Judo Capital Brochure 2019

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As Judo Bank continues to expand its business, the company’s CIO tells us how it is connecting with its customers


udo Bank was established to serve small and medium enterprises (SMEs) lending needs, and has recently been granted a

full banking licence that will allow it launch full 04

deposit-taking capabilities. Alex Twigg, co-founder and Chief Information Officer, helped launch the business as the first challenger business bank in Australia. The company “Like most start-up businesses, Judo started as wishful idea that we’d discuss informally —I don’t think any of the founders imagined how fast it would take hold,” reveals Mr Twigg. “It’s been a rollercoaster ride that has exceeded all of our expectations. We initially raised around AU$20m worth of seed capital to get the business launched, then followed that with an AU$120m Series A funding round -the second largest pre-revenue raising for a start-up in Australian corporate history.” Judo Bank’s ‘judo strategy’ outmaneuvers the incumbent banks by using the nimbleness of its


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modern technology to rejuvenate the

technology mindset. The bank uses a

dying craft of artisan business lending.

clear technology strategy, with nine

Judo Bank has built a system that is

simple principles to drive how they will

enables traditional relationship

operate the entire technology environ-

banking backed by modern, legacy-

ment. The firm’s nine principles include

free technology, processes and

not owning IT, being open for business

systems. Lending decisions are based

with the adaptable Open Architecture

on the performance of the business;

and Open Platform, and ensuring its

not just the value of the available

technology is invisible to the consumer.

security, or “collateral” that the

Judo also ensures it is always prepared

incumbent banks concentrate on.

to embrace change and evolve

When the company was founded in 2016, it was established with a digital 06

its security operations, as well as prioritising all it’s clients’ data privacy.

“This is the best system I’ve ever used, only having one system for everything is a breath of fresh air, meaning I’m much more efficient and more importantly can spend more time with my customers” — Ben Tuszynski, 14 years business banking experience working for major banks both in Australia and the UK

CLICK TO WATCH : ‘JUDO BANK - TESTIMONIAL’ 07 The company will also look to the cloud

architecture into which all of our

first, will be identity-led, and will take a

applications can run in any cloud, and

holistic approach to its solutions whilst

whichever is the primary cloud, we

always considering the business’s

have a backup in the other cloud,”


states Mr Twigg.

“We don’t do digital transformation

Judo uses Microsoft Azure and

– we do digital. We have built an

Amazon Web Services as its cloud

architecture that is entirely focused on

providers and has created a role-

a digital business model that enables

based, rule-focused, access manage-

human relationships. There is nothing

ment infrastructure using Microsoft

to transform, we started with a blank

Azure Active Directory to enable a

sheet of paper and take a do-it-once,

federated single sign-on environment

do-it-right approach.” Mr Twigg

for customers and staff. “Digital Identity

notes.“We have a multi-cloud ap-

is very important in the ecosystem and

proach, and we have created an

is key to having that role-based access w w w.j ud o. b a n k

REVOLUTIONISING SME BANKING From the WORLD’S NUMBER 1 banking software provider, comes the next generation in banking software. Cloud-native, cloud-agnostic solutions to accelerate cloud adoption.

Temenos Infinity Customer-led solution for your digital banking transformation.

Temenos T24 Transact The next-generation core banking solution. temenos.com

THE BEST OF TECHNOLOGY ENABLING THE NEW SME EXPECTATION Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the economy in Asia and Australia. In fact, in Australia, the SME sector has created over 5 million jobs and employs around 40% of the nation’s workforce. SMEs account for 33% of the country’s GDP and pay over 12% of total company tax revenue. SMEs are essential for Australia’s future stability and growth, therefore, should be a priority for the banks today. However, the SME sector is the most underserved market in the region, often regarded as too expensive and risky to serve. For banks seeking to target this outstanding opportunity, it’s important to remember SMEs are a very diverse demographic. They range enormously in scale and ambition, from fast growth tech start-ups to stable, medium-sized manufacturing businesses. In order to serve the needs of the SME sector, financial institutions need to invest in technology platforms and digital channels which provide services that help SMEs better manage their operations. Crucially, the changes needed to deliver these goals must also be initiated across all levels in the organisation - structural, operational and technological. One financial institution taking this challenge head-on is challenger bank, Judo Bank. Shaking up the status quo, the bank has zeroed in on the SME segment, forging meaningful relationships with companies with a turnover of up to AUD$20mn. Judo CIO, Alex Twigg, summarised the firm’s core ethos by noting that: "Judo’s mission is to bring back the craft of relationship banking, powered by the best of modern technology.” To make this vision a reality, Judo teamed up with the world’s leader in banking software, Temenos, who partner with banks and other financial institutions to transform their businesses and stay ahead of a changing marketplace. Over 3,000 firms across the globe, including 41 of the top 50 banks, rely on Temenos to process both the daily transactions and client interactions of more than 500 million banking customers. Temenos offers cloud-native, cloud-agnostic front office and core banking, payments, fund management and wealth management software products, enabling banks to deliver both consistent, frictionless customer journeys and gain operational excellence.

