BusinessMirror April 29, 2023

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ESTABLISHMENT / ADDRESS No. NAME OF FOREIGN NATIONAL , POSITION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUALIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE ESTABLISHMENT / ADDRESS No. NAME OF FOREIGN NATIONAL POSITION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUALIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE ESTABLISHMENT / ADDRESS No. NAME OF FOREIGN NATIONAL , POSITION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUALIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE BusinessMirror A15 Saturday, April 29, 2023 68. DU, PENGCHUN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 69. FU, QIANG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 70. GAO, JIAQIU Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 71. GUO, FASHUN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 72. GUO, ZONGAO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 73. HAN, HAN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 74. HAO, YANLONG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 75. HE, FEIFEI Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 76. HE, JIAHAO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Provide customer support and database services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good verbal and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 77. HE, ZONGYING Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 78. HOU, PENGCHENG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 79. HOU, YUANLIANG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 80. HU, SHUANG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 81. HUANG, JIAHAO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 82. HUANG, JIAJUN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 83. HUANG, SHOULONG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 84. HUANG, YUCAN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 85. JIA, DONGYUN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 86. LI, QUFAN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 87. LIU, XINGYANG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 88. LIU, YANG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 89. LIU, YANGZHAN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 90. LUO, JIABIN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 91. LYU, NAN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 92. MA, DONGBO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 93. QIN, SHIHONG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 94. SHEN, YUANHAO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 95. WAN, CHANGLIN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 96. WANG, XIAOPENG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 97. WANG, YU Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 98. WEI, YANGHAO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 99. WU, TIAN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 100. WU, YULONG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 101. XIANG, CHANGLONG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 102. XIANG, GUOHAO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing Incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 103. XIAO, BO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 104. XIAO, YU Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 105. XIE, CHANG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing Incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 106. XIE, JIANG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing Incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 107. XIE, JIEXIONG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 108. XIE, XIAOWU Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing Incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 109. XU, WENHAO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing Incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 110. YAN, SHIFENG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing Incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 111. YAN, WENBIN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 112. YANG, GUANGYUE Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing Incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 113. YANG, HAOTIAN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing Incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 114. YANG, XUENA Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing Incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 115. YU, TIANZHI Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 116. YUAN, HAO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 117. YUAN, KAI Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 118. ZENG, SHAN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 119. ZHAI, FEIYUE Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 120. ZHANG, DEYOU Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 121. ZHANG, DONGJIAN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 122. ZHANG, GENGMING Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999
ESTABLISHMENT / ADDRESS No. NAME OF FOREIGN NATIONAL , POSITION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUALIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE ESTABLISHMENT / ADDRESS No. NAME OF FOREIGN NATIONAL POSITION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUALIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE ESTABLISHMENT / ADDRESS No. NAME OF FOREIGN NATIONAL , POSITION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUALIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE BusinessMirror A6 A16 Saturday, April 29, 2023 123. ZHANG, GUOQING Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 124. ZHANG, HONGFEI Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 125. ZHANG, TING Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 126. ZHANG, XUEJIAO Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 127. ZHANG, ZHIJIE Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 128. ZHONG, DONGPING Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 129. EDIYANTO Customer Service Representative - Indonesian Speaking Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer inquiries. Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and make follow-ups to ensure the resolution of complaints. Basic Qualification: Finished at least a secondary education or college undergraduate. Preferably with 6 months to 1-year customer or sales experience. Fluent in Indonesian. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 130. WASEN Customer Service Representative - Indonesian Speaking Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer inquiries. Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and make follow-ups to ensure the resolution of complaints. Basic Qualification: Finished at least a secondary education or college undergraduate. Preferably with 6 months to 1-year customer or sales experience. Fluent in Indonesian. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 131. LI, CHAOHUA Customer Service Representative - Mandarin Speaking Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer inquiries. Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and make follow-ups to ensure the resolution of complaints. Basic Qualification: Finished at least a secondary education or college undergraduate. Preferably with 6 months to 1-year customer or sales experience. Fluent in Mandarin. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 132. WANG, GANG Customer Service Representative - Mandarin Speaking Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer inquiries. Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and make follow-ups to ensure the resolution of complaints. Basic Qualification: Finished at least a secondary education or college undergraduate. Preferably with 6 months to 1-year customer or sales experience. Fluent in Mandarin. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 133. ZHAO, CHONG Customer Service Representative - Mandarin Speaking Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer inquiries. Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and make follow-ups to ensure the resolution of complaints. Basic Qualification: Finished at least a secondary education or college undergraduate. Preferably with 6 months to 1-year customer or sales experience. Fluent in Mandarin. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 134. ZHAO, JI Customer Service Representative - Mandarin Speaking Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer inquiries. Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and make follow-ups to ensure the resolution of complaints. Basic Qualification: Finished at least a secondary education or college undergraduate. Preferably with 6 months to 1-year customer or sales experience. Fluent in Mandarin. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 135. ZHAO, SHIFEI Customer Service Representative - Mandarin Speaking Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer inquiries. Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and make follow-ups to ensure the resolution of complaints. Basic Qualification: Finished at least a secondary education or college undergraduate. Preferably with 6 months to 1-year customer or sales experience. Fluent in Mandarin. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 136. BUI THI HONG Customer Service Representative - Vietnamese Speaking Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer inquiries. Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and make follow-ups to ensure the resolution of complaints. Basic Qualification: Finished at least a secondary education or college undergraduate. Preferably with 6 months to 1-year customer or sales experience. Fluent in Vietnamese. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 137. HOANG THI THUONG Customer Service Representative - Vietnamese Speaking Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer inquiries. Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and make follow-ups to ensure the resolution of complaints. Basic Qualification: Finished at least a secondary education or college undergraduate. Preferably with 6 months to 1-year customer or sales experience. Fluent in Vietnamese. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 138. NGUYEN VAN PHONG Customer Service Representative - Vietnamese Speaking Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer inquiries. Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and make follow-ups to ensure the resolution of complaints. Basic Qualification: Finished at least a secondary education or college undergraduate. Preferably with 6 months to 1-year customer or sales experience. Fluent in Vietnamese. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 139. FRANDESKA LEE Indonesian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 140. HERDIANA Indonesian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 141. WIYANTI Indonesian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 142. CHAN QI FAN Malaysian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 143. KELVIN LAW BING WEI Malaysian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 144. LIM YEW HOCK Malaysian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 145. DOAN, VAN TUNG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 146. HA LAM NHI Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 147. HA VAN QUY Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 148. HO, CAM BINH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 149. HO, LONG HUAN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 150. HOANG DINH DINH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 151. HOANG MANH TRI Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 152. HOANG THI DIEU Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 153. HOANG THI HOA Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 154. HOANG THI NGUYET Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 155. HOANG, MINH NGOC Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 156. HOANG, THI DOAN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 157. HOANG, THI HOA Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 158. HOANG, THI LE QUYEN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 159. HOANG, THI XUAN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 160. HOANG, VAN TRONG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 161. HUYNH DUONG MAI TRAM Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 162. HUYNH, GIA VINH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write the Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 163. KHONG, TRAN MINH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 164. LA MY ANH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 165. LA, TRUNG VINH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 166. LAM, HOAI MONG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 167. LANG, TRONG KIEN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 168. LE CONG DUC Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 169. LE DUC THIEN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999
ESTABLISHMENT / ADDRESS No. NAME OF FOREIGN NATIONAL , POSITION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUALIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE ESTABLISHMENT / ADDRESS No. NAME OF FOREIGN NATIONAL POSITION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUALIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE ESTABLISHMENT / ADDRESS No. NAME OF FOREIGN NATIONAL , POSITION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUALIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE BusinessMirror A17 Saturday, April 29, 2023 170. LE DUNG NGUYEN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 171. LE MINH THUY Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 172. LE PHI HUNG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 173. LUC, THI THUY Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 174. NGUYEN TAN HUNG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 175. NGUYEN THE KHOI Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 176. NGUYEN THI LAN PHUONG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 177. NGUYEN THI LOAN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 178. NGUYEN THI MY MY Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 179. NGUYEN THI NGA Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 180. NGUYEN THI THANH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 181. NGUYEN VAN CHIEN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 182. NGUYEN VAN DINH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 183. NGUYEN VAN NAM Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 184. NGUYEN, THI TAM Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 185. NGUYEN, THI UYEN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 186. PHAN THI THU HANG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 187. SUNG THI PA Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 188. TRAN QUANG BAO Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 189. TRAN THI TO NHI Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 190. VANG, THI HUONG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 191. VI, TU HUNG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 NEO INCORPORATED North Tower Centrum Bldg., Aseana Avenue, Entertainment City, Baclaran, City Of Parañaque 192. AGUS RIYANTO Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 193. PHAM VAN SANG Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 194. PHAN DINH CHIEN Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 195. SAN SAN HTAY Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 196. SAN SAN WIN Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 197. SOE YU YU KHAING Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 198. TO VAN HUYNH Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 199. VO THI DIEM Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 200. YAN CHWE CHIN Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 201. YE HTUT AUNG Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 202. ZHANG, PU Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Description: Identify and maintain new business opportunities and existing partners. End to end partner management from opening and closing sales Conduct marketing research and identify potential clients. Basic Qualification: Excellent communication skills, strong organization and project management skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 NEW ORIENTAL CLUB88 CORPORATION 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th/f Sapphire Seaview Park, Pacific Avenue, Don Galo, City Of Parañaque 203. CHEN, XIAO Chinese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handle complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts, and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 204. HAN, ZHENGDONG Chinese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handling complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 205. LI, JIN Chinese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handling complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 206. LIAO, HONG Chinese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handle complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts, and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 207. BAITURSYNOV, DIAS Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handling complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 208. ANDY TONY Indonesian Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handling complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 209. DESWANTO Indonesian Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handling complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 210. FERNANDO Indonesian Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handling complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 211. HENDRA Indonesian Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handling complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 212. KARTINI Indonesian Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handling complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 213. KIM LIUNG Indonesian Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries. Basic Qualification: Fluent in Indonesian Language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 214. SYLVI DWI JAYANTY Indonesian Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries. Basic Qualification: Fluent in Indonesian Language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 215. KHAL DAM NAN ZI Myanmari Customer Service Brief Job Description: Manage incoming calls and inquiries, handling complaints, provide solutions, process customer accounts and file documents. Basic Qualification: College Graduate. Preferably 1-year experience in the same field, and speaks and writes fluently (native language). Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

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