
Page 36 Business Review | May 2022

36 DESIGN Business Review | May 2016


Romanian Design Week celebrates 10-year anniversary with special edition Romanian Design Week, the most important multidisciplinary festival in Romania, celebrates 10 years of existence, during which it has changed the face of local creative industries. Since the first RDW edition, The Institute has produced exhibitions totalling an area of over 15,000 square metres, having showcased over 1,400 design projects and an average of 150 designers and architecture or design studios every year. Still on up until May 22

By Oana Vasiliu


n the very beginning of the project, The

by solidarity, and what we are preparing this

objects from every major category: fashion,

Institute restored eight spaces in Bucha-

year will also serve as commentary on this

accessories, furniture or art.

rest and added them back into the urban

essential aspect for the times in which we are

RDW 2022 will also transform the outdoor

circuit: Stirbei Palace, Bucharest Chamber

living,” said Andrei Bortun, the CEO of The

space at Combinatul Fondului Plastic into

of Commerce Palace, Gabroveni Inn, Amzei


a micro-city of arts and design, which will

Square, Cobalcescu Garages, Telephones Pal-

This year’s edition of Romanian Design

offer visitors a daily programme of activities,

ace, Oscar Maugsch Palace, and Combinatul

Week will be based on the #FORWARD

interactive installations, music, and events,

Fondului Plastic have all hosted large design

concept, and the key destination in the pro-

as well as a dedicated food & drinks area, at

and architecture exhibitions that were open

gramme will be Combinatul Fondului Plastic.

the 29 Baiculesti Street location.

to the public during editions of Romanian

The theme of this year's edition was born

The programme of the 10-year anniver-

from the desire to investigate, test, and

sary edition of RDW will reflect the results

Over 400 related events have contributed

design scenarios for a future of creative com-

of the strategic partnerships established by

to the transformation of Bucharest year after

munities, innovation, inclusion, and sustain-

The Institute with the European Commission

year and have guided over 150,000 RDW visi-

ability through collaboration, to have more

Representation in Romania, the Romanian

tors on routes worthy of an European design

harmonious cities and communities.

Cultural Institute, the Order of Architects

Design Week.


These essential elements of this year's

in Bucharest, the Union of Plastic Artists,

theme will be brought to the public through

Combinatul Fondului Plastic, and the Baza

capital of Romanian design this year, and

a series of exhibitions and events that will be

Association. We open the city, NOD maker-

we want to further encourage the consump-

co-produced with some of the most relevant

space, Czech Center, the Hungarian Cultural

tion of products and services generated by

local creative-cultural organisations, laying

Institute, the French Institute or ARCEN will

creative disciplines. We are optimistic and

the foundation for a new beginning based on

all be present at the festival, alongside events

continue to believe in the potential, develop-

experiences, processes, and collaborations.

and projects signed by more than 50 other

“We’ll continue to make Bucharest the

ment, and capacity of Romanian design to

The 2022 festival will also mark the open-

creative-cultural organisations in Romania.

address topics that are relevant to the present

ing of the largest Romanian design concept

The event will take place between May

context such as sustainability, inclusion or

store in the country, which will spread over

13 and May 22, and tickets can be purchased

cooperation. We need the future to be marked

500 square metres and will contain design

online through the Eventbook network.

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