European Business To Business Matchmaking
1st – 4th November 2011
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Brochure content
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romania, SOP Environment
Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, PNDI
Arbeco Galati
7 8
Business Development Group
DAS Instalatii
Erbasu Constructii
PORR Romania
Patronatul Societatilor din Constructii
Vivani Salubritate
Terra Cons Civic SRL
Supported by
What is SOP Environment? The Sectoral Operational Programme Environment (SOP Environment) is one of the 7 operational programmes approved for Romania, funded by the European Union during 2007-2013, within the Convergence objective. Mr. Valentin Simion Ministry of Environment and Forests Public Manager Directorate of Programming and Evaluation Managing Authority for SOP Environment
The allotted budget is 5,6 billion euro of which 4,5 billion euro represents non-refundable funding from European Union, and 1,1 billion euro is the contribution of Romania. The funding from the European Union comes from two funds: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF). WHAT does SOP Environment finance? 1.Water/waste water extension and modernization of water and sewage networks, construction and upgrading of wastewater treatment and water treatment plants 2.Waste and historically polluted sites – Development of integrated waste management systems (construction of ecological landfills, sorting plants, etc.) and rehabilitation of historically contaminated sites 3.Urban heating modernization of heating systems in cities and towns. 4.Nature protection – administration and preservation of protected natural areas.
Sectoral Operational Program Environment (SOP Environment)
30-32 erban Vod Street, district 4, Bucharest Phone: +40 21-300 62 50 Fax: +40 21-316 07 78 Mobile: +40 754 231185 Email: Web:
Supported by
5.Floods and coast area – construction of dams and other types of infrastructure preventing floods or mitigating their effects, development of maps of flood risk areas, extension of beach surface to stop coastal erosion 6.Technical Assistance
The MDRT’s fields of activity are very diverse. The main activities will focus on the following programmes and projects:
Mr. Silviu Popescu Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (MDRT) Counselor of the Minister General Division of Public Works Director of National Development Infrastructure Program ( PNDI)
Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism Bd. Dinicu Golescu 38, Bucharest, Romania Phone: +40 372 144 080 Fax: +40 372 11 16 30 Email: Web:
Supported by
Romania’s Strategic Concept of Spatial Development for the period 2007 – 2025 and the national, regional and local territorial arrangement plans, -Phare - Social and Economic Cohesion and Phare Cross-border and trans-national cooperation (CBC) programmes, -Regional Operational Programme 2007 – 2013, -European territorial cooperation programmes in the period 2007-2013: • Phare CBC cross-border and trans-national programmes 2004-2006: • policy of national territory arrangement and equipment with public works: o the rural infrastructure programme: stone paving, rehabilitation, modernisation and asphalting of the classified roads of local interest and water supply for villages (GD 577/1997) o rural infrastructure programmes financed from external credits: The programme for the rehabilitation of the water and. sewerage systems in localities with less than 50 000 inhabitants, the programme for the development of infrastructure and sport facilities in the rural area; o programmes of energy efficiency: o Programmes for sports facilities and social-cultural constructions: o Programmes for building dwellings o Consolidation of high seismic risk buildings: the Project on the diminution of the risks in case of natural calamities and preparation for emergency situations Component B: Seismic risk reduction.
AMDISC is a non-profit organisation that aims to support companies that activate within the industrial waste and contaminated sites industry in Romania. AMDISC Objectives • • • • • Mr. Cristian Pocol President of AMDISC
Adherence to all international associations in the field; Create a working group to promote legislative initiatives; Supporting scientific research activities; Creating a domain-specific library; Organizing conferences and debates on various issues in the field, in different areas of the country; Creating a dialogue between all the factors involved in this area; AMDISC Areas of Involvement
• • • • • • • • AMDISC Str. Mos Ion Roata nr. 9, Sector 4, Bucuresti Mob : +4 0731 002 044 Email: Web:
Supported by
Companies specialized in preparing technical documentation for industrial waste and contaminated sites; Industrial waste collection; Industrial waste transport; Intermediate storage and industrial waste treatment; Laboratories for analysis and investigation of industrial waste and contaminated sites; Waste incineration; Final disposal in landfills for hazardous industrial waste; Incineration of industrial waste; Remediation of contaminated sites;
ARBECO S.R.L. is situated in the city of Tecuci,province of Moldova. The first mention of Tecuci in Romanian documents is 1 September 1435. ARBECO S.R.L. provides the following range of services:
Mr. Constantin Berbec Architect
Arbeco Str. Aleea Teilor 2, bl.C1, ap. 20 , Tecuci, jud. Galati Phone: +40 236 – 814617 Fax: +40 236 – 814617 Email: Web:
Supported by
- Development of planning documents and planning - general urban plans (GUP), together with related local regulations (series D, no 1166/01.04.2008); - Development of planning documents and urbanplanning urban area (PUZ), together with related local regulations (series D, no 1166/01.04.2008); - Development of planning documents and planning - detailed urban plan (PUD) - (Series E, No. 1298/01.04.2008) - Elaboration of technical documentation for obtaining the building permit (DTAC); - Elaboration of technical documentation for authorization of demolition (DTAD); - Development of technical project (DT), and construction execution in all areas (infrastructure, civil and industrial design, interior design) - (C, No. 793) - Elaboration of technical documentation for obtaining the building permit (DTAC) for modernization, retrofitting and rehabilitation of existing buildings; Fire Scenario development projects; - Feasibility studies, including funding programs to access internal and / or external according to European requirements; - Health security plans and site organization in OSH risk assessment; - Elaboration of Energy Audit Certificate for existing or new buildings; Expertise of existing buildings; - Technical consultation in architecture and construction;
