Issue 15

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I s s ue15•Ma r c h/ Apr i l 2016

bus i ne s spa r t ne r t hema ga z i nef ors ma l l bus i ne s sowne r s

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om

Cont e nt s 0 2 MessagefromtheEditor ma l l Wor k pl a c eT we a k sT ha tGi v eaBi gPus ht oY our 0 3S Pa pe r l e s sOffic e

0 5 WhatDoesYourBrandRepresent? 0 7 SocialMediaSuccessTips Ma j orI de a sa ndS t r a t e g i e sf orCr e angaKi l l e rE x pl a na t or y 1 14 Bus i ne s sVi de oF or2 0 1 6

1 5

WhyCon nui ngPr of e s s i ona l De v e l opme nti sI mpor t a ntf or E mpl oy e eS as f a cona ndCompa nyGr owt h

1 7 5WaystobeaBe erBossandImproveEmployeeRelaons 1 9 SimpleOfficeFitOutChecklist

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


E di t or S a ndr aHi ns he l wood

Me s s a g ef r omt hee di t or Af e wda y sa g oI ae nde d“ T hePowe rofBe i ngAut he nc a l l yY ou” a ne v e ntputt og e t he rbyS ha aWa s mund.I twa saf a bul ouse v e nt fil l e dwi t hi ns pi r aona l wome n-t hos et ha tha ds uppor t e da nd e nc our a g e dS ha amor et ha na ny onee l s ei nhe rl i f ea ndc a r e e r .

L a y out&De s i g n S a ndr aHi ns he l wood& J a s mi neHi ns he l wood

Bus i ne s sPa r t ne rMa g a z i ne i si s s ue dbi mont hl yby S a ndr aHi ns he l wood/ E ffe cv eWe bs i t eMa r k e ng 4 4( 0 ) 7 7 8 23 1 0 0 5 8 Arc l e si nBus i ne s sPa r t ne r Ma g a z i neha v ebe e n r e pr oduc e dwi t ht he pe r mi s s i onoft hea ut hor s . T hev i e wsr e fle c t e ddonot ne c e s s a r i l yr e fle c tt hev i e ws a ndopi ni onsoft hee di t or .

T he ys ha r e dt he i rl i f es t or i e sa ndl e s s onsa ndde mons t r a t e dhow i mpor t a nti ti st oha v ef r i e nds hi p, s uppor ta ndme nt or s hi pi nbot h l i f ea ndbus i ne s s .Mos ti mpor t a nt l y , t he ys howe dt ha twhe ny ou a r ea ut he n ca ndt r uet oy our s e l fi ti se a s i e rt odowha ty oudo…t o s t a ndout …a ndma k eabi g g e rdi ffe r e nc e . I ti sne a r l y1 0y e a r ss i nc eI fir s ts t a r t e donmyj our ne yi nt o s e l f e mpl oy me nta ndbus i ne s sowne r .T he r eha v ebe e nma nyups a nddowns , mome nt sofde s pa i ra nde x hi l a r aon… Buti ti sonl y now, i nt hel a s t1 2mont hst ha tI ha v er e a l l yf oundmyni c hea nd t r uec a l l i ng .T hi si sdownt ofina l l yf e e l i ngt ha tI a mdoi ng s ome t hi ngt ha tt r ul yr e s ona t e swi t hme …be i nga ut he nc , c onne cngwi t hmyv a l ue s , ha v i ngc onfide nc ea ndbe l i e fi nmy s e l f a ndha v ea na ma z i ngs uppor tne t wor k . I fy ouha v enotg otane t wor kofs upporv ef r i e nds , f a mi l ya nd me nt or st hi si ss ome t hi ngt ha ty oune e dt owor konnow.Runni ng abus i ne s si snote a s ya ndwhe ny oua r es ur r ounde dmyl i k e mi nde d pe opl et ha ty oua r ea bl et os ha r ey ouri de a sa nddr e a ms , a ndg a i n i ns pi r aonf r om, i the l pst oc a r r yy out hr oug ht het oug h me s .Y ou wi l l a l s oha v ea na ma z i ngg r oupt os ha r ey ours uc c e s s e swi t ht oo. Ass pr i ngi suponus , a ndt heda y sbe g i nt ol e ng t he na ndwa r mup, t he r ei snoe x c us ef ornotg oi ngouta nddoi ngs omene t wor k i ng . Ma k ei ty ourmi s s i ont os pe a kt ofiv ene wpe opl ei nt hene x tfiv e da y s .Y oune v e rk now, y ouma yme e ty ourne wbe s tf r i e ndora f ut ur ebus i ne s spa r t ne r . T oy ours uc c e s s , Sand r a

