Business Partner Magazine - Issue 56

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Hinshelwood Aljon Sampaga EDITOR LAYOUT/DESIGN Business Partner Magazine is issued bi-monthly by Sandra Hinshelwood of Effective Website Marketing TABLE OF CONTENTS Never Underestimate the Importance of Being a Good Boss: How Motivation and Efficiency Can Be Improved In the Workplace How to Handle Inflation as a Freelancer? 14 Ways For Freelancers Tips for Living A Balanced Life How AR and VR are Transforming the Future of Businesses The Final Bow Employee Benefits To Support Mental Health During The Cost Of Living Crisis Here’s what you should plan when attending a trade show for the first time 03 ....................................................................................................07 ....................................................................................................11 ....................................................................................................15 17 19 ....................................................................................................23 01


Welcome to the first issue of 2023. I hope you enjoyed time with family and loved ones over the holidays.

As we draw a curtain on a tumultuous 2022, it is time to look forward to the year ahead with the hope that it will be happy and prosperous.

In 2022 we saw many firms introduce a four-day working week in a push for productivity, efficiency and employee wellness. Whilst such initiatives force us to look at how we run our business, we should not underestimate the role of a good boss in tackling such matters that the four-day week is trying to improve. As leaders, managers, or supervisors – our employees look to us for guidance and support, and it is essential to lead by example. Our cover story has some great examples of how you can be a good boss.

Being a supportive leader is more important now than ever as the economic crisis continues to bite. However, while looking after the team is essential, it is also vital to consider your personal needs.

So, if time is short and you do not have time to fully explore the articles in this edition, turn to page 11 now to find ways to incorporate balance in your life.

I wish you all the best for the year ahead.

Sandra 02

NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A GOOD BOSS: How Motivation and Efficiency Can Be Improved In the Workplace

Managers and supervisors who use negative reinforcement to motivate their staff usually experience an increase in absenteeism and lack of productivity. According to Gallup, the global economy loses $7.8 trillion due to low engagement. One of the main causes of low engagement is poor management.

However, there are ways to improve business efficiency and motivate employees. In this post, we’ve provided tips on how you can improve your processes in the workplace simply by being a good boss.

Help Improve Your Employees’ Mental Health

During the COVID-19 pandemic, employees worldwide suffered from severe mental health issues. They feared losing their jobs and their family members to a serious illness. It was also extremely difficult for some people to work remotely, especially when they had so many distractions. 03

One of the ways employers helped their remote staff during the pandemic was by offering online therapy sessions. People were able to talk to professional therapists while remaining safe in their homes from the COVID-19 virus. Employees were able to voice their concerns to someone they could trust.

• Train staff to handle any crisis

• Improve their confidence when approaching you with a problem

• Build trust with your staff

Employees will feel more comfortable talking to you about any situation they face in the workplace.

If you have a hybrid working model, providing therapy can help motivate your staff and to show how much you care about their well-being. Online therapy still helps many employees who have problems at home or in the workplace.

Have an Open-Door Policy for All Managers

An open-door policy means that you’re always available when your team needs assistance or has any concerns in the workplace. The purpose is to encourage your staff to communicate openly and provide feedback whenever they need to.

If you’re constantly too busy to speak to your team members or refuse to help them during a crisis, they’ll feel you don’t care about the company. When employees feel you don’t care about the company, they’ll feel that their work isn’t important.

With an open-door policy, you can:

• Boost employee morale

• Decrease employee turnover

Lead By Example

You can’t expect your employees to adhere to company policies and procedures when you’re constantly bending the rules. If you never finish projects on time or you’re always late, your staff won’t take you seriously. Furthermore, team members may start forming the same bad habits you have and won’t listen to you when you reprimand them.

That’s why it’s important to lead by example. If you expect your team to behave a certain way, then you should behave the same way. To be a good boss and lead by example, you must:

• Keep your promises • Be at work on time • Listen to others • Watch what you say and do • Work closely with your team

• Always keep your composure • Be enthusiastic about new projects

• Be energetic in the workplace

• Encourage others to reach their goals

Being a good leader means following all 04

the rules and encouraging your staff to be the best at their jobs.

them with detailed briefs and expectations for projects. Encourage them to ask questions if they’re stuck. Once you provide information for a project, it’s important for you to leave your team to do their work and trust the process.

