Water projects 1993 -2014 Romania RNWP Brochure

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Romania - The Netherlands Bridging for Water Projects

October 2014

Brochure created with information available from public sources by

With the support of

for Romanian Netherlands Water Platform (RNWP)

Page |2 RNWP is part of the Partners for Water programme implemented by NWP and RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency). RNWP is a network of Dutch private and public organizations active on the Romanian market, offering innovative technological solutions and consultancy for the water sector. The role of the RNWP is to offer a structured platform for bilateral knowledge exchange with the purpose of advancing the technological and water management expertise in Romania and The Netherlands. The RNWP initiates and coordinates joint trade and promotion activities in Romania, supports missions and joint participation in trade fairs. RNWP is unique not just because it offers a combination of marketing and assistance in building the water sector in Romania but also by bringing alternative financing tools for demonstration projects, pilots or feasibility studies.

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1. Anaerobic waste water treatment and methane usage in a CHP installation ...................................... 7 2.

Beach management plan at the Black Sea coast 8

3. BlAck Sea Integrated Satellite and In situ water quality Monitoring System (BASISIMS) .................... 9 4.

Charting chemical pollution in surface water .. 10

5. Climate change adaptation component of Romania’s climate change strategy 2011-2020....... 11 6. Conservation, wise use and ecological restoration of the Danube delta ............................ 12 7.

Controlling floods on the Danube in Romania. 13


Costuleni Wetland Project ............................. 14

9. Danube Basin: Strengthening the capacity of local authorities in the field of integrated water management ........................................................ 15 10. Decentralized waste water solutions in Romania ............................................................... 16

Page |4 11. Development of an indicative ecologically coherent network of sub-tidal Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Bulgaria and Romania .................. 17

21. Identification of an adequate financial system for flood protection in Romania ............................ 27

12. Development of an intake management system for the Prut and Moldova River.................. 18 Disinfecting drinking water in Romania ...... 19

23. Implementation of a New Beach Management Policy of the Black Sea Coast - Pilot Area Mangalia ...................................................... 29

14. Equilibrium: restore the balance between expenses and income ............................................ 20

24. Improvement of the Integrated coastal zone management in the Black Sea Region .................... 30

15. Establishing a water management center as new tool of management ...................................... 21

25. Improving drinking water in small communities......................................................... 31

16. Establishing priorities for the measures to rehabilitate heavily modified water bodies ............ 22



17. Feasibility study for a Cogeneration Biogas Plant & Waste Water Treatment ........................... 23 18. Flood Management related to an integrated approach on water management – Jijia river basin 24 19.

Flood protection in Timis basin ................... 25


High water prediction and management ..... 26


Implementation of FLIWAS in Romania ...... 28

Improving risk management for high water 32

27. Improving the economic analysis on users and services in the water fields as integrated part of the Dobrogea Litoral hydrographic basin management plan ................................................................. 33 28.

Institutional approach on water treatment . 34

29. Institutional capacity building for integrated environmental inspection ..................................... 35

Page |5 30. Institutional strengthening for implementation of the Water Framework Directive and ICZM recommendations along the Romanian Black Sea coast ..................................................... 36 31. Integral waste water treatment, based on anaerobic UASB technology .................................. 37 32. Integrated Water Management for the Tecucel River Basin ............................................... 38 33. Introduction of Brokers for Water Infrastructure Transactions (BROWIT) in Romania . 39 34.

Local water purification ............................. 40

35. Management of Aquifer Recharge and Energy Storage (MARES) ................................................... 41

38. Multi-level capacity building flood management ........................................................ 44 39. Pathways to solutions: an integrated approach for soil and water problems in Jiu river basin ................................................................. 45 40. Penstocks and sluice gates for WWTP Intorsura Buzaului................................................. 46 41. Pilot Flood Protection Project in Suceava County ................................................................. 47 42. Project development under the EU-SAPARD programme - agriculture water resources management ........................................................ 48 43.

Reading & Billing software in Romania ....... 49

36. Management of Aquifer Recharge and Storage (MARS)..................................................... 42

44. Redevelopment of Danube floodplains in Romania ............................................................... 50

37. Monitoring, modelling and river restoration in the River Prut basin .............................................. 43

45. Regionalization of water companies in Romania ............................................................... 51

Page |6 46. ROSTIEP (Roer en Overmaas - Somes Tisa International Exchange Program) .......................... 52

(WFD) and the related legislation in Mures and/or Olt river basins ..................................................... 58

47. Strengthening of national approval system for materials, equipment, reagents and disinfectants used in drinking water supply ................................ 53


48. Sustainable stabilization of tailing dams in the mining region of Baia Mare ................................... 54

55. Waste water sludge de-watering in a paper mill at Ambro Suceava .......................................... 61

49. System management for contingency in case of accidental or deliberate marine pollution with harmful substances ............................................... 55


50. Tackling groundwater flooding in Romania Integrated groundwater solutions for Cornetu Municipality and Ilfov County................................ 56 51. Technical Assistance related to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in transitional and coastal waters ............... 57 52. Technical Assistance related to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive

Timis Basin Flooding Emergency Planning ... 59

54. Towards a healthy Danube - Fish migration at the Iron Gates ....................................................... 60

WASWARO – Waste Water Treatment........ 62

57. Water Management Plan for the Bega-Timis River Basin............................................................ 63 58. Water Operator Partnership between Huinze en Aa’s and Apa Canal S.A. Galati .......................... 64 59. Water Sanitation and Education in Schools in Rural Areas of Teleorman County .......................... 65 60. Water supply and waste water treatment systems upgrading in Sibiu Municipality ................ 66

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1. Anaerobic waste water treatment and methane usage in a CHP installation Project Description The project comprised both the introduction of a modern waste-water treatment system, based on anaerobic technology, and the renovation of an inefficient aerobic waste-water treatment installation at a yeast factory in Seini. Moreover, the municipality of Seini has benefited from the modernized aerobic water treatment plant, which resulted in an improved cleaning system of the major part of the municipal waste water flow, in particular for the most populated part of the town (approx.. 4000 inhabitants). Seineana SA has, in continuation of this PSO project, purchased at own cost and installed a cogeneration installation, for producing both heat and electricity, using as a fuel the biogas from the anaerobic waste-water treatment system.

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2. Beach management plan at the Black Sea coast

Project Description The objective of this project was to develop an integrated beach management plan for the Mangalia area by improving co-operation on management and operations between Dobrogea Litoral Water Directorate Constanta, Mangalia municipality and other local authorities. A beach management plan was developed and a process to establish a spatial plan was designed along with involved authorities and stakeholders. The most relevant staff of Dobrogea Litoral Water Directorate Constanta and Mangalia was trained in enforcing by-laws and creating and maintaining the management plan.

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3. BlAck Sea Integrated Satellite and In situ water quality Monitoring System (BASISIMS)

Project Description The Danube Delta nature reserve and the popular swimming and bathing areas at the Black Sea coast: for both areas monitoring of water quality is crucial but difficult in this large, remote area. In BASISIMS we are setting up an integrated water quality monitoring system, which makes in situ and satellite retrieved data easy accessible for the users. Aims of the BASISIMS project are:  Creating a sustainable cooperation between Romanian and Dutch parties in the water sector  Mitigating undesired poor water quality  Using the unique knowledge position that the Dutch project partners have in the field of innovative optical water quality measurements and information systems.

Project Partners

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4. Charting chemical pollution in surface water

Project Description The basin of the river Jiu in the province of Dolj in Southwest Romania surface water is often polluted during floods because of sewers overflowing and through the loss of chemicals from industry and agriculture. The province needs instruments to chart the risks and to act effectively. Risk charts are an essential part of that effort. The charts are a unique Dutch product that provides a process and a model to support regional calamity management in a cost-effective manner. The main goal of the project is to make regional calamities more manageable, by marketing risk charts as an instrument in disaster prevention in Eastern Europe.

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5. Climate change adaptation component of Romania’s climate change strategy 2011-2020

Project Description The Adaptation Component of Romania’s National Climate Change Strategy 2012-2020 is the result of the Dutch-Romanian collaboration within Project G2G08/RM/6/2 on Climate Change Adaptation Policy in Romania. The governmentto-government (G2G) project was initiated by the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests (MEF) and the Dutch Government’s Agency for Sustainability, Innovation and International Cooperation (NL Agency), in view of providing Dutch climate change adaptation expertise to Romanian policy makers. The present component is meant to be a guide to minimize the adverse effects of climate change in Romania, and a general framework for climateaware attitudes and action.

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6. Conservation, wise use and ecological restoration of the Danube delta Project Description The project aimed at promotional ecological restoration, integrated water management and the wise use of natural resources in the Romanian Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. At the same time, the information obtained within the project from the Romanian Danube Delta, was used as an example for the ecological restoration of degraded wetlands in the Netherlands. The main results of the project were the modeling of water, sediment and nutrient transport, the ecological functioning of floodplain lakes (plankton, vegetation, fish) in relation to hydrology, water quality and reed beds, the trans boundary maps focused on e.g. vegetation, fisheating birds, the exchange of experience on water management and the strengthening of the technical and managerial capacities, especially of the Danube Delta National Institute in Tulcea.

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7. Controlling floods on the Danube in Romania Project Description Cat´s Bend, on the Danube in Romania between the cities of Galati and Isaccea, has suffered from periodic flooding for many years. After the most recent floods, the Romanian government has designated Cat´s Bend as a priority area for flood control measures. The 'Room for the River' approach has been introduced first in Cat's Bend. The aim is to draft spatial development plans, together with regional partners, for integrated flood protection in the Cat´s Bend area, based on the Space for the River approach. With these detailed flood scenarios the project aims to encourage the support and involvement of local stakeholders and to improve cooperation between local partners.

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8. Costuleni Wetland Project Project Partners Project Description Within the project, the water flow was restored in a cut-off part of the Jijia River. A surface of 250 ha floodplain grassland was purchased along the river branch, which was then transformed into a wetland. Issues such as the loss of wetlands essential for bird and plants and the loss of floodplain resulting from agricultural and irrigation practices were addressed by removing embankments and restoring flow to an old river course. The project has had numerous social benefits as well as improving the ecology of the area. In the process, Apele Romane acquired experience in ecological restoration and interactive planning, and partnerships were built between Apele Romane, regional authorities, NGOs and universities, in the field of ecological restoration.

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9. Danube Basin: Strengthening the capacity of local authorities in the field of integrated water management Project Description A pilot action plan has been set up for the Teleorman County, based in the experiences in Rhine basin, concerning the ecological restoration of the Danube for drinking water supply. The plan has been presented during the European Conference on the Role of Territorial Authorities in the Management of River Basins, held in the Dutch Province of Gelderland, in August 2003. The project was executed in cooperation with RIZA – the Netherlands Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, which in 2007 merged with the Water Department of the Rijkswaterstaat. The RIZA is the research and advisory body for the Rijkswaterstaat (the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management) for inland water in the Netherlands.

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10. Decentralized waste water solutions in Romania Project Partners

Project Description In 2013 a campaign started in the Arad region, Romania to analyze the application feasibility of decentral wastewater-systems. Result is that DCD-Bever systems are 60 to 70% cheaper than traditional solutions for applications from 50 to 1500i.e. Communities are very interested because of the feasible and cheaper solutions that we offer, which are decentralized, therefore main sewers not being needed. The business cases are made and first design-project has started in 2014. The main goal is to start 20 projects in 2015.

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11. Development of an indicative ecologically coherent network of subtidal Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Bulgaria and Romania Project Description The main objective of the project was to directly support the establishment of an indicative list of subtidal MPAs in Bulgaria and Romania. It was the aim of this project to harness, and use, the information and knowledge already present in Bulgaria and Romania and supplement this with knowledge from the European regional seas. Due to the collaboration between Bulgaria and Romania during the project, it was predominantly cross-border in scope. The main theme of this programme was to expand the establishment of the Pan-European Ecological Network, which is prioritised in the Action Plan BBI Matra. The project has been financially supported by BBI MATRA funding programme of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

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12. Development of an intake management system for the Prut and Moldova River Project Description The project aims at developing an intake management framework, including on-line river water quality monitoring, that acts as an early warning, to protect drinking water supplies that rely on surface water sources for drinking water production, from any natural, human-induced or deliberate contamination. This is to ensure a reliable, safe and above all trusted drinking water supply. A quick and reliable identification of highimpact contamination in river waters is the ultimate goal of this project. The monitoring system, being a part of a sophisticated intake management framework, should ensure a reliable and safe drinking water supply in the agglomeration of IaĹ&#x;i. The system must detect a contamination event in a time frame that allows an effective response.

