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December, 2019 / Volume 23, Issue 12





Photo: Dreamstime


6 Business Review | December 2019


• Editorial •

Anda Sebesi

6 Budget deficit to rise to

• Editor-in-Chief •

4.4 percent this year, significantly exceeding the 3 percent limit


Hoping for a better 2020

8 Retailers on mission to enrich customer experience



he last few years have been transformational for retail,

30 Local startup ecosystem to

both globally as well as in Romania. Technology continues

remain in investment mode as it enters 2020

to change the rules of engagement, consumers are more

demanding than ever, and getting them to notice a brand amid all

32 Gauging the effects of the

the noise on the market is a growing challenge for players from one

US-China trade war on Romania’s startup industry

year to the next. At the international level, brick-and-mortar stores continue to


evolve in many ways, and more and more retailers are using physical space to experiment with technology, location size or customer services. Studies found that many store concepts in 2018 involved downsizing, with Ikea, Barnes & Noble and Nike all opening or announcing plans for small format stores. For Ikea, the move was motivated by the needs of urban shoppers, while both Barnes & Noble and Nike focused on creating community-driven spaces for

38 Global whisky market becoming more uniform in terms of consumption and business models



Looking to the Romanian market, we see that players on the local retail scene are pushing the pedal on innovation and coming up with new formats in order to better meet the needs of their increasingly sophisticated customers. And as pundits say, customers’ expectations will rise even higher in the coming period. Aggressive nationwide expansion, a wide diversity of formats, a better shopping, entertainment and leisure offer, just to name a few, are the main directions that players on the market are eager to follow in the pursuit of being as close to their customers as possible. Looking back, we can all agree that 2019 has been a challenging year for all the players in the local business environment. Business Review wishes you a Happy New Year and let’s hope for a better 2020!

40 Constantin Brancusi under the Brussels spotlight

41 The Two Sides of music story

42 Unfinished Romanian conversations at the Venice Biennale

44 Where to do your Christmas shopping this year

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Anda Sebesi JOURNALISTS: Aurel Constantin, Mihai Cristea, Romanita Oprea, Oana Vasiliu CONTRIBUTORS: Ovidiu Posirca, Sorin Melenciuc COPY EDITOR: Anca Alexe PHOTO EDITOR: Mihai Constantineanu PHOTOS: Dreamstime ART DIRECTOR: Raluca Dumitru PUBLISHER: Bloc-Notes Media Network ADDRESS: 58 Stirbei Voda Street, 3rd Floor, District 1, Bucharest, Romania­­­­ LANDLINE: SALES MANAGERS: Radu Fireteanu, Alexandra Rosca EVENTS MANAGERS: Mara Dragoiu EVENTS & MARKETING MANAGER: Luiza Luca PRODUCTION: Dan Mitroi DISTRI­­BUTION: Eugen Musat EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: George Moise GENERAL MANAGER: Catalin Alistari USA MANAGER: Oana Molodoi FOUNDING EDITOR: Bill Avery EMAILS:,, SUBSCRIPTIONS on Manpres Distribution

Publicație auditată pe perioada Apr 2015 - Mar 2016

ISSN NO. 1453-729X Business Review | December 2019


WHO’S NEWS BR welcomes information for Who’s News. Submissions may be edited fo­­­r length and clarity. Get in touch at

Simona Podgoreanu has joined KPMG in Romania as Human Resources Director. Simona is a senior executive with almost 20 years of experience in human resources. She was the HR Director at Agricover for over 13 years and an associate professor at ASSEBUS Executive MBA programme and ExecEdu for 16 years. Throughout her career, she has developed extensive knowledge and experience of HR and Organizational Development, and has postgraduate qualifications from top business schools such as Harvard, IESE Barcelona, and HEC Montreal.

This investment strengthens the company’s position as the leading producer of pre-baked bread and pastry in Romania

La Lorraine Romania invests EUR 12.5 million in new production line at Campia Turzii plant By Aurel Constantin The largest bakery and

rustic bread, made with nutri-

and pastry in Romania. Our

pre-baked pastry factory in

tious ingredients such as mayon-

country has been chosen for

Romania, La Lorraine Romania,

naise and seeds. It is almost fully

its geographical positioning

has invested EUR 12.5 million

automated, with a capacity of

and because it can cover a large

in a new production line at its

160,000 products per day. The

market in this region. We are

Campia Turzii plant. Products

line is equipped with an aerosol

constantly trying to learn about

made here will reach both the

dispenser which achieves better

market trends and needs, and

domestic and the export mar-

hydration of the dough, resulting

this new line responds to the

kets. In this way, the plant in

in a better bread, a higher quality

wishes of consumers as it will

Campia Turzii remains one of

of the core and the bark, and

produce fresh, nutritionally

the most modern and high-tech

longer freshness.

rich maize and seeds to obtain

factories on the continent. The fifth production line will be dedicated to high quality

Adrian Zuckerman has been confirmed by the US Senate as the new Ambassador to Romania. Born in Bucharest, Zuckerman is a real estate lawyer who immigrated to the United States as a child, and he still speaks fluent Romanian. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1979 and from the New York Law School in 1983. Adrian Zuckerman will succeed the incumbent Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Hans G. Klemm. page 5

“This investment strength-

the taste of artisan bread,” said

ens our position as the leading

Razvan Bosomoiu, General

producer of pre-baked bread

Manager at Lorraine Romania.

Rockwool opens its first factory in Romania By Aurel Constantin The Rockwool group, a producer

per year, and it is the largest such

of mineral wool, has opened its

unit in our country. The factory

first factory in Romania, having

is located on a 30-hectare plot

made an investment worth EUR

of land in the Ploiesti West Park

50 million. It has a capacity of

industrial zone.

approximately 45,000 tonnes

Rockwool products, used es-

Part of the Rockwool production will go to export, especially in countries close to Romania Business Review | December 2019


European Commission, EIB set up Circular Economy Fund Dan Gheorghe was appointed Chief Investment Officer at NN Pensii. He has 12 years of professional experience in the financial industry, having started his career in 2007 as an Investment Banking Analyst. He will be responsible for developing the investment strategy and coordinating the private pension portfolio managed by NN, by managing the approximately EUR 4.5 billion in assets, representing the pension savings of over 2 million people in Romania.

By Aurel Constantin The European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have announced the completion of the public procurement process for the selection of an investment advisor to set up and manage the European Circular Bioeconomy Fund (ECBF). The new fund will provide access to finance – in the form of equity, debt or quasi-

The fund will provide access to finance to circular bioeconomic firms

equity – to innovative circular bioeconomic companies and projects of various sizes. ECBF

Commission to facilitate access

that bring bio-based innova-

Management will raise funds

to finance for innovation and

tions closer to the market,” said

from public and private inves-

research through a wide range

Carlos Moedas, Commissioner

tors with a target fund volume

of financing tools and advisory

for Research, Science and In-

of EUR 250 million and aims



for a first close in Q1 2020. A

“Sustainable bioeconomy has

“With the launch of the

proposal for the EIB to invest

the potential to play a major role

European Circular Bioeconomy

up to EUR 100 million in the

for the European Green Deal. It

Fund, we have reached an

fund will be submitted to the

will help us reach our environ-

important milestone to ensure

EIB’s Board of Directors for

mental, climate and biodiversity

that groundbreaking projects

approval. This investment

targets in line with the UN Sus-

in the sector get the financ-

will be backed by a guarantee

tainable Development Goals. The

ing they need,” said Andrew

from InnovFin – EU finance for

European Circular Bioeconomy

McDowell, EIB Vice-President

Innovators, an initiative of the

Fund will fill the funding gaps,

responsible for agriculture and

EIB Group and the European

attracting private investments


Erhan Savas has been appointed Country Managing Director for ABB in Romania. His role will also include the Local Business Manager position for the Electrification business with oversight responsibility for the Republic of Moldova. Savas holds a Master’s degree in Management from the University of Mannheim, Germany. He joined ABB in 2008 and he has since held various roles of high responsibility at ABB in Germany and Turkey.

pecially for building insulation, will mainly be delivered locally, as Romania is one of the largest insulation markets in Europe. Part of the production will go to export, especially in countries close to Romania. About 150 people work in the Rockwool factory, most of them from Prahova County. By the end of the year, the total number of Rockwool employees in Romania should exceed 170 people. Indirectly, the factory should bring in another 300 jobs in services and logistics.

Miroslav Majoroš has renewed his contract with Telekom Romania, extending his tenure as CEO for one more year, starting January 1. 2020. A Radio, Television and Digital Communication graduate of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Majoroš was appointed CEO of Telekom Romania on January 1, 2016, having previously served on the Board of Directors at Slovak Telekom since 2003. Business Review | December 2019


Budget deficit to rise to 4.4 percent this year, significantly exceeding the 3 percent limit After analysing the state of public finances and the measures required to bring the budget within reasonable limits, the new PNL government announced that Romania would reach a budget deficit of 4.4 percent of GDP in 2019. It is far worse than the projected 3 percent deficit, and an effect of the measures taken over the past three years. By Aurel Constantin

In the Eurozone, the budget deficit was at 2 percent in 2015 and it reached 0.5 percent in 2018


he budget problem is a result of the

that the revenues were overestimated. He

space has already been used up by the broad

spending structure, said Ionut Du-

explained that the budget problem is a result

increase in current public spending (public

mitru, chief economist at Raiffeisen

of the spending structure. Salary spend-

sector salaries, pensions). According to the

Bank Romania, at the annual conference of

ing stands at almost 12 percent of the GDP.

European Commission’s estimates from

the Association of Financial-Banking Analysts

Furthermore, the new Pension Law brings a

November 2019, Romania could register the

in Romania.

spectacular increase in the budgetary effort,

highest public budget deficit in the EU in

from about 9 percent of GDP currently to over

2020. Public debt (estimated at 37.2 percent of

14 percent of GDP in a few years.

GDP in 2020) is on an upward trend as well.

“The budget deficit is very large. We saw a deficit of 2.8 percent of GDP in October, with many unpaid bills by the state. Investment

There was also a slowdown in economic

spending was well below what had been bud-

growth, and third quarter the figures were


geted for the year. Practically, as the spend-

below expectations. The predicted economic

The budget deficit is a problem in many

ing was made, social expenses were higher

growth for this year is less than 4 percent,

European Union countries. While half of the

than the budgeted value, while investment

with around 3 percent for next year.

28 countries recorded budget surpluses, the

expenses were lower,” said Ionut Dumitru.

Romania is positioned unfavorably com-

other half is on a deficit. Cyprus and Roma-

While the revenue side was well below ex-

pared to the other countries in the region in

nia are the only ones that will exceed the 3

pectations, it was obvious from the beginning

the event of a global or regional crisis. Fiscal

percent value. Business Review | December 2019

MACROECONOMY 7 Similarly, firing 5 percent of public employees,

in Romania amounted to EUR 4.23 billion

nia and the rest of the EU. In the Eurozone,

meaning 60,000 people, would bring up to 0.6

(compared with EUR 4.5 billion euros in

the budget deficit was at 2 percent in 2015 and

percent of GDP.

January-September 2018). Also, total external

There is a trend difference between Roma-

it reached 0.5 percent in 2018. For the entire

All these measures together represent 1.2-

debt increased by EUR 8.39 billion in the first

28 countries of EU, the deficit was 2.4 percent

1.3 percent of GDP, and they might be enough

9 months, with the increase coming mainly

in 2015 and 0.7 in 2018. In Romania, the defi-

if they are applied next year, but “what are

from euro-bonds issued by the Finance

cit was 0.6 percent of GDP in 2015, reached 3

you going to do in 2021?” Lazea asked.


percent in 2018 and it will go to 4.4 percent this year. In order to still have low interest rates from

The chief economist stressed that the

The balance of goods recorded a deficit

increase of the pension point to RON 1,265

that was EUR 2.3 billion larger while services

from September 1, 2019 results in an addi-

had a EUR 343 million larger surplus.

international markets and investors, Roma-

tional deficit of about RON 3.3 billion or 0.3

nia must provide a clear sign that its budget

percent of GDP for the last four months of

73.83 billion as of September 30, 2019 (68.2

deficit will shrink in the coming period. As

this year and RON 10 billion or 0.9 percent

percent of total external debt), up 8.1 percent

projected, in 2020 the deficit will go back to

of GDP for 2020. The increase of the pension

from December 31, 2018. The short-term

3.3 percent and it will drop below 3 percent

point to RON 1,775, by 40 percent, will result

external debt on September 30, 2019 reached

in 2021. If the trend is confirmed, the markets

in an additional deficit of RON 10.6 billion or

the level of EUR 34.4 billion (31.8 percent of

will overlook this year’s high deficit.

0.96 percent of GDP in the last four months

total external debt), increasing by 9 percent

of 2020, respectively RON 31.8 billion, or 2.7

compared to December 31, 2018.