Mrs. Minerva Nanu
Mr. Dan Eseanu
AQUAPROIECT S.A. is a renowned Consulting and Engineering company specializing in Studies, Design & Technical Assistance in the field of land reclamations, water management and environmental engineering. With a history and experience of over 58 years, the company continues the activity of the “Design Institute for Hydraulic Constructions” founded in 1953 in Romania, holding most of the best Romanian specialists of the studies and design sector of the former General Directorate of the Danube – Black Sea Canal. Throughout its existence, the company gradually expanded its array of activity, today representing a dominant force in the market and covering a large array of activities. The types of activities undertaken by the company are presented below, together with the number of years the company is active in each sector: Studies and design for water course management and land reclamation improvement – Design and behavior tracking of water constructional works Civil construction architecture and design of infrastructure works Environmental and water management studies Land studies Informational systems Technical assistance in the field and supervision of construction works.
AQUAPROIECT SA 294 Splaiul Independentei , sector 6, Bucharest, Romania Phone: +40 (21) 316 00 35 Fax: +40 (21) 316 00 42 Email: Website:
Supported by
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GROUP ( BDGroup) is a management consultancy company with over 15 years experience in business development on the Romanian market. We are rooted in the first project implemented in Romania within The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs Program for Co-operation with Emerging Markets (SENTER) and our business culture is based on the transfer of Dutch knowledge, experience and entrepreneurship. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GROUP has a tradition of providing high quality customized services and possesses extensive expertise in matching global demand to local Romanian specific conditions.
Mr. Ciprian Nanu Partner
Our professional approach has earned the trust of many government agencies and top companies from Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe and the USA. BDGroup is constantly broadening our horizons and diversifying our fields of expertise, which presently include: • • • • •
Business Development Group (BDGroup) 16 Vasile Alecsandri Street, Sector 1, Bucharest Phone: +40 21-3179870 Fax:+40-21-3179871 Mobile :+40-744 298803 Web:
Supported by
Environment and Water management Energy and Sustainable development Agriculture, Horticulture and Food Industry Production Outsourcing (metal, textile) Constructions and Real Estate Development
Business fields: • •
• Mr. Tudor Avram Development Manager
• • • • •
Mr. Iulian Solomon Commercial Manager
• • • • •
DAS SRL 87, Aurel Vlaicu Street, Iasi, Romania Phone/fax:+40 232 262800
Supported by
designing/planing and execution industrial, agricol and civil buildings designing, executing, repairing and upgrading electrical, heating, sanitary, ventilation, air-conditioning equipment, as well as air treatment equipment, steaming, gas, sewage, metallic works for residential and/or industrial consumers; service, overhaul, repairing, commissioning and operation authorizing, guarantee and post-guarantee interventions for installation equipment and systems, which are available through our 24/7 center; developing ISCIR authorization documentation for equipment subject to technical requirements; electrical tool service; sale of materials and equipment for installation systems; sale of tools and accessories; manufacturing of accessories for installation works: chimneys, ventilation channels, water and fuel metallic tanks, metallic works, gas boxes, distributors and/or collectors and hot/cold water equalizing cylinder; manufacturing of metallic structures for industrial rooms, farms, buildings; manufacturing of electrical systems; wood joinery; authorized distributor for renowned HVAC equipment ; designing, executing and maintenance sprinklers systems (VDS, FM and NFPA) designing, executing and maintenance of Fire Signaling, Alarm and Alerting Systems and Installations
Mr. Cristian Romeo Erbasu Managing Director
Erbasu Constructii Str. Nicolae G. Caramfil nr. 72, Bloc XXIIA, Sector 1, Bucuresti Phone: +40 21 232.35.45 Fax: +40 21232.35.05 Mobile:+40-744 540272 Email: Web:
Supported by
CONSTRUCTIONS: o Civil constructions (residential, offices) and industrial constructions (commercial, warehouses, houses etc.); o Town constructions (water, waste water, thermal plants and roads); o Special constructions (bridges, passages, shield works, retrofitting, water providing drillings); o Hydro-technical constructions (dams, water treatment and waste water plants, shore-protection works). INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: o Secondary-industrial production for the activity of constructions and mounting: Steel works; Joinery; Pre-cast products. AGRICULTURE AND ZOOTECHNY PRODUCTION: o Farming of the lands acquired by the company (its own property, hired properties, leased properties, associations) with cereal products o Animal breeding; o Industrialization of the agriculture products; o Industrialization of the milk products. HOTEL – DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES: o Provides services in its own hotel of 3 stars – ‘ERBAS’ Hotel. The hotel has 75 rooms and 135 places, a restaurant, an underground garage and a conference hall. SERVICES: o Constructions design; o Retrofitting; o Sale and purchase, building and land hiring; o Car and installations hiring; o Auto-service; o Trading constructions materials; o Intermediation, representation and consulting
Porr Construct Romania was founded in 2004, in Bucharest, as a Romanian competence center for all construction activities in the Porr Group.