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13. Disinfecting drinking water in Romania Project Partners Project Description Plation products have been installed in the water supply system in the village of Colonia (population 350). Plation is a product that protects clean-water storage tanks and pipelines from reinfection. This had led to insight in to the economic and technical viability of Plation products in Romania. The goals of the projects have been:  To test the technical and economic viability of the Plation system in rural areas of Romania;  Insight into the viability of Plation products in Romania;  Insight into the cost price;  Access to the national water association and water supply companies to market the product further;  Application and sales of Plation through existing delivery channels for filters.

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14. Equilibrium: restore the balance between expenses and income

Project Partners

Project Description The project objective was to enable the financial department of the Somes Tisa Water Division Cluj to design a tax system to finance maintenance expenses against flooding. The financial department of the Somes Tisa Water Division of Romania benefited from joint partner know-how and experience of the waterboard Roer en Overmaas, and the Trans-Tizsa Region Environment and Water Directorate in Hungary to design a blueprint for a tax system to finance long term flood prevention. There was considerable support from the Babes Bolyai University in Cluj and the Dutch Union of Waterboards in the Netherlands. Employees of the Financial Department understood different models of taxation (Dutch, Hungarian) and were able to pilot the Somes Tisa region.


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15. Establishing a water management center as new tool of management

Project Description Project objective has been to establish a water management centre in Teleorman County to coordinate and implement projects and activities in the field of water management. In Turnu Magurele a water management centre was created to assist authorities and provide a platform for co-ordination and management of water projects. Six specialists were trained to write project proposals and develop information programmes. As the project implied the creation of a new entity, there was a strong need of engaging local decision makers. The EuroTeleorman Association provided support over the entire period of project implementation.

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16. Establishing priorities for the measures to rehabilitate heavily modified water bodies

Project Description The purpose of the project was to strengthen the National Administration Apele Romane to develop and implement programs of measures for heavily modified water bodies, according to the Water Framework Directive. The Banat Water Directorate serves as a pilot. The project is executed in cooperation with RIZA – the Netherlands Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment.

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17. Feasibility study for a Cogeneration Biogas Plant & Waste Water Treatment

Project Description The Client, Waste 2 Energy Management Ltd., intends to develop a complex project for energetic utilization of industrial wastes resulted from processes of neutralization of animal bodies and different wastes resulted from the slaughterhouses that are available at PROTAN in Codlea. The scope of the project is the delivery of the feasibility study and basic design for the realization of: • a plant for production and utilization of biogas • a plant for water and sludge treatment of biogas production (a 200cm/day waste water flow will be added to the calculated size of the treatment plant)

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18. Flood Management related to an integrated approach on water management – Jijia river basin

Project Description The objective of the project was to assist Romania with elaborating its unitary flood management policy and operational strategy, by elaborating a basin-level flood management strategy based on the integrated management concepts, followed by the implementation of a flood management plan for Jijia river basin, based on the strategy. Within the project, simulation and forecasting tools were implemented, taking into account SIMIN and DESWAT input. The project resulted in improved knowledge on integrated flood management of water managers and staff of central and regional level. The results of the flood management of the Jijia River were disseminated to water managers, staff and stakeholders of the Romanian basins.

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19. Flood protection in Timis basin Project Partners Project Description In 1997, 1999, 2000, 2005 and 2006 flood events happened in the Timis river basin causing dike breaches and inundations at several locations. Especially the downstream part of the Timis River near the border with Serbia proved to be prone to flooding. This project aimed to assist the Authorities with the development of a comprehensive flood management strategy for the Timis River. The goal of the project was to assess possibilities for improved flood protection in the Timis river basin, through: (1) description of genesis of the flood (2) preparation of hydraulic models, (3) flood risk mapping and (4) organizing a flood disaster exercise.

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20. High water prediction and management Project Partners

Project Description This project aims to test whether a ‘real-time decision support system' (DDS) can help the Romanian government to timely take measures to reduce damage and victims in case of flooding. A pilot in the Banat region will determine whether the system is feasible in Romania and whether there is a market for it. The goals of the projects have been:  To determine whether it is technically feasible to implement a real-time decision support system to better predict and manage highwater levels in the Banat region.  To determine whether and to what extent there are market opportunities for Dutch organizations to supply such systems to Romania.

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21. Identification of an adequate financial system for flood protection in Romania

Project Description At this moment the Romanian water authorities are upgrading their flood protection measures to increase the level of protection of the population and to get in compliance with the EU Flood Directive. Currently there is no specific financial system to cover the costs of flood protection. Dutch know how and experience in the field of finance will be an asset by determining an adequate (integrated) financing system. The goal is to develop a sustainable financing system covering the costs of flood protection adjusted to the Romanian situation. At the same time the requirements of the Water Framework Directive and the Flood Directive need to be met by Romania.

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22. Implementation of FLIWAS in Romania Project Partners Project Description The human factor in operational disaster management constitutes a significant risk regarding effective information transfer. Therefore, automation of information management can lead to a significant increase of safety. Within the NOAH project, partners from the Netherlands and Romania joined forces to implement the automated tool FLIWAS (Flood Information and Warning System) at Directia Apelor Banat in Timisoara. Not only does FLIWAS provide the right information, to the right person at the right moment, it also provides awareness about flood (threats) to all relevant stakeholders. The project closed with a training session, simulating a flood event in FLIWAS, with Romanian stakeholders.

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23. Implementation of a New Beach Management Policy of the Black Sea Coast - Pilot Area Mangalia

Project Description It was the continuation of the project "Management of the Romanian Black Sea coast beaches - Mangalia pilot area", completed in September 2007. The project is part of the LOGO EAST II and is coordinated by VNG International, with a budget of 67,940 â‚Ź and was completed in 2009. The main objective was to put in execution effectively the action plan that was developed in the LOGO East I project. In addition, it wanted to continue the process of communication and education of citizens along the Black Sea coast. This objective was reached by creating a cooperation committee with the responsible institutions in the beach area and by creating an association formed by beach operators to achieve a proper management in Mangalia, the pilot area, and its expansion to the entire Romanian seacoast.

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24. Improvement of the Integrated coastal zone management in the Black Sea Region

Project Description This project aims to develop a common and coherent approach for implementing integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) of the Black Sea coast. Five countries participate in the project: Bulgaria, Turkey, Moldavia, Ukraine and Romania (leading partner). The Black Sea coastal region knows many diverse challenges including legislation, strategies and plans for ICZM. Public participation and public awareness of ICZM is in general low. The overall goal is to improve the quality of the maritime environment using common methodologies for ICZM in the Black Sea region, hereby assuring the economical use of the common natural resources in a sustainable manner.

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25. Improving drinking water in small communities Project Description The Perfector-E is a mobile water purification unit that filters and disinfects polluted groundwater. The consortium aims to use this system to improve the supply of safe drinking water in Romania. The goals of the projects have been: 


To improve the supply of drinking water in selected rural communities in Romania by installing the Perfector-E at two locations. To supervise operation of the system over a period of nine months to gain experience, together with end-users in rural areas in Romania, on local water supply systems, and to demonstrate the quality of the drinking water produced and the simple and reliable operation.

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26. Improving risk management for high water Project Description After serious flooding in Romania in recent years there is a need for effective measures to acquire an insight into the risks of high water. In addition, Romanian stakeholder organisations are preparing themselves for the introduction of the new directive on water management. The Dutch consortium partners are providing technical assistance with the institutional strengthening of government bodies in the province of Teleorman in the field of sustainable high-water risk management. The goals of the projects have been to improve the institutional capacity of government bodies in the province of Teleorman in the field of sustainable high-water risk management and to demonstrate the use of new methods (laser scanning) and materials (geo-textiles).

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27. Improving the economic analysis on users and services in the water fields as integrated part of the Dobrogea Litoral hydrographic basin management plan

Project Description Purpose of the project: to strengthen the capacity of the National Administration Apele Romane to develop the financial-economic foundations of water management plans, according to articles 5 and 9 of the Water Framework Directive. Dobrogea Litoral serves as a pilot river basin The project is executed in cooperation with RIKZ – the Netherlands National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management.

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28. Institutional approach on water treatment Project Description The project will serve as a demonstrative for future projects to be developed and implemented in the framework of both SAMTID and ISPA programmes. The main results of the project are:  

The rehabilitation and modernization of the water infrastructure in Sacele Facilitation at a national level of a smoother implementation of institutional links between the relevant stakeholders, like EBRD, EIB, EC and ARA.

The Dutch experiences with the reorganization of the water sector – decreasing the number of operators, meeting the EU requirements concerning drinking water quality, etc. – were presented, with a view of using these experiences in the Romanian water sector.

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29. Institutional capacity building for integrated environmental inspection Project Description The project focused on the enforcement and permitting systems, implementing of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to water quality, and waste water management in Suceava. The projects objective was to improve the inspection and permit issuing procedures, the management and coordination within the organissations involved, in order to enhance prevention of water pollution in Suceava County. One important result consisted of the introduction of voluntary Environmental Management Systems in three pilot industries, to demonstrate that a better cooperation between authorities and industries is complementary to the systems permits, inspection and enforcement.

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30. Institutional strengthening for implementation of the Water Framework Directive and ICZM recommendations along the Romanian Black Sea coast Project Description Purpose of the project: to strengthen the Romanian institutional framework related to Integrated Coastal Zone Management, following the European Recommendation on ICZM and the Water Framework Directive by developing the best strategy for integrated coastal zone management aimed to establish procedures for the tasks and responsibilities of the Technical Secretariat of the National Committee of the Coastal Zone. The project was executed in cooperation with RIKZ – the Netherlands National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management and RIZA – the Netherlands Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment.

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31. Integral waste water treatment, based on anaerobic UASB technology

Project Description The milk processing factory Covalact in Sf창ntu Gheorghe (Romania) has benefited from the first pilot installation of a high performance biological waste water treatment with energy recovery via biogas production.The project is a demonstration of a sustainable technology for the integral anaerobic treatment of waste water containing substantial amounts of fats and proteins. A pilot installation is built to satisfy the need for a demonstration pilot and used as a technology validation platform. The implementation of the technology will result in closing the nutrient cycle (P, N & S) during waste water treatment, the production of sustainable energy (biogas) and nutrient recovery. The project is expected to have spinoffs with applications in the dairy, meat and food processing industry.

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32. Integrated Water Management for the Tecucel River Basin Project Description Giving the necessity of sustainable improvements to the water management system through an integrated approach, the project was launched in September 2009. The project aimed at improving water management and water supply in the area by developing a master plan focusing on flood protection, drinking water and sanitation in Tecucel River basin. In addition, the lasting cooperation between Dutch and Romanian partners in the water sector was also one of the main objectives. Overall, the project focused on the improvement of living conditions for the inhabitants located in Tecucel River Basin which would lead to more project support among the local population through sustainable measures aimed at flood protection, water supply and sanitation.

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33. Introduction of Brokers for Water Infrastructure Transactions (BROWIT) in Romania

Project Description The project aimed at supporting the sustainable development of the water sector in Romania, through private sector participation. The contribution of Partners for Water is to be considered as seed money and serves to finance the consultancy cost in connection with the tender process for the Water Companies in the project area. Partners for Water thus sparked the establishment of a revolving fund for tender assistance which BROWIT serves as a vehicle.

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34. Local water purification Project Partners

Project Description With this small-scale pilot in Constanta County, Romania, the consortium wishes to demonstrate the possibilities for a local water purification installation in a rural community with no form of wastewater purification system. The project aim is to provide rural communities sanitary treatment and landfill water facilities to increase the quality of life. After the implementation of some demonstration facilities, a local partner could work together with the consortium to increase the number of treatment plants and maintain the placed ones.