Employees feel more motivated to work if their efforts are recognized. Some employees reward their staff with incentives, but you don’t always have to gift your staff with items. A simple thank you email with a motivational message can lift your team’s spirit and encourage them to work harder.

You can also celebrate your team’s results by taking them out to lunch or having a reward ceremony. This will also encourage other departments to improve their processes so their achievements can also be celebrated.

Trust Your Staff With What’s Given

It’s not uncommon for managers to feel like they have to micromanage everything their team does. But micromanagement has many disadvantages, such as: • Slowing down productivity • Annoying employees • Increasing human error • Damaging employee trust

• Having a higher risk of employee burnout

• Causing employees to become too dependent on you You can prepare your staff by providing

Understand That You’re Working with Different Demographics

Being a good boss means understanding that not every team member is the same. Everyone works differently. Some employees work well in a busy office, while others prefer to work alone. Additionally, there will be team members who may need more assistance with projects compared to others.

Try to accommodate all team members by understanding what works for them in terms of their working environment and how much assistance they need. Encourage them to speak to you if they’re uncomfortable or struggling to adapt.

Final Thoughts

A good boss is someone who is stern but also fair. You must be strict if staff members aren’t meeting deadlines. But also try to understand what’s causing problems within your company. Use this guide to help you motivate your employees and build strong relationships with your team. 05
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How to Handle Inflation as a Freelancer? 14 Ways For Freelancers

As a freelancer, you are in control of your own income. This can be a great way to earn a comfortable living, but it also means that you are susceptible to the ever-changing tides of the economy. In times of inflation, your costs will go up while your clients’ budgets may stay the same, which can put a serious strain on your business.

Here are 14 ways to handle inflation as a freelancer:

14 Ways for Handling Inflation as a Freelancer

2. Find Cheap Co-working Spaces to Save Money

If you are considering opening your own office, now may not be the time to do so. Instead, look for affordable co-working spaces that can help you save money. Co-working spaces can help you to save money and increase your flexibility, which is important in times of economic uncertainty.

The first step to preparing for inflation is to stay informed about what is happening in the economy. Make sure to stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments so that you can anticipate changes and adapt accordingly.

For instance, if you are a freelancer in San Francisco, then you can easily find many comfortable and less-expensive co-working spaces in San Francisco. 07
1. Keep an eye on the Economic News

3. Stay on Top of Your Finances

As a freelancer, it is especially important to keep on top of your finances. Make sure that you are aware of your income and expenditure so that you can make adjustments as necessary. It can also be helpful to use budgeting tools and apps to help you keep track of your finances.

charging enough to cover your costs and still make a profit. When reviewing your rates, consider both the current cost of living and the projected inflation rate.

If your costs increase, talk to your clients about renegotiating your rates. Explain that you need to increase your prices in order to compensate for the rising cost of doing business. Many clients will be understanding and willing to work with you.

If you have long-term contracts in place, review them regularly to ensure they are still feasible in light of rising costs. Then, if necessary, negotiate new terms that reflect the current economic conditions.


Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. When you diversify your income streams, you create other sources of revenue that can help offset any losses due to inflationary pressures. Consider investing in additional services or products that complement your existing offerings.

If you want to maintain your income in the face of inflation, you will need to regularly review your rates. Make sure that you are

Inflationary pressures often necessitate finding ways to increase efficiency and productivity in order to maintain profitability levels. This could involve 08
Diversify your income streams 6. Find ways to increase efficiency and productivity
Your Rates

automating certain processes, outsourcing, or investing in new technology.

7. Shop Around for the Best Deals

One way to manage increased costs is to shop around for the best deals. Compare prices between different stores and websites to find the best deals possible. This can help you save money during times of inflation.

8. Cut Back on Non-Essential Expenses

In times of inflation, it is important to be frugal with your money. Cut back on unnecessary expenses and put that money towards more important things like bills or savings. This can help you weather the storm of rising costs.

9. Make Smart Investments

When the economy is uncertain, it can be a good idea to make smart investments. Talk to a financial advisor about what types of investments would be best for you in this situation. This can help you secure your financial future in times of inflation.

10. Plan Ahead

In order to best manage increased costs, it is important to plan ahead. Anticipate what

expenses are going to come up in the near future and make sure you have the money saved up for them. This will help prevent you from falling into debt during times of inflation.

