BusinessDay Weekender 15th Edition

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Culinary Delights The Best Food Photography Backdrops

Personal Finance In a few weeks’ time, Detty December or personal finance for the yuletide season?


Editor’s note Saturday 7 Novemeber 2020




Dear Weekender readers, I hope you are all doing well and staying as safe as you possibly can. I hope you are doing well and recuperating from what have been very different times. Given the peculiar time the nation finds itself in, the past four editions of the Weekender focused solely on #endsars movement and content. This week our lead story is about ways to boost your immune system. Allow me to remind you that COVID-19 is very much still around. I urge you to take care of yourself, wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds and practice physical distancing to remain COVID free. Do make sure that you are eating well and boosting your immune system with nutritious foods and vitamin C rich fruits. There is a global second wave of coronavirus and in Nigeria, current sharp increase in COVID-19 cases may suggest that a second wave may be looming. I know there is a lot going on and our attention is diverted, but it is vital that we all put our health first. In addition to the comprehensive news roundup, things to consider in your fight for change, personal finance as December approaches, find a delicious chicken yassa recipe, tech, sports, food photography, how to build your own AI chatbox, and much more. Thank you for reading.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, STRATEGY, INNOVATION & PARTNERSHIP Oghenevwoke Ighure MANAGER, CONFERENCES & EVENTS Obiora Onyeaso CalibiriMANAGER, ADVERTS Ijeoma Ude COPY SALES MANAGER Florence Kadiri DIGITAL SALES MANAGER Linda Ochugbua HEAD OF DIGITAL SERVICES Onyinyechi Eze HEAD, HUMAN RESOURCES Adeola Obisesan DESIGN AND ART DIRECTION Orasopee Communications Ltd. CONTRIBUTORS Titilade Oyemade Toju Akapa Osse Sinare Monisola Adanijo FMCP Favour Olanrewaju Oluwafadekemi Areo Mercy Ayodele Tolu Adelowo Chidera Muoka Faruq Suaad Glory Enyinnaya Weyinmi Eribo Adedoyin Jaiyesimi Anthony Nlebem PHOTO CREDITS Google Images

Have a restful weekend and Happy November.

ENQUIRIES ADVERTS Ijeoma Ude +2348033225506

PUBLISHED BY BusinessDay Media Limited The Brook, 6 Point Road, GRA, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria 01-2799100

Lehle Balde is the editor of Businessday Weekender email: Social: @lehlelalumiere










In a few weeks’ time, Detty December or personal finance for the yuletide season?

How to improve your Immunity

How to Grow a Business Successfully in Nigeria






The best food photography backdrop

The Business Leader’s Guide to Launching AI Chatbot Programmes (Part III)

Made In Lagos








The Entrepreneurial Vocation






The perfect time for ‘metime’ is now!

More troubles for Solskjaer amid Pochettino’s speculation


Saturday 7, November 2020


Second wave of the virus has begun in many parts of the world but Nigerians are still flouting COVID-19 protocols.

Mercy Ayodele

Adeoye Owolewa makes History as First Nigerian-American elected into the US Congressman The recent US general election has come with some record-shattering news as 31-year old Adeoye Owolewa becomes the first Nigerian American congress man. Owolewa pulled 82.65% votes to defeat other candidates. Owolewa’s father is from Kwara State and mother is from Oyo, is a PhD holder in Pharmacy from the Northeastern University, Boston.

Many countries are experiencing a resurgence of the coronavirus but Nigerians do not seem concerned as many people are no longer wearing masks, washing hands and maintaining social distance, thinking the virus has disappeared. The United Kingdom during the week recorded 500 deaths in one day while United states also recorded over 100,000 cases just in one day, a sudden spike than usual in both countries. The cases in Nigeria has also been on the increase, rising to 180 cases in a day on November 5th from 111 cases on November 1st 2020. This is an indication the virus is still very

US elections: Trump files lawsuit with Biden on the Brink of victory Joe Biden continues to edge clos-

er to victory in the US presidential race as election officials tallied votes in the handful of states that will determine the outcome. President Donald Trump alleged fraud without providing evidence filed lawsuits and


much around and we need to start wearing our masks and washing our hands regularly.

called for recounts in a race yet to be decided. Biden seems to have a clearer route to presidency than Trump. Biden could either win Pennsylvania or any two out of Georgia, Nevada and Arizona to emerge winner. Trump’s options are quite limited, he needs to hang onto both Pennsylvania and Georgia and overtake Biden in either Nevada or Arizona. Biden is steadily eating away Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania and already leading in Nevada and Arizona putting him on the brink of victory. The election is taking some time to conclude as the COVID-19 led to a lot of people voting by mail and not physically.

Saturday 7, November 2020


International Criminal Court begins probe into shooting of protesters at Lekki toll gate

Nigerian woman wins US state assembly elections It has been over two weeks since the shooting of peaceful protesters at the Lekki toll gate but there has been no consensus on what happen that night. Global human rights group Amnesty International had said security forces opened fire on demonstrators, killing and injuring a number of people. These allegations have been rejected by the Nigerian police and the Army. The ICC have refused to sweep the incidence under the carpet and has decided to step in to begin preliminary examination into the shootings which occurred at the Lekki toll gate.

35-year old Esther Agbaje has been elected into the Minnesota House of Representatives in Tuesday’s United States general elections. Agbaje won by a landslide, scoring a total of 17,396 votes, which represents 74.7% of the total ballots cast. Agbaje graduated from George Washington University, Washington, D.C., with a degree in political science, holds a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Pennsylvania and also a law degree from Harvard University.

FG seeks fresh $1.2 billion loan from Brazil The Federal Government has resolved to borrowing $1.2 billion from Brazil to finance agricultural programmes in the 2021 budget. The minister of finance Zainab Ahmed disclosed that the government would acquire 100,000 hectares of land in each state for food production. Ahmed also added that link roads will be built in such locations to provide access for farmers to move farm produce to market and reduce post-harvest losses. This act did not go down well with Nigerians as they humorously went on twitter to say Nigerian will soon borrow from Benin Republic and Ghana.