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35. Management of Aquifer Recharge and Energy Storage (MARES)

Project Description The MARES G2G project aims to create a stimulating and stable environment for the use of underground water and energy buffers in those areas in Romania where the feasibility is proven. Secondly, the project aimed at establishing public-private partnerships in Romania that can boost the appropriate application of MARES techniques through the use of private or European funds. For artificial recharge applications, a dozen feasible sites have been identified. At a generic level, it has been concluded that soil and aquifer energy storage can be applied in Romania. About a hundred Romanian experts have been trained in MARES techniques during workshops in Romania and a working visit to the Netherlands.

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36. Management of Aquifer Recharge and Storage (MARS)

Project Description Due to the changing climate, the worldwide demand for expertise in the field of water and water management is increasing. With the support from the Partners for Water programme, a consortium of Dutch and Romanian parties launched a project in Romania. For this project, research was conducted into the feasibility of underground storage for water during periods of severe drought or heavy rainfall. Eijkelkamp provided the knowledge and equipment for the design of a monitoring system. The MARS project aimed at reducing the risks and dangers of drought and flood, and at contributing to a more efficient water management and water delivery method in Romania.

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37. Monitoring, modelling and river restoration in the River Prut basin

Project Description The project focused on the exchange of knowledge regarding the implementation of integrated water management on Romanian national and regional level, concerning issues such as water quality, ecological restoration and flood prevention. Within the project, the following aspects were analyzed:   

Possibilities for ecological restoration of the Prut river basin; Water quality monitoring: introduction of the monitoring cycle; Eutrophication in the reservoirs of the Prut river basin: recommendations were made for possible measures; Safety against flooding (Bahlui River): the Space for the river concept was introduced.

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38. Multi-level capacity building flood management Project Description Multi level capacity building flood management Romania, a probabilistic approach towards flood management. As other EU member states, Romania has to implement the EU Flood Directive. The Dutch – Romanian partners for water project focused on training a group of scientists, engineers and policy makers in the implementation of the EU Flood Directive and the development of flood risk maps. Due to a lack of capacity on local level, the implementation of the EU flood directive is problematic in Romania. In cooperation with Romanian partners, flood hazard maps and flood risk maps (step 2 of EU FD) were generated.

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39. Pathways to solutions: an integrated approach for soil and water problems in Jiu river basin

Project Description Finding sustainable solutions for the complex environmental and socio-economic problems related to brown coal mining and energy production in parts of the Jiu river basin is a long term process. The ISSWaP project has played a fruitful role in this process. The project demonstrated and applied concepts of Dutch regional process management in integrated management of soil, waste and water by delivering the following: quick scan of problem and definition of main pressures, improvement of institutional cooperation between different stakeholders, training of Romanian experts in integrated and quick-scan analysis, exchange visits of Netherlands and Romanian experts and project descriptions ready for financing.

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40. Penstocks and sluice gates for WWTP Intorsura Buzaului

Project Description KWT Group has been selected by the main contractor, SC GRIRO SA from Bucharest, to supply wall mounted penstocks and channel mounted sluice gates for the rehabilitation of the Intorsura Buzaului waste water treatment plant. In total 18 electrically operated penstocks, ranging in size between DN300 and DN500, and were shipped from KWT’s production plant in Simitli, Bulgaria, in the first quarter of 2014. This project in Covasna County covers the rehabilitation and extension of several WWTP in Sfantu Gheorghe and Intorsura Buzaului, as well as several pump stations and sewerage networks.

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41. Pilot Flood Protection Project in Suceava County

Project Description The project provides technical assistance for the development of a long term integrated approach on flood prevention using the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) as a basis. The project aimed at flood prevention on the long term, rather than concentrating on flood protection. The main three results can be mentioned: the flood prevention strategy for the pilot river basin, the upgrading of the monitoring and assessment strategy and flood warning system and an improved knowledge of the Water Framework Directive The project was executed in cooperation with RIZA Institute and the Water Boards Groot Salland and Reest & Wieden.

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42. Project development under the EUSAPARD programme - agriculture water resources management

Project Description The project aimed at increasing the local capacity for project development and planning in the area of agricultural water management. In addition, several applications were prepared and submitted for SAPARD financing under Measure 2.20: Agriculture Water Resources Management and a workshop was help to disseminate the experiences to the other institutions.

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43. Reading & Billing software in Romania Project Partners Project Description The consortium aimed at introducing an intelligent and affordable meter reading & billing concept. The concept was being developed in collaboration with PTI, the Business Development Group and ARA. The concept includes affordable and adaptable software that enables water companies to reduce administrative Non Revenue Water (NRW), reduce operational costs and that provides valuable management information. This will contribute to improved recovery of operational costs (more income and fewer expenses). The main goal was to assess the market potential of SAAS reading & billing software for Romanian water companies, that enables reduction of administrative NRW. The market survey included road shows that aim at finding water companies to pilot and demonstrate the software.

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44. Redevelopment of Danube floodplains in Romania Project Description The Danube floodplains are amongst the most fertile areas in Romania. However badly maintained dikes and irrigation structures, unorganized land planning and land use leads to relatively low crop yields, flood damage, drought and reduction of environmental values. Large scale strategies, redevelopment plans and structured investment are needed to improve all functions along in the Danube floodplains. This project used an approach that is applied in the Netherlands to facilitate all steps in redevelopment and flood management plans along the Dutch main rivers. The methodology was positively received by national, regional and local level stakeholders. This project is regularly mentioned as a positive example for approaching these problems.

Project Partners

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45. Regionalization of water companies in Romania Project Description This project helps set up a new regional organisation for the management and maintenance of drinking water supplies and wastewater purification in the Romanian province of Sibiu. It also expands drinking water supply and wastewater purification systems in the province. The goals of the projects have been:  To provide technical assistance in setting up and organising a new regional organisation for the management and maintenance of drinking water supplies and wastewater purification in the province of Sibiu.  To conduct a feasibility study in preparation for an investment project to extend the drinking water supply network in the province.

Project Partners

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46. ROSTIEP (Roer en Overmaas - Somes Tisa International Exchange Program)

Project Description Integrated management, at the level of the river basin, can be seen as a solution for the sustainable development of the water resources in all countries. The Somes-Tisa River Basin Water Administration and the National Administration “Apele Romane� (Romania) and the Dutch Regional Water Authority Roer and Overmaas aim to exchange scientific resources and personnel, and also technical know-how on the basis of equality, reciprocity and mutual advantage to contribute to the improvement and development of the water management services for all partners. The preferential approach themes are: the river basin water resources management, the public participation, the river basin committee and the data management.

Project Partners

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47. Strengthening of national approval system for materials, equipment, reagents and disinfectants used in drinking water supply

Project Description Purpose of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the Romanian authorities in hygienic assessment and monitoring of materials and chemicals used in treatment and distribution of drinking water in line with the Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC) and the Construction Products Directive.

Project Partners

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48. Sustainable stabilization of tailing dams in the mining region of Baia Mare

Project Description For centuries, this area has had mining sludge depots, usually in the form of tailing ponds. Many ponds are several kilometers long and have dikes up to 40 meters high. The dike around one of the ponds gave way in January 2000, after heavy rainfall, and allowed tons of mining sludge containing cyanide to pour into Tisa River, thus causing an environmental disaster that had economic repercussions for the fishing, livestock and tourism industries, besides the immediate impact on public health. Within this project, safe dikes and drains were built at one of the ponds used to store mining waste (tailing) near Baia Mare. Moreover, a plan of action was drafted within the project, for rehabilitating and making environmental improvements to approximately 20 tailing ponds.

Project Partners

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49. System management for contingency in case of accidental or deliberate marine pollution with harmful substances

Project Description Purpose of the project: to assist the Romanian authorities in the preparation of a National Contingency Plan for combating marina pollution by harmful substances. The project is executed in cooperation with RIKZ – the Netherlands National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management.

Project Partners

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50. Tackling groundwater flooding in Romania - Integrated groundwater solutions for Cornetu Municipality and Ilfov County

Project Description The municipality of Cornetu, in the Danube basin near Bucharest, regularly has problems with flooding due to rising groundwater. To tackle this, Dutch and Romanian partners are exploring the feasibility of introducing a Rapid Intervention Method for Water Systems in the region. The main goal of the project was to assess the feasibility of a Rapid Intervention Method for Water Systems in a typical problem situation in Romania: the municipality of Cornetu and the district of Ilfov in the Danube delta. The project brings the Danube Delta in line with the European directives on water and groundwater.

Project Partners

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51. Technical Assistance related to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in transitional and coastal waters

Project Description The project supported the Romanian Government with the implementation of the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management and the Water Framework Directive. It developed the skills of the Romanian experts and other parties in the field of integrated water management in coastal areas. The project is executed in cooperation with RIKZ – the Netherlands National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management.

Project Partners

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52. Technical Assistance related to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the related legislation in Mures and/or Olt river basins

Project Description The project supported the Romanian authorities with the implementation of the Water Framework Diractive. Through the pilot in the Mures river basin, the project assisted in further developing the skills of the Romanian experts and the other parties in the field of integrated water management. The project is executed in cooperation with RIZA – the Netherlands Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment.

Project Partners

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53. Timis Basin Flooding Emergency Planning

Project Description Grontmij has successfully delivered a significant project for Banat Water Directorate of the “Romanian Waters� National Authority. The project included flood risk mapping, development of a flood protection strategy and production and roll out of an emergency response plan for the 13,000 km2 catchment. The project included full engagement with community groups and statutory policy makers and a risk based response plan including communication strategy and identification of an evacuation network.

Project Partners

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54. Towards a healthy Danube - Fish migration at the Iron Gates Project Partners Project Description The Iron Gates I and II dams between Romania and Serbia form a major ecological barrier for sturgeon and other characteristic migratory Danube fish species. The dam complexes consist of weirs, ship locks and hydropower stations. The Iron gates are the first impassable obstacles in the Danube from the black sea and located at ca. 850 km distance from the estuary in the Black sea. Restoration of river connectivity at these sites would reopen a reach of more than 800 km upstream. This will provide suitable habitat and spawning grounds along the Danube and its tributaries to several migratory fish species.The goals are to extend the possibilities for different sturgeon species and other migratory fish to migrate 800 km further upstream in the Danube river system.

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55. Waste water sludge de-watering in a paper mill at Ambro Suceava Project Description The Ambro paper mill (work force of 1500, part of the French Rossmann Group) in the city of Suceava in Romania used to pretreat its waste water in an old aerobic water treatment plant. From there on the water and sludge were sent to the municipal WWTP. Starting January 1st 2007 this situation became inacceptable due to EU regulations. To comply with the rules, Ambro decided to purchase a filter press in order to dehydrate the sludge and burn it in its own incinerator. For several months, the municipality of Suceava would impose a monthly fine of EUR 300.000, for not complying with the new rules. V&T Group quickly identified a second hand press which had been functioning at a Dutch WWTP.

Project Partners

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56. WASWARO – Waste Water Treatment Project Partners

Project Description The project concentrated on the demonstration of an Oxycon waste water treatment system using the latest biomass conditioning technology.

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57. Water Management Plan for the BegaTimis River Basin

Project Description The project aimed at developing a Water Management Plan for the Bega-Timis River Basin (BTRB), following an open plan approach and considering the principles of integrated water management. The project resulted in a plan in phases, which envisages an iterative procedure, which builds upon a strong public participation and involvement of all stakeholders. Moreover, alternatives and strategies for water resources utilization were developed within the project, by using different supply and demand scenarios – in a number of assessment steps – in order to evaluate their likely future impact. It is worth mentioning that the Tehnical University of Timisoara, as well as RIZA and WL Delft Hydraulics have also contributed to the project.

