Considerations with regard to the implementation of the SOP Environment
Vasile Ciomos, PhD President of ARA
Water sector’s present status • Water utilities make huge efforts to implement in due time the SOP Environment • Strategic investment projects have a rather slow implementation rate (preparation / contracting: 3 to 5 years, implementation : 2 to 3 years) • There are still institutional, legislative and financial constrains; • By consequence, the progress of increasing the water supply, sewerage and WW treatment services’ coverage is limited. • The time schedule for conformation to the EU requirements (2013/2015/2018) proves itself to be too ambitious.
Water sector’s present status (2) • There’s a further need for high investments for upgrading and extending the water infrastructure (these data will be centralized after the Master Plans’ revision for the next phase – 2014-2020); • The EU funds are limited and the IFI’s loans are difficult to access; • More and more the question is being asked if some investment projects (e.g. WWTP) could be financed through Project finance? • The combination of water and renewable energy projects becomes important. • The sludge management problem becomes more and more sensitive.
Water services coverage – comparison with European countries
Water supply and sewerage services coverage of the Transylvanian ROCs
Utilities’ efforts for reducing water consumption (c.m. / conn. and month)
Sold water – 2011 (c.m. / conn. and month)
Utilities’ efforts for reducing energy consumption (%)
Utilities’ efforts for reducing NRW (m3/km/day)
Utilities’ efforts for increasing the metering level
Efforts for preparation of the investment projects 2007/2013 – Endorsed contracts - Axa 1 2008
• values in million Euro; • Ordered by endorsement date.
SOP Environment projects’ value for Transylvanian ROCs
Ongoing issues and recomandations
The present procurement procedures favor the lowest price, many times in the detriment of quality; The contracts once awarded, are inflexible and do not allow the inclusion of the new state of the art technology; There is a need for a better technical information before preparing the investments for the next period (2014 – 2020) For dutch companies who want to enter the Romanian market, it is recommended to get associated with local designers / constructors.
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