Saturday 7, November 2020


LCC submits CCTV footage, says camera stopped recording at 8pm


he Lekki Conservation Centre (LCC), operator of the Lekki toll gate finally submitted the footage from the night when peaceful protesters were shot at the Lekki toll gate. Nigerian were disappointed when they said the footage stopped recording at 8pm, an hour after the shooting began. Regarding the power outage that night, the LCC pointed out that the power outage on the night of the shooting was because its staff were withdrawn from office locations after the announcement of the curfew by the Lagos State Government, so they could not switch on backup generators when power was interrupted.

Nigerian stock market ranks third best performing in the world


EFCC grills Babatunde fowler over fraud allegations against Alpha beta


abatunde Fowler, former chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), is currently being grilled by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) over alleged fraud. Fowler was invited over tax evasion allegation allegations against Alpha Beta Consulting. Alpha-beta is a consulting firm handling the computation, tracking and reconciliation of Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) in Lagos State. Fowler allegedly defrauded the Lagos state government to the tune of N100 billion when he was in office as chairman of FIRS.

he Nigerian stock market has witnessed all shades of investor sentiment ranging from a drastic sell off in April to the October rally. The Nigerian stock market dipped 23 percent between January and April but has recovered by 14.53 percent year-till-date, ranking 3rd best performing globally, according to data from Bloomberg terminal. The record low yield environment in the fixed income space has added to the allure of stocks in the last two months, as investors seek higher returns on investment


Saturday 7, November 2020


Firefly By Osse . G. Sinare Founder & Creative Director OGS Studios Website: IG: @ossegrecasinare

Saturday 7, November 2020



Saturday 7, November 2020


In a few weeks’ time, Detty December or personal finance for the yuletide season?


Favour Olarewaju

his time last year, Joan was in school like many of her peers preparing for their semester examinations and building up the excitement in anticipation of the coming festive season. At the time, little did Nigeria know that the phrase ‘detty December’ would be the order of the day as people were getting in to the partying, celebration and relaxation mode. By the middle of November, the internet quickly started getting flooded with videos and pictures of individuals flexing and getting ready to spend money more lavishly as everyone was pretty elated to see a long year come to an exciting end. More importantly, people were hopeful for a much better and booming 2020. Meanwhile, 2020 has undoubtedly been a spiral of shocking events which has thrown lots of people off balance. So, what should we anticipate for the end of the year? Will this Christmas season be another replication of Detty December or a much more frugal pattern given that many persons have lost a lot this year, spanning from loved ones to cherished earnings and assets? The year 2020 began with the escalation of the f

Saturday 7, November 2020


coronavirus lockdown which led to a 4-months lockdown across the world. Just when we thought it was over and everyone was still trying to recover from the COVID-induced death plague, the cry of #JusticeforUwa who was gang raped in a Redeemed Church in Edo state, #Justiceforbarakat who was violated at her family house in Ibadan, #JusticeforTina and other ladies who have been physically and unjustly abused, trended in search of enforcing justice through national laws. Next was the #Blacklivesmatter movement which surfaced when George Floyd was unjustly killed by a Minneapolis police officer called

#ashtags #justicefortina #justiceforuwa #justiceforbarakat #blacklivesmatter #endsars

tember 2020. However, a popular Economist named Steve Hanke, a Professor of Applied Economics at American Ivy League University, United States, has confirmed common perceptions that the actual reality of difficulties faced by Nigerians is greatly downplayed by official reports due to the highly informal and poorly organised data collection mechanisms. Derek Chauvin, sparking a global non-violent Asides recently putting Nigeria’s inflation at protest against police brutality and discrimina- around 30%, Hanke states that unemployment has more than tripled to 27%, that is, 21.7 miltion of black people. Although these global trends have very much lion unemployed persons out of the over 200 impacted Nigeria in diverse ways, Africa’s big- million total population. When layered with the gest giants has had its fair share of turbulence electricity shortage, bad roads, terrible traffic, as inflation has been rising for the past 2 years Nigeria is sadly one of the most miserable counfrom 11.23% in August 2018 to 13.71% in Sep- tries to live in. f

Saturday 7, November 2020


os-filled, will Nigerians be able to be extravagant in satisfying their heart desires or will the worsening socioeconomic condition of Nigeria overshadow? Taking a trip down memory lane, December has always been a period where prices (including food, transport and other essential commodities) drastically escalate and fuel scarcity tends to trouble Nigerians. These trending issues threaten to stand as a roadblock to many Nigerians like Joan who seek to spoil themselves and relax after a very stressful long year in 2020 especially given the already persistent trend of rising inflation, unemployment and poverty levels. For instance, on the average, travelling by road from Lagos to Abuja by God is Good motors, the young shall grow and other transportation mediums cost about N6k-N8k. But by December 2019, this price had spiked to N15k-20k. The same thing cuts across airplane flights and pretty much anything that involves spending money. If this is to happen, then the next question is, will Nigerians be able to afford this? Undeniably, the woes of the nation will definitely eat into excessive spending habits but then, Nigeria has always been known as a consuming nation and that is not going to change overnight, particuThis is in addition to the most recent event that larly since the general culture is to prioritise the seems to top the economic dilemma of Africa’s festive season. most populous nation in form of the #EndSARS Most persons all over the world are given to movement which rocked Nigeria’s quest for travelling home for Christmas as this is often the revolution and demand for a better Nigeria in opposing police brutality. Sadly, this led to the unwarranted death of an unknown number of Nigerians as men in uniform were seen shooting the protesters at Lekki tollgate on October 20, 2020. Currently, schools which have not had physical attendance for most of the year due to resorting to online classes during the lockdown, are gradually resuming academic activities now that the country has ended the curfew that followed the #EndSARS protest. Can any more havoc possibly be wrecked upon Nigeria over the next few weeks? We really hope not because Nigerians are rather drained in surviving through the numerous hardships imposed by a failed system on us already. Although the pockets of many Nigerians are still very tender as this year appears to be chaf


Saturday 7, November 2020

By Toju Akpa An Illustrator and an animator with a passion for financial literacy and entrepreneurship. f