Project Partners

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58. Water Operator Partnership between Huinze en Aa’s and Apa Canal S.A. Galati Project Description In September 2011, the regional water authority Hunze en Aa’s, together with Groningen water company, began a three-year Water Operator Partnership with the drinking and waste water company Apa Canal S.A. Galati. Experts from the two Groningen companies are linked with their Romanian colleagues, and meet together regularly for support in a training programme locally in Romania or in Groningen focusing mainly on the following topics: Customer relations; Waste Water Treatment Plant Optimization; Water Quality and Treating Drinking Water; Asset Management of the technical objects – water mains, pumping stations and sluices; Issues of telemetry and management / maintenance of installations; Sludge management: second opinion about sludge strategy study by Romanian drinking water company.

Project Partners

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59. Water Sanitation and Education in Schools in Rural Areas of Teleorman County Project Description Regional water authority Reest en Wieden is working with the Teleorman County Council and others in a project in the area of water sanitation and education in schools in rural areas. The goal of the project is to ensure safe sanitation conditions for the project beneficiaries, thus substantially improving their quality of life and health. The educational goal of the project is to improve the information level and raise awareness of water, sanitation and environmental issues among students and the whole local community. This so-called soft component is equally important to the success and the sustainable benefits of the project. It is the only way to guarantee responsible use of the infrastructure improvements provided. The project also aims to generate interest in neighbouring communities.

Project Partners

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60. Water supply and waste water treatment systems upgrading in Sibiu Municipality Project Description The main components of the project were:  Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution - Drinking Water Treatment Plant Reabilitation - Water Distribution Network Metering and Monitoring  Waste Water Collection and Treatment - Sewerage Network Extension and Rehabilitation - Waste water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation  Technical Assistance, Work Supervision, Advertisement - Technical assistance for purchasing phase and project implementation - Works supervision during implementation - Advertisement for the project

Project Partners

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Project distribution throughout the country

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Acacia Water

Description Acacia Water is a leading supplier of practical advices regarding groundwater challenges. The added value is hidden in freshness, motivation, common sense, personal commitment, reliability, focus on solutions and the ability to connect and switch.

Aerodata Surveys Nederland

Description Aerodata Surveys Nederland is an integrated geospatial data provider that specializes in the modeling and visualization of the earth's surface in three dimensions using remote sensing technologies.

From parcel to world scale, Acacia delivers international services for clients like governments, private sector, and NGOs. Acacia is globally active contributing to clean and safe drinking water. The staff is highly educated, very experienced and flexible.

To put it simply, we supply quality data and products based on advanced technologies such as airborne Lidar or advanced digital cameras to customers that require accurate, detailed geospatial information.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 182 686 424 info@acaciawater.com http://acaciawater.com/

+31 306 866 160 info@aerodata-nederland.com http://www.aerodata-surveys.com/

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Afmitech Friesland

Ameco Adviesgroup Milieubeleid

Description Description Afmitech Friesland designs, manufactures and installs decentralized wastewater treatment systems. Based on the proven activated sludge technology, Afmitech has developed a patented treatment process that reduces operation and maintenance costs, the horizontal footprint and increases treatment efficiency.

The Ameco team consists of a group of highly educated professionals who provide expertise in the fields of sustainable development and environment.

The line of systems ranges from one household up to small communities of up to 5000 population equivalents. The systems can treat domestic as well as industrial water and have been especially designed for remote areas.

Our activities focus on the provision of practical support to governments during the development and implementation of policy, assistance to companies and private organisations to achieving sustainable development and strengthening organisations through training and the transfer of knowledge and experience.

Contact details

Contact details

+ 31 639 482 743 idobrescu@afmitech.nl http://afmitech.com/

+31 302 545 840 info@ameco-ut.nl http://www.ameco-ut.nl/

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AquaEst Europe, based in the Netherlands, is a specialist marketing and development company. Our aim is to create and supply eco-friendly products for a growing global problem - the world shortage of drinking water. We are committed to provide simple, effective and sustainable solutions, giving access to safe drinking water in developing, industrialising and industrialised countries. Our technology and products are mainly developed for small-scale systems, for individual households as well as small communities. Our products are based on Plation, a non-chemical water treatment technique.

Aquanet contributes to the improvement of access to adequate drinking water services in developing countries and emerging economies. We offer technical, operational and management support to local utilities by deploying qualified staff with hands-on experience in utility operations and management. Aquanet’s professional staff has extensive international experience in the water sector encompassing areas such as sector development, PPP-transaction advice, capacity development, organisational development and performance improvement of water service providers.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 541 531 702 wpb@aquaesteurope.com http://www.aquaesteurope.com/

+31 235 413 717 info@aquanet.nl http://www.aquanet.nl/

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ARCADIS is an international company providing consultancy, engineering and management services in infrastructure, environment and buildings, to enhance mobility, sustainability and quality of life. ARCADIS develops, designs, implements, maintains and operates projects for companies and governments. With more than 15,000 employees and more than $2.8 billion in gross revenue, the company has an extensive international network that is supported by strong local market positions.

ARS Traffic & Transport Technology has been providing traffic and transport technology solutions to businesses and government bodies since 1997. It is active in its home market of the Netherlands, but also internationally. The intelligent transport system market is always on the move, in every sense of the word. A dynamic market like this demands a specialised partner, able to cost-effectively integrate state-of-the-art, client-specific technology with existing systems, but also able to develop new hi-tech concepts.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 334 771 000 info@arcadis.nl http://www.arcadis.nl/

+31 703 608 559

info@ars.nl http://www.ars-traffic.com/

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Biemond Business Support

BlueLeg Monitor



Biemond Business Support stands for: a small, professional organization, which encourages larger organizations to change and move in new directions!

BlueLeg Monitor is offering you a bright solution for monitoring the ecological quality of surface water. We are presenting our equipment and services to simplify your monitoring work and still generating accurate and reliable readings. We are able to present on the spot data for relevant surface water parameters: chlorophyll, fycocyanine, visibility, organic matter by using high tech calibrated data interpretation tools.

Biemond Business Support has experience in: • • •

interim-management management-consultancy projectmanagement

Contact details

Contact details

+31 302 250 575 info@biemond.biz http://www.biemond.biz/

+31 515 429 982 m.pieterse@bluelegmonitor.com http://bluelegmonitor.com/

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Bodem +

Brabant Water



'Bodem+' was established in 2005. In terms of position, it falls between the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and the local authorities such as municipalities, provinces and district water boards. The Ministry provides its budget. The clients of Bodem+ comprise the various authorities involved in land and groundwater management. Bodem+ actively promotes knowledge exchange with other governments and foreign companies with regard to policy development, legislation, science and technology on soil and groundwater issues.

Brabant Water NV is a drinking water company delivering water to 2,4 million inhabitants in the province of Noord Brabant, the Netherlands. The water is won through 34 water production units, here the water source is ground water. Brabant Water is socially aware of its environment and community responsibilities. Brabant Water supplies water from the best sources, while taking care of the water catchment areas.

Contact details +31 886 025 123 bodemplus@rws.nl http://www.rwsleefomgeving.nl/organisatie/bodem plus/

Contact details +31 736 838 351 dick.westgeest@brabantwater.nl http://www.brabantwater.nl/

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Description Centauri carries out consultancy work since 1996 and is active in interim and project management. Execution of orders is mainly in the hands of Paul Hoenderdos. Many projects are aimed at improving business. Assignments taken by Centauri come mainly from the public sector (water and energy companies, municipalities and provinces). Nevertheless, companies in the corporate sector are among the clients as well. , as a small organization makes use of external experts, where appropriate, Centauri has constructed a network with only highly qualified experts.


Description For over thirty years, Colbond is a leading producer of a wide range of geosynthetic products, which are used worldwide in the building industry, in landscaping and civil engineering for erosion control, drainage, soil reinforcement, stabilization and consolidation and for special applications in waste containment. Fast-response consultancy geared to local conditions enables us to provide tailor-made solutions in close co-operation with our customers.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 341 418 118 paul.hoenderdos@centauri.nl http://www.centauri.nl/

+31 857 441 300 geosynthetics@colbond.com http://www.colbond-geosynthetics.com/

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Colsen van den Hul

Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC) Netherlands

Description Colsen – Van den Hul is specialized in the execution of wastewater treatment solutions, biogas production installations and nutrient recovery. It covers installations delivery and commissioning, products and services supply, technology developments, problem solving, design, engineering, project management, construction supervision, commissioning as well as operation & maintenance support.


Our customer base is in the food-processing industry and in the communal & industrial waste water area.

The Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC) is an association with members in 40 countries, both particulars and organizations/institutions. Founded in 1989 with the aim of promoting a European approach to coastal conservation by bridging the gap between scientists, environmentalists, site managers, planners and policy makers, it has grown since then into the largest network of coastal practitioners and experts in Europe and neighbouring area, with 14 National Branches and offices in seven countries.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 648 760 836 n.e.moldovan@kpnmail.nl http://www.colsen.nl/

+31 715 122 900 info@kustenzee.nl http://www.kustenzee.nl/

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Description 

Construction Design & Engineering

Waste water plants design

Modular Sustainable Wastewater plant-Light

Design of Waterworks


Description Deltares is an independent, institute for applied research in the field of water, subsurface and infrastructure. Throughout the world, we work on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society. Our main focus is on deltas, coastal regions and river basins. Managing these densely populated and vulnerable areas is complex, which is why we work closely with governments, businesses, other research institutes and universities at home and abroad. Our motto is Enabling Delta Life.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 654 223 534 think@dcdr.eu http://www.dcdr.eu/

+ 31 883 358 273 info@deltares.nl http://www.deltares.nl/

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Description The Government Service for Land and Water Management (DLG) is an agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV). Together with other governmental authorities such as provinces and municipalities, this Ministry develops the policy for the rural areas and urban peripheries, and DLG implement that policy. The provinces are our most important client. We translate abstract policy into performance in concrete projects of all kinds, whether for recreation, nature, water or agriculture.

Contact details +31 302 756 780 dlgia@minlnv.nl http://www.dienstlandelijkgebied.nl/international


Description DMT is a dynamic full service organisation who gives clients a central place. Pollution problems are approached with all available knowledge and skills, fully service oriented and with the backup of more than 25 years of experience. Our process engineers and project supervisors are active throughout the world on a daily basis in order to resolve questions together with our clients. Clients are contacting the specialists of DMT for an extensive range of environmental problems. The approach from DMT is based on partnership!

Contact details +31 513 636 789 info@dmt-et.nl http://www.dirkse-milieutechniek.com/

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Dutch Water Authorities



Dunea (550 employees) produces and distributes drinking water to 1.2 million consumers in The Hague area with its main office located in Voorburg, The Netherlands.

Dutch Water Authorities wants to share its expertise in regional water management with the world. Dutch Water Authorities is an international organisation consisting of 23 regional water authorities in the Netherlands and their professional association (in Dutch: ‘Unie van Waterschappen’). By joining forces, Dutch Water Authorities aims to provide a better service to the people and organisations that need it most, to bolster international business, and to create the maximum mutual benefit through international cooperation.

Dunea extracts surface water from the River Meuse. The surface water is infiltrated in the dunes and after 3 months post-treated at the treatment facilities in Katwijk, Scheveningen and Monster. The concept of using dunes as a natural treatment step is important to increase disinfection capacity contributes to a reliable and high quality drinking water supply. Contact details +31 703 577 490 L.nijland@dunea.nl https://www.dunea.nl/

Contact details +31 703 519 751 info@dutchwaterauthorities.com http://english.uvw.nl/

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At Ecorys we aim to deliver real benefit to society through the work we do. We offer research, consultancy and project management, specializing in economic, social and spatial development. Focusing on complex market, policy and management issues we provide our clients in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors worldwide with a unique perspective and highvalue solutions. Our expertise covers economy and competitiveness; regions, cities and real estate; energy and water; transport and mobility; social policy, education, health and governance.

Royal Eijkelkamp is able to make a continuous contribution to a safe and healthy living environment thanks to more than 100 years’ experience and expertise in soil and water research.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 104 538 800 netherlands@ecorys.com http://www.ecorys.nl/

+ 31 313 880 200 info@eijkelkamp.com http://www.eijkelkamp.com/

Royal Eijkelkamp wants to become the world’s preferred supplier of solutions - including onestop solutions - for soil and water research. We’re always able to provide our clients and partners with sustainable added value through close cooperation and knowledge sharing. And we’ll continue responding innovatively to fastchanging client demands in the future

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Description ERAC (European and Regional Affairs Consultants) supports groups in the public sector with project development, finance and management. More specifically we are assigned to help projects that strengthen the economic development of particular regions by governments. Themes are: sustainability, job creation, internationalizing, knowledge and innovation, civil development, and rural development. Special and unique knowledge and skills have been built up by involvement in the startup, execution, and evaluation of Europefinanced stimulation programs.