Judo has leveraged Temenos’ global expertise and 25 years of experience in providing proven, packaged, upgradeable software, selecting Temenos T24 Transact, Analytics, Financial Crime Mitigation and Channels – a module of Temenos Infinity – running on Temenos Cloud. By leveraging advanced API-first architecture, Temenos T24 Transact will integrate with Judo’s existing systems via its zero-trust-network and identity management system, allowing third-parties to connect easily and creating an open banking ecosystem. As a challenger to the market, Judo was looking for a strategic technology partner that was well-known and established in Australia. Moreover, the technology needed to be able to support Judo in the long-term, and have a full set of products and features, that would enable it to get to market very quickly. Enabling customers with self-service apps whilst still maintaining an appreciation for human contact, Judo is transcending channels and touch-points to create a unique journey based on customer needs. Twigg outlines that the company’s partnership with Temenos has helped to make this vision a reality.

With the big banks’ shift to industrialisation and centralisation, SMEs have lost the human interaction and tailored service that they so deserve and crave. Judo’s mission is to bring back the craft of relationship banking, powered by the best of modern technology. With Temenos’ commitment to providing core banking as-a-service, we can continue to focus on empowering our customers, the businesses that are the backbone of the Australian economy.” ALEX TWIGG, COFOUNDER AND CIO, JUDO BANK

Talk to one of our experts w w w.j ud o. b a n k


10 and privilege-based security model.

have the benefit of being able to use

Because of our approach we can

the modern security platforms

simply bolt on new products and

available in the cloud, you can probably

services, as long as they can support

secure your data better than you can in

open standards.”

a significantly more costly on-premises

Mr Twigg argues that Judo leverag-

solution with a very blunt firewall round

ing the global cloud providers scale

the outside,” adds Mr Twigg. “It’s a

has been critical to the company’s

different model that needs a very

world class security infrastructure. The

different mindset to think about how to

CIO argues that most large banks

secure data in the cloud.”

around the world would not be able to

Headquartered in Melbourne with

compete with the investment Amazon

offices in Sydney and Brisbane the

and Microsoft are channeling into

company is expanding quickly enabled

security infrastructure. “If you are

by technology. As the firm expands, its

architecting from scratch, and you

relationships with its customers

strengthen. “I find it so energizing to

to create the-best-way, for people to do

be able to just drive straight into writing

something they’d rather avoid. It’s

loans with systems that are so logical

frustrating that as an industry we spend

and straightforward after years spent

so much time and effort trying to make

time wasting with outdated, clunky,

customers do what we want them to do,

illogical dinosaur era systems,” claims

rather than actually trying to serve

Rebecca Evans, a career business

customers and helping them do what

banker passionate about making

they want to do. That however is the

a tangible difference to her clients

result of the industrialization of our


industry through cost-out pressures.”

Mr Twigg is aware of the reluctance

In order to appeal more successfully

of customers within his industry to use

to business owners, Judo aims to make

banking services. “Banking is boring,” he

the advanced technology it uses

says candidly. “Ironically, as an industry,

invisible. Mr Twigg argues that “by

we spend billions of dollars a year, trying

making the technology a product of


Alex Twigg, Co-Founder & CIO, Judo Bank Former UBank CEO, Eftpos Australia NED and Board Advisor to several Australian Fintechs, Fellow of FINSIA, ACID graduate, Alex was a global pioneer of technology innovation and is now a member of a very small club, being onto his 3rd successful start-up bank, Egg, UBank, and Judo Bank, an SME focused bank designed to blend the best of traditional relationship banking with the very best technology.

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the relationship, rather than the driver

all data flows from the front to the back.

of the interaction, our customers and

We would automate data entry

bankers can get on a do what they’re

wherever humanly possible, and if we

best at doing.” “Bankers can build

couldn’t automate it, we would

relationships and customers can build

automatically quality check it. So a

their businesses,” he explains. “This is

banker should be able to visit a

why we say that Judo is not a technol-

customer’s place of business, review

ogy driven fintech, rather a people

the books, agree a deal, complete

enabled bank.”

everything on their iphone and send

The technologies that Judo uses enable efficiency. “A banker in one of

the docs to the customer before leaving the car park.”

the Australian incumbent banks would

Judo has also established a

have to at least log into, and probably

real-time dashboard process that

double-key information into, some-

allows customers, bankers and

where between 15 and 22 different

brokers to all collaborate on a deal.

systems, which has horrible customer

Each participant can contact each

service and efficiency implications. We

other and be able to see different

set out to have one ecosystem where

levels of data depending on who they

“ If you’re game enough to have the idea of starting your own bank, then you have to be prepared to face new challenges every day” — Alex Twigg, CIO, Judo Capital

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are and what access privileges they have. “It means that if a broker sends a



ment agencies for validity, and auto14


c ip Oriented Te




Selfcontained Digital Ecosystem

We are OPEN for Business




Evolving/ Responsive Security

Identity Led

system will OCR that driving license, automatically check it against govern-

Data Differentiation

L e a n A u to




Cloud First


Desi gn Pr in ci pl


Everything as a Service

w h e re

Design with the End in MInd

does, they can send a copy of their driving license, for example. The


A ny

that message before the broker



customer simultaneously,” Twigg explains. “If the customer sees



f ro

to both the broker and the

Made to Change

les ncip Pri

information, they can message out

Te ch

Be Invisible

Pr oc

on it and needs another piece of

We Don’t Own IT

gy lo no

deal to Judo, when the banker works


Private & Confidential


u rit y P ri n c i p l e s

matically use it as part of the customer identity validation process. At every

Amazon, Judo Bank has achieved

step of the way, all parties are kept fully

significant advances by partnering with

informed of the progress of the deal..

a small group of likeminded, customer

That’s probably a really tangible

focused businesses, like Over The

example of the way we’ve tried to make

Wire, Itoc, JB HiFi Solutions, BankSight,

the technology invisible.”