Mr. Radu Cosma Manager Romania, Environmental Technology
Porr Construct S.R.L. possesses comprehensive KNOW - HOW in the field of civil engineering, building construction, railway construction, roads and bridges construction, environmental engineering as well as the development of future operation and license models in any field of construction. A portfolio of stone, gravel and landfill resources provides an important backup for stability and long term market opportunities. In Porr Construct S.R.L. we combine the Austrian values, the KNOW - HOW and the organizational culture with the Romanian assets and qualities. Our aim is to build a team of Romanian employees, trained upon the experience we gained in Austria since 1869. Porr Construct S.R.L. is to become a powerful and successful Romanian company where the employees will have career opportunity, stability and individual development chances in a safe and professional working environment. Our team concept is attracting dynamism, experience, loyalty and human resources capital opened for challenges and future changes. Programs for individual trainings and coaching will ensure the transfer of KNOW - HOW and secure our company's position in a fast growing and competitive market.
PORR Construct Romania Pipera Business Tower Bd. Dimitrie Pompei 8 RO 020337 Bucharest, Romania Phone: +40 728 111 241 Fax: +40 21 312 65 01 Email : Web:
Supported by
The Ownership of Romanian Contractors (PSC) is an apolitical organization founded in 2001, formed to represent the contractors’ interests in tripartite government – unions – federations meetings. The members of our organization are Romanian or foreign capital companies or authorized individuals from construction field: contracting, design, consultancy, research, material and construction machinery as well as equipment manufacturers and distributors. Mr. Tiberiu Andrioaie
Our organization is closely cooperating with parliamentary and non – parliamentary political parties and all agrements are non – political and are related to mutual involvment in technical activities. The Ownership of Romanian Contractors (PSC) is a member of UEPC (Union Europeenne des Promoteurs Constructeurs). PSC holds a vicepresident position and several positions in the Board of Directors and in the working committees, thus having fast access to the latest news. PSC is co – founder of The Federation of Construction Companies Organizations and is involved in organizing certain events, fairs, exhibitions, press conference, construction related lectures.
Patronatul Societatilor in Constructii ( PSC) Str. Horia Macelariu no 59,et.8, cam 802, Sector 1 Bucuresti Phone: +40 21 311 95 94 Fax: +40 21 311 95 94 Mobile: +40 740271110 Email: Web:
Supported by
Mr. Vasile Iancu
Mr. David Alexandru
VIVANI Salubritate SRL Phone: +40 21-344 00 56 Fax: +40 21-344 4056 Mobile: +40 744 423100 Email : Web:
Supported by
Waste Management Consulting
Town Sanitation Services
Industrial Waste Collection and Treatment
Waste Transport
Final Disposal
Hazardous and Non-hazardous Waste Storage
Waste Co-incineration
Waste Incineration
Laboratory for Physic-chemical Analysis
Medical Waste Collection and Disposal
Collection and Treatment of Electronic and Electrical Equipment Waste (WEEE)
Treatment of Contaminated Sites: contaminated soils washing plant, liquid waste treatment plants, sorting plants, thermal desorption plants, bioremediation technologies, wastewater treatment plants
Terracons Civic is a local company in Galati, Eastern Romania. They are specialized in all kind of residential or industrial constructions, in the Eastern Part of Romania. The company has experience in Water supply and treatment plants for the villages Sendreni and Vanatori from Galati county, with population around 5000. Some of their important clients are: Altex, Arcelor Mittal or ING Bank. Mr. Gheorghe Pascariu General Manager
They are looking for improving their technological base and transfer of know how from Netherlands to Romania.
TerraCons Civic SRL Galati, str. Melodiei, nr. 14, bl. C11 Phone:+40-0722 230 013
Tel. +40236/459039 Fax. +40236/459040 Fax:+40236 459 039 Email: Web:
Supported by
Organised by NL EVD Agentschap Internationaal
Netherlands Water Partnership
Netherlands Soil Partnership
Netherlands Waste Management Partnership
Business Development Group
Supported by