Bochure - Microsoft Canada Inc

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HOW MICROSOFT IS TRANSFORMING CANADA’S HEALTHCARE It is no exaggeration to say that Microsoft has changed the world, as it has transformed nearly every part of people’s working and home lives after all, around a fifth of the world’s population use Microsoft products on a daily basis. Next, the IT giant is set to revolutionise healthcare.


t is no exaggeration to say that Microsoft has changed the world, as it

patient care and the operations in the hospital.” As well as shifting from systems of record to systems of insight, Jones explains they are

has transformed nearly every part

moving towards systems of engagement, making

of people’s working and home lives

it possible for patients to interact with healthcare

- after all, around a fifth of the world’s

providers in new ways. Patient engagement is

population uses Microsoft products

one of the four pillars of Microsoft’s model to

on a daily basis. Next, the IT giant is

transform the country’s healthcare system,

set to revolutionize healthcare.

alongside empowering care teams, optimizing

The healthcare system faces

operations and transforming the continuum for

some tough challenges. Wait times

better patient care.

are lengthy, whether in the


emergency room, referral to a


specialist, or making appointments

Now that it’s possible to book everything from a

to see a doctor, and processes can

taxi to a grocery shop via a touchscreen, it makes

generally be slow-moving.

sense for patients to want healthcare to be just as

Meanwhile healthcare IT has traditionally been focused on

accessible. New technology that enables care teams to

hospital-based Electronic Health

monitor patients remotely is of huge benefit to

Records (EHR), but part of

people with chronic conditions, as it cuts down

Microsoft’s digital vision is to move

on wait times for appointments, and means

beyond this and onto more efficient

those with limited mobility, such as the elderly,

processes. Peter Jones, Micro-

don’t need assistance with travelling to appoint-

soft’s Industry Lead in Healthcare


for Canada, explains: “Traditionally we’ve spent a lot of

The eVisit, developed in conjunction with telemedicine specialists Novari Health, makes it

money and resources on digitizing

possible for patients to schedule virtual consulta-

healthcare records. We are now

tions with doctors. It’s as simple as clicking on a

focused more on systems of insight

meeting request in an email to carry out a virtual

that will enable us to access data

appointment from the comfort of the patients’

and make better decisions on

home. “You can get access to a member of your



— Peter Jones, Microsoft’s Industry Lead in Healthcare for Canada

Optimize Healthcare Facility Performance

PetalMD has created a unique Web platform that reduces operating costs and improves patient satisfaction. Designed for hospital managers and physicians, it allows you to: Hospital Dashboard

Analytics Dashboard

Consolidate schedules and on-call lists, updated in real-time.

Visualize and monitor hospital performance.

Physician Schedule Management

Artificial Intelligence

Automate physician schedule management and simplify shift exchanges.

Optimize time and resource allocation through the use of powerful algorithms.

Patient Booking

Secure Messaging

Synchronize appointment booking channels and facilitate patient access to healthcare.

Ensure communication and document exchange confidentiality.

Used by 37,000 physicians


Deployed in 5 countries

For more information, visit or call a specialized advisor at 1-888-949-8601.


Adopted by 150 hospitals

care team including doctors and

organically. “For an industry that prides itself on

nurses,” Jones explains.

being evidence-based, health does a poor job at using the most recent and relevant evidence,


their own data. We see analytics as a continuum

There are better ways to help

spanning retrospective reporting, real-time

clinicians communicate, collabo-

dashboarding, predictive analytics, and even

rate, team and learn. The Office 365

prescriptive decision-making using cognitive

platform allows members of the

services and machine learning. Even relatively

care team to communicate and

basic initiatives like patient journey-boards and

collaborate on better patient care.

KPI dashboards can have a huge impact on

“If you look at how we’re moving beyond EHR, one of the biggest challenges has been communica-

baselining performance, identifying bottlenecks and streamlining operations.” “We see that effective use of data analytics as

tion with care teams” Jones says. “A

the only proper way of achieving population

lot are overworked and struggling to

health, whether it’s management of chronic

produce, but putting the communi-

disease to prevent unnecessary re-admissions,

cation and collaboration tools in

or supporting patients to manage their care plan,

place has allowed them to become

timely and accurate information is key.”

more efficient and more effective in their job.”