11. Use Credit Cards Wisely 12. Cut Back on Luxuries

Credit cards can be a useful tool in times of inflation, but they need to be used wisely. Make sure not to charge more than you can afford to pay off each month and always read the fine print before signing up for a new card. This will help keep you out of debt during tough economic times.

Luxuries like eating out or going on vacation can be put on hold in times of inflation. Instead, use that money towards more important things like paying bills or saving for the future. This may not be ideal, but it is necessary in order to stay afloat during tough times economy-wise. 09

13. Have an emergency fund

Inflation can be unpredictable, so it’s important to have a cushion of savings that you can rely on in case of tough times. Having an emergency fund will help you weather any storms that come your way.

14. Stay positive and adaptable

Finally, remember that these tips are meant to serve as guidelines—not hardand-fast rules. The best way to deal with inflationary pressures is by staying positive and adaptable, adjusting your approach as needed based on the unique circumstances of your business. With a little bit of ingenuity and perseverance, you can weather any storm.


Inflation can be a difficult thing for freelancers because they do not have set incomes like people who work traditional jobs do. However, some things can be done to help manage finances better during these economic periods.

From raising prices and negotiating payment terms with clients, cutting costs without sacrificing quality, and diversifying one’s income stream, many options are available depending on a person’s specific circumstance. The key is being proactive by knowing what steps need to be taken before anything gets too out of hand.


Tips for Living A Balanced Life

We all know that life can be hectic, and sometimes it can feel like we’re just running from one thing to the next with no time for ourselves. But it’s important to stop and smell the roses every once in a while, or we’ll burn out before we know it.

Achieving a work-life balance is vital to our mental and physical well-being. When we’re out of balance, we’re more likely to experience stress, anxiety, and burnout. But what does it mean to achieve a worklife balance? And how can we go about achieving it?

That’s why it’s so important to find ways to incorporate balance into our lives. Here are 10 tips to help you live a more balanced life.

and month. By creating a schedule and sticking to it, you’ll be less likely to feel overwhelmed by your obligations.

2. Set boundaries

It’s important to set boundaries between work and life. When you’re at work, focus on work. When you’re at home, focus on relaxing and spending time with loved ones. Dedicate specific hours of the day to each area of your life and stick to them.

One of the best ways to achieve a worklife balance is to get organized. This means taking the time to plan out your day, week, In order to avoid burnout, it’s important to 11
1. Get organized 3. Make time for yourself

make time for yourself every day. This can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to read or taking a lunch break outside of the office. It’s also important to schedule regular vacations and make sure you use all of your vacation days each year.

and ready to take on whatever comes your way.

Use all of your vacation days. Studies show that workers who don’t use their vacation days are more likely to experience burnout. If possible, try planning vacations well in advance, so you have something fun and relaxing to look forward to.

If your company offers paid time off, use it. All too often, people feel like they need to save their PTO days for a “rainy day”. But the truth is, you should be using your PTO days to relax and recharge. This will help you come back to work feeling refreshed

We all have 24 hours in a day, but that doesn’t mean we have to use every single one of those hours productively. It’s okay—and even necessary—to take some time each day (or week) to relax and recharge. Otherwise, you’ll quickly become overwhelmed and burnt out.

5. Don’t try to do it all 6. Prioritize your health

Your physical and mental health should always be a priority—no matter how busy you are. Make sure you eat healthy meals, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. These things may seem like luxuries when juggling a lot of responsibilities, but they’re essential for maintaining your energy levels and avoiding burnout.

when possible

If you find yourself with too much on your plate, delegate tasks whenever possible— 12
Enjoy the Paid-TimeOff
Days 7. Delegate

at work and at home. At work, this might mean delegating tasks to colleagues or hiring outside help (like an assistant or virtual assistant). At home, this might mean enlisting the help of family members or hiring a babysitter or house cleaner. Don’t try to do everything yourself—it’s impossible!

8. Seek professional help if needed

Burnout is serious business—if you think you might be suffering from burnout, seek professional help immediately! A therapist can help you identify the signs of burnout and develop a plan for dealing with them effectively.

down or frazzled, take a break. Maybe go for a walk outside or take five minutes to meditate. It’s important not to push yourself too hard; otherwise, you’ll quickly become burnt out.

