've got a product. So what is a service that you can offer in addition to selling the computer? You may be able to think of a whole bunch, but one of the most obvious ones is training on how to set up and use your computer. One company that has done this extremely well is Apple. If you buy a computer from most apple stores, they will up-sell you a training certificate which will give you x number of lessons so you can learn how to better use your Mac. This creates huge brand loyalty, increases confidence which leads to more referrals and not to mention additional income. One of the other common services which can be up-sold is insurance. When you buy a computer, you can be pushed to pay an extra $500 just for a little piece of paper that says 'If anything goes wrong, we will fix it for you'. They are almost selling thin air, and profiting from it! So lets look at the reverse. Let's just say you are in a service business such as carpet cleaning. You could begin to double your average

dollar sale if you also offered products that customers could purchase after you have delivered the service. Offer them something to assist with the up-keep of the carpet and they will appreciate the extra help and advice. So follow my four rules... 1. If you sell a product - add a service element. 2. If you sell a service - add a product element. 3. If you sell a product promote the service element. 4. If you sell a service promote the product element. So it’s time to take action get out a blank sheet of paper and spend five minutes doing some brain storming. You'll be amazed at what you can come up with. I'm serious when I say that thousands of companies are missing the boat when it comes to this concept, and are letting precious dollars slip away. For more info visit: Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010 9

Diary Dates The up-coming Business Blueprint Summer Conference is being held from Friday 16th April - Sunday 18th April Hot Seat Interview Wednesday 5th May Power Hour Class Wednesday 19th May Hot Seat Interview Wednesday 2nd June Power Hour Class Wednesday 16th June

Business Blueprint Members Area Welcome to our Business Blueprint Members Area of the magazine. Each month I’m going to share with you a bit about what has been happening here at Business Blueprint including highlights from our events, special offers and important announcements as well as other opportunities that are coming up in the future. In March, we held our very first Cash Injection Conference here in Sydney, and let me tell you, it was two days full of action packed information and content. We had 14 incredible speakers come along who all openly shared their business knowledge and tips and they certainly didn’t hold anything back. eir presentations ranged from highly practical and action focused, to inspiring and down-to-earth stories of Australians who are making their mark on their industries.

Hot Seat Interview Wednesday 7th July The Business Blueprint Winter Conference is being held from Friday 16th July Sunday 18th July Power Hour Class Wednesday 21st July The Business Blueprint Spring Conference is being held from Friday 22nd October - Sunday 24th October The Annual Business Blueprint Overseas Conference will be held in Fiji from Friday 28th January - Sunday 31st January

One of the highlights would have to have been Darryl Lovegrove from ‘e ree Waiters’ who blew the audience away with his story and voice. And it was also amazing to see all of the speakers receive a standing ovation aer their presentations. On the next page you will see a few pictures from the event and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that was involved and all of those that attended. is month I am really excited for our first Business Blueprint Conference we have some amazing speakers lined up and I know that it is going to be an incredible three days. Until next month,

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SEE MORE PICS AT BusinessBlueprint 12 Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010



Will Swayne

Will Swayne works with innovative entrepreneurial small businesses and corporations who think ahead of the curve to maximise their online results Can you share with us the story of how you made your first dollar online? I have made money using a number of methods on the internet, including AdSense (Google’s program for advertisement publishers), selling advertising, affiliate marketing and information products. However, my first dollar came from selling my copywriting services over the web. Today, the bulk of my income comes from setting up lead generation and conversion programs for companies and optimising the performance of online sales channels using an analytics-based approach.

For people who have a website that is not performing, what are your top tips for dramatically increasing its performance? Although this question is very broad, there are a few core strategies I recommend for increasing the results of any online sales process. If your website is not performing, there are two possibilities: something’s not right at the strategic level (your offering, positioning, targeting or business model) or you are not executing traffic generation and conversion optimally at the tactical level. e following three ideas relate more to improving your sales process at the tactical level: • Track your marketing spend properly – if you use Google AdWords to generate traffic, ensure that conversion tracking is installed and functioning correctly. en look at how your individual advertisements, keywords and landing pages are performing in terms of cost per conversion. Cull your lowest performing advertisements and optimise what’s working. If you advertise with other services such as the online Yellow Pages,