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


Small Workplace Tweaks That Give a Big Push to Your Paperless Office By Jerin Marin The journey towards the creation of ‘paperless office’ has been long and much still needs to be done for us to get there fully. However, you can easily give a big push to your paperless office by carrying out a few tweaks to your small workplace thus enjoying the many benefits associated with the move. Small workplaces stand to benefit more from paperless working environments as they not only make work easier but also help in cutting down on the overall operation costs. Additionally, going paperless will help decongest your office environment as you clear the clutter that normally characterizes many workplaces. Here are some tweaks that will help you reduce papers from your day to day operations: Share internal documents without printing them Internal communications and documents are a major contributor to the large pile of papers in your workplace. Instead of

printing documents every time you need to run something across to your juniors or colleagues, why not opt for avenues such as Google Docs, Base camp or Microsoft office 365? Google Docs makes it easier for you to work on spreadsheets or documents with others simultaneously while chatting in case you need to exchange ideas. Additionally, this makes it easier for you to work from anywhere without losing your work no matter what. So, why print while you can achieve your goals paperless? File sharing and storage Small workplaces can easily be cluttered by huge files that aren’t even easy to manage or store. Instead of printing these files and occupying your small space with papers, why not invest in file transfer systems such as Drop box? This particular file transfer system makes it easy for you to create different folders which can be accessed by the intended audience without any problems. You can therefore disseminate work or reports to your employees or


anyone, while keeping your information safe and away from any danger or damage. You could also use YouSendIt, which is also a paperless option for file storage and sharing. Paperless bill payment and statements Bills and statements are always a major contributor to the large amount of papers you currently have in your shelves or drawers. So, why not give your paperless office a push by paying your bills online? Additionally, you can issue your statements online or send invoices without printing them. This will translate to reduced expenses on envelopes, postage and reduce the amount of time required for your employees to coordinate checks, invoices and mailing. Amazingly, everything including the issuance of receipts can be done via emails without printing them. Efficient Document Management There is lots of smart and efficient document management software available for businesses. You can easily save more money and avoid unnecessary paperwork by discouraging against scanning and faxing. Instead, consider switching to digital and online solutions which allows you to scan documents or even send all your incoming

faxes into your email inbox. There are many apps which can help you do this and some of them easily turn your readily available camera into a scanner while converting those captured images into PDFs so that you can email them with ease. Encourage electronic signing of documents The need for legally binding physical signatures can easily leave you stuck to printed documents. However, the technological changes that have taken place over the years simply means that you can have your legally binding documents signed without printing them. Electronic signatures contracts are nowadays considered legally binding as those signed on hard-copy contracts. So, why not take that route and start with your internal documents? The modern technology has definitely provided us with a wide range of smart tools that can help you achieve a paperless office environment. Making some of these changes will undoubtedly help you spend less, save time, storage space while reducing clutter by a big margin. It will also save the environment and enable you to enjoy a clean environment.

About the Author Jerin Marin is an expert in modern business management tools, especially document management software. He regularly contributes to leading publications and websites about smart business management.