Saturday 7, November 2020



n the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have all heard that the best way to beat the disease is to have a strong immune system. What exactly is the immune system, what are its functions, and how can we improve our immunity? What is the immune system? The immune system is a collection of structures and processes within the body which protect it against disease (viral, bacterial, and parasitic) or other potentially damaging foreign bodies. When functioning properly, the immune system identifies a variety of threats, distinguishes them from the b o d y ’s o w n healthy tissue a n d elimin a t e s them. We are literally existing in an “ocean” of germs; (luckily we can’t see them, as they are too small to be visible to the naked eye), and our immune system helps to protect against most of them. Types of immunity: Innate immunity is the immune system you’re born with, and mainly consists of barriers in the body that keep foreign threats out, these include f

skin, stomach acid, enzymes found in tears and skin oils, mucus of the mouth and nose, and the cough reflex. This type of immunity is non-specific, meaning it doesn’t protect against any specific threats. Acquired immunity targets specific threats to the body, the threat is processed and recognized by the body, and then the immune system creates antibodies or “soldiers” specifically designed to remove the threat. After the threat is neutralized, the adaptive immune system “remembers” it, which makes future responses to the same germ and its elimination, more efficient. How then do we improve or “boost” our immunity? By choosing a healthy lifestyle. This is the single best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected by healthy-living strategies such as: Avoiding cigarette smoke Diet high in fruits and vegetables. Exercise daily for 30-45minutes. Maintain a healthy weight. Drink alcohol sparingly. Get adequate sleep ( minimum of 7 hours every

Saturday 7, November 2020 night) Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and maintaining a clean environment. Try to minimize stress as much as possible. The role of diet and dietary supplements. Studies have shown that people who are malnourished are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. A diet rich in fruits and fresh vegetables is essential to boosting immunity. Various micronutrient deficiencies: deficiencies of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, D and E may alter immune responses in humans. If you suspect your diet is not providing you with all your micronutrient needs, taking a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement may bring other health benefits, as well as the positive effects on the immune system. Taking huge doses of a single vitamin does not confer additional value. Stress and immune function Stress occurs when life events surpass your abilities to cope with them. A wide variety of illnesses, including stomach upset, skin rash, flu, and even heart disease, are linked to the effects of emotional stress. Studies have shown that there is a definite link between high stress levels and

15 reduced immunity. Stress causes your body to produce greater levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Over time, too much cortisol in your blood causes high levels of inflammation. In the long-term, sustained, high levels of inflammation results in an overworked, immune system that can’t properly protect you. There is also a decrease in the white blood cells that help fight off infection in the body. The lower your white cell level, the more at risk you are for viral diseases, including the common cold, flu and cold sores. The role of exercise in boosting immunity Regular exercise is one of the pillars of healthy living. It improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and protects against a variety of diseases Just like a healthy diet, exercise can contribute to general good health and therefore to a healthy immune system. It may contribute even more directly by promoting good circulation, which allows the cells and substances of the immune system to move through the body freely and do their job efficiently. The benefits of boosting our immunity cannot be overemphasized especially in this period.

Dr Monisola Adanijo FMCP a Cardiologist and the Medical Director at Naveen Healthcare. With experience spanning over 20 years, she built her pathway in medicine and cardiology working in reputable medical centres such as Mecure Healthcare Limited, Barnes Hospital, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Chevron Hospital, Lagos to mention but a few. Her passion for preventive cardiology led her to convene the Naveen Healthcare 10,000 Hearts Project, in order to help individuals detect, protect and correct cardiovascular diseases. Skilled in cardiovascular diagnostic procedures and treatment, a fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, a member of Nigerian Cardiac Society, American College of Physicians, Hypertension society of Nigeria and an international associate of the American College of Cardiology. She also has a Diploma in Leadership and Management from the University of Washington, USA, As a Continuous Medical Education (CME) provider, she has worked with the likes of Trigen Healthcare Solutions, Pfizer GP Academy, Diamond Helix Medical Assistance, Pfizer Pharmacy Academy, Global Health Project and Resources, Sanofi-Aventis Nigeria, Novartis Nigeria and Servier International. She has helped build capacity in Electrocardiogram interpretation, preventive cardiovascular diseases, management of heart failure, patient education and more. She launched the first TeleElectrocardiogram project in Nigeria and West Africa and does her part in contributing to good health and wellbeing, a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG3) of the United Nations.










INSIDE STRIP (4 X 6 inches)









Based on enquiry & availability


Based on enquiry & availability


Based on enquiry & availability

For Enquiries please contact Lehlé Balde Ijeoma Ude +234 803 322 5506 or www.busin essday.n g

Saturday 7, November 2020


Book Title: Entrepreneurship the Slot Way: Succeeding in a Tough Business Environment Author: Nnamdi Ezeigbo Published by: Storyteller Services Year of Publication: 2018

How to Grow a Business Successfully in Nigeria – A Review of Nnamdi Ezeigbo’s Entrepreneurship the Slot Way Titilade Oyemade


ot everyone is meant to own a business but a lot of young people today in Nigeria are entrepreneurs largely because they have nothing else to do.

If there was a 9-to-5 job for everyone, many entrepreneurs would be doing something else. The reason is not far-fetched: entrepreneurs face endless challenges while building their business in Nigeria’s tough business environment. Entrepreneurship can be difficult but successful Nigerian entrepreneur Nnamdi Ezeigbo believes entrepreneurship is more than just starting a business and making money. He explains how to grow a business successfully in the Nigerian marketplace in his book, Entrepreneurship the Slot Way. At once a memoir and a self-help book, it motivates youths to take on entrepreneurship and navigate their way as budding entrepreneurs in a developing society like ours. Unsurprising, Ezeigbo shares his personal journey to success as an entrepreneur and the challenges he faced along the way. Not having dreamt of becoming an entrepreneur, the frustration of not finding his dream job in an oil company drove him to repair computers.