True Local, banner advertisements or ezines, use the ‘cross channel tracking’ tool within the Google Adwords interface to monitor your progress. • Monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – I recommend that you keep track of a range of KPIs including: - Site traffic from different sources (search engines, paid searches, referrals, traffic from other websites, and direct ‘type in’ traffic) - conversion rates for key conversion goals (newsletter signups, white paper downloads, enquiry forms or shopping cart sales) - usage patterns (one page visits). Just keeping track of the numbers on a regular basis gets you thinking about how to improve each area. e free Google Analytics system can be used to do all of the above. • Identify sticking points and focus your efforts – different websites under perform for different reasons. Many people assume that getting more traffic via search engine optimisation (SEO) is the most effective way to improve the performance of their site. In fact, the problem may be that many users are leaving your site immediately because they aren’t seeing what they came for.

What is the most important thing you have learnt about succeeding on the internet? Two things come to mind. 1. e importance of correct strategy – a sound strategy (positioning, targeting, conversion process and so on) can be executed imperfectly, yet still sell much more than a site that executes a poor strategy brilliantly. e technical skills

required to put up a website and manipulate code are widely available, but strategic insight is much more rare. I aim to add value at the strategic level. 2. Knowing your metrics is vital – a reliable way to achieve greater success online is to test and track using reliable metrics. In other words, management by fact rather than management based on gut feel or hunches.

What advice can you offer people to ensure that a greater number of their emails are opened? • Use a reputable email system – I recommend that you use an email service that can demonstrate a high deliverability rate. Some commercial email services enforce ‘best practices’ by their users, which ensure that your emails are treated preferentially by most of the large internet service providers (ISPs). • Avoid ‘spam’ language – vigorous sales copy and formatting in emails will tend to trip spam filters. Many useful guidelines can be found by doing an internet search for ‘Spam Assassin FAQ’. • Use clean formatting – ensure that your email has a valid sender, not just If you send HTML emails, make sure that the code is correctly formatted. Don’t use any invisible text or deceptive formatting. Will Swayne is the Managing Director of Marketing Results, a boutique web development agency that specalises in helping companies make greater online sales. For more info visit: Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010 13


Kristina Karlsson

Kristina is the founder of the boutique stationary stores kikki.K. With 47 stores now in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, Kristina gives us some insight into her business What previous business experience did you have before starting kikki.K? I had very little business experience and no experience running a business of my own. I’d worked in a broad variety of jobs including being a tour bus guide in Europe, working in an Austrian ski resort, hosting tourists at a winery in Germany and being a nanny in Beverly Hills.

What made you believe that fashionable stationery and storage would be a viable business venture? It was quite simple, really. I felt the need and when I spoke to friends they felt the need too. It was obvious to me that a gap existed in the market. One day I stood on Chapel Street in Melbourne and stopped people to show them sketches of what a kikki.K store might look like and asked them what they thought of the concept. e ones who didn’t think I was mad gave me very positive feedback. Soon aer that I borrowed a few thousand dollars to create a sample range, and ran about 40 focus groups of ten or more people each – explaining my concept to them and showing the sample products. e response was overwhelmingly positive and I got loads of orders.

Why do you believe it is important to have a clean,well thought-out workspace? Having a well organised, stylish and enlivening workspace is really about quality of life. People spend so much time working these days and the environment in which we work, and how well it supports our workflow, really impacts on our productivity and creativity. At a functional level it saves you time, energy and money because you’ll find things

quickly when you need them, which avoids stress, late fees and unnecessarily having to repeat work you’ve already done because you can’t find it. But more than that, at an emotional level, it provides a satisfying sense of wellbeing, control and confidence. Creating a workspace that reflects their own ideas and style is also a way that people can create the type of impression they’d like to make on colleagues, customers and even managers.

What are your tips for turning chaos into clarity in the average workstation? 1. Treat your workspace as an important part of your life. Give it a sense of style and fashion, so that it reflects your personal taste. Keep in mind that it can easily be transformed into a sanctuary, a place where you feel inspired by your surroundings, in control and able to get on with productive work. 2. Good organisation is vital, and it’s easy. Keep your workspace tidy, a messy environment disturbs your ability to concentrate and think clearly. Remember: cluttered office, cluttered mind. ink hard about what is really needed in your office and on your desk, and remove unnecessary piles of papers, magazines, CDs and computer discs, and store them in easily accessible storage nearby. 3. Use clearly labelled colour coordinated magazine holders, folders and storage boxes to control the clutter and add a touch of style. is is really important to free up your feelings of energy and to help you avoid feeling overwhelmed. 4. Colour coordinate other desk accessories such as pens, rulers, scissors, tape dispenser – everything. at way they match your theme and create an inspiring feel.