Euroconsult Mott MacDonald

Description Euroconsult Mott MacDonald is an international development consultancy, part of Mott MacDonald, and focuses primarily on developing countries and economies in transition. Our expertise lies in land and water resources development, water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), rural development, agriculture, environmental protection and management and climate change projects, related to both the technical aspect and capacity building. Euroconsult has been involved in the implementation and management of international development projects for over 55 years.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 737 000 340 info@erac.nl http://www.erac.nl/

+31 263 577 111 euroconsult@mottmac.nl www.mottmac.com/international-development

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EURODITE is an internationally operating network company that supports authorities, owners, users and companies in development of cities, areas and European cooperation. The company has branches in The Netherlands and Romania.

Evides Waterbedrijf is a water company that supplies reliable and tasty drinking water to 2.5 million clients in its home market, being the southern part of the province of Zuid-Holland, in the entire province of Zeeland, and the Brabantse Wal.

The company often acts as a catalyst in development projects by its ability for creative and strategic programming, experience in management of local development and international cooperation projects and know-how of EU policies and funds.

Drinking water is prepared from water sourced 80% from the river Maas, 16% from ground water, and 4% from dune water. We are the secondlargest water company in The Netherlands based on supply connections, supply volumes and revenue.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 611 910 702 deroo@eurodite.eu http://www.eurodite.com/

+31 900 07 87 secretariaat.vei@vitens.nl http://www.evides.nl/

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FishFlow Innovations

Groningen Municipality



FishFlow Innovations develops and builds innovative fish migration facilities and protection systems. Our mission is to contribute to solve migration barriers for fish and prevent damage to fish through our tailor-made products.

Groningen is the main municipality as well as the capital city of the eponymous province in the Netherlands. With a population of 197,823 (in 2014), it is the largest city in the north of the Netherlands. An old city, Groningen was the regional power of the northern Netherlands, a semi-independent city-state and member of the German Hanseatic League. Groningen is a university city: it houses the University of Groningen (about 28,000 students) and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences (about 25,000 students).

All our products have been developed with particular attention for the natural preference and behaviour of fish. The focus of FishFlow Innovations on the natural behaviour and preferences of fishes results in the development of facilities that fishes eagerly utilise and that enable passage without injury or mortality. Contact details +31 227 570 020 info@fishflowinnovations.nl http://fishflowinnovations.nl/

Contact details +31 503 677 000 info@groningen.nl http://gemeente.groningen.nl/

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Het Drentse Landschap



Grontmij is a leading sustainable design and management consultancy company active in the growth markets of water, energy, transportation and sustainable planning and design.

The Drenthe Landscape Foundation is a provincial foundation dedicated to the preservation, protection and development of nature, landscape and cultural heritage of Drenthe.

At the core of our business is the principle of sustainability by design which is a leading value proposition for our customers. Grontmij is the fourth largest engineering consultancy in Europe with almost 300 offices across the region and a further 50 offices globally. We have nearly 9,000 professionals working around the world.

We manage more than 8,400 acres of natural land and 254 historic objects. In our work, we are backed by 16,000 members and 240 volunteers. Together, we will ensure that the nature, landscape and cultural heritage of Drenthe are preserved for future generations.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 306 344 700 communicatie@grontmij.nl http://www.grontmij.nl/

+31 592 313 552 info@drentslandschap.nl http://www.drentslandschap.nl/

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HKV Consultants




HKV CONSULTANTS is an independent company that provides consultancy services and research in water and safety. Our experts are highly qualified and internationally recognized, most with long-term experience in their specific fields in the complex world of water and safety.

HydroLogic is a professional organization that offers innovative solutions to water management of national and regional areas, allowing authorities to effectively manage water and communicate clearly. We work closely together with consultants, research organizations and clients, both in and outside the Netherlands.

HKV CONSULTANTS has earned a leading reputation in consultancy and research in flood risk management by taking the initiative in the development and practical implementation of many innovating concepts that have found their way into current Dutch risk management practice.

Our clients include environmental agencies, ministries, water boards, provinces, municipalities and the European Commission. We carry out commercial and research projects and have two offices in Amersfoort and Delft.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 320 294 242 info@hkv.nl http://www.hkv.nl/

+31 334 753 535 info@hydrologic.nl http://www.hydrologic.nl/

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IF - Technology

Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM)



We are a leading geothermal energy consultancy and engineering company, based in Arnhem in the Netherlands. We take a multi-disciplinary approach to projects, bringing in our experienced geologists, hydrogeologists, civil & mechanical engineers and well engineers, as required.

The Institute for Environmental Studies (Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken, IVM) is an interdisciplinary research institute at VU University that sits within the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (FALW).

We have special expertise in Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage, Borehole Thermal Energy Storage, Deep Geothermal Energy Systems, Closed-Loop Heat Pumps Systems and Well Engineering.

IVM facilitates four departments: Chemistry and Biology, Environmental Economics, Environmental Policy Analysis and Spatial Analysis and Decision Support.

Contact details Contact details +31 263 535 555 info@iftechnology.nl http://www.iftechnology.com/

+31 205 989 555 info.ivm@vu.nl http://www.ivm.vu.nl/

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Kennis voor Klimaat



Interline Systems B.V. was founded and registered on July 1, 1990 as a privately owned company. Our independence enabled us to maintain an unbiased approach to our clients and their requirements and to provide a complete product.

Knowledge for Climate is a research programme for the development of knowledge and services that make it possible to climate proof the Netherlands.

The priory activities are the sales and services of on-line analysers. As such we represent a number of leading analyser manufacturers. Over the years Interline became a reputable full service Analyser Systems Integrator. Contact details +31 725 760 840 info@interline.nl http://www.interline.nl/

Governmental organisations (central government, provinces, municipalities and water boards) and businesses, actively participate in research programming through the input of additional resources (matching).This research programme is co-financed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. Contact details +31 302 539 961 office@kennisvoorklimaat.nl http://knowledgeforclimate.climateresearchnetherl ands.nl/

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KWT Group



KWR Watercycle Research Institute assists society in optimally organising and managing the water cycle by creating knowledge through topquality research, building bridges between science, business and society and promoting societal innovation by applying the best knowledge available. The almost 170 employees of KWR Watercycle Research Institute develop and unlock relevant knowledge for all the organisations in the water cycle, both national and international: drinking water companies, waterboards, governments and industry.

KWT Group is a Holland’s leading supplier of non-return valves, penstocks and weirs for quantitative water management applications, such as Waste Water Treatment Plants, Pumping Stations, Surface Water Management, Flood Control, Wetlands creation, Hydro Power dams, and Industrial applications (Paper Mills, Mining etc). KWT Group combines both HDPE and Low Carbon Stainless Steel in order to reach the sustainable quality required for most aggressive environments like tropical marine applications and the inlet section of Sewage Treatment. Contact details

Contact details +31 306 069 511 Info@kwrwater.nl http://www.kwrwater.com/

+31 321 335 566 rdenhertog@kwtgroup.nl http://www.kwtgroup.com/

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LINKit consult



Landustrie's basis was laid around 1913. The company was active in the agricultural market sector and involved with polder drainage at an early stage.

LINKit consult provides specialist advice to solve issues on land and water management. We bring people, ideas and resources together to help realize ambitions. Our inspiration is on improvement of the quality of water, nature and landscape.

With a century of world-wide experience Landustrie has become a leading company in the field of sewage and wastewater treatment. Also research, development and innovation are very important to keep ahead in the present water market.

Thematic issues are water quality, water treatment, coastal and delta engineering and fish migration. Our approach is based on up to date knowledge, inspiration and communication. We operate in the Netherlands, UK, Spain and Bosnia.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 515 486 888 info@landustrie.nl http://www.landustrie.nl/

+31 206 700 054 jeroen@linkitconsult.nl http://www.linkitconsult.nl/

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Milieudienst IJmond




Milieudienst IJmond, Environmental Service of the Region IJmond, is part of the local government. It performs tasks on the field of environmental management, nature conservation and law enforcement. The most important legal basis of this task is the Dutch Environmental Management Act. The Environmental Service is a co-operation of the municipalities of Beverwijk, Haarlem, Heemskerk, Uitgeest, Velsen and the provincial government of Noord-Holland. These municipalities are located along the North Sea coast in the western part of the Netherlands, approximately 15 kilometres west of Amsterdam.

Created in 1951 NEDECO is an independent nonprofit foundation that promotes Dutch consultancy know-how and skills in the area of land & water, transport, infra-structures and environment.

Contact details +31 251 263 863 info@milieudienst-ijmond.nl http://www.milieudienst-ijmond.nl/

In close co-operation with the Dutch government NEDECO initiates pre-competitive strategies for projects and technical assistance in sustainable development and infrastructure projects in countries around the world. The NEDECO network consists of some 9 independent leading Dutch consultancy organisations and technology institutes working internationally in the fields of land & water, transport, environment and infrastructure. Contact details info@nedeco.nl http://www.nedeco.nl/

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Nederlandse Waterschapsbank

Nehem International



Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V. (NWB Bank) is a leading financial services provider for the public sector. The bank arranges short-term and long-term loans for waterboards, municipal authorities, provinces, social housing, healthcare, educational institutions, Public-PrivatePartnerships ("PPP") and activities in the field of watersupply and the environment.

Nehem International BV is among the Netherlands’ leading consultancies promoting international development.Nehem provides operational recommendations, project execution and project management services to different institutions and governments in the fields of labour market and SME development, employment and civil society.

NWB Bank funds its activities on the international money and capital markets on the back of a very strong financial position and ratings from Moody’s (Aaa) and Standard & Poor’s (AA+).

Our clients include different Government institutions, not-for-profit organisations and commercial enterprises.

Contact details Contact details +31 704 166 266 info@nwbbank.com https://www.nwbbank.com/

+31 235 431 750 ni@nehemint.nl http://nehemint.nl/

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Nelen & Schuurmans

Description Nelen & Schuurmans is a young consulting company, which provides creative solutions for solving water management problems. The company was established in 1998 and has grown to a dynamic firm, that at present consists of a staff of 45 highly qualified experts (Msc or PhD), with a yearly turnover of â‚Ź 3,8 million ($ 5 million). Every year we carry out some 200 projects. Our clients are both national and local water authorities. The activities abroad are expanding with projects in the USA, Nepal, Suriname, Vietnam, Egypt, Poland and Hungary. Contact details +31 302 330 200 info@nelen-schuurmans.nl http://www.nelen-schuurmans.nl/

NL Agency

Description Since 2014 known as Netherlands Enterprise Agency encourages entrepreneurs in sustainable, agrarian, innovative and international business. It helps with grants, finding business partners, know-how and compliance with laws and regulations. Netherlands Enterprise Agency focuses on providing services to entrepreneurs. It aims to make it easier to do business using smart organisation and digital communication. The Agency works in The Netherlands and abroad with governments, knowledge centres, international organisations and countless other partners. Contact details +31 886 025 000 http://english.rvo.nl/

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Netherlands Water Partnership

Partners for Water



The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) is a comprehensive network that unites Dutch water expertise. The partnership, consisting of 200 members from private companies, government, knowledge institutes and NGOs, acts as a centre of information on water expertise, policy developments and market opportunities. But NWP is more than an information source; the organization also initiates, coordinates and executes projects for its members, such as trade missions, exhibitions and conferences. Together with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), NWP implements the Partners for Water programme. Contact details +31 703 043 700 info@nwp.nl http://www.nwp.nl/

“Partners for Water� is a programme that aims to strengthen the international position of the Dutch water sector by uniting forces (private sector, public sector, non-profit sector and knowledge institutes). Public private cooperation can give a powerful impulse to the water sector by developing innovative solutions for the world's water problems. The third programme runs from 2010 to 2015. For more information please contact one of our project officers. The programme 'Partners for Water' is a joint initiative of six departments of the Netherlands Government of the Netherlands. Contact details +31 886 021 411 info@partnersvoorwater.nl http://www.partnersvoorwater.nl/

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PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

Description PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is the national institute for strategic policy analysis in the fields of environment, nature and spatial planning. We contribute to improving the quality of political and administrative decision-making by conducting outlook studies, analyses and evaluations in which an integrated approach is considered paramount. Policy relevance is the prime concern in all our studies. We conduct solicited and unsolicited research that is always independent and scientifically sound.