From being a computer repair technician, he is today the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Slot Systems Limited, an indigenous telecommunications and IT company which boasts of over 60 outlets nationwide, over 500 staff and an online store that serves customers everywhere. The book’s three parts define entrepreneurship, teach the difference between an entrepreneur from a businessman; then they recommend principles and strategies to build a business, and present steps to making your business sustainable. Never claiming a “right or wrong” way, Ezeigbo also shares the solution for succeeding in business the SLOT (Solution, Learning/Leadership, Opportunities and Technology) way. Ezeigbo does not shy away from the challenges of doing business in Nigeria, whose peculiarities must be remembered to avert failure. His words of advice are premised on his entrepreneurial journey in Nigeria which spans two decades. Jewelled with simple yet practical business lessons, Entrepreneurship the Slot Way shares rare, untold secrets of most successful Nigerian businesses which many would otherwise not share because it could jeopardise their business. Overall, this enlightening read reminds you that creating value, listening to your target market, building your competence as well as openness to learning and innovation are important in business growth. f

Saturday 7, November 2020

18 Ezeigbo advises business-minded people to enrol in a business school if they can afford it and should stop wasting time complaining about the deep suffering of the country. Entrepreneurship the Slot Way is straight-to-the point and introspective and never stops advising budding entrepreneurs to follow their strengths and not their passion as one might not be good at what he is passionate about. Its realistic and optimistic tone deepens it focus on the essence of value and jobs creation to the end of transforming the Nigerian economy and eradicating unemployment and poverty. Entrepreneurship the Slot Way a good choice for anyone interested in knowing what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.

About the reviewer Titilade Oyemade is a business execute in a leading organisation and holds a degree in Russian Language. She’s the convener of the Hangoutwithtee Ladies Event and the publisher of Hangoutwithtee magazine. She spends her weekends attending women conferences, events and book readings. She loves to have fun and to help other women have the same in their lives. Email: Socials: @tiipree



ollowing the events of 20.10.20 as we now denote it, the shooting at the Lekki toll gate which claimed lives and left many injured and which is now in the midst of uproar and controversy about the facts; the streets of Lagos were ravaged in the chaos that ensued. The ruins remain as a reminder even after the fact. From the looting, vandalism and even the violence and brutality that preceded the anarchy, it is clear that even as the nation keeps demanding justice and we will never forget, we must heal. Below are some of the support options available for victims of police brutality, injured protesters and looted/vandalized businesses: Feminist Coalition and End SARS Response Unit The Feminist Coalition pledged the remainder of the donations from the protests to be channelled into providing medical assistance for injured people in conjunction with the End SARS Response Unit, legal aid for those arrested during the protests and also funds for victims of police brutality and the families of the deceased. Social media: @feminist_co @EndSarsResponse Mentally Aware Nigeria, Help Meet Shine Initiative and Stand to End Rape (S.T.E.R Initiative) Mentally Aware Nigeria and Help Meet Shine Initiative are collaborating with S.T.E.R Initiative to coordinate long-term mental health support for victims of police brutality related to the End SARS nationwide protests via End SARS Mental Health Support. Victims of police brutality can access these support services can fill the form at Social media: @MentallyAwareNG @StandtoEndRape @Hmsinitiative @endsarsmhsupport


Saturday 7, November 2020


Pro bono legal representation Those who know people who may still be in police custody as a result of the protests and require legal representation can fill the form: The Phoenix Support Fund by Diatom Impact and AGS Tribe Diatom Impact and AGS Tribe have launched The Phoenix Support Fund to offer financial support and capacity development to enable businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent unrest to recover and grow as resilient and sustainable enterprises.

Those who need legal representation or help in preparing their petition for any of the Judicial Panels of Inquiry can fill the form: forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxEvZvr2KITItvyBQpQEW9djnG3FG2E-LFTbfq-S9wiY8_ww/viewform

Up to N500,000 is available per selected business.

Chef Fregz Relief Fund Chef Fregz is joining hands with others, including the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF) to provide some support to those affected by the looting and mass destruction of business properties across Lagos state. The goal is to reach one hundred and ten million naira (â‚Ś110 million).

Requirements: 1. Registered business (CAC Registration) 2. Bank statement or Proof of tax filing or Audited accounts 3. Proof of Residence - Utility Bill (LAWMA bill, electricity bill etc.) 4. Proof of damage during unrest 5. Business owner ID - Voters card, Passport etc.

Social media: @chef_fregz

Deadline for applications: Sunday 8th November, 2020

Donations can be made via: Bank transfer: Chef Fregz Access Bank (Diamond Access) 0098681085

To apply or donate: Building is difficult, but rebuilding, even more so.

Flutterwave Payment Link: Flutterwave Lagos MSME Recovery Fund Flutterwave is also partnering with LSETF and other private organisations to raise funds for MSMEs in Lagos looted and damaged during the curfew period. Affected business owners can fill the form: fund For enquiries, contact Social media: @theflutterwave Lagos State MSME Recovery Fund by LSETF The Lagos State Employment Trust Fund set up a recovery fund for Lagos-based businesses that had their stores looted/vandalized. The recovery fund is to provide as much support as the state can provide in collaboration with the private sector. Further information can be accessed: @LSETF f

Saturday 7, November 2020


The Best Food Photography Backdrops


hen I started photographing food, I had many struggles, and one of them was finding the right backdrops to aid my photography. I remember buying a regular wallpaper then I switched to using my dining table surface. I also went to Mushin, Lagos, to buy tiles, and hoped it was the solution to my problem, but I was wrong. The day I discovered all the essential types of backdrops for food photography, my photography game changed. In this write-up, I will be sharing the best background surface for food photography. DIY Background Surface DIY (Do-It-Yourself) background is super easy to make as long you follow a guide step-by-step. There are several videos on YouTube on how to make a food photography backdrop in the comfort of your home. Making your surface will save you from spending more if you’re a newbie. I’d advise creating color shades you can use for more versatility in your portfolio.