“We’re seeing a lot of our partners build cloud-based solutions that are addressing these challenges, and are easily adopted” he adds.


One of these partners is Oculys, who have been

Health is data rich and information

able to show significant savings for hospitals by

poor. Jones goes on to say that the

using data analytics to predict emergency room

data collected in clinical systems is

wait times and monitor patient flow and bad

generally for operational, communi-

management. “If you can track it you can manage

cation or medical purposes, most

it more effectively” Jones says.

systems do not store communications in a way that makes analytics


easy, and an enterprise-wide

Some of the most exciting models of care

system view doesn’t emerge

leverage cloud computing. This is currently the w w w. m i c r o s o f t . c o m /e n - c a



primary focus for Microsoft. Once viewed with

priority. Part of that involves making

scepticism by the health industry due to

sure it is secure, and Microsoft

perceived security or control limitations, the

invests over a billion dollars annually

cloud is now undeniably being embraced by

to that end. Just as important

health organizations around the world. Gartner

though is making sure that the cloud

predicts that within this decade organizations will

can be used compliantly, so

be going to the cloud precisely because it is more

Microsoft has invested in many

secure than the on premises counterpart. Part of

industry certifications like HIPAA

this momentum is driven by cost efficiencies and

through a Business Associates

outsourcing, but there is another motivator that is

Agreement, HITECH, and Fed-

becoming increasingly apparent – some

RAMP. Keeping information private,

capabilities are only possible in the cloud.

being transparent about datacentre

“The cloud is essentially a global supercom-

operations, and allowing users the

puter, that you can access on demand and pay

controls to manage their own data

only for what you use. You get all the benefits, yet

round out the trust story.

the cost is spread across all the users. Kind of like timeshare.� The virtually unlimited storage pool makes

LOOKING AHEAD The seemingly limitless capacity of

medical imaging storage cost effective, or any

the cloud is advantageous for

other big data scenario for that matter. The

initiatives such as genomic

incredible processing power makes genomic

sequencing, a field that is greatly

sequencing feasible. Machine learning and

expanding, and one that includes

artificial intelligence are most practical in the

researchers investigating causes

cloud. Aggregations of software as a service

and early detection of serious

providers, like an enterprise app store, allow

conditions such as cancer. It is an

organizations to discover, trial and deploy new

area Microsoft is doing a significant

applications with a minimum of risk and hassle.

amount of work in, and one that

There is potential of the cloud to defragment all

requires a tremendous amount of

the data silos that frustrate holistic health

storage given that a single human

information management.

genome takes up at least 100

Making cloud computing trustworthy is a key

gigabytes of space.



“STORAGE COSTS FOR CLOUD COMPUTING ARE THE LOWEST WE CAN SEE” — Peter Jones, Microsoft’s Industry Lead in Healthcare for Canada

w w w. m i c r o s o f t . c o m /e n - c a



— Peter Jones, Microsoft’s Industry Lead in Healthcare for Canada

“Storage costs for cloud computing are the

the better the research, so we’re

lowest we can see, and the number of genomes

starting to see researchers coming

we will need to sequence in the future is going to

together with genomic data sharing

put a huge demand on a lot of the infrastructure

platforms that allow them to get

that exists on premise today” Jones explains.

access to larger data sets.”

“The other benefit is allowing researchers to share their data. The larger the genomic data set

One of the organizations that has moved its genomic data to the cloud


is BC Cancer, a government-run agency that

However with these innovations in

conducts research and operates patient

telemedicine, cloud solutions and

treatment centers.

operational data, more and more

The healthcare industry has historically been risk averse, as Jones says, with providers

are joining the digital revolution to reap its benefits.

generally waiting for others to adopt new processes before making the move themselves. w w w. m i c r o s o f t . c o m /e n - c a

1950 Meadowvale Blvd. Mississauga, ON. L5N 8L9 T 1-905-568-0434

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