What Does Your Brand Represent? Malik Muhammad

Much is said, read and written about business models, using social media, continued professional development, positive mental attitudes, team building days, raising brand awareness, effective networking etc. and most people in business have access to these tools to a lesser or major degree. It's generally accepted that start-up budgets, capital investments and your ability to raise money may have a direct impact on how you build your business. These issues are contemplated by most business people at some point in the growth of their ventures so being clear about what your brand represents will make acquiring your market share a much easier experience. The evolution of humanity has been consistent in at least one aspect: our need for social interaction. Whatever your life philosophy, religion, race, sexuality, profession, culture, lifestyle or ambition -

history shows there has always been the desire/need to connect with others. The ability of a business to understand and create or meet the needs of its potential and existing customers is the secret of its success. Dr Abraham Maslow hypothesized that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs. His thinking was that individual needs must be satisfied at the lower levels before they progress to higher, more complex levels. The basic physiological need for food and shelter, for instance, had to be met before higher levels of esteem such as respect for others and selfconfidence could be reached. In 2016, Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory may be critiqued in view of the cultivated desire to have more Facebook or Instagram likes to validate self-esteem over eating nutritional foods, intelligent thinking and planning for a progressive future.


The psychology of your client base is effectively understood within its direct social context. Whether your product/ service fulfils an aspirational or practical need becomes relevant according to how you tweet, advertise or price what you are selling for instance. Being clear about how your business will satisfy a perceived or actual need is good for business. It all comes down to you being patient and consistent in how you define your brand. How you weave the common thread that binds all aspects of your social media campaign. How your packaging, presentations and general publicity complement why people should engage with what you have to offer. How the various 'construction lines' in the blueprint of your business paint a powerfully clear picture of what you represent. How you make people feel about what you do. It's a useful exercise to spend time, seek professional help and patiently identify what your brand says about you in 2016.

When you see the bitten Apple symbol; you know what it represents. How does a swish or tick come to say so much about the name of a brand ie Nike? Both Apple and Nike were (globally) small businesses at one stage - just like your business is now. You may not aim to be a global market leader but you do have a vision for the growth of your business. It’s this vision based on identifying what your brand represents that will create the desire for your product / service and result in increased sales. * Create the time to identify and understand why your business exists. * Review your effectiveness and relevance in the current market. * Enjoy the process and love what you do. These qualities will make customers want to be associated with your brand which satisfies the need to socially interact by being part of a special tribe: Your tribe.

About the Author Malik Muhammad is a Self-Empowerment Specialist, radio presenter and author of 'Empower yourself to succeed'. He was raised and educated in Jamaica, read law in London and enjoys quad biking, vegan cooking and jazz.


Social Media Success Tips By Mary Grace With definite ever-increasing demand for user individualization, why is your international social media campaign lumping all countries together in a great big catch-all? Playing with national trends that make your product personal to an international audience on social media can make all the difference to your foreign consumers. Recognizing where your market is online, what they care about, and how to talk to them are all vital parts of social media success. Transform your small business into an international-savvy social media marquis by finding your customers and connecting with them. Where Are They? Finding your market online is the most important part of social media marketing. Whether you are selling to an international market, or just not seeing the interaction you expect from your audience; transforming your market strategy to capture that market is kind of the whole point. Before you begin, know who your audience is, and why they should chose you? Are you luxury? Do you sell the best in the your niche, or are you a combination of economy and utility? Define yourself, your brand, and who's buying. This will all help you find where your target market hangs out online. If you need help answering this question, try collecting zip codes, phone numbers, or leaning a little on the analytics of your online store. Data collection translated into an actionable, fluid profile is explained a little bit more here. Use this

information to develop a profile of who your customer is, and why they buy your product. Once you think you’ve developed a conclusive profile of who your user is, do a little bit more research. Are they on their phones? Do they follow Facebook? Or are they into Twitter? What language do they speak? These all might seem like simple answers, but if you’re selling an economically-priced fluffy pink dress to a group of potential buyers in Tibet then consider the dominance of mobile devices as a platform in China, the great firewall, and the fact that a majority of Chinese in Tibet speak Tibetan, not Mandarin will transform your message and where you’re focusing that messages.