Wooden Surface The wooden surface is one of the best options for food photography, and they come in different types. Depending on your style or mood board, you can acquire a variety of wooden surfaces that will help elevate your food photo. It is necessary to pay more attention to the color tone reason being that not all wooden surfaces will fit every dish you intend to photograph. A dark and light grey wooden surface will go a long way in terms of versatility for photography. One disadvantage is its weight, and depending on the type of wood, it can be hard to carry for a location shoot. Vinyl Backdrop A vinyl backdrop is one of the cheapest options you can find in the food photography background market. They are easy to use and store for long usage. The vinyl backdrop is made by taking pictures of different textured surfaces like wooden doors, old house walls, the concrete floor then, printed on a material called vinyl. While some are printed correctly, others could appear fake in


photos, and this is inappropriate for photography. It is best to have every element in the image be as original as possible. If this is your most preferred option, go for it. Tiles I would recommend buying tiles if you intend to keep them in one location because they are heavy to carry around and uncomfortable. Marble tiles are the go-to option for versatility and texture, and they are expensive. However, they are durable. These are my top four, and I have every one of them. If you need more clarification, kindly send me a direct message on Instagram @ pastryboystudios.

Saturday 7, November 2020


The Business Leader’s Guide to Launching AI Chatbot Programmes (Part III)


Tolu Adelowo

his is the final part of the Business Leader’s Guide to Launching AI Chatbot Programmes series. In this series, I am demystifying the perceived complexities from launching AI Chatbots by providing an intuitive step by step guide that business leaders can follow. In this final part, we continue from step 9. 9. Design Conversation Flows This is the stage where we put pen to paper to design. In this stage, a script is developed to model the conversation between the Chatbot and user. A script needs to be generated for each intent defined in Step 4, and the script should define the full conversation up till the user achieves the required goal. The product manager, along with other key stakeholders need to be involved in this process. f

For example, a sample conversational flow for an open bank account intent could look like below:Bot :- hello, how can I help you today? User : I would like to open an account. Bot : okay great, can I take your first name please? User : Tolu Bot : Thanks Tolu. Can you tell me your surname? User : Adelowo The selected character of the Chatbot must be used as a guideline when crafting the responses of the Chatbot. For example, a professional Chatbot could respond “Thanks Mr. Tolu” while an informal Chatbot could respond “Thanks Tolulope” 10.

Select Development Tools

Saturday 7, November 2020


At this stage, the development team should selectthe most appropriate tool for creating the chatbot. The selection of the development tools could possibly happen earlier but it is better to use the learnings of the previous steps as a guide in selecting the most appropriate tools.

13. Implement and Train At this stage, the software development team will implement the Chatbot and train the NLP. 14. Test During and after implementation, the chatbot should be tested using the test cases developed earlier.

The key development tools required for an AI chatbot implementation are listed below: • • • •

15. Retrain Learning is a lifelong vocation even for Chatbots. If implementing an unstructured conversational Style chatbot, the NLP will require regular retraining as it interacts more with users. In particular, the NLP will need to learn from failed attempts to predict the user’s intent so it can get better for next time. As more conversation history is generated, the Chatbot should be retrained with the updated conversation history on a regular basis.

Programming language Database Conversational Engine - this component helps manage and keep track of the dialogue between the Chatbot and the user. Natural Language Processing platform : chatbots with unstructured conversational Styles require a natural language processor to interpret user input and predict the user’s intent. Live Agent platform : It is important for a chatbot to be able to pass the conversation over to a human agent if Chatbot is having issues understanding the user. The Live Agent platform is the platform to be used to continue that conversation between a human agent and the user. Examples of Live Agent Platforms are Zendesk, Intercom, Zoho etc

11. Create Training set Creating a training set is optional depending on if a Structured or Unstructured Conversational Style Chatbot will be implemented. If going with an unstructured conversational StChatbot, then a Natural Language Processing platform will be required. Natural Language Processing (NLP) platforms analyze customer input and attempt to predict the user’s intent. Like a toddler learning to communicate for the first time, the NLP must also be trained to communicate with the users. The process of training the NLP consists of feeding the NLP with past customer conversations possibly from a Contact Center, emails, contact forms. This process helps the NLP understand how the user speaks. The data to be used for this training is called the Training Set.

Tolu Adelowo is the Chief Executive Officer of Cousant Limited – a Technology consulting company that works with clients to solve the increasing complexities in managing technology products, projects, people and operations in Africa. Tolu is also an accomplished author that has written two e-books which are the ‘The Case for decentralized workplaces in developing economies’ and ‘The Rise of the Emerligent Economies How African economies can win the AI war’

12. Define Test Cases As with any technology project, testing must be done after implementation is complete. At this stage test cases need to be defined to guide the testing of the Chatbot after implementation. The Test cases should be defined for each intent.


Saturday 7, November 2020


eral has been a major building block of Wizkid’s success.On his 30th birthday, he released one song from his Made In Lagos album, after 6 years of keeping his fans waiting. This strategic move played on the sentiments of his audience towards his celebration of life and the gift of a new song. The cloud of obscurity and suspense as he does with everything Wizkid only cleared during the #EndSARS protests and cemented his position as the voice of the people and the superstar who truly cared for his people.

If Sentiments Was A Product, It Is Made In Lagos Chidera Muoka


very generation has a poster cEvery generation has a poster child for an ideology. The Boomers and a bit of the millennial demographic had TuBaba as the poster child for grass-to-grace. He was the handsome man who broke out from the boy band Plantashun Boiz and made hits and broke records with his talent and humility. In the eyes of the public, TuBaba can do no wrong, not in his career or in his music. f

For the millennials and the Gen Z demographic, that poster child is Wizkid. We saw him when kid stars like Justin Bieber was a thing, and we wanted ours. From Holla at Your Boy to Ojuelegba, we followed the self-proclaimed star boy, clinging to every bit of his progress as if it mirrored ours. This story of success makes him authentic to the average Wizkid fan, and this authenticity has made him build a fan base oblivious to everything but his success. Banking on this cultural collat-

His sudden change of the Made In Lagos album cover from the essence of Lagos as the art to the portrait of himself only created more stories and angles to his decision and how they fit the climate of the country. Although mysterious, there is a method to the madness by everyone’s favourite superstar. He has built a fanbase loyal to his brand story. The boy who made it out of Ojuelegba and now lives amongst the stars. Despite the toggle between fans on his new sound, which some have termed Afro RnB, and those who think there is nothing made in Lagos about this album, we have to give credit to the genius that is Wizkid for sentimental storytelling. You love him not because of what he does, but for how you perceive he is. And, when the time comes for the credibility of this story to be tested, maybe at his concert or on a collaboration, his fans will show up and show out.