The long-term foreign debt totaled EUR

PENSIONS ON THE RISE Keeping the deficit down in 2020 requires pensions not to increase by 40 percent in September 2020, as planned. Economists point out that we cannot deliver the increases promised by the former government, so the law must change in order for the raises to be postponed. The postponement is the only measure that could bring the deficit marginally above the budget deficit limit of 3 percent, says Valentin Lazea, chief economist of the National Bank of Romania

percent of GDP for the whole of 2021. “These figures do not take into account

The increase in the direct public debt in the first nine months of 2019 stemmed mainly

another ticking time bomb that lies under

from euro-bonds issued by the Finance

Romania’s consolidated budget, namely the

Ministry at a nominal value of EUR 5 billion

as well as citizens, believe that a budgetary

planned pension recalculation supposed to

and from the influence of the variation in

adjustment of 2.5 – 3 percent of GDP is “a

take place in 2021 to correct inequalities be-

the prices of securities issued by the public

piece of cake” and that it can be done through

tween people retired in different years, which

administration in the amount of about EUR

better tax collection, additional taxes on spe-

will add to the deficit, so that in 2022, the

2.7 billion, diminished by repayments made

cial pensions, public staff layoffs and so on,

deficit would reach 6.5 percent of GDP,” added

towards loans contracted from international

but this is a wrong view. He pointed out that

Valentin Lazea.

bodies amounting to EUR 1.59 billion.

ing with figures of a magnitude of 2.5 percent,


was 17.1 percent in January - September

i.e. RON 27 billion or EUR 5.5 billion, means

The current account of the balance of pay-

2019, compared to 22.6 percent in 2018. The

that you’re living in another world.”

ments recorded a deficit of EUR 8.1 billion

coverage of imports of goods and services on

during the first 9 months, compared with EUR

September 30, 2019 was 5 months, compared

special pensions could bring a maximum of

6.79 billion during the period January - Sep-

with 4.9 months on December 31, 2018.

RON 1 billion to the budget each year, a better

tember 2018, according to data published by

The degree of short-term external debt

collection of the VAT could mean at most RON

the central bank. These numbers would also

coverage, calculated at the residual value,

5 billion, if it is pursued constantly for several

have to change in 2020 in order to keep the

with the foreign reserves the BNR had on

years, and the return of the dividend tax to

deficit under control.

September 30, 2019 was 75 percent, compared

(BNR). According to him, many decision makers,

The long-term external debt service rate

0.1 percent of GDP is RON 1 billion, and “play-

The measure of adding an extra tax on

10 percent could bring at most RON 1 billion.

Direct investments by non-residents

with 74.1 percent at December 31, 2018.

8 COVER STORY Business Review | December 2019


Photo: Dreamstime Business Review | December 2019

With the local retail market being a vibrant scene where players come up with new and innovative formats in order to better meet the needs of their increasingly sophisticated customers, expectations are even higher for the period to come. Aggressive expansion nationwide, a wide diversity of formats, a better shopping, entertainment and leisure offer, just to name a few, are the main directions that players on the market are eager to follow in the pursuit of being as close as possible to their customers. As technology imprints its advance onto the entire user experience, the impact of new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) on consumers will definitely reshape the way the retail sector will look in the future. By Anda Sebesi



ccording to data from CBRE Research, 11 new brands made an entrance on the Romanian retail market in the first nine months of this year, of which four came over in Q3. “While

in the first half of the year we saw the entrance of brands like Victoria’s Secret or Topshop/Topman, in the last three months brands like Burger King, Falconeri, Marc O’Polo and Longines have decided to tackle the Romanian market. These new brands chose Bucharest as their first location and mainly preferred the commercial centers,” said Carmen Ravon, head of advisory & transaction services, retail at CBRE Romania. The company advised Victoria’s Secret and Burger King about their entrance onto the local market. According to the same study, the stock of retail spaces reached 3.65 million sqm, after 66,200 sqm have been delivered in a retail park and three extensions were completed in the first three quarters. 91 percent of the new retail space area is located in regional cities. For Q4, CBRE Research estimates that 130,800 sqm of retail spaces will be completed, an area that cumulates six new projects and two extensions, with 91 percent of deliveries to be in regional cities. “Cities like Sibiu, Brasov, Targoviste and Targu Mures are about to attract new retail spaces by the end of 2020, while Oradea or Timisoara already have the highest density at the national level, of 657 and 604 sqm / 1,000 inhabitants respectively. Although almost identical from the density perspective, the difference between these two cities is represented by the type of projects they have. In Oradea, the ratio between commercial centers and retail parks is almost equal, while in Timisoara retail parks represent 15 percent versus 85 percent for commercial centers,” added Ravon. From the retailer’s perspective, Geanina Ghiculescu, head of retail marketing at METRO Cash & Carry Romania, says that the Romanian retail market is expanding continuously. “Despite the increasing trend of digitalization, this year we saw most players on the market developing their brick-and-mortar locations. That is because the consumption continued to bloom and the main decision-making factors for purchase remain proximity and price. We also saw this consumption growth in the LaDoiPasi stores, where, on average, the value of a shopping session increased by more than 10 percent,” she says. According to her, in terms of trends, the latest developments in the climate crisis are shifting the retail paradigm towards social commerce. “The new generation of consumers is more responsible when it comes to food waste and the environment. Retailers are now trying to educate their customers for a more sustainable life, offering extra services such as recycling (from plastic to oil), clothes donations, biodegradable bags and access to more organic food.” As Fulga Dinu, country manager operations at Immofinanz Romania puts it, the current retail market is characterised by dynamism, but this year it was not as dynamic as it was in previous years in terms of the opening of new shopping centers or new arrivals of famous brands on the local market. From this point of view, it was interesting to notice several big international fashion brand openings this year. “One of the obvious trends on the local market is the mix between the online and offline and the creative ways of adapting the online concept offline. Another trend is the shift to cre- Business Review | December 2019


ating an experience in the store and this includes showrooms, kids’

affairs at Kaufland Romania. With these openings, Kaufland reached

playgrounds, events, family entertainment, and so on,” says Dinu.

127 stores nationwide. “We’re looking to be closer and closer to our

As for expectations about the evolution of the retail market in

customers so that shopping can be an easier and simpler process for

the next period, Ghiculescu says that the in-store physical experi-

them. Hence, we are flexible and permanently adapt our formats.

ence remains the cornerstone of food retail. “In 2020, we expect the

This is why we chose to expand to malls too,” he adds.

market to grow even further, considering the consumer’s preference for proximity shopping. With the help of Big Data integrated mar-


keting, retailers will develop hyper-personalized assortments and

In the first half of 2019, Mega Image continued its strategy of

offers to have a permanent connection with the consumer,” adds the

nationwide development and expansion and inaugurated 23 new

representative of METRO Cash & Carry Romania. At the same time,

stores in different regions. Its strategy focuses on the proposition

sustainability and social commerce will become increasingly impor-

of offering shopping inspiration to its customers on a familiar and

tant to more consumers,

close area. After two years

and retailers will have to

of extension on mature

rethink their strategy to-

and high-potential mar-

wards a purpose-oriented

kets like Cluj-Napoca and

business. “This giving-

Timisoara, Mega Image

back strategy will allow

continued this year to

brands, both retailers and

expand its operations in

suppliers, to improve their

Moldova, by opening its

contribution to the com-

first supermarket in Ba-

munity and have a more

cau, in April. In addition,

humane relationship with

the company took over the

their clients,” concludes

Zanfir supermarket chain

Ghiculescu. In her turn,

from Vrancea county, in

Dinu of Immofinanz says

a move that consolidated

that the retail market will

its position in the region,

definitely continue to

with 10 new stores that

adapt to the new trends,

have been gradually inte-

and from this point of

grated within its network.

view we will see much

In the first part of this

more experience and more

year, the retailer focused

entertainment. ”Shopping centers will also be upgraded, but the

on refurbishing five of its ten stores in Focsani and Bacau and fol-

percent will be lower than this year. Overall the market will be on a

lowing that, Mega Image reached new cities like Adjud, Panciu and

growth trend, but to a lesser extent that it was in 2019,” she says.

Targu Ocna, by refurbishing other Zanfir stores. “We’re accelerating the pace of our extension and reaching new regions, powerful urban


centers, where we intend to gradually consolidate our leadership

In mid-November Kaufland Romania opened its first hypermarket

on the proximity sector. Our ambition is to be close to our clients,

located in a commercial center, namely the new Promenada mall in

to integrate better into their lifestyle and inspire them with our

Sibiu. The opening is part of the company’s new strategy to place its

products every day,” stated Mircea Moga, CEO at Mega Image. The

stake on adaptability and expand its activity to rental spaces, along

company announced earlier this year that its expansion strategy

with the development of a large chain of stores on its own lands.

would continue in the second half of 2019 and would include the

Adapting its formats, the dynamic and flexibility in its strategy

consolidation of its presence in the Moldova region, by opening its

of expanding to new spaces are part of an ample process of mod-

first stores in Iasi county - in four cities by the end of the year - and

ernisation and renewal which started in the last few years. “While

in Timisoara and Cluj, too. At the same time, Bucharest, Giurgiu,

2019 brings the first Kaufland store in a mall, in the last year we’ve

and Prahova are still on its radar.

launched dynamic formats like the first store of our chain to be opened in a real estate compound, seasonal pop-up stores set up in


tents located in resorts, stores with green façades made of plants or

Recently, Mega Mall Bucharest announced it had completed the

those with community urban gardens on their roofs or in the park-

refurbishment of its food court, under an investment of EUR 3.2

ing lots. As part of its modernisation, Kaufland recently launched

million. The 10,000 sqm have been redesigned entirely and set up

the newest ultra-store concept which embeds elements from the

as a mini indoor town. The design concept has been developed by

universe of malls – with aisles like sushi-bar, food court or glass

Corvin Cristian Studio, starting from the idea of “experiences”. The

walls,” says Valer Hancas, communication director and corporate

urban design of the reshaped food court in Mega Mall comprises Business Review | December 2019


sturdy ash wood decorations and furniture along with natural ve-


neer, marble, yellow copper and metal. Spaces are set out in several

Global commercial real estate leaders are optimistic about the

“neighbourhoods” structured as mini-districts of a city.

industry’s prospects over the coming year, despite global economic

“The food court is an anchor for commercial centers, and visi-

volatility, according to Deloitte 2020 Commercial Real Estate Out-

tors’ expectations are very high. For the modern client, a mall is

look. 76 percent of respondents expect a positive evolution of the

much more than a space for shopping – it has become an integral

industry in the next period. The survey shows that the tenant ex-

part of the community, and this role attracts the responsibility to

perience has become a top priority for most commercial real estate

create spaces which offer a pleasant atmosphere, suitable for meet-

leaders, with a focus on investing in new technologies.

ings and leisure. We will continue to invest in solutions meant to

“The high level of optimism among commercial real estate

offer to our clients the best shopping and leisure choices,” stated

players is not surprising. In times of economic volatility, investors’

Alexandru Suiu, center manager at Mega Mall.

attention goes towards tangible, high quality assets, which provide a medium or long-term investment horizon. When sudden eco-


nomic changes occur, the real estate industry typically reacts within

Altex Romania, one of the long-lasting retailers specialised in

six to 12 months. In Romania, the commercial real estate sector is

electronics and IT equipment, recently opened its 20th store, in

one of the most stable, given that demand is still higher than the

Satu Mare, following an investment of EUR 8 million, and created

supply. Considering the competition on the labour market, on the

40 additional jobs. The company estimates that it will have over two

one hand, and the consumption increase on the other, the interest

million customers in its first operational year. “With each store we

for office and commercial spaces is natural and will remain high

open, we intend to inspire a reshaping of local retail, to offer to our

over the next period,” said Alexandra Smedoiu, partner at Deloitte

customers equipment that enhances their comfort and a complete

Romania, Real Estate Industry Leader.

online and offline experience. We expect our Media Galaxy in

In this year’s outlook, Deloitte experts explore a new element:

Satu Mare to be a driving force for our entire network, considering

the impact of the new technologies that are reshaping tenants and

that we address a larger mass of potential customers, from both

end users’ experience, such as AI (artificial intelligence) or IoT

Romania and abroad. We are convinced that our store will be a pole

(Internet of Things). In this context, 92 percent of respondents plan

of interest for customers from Hungary and Ukraine, who will find

to maintain or increase their tenant experience-related technology

our offers attractive and will take into account the difference of VAT

investments. As for smart buildings, they will become the norm

from 27 percent in their countries to 19 percent in Romania,” says

over the next five years, according to approximately three-quarters

Dan Ostahie, CEO at Altex Romania.

of respondents. Business Review | December 2019


Proximity stores still among Romanians’ top shopping preferences Business Review sat down with Geanina Ghiculescu, Head of Retail Marketing at METRO Cash & Carry Romania, about the LaDoiPasi retail chain’s strategy on the local market and how its latest brand campaign has influenced its brand awareness. By Anda Sebesi What is the business model implemented by LaDoiPasi and how is this model reflected in the development of the franchise?

