
Page 38 Business Review | March 2022


Cultural calendar

By Oana Vasiliu

Lohengrin Opera March 27, Bucharest National Opera

Matei Dumitriu exhibition March 10 – April 9, SUPRAINFINIT Gallery

formed by the SEMPER Ensemble

exhibition of young art organised

and the Trei parale group in the

by The Institute and DIPLOMA.

Royal Dining Room.

The theme of this edition of Art In Progress is Coming Back to

“A glimpse, approximately” is

Our Senses, and it features the

The Romanian Opera (known as

works of 5 artists from the new

the Bucharest National Opera at

exhibition entails a series of new

generation of creators, brought

the time) debuted back in 1921

works that investigate differ-

together by young curator Iselin

with a beautiful performance of

ent notions of time: a time that

Huluba. The exhibition presents

Lohengrin by Richard Wagner,

includes a beginning and an end,

works of sculpture, photography,

conducted by George Enescu.

a flowing time that can only be

and design by young artists like

Director Silviu Purcarete has

experienced through repetition,

Matei Emanuel, Catalin Velea,

brought Lohengrin back to the

Matei Dumitriu’s first solo show at Suprainfinit Gallery. The

The Batman film From March 4 in all cinemas

Diana Paun, Denise Lobont, and

Romanian stage, with Daniel

time from the past that is just ap-

The Batman is a 2022 American

Maria Mandea. They will pres-

Magdal and Iulia Isaev in the

proximately sealed off from the

superhero film based on the fa-

ent their works in a conceptual

leading roles and Tiberiu Soare as

perceivable present, and a time

mous DC Comics character. Pro-

exhibition, exploring current


like a creature, which is just as

duced by DC Films, 6th & Idaho,

issues related to our connections

much personal as it is temporal.

and Dylan Clark Productions, and

to ourselves, our senses, and the

The opening is synchronised with

distributed by Warner Bros. Pic-

outside world.

#DOIJOI, the latest collaborative

tures, it is a reboot of the Batman

initiative on the Romanian art

film franchise starring Robert

scene, which takes place on the

Pattinson as Bruce Wayne/Bat-

second Thursday of each month

man alongside Zoë Kravitz,

as part of an extensive after-work

Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John

programme of contemporary art

Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Andy


Serkis, and Colin Farrell. Set in

simultaneity, and contingency, a

Pink Martini concert April 9 & 10, Sala Palatului & Fratelli Studios

Construct Ambient Expo March 24-27, ROMEXPO

his second year of fighting crime, the film sees Batman uncover

For those looking to facelift their

corruption in Gotham City while

homes and gardens, Romexpo is

Pink Martini returns to Bucharest

pursuing the Riddler (Dano), a

hosting construction, furniture,

with two concerts, postponed

serial killer who targets Gotham's

thermal, and gardening and flow-

from their initial dates in 2020.

elite. The Batman was delayed

ers fairs during a single weekend.

The 12-artist band, performing

twice from an initial June 2021

The simultaneous events are

in no less than 25 languages,

release date due to the covid-19


takes you on a musical adventure


– an international fair of tech-

around the world, playing every-

nologies, equipment, machinery,

thing from pop to jazz and clas-

construction materials, interior

sical music. The inspiration for

and exterior design; ROMTHERM

their repertoire comes from the

– an international exhibition of

Hollywood musicals of the '40s

place on Sunday, March 20, from

Art In Progress_2. Coming Back to Our Senses March 18 – April 9, Combinatul Fondului Plastic

installations, heating equipment,

and '50s, combining a variety of

7 PM, with French baroque music

The second edition of Art In

cooling and air conditioning; and

genres in a modern and eclectic

and old Romanian music per-

Progress is a multidisciplinary

MOBILA EXPO – a furniture fair.


International Francophonie Day Until March 20, MNAR

To mark the occasion, several guided tours are available at the museum, and a concert will take

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