Time management is key when it comes to achieving a work-life balance.. If you feel like you don’t have enough time in the day for everything on your plate, sit down and assess how you’re spending your time. Chances are there are areas where you could stand to cut back (like social media) or be more efficient (like making lists).

Pay attention to how you’re feeling throughout the day. If you start feeling run

To avoid burnout, it’s important to set boundaries between work and life. One way to do this is to refrain from checking work email after hours. This will help you disconnect from work and enjoy your time off.

In today’s world, it’s impossible to completely unplug from technology. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take some steps to limit your exposure. If possible, avoid using electronic devices for at least an hour before bedtime and disconnect from work email after hours. This will help you relax and recharge.

11. Don’t Check Email After Hours 12. Unplug from Technology 13. Exercise regularly

Exercise s good for both your body and mind! A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, so make sure to get moving every day, even if it’s just a brisk walk around the block. 13
Manage your time wisely 10. Be mindful of your energy levels

14. Eat healthy

Fuel your body with nutritious foods so you can feel your best! It’s also important to drink plenty of water and limit your alcohol intake.

15. Get enough sleep

You should aim for 7-8 hours per night so you can feel rested and refreshed each day. This can be tough with a busy lifestyle, but it’s important to prioritize rest when you can.



Living a balanced life is essential for our mental and physical well-being—but achieving balance can be easier said than done.

By following these tips, however, you’ll be well on your way to living a more balanced life that includes time for both work and play. If you find that you’re struggling to cope with stressors in your life, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. What tips do you have for living a balanced life? Share them with us in the comments below. 14
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How AR and VR are Transforming the Future of Businesses

Modern technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have increasingly piqued business owners’ interest across different industries in recent years. So far, businesses have explored various applications of AR and VR to improve and expand in innovative and highly immersive modalities.


AR can be integrated into several practical applications in business, from basic tasks to elaborate ones. For example, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia developed an AR-based app to facilitate communication and assistance with clients inquiring about property information providing them with an easy and engaging customer experience. MasterCard also developed an AR app that allows customers to explore and view various card benefits in a 360-degree virtual environment.


Businesses can utilize VR in training and educating new staff by recreating

real-world scenarios. By revolutionizing standard learning routes, employees can interact with the training material via a VR headset instead of leafing through manuals or scrolling through endless PowerPoint slides. This application is especially beneficial in high-risk workplace environments that require training for real situations but with the added value of no potential risks or accidents.


A report by PwC, a company delivering quality assurance, tax, and advisory services, predicts that AR and VR will create 23 million jobs by 2023 worldwide, a dramatic increase from about 800 thousand jobs impacted by these technologies in 2019. Let us explore how AR and VR are transforming businesses across different sectors:

Advertising & Marketing

AR and VR are the future of digital marketing and advertising. Humans feel more immersed by subjective and unique 15

experiences, and these technologies pave the way for a highly personalized advertising experience.

Businesses create and offer immersive ad experiences through augmented reality in marketing instead of the standard print and digital advertising channels. As for VR, an advertisement may be set in a virtual 3D environment where viewers interact with the digital information as they would in the real world.

Real Estate and Construction

AR and VR applications are rapidly expanding in the real estate and construction sectors. For example, real estate viewings are made better and easier as a buyer can tour a house simply from the real estate agent’s office via VR, which facilitates the purchase process for both the buyer and the real estate agent.

Construction and renovations are also further expedited as designers can use augmented reality software for architects to turn 2D models into 3D digital models and overlay them onto real-world settings, enhancing the ultimate project’s visualization.

Games and Entertainment

AR and VR first established their roots in the gaming and entertainment industries. Since the dawn of gaming, game developers have strived to immerse players in their virtual worlds. “Pokémon Go” remains one of the best examples in AR gaming as it engaged

players by overlaying an augmented version of reality onto physical environments with the use of a smartphone, allowing for collaboration with other players and exploration of different locations.


Businesses have always strived to engage audiences and potential customers beyond traditional storefronts. AR has introduced this possibility by offering manufacturers and marketers the chance to promote their sales and goods through a try-asyou-buy modality, allowing customers to view products in a physical environment and make better purchasing decisions.

This application transcends online shopping and establishes a personal connection between the consumer and the brand that can increase brand loyalty and repeat purchases.