14 Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010

5. Avoid covering your desk with scrawled notes on paper scraps or sticky notes. ey’re too easy to lose and just create more clutter. Instead use a stylish and durable spiral notebook to jot down thoughts and ideas as you have them, so you can free up your mind and you’ll know exactly where to find them. Keep an A4 or A5 notebook by the phone, and always carry a conveniently sized A6 notebook in your bag or pocket for catching important thoughts. 6. Take five minutes at the end of each working day or session to clear up your desk and office. Put away any clutter into your clearly marked storage boxes and give yourself (or whoever you share the office with) a fresh clear start to the next work session. To have a mass of clutter as the last image when you walk out, and the first when you walk back in is a major cause of stress and it affects how you feel about yourself and the world.

What do you love most about business? I get so excited and inspired when developing new products. It’s such a rewarding process to start with a blank page and create beautiful objects that people use every day and come to love. en to work in one of my stores and see people’s reactions to them is just so much fun. On a personal level that gives me masses of enjoyment. But I also just love to see the people that work with me growing and evolving via their work with kikki.K.

Kristina Karlsson continues to grow kikki.K with 47 stores in Australia, New Zealand and now Singapore.



How To Build A MultiMillion Dollar Business with Sharon Pearson Sharon Pearson is one of Australia’s most successful entrepreneurs. In less than 8 years, she took her business from scratch and now generates over a million dollars per month in sales. This audio is an in-depth look at how she conducts her business and she gives some very honest advice to other people looking to take their business and financial success to the next level. By listening to this Master-Class Interview you’ll discover... • What it takes to build a market leading business from the ground up • How Sharon made her first million dollars through her business • e relationship between sales and marketing and where you need to focus • Why it’s better to stay true to core and say ‘no’ to some opportunities • And how Sharon will continue to double her business year in year out

To Access This Free Audio, Visit: Sharon



Business The Richard Branson Way

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech

Flamboyant entrepreneur Richard Branson has become a household name. Along with his Brand, Virgin, he is an instantly recognisable symbol of our times. In this book summary, you'll learn Branson's secrets to developing one of the most powerful brands in the world, and how you too, can ensure your work is an exciting and successful adventure.

In this audio presentation, Steve Jobs, CEO and Co-founder of Apple Inc., reveals the secrets to becoming a successful person, rather than just owning a successful company. You’ll discover the power of creative and passionate thinking in creating products and businesses which are unique, exciting and fast growing. All through the art of Thinking Differently.

In this book summary you will discover...

In this video presentation you will discover... • How to develop a unique brand that will span a variety of products and services • How Branson uses the media to generate millions of dollars in free advertising • Discover how Branson has generated a unique brand of loyalty among his employees • How to make your own workplace an exciting adventure, both for you and your staff • e top secrets Branson used to create one of the most successful and recognised Brands in the world.

To Access This Free Reading, Visit:

• e key secrets to becoming a successful entrepreneur • How to harness creativity to create a successful business • Useful tips for enjoying work and life each day • How to increase you confidence when making challenging decisions • Why passion is the key to success and how to maximise it in business.

To Access This Free Video, Visit: Richard Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010 15


Learning From The Young Rich Jack Delosa takes a closer look at “The Young Rich List” Every year BRW magazine publish “The Young Rich List”. The list includes the 100 wealthiest people in Australia under 40 and is read religiously by most people who are looking to create wealth.

to get your first dollar.” Phillip Di Bella started a coffee business in 2002, selling coffee to cafes. He would roast his own coffee in a machine that he rented and would then pack it and deliver it himself, doing the books for the business on his girlfriends’ computer.

e more I have seen in business, the more I have learnt the importance of learning from people who have the results you are looking for. ese days many people are willing to give advice, the question is what advice do you take on?

Sometimes people can have a romantic idea of what it is to be an entrepreneur, usually these ideals are shattered rather quickly when they realise that it’s not all glamour in the beginning.