preferences, after hypermarkets and

LaDoiPasi has an independent and

As of November 2019, the LaDoiPasi

sustainable business model that reflects

network reached 1,035 stores, having

both customers’ expectations and

added more than 300 since last year.

supermarkets. In this context, METRO leads the proximity segment in Romania, opening a new store every day.

entrepreneurs’ needs. The franchise network relies on the ever-changing ingly looking for proximity stores that

To what extent did the latest LaDoiPasi brand campaign influence your brand awareness?

can offer them a wide range of products

Through this campaign, as well as

and services.

through the team’s efforts to expand

needs of customers, who are increas-

LaDoiPasi aims to support local

the franchise, LaDoiPasi has definitely

entrepreneurs and encourage them to

seen a growth in visibility as a proxim-

start their own businesses. Once an

ity store. According to our research,

entrepreneur becomes part of the fran-

the brand gained a significant share of

chise, we share with them our know-

spontaneous awareness, with 7 out of

how in retail, we build a business plan

10 people recognizing the store when

together and we invest in equipment


and layout to create a modern store. By

The “Suntem de-ai locului” cam-

affiliating with the LaDoiPasi franchise,

paign was based on the relationship

store owners have access to consul-

between store owners and customers

tancy on all business areas (branding, diversified product range,

in their communities and on the attributes that customers appreci-

competitive pricing, know-how transfer, modern equipment and

ate the most: trust and familiarity. We were happy to find out in our

integrated marketing communication). All these elements also bring

research that the message we transmitted throughout the campaign

multiple benefits to the end customer, who enjoys a pleasant buying

resonated with consumers’ perception. LaDoiPasi is associated more

experience. But most importantly, LaDoiPasi offers each entrepre-

than other stores with making clients feel welcome and respected,

neur the benefit of operational and managerial independence.

so we’ve managed to build an emotional connection that we will continue to nurture in the long term.

What were the results recorded by LaDoiPasi this year? Although the retail sector is one of the industries facing the most

What are the LaDoiPasi network’s plans for next year?

digital disruption, consumers still prefer to shop in physical stores

Our objective is to continue to support as many local entrepreneurs

as it allows them to have a sensory

as possible in developing their

experience. The latest GFK study

businesses and together make the

confirms it, with Romania being

lives of our communities easier

among the European countries that

each day. Growing the number of

have seen the biggest growth in

stores and becoming more acces-

brick-and-mortar retail (+7.1 per-

sible to our customers is another

cent) compared to last year. Prox-

major objective for us. In the fol-

imity stores continue to be one of

lowing year, METRO’s goal is to

the customers’ top three shopping

reach 1,400 franchise shops. Business Review | December 2019


Retail sector moves to mixed-use projects With the local retail scene being very competitive and full of both large and smaller players, developers need to think outside the box and have a different approach if they want to attract more and more sophisticated consumers in Romania. By Anda Sebesi


The employees working in Iulius Town office buildings are a loyal public for both the restaurants and the stores

In IULIUS projects, parks are the main anchors

n recent years, the Romanian retail market posted the highest

comprise unique retail concepts for the region and new international

growth in the region and it is likely to stay on this upward trend

brands. This development has been imposed by a clear demand com-

in the next year. During this time, we have witnessed a sustained

ing from the market,” adds the Iulius representative.

development of the retail sector, which has now reached a high level

As Diaconescu says, all the projects developed by Iulius are lead-

of complexity. This is due to the expansion of large retail chains and

ers on the regional markets where the company operates. “They are

consumers becoming less interested in using traditional stores to do

centers of attraction even for neighboring countries because of their

their shopping.

brand mix and entertainment offering. For example, Iulius Town

As pundits say, an increase in the standard of living and qual-

Timisoara welcomes customers from Serbia and Hungary, Palas

ity of life along with the advance of technology, automation and a

Iasi gets customers from the Republic of Moldova and Iulius Mall

wider range of services offered to the consumers are some of the

Suceava has visitors from Ukraine,” she says.

factors which have led to this development of the local retail sector.

Making continuous investments in innovation and permanently

“Retailers now have the opportunity to change their business using

thinking about adding new components to the project allows Iulius

sustainable development models, based on the expectations of their

to maintain its position on the market. For example, creating active

consumers and their interaction with them,” says Oana Diaconescu,

urban environments which meet the local community’s wide range

head of the leasing division at Iulius. She adds that IULIUS compa-

of needs – from shopping to leisure, business, social interaction, and

ny’s projects are in line with this upward market trend. “The spaces

recreation – and maintaining permanent and close communication

we offer to retailers have increased – if we refer mainly to Iulius Mall

with its customers – are two ways to support this endeavour.

Timisoara, a project which has been extended over the past few

“This dialogue helps us know what the public wants and under-

years, in parallel with the development of the Iulius Town mixed

stand how to meet their needs and what should be improved. We

project. Today in Timisoara we have the largest retail area outside

started to develop our urban regeneration projects – Iulius Town

Bucharest, with over 450 stores on more than 120,000 sqm, which

Timisoara, Palas Iasi and Iulius Mall Cluj-Napoca, which integrate Business Review | December 2019


retail, office, leisure and entertainment components – considering

local community meets and socialises. It has already been the host

the demand on the market,” says Diaconescu. According to her, this

of events like open-air movies, urban art festivals, scientific experi-

concept is the future in the real estate sector, and it can lead to eco-

ments for the general public, sports competitions and activities for

nomic growth by adding value to the local community.

kids. During the winter, the skating rink will be the main attraction. As for financial results, Diaconescu says that the turnover gener-


ated by Iulius Town in the three months since its official opening

Since its inception, Iulius Town has been very attractive for retailers

is 21 percent higher compared with the same period of last year.

and this has been translated into a wide list of new entries for the re-

“Segments like family fashion, food and beverages, and cosmetics

gion: Zara Home, Oysho, Intimissimi, Calzedonia, Marks & Spencer,

are those which posted the highest increases. As for the traffic in

C-House Cafe Milano, Manufaktura, V-generation, Superdry, New

the mall, it increased by 15 percent compared with the same period

Era, Next (Kids),

of 2018, except

Liu Jo, Grid, Sizeer,

the cafeterias and

Primigi, Vagabond,

restaurants with

Beautik Haute

direct access from

Parfumerie, Taco

the park and the

Bell, Ted’s Coffee,

retailers from the

Tucano Coffee, and

ground floors of

El Unico, to name a

the three already

few. “Our projects

operational office

add value to the

buildings,” says the

communities and

IULIUS representa-

hence we encour-


age competitive local business a strong market


proposition. Iulius

As Diaconescu

initiatives with

Town hosts plenty of themed cafés and restaurants owned by en-

puts it, Iulius Town seems to have always been part of the lives of

trepreneurs from Timisoara or the region like Daily, Sova’s, Lexico,

Timisoara citizens. “This is because IULIUS is a brand they have

Select Bistro Cafe, Ana Lugojana, and others. They came with unique

been attached to since 2005, the year when the company opened

food and beverages concepts,” adds the Iulius representative.

the largest mall outside Bucharest. It is easy to notice that the entire community embraced this project, which is a proof for us that it was


an adequate one that filled a gap in the market. It became a pole of

According to Diaconescu, the annual foot traffic in the company’s

interaction and social effervescence,” she says. Plus, she adds that

projects, whether in Iasi, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca or Suceava,

Iulius Town has great potential due to its positioning because it at-

exceeds 68 million visitors. “The annual foot traffic in Iulius Mall Ti-

tracts clients from Serbia and Hungary (a public who is already loyal)

misoara exceeds 16 million visitors and we expect to reach 20 million

who benefit from a shopping and entertainment offer that is wider,

after its integration into the Iulius Town mixed project. We think that

more interactive and better aligned with the Western trends. “We

for retail projects to be successful, they have to offer a mix of experi-

can also talk about the more than 5,000 employees who are already

ences to their customers. People no longer come to the mall just for

working in Iulius Town office buildings and who are a daily and loyal

shopping. They look for a certain lifestyle, unique events, leisure,

public for both the restaurants and the stores.”

entertainment and a place where they can meet their friends,” says Diaconescu.


She also highlights the importance of the powerful anchors,

As Diaconescu says, retail projects are becoming increasingly com-

which generate increases. “In IULIUS projects, parks are the main

plex now, by adding different functions. “As we have already seen

anchors, and they offer many attractions for people of all ages. In

in our mixed-use projects, the big winners – both among those who

addition, there are functions like a conference and event centre, a

operate on the real estate market and among retailers – will be those

kindergarten and a primary school, the largest health and fitness

who will understand that they need to offer a complex experience

club in Romania which will be opened this month by World Class,

to the consumer, apart from meeting their immediate needs. In my

the VIP cinema concept with all-inclusive dinner and film, and the

opinion, mixed-use is the watchword for the years to come. The key

largest medical hub in the region which will be integrated into the

as a developer is to be creative when it comes to adding new func-

tallest office building in Romania.” Last but not least, Iulius Gardens,

tions to your projects in order to attract consumers who are becom-

the park at the heart of the complex, is a vibrant place where the

ing more and more demanding,” she concludes. Business Review | December 2019

16 HR

The burnout syndrome and its toll on professionals’ lives According to the World Health Organization, burnout is listed in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon, but it is not classified as a medical condition. It is a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. By Romanita Oprea out start to set in, the yield drops even more,” said Alecsandra Ionita, wellbeing specialist at Smart Experience.

THE PREDISPOSITION TO Last year, the Bucharest College of Physicians conducted a study revealing that 55 percent of Bucharest doctors suffered from personal burnout, 52 percent from professional burnout, 36 percent from burnout related to patient interaction, and 24 percent suffered from all three types. “Lately we have particularly studied the behaviour of Millennials at work, because most of the companies we work with mainly have employees belonging to this generation. Using international Alecsandra Ionita, Smart Experience


Madalina Uceanu, Career Advisor

studies and our local surveys, we discovered that nearly three in ten Millennials are very often or always burned out at work and about

he burnout syndrome is character-

unemployment, insomnia, diabetes, heart

70 percent of them experience at least some

ised by three dimensions: feelings

disease, and even death.

burnout. Compared to 5 years ago, burnout

of energy depletion or exhaustion;

Burnout has been studied and diagnosed

syndrome has advanced significantly, with

increased mental distance from one’s job or

in a variety of occupations such as medical

more and more companies looking to imple-

feelings of negativism or cynicism related to

staff, teachers, social workers, and people

ment programs in order to target and combat

one’s job; reduced professional efficacy.

working in the financial sector,” said Olga

this problem among their employees,” ex-

Udrea, Psychotherapist | Coach | Neuroscience

plained Madalina Uceanu, senior consultant &

Enthusiast Mind Initiative.

founder at Career Advisor.

A UK survey, for instance, found that nearly 30 percent of human resource directors thought burnout was widespread in

“More alarming is that even if the em-

What generates it? According to Madalina

their organisation, while a recent report from

ployees of corporations work over 30 percent

Uceanu, some of the causes are related to

Harvard declared physician burnout in the US

more than the European average, a Eurostat

our emerging economy context: someone

to be a public health crisis, potentially costing

report shows that productivity in Romania

who is now in their mid-40s started working

the economy USD 4.6 billion a year.

is six times lower than the EU average. And

before the year 2000 when working during

we have a big problem here. It is a matter of

the weekends or overtime was the norm and

the global population, burnout pervades the

productivity, education and personal beliefs:

not the exception, if you wanted to keep your

lives of an estimated 5-7 percent of the gen-

our parents taught us to work hard, not

well-paying job in a multinational. “Moreover,

eral population: 210 million people worldwide

necessarily to be efficient, but to be seen and

I think that we were lacking the proper educa-

and 11 million in the US. For those suffering

accepted. Spending long hours at work over a

tion in how to manage our emotional relation-

from it, burnout is a slow, terrifying slide into

long period of time inevitably leads to chronic

ship with our job. Romanians tended to be

darkness, with pervasive consequences like

stress. And when the first symptoms of burn-

perceived even by expats as more emotional

“As one of the most recent phenomena in Business Review | December 2019

18 HR

on what mattered most. Having periods of relaxation after high stress periods, especially if you are in a management position, is a duty not only for yourself and for your family but also for the people in your team. Only with a crystal-clear mind does a leader have the power to be effective and emphatic and make the best decisions in business and life,” said Dana Bulat, general manager & owner United Media Services. As a specialist who has been working for more than 20 years in the marcomm industry, one of the most dynamic and demanding fields, Bulat knows and understands the high importance of trying to maintain a lifestyle that is as balanced as possible, and she is very interested in the well-being of her team. Moreover, as Raluca Mihaila points out, trying to be different in an industry where cliRaluca Mihaila, Utopic Brain