Are you on the right sites? This is HUGE! Figure out where your audience goes online, if you have to, just directly ask them where they like to see coupon codes and special offers. Your audience might not actively involve themselves with social media, but could still


be watching (like Japan’s interaction with Twitter). Are you speaking their language? Not only are we talking about using the correct language for your audience, but also addressing them in a way that is relatable. While talking to Americans, you’d avoid using words like ‘colour’ instead of ‘color’ and you might advertise using football themes instead of soccer, why would it be any different for other international clients? Is your message usable to your audience? Sending out messages in Tibetan, exploring home grown networks like Weibo or Wechat, and making sure the messages that you send out are mobile compatible (quick, to the point, and using hyperlinks, not flat URLs) are all parts of putting out a usable message. Mobile compatibility is vital when advertising in developing markets that skipped over desktop dependence (like China). The first step to selling your product to an international market is finding your audience, where are they online, and how are they getting there? Once there, are you speaking their language? What Do They Care About? You’ve made it to the party!! You post in the digital-locations people will find your brand, but are you posting about anything that makes sense, or relates to your audience? While getting on Weibo and posting in Tibetan might seem like an arduous task in itself, posting something that will be seen and registered with users

is the real struggle. There are a few tools I recommend highly, but there are a plethora out there: Buzzsumo (the real front page of the internet, plus you can analyze content), Followerwonk (Moz tool for Twitter Analytics), or simply staying active in the social media that you are aiming at. Become involved in the culture of that social media. This means understanding what your brand means to the audience that seems it, and how you should adjust accordingly. One awesome example of culturally-adjusted social media is on Starbucks Official Weibo page, where they utilize moving emojis (very popular style choice for this site) and aim at selling Starbucks as the luxury brand it is for China, see the glittery card below.

In contrast, Starbuck’s branding on Facebook, which focuses on a very Western market, sells the coffee vendor as an everyday commodity. Starbucks is branded as an integral part of your everyday life; they even include Spotify playlists and daily tags like “Merry Monday”. While some of your market may venture off of their social media of choice (like SCMP’s many Instagram articles suggest) but focusing on your primary audience is more


important than picking up a few orphaned customers. You can also use different associated accounts on the same platform to individualize your international message, like Starbucks_J, Starbuck’s Japanese Twitter account, which has over 2.6 million followers. Using country specific accounts means a world of difference to your followers, and to your sales. This can be vital if your domestic audience has any significant cultural or language differences when compared to your international audience (there is even a Starbucks Canada that is very different from Starbucks home). Are You Reaching Them? On the right platform, posting a message individualized to the audience using that medium, and you’re still not getting the engagement you’d like? Funnell your social media towards forcing user engagement. There are a few tricks to solicit user activity, offering coupon code, inviting them to specific, targeted deep pages, or offering them a job within the company (contentcreation contests) are all great ways to get people to share your material. If a larger influencer picks it up, then there is an even better chance people will click on their typically non-advertorial post (engage dark social). There is a much higher rate of onsite interaction when a post gets lots of shares vs. a popular post that does not get shared. If you think people are looking at your site because of your engagement in social media, try offering a coupon code as a means of measuring user engagement. They are great for measuring user engagement that might be missing in comment form, and create a sense of urgency for current browsers. However,

coupon codes can cost you money, cheapen your product, and fail to bring in new users, so dispense these sparingly. The Japanese version of your site is a little sparse, and user engagement could be better. Offering a paid opportunity to write for your blog, or a photo contest (if you're a visually driven company) can be the perfect way to get influencers to share your content on their site. Plus, free-ish content. It will also answer the question of what your audience wants to see, and what sort of users are currently engaging with your site. It gets people involved in your company in a positive way, and activates dark social. Dark social is the semi-unmeasurable way people share your content with each other, offering helpful content can be a huge part of gaining life-blood back to dark social engagement. It is the key to true success on social media. If you can be where your audience is, speak to them in a way that resonates, and gain user engagement, you should be set. While it’s not as simple, and there will be more problems that arise with each country, those are the three main components of a successful international campaign.