Description Pentair Advanced Filtration has expertise and experience in all water purification areas, from potable water production to treatment of process and wastewater, backed by an extensive worldwide network of sales offices, service centers, agents, and distributors. Pentair X-Flow develops and supplies membrane technology for the filtration, separation, concentration & purification processes of water and wastewater for municipalities, food & beverage, dairy, oil & gas, pharmaceutical and mining industries.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 703 288 700 info@pbl.nl http://www.pbl.nl/

+31 534 287 350 xflow@pentair.com http://www.x-flow.com/

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Province of Gelderland

Province of Overijssel



Gelderland lies at the very heart of Europe. As a province on the border with Germany, Gelderland not only works closely with its direct neighbour, German Bundesland North Rhine-Westphalia, but also with other European regions and networks and maintains close contact with the European Union.

Overijssel. A beautiful county to live, work and recreate. As a province, we believe it is important that everyone can flourish. There is work and space to do business. That nature is beautiful and you can recreate and live in a pleasant environment. We ensure that the roads are not clogged, innovations have opportunities, public transport is functioning properly and that there are good amenities in the city and in the countryside.. We do this by working with local governments, the central government, social agencies, and you as a resident together. Together we define the future of our province.

This can entail collaboration in projects, together following up on or influencing significant developments in ‘Brussels’, or making use of European funds.

Contact details +31 263 599 111 post@gelderland.nl http://www.gelderland.nl/

Contact details +31 384 998 899 postbus@overijssel.nl http://www.overijssel.nl/

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PTI develops solutions that synchronise and collate information from different data flows, such as (mobile) Internet, telephony, and physical document flows, in a single database. PTI has developed cost efficient total solutions for the data flows of utility companies. The starting point of these specific PTI solutions is that they save costs and where possible generate extra information, and thus advantages for utility companies, both nationally and internationally. In all modesty, we can safely say we are number 1 in the utility sector.

PWN Water Supply Company Noord-Holland represents pure and reliable drinking water and responsible management of dune and nature regions. We deliver building blocks for a healthy life. In water and nature we work on products which you will recognize for purit. Our blue and green sides come together in our centrale message: PWN, Puur water en Natuur (Pure Water and Nature). On top of that we also share our knowledge and expertise with local experts abroad. PWN Technologies is a subsidiary of the Dutch water supply company PWN.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 348 466 888 jan@pti.nl http://www.pincodetelenet.com/

+31 235 413 333 info@pwntechnologies.nl https://www.pwn.nl/

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Redox Water Technology

Description Redox Water Technology is specialized in water and wastewater treatment installations. Redox is a specialist in the field of advanced water treatment equipment and techniques, and offers products like:     

Wide range of screens Dewatering and feather presses Flotation units Biological waste water treatment systems, type FBR and BIOCON And more specific water treatment systems


Description Rijkswaterstaat manages the Netherlands’ main highway network and main waterway network. We are responsible not only for the technical condition of the infrastructure but also for its userfriendliness. Smooth and safe traffic flows, a safe, clean and user-friendly national waterway system and protection from flooding: that is what Rijkswaterstaat is about. Rijkswaterstaat is working for you to ensure: protection against flooding, sufficient clean water, smooth and safe flows of transport on the nation’s roads and waterways and reliable and useful information.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 543 531 030 info@redox.nl http://www.redox-wt.nl/

+31 800 80 02 info@rws.nl www.rijkswaterstaat.nl/en/

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Rijnland District Water Control Board

Royal HaskoningDHV



The Rijnland District Water Control Board ensures clean water and dry feet. District water boards are local governmental organisations that could be compared with provinces and local councils. Rijnland is not the only district water board in the Netherlands. There are many water boards spread over the provinces. Rijnland works in two provinces: North Holland and South Holland. The Rijnland area stretches from Wassenaar up to IJmuiden and from Gouda to and including part of Amsterdam. This area covers 1,100 square kilometres. 1.3 million people live, work, travel and enjoy leisure activities here.

Royal HaskoningDHV is a leading independent, international engineering consultancy service provider. Our 6,500 professionals provide world class solutions worldwide from our 100 offices in 35 countries in the fields of aviation, buildings, industry, energy and mining; infrastructure, maritime and waterways, planning and strategy, rivers, deltas and coasts; transport and asset management and water technology. We work in partnership with our clients and partners to find innovative and sustainable solutions to today’s world challenges. Contact details

Contact details +31 713 063 063 post@rijnland.net http://www.rijnland.net/

+31 883 482 000 Machteld.Blokhuis@rhdhv.com http://www.royalhaskoningdhv.com/

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Regional Water Authority Roer en Overmaas

Regional Water Authority Hunze en Aa´s

Description Description The Dutch Regional Water Authority Roer en Overmaas (WRO) is one of the 23 RWA’s in the NL. WRO is responsible for the management of the water quality, the water quantity and the protection against floods in the southern part of the province of Limburg. As an internationally oriented water authority WRO participates in many cross border projects concerning flood protection, hydraulic modeling, governance, capacity building, knowledge exchange, monitoring programs, financing/water charges.

We provide clean and sufficient water and strong dikes for protection against flooding. Hunze and Aa's is working on projects abroad. We often work together with other water authorities, governments, projects, agencies or conservation organizations from the Netherlands and from the project country.

Contact details:

Contact details

+31 464 205 760 h.tolkamp@overmaas.nl http://www.overmaas.nl/

+31 598 693 800 waterschap@hunzeenaas.nl http://www.hunzeenaas.nl/

The essence of our international participation is to bring knowledge and expertise that we are outside our borders deployment in countries that request them.

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Regional Water Authority Reest en Wieden




Dutch Waterboard 'Reest & Wieden' is located in Drenthe in the northeast of the Netherland and is mainly responsible for sufficient clean water and safe dikes.

RPS Netherlands is an independent consulting and engineering company. With a team of 350 specialists, we work daily, from different disciplines, to a better, safer, healthier Netherlands. We operate from offices in Delft, Leerdam, Rotterdam, Breda and Zwolle.

The water board is also responsible for maintaining the canals, pumping stations, weirs and locks in the management area. These maintenances are important for agriculture, nature and people. They ensure that the water stays in the soil and in the ditches, canals, ponds and lakes at the right level.

Our service is characterized by building long-term relationships with our clients. Relationships based on trust and delivering what has been agreed. We see long-term relationships and integrity as a prerequisite for the successful continuation of our business.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 522 276 767 waterschap@reestenwieden.nl http://www.reestenwieden.nl/

+31 157 501 600 info@rps.nl http://rps.nl/

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SG Consultancy and Mediation

Spaans Babcock



SG offers two services, groundwater consultancy and mediation. Both services focus on what lies beneath the visible surface. Groundwater consultancy deals with the ‘invisible’ water flowing in the ground and mediation focuses on interests and motives in conflicts.

Spaans Babcock has over a hundred years of experience in designing and building (waste)water treatment solutions and equipment. Quality has always been our prime consideration and has earned our sound reputation. We design and build water treatment equipment such as screw pumps, aerators and screw generators.

For both, visible and tangible elements are often the starting points, for example, the subsidence of structures due to groundwater abstraction or the conflicting standpoints of provincial and private stakeholders in a groundwater pollution case.

Spaans Babcock has a worldwide reputation being the largest manufacturer of screw pumps. Worldwide they installed more than 30.000 screw pumps.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 736 312 777 smidt.sg@inter.nl.net http://www.grondwateradvies.com/

+31 514 608 282 info@spaansbabcock.com http://www.spaansbabcock.com/

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TU Delft



Textiles technology group Royal Ten Cate (TenCate) is a multinational company which develops and produces solutions which are sold worldwide for the protection of people and their working and living environment. The policy of end-user focus and value-chain control has enabled TenCate to secure leading positions in worldwide niche markets. The company operates in network structures, such as open innovation centers, partnerships and co-creation, and by making acquisitions in complementary fields.

TU Delft collaborates with a large number of other educational and research institutes within the Netherlands and abroad and has a reputation for high-quality teaching and research.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 546 544 811 royal@tencate.com http://www.tencate.com/

+31 152 789 111 info@tudelft.nl http://www.tudelft.nl/

TU Delft has extensive contacts with governments, trade organisations, consultancies, the industry and small and medium-sized companies.

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University of Twente



UNESCO-IHE is at the centre of a vast international network of water related institutions, and functions as an interface between knowledge networks and centres, public and private sector organisations, scientific and professional associations and other members of the international water community. Through these partnerships, the Institute broadens its knowledge base and increases its effectiveness in developing the capacities of water sector organisations and individuals worldwide.

The Twente Centre for Studies in Technology and Sustainable Development at the University of Twente - was established in 1988 to conduct environmental policy research and cleaner production, expanding during the 1990s to a more general focus on technology and sustainable development. We specialise in governance, emphasising sustainable development, environmental quality, and technological innovation - from both developed and developing country perspectives.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 152 151 872 info@unesco-ihe.org http://www.unesco-ihe.org/

+31 534 893 203 a.h.m.krooshoop@utwente.nl http://www.utwente.nl/

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Van der Wiel Stortgas

Van Dijk Water Management



Van der Wiel Stortgas specialises in the delivery (turnkey or otherwise) of a wide range of products and services. As well as the supply of tailor-made systems for various applications, the company also offers a range of services.

Van Dijk Water Management started in 2007 as an independent company, active in the field of water and environmental management. Mrs. Joke van Dijk (BSc) is the CEO and so the ‘face’ of the company. She has a wide experience in the environmental field, gathered with working for the national and local governments and private companies. We know the Dutch high profile water sector inside out, from a lot of practical experience which enables us to advice worldwide on issues of technical and institutional aspects of water management.

They can vary from maintenance contracts for the systems supplied, repairs and troubleshooting and services such as consultancy, feasibility studies, tests and ATEX certification.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 512 586 225 info@vanderwiel.nl http://www.vanderwiel.nl/

+31 622 060 407 info@jvdijk-water-management.eu http://www.jvdijk-water-management.eu/

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Van Hall Larenstein

VNG International



Van Hall Larenstein is the biggest 'Green' University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. We have an assortment of study programmes focusing on nature management, rural development, food production, security and safety. Our study programmes are given at Bachelor, Masters and Certificate levels and have been carefully designed to ensure the continuous academic and personal development of our students. And, despite Dutch being the official language of the Netherlands, the study programmes you will find on this site are taught and examined entirely in English.

VNG International supports decentralisation processes and facilitates decentralised cooperation. We provide capacity building services to strengthen local governments, their associations, training institutes and decentralisation task forces both in developing countries and countries in transition. We build on existing experience, with high quality services such as benchmarks, tools for tax collection and handbooks. VNG International is the international cooperation agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities.

Contact details +31 317 486 262 info@vhluniversity.com http://www.vhluniversity.com/

Contact details +31 703 738 401 vng-international@vng.nl www.vng-international.nl/

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V&T Group

Description V&T Group has over 15 years of experience in self-cleaning filter devices for liquid and air purification. Its tailor-made self-cleaning filter systems allow the group to offer filtration solutions with a minimum use of chemicals by eliminating pollution at the source. Fields of activity include steel mills, paper mills, chemical industry, food industry, power stations, waste water and drinking water stations.

