Hull Services Profile

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Hull Services | 50 Years

C e l e b r a t i n g 5 0 Ye a r s o f H e l p i n g K i d s & Families

Table of Contents

3 6 8&9

Message from Hull Services Executive Director It Started With A Vision

Growing To Meet The Needs • A Message from Glenn McNamara • Introduction • Hull Today • Program Categories • Support Services

10 &11 12&15 15

Evidence Based Models – Proven Outcomes

A New Vision – Hull Services Next 50 Years

• Hull Services – A Rebrand • Brain Development – The NMT Model • Social Enterprise and Social Policy • Funding Activities

The William Roper Hull Award

• The William Roper Hull Community Leadership Award

Hull Services | 50 Years | Page 2

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C e l e b r a t i n g 5 0 Ye a r s o f H e l p i n g K i d s & Families

A Message From Hull Services Executive Director


ull Services new vision, steering us for the next 50 years, may seem unattainable. We envision a world where kids are free from mental health and behavioural health challenges. Often the root causes of these challenges, such as child abuse, neglect, poverty, among others, result in serious social issues – for example, mental health, addictions and crime. We know that these challenges impact kids, their families and society and that we are all part of the solution. Achieving our vision requires a movement, effective leadership, higher awareness and working collectively. Equally, we need a plan and social policy to guide our collaborative efforts. It is only by working together with government, community and corporations that the solution can be achieved. To prepare for our next 50 years, Hull has expanded and refined our programs to include models that are evidenced-based, meaning that they are researched by third-party organizations and replicated to show their effectiveness. Demonstrating efficiency, being accountable and providing proof that our programs and services work, are critical to those we serve, our funders and the community. Hull is a leader in developing outcomes monitoring; we have evolved into a multidisciplinary organization that employs psychologists, social workers, special education professionals and child and youth care counsellors along with many other professionals. Hull’s continuum of services ranges from prevention, early-intervention and education to intensive residential treatment. While funding is often concentrated at the treatment end, this only addresses challenges after they have escalated. Residential treatment is an essential service but we believe the long term solution is in prevention and early intervention programs, reaching kids and families before residential treatment needs to be considered. Engaging the general public to believe in this vision and participate are essential because social issues affect everyone, either directly or indirectly. Everyone can be part of the movement. People can donate or volunteer, they can also advocate by approaching their MLA’s to bring the issues of children’s mental health forward on political agendas. Mr. Hull had a vision and 87 years after his death, it remains the same. He wanted to build a happy place for all; we too are striving to help these kids and families. They all have the potential to be happy, productive human beings that make a positive contribution to society – and collectively, we can help them.

George Ghitan Executive Director

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Hull Services | 50 Years | Page 5

C e l e b r a t i n g 5 0 Ye a r s o f H e l p i n g K i d s & Families

It Started With A Vision W

illiam Roper Hull first arrived in Calgary in 1883. At that time he envisioned, “There will be a city of at least 25,000. I see homes, schools, shops and churches with everything one needs for a happy life, and I will help to build it.” The subsequent success William Roper Hull created in business, social and family life reflected his dedication to making his vision of Calgary a reality for himself and for others. He introduced southern Alberta’s first large-scale, mechanical irrigation system on his Bow Valley Ranche in Fish Creek Provincial Park. He employed hundreds in Calgary’s first integrated meat-packing enterprise. He built Calgary’s first performing arts centre, the Hull Opera House. He built Calgary’s first skyscraper, the Grain Exchange Building, and was a constant contributor to many charitable organizations of Calgary’s growing community. Mr. Hull’s greatest legacy was his commitment to enriching the lives of children. At the time of his death, he left an estate worth millions and designated a large portion to establishing a home for destitute kids who had no families or could not reside at home. William Roper Hull was one of Calgary’s pioneers making major contributions to the quality of life as an entrepreneur, builder and philanthropist. His legacy to our city and the establishment of the William Roper Hull Home in 1962, now known as Hull Services, contributes daily to enrich the lives of thousands of others. William Roper Hull’s foresight continues to inspire Hull Services today, and will continue to inspire future generations for years to come.