Andreea Neagu, psychologist

ents want to be different, yet don’t dare to, is a nightmare for any agency trying to do their job. Stress, frustration, tensions come along.

about their jobs, bosses and work environ-

forward as individuals and will not help them,

“The marcomm industry also has another

ment, while also taking a lot of personal

as international companies, understand that

trait: you need to prove yourself endlessly.

confirmation and satisfaction from work

they wrong us just because they can and

You’re never good enough and you’re always

results. That worked rather well for the organ-

because we don’t know how to say no.

as good as your last best project. Being in the

isations, as having employees who were so

Unfortunately, the burnout syndrome is

paradigm of always trying to overcome chal-

fully dedicated to the business was working

quite often seen in the advertising industry.

lenges and outdo yourself sets the stage for

miracles,” explained Uceanu. Moreover, ac-

“Whether people are working physically too

work overdoses.”

cording to Raluca Mihaila, Founder of Utopic

much or they cannot handle stress, the effect

In this context, one might wonder, how

is quite visible and spread out. I am very

can well-being experiences help people in

tations we pulled together over decades.

fortunate to like what I do so from this per-

corporations avoid the syndrome? According

Working too much and not really caring about

spective things are looking pretty well. Over

to Alecsandra Ionita, there are dedicated pro-

our mental and physical health, ignoring the

the years, I have been exposed to numerous

grammes for combating burnout syndrome,

sounds of our soul and passions and main-

trainings which emphasised the importance

through which employees become familiar

taining the phrase “work-life balance” when

of the “work-life balance” concept and I took

with the term, find out about the causes and

work should be 100 percent about living,

them seriously. Also, getting older and hav-

especially about ways to avoid falling into

not separated from it, will not help us move

ing a family were crucial factors in focusing

this trap. Furthermore, the classic well-being

Brain, we don’t have the exercise of failure and that is the starting point of burnout: you think you have it, you are taught to never give up, people still don’t appreciate you enough, so you keep on doing until you break. “This vicious cycle can make us blind to the alternative: collaboration, open talks, trusting one another, value-based teams, honest work and trustworthy environments. And these would be the premises for what we all search for: the virtuous cycle. None of the upper elements of our beings help us express ourselves, fail and learn from it, collaborate with others, understand trial and error and what it is like to be imperfect,” said Utopic Brain’s representative. Therefore, we learn by doing, and usually by falling very far behind the false expec- Business Review | December May 2016 2019

COVER STORY HR 19 14 fied, as well as finding out the roles an individual has in their life, how much time they spend in those roles and what changes can be made in the matter. “The need for professional and personal life. There are many people that

programs help the employee discover new

drown themselves in their professional lives,

passions and hobbies, and bring more balance

therefore running away from the personal

to their life.

ones. Unfortunately, there can be deep

In looking for a more balanced life, people


traumas hiding behind a so-called successful

should also look towards taking better care of

professional path. I have to remind you of the

their bodies, as well as their minds. Playing

difficulties of creating emotional connections

sports, going to the gym, taking up dance

with others, of getting involved at a social

classes, reading more and going to spas are

level in inter-human relationships. They are

some of the best solutions for taking care of

all based on countless fears,” said psycholo-

oneself. “Even though they sometimes find it

gist Andreea Neagu. Therefore, she suggests

hard to take time for themselves and benefit

that one should get involved in pleasant ac-

from a little bit of time off and pampering in a

tivities that bring positive emotions and grow

spa or any other well-being area, the feeling of

the frequency of those actions. Knowing

guilt disappears once the client starts enjoy-

oneself, an action that leads to identifying

ing that service. The secret lies in prioritising

some personal purposes, a sense of life for

yourself and realising you deserve to give

each person, setting priorities, focusing on

yourself more attention and time, because

resources and activities that bring accom-

you are worth it. The burnout syndrome

plishments are key to fighting burnout.

is more visible among people working in a

Olga Udrea, Mind Initiative

“Another important aspect is paying atten-

corporate environment where deadlines are

tion to your health. Quality sleep, good food,

very tight and targets are high and hard to

proper hydrating, physical relaxing exercises

reach,” said Angela Coman, co-founder Belle

(meditation, yoga, dance, jogging), bring

Maison Spa.

multiple benefits and balance the general state of being. Moreover, someone who be-


lieves they are close to a burnout should seek

Taking those aspects into account, the first

the help of a good psychologist, a specialist

piece of advice she would give is for each

that will help them find the source of the

of us to try to reach a mindfulness state. “It

problem,” added Andreea Neagu.

types of causes: 1) causes related to the professional environment: high workload and responsibility, time pressure and extended work schedule, events with negative emotional impact, lack of appreciation, hostile work environment, unsatisfactory relationships with colleagues, lack of respect in working relationships or within the team, low levels of financial satisfaction; 2) causes related to personality: perfectionism and excessive need for control, waiting for immediate rewards, enthusiasm and exaggerated expectations at the beginning of the career, low emotional stability, poor adaptability and stress resistance, self-confidence, frustrations related to the discrepancy between reality and job expectations; 3) causes related to lifestyle: insufficient leisure time, insufficient involvement in relaxing activities and social activities, lack of social and family support, failure to observe the need for sleep.

makes us more aware of the context we are in

Not dealing with the situation properly

to collapse, but you may not know why, and

and offers us different perspectives on things.

and not treating the cause and the syndrome

miss it entirely. Eventually, your body simply

It gives us energy instead of using it up. In

can lead to difficult situations and negative

shuts down to prevent you from work-

this manner, we start doing things in the right

socio-economic consequences, physiological

ing. Burnout is not laziness, burnout is not

order and become more efficient. One must

manifestations (the worsening of an illness or

mediocrity, it is not the price we must pay for

realise that not all the things we deal with at

even developing one).

glory and success, is not recovering after one

work have the same importance and, in some

Thus, burnout can be “contagious” and

good night’s sleep or a holiday. It’s nothing

cases, some are not even necessary,” added

perpetuate itself through social interactions

to be ashamed of if you find yourself in this

Angela Coman. How is burnout treated? First

on the job. “Burnout progress slowly, your

condition. Burnout is serious,” explained

of all, the reason behind it has to be identi-

health, relationships, and well-being start

Udrea. Business Review | December 2019


Hidroelectrica looking to list in 2020 State-owned company Hidroelectrica, one of the largest energy producers in the country, is ready to list on the stock market, according to board president Bogdan Badea, who said that one of the problems the company is facing now is the fact that the Romanian Waters agency is planning to ask the company to pay a higher fee for milled water. By Aurel Constantin Badea, referring to the fact that the company is interested in buying CEZ assets in Romania. Furthermore, the effects of Emergency Ordinance 114, adopted by the government in December 2018, are growing the risk of Hidroelectrica becoming insolvent again, due to an order by the Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE). “We are at a critical moment. When the famous ordinance and Order 10 of ANRE were issued, Hidroelectrica highlighted the fact that the price for the population would not decrease, and it has not decreased. Moreover, statistics will show a migration from the regulated regime to the competitive regime of a TWh, which means that the competitive market has offered more benefits to final consumers (...) Yes, prices (on the competitive market, Ed.) have increased and this is something that Hidroelectrica pointed out: when we go back to the regulated market, prices on the competitive markets will increase,” said Badea. The problem is that nobody wants to carry out a thorough analysis of the energy system. ”It is very difficult for me, as a manager, to explain to shareholders - 80 percent of whom are represented by the Romanian state - why Hidroelectrica was forced to bear a loss of RON 189 million so far (unpaid money from Hidroelectrica has proposed an investment plan of RON 5.5 billion over the next four years

the difference between the free market and regulated prices, Ed.), why we had to sub-

The Romanian Waters agency has de-

areas,” said Bogdan Badea. In this context, the

sidise other companies. We are still talking

cided to increase our price by about 23

company is no longer able to pay additional

about losses, but no one informs us of the

percent on water, which will affect not

dividends. “Based on its performance, Hi-

cause of these losses. Was it a regulatory er-

only Hidroelectrica, but also other produc-

droelectrica has been able to grant additional

ror? Was it a management error? Was it greed?

ers, including coal and nuclear, telling us that

dividends to shareholders over the last two

We don’t know,” said Badea.

they have higher costs. This for us means a

years. Investment plans were not affected. As

total cost of RON 410 million, up from RON

for the opportunities offered by the market

but the deregulation was done in a year and a

334 million. So on the one hand, we are

in terms of diversification and listing - which

half, and the effects are still showing.

regulated to sell very little and at a very low

we want in 2020 - it is no longer appropriate

price, well below the market price, and on the

to issue additional dividends. We want to


other hand, we have increasing costs in all

diversify our activities and our portfolio,” said

Hidroelectrica has proposed an investment

The ordinance was enforced overnight, Business Review | December May 2016 2019


plan of RON 5.5 billion over the next four years. Bogdan Badea noted that he would resume the project of the hydroelectric plant in Pascani, which had been abandoned, adding that technical solutions will be re-analysed. “The project in Pascani was initially meant to be abandoned. As we re-analysed the technical solutions and the recalibration of the general project concept, we managed to comply with the estimated value that we shareholders had approved. As such, the contract will be signed in the coming

weeks for the construc-

tion part of RON

140 million, then

we will con-

clude negotia-

tions with the

other four



the hydro-



and the



said Bogdan

Badea at

the “Focus


conference. An 11 MW be built in Pascani,

power plant will and it requires the

construction of accumulation dams as well as some new equipment. This year, the refurbished group 6 of 55 MW at the Stejaru hydroelectric plant will become operational. “We are also in advanced negotiations with our subsidiary Hidroserv to contract upgrade services at the Dej power station, which is the next power station halfway down the Olt river. Basically, with this power plant, we are finalizing the upgrade of all the groups in that facility,” said Badea. At Racovita, the works on adduction will be

the 3,200-meter Poiana Marului resumed, after they

were stopped dur-

ing the insolvency

period. “In ad-

dition, we are

in the bidding

phase with

the Vidraru


ment, and

we have

five bid-

ders. It is

a procure-

ment proce-

dure that




and financial

solutions. It is a

project worth over that we hope to finalise

EUR 80 million by the end of this year,”

said Bogdan Badea. Hidroelectrica’s net profit decreased by 8.3 percent in the first half of the year, to RON 901.5 million. Hidroelectrica’s turnover increased by almost 18 percent in the first half of 2019, to about RON 2.35 billion. For 2019, the company has planned investments worth RON 532.03 million. Hidroelectrica estimates total revenues of RON 3.51 billion for this year, at a net profit of almost RON 824 million. Hidroelectrica has about 3,500 employees. The company is controlled by the Romanian state, with a stake of 80 percent, through the Energy Ministry, and the other shareholder is Fondul Proprietatea. The company operates 208 plants, with a total installed power of 6,444 MW. Business Review | December 2019


Glovo aiming to lead every market it enters 257 cities. 33 countries. All the big capital cities in EMEA. 9 countries in South America. This is the global coverage of Glovo, the Spanish delivery startup that has recently announced its entry on the Arad market, its 9th Romanian city, after Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Iasi, Brasov, Craiova, Constanta and Sibiu. The app is expected to expand to three new Romanian cities by the end of this year. In this context, BR talked with Victor Racariu, the general manager of Glovo Romania, and found out more about the company’s plans and strategies. By Romanita Oprea Name Glovo’s top 5 cities in terms of numbers and product deliveries Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj, Brasov, Iasi.

What are the most requested services and why? Are there differences between cities on this segment? Food is by far the biggest one, followed by supermarkets, the “anything” option, and the courier service. For example, the courier category is a lot bigger in Cluj-Napoca than in other cities.

What influences people’s consumption behaviour? If a city has very high traffic levels, the courier category will grow a lot because nobody has time to travel around the city to deliver an envelope. One of the biggest influencers of demand is actually weather: during rain, snow or very high temperatures, demand increases significantly.

What does the expansion to Poland mean to you and why did it happen at that precise moment?

ity, with plans for further expansion on the

Poland has become an incredibly attractive

The main challenge of this industry, in

destination for technology startups who are

Do you plan to expand to other countries as well?

starting to establish and build their technol-

Yes, we are always thinking of expansion, but

finding couriers. The unemployment rate in

ogy teams, due to the country’s techno-

also we want to consolidate our positions on

Bucharest is around 1 percent, and we need

logical history and prosperous economy. It

the current markets. We have great examples

thousands of couriers to handle the demand.

represents a very good consolidation of our

of countries where we became market leaders

This is, and probably always will be, our big-

business in Europe, as we purchased a strong

in less than half a year, so these are the ones

gest challenge.

market player. Another very important aspect

we tend to go for. Our ambition is to lead

is that we opened our second tech hub in Po-

every market we enter and to provide a first

land. Poland is huge, we expect it to become

class express delivery experience for our us-

How much do you think the app will change and evolve in the next 2 years?

one of our biggest markets very soon.

ers, couriers and partners.