Given that the average wealth of the people listed in the Young Rich List is $65.5 million, I think we can trust that these people, at least for the most part, know how to make money. Everyone in the list is self-made and has therefore not inherited any of their wealth. James Packer has never been featured in the Young Rich List. Lessons: 1. ink big, start small. “Before you achieve that first $1 million, you have

Having said that, it can pay off. Phillip Di Bella is now worth $47 million and is still dedicated to delivering a quality product to his loyal customers. “My promise to them and it’s a very simple principle I’ve kept, is that I’ll do for my customers what others are not prepared to.” 2. Never too young. Trent Davis started his company NetBox when he was 22. is was his third business, aer his first two businesses had failed. Learning from the first two

16 Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010

businesses, Davis went into NetBox with what he calls a “one foot on the brake approach.” Now 32, David has built NetBox into a formidable company with annual sales of $30 million and 20 staff. Having started the business at 22, he remembers the sacrifices he had to make in order to get started early. “It was two-and-a-half years before I was taking home a proper wage, which is quite a long time to be living like a university student when you’re not at university anymore.” 3. Be willing to rough it (in the beginning). Peter Mavridis, the founder and Managing Director of a Melbourne IT Services company, S Central is turning over $80 million every year and has a personal net worth of $62 million at the age of 37. Last year when Mavridis was listed in the Young Rich List, his personal wealth was $100m but has come back this year due to the financial climate of the last 12 months.


However, in the beginning Mavridis wasn’t talking millions. He remembers the first office he and his girlfriend leased in Melbourne, “It was one of those offices where you were scared to take the li, so you’d take the stairs.” Mavridis now owes a lot of his success to the fact that he didn’t spend the money he didn’t have, in the early days. 4. Fake it until you make it. An important skill of any start-up or small business is to be able to look bigger than you are. Entrepreneurs are masters at giving the impression they are a large organisation, when in fact they live in a studio apartment and had to catch the tram just to meet with you. Stuart and Nicole Patterson started a building repair business when they were 24 and 23 respectively. Because they were dealing with large clients, they understood the importance of looking the part. ey started the business in their rented two bedroom apartment – this was their office. Nicole would answer the phone as “the receptionist” and would direct the different calls to different people (different people being Stuart) in a number of different “departments”. Business is about delivery and it’s also about show-business. anks to such a convincing performance, Stuart and Nicole have grown Pattersons Building Group into a company with revenues of $42 million per year and 70 staff. Although the performance was a convincing one, they always understood the importance of delivery. “We delivered. We never failed a client. We had built a reliable network behind the scenes.” 5. Back yourself. While Gerry Harvey, founder of Harvey Norman, was closing down stores throughout the year to cut costs, Nigel and Tania Austin, co-founders of Cotton On,

were opening three new stores a week over the 08/09 financial year. is aggressive approach to capturing market share has paid dividends for Cotton On. is is not to say that had Gerry Harvey opened up more stores rather than shutting them down, then his wealth would not have dropped by $400 million in 12 months. But it is to say that there is always more than one approach and being greedy when others are fearful, can pay dividends in the long run. Nigel and Tania Austin have seen their wealth jump from $125 million to $156 million, doing just that.

“Fake it until you make it. An important skill of any start-up or small business is to be able to look bigger than you are” 6. Focus on the people. Cotton On’s growth is highly aggressive, to the point where it has even drawn criticism recently by commentators who say that the growth is not sustainable. However Nigel Austin says that it’s the people in the business that have been able to ensure they have met their aggressive growth targets. “We spent a lot of money on management training to make sure our people have the right skills to drive growth.” He attributes the success of Cotton On to, the “excellent managers right across Cotton On who are real leaders and business builders.” 7. Have clear targets. Given what the economy has done over the last 18 months, most entrepreneurs have not hit their financial targets. However in

business as in life, it’s the goals we choose to set for ourselves and live by, that will influence our direction more than any external factor. It has been said that what lies in front of us and behind us, is far less important than what lies within us. As Shaun Bonett, number 5 on the list says, “I’ve found it makes me focus on managing for the longer term. It also helps to make all the challenges you are going through at a time like this feel like a worthwhile learning experience.” Overall the Young Rich held up very well over the last 12 months. e Rich List, which includes the richest 200 people in Australia (mainly over 40 years of age), saw their wealth drop by 18 per cent this year. Whereas the wealth on the Young Rich List, only dropped by 4.5 per cent - a great achievement considering we have just experienced the worst financial crisis since the 1930’s. Each person on the Young Rich List started out with a deliberate plan, however small it may have been. Whether they started in their rented apartment or started by doing their own books on their girlfriends’ computer, their achievements came from deliberate decision making backed by action. Of all the people on the Young Rich List, none ended up there by accident.