Although I applaud the change in his sound, the only thing made in Lagos is his brand story, and the effective use of it is admirable.

Author: Chidera Muoka

Saturday 7, November 2020




eing Nigerian, we’ve all had a chance to at least attend a few events if not host one, now there are things we catch ourselves doing or see others do and we just can’t help but roll our eyes, knowing it’s totally offensive. But the truth is many people don’t even realize what is wrong and to them, it’s really not much of a big deal. Well it is... How about you find below some of the things we all do f

and desperately need to stop doing? We understand that the book you are reading is quite engrossing but please kindly drop it before you head out.

It’s 2020; technology rules the world and we are all guilty of this but my darling, can you take a few minutes off your phone to take note of the people around and enjoy the moment?

on mute or vibrate mode when in public is still a tip people need to be reminded of? One last thing about phones, how about you step out to receive that urgent call love? Bad breath? How about some mint, and if you must, please chew your gum in a very slow rhythm, it’s not a competition.

Now, who doesn’t like a bit of Talking about phones, don’t refreshment? But kindly pass we all find it absurd that at this on to the next person till it goes point, not putting your phone round... unless of course it’s a

Saturday 7, November 2020



one forgot to drop your mail or notify you, you were simply not invited.

We understand looking good and slaying is your day job but honey, why not make an effort not to When holding a conversation with strangers, try look better than the bride? I mean you can look being sensitive with your opinions, you don’t absolutely breathtaking without the extra balls know what anyone is going through. and tails, don’t you agree? This is one culture we’ve kind of dropped or Dear Africans (myself inclusive) if the invite says never really got used to, but when going for an 12, don’t ignore the 1 before the 2, if it says 2, event or any kind of get together, take somedon’t multiply it by another 2, and if it’s says 4, thing along, it could be a gift, a platter, box of don’t conclude it’s the next even number... be- chocolates.... anything at all. It’s the least we ing on time really wouldn’t hurt anyone. can do. I think this might be something some people might not find offensive, but.... do not propose at someone else’s wedding!!!! Unless of course.... actually unless nothing, just don’t do it!

Now if you know you are a busy bee or can’t be seated in a position for too long, please stay at the isle to avoid crossing over those around you one too many times.

If you can, please leave your kids at home... they Smile, talk, engage, network….breathe. are the joy of the world but not so much that of a good event... let’s be considerate now shall we? If you were not invited, you were not invited! No

Faruq Suaad is a young lady from Nigeria. She obtained her Bachelors degree in International Relations and Diplomacy from Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti. She is a youth partner for Well-being for women foundation.She has an inspirational and lifestyle blog which has many readers across the globe and inspires everyone that comes across it. Also, Faruq Suaad volunteers with the MOB foundation; a Non-governmental organization that advocates for the girl child and human rights in general. She works as a sales executive at Travel Port Nigeria while running her personal business; a clothing brand named Susultana. She is passionate about the girl child, women rights, loving yourself and humanity as a whole.



Saturday 7, November 2020




Saturday 7, November 2020

ike the blind men who described an elephant from different perspectives, several pundits have attempted to define entrepreneurship in disparate ways. Not least among them is a renowned Harvard business school professor, Howard Stevenson, who famously described entrepreneurship as ‘’the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.’’ I like to think of the vocation to be an entrepreneur as the call to be a steward, allocating resources from a region of lower value to a place of higher value. ‘’From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.’’ An entrepreneur receives great resources and is called to do great things with those resources – feed

the world, cure disease, educate the next generation, and create prosperity in countless ways. Regardless of how one might choose to define entrepreneurship, there are several characteristics, which stand out when one considers the entrepreneurial vocation. They include: Innovation: While anyone can open a ‘’me-too’’ business and claim to be an entrepreneur, the label is most often applied to an individual who combines ideas and resources in unique ways to bring about a novel product or

service that makes a tangible difference in the world. Problem solving: While entrepreneurs can often bring about destructive results in society through negative externalities that affect the community, the environment and external stakeholders, the most sustainable entrepreneurs are usually those who solve real and pressing problems profitably. Resourcefulness: Entrepreneurship is often characterized by limited resources; hence the best entrepreneurs are adept at finding, managing and maximizing scarce resources. Optimism: Often maligned as overconfident, a true entrepreneur believes in his idea and is patient enough to see it to a logical conclusion, despite the obstacles in his path. Risk taking: Intelligent entrepreneurs are not reckless – they take risks, but calculated ones. They balance the risk with the rewards

and seek to mitigate risks through techniques such as the lean startup movement. A burning desire to be in charge of whatever they find themselves doing: They desire to be in charge and in control of resources available to them and to achieve self determined goals. They create and make maximum use of resources and opportunities available to them. Belief in personal success: Entrepreneurs believe in themselves and their ability to take informed decisions. They have staying power and keep on with their def

cisions even in the face of criticism and discouragement until they succeed. Entrepreneurs are not discouraged by failure: They pick up the pieces when they fail. They get up and move on. They know that as an entrepreneur, you can go up unbelievably fast but you can also go down equally fast. This is because they have high levels of energy relative to the average person. Entrepreneurs are adventurous in nature: They are always on the look out for business opportunities that will materialize with minimum delay or in the nearest future. They are more concerned with what might happen tomorrow than what happened yesterday. Entrepreneurs have organizational skills: They have the capacity to identify the right people for the right job. They know that the effective deployment of people to the job they are best suited will lead to the accomplishment of set objectives. In this connection, entrepreneurs know their own individual strengths and weaknesses and thus hire people that possess qualities they themselves lack, be it skills or knowledge. Entrepreneurs are driven by the desire to make and multiply money: Accumulating money is important because it is a symbol of power and achievement. However, the way to make money is to create value. When you create value that meets the needs of customers, money will be earned. In conclusion, an entrepreneur is a person that discovers opportunities for value creation and assembles the resources required in order to exploit these opportunities. He is both a thinker and a doer, who creates value through different types of enterprises. We shall explore three of these enterprises subsequently.