Above: The Bow Valley Ranche House, designed in 1896 by Calgary architect James Llewellyn Wilson, fits in beautifully with the foothills landscape. Glenbow Archives PB-863-2 Right: The Successful Wolf - The Pack of Western Wolves, ca 1893, was formed by southern Alberta ranchers who met in a boxcar by the stockyards to drink and play cards. Several Wolves later founded the Ranchman’s Club. Glenbow Archives NA-2307-23

Right: The Opera House – Calgary’s first performing arts centre opened in 1893. As expected, The Hull Opera House attracted international performers. Glenbow Archives NA-1315-14 Left: William Roper Hull in his late fifties – This photograph was featured in a lantern slide show in 1931 in a series of Calgary school lectures about pioneer life in Calgary and southern Alberta. Glenbow Archives S-222-21

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Business in Calgary would like to extend our congratulations to Hull Services! We wish you great success in your future endeavours. Suite 1025, 101 - 6th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P 3P4 403.264.3270 | |

Congratulations Hull Services on your 50 th Anniversary! Hull Services | 50 Years | Page 7

C e l e b r a t i n g 5 0 Ye a r s o f H e l p i n g K i d s & Families

Growing to Meet the Needs


ix years ago, Glenn McNamara got involved with Hull Services on the recommendation from a colleague, and it turned out to be a very rewarding experience. As the past chairperson of Hull Services Board of Governors, McNamara observes how Hull has grown and evolved. “Hull is a great organization. They are one of the top-run charities in the city and they play a critical role in providing the necessary social services in Calgary and southern Alberta. They have expanded their services through sound strategic objectives that provide a wholesome and integrated approach. They have a good understanding of the social and psychological experiences of those they serve. Hull adapts to the needs of the community and they recognize it’s a continuum of support. The people behind Hull Services aren’t standing still – they are constantly monitoring research in Alberta and throughout North America. They apply new methods and techniques to improve the quality of the programs and services they deliver. Hull studies these


ull Services’ early years provided residential care and treatment for emotionally-disturbed and behaviourally-disordered children and youth. Often referred to back then as, “delinquent” kids, Hull began with two residential cottages caring for 24 adolescents. Over the years, Hull’s programs and services expanded. Philosophies shifted beyond residential care and Hull began operating both pre-and post-residential care programs and services within the community. A continuum of services emerged incorporating prevention and early-intervention models – reaching kids and families sooner, before needing to consider residential care. Today, Hull operates 28 programs and services positively impacting the lives of nearly 3,500 kids, youth, young adults and families every day. Programs address a multitude of complex needs within six primary categories. Prevention and Early-Intervention programs provide services that strengthen the well-being of families by becoming involved early before behaviour problems escalate or become a pattern. More than 2,650 infants,

methods as well as their own programs to ensure they have the right impact. They are results-based: if we aren’t making a difference, then why are we doing it?” asserts McNamara. “Hull’s strategy has always been low-key, but with a big impact – our notoriety does not Glenn McNamara, Past Chair, Hull Services Board speak to the impact of Governors we’ve achieved. The public doesn’t hear about the people who have come through Hull’s front door and gone on to live a normal life. Hull deals with a part of our society who’s been harmed and they are often underprivileged, and it’s a remarkable day when you see these kids and families graduate from a Hull program,” he says. kids, youth and families receive services within seven prevention and early-intervention programs. Family-Based Services reinforce the preservation of families. Hull believes that children and youth belong in families, living in the community. Support for natural, foster and kin families strives for permanency helping the families to remain intact and receive the assistance they need to thrive. Over 325 individuals and their families are served within five family-based programs. School-Based Services assist students with diverse academic, emotional and behavioural needs. Establishing a positive learning experience for students and their families, while meeting their scholastic requirements, helps students gain self-esteem, confidence and appropriate coping and social skills. Nearly 275 students and their families receive educational and career development support at William Roper Hull School and other schools throughout Calgary. Adult Services bridge the transition for young adults with mental health and developmental disabilities toward greater independence. In situations where

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supported living is required, adults are placed within settings that offer structure, safety and community integration. Nearly 140 young adults ages 16-24 access two programs for assistance. Residential Treatment assesses and treats high needs and high-risk kids and youth with serious challenges. When behaviours escalate out of control due to mental health, addictions or abusive experiences, immediate, intensive treatment is required. Round the clock care and therapeutic services are implemented from arrival through transition until youth can return to the community safely. Up to 80 kids and adolescents may reside at Hull on any given day. Nine programs provide critical treatment for these kids in care.