Wanningen Water Consult

Description Wanningen Water Consult is a private consultancy and is specialized in tackling river connectivity and fish passage issues in the Netherlands and on an international level. WWC has developed (2012) the international guidance on fish migration ‘From sea to source’ and has initiated several fish migration related conferences and workshops. In 2014 WWC will organize, in cooperation with WWF, TNC, LINKit Consult and IUCN-Freshwater fish specialists group the World Fish Migration Day 2014 to raise the public awareness.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 186 574 151 info@v-tfiltergroup.com www.v-tfiltergroup.com/

+31 618 272 572 herman@wanningenwaterconsult.nl http://www.wanningenwaterconsult.nl/

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Water Insight

Waterbedrijf Groningen



Water Insight provides operational water quality remote sensing products and services. We have expertise in processing satellite data for large areas and performing and supporting optical in situ measurements for detailed monitoring.

As a social enterprise Waterbedrijf Groningen broadly focuses on the sustainable protection of water interests. We and our partners contribute to the sustainable development of our region with activities relating to drinking and industrial water, sewer systems, international cooperation and energy. In the ‘Schokland Agreement’ the drinking water sector committed itself to the United Nations Millennium goals. Each year we are instructed by our shareholders to contribute 0.5% of our annual turnover to international cooperation.

We have developed our own hand held water quality scanner, the WISP-3, for collecting optical in situ measurements. As a innovative company, Water Insight also participates in national and European research projects focused on water remote sensing. Contact details +31 317 210 004 info@waterinsight.nl http://www.waterinsight.nl/

Contact details +31 503 688 688 info@waterbedrijfgroningen.nl https://www.waterbedrijfgroningen.nl/

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Description The Waterlaboratorium specializes in water quality research. We do this mostly for Dunea Duin and Water (until recently Duinwaterbedrijf Zuid-Holland), PWN Waterleidingbedrijf NoordHolland and Waternet Amsterdam. We meet all international quality standards on water quality. We are accredited by the Accreditation Council (L404) and are a by the Ministry of Environment and Infrastructure approved water laboratory. Our customers are next to the water companies, hospitals, offshore industry, municipalities, businesses and sports institutions.

Contact details +31 235 175 900 klantencontacten@hetwaterlaboratorium.nl http://www.hetwaterlaboratorium.nl/


Description Witteveen+Bos is an engineering and consultancy firm that provides services in the water, infrastructure, spatial development, environment and construction sectors. Our multidisciplinary approach to projects is the distinctive feature of the way we work. Our clients are public bodies, private sector companies, industries and different types of joint ventures. We serve our clients from eight offices in the Netherlands and five international offices.

Contact details +31 570 697 911 info@witteveenbos.com http://www.witteveenbos.com/

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World Water Academy

Zandvoort Municipality



World Water Academy is the leading training institute for water management in the Netherlands and abroad. Established in 1993 by the Dutch water sector in order to improve the quality of their employees with specific, practical knowledge on water issues, World Water Academy built up a wide experience in capacity building and training. It develops and delivers practical and technical courses for a wide range of water related topics. Each year about three thousand employees working for the water sector participate in one of the eighty courses (varying from 1 day to 20 days).

At the location of what is today Zandvoort aan Zee, in 1100 there was a small settlement of fisher folk, who led a marginal existence. They chose the site well, since this location was slightly lower than the surrounding land, protected against the weather, and with easy access to the beach. Such a low-lying area in the dunes was known as a Sandevoerde or sand ford. This indeed is the origin of the name Zandvoort and this is still the official name of the village. Zandvoort aan Zee however is the most widely used name.

Contact details

Contact details

+31 306 069 400 info@worldwateracademy.nl http://www.worldwateracademy.nl/

+31 235 717 947 info@vvvzandvoort.nl https://www.zandvoort.nl/

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The ALMA-RO Association was founded in August 2001, as an initiative of a group of experts in public administration, sustainable development and conflict resolution.

AMBRO is the largest Romanian manufacturer of paper for corrugated cardboard. SC Ambro SA is member of Rossmann Group, one of the European leaders of corrugated cardboard packaging manufacturing. In Romania, the Group holds not only AMBRO SA Suceava, but also ROMCARTON SA Bucuresti. AMBRO, as manufacturer of paper for corrugated cardboard and ROMCARTON, as producer of corrugated cardboard packaging, offer two complementary production sites with easy access to Hungarian, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Serbian and Bulgarian markets.

Objectives  

Promoting sustainable development; Increasing involvement in the elaboration, implementation and monitoring of public policies.

Contact details

Contact details

+40 213 143 960 office@alma-ro.ngo.ro http://www.alma-ro.ngo.ro/

+40 230 205 000 office@ambro.ro http://www.ambro.ro/

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Apă Canal GalaČ›i




The Regional Water Operator offers water supply and sanitation services, supports investments and long-term strategies for sustainable development and promotes feasible measures in order to achieve environmental goals and to reduce risks to health and safety.

AQUAPROIECT S.A. is one of the prestigious designing institutes in Romania in the field of water management and environmental protection. With an experience of more than 59 years and over 120 specialists hired, Aquaproiect has a wide range of activities including: the design of hydraulic engineering structures; the design of river developments; design of marine erosion control and sea front stabilization works; the design of infrastructure systems; the design in the field of civil and industrial engineering, land reclamation works and ecological restoration of contaminated sites.

The company aims at improving water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment to gain customer confidence and satisfy their requirements in terms of quality and cost.

Contact details +40 749 285 300 office@apa-canal.ro http://www.apa-canal.ro/

Contact details +40 213 160 035 office@aquaproiect.ro http://www.aquaproiect.ro/

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Babes-Bolyai University




Babes-Bolyai University is the largest university in the country bringing together more than 38.000 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students enrolled in 516 programmes. The university is evaluated and ranked among the top 3 universities in Romania for the quality of its programmes. Reflecting the history of the region Babes-Bolyai University has become a model of multiculturalism, with three lines of study (Romanian, Hungarian, German), offering complete programmes in five languages (Romanian, Hungarian, German, English, French).

Business Development Group (BDG) is a management consultancy company specialized in business development based on mobilization and co-participation of governmental and market stakeholders. Areas of expertise: • Environment and Water Management; • Sustainable Energy; • Government Initiatives; • Construction and Real Estate; • Agriculture, Horticulture and Food Industry; • Production Outsourcing (metal, textile); • Logistics.

Contact details

Contact details

+40 264 405 300 rector@ubbcluj.ro http://www.ubbcluj.ro/

+40 213 179 870 office@bdgind.ro http://www.bdgind.ro/

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BraĹ&#x;ov County Council

Description County Council is the local government authority, established at the county level for coordination of municipal, town and city councils, in order to offer public services of county interest. The county council is composed of county councilors, chosen by universal, equal, direct and secret suffrage, under the law.

Constanta County Council

Description County Council is the local government authority, established at the county level for coordination of municipal, town and city councils, in order to offer public services of county interest. The county council is composed of county councilors, chosen by universal, equal, direct and secret suffrage, under the law.

Contact details

Contact details

+40 268 410 777 office.cj@judbrasov.ro http://site.judbrasov.ro/

+40 241 488 404 consjud@cjc.ro http://www.cjc.ro/

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Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority

Description Covalact is one of the biggest dairy producers in Romania with over 40 years of experience in manufacturing dairies. The company has over 500 employees working in Sfantu Gheorghe and Miercurea Ciuc factories.


Contact details

Contact details

+40 267 313 981 office@covalact.ro http://www.covalact.ro/

+40 240 518 945 arbdd@ddbra.ro http://www.ddbra.ro/

In the same time with the establishment of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (1990), an organization was created to administrate the natural heritage of national interest from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, to protect and conserve the physical and geographical units of the DDBR territory - Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA).

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The ‘Danube Delta’ National Institute for Research and Development has as main purpose the basic and applied research on ecology and environmental protection for the management substantiation in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) and in other wetlands of national and international importance for the biodiversity conservation and sustainable development (art. no. 2 from the HG no. 409/1999).

Ecological Consulting Center Galati (ECCG) is an environmental non-governmental, apolitical and non-profit, founded in 1996 due to the involvement of a small group of people and the support of government and nongovernmental organizations in Luxembourg and Austria.

Contact details

Contact details

+40 240 531 520 office@ddni.ro http://www.ddni.ro/

+40 236 499 957 eco@cceg.ro http://www.cceg.ro/

Our mission is to integrate an ecological perspective in the development of Romanian society through projects, activities, information campaigns, educational activities and cooperation national, regional and international.

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Euro Teleorman Association



EnInvest is an independent company, 100% private, specialised in offering consulting services in the fields of energy and environment protection. It provides consulting services to various European entities (companies, local authorities etc.) for development projects on short, medium and long term.

The EuroTeleorman Association is a nongovernamental organization located in Alexandria, Teleorman County. The NGO represents the concerted interests of its members, 90 local public authorities of Teleorman County, in their internal and international relations with other authorities and organisations.

Areas of expertise: Feasibility, Environment, Opportunity, Implementation, General contractor and Carbon Trading.

The main purpose is to promote and represent the common interests of local authorities in relation to the central and local government, NGOs, local and regional foreign authorities and with international organizations and institutions.

Contact details

Contact details

+40 212 115 892 office@eninvest.ro http://www.eninvest.ro/

+40 247 317 878 office@teleormanromania.ro http://teleormanromania.ro/

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Focșani Water Company

Description Mission and Objectives: 

  

Complying with all specific standards in the field of public health and environmental protection throughout the area of operation; Checking and taking measures to reduce water losses in the towns served; Extending and modernizing the sewerage system and wastewater treatment; Training programs and qualification of personnel;

Galati County Council

Description Galati County, with an area of 4466.3 km 2 represents 1.9% of Romanian territory. Itis located relatively close to the Black Sea at the confluence of three major rivers - the Danube, Siret, and Prut and at the crossing of large trade routes. The county council performs the following main categories of tasks: organization and operation of the county council specialists, institutions and public services, socio-economic development, county property management and interinstitutional cooperation;

Contact details Contact details +40 237 226 401 secretariat@cupfocsani.ro http://www.cupfocsani.ro/

+40 236 302 520 conducere@cjgalati.ro http://www.cjgalati.ro/

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Gospodaria Comunala Regional Operator

Institute for Public Health



The company was formed as a regional operator in Covasna County, on the former public service companies providing water and sanitation in the Sf. Gheorghe municipality. The company operates the water supply systems and sewerage at county level in the following locations: the municipalities of Sf. Gheorghe and Targu Secuiesc, the cities Covasna and Intorsura Buzaului and Ghidfalau town. The company serves a population of 102,567 inhabitants and has 368 employees.

National Public Health Institute is a public institution with legal personality, subordinated to the Ministry of Health. The Institute focuses on the prevention, surveillance and control of communicable diseases and non-communicable the monitoring, promotion and education of health, the occupational health assessment, the health monitoring in relation to the environment, the development of public health regulations and on ensuring the efficiency of the public health management.

Contact details

Contact details

+40 267 351 390 secretariat@apacov.ro http://www.apacov.ro/

+40 213 183 619 directie.generala@insp.gov.ro https://www.insp.gov.ro/

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Mangalia Municipality



ISPE, active company since 1949, consolidated its position as leader in engineering, technical and financial consulting through important energy and environment projects. The services for private and public local and international clients are offered by ISPE through teams of specialists with solid and large experience in this field. Our experts, dedicated to research, engineering and management activities offer to their clients most safe and efficient technical and financial solutions, in all project development stages.

Mangalia is a municipality in the county of Constanta, Dobrogea region, Romania, situated near the southern extremity of the Romanian seaside. It has a population of 36,364 inhabitants. Mangalia city was declared a municipality in 1995. According to the census conducted in 2011, Mangalia city population amounted to 36,364 inhabitants, down from the previous census in 2002, when it had registered 40,150 inhabitants. [1] Most of the population are Romanian (82.4%).

Contact details

Contact details

+40 212 061 076 office@ispe.ro http://www.ispe.ro/

+40 756 201 202 contact@mangalia.ro http://www.mangalia.ro/

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Mare Nostrum

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Description Mare Nostrum is more than an environmental non-governmental association. Mare Nostrum is a team of dedicated people with initiative and strong desire to change the world for the better. It is an organization fighting for over 20 years and saving the biodiversity of the Black Sea ecosystem. Mare Nostrum is an organization open to all citizens concerned about the environmental degradation of the Romanian seaside. Its mission is to create change current practices and attitudes of local communities, policy makers and other interest groups.