Mary Grace lives in the beautiful Boise, Idaho. She loves everything between the top of the mountain and the bottom. She also loves organic marketing webs, getting the best out of ux, and getting feedback. Tweet her @marmygrace,


4 Major Ideas and Strategies for Creating a Killer Explanatory Business Video For 2016 By Claudia Metura Are you planning to make an investment in an explanatory video this year for better marketing results? We all know that business videos can explain your products and services in 60 – 90 seconds. Explanatory business videos are considered to be one of the best ways of engaging your clients and customers, making them familiar with their business. The hardest thing is to get things right. Since explanatory business videos are something that may turn out to be a smack dab for your homepage, and the very first thing to your visitor’s experience it is essential to nail it the very first time. Given below are some of the major tips for creating an explanatory business videos for a better 2016.

The script for your business video:

The first thing for your business video is that it should be well written, as it is the foundation of your business video. The script is something that needs to sound professional enough or else the entire thing would turn out to be a flop turning out to be short. The script here is exactly what you would need your marketing audience to know in a shorter period of time grabbing their attention. Just like the newspapers are written at the third grade reading level, in the same way the script must be written that the ones who are watching it understands it. Visuals are the second most important thing when it comes to enterprise business videos, as it helps to reinforce what the audience has been hearing and would make them remember the message told throughout the business video.


Understanding who your market audience is and what are their needs:

there that would help you come out with one of the best business video.

Before you begin to write the script or have the camera rolling, you need do think about who your marketing audience is and what are their needs. Through the business video your business objectives would help them segment their marketing audience. Say for example if your motive here is too help you segment your marketing audience and drive awareness, your marketing audience would then here be quite different and much larger than say individuals who are already on your website and need a little nudging dropping products into the cart.

Length for your business video:

Using a professional voice for your business video: Nothing can ruin your business video unless and until it turns out to be a poor audio. We have all heard and come across videos that are crackly voice over seemingly recorded on a talk boy. Sometimes the quality would seem to be fine but the voice just does not turn out to be the way it has to be. In either of the ways investing in a professional talent is a must and there are plenty of options out

Desktop users generally tend to watch the business videos for less than 3 minutes and not more. Mobile users may be would turn out to stick for a longer period of time, followed by the tablet users who have an attention span of more than 5 minutes. Business videos are generally considered to be a hook or a gate way to the next step, but remember not the whole story. You would here have just 10 seconds to grab the attention of your marketing audience, followed by max three minutes of their time. So have your point being brought across but keep it short and simple. So thinking about invigorating your business videos with some snazzy and new explanatory business videos then these were some of the major tips you could follow. What other strategies would you like to add to the article above? Do leave your thoughts and comments below.

About the Author Claudia Metura is an expert in the IT industry with over 12 years of experience. She has collaborated with various companies to work on improving Enterprise Online Video Platform


Why Continuing Professional Development is Important for Employee Satisfaction and Company Growth Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a crucial component of modern business strategy. By nurturing the professional development of employees, not only does staff have greater feelings of satisfaction at work, but investing in employee development drives businesses forward and is a key driver in company success. CMS VOC, specialists in offering a variety of government funded and commercial training programmes for young people and adults across Yorkshire, explores some of the ways CPD is important for employee satisfaction and company growth. Being in a job that offer little in terms of training and personal development will not get the best out of individuals, and will, more than likely, see the brightest of professionals look elsewhere for a job that does offer some kind of professional development. By contrast, Continuing Professional Development CPD, which is essentially a way of enabling professionals to enhance and maintain their knowledge and skills, brings a multitude if benefits to staff, including developing their skills, improving personal performance at work, creating work satisfaction and enhancing staff morale. Developing specific skills and achieving career goals

As CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development, informs in its paper about the benefits of CPD, being given training and development opportunities enables employees to develop on existing skills and learn new ones, helping them achieve their career goals. As CIPD writes, CPD helps employees, “Cope positively with change by constantly updating your skills set.� Improving performance at work By developing and learning new skills, being exposed to continued development in the workplace will inevitably help individuals improve their performance at work, meaning they are in a better position for promotion, more challenging responsibilities and potentially a pay rise. Creating work satisfaction Knowing they are being invested in through training and seeing the personal development gains of such training, including earning a greater skill set and improving performance, will inevitably create greater job satisfaction. The Institute of Hospitality talks about CPD


and how this framework of learning and development activities are vital in contributing to an individual’s continued effectiveness as a professional. According to the Institute of Hospitality, CPD is an effective way of helping individuals increase skills, knowledge and confidence in the workplace and by going so helps them “gain greater job satisfaction.”

ammunition to grow. Providing individuals with Continuing Professional Development inevitably adds value to the business through a more skilled workforce, helping to nurture company growth and ultimately profits. Boosting staff morale and consequently improve retention rates

Benefits of CPD for the employer Devoting time and resources in the Continuing Professional Development of its workforce can be viewed as a long-term investment for businesses of many different industries and of all sizes. Overcome skillset problems It’s no secret that modern business are facing problems involving the skills and talents within the workforce. In fact new research has revealed, the UK’s modest economic growth during the last four years has been met, according to the Government website, by an “unprecedented shortage of skills, leaving thousands of vacancies unfilled.” By developing specific qualities and skills and improving an employee’s performance in their job, CPD advances an individual’s full potential at work and subsequently means they become more beneficial to a business and its objectives, giving it greater

High levels of staff turnover can be crippling for a business. It is within every company’s interest to hang on to their most valued members of staff. Offering CPD can be an effective way to boost morale in the workplace and subsequently ensure prized individuals are less likely to look for work elsewhere, thus improving retention rates. As CMS VOC wrote in a blog about how to be a good manager, involving employees in business training will show an employer values their ideas and contributions, consequently boosting staff morale. Continuing Professional Development is a two-prong asset, providing professionals with an effective and rewarding way of continuing to develop throughout their career and ensuring employers are sufficiently staffed with the necessary skills so their business adapts, evolves and continues to move forward.

This blog post was written by CMS Vocational Training (CMSVOC), which offers a vast range of courses and training programmes across diverse sectors. CMSVOC is committed to helping people of all ages, backgrounds and industries, find the right course and training programme. so they can progress in their chosen career or embark on a new career. CMSVOC’s professional and talented staff have specialist knowledge in a wide range of industries and work with learners to help them achieve their career dreams.


5 Ways to be a Better Boss and Improve Employee Relations Reed Commercial Dealing with bad or unbearable bosses is something we will all go through in our working lives, and it can be the biggest factor in our decision to move on to a new role. To make sure that you have the best chance of keeping those valuable employees and keeping productivity levels high, it’s important you can maintain strong employee relationships.

the answers collected, describing the little things that made their bosses difficult to work with. These points could help to improve your own employee relations and make sure you aren’t falling into the bad boss trap.

Reed Commercial recently conducted OnePoll a survey asking current managers how previous bosses influenced their own managerial approach. Below are a few of

One of the most popular answers from the survey regarding what employees disliked most about their bosses was micromanaging. Make sure you are

Be aware of micromanaging


organised and your team are on track, but also give them room to breathe, learn and create solutions on their own terms.

Listen to what your team has to say Remember that even though you are a leader, you are still a part of a team. You should be utilising the range of skills, experience and knowledge of your employees and taking their ideas and creative solutions into consideration. Listening to your team will not only increase productivity, but will also allow them to improve their own knowledge and skills, which will ultimately benefit your business.

Give credit where credit is due Nothing is more frustrating than someone else taking credit for all of your hard work. If a member of your team has done a particularly great job, created a solution to a pressing problem or shown that they are a valued member of the team, make sure you acknowledge it. A number of the survey participants stated that a boss taking credit for their work was one of the reasons they left the business to become their own boss.

