Oslo Innovation MAGAZINE

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MAGAZINE Be visible in the new magazine presented by Oslo Innovation Week, October 1 5-1 9, 201 2:

THE OSLO ATTRACTION! Oslo Innovation Magazine is targeting *investors *entrepreneurs *management *academia *private sector *public sector The Magazine takes a closer look at the attractiveness of the Oslo Business Region in a global perspective! More detail: Next page!



The 7th Oslo Innovation Week, Oct. 1 5-1 9 201 2, is Europe’s largest event for innovation and entrepreneurship with more than 4000 participants. Read more: http://www.oiw.no The high quality Oslo Innovation Magazine will be published in 20.000 copies distributed to OIW 201 2 participants, companies, educational institutions, the 32 events during OIW, to municipal and governmental offices as well as hotels, cafees and travel spots in the Oslo Region. The Magazine pdf will be distributed globally, promoted through newsletters, business networks and social media. The Magazine is promoted in all OIW 201 2 activities, meetings and on the web before, during and after the event. • Published by Oslo Innovation Week • All editorial content in English • Editor-in-chief: CEO Fredrik Winther, Oslo Teknopol - fw@oslo.teknopol.no • Produced by Oslo Business Memo AS - post@oslobusinessmemo.no • Format: 21 0 x 280 mm, 1 50g gloss (cover) / 1 1 5g UPM Finesse Premium silk, 4 colour • Deadline: Thursday Sep.1 3, 1 2:00, print-ready pdf Advertising rates Oslo Innovation Magazine, No 1 , 201 2. All prizes, NOK, ex. VAT(MVA): Size

2/1 page 2/1 page premium placement (p 2-3, 34-35) 2/1 page premium placement (p 1 8-1 9) 1 /1 page 1 /1 page premium placement (p 2,3,36) 1 /2 page 1 /4 page

Prize NOK

48 000,54 000,52 000,26 000,30 000,1 8 000,1 3 000,-

Contact: Sales Director Finn Eirik Larsen - fel@oslobusinessmemo.no tel +47 900 90 1 59

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