Virtual and augmented reality technologies will inevitably revolutionize business. Soon enough, business owners and service providers will realize the exciting possibilities and benefits of AR and VR applications and solutions. Therefore, aspiring business owners across fields and sectors should seek to quickly incorporate AR and VR to catch up with this accelerating progress.


The Final Bow

The final bow/drawing of the curtain on one year is graced by the onset/ dawn of a new one. 2022 has seen its fair share of challenges and triumphs on the back of the pandemic, so it’s equally fair to deduce that businesses have been impacted.

Publications such as Business Partner Magazine have withstood the challenges due to the strategic and visionary incorporation of technology via its digitalised platform. Retail entities have been forced to expand their online presence to navigate the vicissitudes of an ever-changing global landscape.

External factors such as interest rates, political changes, natural calamities, shifts in consumer spending habits, supply and demand changes, and inflation rate increases have all affected the stock market. Yet business, like life, goes on. The ability to respond to this ever-changing global landscape starts with leadership in

your business. As a small to medium-sized business owner, it all begins with you and your central team.

The era of top-down or even bottom-up management/leadership is not as effective as once considered. The primary reason for this is that times are changing. Who would have thought that a 4-day week would be trialled in any business sector? How overdue are menopause workshops? What about the more than timely conversations about fair pay between all genders? As are discussions around diversity and inclusion, mental well-being is a significant topic.

People have become more focused on 17

the value of personal time relative to the hours spent in the working environment, so waiting for the retirement pension is no longer the ultimate relaxation goal. Sustainability, recycling, ethical trading and taking action to save our planet are at the forefront of consumer spending. These changes in world consciousness require a response from how businesses are led/ managed because people still buy from people.

awareness of global factors/trends, demonstrating appreciation for the value your team adds to the business and investing in yourself as a business owner are all part of navigating this business space.

Creating jobs around the skillsets of current and future team members is not as strange as it once seemed. However, working long hours does not necessarily equate to being productive, although allocating adequate time is required to be effective.

This new style of leadership demands a higher vibrational yet pragmatic way of thinking. Tools such as Human Design, meditation, positive shifts in eating habits,

2023 is the perfect time to assess how you lead/manage your business. Not in the cliqued sense of a new year’s resolution, but simply because it is the pragmatic and sensible thing to do. You owe it to yourself and your team to remain profitable and relevant in your business sector. The world is changing, and you must change with it. Staying true to your values through a new leadership style will help create a helpful business framework. Malik

About the Author 18
Muhammad was raised and educated in Jamaica, read law in London and is the author of Coffee & Contemplation. He created The Empowerment Mastery System to influence, help and inspire businesses to cultivate their visions in a specified time. Malik enjoys vegan cooking and quad biking. He is a voiceover artist, ghost writer and convenes empowerment masterclasses globally.

Employee Benefits To Support Mental Health During The Cost Of Living Crisis

After inflation hit a 40-year record high of 9% back in May, the cost-ofliving crisis continued to worsen. As food prices rose by the fastest rate on record in October 2022, it is clear that the crisis will continue to challenge UK households throughout the winter and into 2023.

With such a huge impact on our daily lives, the cost-of-living crisis is affecting not only our financial health but our physical and mental health too. So how can employers use employee benefits to better support employees during this difficult time? Let’s take a look.


During the cost-of-living crisis, the main cause of stress and anxiety will naturally be money. In fact, 77% of adults in the UK report being at least somewhat worried about rising costs, according to the ONS.

The demographics who reported being worried the most included those with dependents aged 0 to 4 (90%), women (81%), and people with disabilities (82%). In addition, 31% of those earning less 19

than £10,000 per year reported being very worried by rising costs.

These statistics highlight the importance of equity in the workplace. Equity means recognising that every employee has different circumstances and offering the resources or benefits that are needed to allow everyone to reach the same heights.

However, supporting employees financially doesn’t mean you need to offer cash bonuses or a salary raise. After all, businesses have also been impacted by rising costs. Plus, cash bonuses can also negatively impact how much the hardesthit employees can claim through Universal Credit or Tax Credits. Instead, you might consider offering benefits that improve financial security. This includes things like life insurance, critical illness cover, income protection insurance, and so on. These insurances will provide employees with the peace of mind that, should anything happen to them during this time, they will be covered financially.