Saturday 7, November 2020





ith unwavering dedication and doggedness, an increasing number of successful female entrepreneurs are emerging across several sectors. Most of the current crop of entrepreneurs are ensuring that they not only create marks for themselves by leaving no stones unturned, but also serving as inspiration for other female entrepreneurs who are just starting out. A Woman’s elastic behavior will see her bounce back from array of adversities such as childhood sexual abuse, toxic relationships with herself, food and money, domestic violence, and so much more. It is therefore little wonder that women make exceptional entrepreneurs when they put their hearts into it. No business comes without its associated risks and possible failures, even when you strategically evaluate all the f

risks associated with your kind of business and prepare accordingly, setbacks will still occur but one must ensure that initial failures especially do no dispirit the overall vision of any business. It is crucial to however find an answer to the question “Why do you want to become an entrepreneur?� The response to this question is the key to success, this is your story, this is the point through which the world begins to connect with you. There are several stories of women who start out small businesses just to make ends meet, but even in that, lies a story. How do we as female entrepreneurs begin to infuse and communicate our authentic selves into our businesses in ways that put us in a place of power. We constantly undermine ourselves, searching for that elusive solution we believe exists outside us. Getting your business aligned with you, your values and personality is essential. As a female

Saturday 7, November 2020


entrepreneur, when you finally realize that you have all the experience and resources you need to just get started, you begin to understand that success is always under construction. As you get clearer on your message, you also begin to get a proper understanding of who your ideal customer is, and this shows up both in how you approach marketing your business and basically how you interact with clients. In trying to represent your business and showcase it as a strong and powerful brand, it is important to project the same aura from your personality. Most small businesses see the founders wearing all the caps at different times, sometimes even at the same time. How do you then reflect your personality in the way you interact with your customers, through your disposition and the words you use when you speak about your business and your brand. Every business will only go in the direction in which it is being stirred so knowing who you as a person even before defining who you are as a business owner cannot be over emphasized. Female entrepreneurs face self-doubt in so many ways, whether that doubt rises from looming societal bias, past experiences, or experiences of people around, this diffidence will continue to undermine strengths and make real meaningful success seem farfetched. Almost everyone has a phobia for failure, but women are most affected by failure and this often hits hard on their confidence. An article on TIME, why failure hits girls so hard, states that when girls make mistakes, they are more likely to interpret the setback as a sign that they lack a certain ability — a factor much harder for girls to change. Boys, on the other hand, tend to attribute failure to more controllable circumstances. What we may see as failure is simply slice of success from which we must learn from. Google’s Nigerian Country Director, Juliet Ehimuan Chiazor once said, there is no failure, only feedback. The fantasy of work-life-balance is a possible

myth that has left several female entrepreneurs and career women stuck in a bubble that this creates. The guilt from the seeming lack of attention for certain aspects of our lives can be crippling but it is important that women learn to show up for the different parts of their lives when necessary and create working systems around the important parts of our lives. Female entrepreneurs tend to have the superwoman complex, especially in a clime like ours that generally equates asking for help as a sign of weakness but it is simply impossible to do everything alone especially when trying to build a strong brand. Every barrier is a winning strategy waiting to happen. Even though this year 2020 just seems to be throwing chaos especially for the survival of businesses, it is crucial that we embrace it. Updation and innovation of businesses cannot be confined to a one-time activity, it is imperative to focus on generating new ideas aimed at facing these glass cliff opportunities and achieving next level success in business. Always believe in yourself, remember your essence, the reason you decided to get on the entrepreneurial ship in the first place and let that be your motivation as grow your business.

Weyinmie is a development expert with special focus on Gender, Financial Inclusion and Enterprise Development. She has over 8 years working experience across several sectors – oil and gas, extractive sector, not for profit management, leadership, and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. She is the founder of Wevvo Nigeria, a resource and community-based platform that supports single female breadwinners.


Saturday 7, November 2020



The perfect time for ‘me-time’ is now!

have always loved zoning out and taking time off to spend with myself. Does that sound weird? It really shouldn’t. In the middle of trying to figure out how to succeed as a professional or entrepreneur and learning how to balance the many balls that life gives us to juggle, we often fail to prioritize ourselves. You know I love to ask questions. So my question to you is this – when was the last time you took time off to prioritize yourself? Depending on the nature of your job or the particular stage of life you are currently in, your response may be, “Adedoyin, I do not have the luxury of taking time off.” I can relate. When I ran my brand communications agency, everything fell on my table. Even though I had three team members, there were clients who insisted on dealing with me personally. Because I wanted to keep them and I f

had not yet mastered the art of saying no, I often obliged and that in itself became stressful. And unsustainable. What kind of business grows if the owner has to be involved in everything? I digress. One day in 2018, I felt a kind of tiredness I had not felt before. I was tired physically, mentally and emotionally. The nature of the work I do is round the clock – you always have to be connected, always have to be plugged in to stay ahead of events and trends. It was exhausting. I guess I didn’t breakdown sooner because I was a bit of a workaholic back in the day. Thanks to my amazing friends, I made the decision to go on holiday and not take my laptop with me. Trust me, that was a big deal. People who knew me back then knew that I went everywhere with my laptop because with work, anything could happen. That holiday was one of the best decisions I made in 2018. I still remem-


Saturday 7, November 2020 ber being at the airport and a client was trying to convince me to pick up calls or respond to emails from Dubai. As nicely as I could, I told her that all official calls and emails would be responded to when I returned some weeks later. Looking back, it’s funny

how my team were able to successfully manage things with this rather demanding client. It looked impossible before then. When I returned from my holiday, I became more deliberate about creating me-time. Sometimes, I’d go to my favourite coffee shop with my book, turn off my phone and just spend some time off. Other days, I’d book a weekend at a hotel and enjoy the pleasures of room service while I remain disconnected from the world. Sometimes, it could be just a few hours being lost in the massage chair in the spa

that I love to visit. Whatever I choose to do, it always refreshes me, gives me time to unplug from the stress of the world and do the thing that gives me genuine joy. You need to do that too, most especially with everything that has hap-

pened in our nation. Don’t apologize if you need to take time off or spend time with yourself. Just do it and take that mental break. 2020 has been a lot for most people. It is important to find things that give you joy. It is important to create and bask in moments that allow you to forget the cares of the world. No one can do it for you. As you work hard, hustle and climb the ladder of success, I encourage you to be more deliberate about creating me-time. Your future self will thank you for doing that.