Jack Delosa helps SME’s raise capital and exit. Jack has been named as one of the top 30 entrepreneurs under 30, in Australian Anthill’s 30Under30 Publication. His business MBE was recently featured in the Fast 50 by Smart Company. He is also a regular contributor for thinkBIG Magazine. Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010



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18 Business Blueprint Magazine May 2010


Kristen Morrison

Denis Gianoutsos

Cydney O’Sullivan

I help... parents to help their children be their best.

I help... leaders and their teams increase performance through Conversational Leadership.

I help... businesses create and implement cutting edge online and mobile marketing campaigns that inform and educate. Our marketing team creates interesting, relevant articles, targeted online advertising, and develop webinars to reinforce the sales message.

I do this... through my book 'Naturally Better' which documents my extensive research into natural and alternative therapies for children's general health and development. The work I have done with my son, who was born with Down syndrome, has had extraordinary success and has led me to discover that any child's physical development, brain function and even intelligence can be improved by home-based, parent-run programs. I decided to make these methods available so that other parents can become equally empowered to help their own kids. And the end result is... that I am now helping parents all over the world to access resources to not only minimise behavioural, developmental and neurological challenges in children with compromises, but to boost the potential in 'well' children. Children with conditions like ADHD, Cerebral palsy and Down syndrome can benefit from the methods I have used, but the knowledge I have to share is valuable for any parent. If you want to know more... contact me on 0433 450 804, visit my website or email me

I do this by... coaching them to improve their thinking and approach. I have been in leadership positions for 30 years and coached leaders globally for the past 10 years. I have contributed to the book Secrets of Inspiring Leaders Exposed. I have found that leaders globally want to be the best and are sometimes not sure how to approach things. I help leaders get equipped with the skills to have coaching conversations. I teach them how to ask powerful thinking questions. And the end result is... that my clients are able to have powerful coaching conversations that in turn increases the performance and results personally and for their team. They also find that Conversational Leadership allows them to communicate in a way that is crisp and effective. If you want to know more... my website is or call +64 21 965 908 or email

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Jason Jelicich Here at Business Blueprint, we are lucky enough to receive inspiring letters from our members on a regular basis. This month, we wanted to share Jason’s story with you and we hope that it provides you with some inspiration and drive so that you continue to reach your goals. Jason attended our Profile Accelerator Program in December of 2009. During the four days he spent with us, he learnt hundreds of strategies to boost his business and take his success to the next level. Only five weeks after finishing the program, Jason sent us an email which outlined everything he had already achieved and the successful direction he was heading. While his list was larger than this page, the following is a summary: Website Development: • Purchased Word Press start‐up pack with Joel • Collated all key information (hosting/ domains/ text/ page formats) • Purchased Thesis Developers license • Configured site font/ colours using Thesis • Added YouTube video using embedded code in WP • Commissioned graphic designer to create banners’ • Signed onto Office AutoPilot New Computer Set Up • Purchased new Macbook Pro and loaded with: • NewsNetWire (manage RSS feeds) • WebnoteHappy (manage book marks & sites) • TweetDeck (manage Twitter follows)

• Camtasia Studio 6 (full version) loaded onto virtual windows • Jing (record & upload screen shots) Computer Files & Emails • Centralised all external hard drive files and set‐up Time machine to back up Mac • Centralised all email accounts/ tasks/calendars into Google business account • Set up sync function between Blackberry & Google account Show reel Development: • Set up account with Elance and produced job ticket • Commissioned developer and created deadlines • Received completed 3D animation design • Compiled all video, music & animation files onto single harddisk The list goes on,and Jason has continued to kick goals and move forward at an amazing pace. With focus and determination and armed with the right tools and knowledge, nothing is standing in his way of dominating his industry. To learn more, visit:

Coming up in the next issue... An interview with Janine Allis from Boost Juice - learn from the woman that has built an incredible brand and business Article: Frog Power - how to take giant leaps in your business

Hot Seat Interview with an expert who can help you take your business to that next level Another free Audio, Reading and Video that can enhance your business

Exclusive tips from our Business Blueprint Mentors The wrap up from our first Business Blueprint Conference all see all the exclusive pics

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