Contact details

Contact details

+40 241 612 422 office@marenostrum.ro http://www.marenostrum.ro/

+40 213 072 446 relatii.publice@madr.ro http://www.madr.ro/

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is the central public authority responsible with the strategy and program of the government involved in the development and strategic implementation of the national sector in the agriculture and food production, rural development, fisheries and aquaculture, land improvements, and related areas: protection, scientific research, conservation and sustainable management of soil and plant and animal genetic resources.

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Ministry of Environment and Climate Change

Ministry of Health



The Ministry of Environment, under the full name Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMSC), is focused on the national environmental policy development, water management and forestry management, serving as the state authority involved in the synthesis, coordination and control of these areas, directly or through specialized technical bodies, authorities or public institutions under the subordination, or coordination of the ministry.

The Ministry of Health is the state authority in public health. The National Public Health Institute is a public institution with legal personality, which is subordinated to the Ministry of Health which also focuses on the health monitoring in relation to the environment.

Contact details Contact details +40 214 089 500 srp@mmediu.ro http://mmediu.ro/

+40 213 072 500 presa@ms.ro http://www.ms.ro/

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Ministry of Internal Affairs

National Administration Apele Române



On the 28th of June 2003, by means of the Romanian Government Urgency Ordinance no. 63, the Ministry of Interior merged with the Ministry of Public Administration and gets the naming of Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the law, it sets measures for defending the human fundamental rights and liberties, as well as for defending the public and private property and organizes, guides and coordinates the activities meant to protect persons, goods, objectives and values.

THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION APELE ROMANE, representing the unique administrator and manager of the water resources in Romania, has the following objectives:

Contact details +40 213 037 080 petitii@mai.gov.ro http://www.mai.gov.ro/

 

using, processing and durably developing the water resources; the progressive improvement of the relations with the beneficiaries and users of water resources and of their potentials.

Contact details +40 213 110 396 dispecer@rowater.ro http://www.rowater.ro/

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National Environmental Guard

National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management

Description National Environmental Guard (NEG) is a government agency in Romania, which is subordinated to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. The agency controls the activities that have an impact on the environment and applies the sanctions provided by the law on environmental protection when needed. In July 2009, GNM had a staff of 540 including 18 commissioners were located in Bucharest.

Description The NIHWM is the only specialized national institute which represents Romania in the field of hydrology, hydro-geology and water management at a national as well as international level. The NIHWM is member and active participant in: Romanian Association of Hydrological Sciences, World Meteorological Organization, National Committee for International Hydrological Program, International Association of Hydrological sciences, European Union of Earth Sciences.

Contact details

Contact details

+40 213 268 970 gardamediu@gnm.ro http://www.gnm.ro/

+40 213 110 396 dispecer@rowater.ro http://www.rowater.ro/

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National Institute for Marine Research and Development

Politehnica University of Bucharest

Description Description The Romanian Marine Research Institute was the heritage of 80 years of institutional oceanology in Romania. In 1999, it was reorganized as National Institute for Marine Research and Development ‘Grigore Antipa’ (NIMRD) and in 2009 become a sub-unit of the National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection (INCDPM) Bucharest. NIMRD is mainly involved in basic research and applied technology, crucial for the understanding, protection and management of coastal and marine environment at the Black Sea coast.

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest is the largest and the oldest technical university in the country. The mission of the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest has been thought over as a blend of education, research and innovation, which represents a key towards a knowledgebased society and economy. Creating knowledge mainly by scientific research, giving it out by education and professional training, disseminating it by information technologies, as well as the use of technological innovation are elements that define the university distinctive profile.

Contact details

Contact details

+40 241 543 288 office@alpha.rmri.ro http://www.rmri.ro/

+40 214 029 872 e_nedelcu@rectorat.upb.ro http://www.upb.ro/

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Founded in 1998, PRO WASSER AT is a Romanian-German company which is specialized in the design of:  centralized drinking water supply systems

It has been founded in the 1950’ under the name “Ecarisajul”. In 1990 it changes its name into PROTAN (from the proteins of animals).

centralized sewerage systems

civil constructions

GIS solutions

Contact details +40 356 108 841 all@prowasser.ro http://www.prowasser.ro/

From the beginning the aim of the company has been to collect and dispose the animal waste from the entire Romanian territory by transforming it into protein flours.

Contact details +40 213 303 000 office@protansa.ro http://www.protansa.ro/

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Romanian Water Association

Description Romanian Water Association (RWA.) is an autonomous association, employers and professional, non-governmental and non-profit, of community interest. Romanian Water Association (RWA) is the national network of water professionals, addressing the gap between research and practice and covering all facets of the water cycle. Its members are committed to furthering sustainable and holistic resource management and service provision. Contact details +40 213 162 787 secretariat@ara.ro http://ara.ro/


Description Located in Seini, Maramures district, S.C. Seineana SRL is one of the best known vinegar factories in our country. The vinegar produced by Seineana is known and appreciated throughout the country, especially in Bucharest. The most important stores (supermarkets) are interested to offer for sale the Seineana vinegar. The company produces several types of vinegar; some of them are the following: distilled vinegar 9째 acidity, aromatized vinegar, apple vinegar, apple and honey vinegar and balsamic vinegar.

Contact details +40 262 491 134 office@seineana.ro http://www.seineana.ro/

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Suceava Municipality

Suceava County Prefecture



Public administration in territorial-administrative units is organized and operates under the principles of local autonomy, decentralization of public services, the eligibility of local authorities, the legality and consultation of citizens in solving local problems. Local authorities have the right and ability to solve and manage, on behalf of and in local jurisdictions they represent, public affairs, according to the law. Local autonomy is only administrative and financial and is exercised on the basis and within the limits provided by law.

The prefecture is a public institution with legal personality acting to fulfill the duties and powers of the prefect by the Constitution, local government law and other regulations. The prefect aims at how to achieve the objectives contained in county government program and specialized apparatus has appropriate measures. To fulfill the duties and prerogatives conferred to the prefect, he is helped by a deputy prefect who performs the tasks given to it by the laws and powers delegated by order of the prefect, the activities of the specialized apparatus thereof. The prefect has its own specialist unit he leads.

Contact details +40 230 212 696 primsv@primariasv.ro http://www.primariasv.ro/

Contact details +40 230 522 915 prefsv@prefecturasuceava.ro http://www.prefecturasuceava.ro/

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Service of Internal and International Cooperation

Tecuci Municipality



SIIC is organized and operates as a public service with legal personality under the authority of Teleorman County Council. It aims at providing, managing and developing relations of cooperation and partnership between the county and cities in the county and with other regions and international organizations, making available to local authorities and public institutions, information and opportunities for internal and international collaboration and obtaining information on the European funds, supporting projects implemented by the councils.

Tecuci is a city in Galați County, Romania, in the historical region of Moldavia. It is situated among wooded hills, on the right bank of the Bârlad River, and at the junction of railways from Galaţi, Bârlad and Mărășești.

Contact details Contact details + 40 247 317 878 mihaelaneicu@yahoo.com http://teleormanromania.ro/scii/index.php

+40 372 364 177 primar@municipiultecuci.ro http://www.municipiultecuci.ro/

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Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest


Technical University of Timisoara


The Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest is a technical university that trains higher education specialists in the fields of civil engineering, building services engineering, mechanical engineering/technological equipment and machines, environmental engineering, geodesic engineering, management and engineering and systems engineering. The entire teaching staff is engaged in research, design and consulting activities, directly contributing to offering knowledge in the field as well as to financing the development programmes.

Politehnica University Timisoara is recognized as an outstanding actor on the research stage both nationally and internationally. The existence and operation of an important number of research centers (25), in which research teams successfully put into practice the research strategy of the institution, offer the university its international prestige and at the same time, provide funding sources for its development. The materialization of the research results in scientific papers, patents or products constitutes a guarantee of the institutional competence, thoroughness and professionalism.

Contact details

Contact details

+40 212 421 208 secretariat@utcb.ro http://www.utcb.ro/

+40 256 403 000 rector@upt.ro http://www.upt.ro/

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Teleorman County Council

Timis County Prefecture

Description The County Council of Teleorman is the local government authority, established at the county level for coordination of municipal, town and city councils, in order to offer public services of county interest. The county council is composed of county councilors, chosen by universal, equal, direct and secret suffrage, under the law.

Description According to the Romanian Constitution Art 123 the Prefect, which is appointed by the in each county and in Bucharest, is the representative local government and leads the decentralized public services of the ministries and other bodies of the central public administration in territorialadministrative units.

Contact details Contact details +40 247 311 202 cjt@cjteleorman.ro http://www.cjteleorman.ro/

+40 256 493 667 contact@prefecturatimis.ro http://www.prefecturatimis.ro/

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Timisoara Municipality

Description Timisoara municipality, documentarily attested of over 730years, the capital of Timis County, located in Campia Timisului (Timis Plain); Timis Plain is crossed by Bega and Timis Rivers.Timisoara is the third city of Romania with a population of 317,660 inhabitants (2002). The Timisoara Municipality is located at an average distance of about 550 km to the capital of Romania - Bucharest and of about 170 km and 300 km to Beograd and Budapest, which are the capitals of our two neighbouring countries Serbia – Montenegro and Hungary, respectively. Contact details +40 256 408 300 primariatm@primariatm.ro http://www.primariatm.ro/

Turnu Magurele Municipality

Description Turnu Magurele is a city located in southern Romania, in the county of Teleorman, near the confluence of the Danube River. Turnu Magurele municipality and its surroundings are dominated by the vast Romanian Plain, being represented by the two well individualized components: the so-called low plains (river valleys) and interfluvial areas.

Contact details +40 247 416 451 primaria@municipiulturnumagurele.ro http://www.municipiulturnumagurele.ro/

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Description The Romanian Water Training Center, (Fundatia CFPPDA) as the specialized body of the Romanian Water Association (ARA), has the mission to provide training and expertise, in a continuous learning process, in order to ensure a high level of professional knowledge and practical abilities of the personnel working in the water public services sector. WTC is organizing and developing its training and professional activities on a permanent basis in order to achieve its mission.

Contact details +40 213 162 829 WIDE@ara.ro http://cfppda.ara.ro/

WWF Romania

Description WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of our planet's natural environment, and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. To achieve this, we are working with our many partners to:   

Save biodiversity, and Reduce humanity’s impact on natural habitats. We are strategically focusing on conserving critical places and critical species that are particularly important for their habitat or for people.

Contact details + 40 213 174 996 office@wwfdcp.ro http://romania.panda.org/

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REFERENCES  Dutch and Romanian partners official websites

van Ek, Daniela Dudau, Frank Vliegenthart, Ruxandra Balaet, Dimmie Hendriks, Constantin Carlan, Ioana Groza

 Dutch Water Sector official website

 Nederlandse waterschappen en het buitenland 2010, Unie van Waterschappen

 Romanian Federation of Local Authorities official website

 Jaarverslag 2009, Waterbedrijf Groningen

 How to facilitate the transfer of water management knowledge. Lessons from Dutch-Romanian project experiences for project implementers, advisors and financers (2013) by Joanne Vinke-de Kruijf with Dennis van Peppen, Bouke Ottow, Ad Sannen and Job Udo  Nederlandse waterschappen en het buitenland 2011, Unie van Waterschappen  Pathways to solutions: an integrated approach to soil and water problems – final report (2010), Ebel Smidt, Florentina Nanu, Remco

 Nederlandse waterschappen en het buitenland 2009, Unie van Waterschappen  Dutch projects in environmental technologies abroad (2008), MetaSus - Ir. A.T. (Bert) Keesman  Environment and water projects in Romania (2006), The Royal Netherlands Embassy & Agency for International Business and Cooperation

 Beleid Internationale activiteiten Waterschap Groot Salland (2005), Waterschap Groot Salland

October 2014

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The projects selection and presentation based on information available from public sources. No express warranty is given as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. For additional project information or any further use of the information therein please contact the project consortia.

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