Adedoyin Jaiyesimi is the Chief Communications Consultant at The Comms Avenue, a capacity building and knowledge exchange platform for leading and innovative communications professionals across the world. The Comms Avenue offers high-level knowledge sharing meetings and training programs for communications professionals and corporate organizations. She has vast experience consulting for international organizations and top corporate executives and specializes in providing strategic communications consulting for development, philanthropic and corporate organizations, helping them to develop and implement a robust communications strategy. Adedoyin has successfully executed projects for the W Community, Women in Business, Management and Public Service (WIMBIZ), Leading Ladies Africa, Heritage Bank, African Philanthropy Forum amongst others. She has been profiled on She Leads Africa, Leadership Newspaper and Lionesses of Africa. She was also featured as one of The Spark’s Visionary Women in 2019. Instagram - @adedoyinjaiyesimi Email – f

Saturday 7, November 2020

More troubles for Solskjaer amid Pochettino’s speculation


Anthony Nlebem

ollowing defeat by Istanbul Basaksehir in the Champions League, Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been under pressure as regards his future at Old Trafford.

United have lost three of their six Premier League games so far this season going into this weekend’s clash with Everton at Goodison Park. But the embattled Norwegian tactician says he is not bothered concerning his job security. United were humiliated 6-1 at home by Tottenham in October, but recovered by winning three of their four games, which included a draw against Chelsea. But after 1-0 home defeat by Arsenal and another abject performance in Istanbul, the pressure is on Solskjaer. United have not won any of their past six matches at home in the Premier League, while defeat by Basaksehir ended a run of 10 straight wins on the road. On Wednesday night Red Devils were beaten by Istanbul Basaksehir in their Champions League group, conceding their first goal in woeful circumstances with the defending since branded ‘unforgivable’, ’embarrassing’ and ‘disrespectful to school boys’. Since the end of the match, the pressure has mounted on Solskjaer with fans and pundits calling for ‘Ole Out’ and urging the appointment of a top-class manager such as the currently out-ofwork Mauricio Pochettino or Max Allegri. Reports in England say United have approached Mauricio Pochettino with a view of replacing Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as the club’s next manager.


In December, Pochettino wanted to take over as United manager and his stance on the role is not believed to have changed. Insiders say the United hierarchy were privately backing Solskjaer prior to Wednesday night’s shambolic Champions League defeat by Istanbul Basaksehir and are reluctant to part company with the Norwegian so early in the season. But if United lose at Everton on Saturday they could end the weekend 17th in the Premier League table. United have lost three of their six league games already this term and have not lost four of their first seven in a league campaign since 1989-90. The trip to Everton is United’s last game for two weeks due to the November internationals; a period that has become synonymous with top-flight sackings. Pochettino declared his intention to return to a managerial role. “I am always ready to go again and be involved in the game,” Pochettino said. “It’s not stress when you are working, it’s not stress going into the training round to prepare the match and to compete. “I hope to go back soon so we can start again to work. I am looking forward to being back in the game. I love this game but it’s difficult, we are inside and working on doing things. That’s the reality.” Manchester United fans have been giving their reaction to the news that Mauricio Pochettino has been approached about replacing Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as the club’s next manager. Here’s what Man United fans have been saying on Twitter... @GlazersOutSzn: Poch may not be THE answer, but f

Saturday 7, November 2020

36 he’s a much better manager than Ole! @Mike87_MUFC: Just make the change now, get him out and get our season back on track! There’s no need to limp along under a failing regime when we can instantly improve it! I’ve never understood this need to waste months of a season with the wrong man in charge when you know it isn’t working. @SSrijith16: I don’t understand the “footballing” reason for keeping a manager in their job for a few more months when they’re obviously underperforming. I perfectly understand the financial reason though. @Michael15788990: Great news if true, Ole’s been great in a lot of ways for the club but he’s not good enough to take us further. @Sean_L94: Get it done now so we can salvage the season. Still possible to get top four again and still possible to do something of note in the champions league. But no point hanging about. @KofiScooby: Bring in Poch and make Ole sporting director. That’s all. @mehrdadnegahban: The sooner the better for everyone. Ole - we love but he is an amateur for this club. Mauricio - should have been our manager from day one after SAF left.


FIFA to review controversial handball rule


uropean football’s governing body, UEFA have asked FIFA president, Gianni Infantino, to have a second look at the handball rule to stop growing debates following a spate of penalties awarded for the offence. In a letter to Infantino, UEFA boss, Aleksander Ceferin, asked that football’s lawmakers to adjust the handball rule which has been in place since March, 2019 so that referees can once again judge whether there is intent when a player handles the ball. “The attempt to strictly define the cases where handling the ball is an offence has resulted in many unfair decisions which have been met with growing frustration and discomfort by the football community,” said Ceferin’s letter, which was sent on October 27. The contents of the letter were confirmed to AFP’s sister sports agency in Germany, SID. The news of the letter comes a day after the latest controversial spot-kick award, which put Chelsea two goals ahead in their 3-0 Champions League win over Rennes on Wednesday.

Rennes defender Dalbert, who had already given away the first penalty which had put Chelsea ahead, was sent off for a second booking following a VAR review when a Tammy Abraham shot bounced off his foot onto his arm. The decision, and Timo Werner’s cool finish from the spot, effectively killed off the Ligue 1 side’s chances of getting a result at Stamford Bridge in their first ever season in the Champions League. Rennes president Nicolas Holveck was livid after the defeat in London, calling referee Felix Zwayer “the man of the match”. “I would like someone to clearly explain to me the rules for handballs in the box; the score went to 2-0 without Alfred (Gomis, the Rennes goalkeeper) having to make a save.” It was one of many penalty decisions, which have angered players and managers, and which Ceferin in his letter suggested was against the spirit of the game. Ceferin wrote to Infantino as it is the FIFA-controlled International Football Association Board which decides on the game’s laws. FIFA has half of the eight IFAB votes, with the others belonging to the FA’s of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Saturday 7, November 2020


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