iginal Resources

Casey Eaglespeaker, Abor

Community Group Care offers treatment and supportive services for youth in a home-like setting, allowing young people to continue their progress before being reunited with their families or transitioning to another permanent community placement. Two group homes can accommodate 13 youth who require transitional support. The following support services equally play a role in assisting Hull as an Agency, its staff and the people it serves. Aboriginal Resources provides training, cultural experiences and consultation to staff, children, volunteers and community members. Bethany Wall, Fundraising Coord

inator and John Phin, Resource

Development Director

Community Engagement offers a range of volunteer supports including special skills, youth volunteers, special events and group involved volunteers (GIV). Jack Fair Clinic provides psychiatric and medical consultation, health education and full-time nursing care for Hull clients. Mentors Matter Program is a volunteer Agency support program providing mentor volunteers for youth and children affiliated with all Hull Services’ programs. Recreation Services offers specialized opportunities for children and youth, through camps, outdoor pursuits, work experience and leadership training. Hull’s Recreation Partnership Program helps youth learn social and leisure skills, heal traumas, gain self-worth and have fun.

Sheri Ewing, Hull Nurse

Training Services facilitates training programs for staff development. Hull Services | 50 Years | Page 9

C e l e b r a t i n g 5 0 Ye a r s o f H e l p i n g K i d s & Families

Evidence-Based Models – Proven Outcomes


aring for kids and families is important. Ensuring that care is competent, measurable and effective is equally important. More than ever, kids and families, stakeholders, funders, donors, volunteers, staff and the general public expect assurances that programs work, because social issues affect everyone. Providing proof becomes essential. Hull Services is the largest Agency in Western Canada utilizing 10 evidence-based intervention models. Evidence-based models are defined as being wellspecified, researched for decades in well-controlled studies by third-party investigators, and are replicable. Two of these models, Fast Track/PATHS and Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) are the only ones in Canada. While some titles of these models may sound completely academic, their practical inclusions and positive results are clear. Attachment, Self-Regulation and Competency (ARC) is a framework for intervention with youth and families who have experienced complex traumatic stress. William Roper Hull School joined the Calgary Board of Education’s initiative to create trauma-sensitive schools. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a treatment model for psychological and personality problems. CBT combines two forms of therapy: cognitive restructuring, which identifies and changes stressful thoughts, and behaviour modification, which alters inappropriate or unhealthy behaviours. Hull’s Pre-Adolescent Treatment Program (PTP) has successfully implemented CBT for kids in care. PTP also uses the trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy model (TF-CBT), which focuses on helping kids overcome negative feelings and behaviours resulting from traumatic experiences. Community Parenting Education (COPE) is an adult education program for parents of children with disruptive behaviours. Cpep, Hull’s Community Parent Education Program, uses the COPE model. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a system of therapy originally developed to treat persons with borderline personality disorder, in which a severe emotionally-unstable personality often develops because of traumatic childhood experiences.

Dr. Emily Wang, PTP Director and NMT implementation site coordinator and Kathleen Hagan, Fast Track/ PATHS Program Director

DBT is also effective in treating individuals with other issues such as eating disorders, behaviour problems, chemical dependency and sexual abuse victimization. DBT combines cognitive behavioural techniques with concepts derived from Buddhist meditative practices. DBT is utilized in whole or in part within Hull’s Bridging the Gap, TRACC, Lasting Impressions, Family Initiatives and Voluntary Detox programs. Fast Track/PATHS are a community based, early intervention and prevention program for children with serious behavioural issues and are at risk of developing conduct disorders. PATHS (Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies) is a social-emotional learning curriculum designed to facilitate the development of self-control, emotional awareness and problem-solving skills with elementary school students. Functional Behaviour Analysis (FBA) is a problem-solving process for addressing challenging behaviours in children and adolescents. FBA begins as an assessment to help determine the reasons behind the problem behaviour. Hull’s Cottage Seven Residential and Day Program has successfully used FBA in addressing the learning and behaviour for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. High-Fidelity Wraparound (HFWA) is a process that helps families with complex needs that are at significant risk of breakdown, or are preparing for a youth being reunited with the family. The Calgary Wrap-