We will push non-food categories a lot more,


Glovo will hire 40 new engineers and 50

What changes have you seen recently on the market and why do you think they have happened? Romania and Central Eastern Europe, is

such as mobility (scooters), laundry or who

tech and product experts, working mainly in

Who does Glovo primarily target?

knows what other new ideas we will have

the Warsaw office. It is expected that this will

Everybody that needs something from the

during this time. Glovo will be a super app for

constitute half of Glovo’s technical capac-

city. We want to be the Google of your city.

customers. Business Review | December 2019


Storytelling as a business driver We have always been surrounded by stories. As studies show, over half of human conversation comes in the form of stories and we, as humans, are more receptive to stories than we are to data or hard facts. That has to do with the fact that stories help us relate, empathize and offer our brains the time they need to process the information in a form that is easily digestible and more memorable. By Romanita Oprea obtain in return a change of attitude, opinion or behaviour. So we use analogies, structures, characters, facts and even emotions to bring people into our story and connect in order to further develop our projects. Just like in life. A business plan without a good narrative behind it will most likely end up in the ”might have been a great project” recycle bin. Facts state exactly this, pure data, no conclusion or emotion behind it. Adding a story, a relatable and easy to follow conclusion or encouragement will trigger some emotion and therefore your facts are more vivid and memorable,” said Anca Paun, winner of Speakings HR 5th Edition and Cluster Talent & OE Manager SCEA BAT.

THE HUMAN APPROACH What about personal branding? In Anca Banita’s opinion, personal branding is about choosing the most relevant and inspiring Anca Paun, Speakings winner


Anca Banita, coach & trainer

stories about yourself to tell on the public scene. “I always advise my clients to start

esides having been a buzzword for

talking about stories with allegory: fables,

from asking themselves: what is my ‘why’ for

some time, used and overused in

stories of wise people, which are relevant for

doing what I am doing? The why is always a

many marketing and advertising

a certain situation. One needs research and

story or more stories combined. I encourage

conversations, storytelling has also proven

it’s up only to them to find the right story.

them to find these stories and share them

to be a powerful business tool and a skill that

They must have the right effect,” said Dunuta.

on their personal platforms or when appear-

every business building a powerful and last-

Moreover, as the Speakings representative

ing in the media, because these stories come

ing brand should understand and use wisely.

says, even the less pleasant stories that teach

from the heart and have the power to touch

That’s because when done the right way,

you a lesson can be a good source – one can go

the hearts of others,” explained Anca Banita,

storytelling can do wonders for a business.

whichever way they want, depending on how

coach & trainer. Moreover, apart from the

And most importantly for a business environ-

they think they can strike gold. “The only

why story, one can bring different stories

ment, stories sell.

rule is being careful to choose the ones that

about their profession. Old and new stories

How can one bring storytelling into busi-

no longer have an emotional charge. And last,

about how you do business or what it really

ness meetings? According to Andrei Dunuta,

but not least, your passions are an interesting

means for you to be a doctor/lawyer/coach,

founder & public speaking trainer at Speak-

source of stories – think about what can be

etc. “You can also talk about your vision: we

ings and SelfTrust Academy, there are many

put into a travelling or art experience. There

love to hear stories about dreams and about

ways to do it. The first type of stories are

are many possible variables,” added Dunuta.

the way someone wants to contribute to

related to the “why” of numbers. “Any KPI has a reason why it’s important. Then, we are

“In a business presentation, just like in

making the world a better place. So, what are

day-to-day life, we try to send a message and

you dreaming to create in 5-10 years? Last but Business Review | December 2019


not least, tell stories to explain the world we

I added pictures, and the numbers were a

becoming more and more important to go

live in from your expert point of view. I loved

personal experience from one corner to the

beyond the facts and tell a story and make

the example of a blog post from a leadership

other,” recalls Dunuta.

things approachable, even on the business

coach explaining how a singer managed to

In her turn, Banita sees that clients have

side. Our brain is built to listen to stories and

win a television contest by showing leader-

been increasingly open to telling a personal

through them make sense of the world we are

ship skills. These stories have great educa-

story with authenticity and courage. And

living in. “We love the stories because they

tional potential,” added Banita. The purpose

it does takes courage to show exactly who

have been helping us since we were children to explain the reality, to imagine it and to develop our imagination, therefore our brain is a story factory put on a continuous mode. We make up stories about anything that happens to us – from small things such as a gesture, someone’s look, a tone of voice to something more important. We are a meaning making machine, as I heard at a personal development class. Stories have a role of also bringing the heart into the equation because, many times, we are just in our mind, on autopilot and we don’t even realise it,” said Anca Banita. And yet, how is good public speaking an instrument in discover-

of all these stories is to show our human side

you are and to share your life in business

ing today’s leaders in the organisation you

and bring our heart into the picture, to see

contexts. One can be judged, even rejected.

work with? According to SelfTrust Academy’s

how other can resonate with us so that, after

“And sometimes, you wonder if it’s worth the

representative, tomorrow’s leaders need

this step, we decide whether we want to do

risk. I would say that it depends on the values

an exhibition space. They need contexts in

business together. The coach or trainer would

that are guiding your life. Is authenticity a key

which to be seen, where they can express and

advise people to harness their passions, the

value to you? Is it courage? Or self-expres-

expose their ideas and perspectives, where

most important revelations of the last years,

sion? If so, coming up with real stories will be

they get the courage to show themselves.

the books they’ve read or other experiences

an option you will take into account, together

Through the Speakings concept that Dunuta

that contributed to who they are today, all

with everything that comes along with it. Any

brings to companies, him and his colleagues

correlated with what they have to express in

paradigm change will see some resistance,”

are doing internal public speaking contests in

the business meeting.

added Banita.

which anyone can take part, and many times

Still, Anca Paun considers it to be a slow

the winners have been the newcomers or the


process. According to her, most companies

ones that hadn’t stood out until then, but

Every year it looks like clients are getting

are oriented towards a direct and very spe-

who later on became keynote speakers for the

closer and closer to appreciating and wanting

cific type of communication, while story-

company or are moderating internal events.

this type of approach. They are also becoming

telling is associated with the more creative,

There have also been people who after such

more open because, many times, as Andrei

looser, relaxed way of addressing things.

an event were promoted or went on to take

Dunuta points out, there are some boring

E-mails and daily interactions are meant to be

management positions in other companies.

moments in meetings when participants are

straightforward, as short and concentrated as

“For a story to inspire, to provoke change,

not really paying attention to each other. And

possible, which is quite far from the storytell-

to drive results, it needs to speak to the audi-

that sometimes makes one wonder why they

ing concept of explaining things with a short

ence’s heart, to have meaning and purpose,

even met in the first place. “Therefore, the

story. “Without naming it as such, selling

besides the cognitive, rational side of facts.

manner in which one holds a presentation

ideas is a quality that is appreciated in most

Make your stories memorable, not just

becomes important, in order to make people

companies, regardless of the department or

interesting, build them for what the audience

in the room hear the message. For example,

seniority level. But from this appreciation to

needs, as closest to their level of understand-

I had one client with whom I worked for a

building sustainable programs to develop this

ing and challenge them just a bit to get the

board presentation and I helped her pres-

skill there is still a serious gap,” commented

result you desire. And ideally, if situation al-

ent numbers in a report using storytelling. I

SCEA BAT’s representative.

lows it, add some humour as well,” concluded

took out a lot of information from the slides,

It’s extremely obvious that today it’s

Anca Paun. Business Review | December 2019


14th NovemberWorld Diabetes Day!

If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.

14th is a significant date in the diabetes calendar

conference called ‘Noi si Diabetul’ and all

If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.

because it marks the birthday of the man who

proceeds were donated to a charity that

If you want happiness for a year, inherit a

co-discovered insulin, Frederick Banting. Banting

helps children with diabetes. Thank you very

fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime,

discovered insulin in 1922, alongside Charles

much everyone.

help somebody - Chinese proverb.


Children are never too young to learn the

Children from King’s Oak British International

value and joy of helping others. As we know,

School worked really hard in order to create

children learn by watching their parents and

amazing blue paintings, unique blue jewellery

their teachers. We can model compassion

and jewellery boxes and organised a silent auc-

and generosity to raise caring children.

tion in order to help children with diabetes. The

The 14th of November is World Diabetes

Blue, healthy bake sale was a real success as well,

Day and this year for the first time King’s Oak

a great opportunity to demonstrate that life can

School decided to get involved and help in-

be sweet without sugar. The children’s remark-

crease awareness about diabetes. November

able work was displayed at the annual diabetes

72, Petre Aurelian St., Bucharest 1 Business Review | December 2019


Apa Nova bets on digital transformation Irina Munteanu, CFO Veolia Romania and Apa Nova, tells Business Review about the appropriate ways in which local companies should approach competitiveness and what they can do to increase it against their regional or international rivals. She also highlights the measures Apa Nova has taken in order to increase its competitiveness in Romania. By Anda Sebesi tional rival only if they have resources: labour force, existing infrastructure, technological and financial resources, advanced technology and efficiency in their industrial structure. The competitive advantage arises when a company can use the required combination of resources at low costs or when these resources are used at a higher quality level. This is what we do at Veolia Romania and Apa Nova Bucharest.

Speaking of money: how big of a budget does a company need in order to increase its competitiveness? A business increases its competitiveness through the added value it brings to the society it to which it belongs. Professionalism, competence, efficiency can be budgeted differently depending on the type of business.

What is the current situation of Romanian businesses regarding competitiveness?

the business in the directions required by the different types of customers depending on

What did Apa Nova do in order to increase its competitiveness?

Competitiveness means excellence in Roma-

each business (current, aspiring or potential).

Apa Nova has undergone a natural process of

nia. It offers energy to economic life, stimu-

In order to become competitive, companies

modernisation and renewal, with increased

lates economic sectors regardless of the busi-

in Romania must innovate, be efficient and

efficiency and performance, both in terms of

ness environment, creates ideas, generates

keep in touch with today’s consumers’ needs.

service quality as well as in terms of modern

high standards based on incentive legislation,

Digital technology is revolutionising cities.

processes and a customer-oriented organ-

funding, and business success. Competitive-

More connected and better managed, smart

isational culture. In each of the projects,

ness is a fundamental business benchmark

cities are optimising the operation of their

campaigns and process that our company

that comes with globalization. Our goal on

infrastructures and increasing their competi-

has carried out over time, the main focus was

the Romanian market is to develop advanced

tiveness, attractiveness, and sustainability. As

always on the environment. Furthermore,

technologies dedicated to water manage-

they become more efficient and transparent,

concepts like IoT, robotisation and AI must be

ment and energy to improve competitiveness,

they are responding to the new expectations

an integral part of the logbook and strategic

reduce our environmental footprint, create

of their citizens, who want to take a more

axes of companies looking to adapt to the new

jobs that cannot be outsourced and establish

active role in managing their cities. This is

market demands and external environment.

a model that can be exported.

why it is important to use digital platforms for

In this context, this is why Apa Nova is con-

employers and clients and to have access to

ducting a broad process of digital transforma-

all that digitalization means.

tion on three pillars: customers, operational

What are the best strategies Romanian companies should adopt to increase competitiveness?

processes and employees. To implement its annual digitization programs, Apa Nova allo-

nificant results, a careful analysis of the mar-

How can local companies increase their competitiveness against regional or international rivals?

ket is very important, followed by developing

Companies represent a national or interna-

expected results.

In order for Romanian companies to have sig-

cates carefully analysed investment budgets, in order to meet eligibility criteria and get Business Review | December 2019


Local startup ecosystem to remain in investment mode as it enters 2020 Some EUR 1 billion has been raised by startups in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in 2019, with the investment environment for entrepreneurs set to remain dynamic through to 2020. In Romania, funding activity will continue to grow next year, according to market players. By Ovidiu Posirca of EUR 30 billion. “The local investment market will continue to develop - two more Romania-focused VC funds are expected to launch in 2020, while the prospect of finding another UiPath will continue to draw interest from investors mostly from Bulgaria, Poland, the UK, and the US,” Bogdan Iordache, founder and chairman of the How to Web Conference, told BR.

