The consortium has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 776541.
Wastewater potential reuse AQUATIM SA, TIMIȘ
OARA Ciprian Nanu, Ioana Groza BDGroup
#10. Timișoara (RO)
Regional Water Operator in TimiÈ™ County (Romania)
• The WWTP treats sewage for about 0.44 million PE;
• Average daily flow rate = 2,400 l/s;
• Maximum daily flow rate = 3,000 l/s;
• Annual sludge production = 38,000 m3/year;
• BOD = 22,000 kg/day;
• Suspended solids = 28,000 kg/day;
• Ammonia = 5.400 kg/day;
Circularsolutionsfor Water
Materials Energy Leadpartners
• Phosphates = 1.600 kg/day. Towardsanextgenerationof
1. Objectives of the NextGen solutions
To demonstrate sludge management with production of by-products and energy, by pilot-scale testing of thermochemical conversion of sludge producing different output (biochar, oil and gas), which can be exploited energetically as fuel or soil enhancing agent or sorbent.
• To perform a feasibility study of water reuse of effluent from the Timisoara WWTP for urban, industrial and agricultural applications. This includes a potential analysis of water reuse options and a feasibility study for identified users in the Timisoara region.
• To promote regional partnership with industrial and agricultural stakeholders for wastewater reuse after treatment.
Wastewater reuse in the region – current status
 Today
o Detergent
 Large
reuse was and is not a common practice in Timișoara and Timiș county area
Currently, local industries are supplied for their operational activities with potable water by the regional water company AQUATIM SA
some industries in Timișoara area are working on water efficiency:
Local beer production company implemented a reduction of water intake from 6 l water/l beer to 2 l water/l beer
use modern equipment to reduce losses, use precipitation
where possible and high interest for wastewater reuse
Agriculture sector – interested but lack of resources (knowledge, association & cooperation, etc.)
industrial water consumers (automotive industry, hospitality sector) no interest (lack of awareness, not a priority)
5 Wastewater reuse research cases(T1.2.5)  Agriculture : • Berries production case (Danish owned company) - not interested • Pig Farms in Timiș county - no reply back • Diary Farm close to Timișoara – not interested • Research & Development Station in Agriculture (SCDA) Lovrin, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat (USAMV),Timișoara (wastewater reuse for irrigation)  Selection of top 10 potable water industrial consumers in Timișoara • Industry urban area : Detergent production – Company name: Dalli Production Romania (wastewater reuse for liquid detergent production)  Municipal services Timișoara – Irrigation of green areas/ greenhousesCompany name: Horticultura SA (wastewater reuse for irrigation of pot plants and flowers)
WWTP Lovrin Galațca river BAU SCDA Lovrin Wastewater pipe for irrigation 5 km Lovrin village & thermal SPA Disinfection & Pumping Storage basin & irrigation equipment
SCDALovrin - wastewater reuse for irrigation
Industrial+Urban – wastewater reuse
 Dalli Production Romania is part of Dalli Group together with other production facilities in the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. In Romania, Dalli produces a large range of detergents, both in powder or liquid forms with an annual production capacity over 300,000 tones.The company has been interested about potential wastewater from WWTP Timișoara reuse for its liquid detergent production if cost is lower than current.
 Horticultura SA :Currently there are irrigation systems from underground water installed in some public parks: Rozelor, Copiilor, Justiției and Central (only one is working currently) while other smaller parks and green areas. The flowers and plants planted in pots are watered manually by using water tanks filled from the public network water supply from street hydrants. The amount of water used in the last years by Horticultura for flowerpots irrigation was approximately 55,000 l/ day during April – October
Potential wastewater reuse in urban area - How
Wastewater reuse for irrigation
Horticultura greenhouses
WWTP Tmișoara
Approx. 8 km pipe
Bega river
Wastewater reuse for liquid detergent production
Industrial Water Unit
Wastewater pipe from WWTP to Industrial Water unit
9 Community of Practice#1 in TIMIȘOARA(T3.1) 2 preparatory meetings in Spring 2021 CoP : Organized on June 17th, 2021 Documents prepared as the nextGen templates Mapping stakeholders in the area(26 selected) Participants CoP: 15(+2 organizers) Documents uploaded SHAREPOINT Plan to organized CoP#2 in February 22
10 External events and academic outreach ( T6.9) -Aquatim SA organizes together with Aquademica &partners: AquaCIRCULAR Conference each year,October -AquaCIRCULAR 2020-ONLINE-Conference Jos Frijns and Mihai Grozavescu presented the nextGen project -AquaCIRCULAR 2021-ONLINE-Conference C.Makropulos (*) and M.Khouri (**) presentations workshop: ‘’What is Circular economy?’’ (**) (*)
11 Thank you! Business Development Group