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around Initiative, established in 2006, is a partnership with Hull Services, Calgary and Area Child and Family Services, McMan Youth, Family and Community Services and Enviros. Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) is an internationally-recognized treatment program for adolescents and their families struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. Hull Psychological Services uses MDFT for adolescents and their families at their request, by appointment, with a fee-structured plan. Stop Now and Plan (SNAP®) is a cognitive behavioural strategy designed to help children and adults effectively manage emotional responses to stressful situations before they act. SNAP® teaches kids and adults to stop and think of alternate ways of expressing emotions such as anger and make better choices to control impulsive and aggressive behaviours. Hull’s New Roads Program is a licensed user of SNAP® and in partnership with the City of Calgary – Community and Neighbourhood Services and the YMCA Calgary. Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) is an intervention and prevention program for parents. Its strategies aim to prevent severe behavioural, emotional and developmental problems in children as well as support families with current and potentially future problems before they escalate. Hull’s Family Initiatives Program delivers Triple P.

We take pride in our 30 year relationship with Hull Services and wish them the very best on their 50th Anniversary and for many years to come.

Suite 1600 Dome Tower 333 7th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 2Z1 Email: • Telephone: (403) 264-1915 • Facsimile: (403) 266-6016 • Facsimile: (403) 265-8565 Hull Services | 50 Years | Page 11

C e l e b r a t i n g 5 0 Ye a r s o f H e l p i n g K i d s & Families

A New Vision - Hull Services Next 50 years


elebrating 50 years of helping kids and families is a significant milestone. Hull is proud of its past. Taking time to reflect begs the question of the future, “What will Hull look like in another 50 years?” Following in the footsteps of William Roper Hull, whose initial vision was not only realized but also surpassed beyond his imagination, the Hull Agency recently launched a new vision and mission, a new look, new name and new website in preparation for the next 50 years. Throughout its history, Hull’s name has changed more than once. It began as the William Roper Hull Home, which was quickly shortened to Hull Home, a name many Calgarians still recognize. As programs and services expanded, the name became William Roper Hull Child and Family Services, which was shortened to Hull Child and Family Services at the turn of the millennium. Once again, programs and services have expanded and now, since July 2012, it is called Hull Services.

Refreshing the name, logo and website was only part of the rebrand. Creating a new vision and mission for the agency to continue serving the kids, youth, young adults and families long into the future is vital. Hull’s vision: Children free from behavioural and mental health challenges that impact them, their families and society. Hull’s mission: Providing leading-edge and effective behavioural and mental health services for children and families. Hull is a leader in advocating and engaging others towards realizing the vision. As Hull has evolved since 1962, so has research, data and programs regarding kids, youth, young adults and families. One comprehensive study entitled Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) identifies a direct link between childhood trauma and negative consequences later in life. Childhood trauma can occur during pregnancy or after childbirth, as well as during a child’s formative years. Trauma may involve genetics or biological circumstances, and may result in developmental delays. Trauma can also be experienced environmentally, for example, abuse

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(sexual, physical and emotional), neglect, domestic violence, poverty or social disadvantages. Research over the last 10 years has demonstrated that when trauma is experienced at a young age, it alters the development of the brain, leading to a more sensitive stress-response system and altered behaviours as well as a decreased ability to regulate emotion and action. The impact on behaviour, physical, mental and emotional health is significant, and this in turn increases the risk of addiction issues, violence, depression, academic impairment and more.

Brain Development – The NMT Model

A revolutionary, evidence-based practice that incorporates understanding of neuroscience and brain development has been created. It is called the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. NMT was developed by Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. Perry is the senior fellow of the ChildTrauma Academy (CTA), a not-for-profit organization based in Houston, and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences at Northwestern University School of Medicine in Chicago.

