eStruxture – December 2019

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State-of-the-art data centers in Canada



State-ofthe-art data centers in Canada

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Todd Coleman, eStruxture’s President and CEO, explains how the company is leveraging its knowledge of the Canadian market for data center excellence


anada’s eStruxture provides carrier and cloud neutral data center service across the country. The company is

experiencing rapid growth – this year alone, it 04

acquired its first facility in Calgary and its second in Vancouver, as well as upgrading existing facilities in Montreal and Vancouver. Behind the company’s success is its keen attention to the specificities of the Canadian market, as Todd Coleman, President and CEO, explains: “What sets us apart from other data center providers is our 100% focus on the Canadian region, our ability to serve a multitude of markets and our willingness and ability to pre-deploy capacity to enable our customers to quickly deploy, even up to multiple mega-watts, in our state-of-the-art facilities. We are Canadian owned and headquartered, and focus entirely on our region. Our mindset is not diluted with other out-of-region markets; we know how to get things done in the markets in which we operate, we believe in local customer touch at the



Year founded


Number of employees

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06 market level and, as data sovereignty

“ Our goal has always been to become the leading data center provider in Canada” — Todd Coleman, President and CEO, eStruxture

and foreign ownership issues increase, we are very sensitive to the Canadian regulatory landscape and how that may impact our customers.” eStruxture’s portfolio of data centers may be growing, but expansion is always carefully and responsibly considered. “We have a unique set of requirements that we look for in target acquisitions particularly around the facilities, requiring Tier III, concurrently maintainable architecture, redundancy across the electrical and mechanical systems, access to incremental utility

CLICK TO WATCH : ‘ESTRUXTURE SHARES BIG NEWS AT TEX NYC 2019’ 07 power, close proximity to fiber networks

building, formerly a Montreal Gazette

and massively scalable power distribu-

printing facility. “We are confident that

tion within the facility up to 30kW per

this facility is the most scalable, state-

rack,” says Coleman. “The Calgary

of-the-art carrier-neutral facility in

acquisition checked all of our boxes

Quebec – and quite likely all of Canada,”

on the technical requirements and

says Coleman. “We considered every

included highly skilled employees and

detail of the design, architecture,

an expanded customer base. With this

equipment selection and operating

acquisition, eStruxture has positioned

model to enable us to serve our retail

itself as the largest carrier-neutral data

and wholesale customers in ways that

center provider in the market.”

are unique to the Canadian data center

The company is also constructing

industry. The facility was designed

brand new, state-of-the-art facilities in

around the fundamental tenet of high

Montreal and Vancouver. The former,

scalability, efficiency and sustain-

MTL-2, is situated in a repurposed

ability, which translates to 30MW of w w w.e st rux t u re. com



immediately available, hydro-electric

the area. “We announced earlier this

power; utilisation of free-cooling up

year the development of a new, 55,000

to 8 months a year; a power utilisation

square feet, 10MW data center in

efficiency that is designed for sub-1.2

Burnaby, just on the edge of the City

at load; the latest lithium battery, UPS

of Vancouver. This facility is being

technology; scalable and flexible power

designed and architected around the

configurations that support up to 30kW

basis of design we have developed for

per cabinet and 2N redundancy; and

our MTL-2 facility with focus on scale,

pre-deployed and built-out capacity

flexibility, efficiency and sustainability.

that allows us to deploy a multi-mega-

We are confident that this state-of-

watt customer in less than 90 days.�

the-art facility will be a game changer

The latter, Vancouver facility is being

for the Vancouver market offering

developed to take advantage of the

substantial expansion capabilities for

underserved data center market in

our retail and wholesale customers



Todd Coleman Todd Coleman is the President and CEO of eStruxture. Todd brings more than 25 years’ experience in the IT, data center and telecommunications industries. Most recently, he was the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of Cologix. Todd has also held several senior positions at Level 3 Communications, a global telecommunications company, including Senior Vice President of Data Centers, Senior Vice President of Media Operations and President of Level 3 Communications Europe. Todd holds a juris doctorate and a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems.

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“What sets us apart from other data center providers is our 100% focus on the Canadian market” — Todd Coleman, President and CEO, eStruxture


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with dedicated fiber access to our VAN-1 facility as well as the downtown Vancouver carrier hotel.” eStruxture ensures that a focus on sustainability is built into its facilities from the earliest design stage. “From a design perspective, our engineers work to design and develop the most energy efficient data center possible,” says Coleman. “We are constantly challenging to drive to the highest efficiency possible. Additionally, the customer IT and server equipment produces a significant amount of

First lithium-ion battery cabinet designed by data center experts for data center users. Cut your total cost of ownership with the Vertiv™ HPL lithium-ion battery system, a high-power energy solution with best-in-class footprint, serviceability and user experience. Smaller, lighter and lasting up to four times longer than VRLA counterparts, the newset generation of lithium-ion batteries pay for themselves in a few years. The Vertiv HPL battery cabinet features safe and reliable lithium-ion battery modules and redundant battery management system architecture with internal power supply. These features and the cabinet’s seamless integration with Vertiv UPS units and monitoring systems make it ideal for new deployments or as replacement for lead-acid alternatives. Plus, its userfriendly display leads to a best-in-class user experience. Visit

“ Our engineers work to design and develop the most energy efficient data center possible” — Todd Coleman, President and CEO, eStruxture



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• Constructing facilities in Montreal and Vancouver • In the last year, has acquired data centers in Calgary and Vancouver

heat that we strive to re-use through heat exchangers, either in our own building through uses like heating our office space and/or by providing 14

it to other adjacent buildings or businesses.” It’s also about making sure facilities run as efficiently as possible, with ramifications from both a business and sustainability perspective. “A traditional data center has total energy expenditure for cooling alone of 50% or more of critical IT load – sometimes significantly higher. In eStruxture’s case, we were able to achieve a yearly average power saving of about 70% through the use of air flow management, CFD analysis and air side economisers, allowing us to benefit from the lower ambient temperatures in Canada that enable us to achieve up to eight months per year of free cooling.”

eStruxture is confident in the path it is taking, while keeping an eye on upcoming industry trends such as edge computing. “With new technologies like AI and autonomous vehicles rapidly gaining traction, companies are beginning to need much more powerful and local compute, storage and networking resources than most current data center providers are used to deploying,” says Coleman. “As a result, interest in facilities located outside of traditional Tier 1 data center markets will continue to surge. “Our goal has always been to become the leading data center provider in Canada, and we will continue to strive for that superlative,” he adds. “We will continue to expand, both into new markets and within our existing markets, and we will continue to be sure our customers have state-of-the-art technology at their fingertips all while receiving white glove customer service.”

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800 Square Victoria, MontrĂŠal, Canada T 1-888-369-2209

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