SOP ENV presentation

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MA SOP Environment

SECTORAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME ENVIRONMENT IN ROMANIA Florian BURNAR Programming and Projects Director Bucuresti - Novotel, 27.10.2011

Content • SOP Environment Overview • Implementation Stage SOP Environment • Perspectives & Conclusions

SOP Environment Overview

GENERAL OBJECTIVE General Objective – protection and improvement of living standards of the population and of environmental standards aiming, first of all, the compliance with the environmental community acquis. General Strategy - to answer to the following 3 main strategic directions: • Improving access to public utilities in Romania and supporting the economic development conditions in regions • Improving environmental protection as a mandatory condition for sustainable development • Strengthening institutional and governmental capacity as a key-priority, aiming the development of an efficient management structure for environmental services

SOP ENVIRONMENT- PRIORITY AXES General Objective of SOP ENV– improvement of living standards of the population and of environmental standards, aiming, mainly, the compliance with the environmental communaitaire aquis

Specific Objective 1 Improvement of quality and access to the water/wastewater infrastructure

Priority Axis 1 Extension and modernization of water and wastewater infrastructure cca 2776.5 million Euro (CF)

Specific Objective 2 Development of sustainable waste management systems

Specific Objective 3 Reduction of the Specific Objective 4 Specific Objective 5 negative environmental Protection and improvement Reduction of the incidence impact caused by of biodiversity and of natural disasters urban heating natural heritage affecting the population plants

Priority Axis 2 Development of Priority Axis 3 Integrated waste Rehabilitation of management systems municipal district and rehabilitation of heating systems historically contaminated sites cca 934 million Euro (ERDF)

Priority Axis 5 Priority Axis 4 Development of Implementation of adequate management adequate infrastructure for natural risks systems for prevention nature protection

cca 229 million Euro (CF)

cca 172 million Euro (ERDF)

Priority Axis 6 Technical Assistance cca 130 million Euro (ERDF)

cca 270 million Euro (CF)

Breakdown of total financial contribution by priority axis (EUR million)





3,266 1,167

SOP - key aspects SOP Financial Allocation: TOTAL: 5,6 billion Euro - EU Contribution (CF): 4,5 billion Euro - National Contribution: 1,1 billion Euro

Decentralized management: MA/ IB/ Beneficiaries Main Beneficiaries: regional operators / local authorities / intercommunity development associations

Funding for regional projects: water/ waste water; waste Principles: solidarity, polluter pays, affordability Contribution to the commitments of the Accession Treaty

Implementation Stage SOP Environment

ACHIEVEMENTS TO DATE – relevant figures

267 Projects approved, in total value of 6.434.688.684 Euro, out of which 4.833.024.743 Euro eligible value.

 Commitment rate of SOP funds – 86,14 %.  Total payments made up to date: 547.964.958 Euro, out of which:  Pre-financing – 381.236.368 Euro.  Reimbursements – 166.728.590 Euro.  Rate of absorbtion – 19,59%, out of which 5,16% reimbursements and 14,43% pre-financing.

Funds commitment – SOP Level

Funds commitment – Priority Axis Level

District heating projects (SOP Priority Axis 3) Activities eligible for financing: 

Rehabilitation of boilers and turbines ;

Introduction of BATs for SO2, NOx and dust reduction ;

Introduction of improved metering ;

Rehabilitation of non-compliant slag and ash landfills ;

Rehabilitation of heat distribution networks ;

Technical assistance for project preparation, management and publicity, etc. Beneficiaries - local public authorities

Projects financed - 7 projects approved and are under implementation: -

Iasi: 61 M Euro Bacau: 63 M Euro Timisoara: 58 M Euro Oradea: 77 M Euro Ramnicu Valcea (Govora): 59 M Euro Botosani: 36 M Euro Focsani: 35 M Euro

- 7 new smaller projects to be promoted in parallel to make the DH systems more efficient and sustainable on medium term

Perspectives & Conclusions

Projects still to be approved … PA 1 – Water & wastewater – 8 projects PA 2 – Waste & Contaminated sites – 19 projects PA 3 – District Heating - 7 projects PA 4 – Nature Protection – 70 projects PA 5 – Floods and coastal erosion – 17 projects

Perspectives for 2012 and onwards... ďƒź Commitment of all the funds still available and approval of the projects in the portfolio; ďƒź Launch the preparation of the project pipeline for 20142020 in the water, waste and contaminated sites sectors; ďƒź Start the preparatory activities to elaborate the strategic documents for the 2014-2020 programming period.

Conclusions  SOP Environment - operational program with experienced users who have implemented similar projects in the past: MUDP, SAMTID, ISPA, PHARE, national programmes;  Last year witnessed a substantial increase in terms of commitment of funds in the water, waste, district heating – approx. 4 billion Euro funds committed  It is expected an appropriate market response in the awarding process for the works, equipment and services contracts;  Period 2012-2013 is decisive for contracting components included in projects funded by SOP Environment  Efforts to achieve full compliance with EU legislation should continue in the programming period 2014 – 2020, fully taking into consideration the recent developments at EU level!

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS MANAGING AUTHORITY FOR SOP ENVIRONMENT 2007 - 2013 30-32 Calea Serban Voda, sector 4, Bucharest, Romania Tel: +4021/300 62 63; Fax: +4021/316 07 78

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