We are thrilled to congratulate Hull Services on their 50th Anniversary! We have been supporters of Hull for nearly 20 years. We strongly believe in the work they do and have witnessed first hand the benefits, not only to the people they serve but to the larger community. Hull remains near and dear to our hearts and we continue to advocate on their behalf. Their work is so important and we look forward to being part of the Hull family for years to come. ~ Rick and Julie George

Fostering Fosteringhealthy healthy growth growthisiswhat what about. it’sit’sallallabout. At Cenovus, we believe in working with the people who inspire, lend a hand and make

At Cenovus, we believe in working thetogether people who a hand and make communities stronger. Here’s towith working for a inspire, brighter lend tomorrow. communities to working together for a brighter tomorrow. Cenovusstronger. Energy. AHere’s Canadian oil company. Cenovus Energy. A Canadian oil company. Congratulations to Hull Services on your 50th anniversary.

Congratulations to Hull Services on your 50th anniversary.

New ideas. New approaches.

New ideas. New approaches.

Hull Services | 50 Years | Page 13

C e l e b r a t i n g 5 0 Ye a r s o f H e l p i n g K i d s & Families

Kendice Limoges, Hull Psychological Services and Safe Directions Clinician

The NMT approach allows clinicians and caregivers to better identify the strengths and vulnerabilities of a child and to better target developmentally appropriate activities and interventions to help restore more normal brain development. This serves to promote lifelong changes in health and wellness. Hull Services is currently using the NMT approach in several programs. By understanding these key components, NMT builds the capacity to support kids who have been traumatized. In addition, while many kids at Hull have benefited from NMT, the agency’s knowledge in the area of brain development allows us to begin to use a preventative and educational approach in other areas (including school systems) to improve brain functioning. As well, Hull can educate parents and teachers about improving kids’ capacity to learn, take in new things and regulate their emotions. Hull Services has partnered with Perry and the CTA to participate in the NMT Training Certification. Upon completion of certification (June 2013), Hull Services will become an NMT flagship centre for the ChildTrauma Academy. This designation means that Hull will act as a regional centre of excellence and be actively involved in training and research activities with the CTA and its learning network of other clinicians and programs throughout the world.

Social Enterprise

For 50 years, Hull Services has been helping kids and families. It is our business. It is what we do and we do it well. Hull is committed to constantly improving

our effectiveness and holding ourselves accountable to a higher standard. Our children and families deserve the very best and that is what we strive for, that is our goal, our standard. Accountability includes and demands a great deal of training for our staff. Investing in our staff and constantly increasing their skill level help to ensure the optimum delivery of our programs and services, which ultimately benefits everyone we serve. Many of Hull’s programs require a referral, a few programs are publically accessible. One such program is Hull Psychological Services (HPS). HPS provides therapeutic supports for a number of issues families may experience such as conflict, depression, anxiety, stress or separation and divorce. In addition, HPS works with families struggling with their teen’s use or abuse of drugs and alcohol. Clinicians within HPS are registered and provisional psychologists trained in the evidence-based model, Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT), which is the only MDFT program being delivered in Canada. HPS is unique in that it is Hull’s only fee-for-service program. This allows the program to sustain itself financially while providing services to those who have the ability to afford the fees, either by their own means or through employer health plans. HPS extends Hull’s 50-year knowledge base to the general public, offering the highest level of care and expertise within our range of clinical services.

Social Policy

In the spring of 2012, Alberta Human Services launched a public initiative to gain input from all Albertans to create the framework for a new Social Policy. Entitled, Speak, Share, Thrive, the framework describes the future direction of social policy in Alberta and all citizens have been invited to share their thoughts and opinions on their vision of social policy within our Province. Social policy determines the kind of society we want for our families, our community and ourselves. It is about how we meet human needs and how individuals, communities and governments come together to solve social issues. Hull Services applauds this initiative whole-heartedly! We have hosted a few focus groups with our Board of Governors, our MLA, Dave Rodney, and numerous community members.

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kids, youth, young adults and families in our community. A new and exciting opportunity for Hull has recently emerged to further our work with Aboriginal Communities. Hull Services has received funding to develop a 3-year demonstration project in the area of Intergenerational Trauma for Aboriginal Families, responding to the lasting effects of colonial and residential school experiences. This program, under development, will utilize the wisdom of the elders, as well as western interventions.