Other benefits might include childcare credits or flexible working hours for those who have young children, reducing overall childcare costs. Flexible working can also improve accessibility for those with disabilities, allowing equal opportunities for picking up additional shifts or overtime, which can be invaluable at this time.


Another way to promote equity and equality, boosting mental health, is to offer health-promoting benefits. This could be something as simple as paid mental health days, paid sick leave, or additional annual leave – or you could even go so far as to offer discounted private health care or health insurance.

Of course, offering free or subsidised therapy is one of the best ways to support employees’ mental health during times like these. Some employee benefits packages also include 24/7 access to a licensed therapist - after all, employee support is not limited to office hours, especially regarding mental health.

However, it is crucial that these sessions not be carried out in the same space in which people are working. For therapy sessions to be productive, it is important that employees feel comfortable talking to their therapist, so an impartial professional therapist must undertake all therapy sessions in a neutral location.

With this in mind, you might look to discover talking therapy rooms to rent near you that are designed with both therapist and client in mind to create a comfortable, productive environment. Therapists can book a comfortable, soundproofed room - 20

and clients can book their chosen therapist - it’s as straightforward as that.


It is scientifically proven that plenty of sleep, regular exercise, and eating healthily can promote better mental health and wellbeing. That said, it is also true that working leaves little time for sleep and exercise, and many can turn to fast food out of convenience.

as offering discounted gym memberships or free fresh fruit in the office. However, to encourage engagement, you might look to gamify it - in return for wellness wins, employees can receive additional rewards and benefits.

Cutting out excessive consumption of alcohol and stopping smoking can also benefit overall mental health - both of which can be used as unhealthy coping mechanisms after a stressful day at work.

This is even more true during the cost-ofliving crisis, as many will be looking for ways to cut back, which can lead to eating cheaply and cancelling gym memberships. Therefore, to support employee’s mental health, you might encourage exercise, healthy eating, and optimal sleeping habits.

There are a few ways you might do this, such

Instead, promote stop-smoking campaigns and healthier coping mechanisms, such as planning fun after-work activities like bowling, offering discounted cinema tickets, or encouraging blowing off some steam at the gym.

As you can see, meaningful employee benefits can help you to effectively support employees’ mental health as the cost-ofliving crisis continues to bite. 21 22
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Here’s what you should plan when attending a trade show for the first time

Trade shows represent a unique opportunity for a lot of businesses. In a world dominated by often impersonal digital marketing, they provide a space in which you can interact with key players in your industry face-to-face, achieving unparalleled market exposure.

At trade shows, the opportunity to make your mark is only over a relatively short time frame, making it important that your approach is as honed as possible. With that in mind, we thought we’d provide some of our top tips on what you should plan if you’re attending a show for the first time.

it’s important that you set out with a clear goal. That might be to solidify industry relationships, close sales opportunities, catch up with industry trends, or all of the above.

Whatever your objectives, it’s important that you settle on them early on. They’ll influence each of the next steps, from how you design your exhibition stand to how you train your brand representatives. You can change your objectives as time goes on - they’re not fixed - but beware of the implications your current setup might have on those changes. While you can achieve a lot at trade shows, 23
Set your objectives early on

Your exhibition stand is what pulls your performance together. It’s the stage from which you present your brand, offering a unique opportunity to create the perfect environment to teach people about your business.

As a result, it’s important that you get it just right. Industry experts such as Focal Exhibitions can help you with the design process and then produce and install your exhibition stand on the big day.

Don’t forget to market your attendance

From a marketing perspective, there’s no point in doing anything if people aren’t going to know about it, and trade shows are no different. While it’s true that just by going, you’ll be exposed to a valuable audience, you can make much more of the experience with a little more effort.

You should publicise your attendance on social media and also make sure to send invitations to key players in the weeks and months before the event itself. These might be loyal customers or industry leaders with whom you’d like to form a professional relationship.

Train your reps

A trade show can be a busy, stressful experience, and it’s important that your brand representatives know what to expect. You should hold a couple of training sessions where you focus on what they’ll be doing at the show. Set their key objectives, and tell them how they might best achieve them.

While it’s natural that you’ll be slightly apprehensive about attending your first trade show, with proper preparation and planning, you’re bound to have a good time. By following the simple steps laid out above, combined with some further industry-specific research, you’ll be good to go in no time. 24
your exhibition stand just right
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