Realtime, Temenos, Vermeg, GTreas-

As well as working closely with

ury , Domo, RapidID, TSS, RIA Advisory

global tech companies Microsoft and

and Unifii, who they bring together as a team, all actively sharing information and collaborating to optimize Judo’s offering. Working with Australian telco Over the Wire, Judo Bank has implemented a full IP telephony system with CRM integration onto every banker’s mobile phone and


1 We do not own IT: We are “Service First� and as a green field we do not want to deal with the overhead of owning and maintaining on premises technology. 2W e are open for business: Our Open Architecture and Open Platform will be extensible and adaptable, enabling us to easily change the services we consume and adopt new ones with limited impact. 3 B e invisible: Technology is a natural part of our working day, enabling and automating, not complicating customer service. 4 M ade to change: We recognise that things change and embrace it by building a platform that can adapt to change by enabling the on-boarding of new services and new technologies as they become available. 5 E volving and responsive security: The platform is

designed with security and privacy as a fundamental functional requirement of every component, not as a perimeter fence. 6P rivate and confidential: We will treat all data the same by having the same (highest possible) privacy and confidentiality controls across all services. 7 D esigned with the end in mind: Our solutions will be designed considering the evolution of the business and the IT environment from an holistic and strategic perspective. 8 I dentity led: Identity is at the centre of our approach, with identity controlling access to information and processes at every point in the architecture. 9C loud first: When choosing and designing Technical Services we look to Cloud based Services before others

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“Unlike most systems I have used before, that blocked me, BankSight is intuitive and flexible, helping me to get on with my job and deliver to my customers” — Simon Hardiman, 15 years business banking experience working for major banks both in Australia and the UK enabled Judo to become one of the first

Unifii,BankSight and RapidID have

banks in the world to establish a

worked closely together to provide a

zero-trust-network (ZTN), the founda-

full CRM, onboardingand commercial

tion of its entirely SaaS operating model.

loan origination system supported by a

On top of the ZTN, Judo Bank has

banker App that facilitates true

worked extensively with Itoc, it’s cloud

customer relationships. “The Contact

ops partner and TSS our security

App, is an interesting piece of technol-

partner to develop a single role-based

ogy that effectively automates the

access control and monitoring platform

capturing of compliance records for

using Microsoft Active Directory, B2B

any customer banker communication,

(Business to Business) and B2C

irrespective of the channel they use.

(Business to Consumer) products into

Bringing together voice, email and

which all the SaaS providers ‘plug-in’ to

messaging into a single App, ensuring

provide a single sign-on for both

it can all be instantly retrieved for

customers and staff.

customer service or compliance

Temenos is providing the core

needs,” Twigg said. Domo was one of

banking platform alongside Vermeg

the very first partnerships developed

and GTreasury, who are providing

by Judo Bank and provides near

regulatory reporting and treasury

real-time insight into any element of

capabilities as a service respectively.

the Judo operation, available to w w w.j ud o. b a n k









Approximate number of employees


Year founded


Melbourne Australia

“It is an absolute privilege to work with the Judo technology team, they are the best of the best and make magic happen every day” — Alex Twigg, CIO, Judo Capital

everyone in the company, from their desktop on smart phone. It was also the pre-curser to Judo Data Achieve Vault Environment (DAVE) which is an event based data lake, built in AWS, that captures real-time data and telemetry from every part of the Judo ecosystem and will become the foundation of Judo’s machine learning capability. As the bank continues to develop, Mr Twigg reveals the challenges Judo Bank is yet to face: “If you’re game enough to have the idea of starting your own bank, then you have to be prepared

Graham Dickens, Chief Technology Officer

Glen Appleby, Chief Information Security Officer

to face new challenges that you never expected, every day. It’s a big mountain to climb, but it’s a lot of fun. Our success will come down to the satisfaction of our customers and our constant focus on trying to get that right. The reason Judo Bank understands small business better

Andreas Piefke, Niko Bielovich, Chief Data & Analytics Chief Service Officer Management Officer

than anyone else is because it started as a small business. It is an absolute privilege to work with the Judo technology team, they are the best of the best and make magic happen every day.”

Jeff Nel, Chief Platform Officer

Hannah Borash, Chief Business Intelligence Officer w w w.j ud o. b a n k


Judo Bank Level 3, 40 City Road Southbank, Melbourne Victoria 3006 Australia T +61 390813110 www.judo.bank

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