Citelum Company Overview

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Company offers complete solutions urban lighting management searching greater energy efficiency and investing in public-private partnerships Written by: Flรกvia Brancato | Produced by: Carolina Majer




he history of Citelum in Brazil begins in 1999 with the merge of two companies: Brazilian Ecoluz and French Citelum. The journey from the artistic illumination of some monuments in Salvador, Bahia, to the first full management contract of a public lighting park in São Bernardo do Campo did not take long. In the following years, the operations extend from São Paulo to Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro, Amazonas, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Pará and Alagoas. The first of many dynamic lighting projects in Lacerda Elevator and the lights of the Model Market, both in Salvador, as well as the lighting of the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, are some of Citelum’s masterpieces. Other projects include those in South America, in the cities of Santiago, Recoleta, Iquique and San Felipe, Chile. Providing lighting and energy services with sustainable and innovative solutions for the urban environment, the company contributes to the improvement 4

Avenida Historiador Raimundo Gi

of human quality of life, by always attending to the environment and worker safety and health. “Our vision is to manage the lighting and be able to give a better quality in the urban environment. Through operation, maintenance and improvements to enhance the system, we can add value for the average citizen to the cities at night,” says Cesar Augusto Teixeira, CEO of Citelum in Brazil.


irão, Fortaleza / Ceará

Featured in the market As a branch of world’s largest electricity utility. Electricité de France (EDF), and a pioneer in Brazil with its global and integrated vision of urban lighting, the company strives to make a difference with its innovative designs. Present in 12 countries, Citelum takes advantage of an enriched view, adopting solutions from the cities, both large and small, around the world.

With ISO 9001 and 18001 certifications, in addition to appearing in the list of 10 best companies to work in Bahia (Great Places to Work, 2014), the organization is recognized as a quality company. “Always seeking increasingly intelligent, sustainable and innovative solutions, EDF Group has an ambition of generating 25 per cent renewable energy as early as 2020. With that in mind, wind power w w w. c i t e l u m . c o m . b r



in Bahia is included,” says Teixeira proudly. Integrated to EDF, Citelum specializes in the areas of street lighting, traffic signaling, artistic lighting and connected urban services such video surveillance, electric vehicle recharging and public Wi-Fi networks. The company’s workforce totals more than 3,000 employees spread throughout 12 countries, with Brazil standing out as one of the most important. Public-Private Partnerships (P3) “With the group’s international experience, we have developed in-depth studies on Public-Private Partnerships (P3) projects in Brazil. Our big challenge is to prepare the company for P3 contracts in public lighting, as well as to develop this 6

new market,” explains the director. A specialized business structure was created, responsible for carrying out the studies to meet the EIPs (Expression of Interest Procedures) in the first step towards the realization of P3 tenders. As a result, Citelum, in partnership with a major player in the supply of LED lighting fixtures, conducted a study in 2014 for the implementation of the largest public lighting project in the world, a P3 project in São Paulo. In addition, the company also participated and presented P3 projects for six medium-sized cities in Brazil. Teixeira also highlights changes in the industry, mainly related to technological advances. “The public lighting market in Brazil and the world has been undergoing a major transformation due to disruptive technologies like the LED and the internet. This change of lighting with remote management installation and integration, along with other urban demands, requires major investments that local governments cannot accommodate. The best


Candelรกria, Rio de Janeiro


contract model is through publicprivate partnerships where the private partner enters with financial resources, operates the system and recovers the invested capital over a concession period of five to 35 years,” he explains. “Everyone caring for the environment” The social and environmental responsibility program is part of the mitigation of environmental impact by Citelum, aimed at sponsoring awareness campaigns on the impact of humans and corporate activity on the environment. Special attention goes to the decontamination of street lamps, selective collection in the

agencies, environmental impact awareness lectures, and cycle and lighting collection. This is done in cooperation with the cities that own the fixtures. Recently the company also implemented the campaign “Feed Hope,” part of social and environmental responsibility program, to contribute to society and spread the spirit of solidarity among its employees. The campaign takes place once a year, collecting food to be distributed to support institutions within the Citelum scope. Projects and Partnerships Among many projects delivered by Citelum, the following are of

“For the following years the company is forecasting to financial equity investment in concessions that are currently under study and is expected to be bid on early 2016.” – Cesar Augusto Teixeira, CEO of Citelum in Brazil



Elevador Lacerda, Salvador / Bahia


particular interest: Video Surveillance System in Caxias – Maranhão State Citelum’s first investment in the video management security segment comes in the form of the installation and monitoring of 30 cameras placed at various strategic locations the city. The duration of the five-year contract also includes the maintenance of 11,064 public illumination points.

Ponte Estaiada, Teresina / Piauí 10

November 2015

Coastal Highway São Luís / MA São Luís was the first capital in the Northeast region to receive LED lighting, first on one avenue, and then on one four-mile section of road, the longest with such lighting in Brazil. The Litorânea Avenue, a 21-year-old road, now has a new look after Citelum’s public lighting project, extending from the Praia da Ponta da Areia to Praia do olho d’Água, was completed.


Ponte Estaiada – Teresina/PI One of the most beautiful postcards of Teresina, Piauí state, Ponte Estaiada has a new LED lighting display. Its color changes can be observed in the entire structure, with up to 53 minutes of combinations and eight scenes in sequence of movements. Near future Until 2014, investments in the

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São Luís / Maranhão

company went to purchase operation assets such as vehicles and equipment, adding up to around USD $8 million. “In addition to conventional investment for the following years, the company is forecasting to invest financial equity in concessions currently being studied. Bids are expected by early 2016,” says Teixeira.


Citelum, partnering with Rioluz, has secured two new lighting contracts in the city of Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympics. “The contracts refer to redesign as well as implementation of public lighting points in several public parks in the regions of Barra da Tijuca and the south part of the city. The total amount is of approximately USD $7.3 million,” says Teixeira.


Company Information NAME


Salvador/BA - Brazil E S TA B L I S H E D



Both contracts will be valid for a period of 10 months, starting in October 2015, and will be administered by the regional management of Rio de Janeiro. With net sales of USD $40.7 million in 2014, profit forecasts show an increase of 5 percent in 2016, to bring in a total of USD $42.53 million. “This sales increase is due to higher generation of new business during the year, taking as an example the new contract with RioLuz ,” concludes Teixeira.

General Director: Cesar Augusto Teixeira Managing Director: Nicolas Gounin CFO: Ricardo Imbassahy Commercial Director: Fábio Andrade Director of Operations: João Bosco Guimarães

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CITELUM Rua Ewerton Visco, nยบ 290, Edf. Boulevard Side Empresarial, 23ยบ andar Caminho das ร rvores - Salvador/BA, CEP: 41820-022 Tel: +55 071 2102-8900 | Fax: +55 071 2102-8905 /

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