oOh! Media – August 2020

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oOh! Media: The impact of COVID-19 and digital innovation




oOh! Media: the impact of COVID-19 and digital innovation


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Steve Reid, Chief People and Culture Officer, oOh! on the company’s digital strategies and the impact of COVID-19 on workplace culture and operations


teve Reid has worked within HR, people and culture, and learning and development roles for 27 years. During his career

he has worked for the likes of Three as Head of HR and organisation capability; Vodafone as General 04

Manager HR; and Bankwest as Head of Human Resources and Head of Organisational Capability. Today, Reid is the Chief People and Culture Officer at oOh! Media, taking pride in the company’s ethos to treat people the way that we’d expect to be treated ourselves and its drive to be a positive contributor to people’s mental health. “Early in my career, I found a very strong purpose around helping people to be better. I think as an organisation, one of the things that I aspire to is that our people, whether they decide to stay or to leave and go elsewhere, are better for having been here.”

COVID-19 - WIDESPREAD DISRUPTION Since the outbreak of COVID-19 - whether large or small - industries around the world have experienced disruption from the impact of the


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coronavirus. From a revenue perspec-

highlights that on two fronts oOh! Media

tive, Reid details that the Out of Home

has had to look both commercially

media industry has been hit incred-

and financially at how it can keep the

ibly hard, which he says is “no surprise

organisation going to get through this

when you are in a lockdown situation.

period. “We are starting to see improve-

Most people were working from home

ments since implementing measures

and not travelling or out and about as

following the outbreak, including asking

much, therefore our audience declined

employees to work reduced hours or

along with our revenues. For example

take extra annual leave to try and sup-

our airport business, with flights coming

port the company. But for me, success

to an almost standstill, have seen rev-

is about doing this in a way that consults

enue fall significantly along with in many

and engages employees, ensuring that

cases our retail, office tower and public

they feel valued throughout the pro-

transport businesses. As a result, Reid

cess and understand why it is critical for

the business. However, it can’t be just

employees and more contractors in

employees who bear the brunt of this.

the future. I think there’s been a lot

As a business we have had to make

of discussion around how our future

some big commercial decisions in rela-

workplaces will change.” However, per-

tion to how we can cut down costs or

sonally Reid hasn’t seen the industry

reduce our expenditure.”

evolve at the pace that it could have or

Since the outbreak of COVID-19,

that people expected it to. “One good

Reid has witnessed some massive

thing that has come out of this global

adaptations and massive learnings

crisis is that it has forced people to

that he hopes organisations will take

think differently. One clear change has

away from this disruption. “In par-

been the adoption of working from

ticular, there’s been talk for some

home. Prior to COVID-19, the idea of

time about workplace flexibility and

everybody working from home would

the move to a gig economy with less

have been dismissed by many people,


Steve Reid Title: Chief People & Culture Officer

Company: Ooh! Media

Industry: Advertising

Location: North Sydney

Joining oOh!media as Group Human Resources Director in 2014, Steve played an integral role in oOh!media’s 2014 ASX listing as well as recent acquisitions and integrations. Steve’s focus is on identifying and developing talent to maintain oOh!’s distinctive philosophy of engaging its people and delivering on strategy. With 26 years’ experience in human resources, learning and organisational development in both consulting and internal roles, Steve has a track record of building highly commercial and innovative HR teams to drive culture change. w w w.o o hme di a . com . a u



“ Technology and how we use it has definitely been a game-changer during the pandemic, particularly with so many of us working from home”


— Steve Reid, Chief People & Culture Officer, Ooh! Media

however we have proved that people can be just as or more productive working from home. I think employees and leaders have realised that you don’t have to sit in the same room as your employees to ensure they are working. One of our key learnings from this pandemic is that good people step up and do good work, no matter the circumstance, if they’re in an office or if they’re at home, they still do great work because that’s what they do.” As a result of this, Reid believes that this has helped people’s perspectives rapidly change when it comes to flexibility and working from home. “I think there’s been a real recognition that there are some roles and even more roles than we first expected that can work flexibly. I believe this has been partly driven by how we are using technology. Prior to COVID-19, people who joined a meeting via phone or video call would typically have a poorer experience compared to the people in the room due to suboptimal use of the technology. However, with everyone working remotely there has been a greater focus on how we can use the technology to make meetings work more efficiently. I’ve heard

oOh! Signature Series — June 2020 CLICK TO WATCH




some great feedback that one of the

how it can be applied to those working

consequences of doing a lot of online

in an office along with those working

meetings is a sense that we’re getting

from home to ensure that everyone’s

a broader range of opinions from peo-

work experience is positive, rather

ple online who may be less vocal in a

than just going back to the old ways of

room with other people. Typically, in

operating. “The next challenge will be

any meeting you have dominant peo-

implementing really good processes

ple who talk more and others who are

and agreed rules that better support

more quiet and don’t feel as safe to

this way of working.”

