www.business-review.eu Business Review | September 2021
Employer branding remains top priority for companies in 2021 and beyond According to Universum’s Employer Branding NOW 2020 survey, the share of large companies that say they are “very concerned” about growing competition for key talent from the startup sector dropped by half in 24 months. In 2018, 38 percent had said they were very concerned; in 2020, only 17 percent felt the same. The stability of large companies (and their large balance sheets) now appears to be a much more attractive factor for job seekers. By Romanita Oprea
ccording to the same study, even in
Branding in January 2018. This happened
employer branding & integrated communica-
an economic downturn, employer
in the context of Romania’s labour market
tion division at GMP PR, we are living in a
branding represents table stakes for
being more dynamic than ever, with more
time when everything is being reinvented.
competitive talent brands. Only 3 percent of
and more employers developing communica-
Companies, people, teams – all seeking evolu-
the World’s Most Attractive Employers say it’s
tion campaigns in order to inspire, generate
tion and improvement as they adapting to
not a top priority. Recruiters have unwittingly
loyalty, and retain their employees. The
present challenges. “As clients’ needs keep
been preparing for the “new normal” of co-
division provides consultancy on internal and
evolving, our agency keeps growing in order
vid-19 for a few years: in 2020, 82 percent said
external employer branding, recruitment and
to meet their expectations. And as their de-
they had adopted video recruiting, up from
loyalty campaigns, internal communication,
mands are diversifying, we are expanding our
59 percent in 2019. At the same time, “people
as well as tactical actions that can support HR
teams and widening our areas of expertise, so
analytics” (using technology and AI to drive
this year our Employer Branding Division is
smarter decisions at scale) has jumped from 28 to 43 percent.
Indeed, when the pandemic hit, employer
evolving and becoming an Employer Brand-
branding was in full bloom, with a large
ing & Integrated Communication Division.
In Romania, foreseeing the acceleration
number of companies requesting these types
We launched it in 2018, as an obvious reaction
of the field, the GMP PR agency created an
of services from PR and advertising agencies.
to market demand,” Marinescu said. Some
internal division dedicated to Employer
According to Raluca Marinescu, head of the
things have changed in the meantime though,