Get your hands dirty

bad bosses reach the top and think their work is done and that they can sit back and watch their team do all the hard work. Make sure you are available to lend a helping hand with any tasks your team may be struggling with and don’t be afraid to do the little things, especially if it means taking the pressure off your employees.

Keep your finger on the pulse As a boss you should always be a few steps in front of your employees. Make sure you are keeping up to date with the latest changes and news in your industry, take as many courses and classes as possible to keep your knowledge and skills sharp. You need to be in a position to provide support, by answering any questions and solving any problems your team may approach you with. When looking at the results of the survey, it was clear that lack of communication was the biggest issue when it came to employee relations. Make sure that your employees not only feel valued, but also take into consideration their own personal career goals and what they want to achieve out of their job role. Be approachable, knowledgeable and flexible and you will be on your way to being a better boss with more productive and happier employees.

One of your main roles as a boss is to provide support when needed. Too many

This article was written by Reed Commercial


Simple Office Fit Out Checklist By Reno

The journey towards the creation of ‘paperless office’ has been long and much still needs to be done for us to get there fully. However, you can easily give a big push to yAn office overhaul can improve staff productivity and morale, help to introduce a shift in brand values or mark the beginning of new era for your business. However, there are a number of questions you need to ask yourself along the way. Below, we offer a simple office fit out checklist to help you through the process.

decide whether you want to refurbish your current office or move into an entirely new facility.

1. Consider the reasons for your fit out The first step is to give some serious thought to exactly why you want to make changes to your current working environment.

Is your current office too small?

Are you hoping to make better use of the existing space? 

Do you want to give your business an image makeover? Are you hoping a fit out will boost staff morale? By carefully considering your own motivations and requirements, you can ultimately make more informed choices and

2. Think about the future In addition to your current need and wants, it pays to think about where your company will be going forwards. 

Are you anticipating growth over the next five years? 

Will you be increasing staff numbers within that same time frame? Do you expect major technological changes within your industry? Can your current office building accommodate those changes? By giving careful consideration to where your business is going, you can anticipate any problems in advance and work with an office design company to make sure your fit out caters for them. 3. Staying in the same building In most instances, staying in the same building will be a cheaper option and if your existing location can cope with your current and future demands, it makes a lot of


sense. However, you need to answer some key questions.

Have you carried out a full feasibility study?

Does your current facility allow for all of the design changes you want? 

Has your landlord approved of the changes you are planning? 

Do you need to make any changes to meet compliance regulations? 

How will your business cope while the refurbishment takes place? Are the benefits going to justify the expense? Even if your first choice is to refurbish rather than relocate, you may need to reconsider if any of the above questions raised major issues or doubts. 4. Moving to a new office At times a change of building will be necessary. Businesses can outgrow their surroundings and upgrades in industry technology or regulatory changes can mean that facilities become outdated. When this happens, you need to ask: 

Will staff be able to make the switch to the new building easily? 

Does the new building have the necessary transport and parking infrastructure in place? 

Can equipment and furniture be moved or will you need to buy new stuff?

Could the building be subject to future hikes in rent or other charges? Moving location is perhaps the more complicated and expensive option, but it could be just the sort of fresh start your business needs and, if handled sensitively, could lead to a big boost in staff morale. 5. Explore the logistics of your fit out Once you have a clearer idea of exactly what you are envisioning from your fit out, you need to really think about the logistical side of things and iron out some details. 

What is your overall budget for the project? 

Can you find a design company to carry out the job within that budget? 

Are there any supporting beams, supporting walls or other obstacles you need to steer clear of? 

Will the new design allow natural light to get in? Have you factored plug socket placements into your new plans? Essentially, this part of the process requires you to think about the practicalities of your design and you may need to talk to a design company and find out if your ideas are really possible.

About the Author: Reno is a Director of a leading exhibition and event company Enigma Visual Solutions, specialising in exhibition stand design, retail designs, interiors, graphic productions, signage systems, event branding, conference set design and much more. He specialises in experiential marketing and event productions. He enjoys sharing his thoughts on upcoming marketing ideas and design trends. You can follow him on Twitter.


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.