STABLE OUTLOOK FOR 2020 Going into 2020, he suggested that it was “hard to believe” that funding for startups in CEE countries would exceed EUR 1 billion once again, but we might see bigger series A rounds above EUR 10 million. In total, there were 38 investments made in local startups, with more than half of the funding raised by firms based in Bucharest. Tech startups continue to hold a large share in the funding ecosystem. “Unless we see another unicorn originating from the CEE region next year, our expectation is that the 2020 funding environment in CEE will be similar to the one seen in 2019,” Sergiu Gidei, partner at law firm CEE Attorneys/Boanta, Gidei si Asociatii, told BR. “As for the Romanian environment, we believe that next year will bring an important increase of funding for start-ups due to a More than USD 10 billion was invested in European tech companies in the second quarter of 2019 ocally, the largest funding deals of


report published by How to Web. The report

more than EUR 1 million each were

also counts the EUR 516 million raised by

recorded by Elrond, TypingDNA,

UiPath in 2019 as funds attracted in CEE. This

FintechOS and Happy Recruiter. Bucharest

funding round alone represents half of the

led in terms of both the total number of deals

region’s total investment. Across the region,

and the amount of capital raised in 2019,

there are startups valued at more than USD

according to the Eastern Disruptors 2019

1 billion (unicorns) with a combined worth December Business Review | May 2016 2019

number of seed/series A rounds envisaged to be raised next year. In our estimation, next


to the State of European Tech report. “The increase in large-scale deals of more

restructure their operations and seek a profitable path. The likes of Uber and WeWork,

year’s funding shall amount to EUR 20-25

than USD 100 million is driving the growth

which were stars in Silicon Valley, have

million (compared to EUR 12.75 million raised

of total capital invested in Europe. In 2019,

recorded a combined loss in value of around

in 2019 – according to the Eastern Disruptors

these deals accounted for 36 percent of all

USD 100 billion in 2019, according to a Wall

Report and assuming that UiPath’s series D

funding raised by European tech compa-

Street Journal report.

funding is excluded from the calculation),”

nies,” analysts wrote in the report.

Gidei added. The report points out that startups

The industry verticals in which funding

“We are in dot-com bubble 2.0, except it’s not happening in the public markets but in

for startups have shot up in the past year

the private markets,” said Vitaliy Katsenel-

founded in the fintech, enterprise software,

are security, energy, and food, each with a

son, chief executive of Investment Manage-

security and health fields raised a large share

growth of more than 100 percent. Currently,

ment Associates Inc, quoted by the WSJ.

of funding rounds topping EUR 1 million.

there are at least 174 European tech com-

The potential for new startups being created

panies with a valuation of more than USD 1

in the tech field remains high in Romania if

billion. Compared to 2010, the

we look at the workforce. Romania has the

number of European unicorns

second biggest number of developers in the

rose 13-fold.

CEE region. Of around 1 million developers in

The report further points

CEE, some 118,000 are in Romania, while Po-

out that Europe has produced

land comes first in with 254,000 developers.

more tech initial public offer-

Tech workers are the best paid profes-

ings (IPOs) than the US for six

sional group in Romania, with an average

consecutive years, including

monthly wage of RON 5,851, which is more

more tech IPOs in the first nine

than EUR 1,220. Senior software developers

months of 2019.

can earn more than EUR 3,000 from large

In the first three quarters of

companies or they can opt to do freelance

2019, the top 10 IPOs in the US

work for international customers, which

recorded a combined market

means that their incomes can grow even

cap of USD 153 billion, while for


Europe this figure stood at USD

“The challenge is to keep highly skilled

22 billion.

For instance, flexible workspace provider WeWork saw its valuation drop from USD 47

billion to USD 8 billion in less than one year.

labour in the country, and to be able to at-

“Though Europe has yet to produce a

tract high-performing human capital from

company that comes close to rivaling the

32 billion compared to its IPO valuation in

abroad in order for investments in the region

value creation of trillion-dollar market


to grow,” Sebastian Pauna, investment analyst at Morphosis Capital, told BR. Pauna suggested that the bigger funding

cap companies like Microsoft or forgotten that Europe has produced more than

neled towards Roma-

one USD

nian startups as more

100 billion

private equity and ven-

tech com-

ture capital funds have

pany. SAP,

the country.

UiPath, the robotic process automation

Apple, it’s often

rounds could be fun-

become fully focused on

Uber’s market capitalization shrank by USD

Europe’s largest public tech company by market cap, has now


grown to be valued at more than

More than USD 10 billion was invested in Eu-

USD 150 billion,” according to the report.

(RPA) startup with Romanian roots, recently announced it would cut some 400 jobs as

ropean tech companies in the second quarter

it seeks to become profitable. The startup,

three months. In the first nine months of


2019, European tech companies raised an av-

Some of the startups that have burned bil-

last spring, is planning to go public, accord-

erage of USD 3.3 billion per month, according

lions of dollars to scale up have started to

ing to market reports.

of 2019, the largest amount ever raised in

which reached a valuation of USD 7 billion Business Review | December 2019


Gauging the effects of the US-China trade war on Romania’s startup industry As the United States and China, the world’s two largest economies, are still negotiating a trade agreement, investors in startups are becoming more cautious and are asking founders to focus on profits. In Romania, the effects of the ongoing trade tensions have had a limited impact on the entrepreneurial scene, mainly due to the relatively small size of the market. By Ovidiu Posirca


n the back of tariffs levied so far between the two countries, US imports of Chinese products fell by

USD 35 billion in the first half of 2019, according to a United Nations report, which added that the majority of costs resulting from the tariffs have been passed down to American households. Meanwhile, the Chinese startup scene is starting to lose steam over the trade restrictions imposed by the US. Just seven unicorns (startups with a valuation topping USD 1 billion) appeared in China in the first half of 2019, compared to 30 in 2018. “The speculative investment mentality that’s dominated China for the past few years has cooled right off this year,” said Michael Norris, a Shanghai-based research and strategy analyst at consultancy AgencyChina, quoted by Bloomberg.

CRUCIAL LINK TO US TECH SECTOR The US and China each have more than 200 unicorn startups. While in China, digital payments giant Ant Financial is valued at USD 150 billion, in the US, the most valuable startup is software company Infor, whose valuation is estimated at around USD 60 billion. Startups in greater China had raised over USD 32 billion from venture capital funds by September, compared to around USD 112 billion in the same period of 2018, according to Preqin. Meanwhile, US VC-backed companies raised USD 82.6 billion in the first three quarters of 2019, according to CB Insights data. In Romania, the effects of the ongoing The US-China trade war will not have a significant adverse impact on the Romanian entrepreneurial environment in 2020

trade tensions have remained limited, with investors expecting the flow of funding deals Business Review | December May 2016 2019


on the startup market to maintain a steady

Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Sebastian

very challenging scenario, from a financial

growth path in 2020.

Pauna, investment analyst Morphosis Capi-

perspective, for a startup.

“We believe that the US-China trade war

tal, suggested that this move would open

“The smaller the company, the more frag-

will not have a significant adverse impact on

more opportunities for European companies.

ile their economic state, and changes like this

the Romanian entrepreneurial environment

“With a growing funding environment

are massively disruptive,” Klein told the Wall

in 2020. Of course, in case of extensive trade

and an increasing number of deals, the

Street Journal.

EU HIT BY US-CHINA TRADE SPAT The EU economy is being impacted by the slowdown in global trade, according to fresh data from Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Arancha Gonzalez, the executive director of the International Trade Centre (ITC), part of the UN, has warned that the continued trade war could generate a “major recession.” “All of this is pointing in one direction. If we keep digging into that same hole, we will be looking into a major recession,” Gonzales told CNBC, referring to a potential trade war war, there will be some adverse effects on

outlook for the Romanian entrepreneurial

the world economy so Romania could be im-

ecosystem remains very healthy as we ap-

pacted by the negative domino effect, but the

proach 2020,” Pauna told BR.

magnitude thereof is difficult to estimate,” Sergiu Gidei, partner at law firm CEE Attor-

between the US and the EU. Both imports and exports fell in the some of the largest economies in the EU. For instance, Germany’s exports fell by 0.4 percent


in the third quarter, while imports were

Last summer, US president Donald Trump

by 1.8 percent in Q3 compared with Q2, while

dustry and the Chinese one is rather limited.

ordered American companies to “immediate-

imports declined by 0.4 percent.

As the rest of Europe, Romania is more con-

ly start looking for an alternative to China,”

The overall drop in exports across the G20

nected to the US tech market, says Bogdan

claiming they should boost their manufac-

group stood at 0.7 percent. The economies in

Iordache, founder and chairman of the How

turing facilities in the US. The situation is

the group account for about 85 percent of the

to Web conference.

particularly difficult for hardware-building

world’s output.

neys/Boanta, Gidei si Asociatii, told BR. The connection between the local tech in-

“The impact of the ongoing trade war on both the funding environment and the ecosystem at large will probably be minimal, un-

startups that outsource specific parts to Chinese production facilities. Eric Klein, a partner at venture capital

down 1.8 percent. Exports from the EU fell

“European merchandise trade has been impacted significantly by uncertainty surrounding the trade war and Brexit,” said

less it significantly affects the US economy,”

firm Lemnos, which invests in hardware

Timme Spakman, an economist at ING,

Iordache told BR.

startups, says that shifting production from

quoted by the Financial Times. He added

China would entail months of re-engineering

that “the slowdown of German industry had

progressing slowly, the European Union has

production facilities. This means that compa-

an impact on European trade, as German

been moving swiftly to ink new trade deals

nies would have to dramatically slow down

producers ran down inventories rather than

with Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, Argentina,

or stop production for several months - a

importing new intermediates”.

While the US-China trade negotiations are Business Review | December 2019


GoTech World 2019: 10,000 visitors and 140 exhibition stands GoTech World (formerly Internet & Mobile World), the home of the digital economy in Central and Eastern Europe and the largest B2B expo-conference, took place in Bucharest and brought hundreds of IT & digital solutions suited to the digital needs of today’s economy. By Aurel Constantin For Telekom Romania, it is normal to support the digitization of businesses so that they can develop at an accelerated rate. There were 7 finalist companies that presented their concept and solutions this year in the pitch held on the GoTech World main stage. One of them was KINDERPEDIA, an interactive digital solution that brings kindergartens/schools, educators, teachers and parents together on the same platform. The second one was ESX, a digital system that uses a single subscription to centralise over 75 sports and fitness clubs in Romania, offering unlimited access to users through a single registration. Druid Enterprise Chatbots presented a conversational AI platform that


The priority for major ICT companies is to make the process of digital transformation in the B2B direction as accessible as possible

allows any company, regardless of industry, to create virtual assistants that improve productivity and deliver multi-channel personalised experiences.

ver 10,000 visitors attended this

This was a very important event which

years’ edition and were be able to

promotes innovation for all societies looking

discover and interact with the most

to the future, where the Zucchetti group was

interpreting X-ray images that uses artificial

among the protagonists.

intelligence to generate accurate interpreta-

innovative IT & digital business solutions. They saw 140 exhibiting stands of multina-

“Zucchetti Romania, through its multiple

Next was Xvision, an application for

tions of medical imaging, helping radiologists

tional and local companies, on an exhibitional

headquarters distributed across the country,

be more accurate and efficient in their work.

area of 7,194 sqm.

is able to offer support and assistance to all its

There was also Zetta Cloud, an innovative

clients, responding promptly to the demands

technology company focused on providing

of the event was to help Romanian and East-

of any type of company thanks to its highly

software solutions dedicated to automatic un-

ern European companies in general adapt as

specialised and professional staff, guaranteed

derstanding of online content using artificial

quickly as possible to the digital transforma-

by the Zucchetti brand,” says Bogdan Bratu,

intelligence, and Neticle, one of the fastest

tion process.

Global Operations at Zucchetti.

growing B2B SaaS start-ups based in Hungary,

Similarly to previous editions, the purpose

offering text analysis solutions for companies

This year, the urgency of the need for re-

in 9 countries in the CEE region.

newal is certainly greater due to innovations


such as blockchain and artificial intelligence,

The main partner of the Go StarTech pro-

which are the main players. Therefore, the

gramme was Telekom Romania, a company

which develops a digital health management

priority for major ICT companies is to make

that supports innovation among entrepre-

system for pregnant women and mothers

the process of digital transformation in the

neurs at the beginning of the road. Through

with young children, which aims to reduce in-

B2B direction as accessible as possible, as

its business philosophy and the promise of

fant mortality and improve the overall health

well as faster and simpler, and it has to be

#BUSINESSLIBER, Telekom Romania has

of mothers and their babies.

seen as fundamental in all sectors, in order to

radically changed the market for telecom-

increase efficiency and productivity.

munications services offered to companies.