contribute. In the online world, I think

Other technological trends Reid has

more people feel safe to offer an opin-

seen emerge due to COVID-19 are

ion” Something that oOh! is keen to do

the use of collaborative tools, “where

as it transitions back to office work-

people before were more inclined to

ing, is to look at the mixed model, and

use hosted drives, I think there has w w w.o o hme di a . com . a u



“As an organisation, one of the things that I aspire to is that our people, whether they decide to stay or to leave and go elsewhere, are better for having been here” —Steve Reid,

Chief People & Culture Officer, Ooh! Media

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Harbour IT are proud to partner with oOh! Media on their IT transformation journey. At Harbour IT, we give our customers the freedom to focus where it matters most, like strategic decision making and driving business performance. Known for our knowledgeable and personable service, we offer the most secure and flexible, hosted and managed cloud offerings available in the Australian market. Harbour IT is proud to partner with oOh! Media on their IT Transformation Journey, where we ensure hidden efficiencies are uncovered, capabilities truly connected, productivity


gained, and leaders have the freedom to focus on what matters most - profit driving change and accelerating market leadership. As leaders in cloud, our built to scale philosophy and Canon backing ensures we are large enough to provide customers with extensive expertise, established processes and advanced enterprise level solutions, yet small enough to be hands-on and deliver the high-touch customer service that you demand.

“ We pride ourselves on being the company in our industry that drives innovation forward and invests ahead of the curve and ahead of our competitors” — Steve Reid, Chief People & Culture Officer, Ooh! Media

DIGITAL INNOVATION STRATEGIES AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS When it comes to digital innovation strategies Reid states that the company prides itself on being leaders in the space. “We pride ourselves on being the company in our industry that drives innovation forward and invests ahead of the curve and ahead of our competitors. Firstly, because we think that’s where the future is going and it is good for our company, and secondly because we also think that is where the industry is going, and it is good

been a massive uptake in the use of

for the sector. In terms of our strategy

Microsoft Teams and collaborative

around this, it is envisaging the future

tools where multiple people can work

and what will make the biggest differ-

on the same document at the same

ence for our customers, and investing

time, making work easier and more

early, to ensure we are at the forefront

efficient.” While these tools are not

of the innovation – leading, not follow-

new, Reid explains it is the impact

ing.” With this strategy in mind, oOh!

of COVID-19 which has forced the

Media then identifies its competitive

behaviour and understanding that this

advantages from a technology stand-

new way of working can be efficient,

point. “These are the innovations that

perhaps even more so than before.

we invest heavily in and look at internal

“It takes 28 days to create a habit, and

resources to make sure we have the

we’ve certainly had that time dur-

IP and knowledge internally to drive

ing lockdown to change our habits.

these innovations, as well as identify-

Hopefully they will continue as we

ing where we should leveraging best

return to the office.”

practices from external partners - such w w w.o o hme di a . com . a u




as Harbour IT - because we’re either not going to have the resources, time or capacity to develop everything we need ourselves. With innovation comes the challenge of juggling what we should develop internally and what we should outsource. However, our partners are not just delivering a service they join us in our vision and what we are trying to achieve to deliver something of value.� While COVID-19 has accelerated the adoption of certain technologies, especially when it comes to collabo-


Year founded

$650mn Revenue in AU dollars


Number of employees

rative tools, due to the need of rapid adoption of this technology, acceleration and development in other technological areas has been delayed for the time being. “I have seen some continued investment in technology during COVID-19, but when your revenue is hurting across the board there is naturally a pullback on the level of investment in non-critical projects. However, I believe this is just a pause not a stop. I think people will be naturally cautious as we return to the new normal, in terms of technology investment levels and timelines. I believe it will be a couple of years before we return to pre-Covid investment, especially for the more cutting-edge technology. However, there will be some businesses eager to get the jump on their competitors who will see investing in technology as a clear advantage and enabler of new ways of doing business.�

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