Funding Activities

This important project collectively enlists the influence of everyone to help shape the future of support for all Albertans. It will guide agencies like Hull, our vision and mission in serving kids and families, as well as other social supports and services. It will outline the very way people are helped in Alberta for many years to come. Through focus groups, online surveys, blog posts and other tools, Albertans have been providing their feedback to the who, what, when, where, why and how social policy will be delivered. To see the work that has been done, visit

Moving Forward

Hull Services continues to enhance our programs and services. We are proud of our past, grounded in our present and always looking forward - anticipating the needs of

Donations, bequests’, gifts and sponsorships fund a range of residential and community-based services at Hull. Volunteers add a tremendous level of support. One hallmark program is the Mentors Matter program that is second to none. The outcomes are impressive. Donors and volunteers quite rightly want to know their gifts and support produce outcomes that solve problems and address issues. They want to know they make a difference and they want to support an organization that captures their imagination of what’s possible. Hull Services helps people take control and change their lives. Kids and families confront the barriers to wellness and reach the milestones and goals set by their therapists and counsellors. The change in their lives is significant. The potential savings to society is immense. Hull Services has identified priorities for funding needs in programs and buildings. It will take five years, strong staff skills and hundreds of volunteers to raise over $30 million. The journey will be amazing and the results will be wonderful. If this captures your imagination, please give Hull Services a call.

The William Roper Hull Community Leadership Award When William Roper Hull first arrived in Calgary in 1883, he envisioned, “There will be a city of at least 25,000. I see homes, schools, shops and churches with everything one needs for a happy life, and I will help to build it.” And help to build it he did. William Roper Hull’s foresight continues to inspire Hull Services today, and will continue to inspire future generations. Hull Services strives toward realizing Mr. Hull’s vision to build a happy, healthy community; that’s our motivation. In honour of Mr. Hull and to celebrate our 50th anniversary, the William Roper Hull Community Leadership Award has been created. This annual award will recognize a Calgarian with a similar social vision and sense of social responsibility, while reflecting the spirit and principles that

guide Hull Services. It can be about answering a social problem or making a difference within the community. However the vision is shaped, the honoree is leading the charge and working toward making their vision a reality. The William Roper Hull Community Leadership Award celebrates achievements, dedication, determination and other values that characterize Hull Services, which are demonstrated daily in its programs. The honoree is defined by those who know them as visionary, entrepreneurial and philanthropic, someone others look to for leadership and whose actions convey Calgary at heart. This inaugural award will be presented on the eve of Hull’s 50th anniversary at this year’s Hullelujah fundraising event on December 13, 2012.

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Her name is Angela.

Sexually abused in her own home, she ran away and fell into “street” life where she spiraled downwards. An attempted suicide brought her to Hull where she began to rebuild her life. Angela has since earned her Ph.D., is a university professor and is happily married and raising a family.

His name is Tim, a normal 7 year old from a typical middle class family. A brain infection left Tim developmentally delayed and behaviourally unmanageable. Tim has become a vibrant adult who operates a small business, is close to his family and actively volunteers in the community. His name is Charlie, he came to Hull at age 8, angry, hurt, guilty, violent, a bully…alone.

He witnessed his mother beaten to death; he was also violently abused. Today, Charlie is a happy, healthy, caring big brother to his siblings in his foster home. Why would a 13-year-old child end her poem with, “…and life’s a place I wish I’d never been”?

Hull Services would like to thank everyone who has supported us throughout our 50-year history. You have contributed to our work, you have enriched our community, and you have helped many kids, youth, young adults and families succeed. Hull’s commitment to community and working together has resulted in collaborating with numerous agencies and organizations in eight of our 28 programs. We sincerely want to recognize the following Partners for their many contributions: • Alberta Health Services • Calgary and Area Child and Family Services • Calgary Board of Education • Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association • Children’s Cottage Society of Calgary • ChildTrauma Academy • City of Calgary-Community and Neighbourhood Services • Closer to Home Community Services • Enviros • McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association • Pathways Community Services Association • Renfrew Educational Services • Salvation Army Community Services Calgary • The United Way of Calgary and Area • Woods Homes • The YMCA


2266 Woodpark Avenue S.W. Calgary, AB T2W 2Z8 • t: 403-251-8000 • Hull Services | 50 Years | Page 16

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