The last presentation was from FEMYO,

In addition, 13 other entrepreneurial tech initiatives presented their solutions and December Business Review | May 2016 2019

services at the GoTech World event: Nummo


With a team of over 500 specialists and

World, SYSWIN Solutions provides high-

Kids, ECOTREE, A Bug Tracer, OncoChain,

projects in 45 countries, TotalSoft innovates

performance IoT and M2M solutions for com-

Octavic PTS, Prepi, K-Book, I’m Fine, Smart

and develops new software platforms that

panies, in order to respond to the integrated

EpiGenetX, Milluu , BAAM, Cyscale, CGArte-

focus on accessibility, by easily integrating

interconnection of operational systems.


third-party solutions, upgrading to Cloud

SysAgria is a smart solution that can be the

and adopting new technologies. A.I. and IoT

core of precise agriculture, allowing perma-

technologies are integrated into the


Charisma platform for business

For decades now, cybersecurity

process transformation and

has been one of the main con-

nent data collection and analysis from the soil and the air, protecting farmers from the risks of crop disease, and thus increasing crop

cerns of IT specialists. As

optimising current solu-

quality. SYSWIN Solutions also showcased

technology advances and


two SmartCity solutions, based on sensor

So far, system com-

business users focus their activity more and more on

patibility was one of the

their mobile devices, secur-

greatest obstacles for work productivity. Konica Mi-

ing sensitive data becomes

nolta, one of the most important

more critical. Several presenta-

providers of integrated IT services

tions were on display at GoTech.

technology: SmartAir City for monitoring urban pollution levels and SysParking for the development of smart parking systems. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one of the technologies that will change the way we work, enabling companies and public

certSIGN, Romanian company specialised

and solutions, presented for the first time

agencies become more efficient and competi-

in developing cybersecurity apps, presented

its new innovative technology for modern

tive. Using software robots that imitate and

its mobile security solution for companies at

offices – Workplace Hub – a complex platform

integrate human actions into companies’

GoTech World. Together with the Samsung

of online products and services, connected

digital systems, RPA helps optimize pro-

Knox platform, certSIGN showed integrated

and focused on work environments, unique

cesses, relieving employees of the burden of

solutions for a fast and safe digital transfor-

among IT services and solutions worldwide.

repetitive tasks.

mation of each company, in order to com-

Launched at the beginning of year in

With an impressive evolution, UiPath, the

Romania, Workplace Hub is a game changer

leader of the global RPA market, was the .NET

which aims to simplify IT processes, contrib-

Stage Partner at GoTech World and presented

uting to the improvement of personal work

its vision on the Automation First concept,

experience and team collaboration, through

in a technology era where people use RPA

mobility and easy information sharing. Work-

technology in as many processes as possible,


place Hub includes processing and storage

adopting the vision of using a robot for every

TotalSoft, one of the most important busi-

systems based on state-of-the-art HP servers,


ness IT systems providers in Central Europe,

high level security solutions using Sophos

attended GoTech World and displayed its Cha-

technology, local and cloud back-up func-

structure and marketing solutions for large

risma platform, which ensures a 360-degree

tionalities using Acronis solutions and Wi-Fi

businesses (Fortune 500) which provides so-

view of the business, regardless of industry:

services, together with advanced printing

lutions such as Big Data, RPA, Nation Brand-

finance, retail, distribution, production,

functionalities, all single-managed by Konica

ing, and many more. Transiris displayed its

services, construction, agriculture, energy or


creative and marketing automation solutions

pletely eliminate paper documents. NTT DATA Romania displayed innovative B2B security management solutions, such as corporate security monitoring, cyber threat detection, web security or vulnerability management services. The cybersecurity services developed by NTT DATA Romania are based on advanced analysis capacities, including Machine Learning and management of information that compromise app security, allowing the identification of possible security threats which are undetectable through classic methods.

Transiris is a company specialized in infra-

at GoTech World. One of the most important

medical. TotalSoft is the preferred supplier of

recent projects in its portfolio is the world-

10 global suppliers of software solutions for


the leasing industry.

Through the solutions displayed at GoTech

America Federal Government.

ERP solutions in Romania and one of the top

wide brand strategy for the United States of Business Review | December 2019

36 5G

Huawei waiting for Romanian authorities’ decision on 5G development Huawei is trapped in the trade war between the US and China while it remains at the forefront of 5G technology research and development and tries to show everyone that it has no intention to spy on its users for the Chinese government. By Aurel Constantin 200 million phones in 2018, overpassing Apple, and has already sold 185 million terminals in the first 9 months of 2019. It estimates sales of 240,000 smartphone units this year. Normally, it sells half of its phones in China and the other half goes to countries all over the world. But the ratio may change after the US banned the use of its equipment; Gartner data for the last trimester show that only 40 percent of its sales were outside China. Yet the company has some of the best phones on the market today, in terms of both performance and camera features. The advantage Huawei has is that it uses its own chips, Kirin, and builds the terminals in its own factories. As Huawei spokesman Joe Kelly says, it is easier for a company that owns all the production stages to make a phone or other device. While Apple spends 18 months on the drawing board before it gets to the final product and Samsung needs 12 to 15 months, Huawei only needs 9-10 months. This means it can come onto the market with the latest Huawei has invested several billion dollars in 5G research in the last 10 years


technologies quicker and explains why Apple is now the last to bring features that are 6-12 months old to their phones.

he company has invested several

of electronic devices for companies based in

billion dollars in 5G research in the

Hong Kong. It was founded by Ren Zhengfei

last 10 years. Development started in

in 1987 with a capital of USD 3,500. In 1992

be seen in high-end phones like the foldable

2009 and only now will it start to generate

it started to develop on the domestic market

one, which was recently launched in China. At

an income. The duration of the research also

and it began its global expansion after 2000.

a price of EUR 2,500, the phone was sold out

explains why the Chinese company is ahead

It reached USD 100 billion in sales in 2018,

of its main competitors, namely Ericsson and

and this year it will surpass that number after


it made USD 84 million in the first 9 months.

Today, Huawei is the producer of 20 per-

The appetite for the latest technologies can

in the first minute. Around 30,000 foldable terminals were available.

The company has been divided into several


cent of the world’s communication devices

business lines and it has become an inter-

Romania, Poland and Estonia have signed

and its share will probably increase after the

national giant. It has operations in over 170

5G memorandums with the US government

deployment of 5G connectivity.

countries and around 188,000 employees

regarding 5G connectivity security. The docu-

from 160 different nations.

ment does not specify any names of Chinese

A HISTORY OF GROWTH Huawei started 32 years ago as a manufacturer

Huawei is the second biggest smartphone producer in the world, after Samsung. It sold

producers like Huawei or ZTE, but it is clearly positioned against them. Romania has yet to December Business Review | May 2016 2019


start its tender for the new 5G frequency spectrum, and it still hasn’t turned the memorandum into law. The country is waiting for the European Union to finalise the 5G ”toolbox”, where some new security measures are expected. Talking about the US ban, Huawei Vice President Catherin Chen said that it can’t be a security issue. “Over the past 30 years, Huawei has had a very good track record in securing equipment. We have provided services to 3 billion users in over 170 countries and regions and this history speaks for itself. If we’re asked whether there is any ‘backdoor’ found by any government or any hacking organization in Huawei equipment, the answer is no. Has there been any major incident caused by our computers? No, never,” says Catherine Chen, Huawei

Catherine Chen. The Trump administration has a problem with 5G network development. The US has

increase costs by 30 percent, and that is a situ-

no domestic 5G developers; the biggest the

ation no one wants to see.

world are Huawei, Ericsson and Nokia. Sam-

“The European Union has also issued a

sung, ZTE and other small producers are also

document on the security of 5G networks,

“We will invest even more in cybersecurity and related technologies. We have already decided to invest USD 2 billion to strengthen our software and hardware capabilities. If there are countries that are concerned about cyber security, I said that we were open to signing agreements with these governments to ensure that our network has a high level of integrity. Apart from these kinds of agreements, we have offered to be tested and evaluated by other governments. So far, we have agreed to this type of cooperation on cybersecurity evaluation with the governments of Germany, Brussels, and Canada,” said Catherine Chen. The company estimates that Romania would lose EUR 6.7 billion and 7,100 jobs if it banned Huawei from its 5G infrastructure. The company has 2,100 employees in Romania, from a total of 12,200 employees in Europe. It has a Global Service Center in our country, which is considered to be one of Huawei’s two most important pillars in Europe, alongside Germany. Indirectly, it has created 5,000 jobs in Romania. The sales of the Huawei group in Romania go up to RON 1.8 billion. “I am very confident that things will not

involved in the field, but none are American.

which proposes setting up high cyber secu-

go in this hypothetical direction (banning

Banning Chinese developers will increase the

rity standards and verification tests. I fully

Huawei in Romania, Ed.) , because such a

cost of 5G infrastructure by 50-60 percent and

support these approaches because these

decision would have to take into account the

they will still not be “in control” of the equip-

measures are fact-based and could bring bet-

technological development, the welfare of

ment. In Europe, Romania included, banning

ter control over these cyber threats,” said the

consumers, as well as the competitive cost of

Huawei would also reduce competition and

Huawei Vice President.

the tariff plans,” said Catherine Chen. Business Review | December 2019


Global whisky market becoming more uniform in terms of consumption and business models Glenfiddich, the most awarded single malt whisky in the world, was present at the third edition of Whisky Fest in Bucharest. On this occasion, Alexandrion Group brought Struan Grant Ralph, Global Brand Ambassador William Grant & Sons to Romania, in order to hold two mentoring sessions. BR sat down with Struan for an exclusive interview about Glenfiddich’s positioning and strategy, as well as the global whisky industry and its experience on different markets. By Romanita Oprea

ABOUT Struan Grant Ralph he has been Glenfiddich’s Ambassador since 2016. He has a Master’s degree in Chemistry and strong knowledge in the art and science of making and producing whisky. His love for this drink guides his steps all over the world, from Osaka, Manilla, Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur to New York and Bucharest. You worked in some distilleries prior to being a brand ambassador. How has that helped you in your current career? It helped a lot and I was fortunate enough to grow up in an area of Scotland that was pretty famous for its distilleries. The first few jobs I had were in distilleries. Right now I represent a very famous Scottish whisky brand and I still have the same passion for whisky making and the culture around it. It gave me a head start; I was quite young back then, I enjoyed it and it gave me that passion and knowledge as well.

So were you passionate about whisky prior to working there or did it develop when you started out? I think I was finding out. I was definitely passionate about it; I thought it was a very noble art. It was fascinating industry and in the countryside, where I am from, it employs a lot of people, some of whom are really talented, and lots of friends and family have been embroidering whisky so this is where I took the inspiration from.

How important are your country’s heritage and history with whisky, both for you and for the brand? For a lot of these brands, the heritage is the starting point. And for a lot of them it will probably dictate the style of the liquid and the way we make it. The heritage might be family ownership or it might be a large merchant company. It is really the building block for everything we do. Glenfiddich has a very important founding figure called William Grant who is very inspirational, as he installed this great spirit of independence and family ownership. Family companies of our size are quite rare across the world, and especially in whisky. December Business Review | May 2016 2019

And I think this is really important because we


may have never interacted with you.

when we will be talking about education,

get to be much more independent, powerful and pioneering.

You’ve worked on both the Asia Pacific market and the American market. What are the main differences between them when it comes to whisky? And can also compare them to Europe?

gle malt industry, so things like this evening

From what other points of view have the social media and new technologies of recent years impacted the way your brand communicates?

mentorship and advocacy, the fact that over

I think it’s better with social media because

is the responsibility we have: training people

we were able to communicate quite well.

and telling them more stories.

From someone who grew up as I did – first

this weekend I will do seminars for over 200 people training them about whisky – those are the kind of actions we should take. This

In whisky, most of the competing brands

Consumption is different. I would say Asia

time being an ambassador all I had was a lap-

would be friends anyway. Scotland is a small

is more about bottle consumption and quite

top and a Blackberry, there was no Facebook,

place, and if you think about the distilleries

high energy consumption. In some of the

no Instagram, no anything, and now with

around my hometown, I believe that there

more traditional trading places it tends to be

just one phone you can travel the world and

is room for everybody. I don’t think this is a

talk to everybody. Right

very competitive category, actually.

now the messages are reaching consumers in

disadvantage is that

You once said that Glenfiddich has a very creative backbone. Tell us what creativity means to you and how that is manifested in the brand.

social media is a very

Creativity for us I think is the ability to

competitive market and

experiment and take risks, push boundaries

that there will be a lot

and maybe do things that normally wouldn’t

of people competing

stand before. Historically, we’ve done this

for the same attention

before. In terms of things that we’ve released

on the whisky seg-

as a distillery and the bold things we did – we

ment. Still, I don’t know

had the first single malt whisky that was ex-

an instant and that is a huge advantage. One

by bottle, sometimes mixed with things such

whether that would be a disadvantage or not

ported outside Scotland. We are experiment-

as green tea, in cocktails. America is quite

because, historically, we have been really

ing with different types of casks, with very

traditional with single malt, and it has a big

good at it. But it has certainly changed, in

forward thinking things to reduce waste or

hospitality industry (lots of hotels and bars).

the nine years of my career I’ve been seeing a

the impact on the environment. But in terms

In Europe it varies, because you have very big

very rapid change.

of what we do as ambassadors, it’s the dayto-day creativity to be able to do whatever

single malt countries such as Britain, France,

you want to represent the brand. Which has

starting to see the different regions becoming

How is Glenfiddich positioning itself right now on the whisky market and what are your goals for the following years?

more and more similar. I’ve been to 86 coun-

Luxury positioning. In a nutshell: elevating

tries and you start to see similarities in terms

experiences for whisky drinkers, releasing

of consumption and business models.

whiskies that are going to be celebrated and

How do you think the brand’s history is being represented today and how hard is it to still be able to do that?

