Chantier Davie Brochure 2019

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C H A N T I E R D AV I E C A N A D A I N C .

Canada’s largest shipbuilder, Chantier Davie Canada, reveals how it is updating its technology to connect a shipyard the size of a small town


stablished in 1825, Chantier Davie Canada has been building ships for almost 200 years but has just started

to take the first steps on its digital transformation journey. The shipyard is the largest, highest capacity, and most experienced in 113

Canada. Davie Shipbuilding has a vision of being the nation’s “premier shipyard providing national strategic capability when it comes to the digital transformation,” claims Jeremy Citone, Technology Director of Chantier Davie Canada. “The yard has recently delivered the most complex vessel ever built in North America, and we are now focusing on innovating new ferries which use clean energy.” “Being in a company with so much history, it’s a challenge in itself. Facilities are more than 2 kmsq. With its 56 buildings, it is really like a small town. When the shipyard reopened in 2012, it was 10 years behind with technology. Everything needed to be updated, from security, IT infrastructure to introducing Internet of Things,” notes Citone. Despite


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DEVELOPED FOR DEMANDING ENVIRONMENTS The TFIE-1 IP industrial intercom station is a rugged device, designed for harsh environments and meets industrial and offshore requirements.

IP TECHNOLOGY The intercom station is fully digital and offers crystal clear audio with high output through a 10 W internal amplifier and 78 mm speaker, offering up to 100dB SPL. TMonitoring and selfdiagnostics of critical functionality. FLOWIRE TECHNOLOGY Flowire connectivity for simplified cabling and extended range. MATERIAL Robust hardware design makes this product fit for rough environments.TFIX intercoms are made in Carbon-fiber reinforced polymer. ENVIRONMENTAL Operating temperature: -40째C to +70째C Storage temperature: -40째C to +70째C Operating humidity: 10% to 95% RH (non-condensing) Storage humidity: 10% to 95% RH (non-condensing) Air pressure: 600 hPa to 1200 hPa IP-rating IP-66, IEC/EN 60529

ACCESSORIES Accessories include: Handheld PTT mic, Headset with PTT and Handset with PTT.

Developed for the Industrial, Oil & Gas and Maritime segment.


were facing: to provide information

around Davie, its workers are entirely

when an where it is needed within our

involved and committed. “Major


technology changes are always tricky

“The use of technology not only

to introduce. However, our workers

enables the shipyard to be more efficient,

are embracing the new tools they are

but it also makes the company more

provided with.”

sustainable, as it is able to move on

Citone notes that for him live information is key – while engineers are behind computers designing

from paper-based practices which are riskier and less reliable.” Citone reveals that the shipyard’s

ships, the supervisors are onboard.

technologies are well on track to reach

“But how can you ask someone to be

Industry 4.0 levels. Over the past 3

efficient onboard a ship under construc-

years, he has introduced and fostered

tion if they don’t have access to that

a culture which has the goal of becom-

information? That’s the challenge we

ing a smarter and virtual shipyard. w w w.d av ie. ca

C H A N T I E R D AV I E C A N A D A I N C .

“In five years I see the implementation of AI for shipbuilding. AI will allow us to use our workforce smarter” — Jeremy Citone, Technology Director of Chantier Davie Canada 117

“We are now 3D scanning incoming

the 3D models,” he adds. Augmented

ships, both inside and outside. When

reality technologies allow them to be

we have a virtual ship, we can measure

onboard and visualize the ship the way it

it from the office. We can select the

will look like once completed. All piping,

best spot for a piece equipment. That

equipment, and lighting systems are

allows us to work around the clock with

displayed on top of what the camera

engineering companies all over the

sees directly on the tablets onboard

world,” Citone explains. As part of the

the ship. This way, the supervisors can

firm’s digital transformation journey,

understand and show the workers

supervisors have been equipped with

what to do and where to do it.

tablets, and Wi-Fi has been installed

“I believe live information and reporting

across the site. “With the tablets, our

is key. In-house developed apps allow

supervisors are able to draw on top of

the supervisor to have a clear view of

the progress made onboard and keep track of their budget per task. All tablets are connected to the main cluster and are regularly updated with any revisions as it is used. This reduces risks and mistakes” Efficiency, according to Citone, is the most important aspect of the company’s digital transformation journey. “However, as we are based in Canada, the labor is quite expensive compared to all of our international competitors. Therefore, our employees need to be very efficient and technology-driven.” However, Citone notes that live information is being used even further: “For every ship, we collect as much E XE CU T I VE PRO FI LE

Jeremy Citone After finishing his second Master’s degree in Computer Science in California, Jeremy was head hunted by the INOCEA group in Monaco to take on a role of a system engineer. His vision for shipyard technology led him to Inocea-owned Chantier Davie, the largest shipyard in North America. In 2017, just a few years after joining the company, he became the head of the IT department. Today, Jeremy works on implementing his vision by bringing high-end technology to the shipbuilding industry

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C H A N T I E R D AV I E C A N A D A I N C .


production data as we can. This live

recent major conversions, the Replen-

data allows us to update our norms for

ishment at sea vessel MV Asterix.”

the planning. I would like to see the end

While building the Asterix, the

of the averaging. With lots of data, we

company also prioritized cybersecurity,

now have the capability to get to a level

and designed an entire network for its

of accuracy we couldn’t dream of before.

connected ships. “Ships are more and

A good example of the marine industry

more connected to the internet; the

transformation is one of our most

engines, navigation chart systems,


Ships built at Davie


Year founded


Metre Drydock


integrated management system are

strides forward, creating a training

all connected for maintenance and

system that resembles a video game.

updates.” Those technologies cannot

“It’s something completely new that

be implemented without having

we’ve never seen before in the marine

a shipyard mastering those technolo-

industry. We partnered with Race-

gies,” he continues.

Rocks, a Canadian company based in

On its journey toward Industry 4.0, the company has made significant

Vancouver that designs training systems in the style of video games. We gave w w w.d av ie. ca

C H A N T I E R D AV I E C A N A D A I N C .


“ Ships are more and more connected to the internet; the engines, navigation chart systems, integrated management system are all connected for maintenance and updates” — Jeremy Citone, Technology Director of Chantier Davie Canada


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C H A N T I E R D AV I E C A N A D A I N C .

“ We gave them a 3D model of our ship and they made a video game out of it” 123

— Jeremy Citone, Technology Director of Chantier Davie Canada

them a 3D model of our ship and they made a video game out of it,” says Citone. “The crew can sit down with their computers in their rooms and train on how to extinguish fires, operate equipment and follow procedures. Some training will display a virtual replenishment at sea console. The console is fully functional, every single button works – if they were to push the wrong button, the simulation will fail.” Using one-of-a-kind technology to train its staff marks the direction the shipyard is going in, “In 5 years I see the implementation of AI for shipbuilding. AI will allow us to use our workforce in an optimal fashion. We currently have accurate feedback on how long it takes to complete each job based on complexity, material availability, and manpower. Planning won’t be based mainly on rules: we will be able to predict schedules using actual shipyard capabilities. And that’s a game changer for Canada.”

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Chantier Davie Canada 22 Rue George-D.-Davie Lévis, QC G6V 0K4 Canada T +1 418-837-5841

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