Climate change adaptation component

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Cristina Stanica Policy Officer Ministry of Environment and Forests Romania 13th December 2011 Public debate, Novotel City Center


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National Climate Change Strategy (2005-2007) with a chapter on “Impact, Vulnerability and Climate Change Adaptation” briefly detailed the effects of climate change adaptation on the following sectors: agriculture, forestry, water management, human settlements. Guide on Adaptation to Climate Change Effects (2008) with 12 priority sectors 5th National Communication on Climate Change under UNFCCC with a detailed chapter on Vulnerability Assessment Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Measures for each priority sector listed in the Guide National Climate Change Strategy (2011-2020) – on going with two main components and Adaptation is a top priority (13 priority sectors)

National Adaptation Strategy?

National Climate Change Strategy (2011-2020) General information • •

Structured on 2 main components: Mitigation and Adaptation The role of MEF will be to coordinate the enforcement of both components

The Adaptation Component of Romania’s National Climate Change Strategy 20112020 is the result of Dutch-Romanian collaboration within the Project G2G08/RM/6/2 on “Improving the capacity to develop an effective policy on climate change adaptation in Romania” with the support of Agentschap NL/

Climate and Energy, Grontmij and Business Development Group. •

It updates the 2005-2007 National Climate Change Strategy and the National Guide on Adaptation to Climate Change Effects by integrating new key information:

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Results of interviews with representatives of priority sectors Results of the interactive climate change adaptation workshop attended by key CCA stakeholders Updated selection of priority sectors An inventory of key national CCA stakeholders (CCA network) Evaluation of the current state of CCA awareness and information among the public sector Recommendations for optimizing the CCA call to action

ADAPTATION Making of •

12 interviews were performed, with representatives of 4 ministries, 7 research institutes and 1 NGO (end of 2010/beginning of 2011) • Institutions involved during the interviews:  Ministries: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment, Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism,  Research Institutes: National Meteorological Administration, Institute of Forest Research and Management, National Research and Development Institute for Soil Science Agrochemistry and Environment- ICPA, National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism, National Institute for Hydrology and Water Management, National Institute of Public Health, Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy  NGO: Terra Mileniul III • Interactive workshop with 31 participants


Information provided in Adaptation component is based on consultations with Romanian CCA stakeholders and on the input from Dutch experts in the field of CCA

• Input received on Adaptation component from:  Ministries: 4 mentioned above+ Ministry of Public Finance, Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Administration and Interior  National Environmental Protection Agency, Local Municipalities through Romanian Municipalities Association  NGO: 1 + RAC-RO and WWF Romania •

The interview process, the workshop together with the comments received were an exercise in institutional cooperation, raising awareness, disseminating information and building an operational CCA network in Romania

ADAPTATION Objectives •

To increase the country’s ability to adapt to the actual and potential effects of climate change, by setting strategic directions which can guide sectorlevel policy makers towards taking correct action and develop the necessary capabilities for updating action periodically. Actions :  Active monitoring of the impact of climate changes, as well as of the associated social and economic vulnerability  Integrating adaptation measures into sector-level development strategies and policies, as well as harmonizing these measures between sectors  Identifying urgent adaptation measures in critical sectors •

identification of necessary measures, according to existing national needs, resources and development of research in order to limit the negative effects forecasted by medium and long term climate scenarios

ADAPTATION Taking Actions And Priority Sectors • • • • • •

A flexible approach is needed, one that deals with the uncertainties of climate change An adaptive, innovative approach in order to enhance their resilience, in every sector and at every level More information is needed, so as to deal with uncertainties Further, in-depth research, along with a national archive for information on climate change More efforts in order to raise awareness Elaborating a comprehensive communication strategy about the consequences of climate change and the options for adaptation 13 priority sectors: Industry, Agriculture, Tourism, Public Health. Infrastructure, construction and urban planning, Transport, Water Resources, Forestry, Energy, Biodiversity, Insurances, Recreational activities, Education

ADAPTATION Actions at national level 1. Develop up-to-date Romanian climate scenarios The climate scenarios will be developed on global and regional levels, but personalized for Romania’s specific circumstances. They will reflect the regional differences of climate conditions on Romanian territory, and they will involve cooperation with neighbouring countries and international specialists. 2. Support climate change research and set up a national climate change database All future adaptation action will be based on scientific evidence and on comprehensive analyses of climate change impact and vulnerability. In the short term, research will facilitate the allocation of resources for CCA. In the medium term, it will improve the decision making process at all levels and in all sectors, as CCA elements will be included in development policies. Research is also a good instrument for raising awareness, as it spreads CCA concepts to more stakeholders, and it gives credibility to CCA statements and measures

ADAPTATION Actions at national level 3. Estimate the costs of climate change for every priority sector These sectoral costs measures will be calculated through the economic analysis taking into account the findings of the climate research, the economic and social studies and updated priorities for growth. The temporal variation of the discount rate and the valuation of indirect effects caused by the impact of climate change will be taken into account on the official economic forecast studies. 4. Develop a National Climate Change Adaptation Agenda and integrate it in existing and future policy with measures on medium and long term -Decision making support instruments that allow the prioritization of CCA measures based on their urgency and associated costs -Risk management instruments -Best practices regarding the integration of adaptation measures in policy

ADAPTATION Actions at national level 5. Develop and implement a campaign for raising awareness All stakeholders will have to incorporate public awareness in their decisions and actions, necessary to secure the required transition in attitudes and actions, and increase the overall capacity to accommodate to periodically changes. 6. Monitor the climate change adaptation process -What planned policy actions have been carried out ? -What planned policy actions have not been carried out ? -Is the CCA policy implementation on schedule (state of the play of the implementing measures and respective outputs) ? -Resources invested

CONCLUSIONS Key objectives for each sector: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Identify main threats and main opportunities Identify what has already been done and what still needs to be done Identify responsible institutions and ensure the clear division of roles and responsibilities Set clear deadlines Ensure adequate budget allocations and availability of funding Raise awareness Encourage decision making at local level Synchronize national strategies with regional ones Constant monitoring, feedback and optimization The exchange of knowledge and experiences The improvement of the availability and applicability of CC modeling and adaptation options The cross-sectoral synthesis in order to develop knowledge’s regarding the effects of climate change on regional development in the short, medium and long term

Thank you for your attention!

Contact details:

Ms. Miriana Roman, Director, Ms. Cristina Stanica, Policy Officer, Mr. Constantin Harjeu, Counselor for European Affairs, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Directorate

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