consumed with energy and excitement. We

I think that maybe for us it is not too hard. We

Why do you think this is happening?

are really excited to be launching the 32 year

have a really rich history and we’ve been tell-

I think it’s due to globalization in business.

old Grand Cru. Romania itself has a great

ing it for such a long time that it seems quite

Brands are trying to go for some consistency,

potential for Glenfiddich, it is an important

easy. We have celebrated that history a lot

but then, because people are so digitally con-

market for us and we will continue to release

over the years and the fact that we come from

nected, someone in Shanghai knows exactly

very high quality whisky and to provide

an independent family business means we

what is trending in New York as they have

people with new experiences and causes for

can tell people why that is important and how

either travelled there or the trend starts to be


it can benefit them. It’s a foundation to the

and Germany and then you have some that are just starting to pick up the single malt. I am

always been really important to us as well.

brand to talk about the history, the heritage,

the same, etc. Drinking trends are becoming

the brand; there is some great storytelling

nected than we’ve ever been. For example, I

Do you think you have competition on the market?

can do an event in Sydney and someone can

It’s interesting because Glenfiddich is a mar-

telling great stories and cheering that with an

watch it live in Alaska. Because we have social

ket leader and therefore the only competition

audience that might be new to the category

media now, people get a good understanding

may be ourselves. I think that we as market

and is finding out about these new things for

of what you are as a brand even though they

leaders have a responsibility to drive the sin-

the first time.

quite similar. I think that we are more con-

there. So much about great whisky is about Business Review | December 2019


Constantin Brancusi under the Brussels spotlight Until January 12, 2020, a retrospective exhibition of Romanian artist Constantin Brancusi will be taking place in Brussels, at Bozar, as the flagship event of EUROPALIA ROMANIA. This is the first time a solo exhibition highlighting the work of this particularly versatile artist takes place in Brussels - the last retrospective was held in Paris almost 25 years ago. Business Review checked in to see the artefacts. By Oana Vasiliu

Leda, Brancusi’s own interpretation of swan

Brancusi’s Mademoiselle Pogany

The Kiss can be seen in Craiova’s Art Museum

Brancusi’s Fish

The Wisdom of the Earth, the sculpture that Romanian government couldn’t manage to buy


Sleeping Muse, originally hosted by Centre Pompidou Paris France

here are some artists who don’t need

several different series: the Muses, the Birds

any introduction as key figures in the

(Maiastra, Bird in Space), and the Torsos, The

history of art; this is also the case for

Kiss (which can regularly be seen on display

Constantin Brancusi, who is considered to

in Craiova’s National Museum of Art), Leda,

have been a pioneer of modernism.

as well as the highly-acclaimed Wisdom of

The exhibition features over 25 sculptures by Brancusi, which were brought together

the Earth. Moreover, several pieces are being show-

from museums and private collections

cased for the first time alongside works by

around the world, presenting the artist’s great

Rodin, under whom Brancusi briefly studied

techniques. Next to works from the early

– allowing visitors to make a direct compari-

part of his career, the exhibition also features


The beginning of the world sculpture Business Review | December 2019


The Two Sides music story At the beginning of this year, celebratory news was once again released for audiophiles: vinyl sales grew by double digits last year. Of course, statistics are compiled for developed markets such as the US and UK, but this trend has started to appear in Romania, too. Not so long ago, a new vinyl record shop opened up in the city centre, offering a great collection of music genres and an online presence that tells music stories about the available albums. Who’s behind the initiative? Business Review talked with Alin Bittel, the owner of Two Sides Records. By Oana Vasiliu psychological split between the mindset of a record collector and running a profitable business.

How do you make a selection in terms of what discs to display? The selection is based on our favourite music, on what we believe is quality music that is less represented on the market or not represented at all, as well as all-time classics and music that will never get old, like classic jazz, rock or alternative that everybody will recognise. We have a mix of non-commercial and commercial music, based on a compromise between lesser-known titles we love and would like to introduce to the public and the sustainability of the business. We are also in contact with leading innovative labels and other people from the music industry all over the world, who inspire us and help us with Photo: Cornel Brad

our selection.

Is Bucharest a good market for this type of business? Yes, and it’s not alone. With our future

What got you into music so deeply that you turned it into a business?

There is always a risk in any business. There

e-commerce plans we can cover the entire

is a lack of curated record stores in Bucharest

country and the region.

The magic word here is passion. Making

compared to other European capitals. We can

a business out of your passion or hobby

easily make a comparison with the specialty

is an ideal situation. Sharing your love for

coffee market, which was non-existent in

music with others and getting the chance

Bucharest until 5-6 years ago and now is well

to promote very good music that is not that

developed. I believe other niches that are

Where will vinyl records be in the far future? Does the physical form have a place there or do you think this resurgence is temporary?

well-known to the local public is a great op-

thriving in the main EU capitals will also have

It is difficult to make a prediction, but based


a place on the local market.

on the data from the past 5 years the market

In an industry where the future is uncertain, how did you decide to open a record store? Did you feel it was a risk?

What are your everyday struggles in running a record store?

growing worldwide so we do not see any

The selection of music and making the

format is here to stay.

for music recorded on a physical format is slowdown for the near future. The physical Business Review | December 2019


Unfinished Romanian conversations at the Venice Biennale Probably the most important art event worldwide, the Venice Biennale, just closed its doors - and the odds of it returning are not so good: Venice experienced its second largest tide ever and several exhibition spaces went under water. The lagoon is slowly sinking. May We Live In Interesting Times. By Oana Vasiliu Cini, The Battle Between Carnival and Feast, which took place at the same time as La Biennale. Around ten paintings were specifically created for this project - from the artist’s own self-portrait to Donald Trump’s kind of portrait. And just around the corner from Palazzo Cini, Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi and Romanian painter Victor Brauner were welcoming guests in Peggy Guggenheim’s palazzo, this amazing art place where the world’s best artists of the 20th century found


Andra Ursuta’s exhibition in the Arsenale

their home. Amazing Venice.

he 58th International Art Exhibition, titled May You Live In Interesting Times, was curated by Ralph Rugoff

and organised by La Biennale di Venezia, chaired by Paolo Baratta. Among the 79 nations invited to showcase their art vision, the Romanian pavilion was represented by three artists who endured the communist era, and was curated by art historian and theorist Cristian Nae. The group’s exhibition—Unfinished Conversations on the Weight of Absence—presented new versions of individual installations by Belu Simion Fainaru, Dan Mihaltianu and Miklos Onucsan - not necessarily surprising, but certainly talking about one of the

Divorce Dump, as it was showcasted in Biennale’s Giardini (Andra Ursuta)

Adrian Ghenie’s self-portrait

Belu Simion Fainaru interactive art for the Romanian pavilion

The one and only Brancusi in Peggy Guggenheim’s palazzo

most interesting times for our nation, communism. But the real surprise was discovering Romanian-born US artist Andra Ursuta and her installations in the official selection of La Biennale. A series of anatomical hearts hinging on paradox and irony, in an attempt to expose and disrupt the power dynamics that perpetuate the precarious boundaries between violation and banality, indifference and empathy, abjection and humour. What’s more, Romania was even better represented in the wonderful city of art - with a solo exhibition by Adrian Ghenie in Palazzo Business Review | December 2019


Where to do your Christmas shopping this year In a rush for Christmas shopping? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with a series of recommendations that will help you find everything you need. By Oana Vasiliu

Dispozitiv Books

Pick one of the many Christmas artsy fairs


better place to find out who’s new on the

The Carturesti bookstore chain is the place

market and learn about designers’ approach

to be for inspiration - and they provide that

to fashion & lifestyle than the Christmas

free-of-charge wrapping service, which can

fairs. This year, it seems there are more and

be very helpful at this time of year. They sell

more designers’ fairs to help you find the

a lot of interesting art deco stuff like mugs

perfect gifts. From fashion to jewellery, from

and pots, but also goodies - premium choco-

home-made candles to natural and organic

late, candy jars, and more.

cosmetics, from food goodies to Christmas

The Dispozitiv Books store is kind of atypical - it offers international magazines and publications, mostly artsy stuff - like

decorations, they can all be found at the fairs listed below. Dichisar de Iarna - Dec 7-8, Impact Hub

Monocle, Dream, The Plant, The gentlewom-

/ Inauntru Bounty Fair - Dec 14-15, Casa

an, 032c, and many more. The bookstore can

Universitarilor / Christmas concept - Dec 7-8

be found on 20 Popa Nan Street. Check their

& Dec 14-15, Palatul Telefoanelor / Noel - Tar-

opening hours via social media channels -

gul Cadourilor de Designer - Dec 14-15, Hanul

they reply really quickly.

Gabroveni / Mezanin Market - Dec 14-15 &

Antic Exlibris - probably the best known international book outlet in Bucharest - an

Attend Fundatia Victoriei’s workshop

Dec 21-22, Palatul Universul / Vis de Iarna Dec 15, Impact Hub Universitate.

impressive collection of discounted books, from art to hobbies to food to travelling and everything in between, plus an interesting

DIY PRESENTS A bunch of Christmas workshops are avail-

Make your own wreath

selection of children’s books. The bookstores

able this season, and a hand-made Christmas

until midnight on December 24, so don’t

are in the old city centre - you might want to

wreath or ornament can be great presents.

worry: you’ll certainly find something for

have a look.

Check out Art & Hobby Studio (Dec 19), Fun-

your loved ones, even if you leave it to the

datia Calea Victoriei for festive decorations

last minute.


for Christmas dinner (Dec 19), Maison Dadoo

Romanian designers are getting featured

(Dec 7-8 & Dec 14-15).

on buyers’ wish lists increasingly often, especially at this time of year. There is no

And, of course, there are always shopping malls - most of them will probably stay open

Shop wisely and try not to spend all your money on Christmas gifts - it’s more about being jolly and being home for Christmas than it is about presents. Business Review | December 2019


From Zero to Hero: Selgros Cash and Carry


n a handful of years, Selgros grew from

to raise standards of chefs throughout the

frozen displays as needed. You should note

one hypermarket in Brasov to 22 stores

land, twice yearly they the hold a spectacular

that they carry a stock of up 300 species of

in every major city. On the way, they

cooking event in their “Gastronomic Cen-

fish and fish products. If you have a fresh

carved a niche for themselves as one of the

ter – Arena Bucatarilor” where 33 chefs from

fish counter at your local Selgros, they will

largest quality food suppliers to the catering

all over Romania compete for a cash prize,

clean it and fillet it upon your instructions.

industry and to the public, with a unique

together with an entry to another competi-

Last year they sold 4,500 tons of fish across

array of imported products and brands.

tion ‘Les Chefs en Or’ held in L’Equip Hotel

their stores. Another triumph was their

in Paris.

Bistro Gourmet, in house dining of the high-

I am in their massive flagship cash and carry in Brasov, and with three stores in

The chefs prep and cook at live worksta-

est standard. It has an open kitchen, and I

Bucharest I can see how the range of foods

tions in a public hall. The viewing galleries

mean open as you sit around the chefs in

together with their innovations will filter

are packed with members of the public, all

the kitchen. A sample of their menu reveals;

down to local stores.

keen to watch and learn. And you may be

Beef tartar with foie gras, scallops with

quite sure that the competing chefs are also

prawns and a salad lettuce, garlic, spinach

chilller cabinets which draws the moisture

learning and fine honing their talents by

saffron and peppers, bouillabaisse… and

out of the meat over several weeks. This

watching each other.

many more dishes.

For instance they have beef dry aging

tenderizes it and produces more flavour.

The 33 chefs were then whittled down to

It really was the equal of many of the

The beef comes from their own factory in

8 by a process of elimination. These have a

Romania, together with imported beef from

‘shoot out’ to determine the winner, who was

the world’s most famous ‘beef countries’ –

Emanuel Mocan from Cluj. If you want fur-

on traditional dishes, prepared (usually

Ireland, USA, Poland, Brasil and Uruguay.

ther proof of their dedication to their mission

domestically) without skill, care or sophis-

They truly have a passion for food as

to inform and educate, they even have their

tication. Food was made simply to keep

evidenced by their not-for-profit education

own TV show on Pro TV called Arena Bucata-

you alive. It was just “heat it and eat it”.

and training scheme for aspiring chefs. We

rilor, broadcast on Sundays at 10.00 a.m.

Selgros Cash and Carry has done more than

should all be grateful for this selfless act as

And now away to fish. They import

best restaurants in Bucharest. For the last 70 years Romanians dined

any other organization to break that mold

the graduates will not necessarily work for

fresh fish from all over the world. This they

by introducing the country to a whole new

Selgros. You may find them cooking in a

freeze (under a Romanian health license) at

adventurous, exciting gastronomic world.

restaurant near you.

anything up to minus 40 degrees. Thereafter

As an extension of their determination

it is put in storage to be withdrawn to fill the

Michael Barclay

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