MIS - Brochure 2017

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Integrating an unrivalled IT legacy that lasts

Moammar Information Systems Integrating an unrivalled IT legacy that lasts

Moammar Information Systems is embarking on an ambitious journey to become the IT integration solutions partner of choice throughout Saudi Arabia, recruiting Ziad Mortaja to steer this vision


s a provider of IT systems integration solutions founded in 1979, Al Moammar Information Systems Co. (MIS) has continuously evolved its operations in order to sustain its position as one of the most efficient and competitive diversified companies throughout KSA. Earlier this year, MIS welcomed Ziad Mortaja as the company’s new General Manager. Mortaja brings with him years of experience in Schneider Electric, Hewlett Packard and Cisco, which will prove crucial as the company embarks on an aggressive growth strategy over the next decade “My experience working with the large internationals will help inform my decision making with MIS, as we build an organisation and evolve


MIS to become a stronger systems integrator throughout KSA with international standards,” he says. MIS is made up of six divisions with key areas of focus; solutions, security, IT services management, systems, networking and operation and maintenance. It is this diversified portfolio that has allowed MIS to develop partnerships with some of the largest technology providers operating in the Middle East, including Oracle, Cisco, HPE, BMC, Microsoft and many others. “This mixture and depth of our portfolio allows MIS to provide complete solutions to our customers,” says Mortaja. “We target with our six divisions large and strategic projects as we have the capacity and the capability to take on those projects.”

ZIAD MORTAJA MIS General Manager

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This capability is solidified through the company achieving the highest Saudi Government Classification Certificate, a prerequisite to be able to bid and execute large scale IT projects and services in the kingdom, a true reflection of the company’s credibility in the market. Working with such largescale major clients within its portfolio, MIS thrives to develop and foster the relationship with these clients in order to achieve a solution offering that is of benefit to both MIS and the technology provider.


“Every year we build an operational business plan jointly with our partners, where we agree on focus markets, targets and investment areas,” says Mortaja. “MIS has the capabilities and the skills to address all the needs across all the elements of the IT value chain, from infrastructure, application operation and support.” MIS has worked with some of its biggest clients for more than 30 years and as the IT infrastructure space has evolved, the company has worked closely with these clients to

continue to provide them with the the marketplace and within their own most effective services and products, technology creation space. These rather than leaving them to navigate relationships essentially formulate our the changing landscape alone. business plans,” says Mortaja. This relationship also In the IT integration works both ways, as solutions space, technology and increasing attention is innovation drives this being turned towards transformations’ data, data storage, close working business intelligence with clients such and, consequently, The year MIS as Microsoft and data security. As was founded Cisco allows it to technology continues develop its solutions to redefine the market, in alignment with that. Mortaja is keen to stress that “We are always communicating and no technological transformation can engaging with our clients, and this be effective without the company’s informs us as to what is happening in most important asset, its people.


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MIS strives to attract, develop and, more importantly, retain the highest level of human capital in order to be a market leader. “As a company, our human capital is part of our entire development ethos,” says Mortaja. “Every time we identify a new skillset that’s required, or a new technology element we focus our investment plan around how we can train our people and develop them to be the very best they can be for the company and for the client.” Due to the changing nature of the market, having a skills gap can be inescapable at times and MIS works closely with what Mortaja describes as “extended partnerships” that provide it with resources that enable the company to learn and provide specialised services. “We assess our core competencies with our own staff and through


our extended reach to a wellestablished network of partners,” he says. “It becomes a combination of both homegrown and extended reach in order to continue to deliver to client expectations.” MIS has a vision to become the trusted IT partner for some of the largest projects in Saudi Arabia, but to get there, Mortaja understands that sometimes it’s not about the destination, rather the transformational journey that represents the one key success for the company. “For me, success is a journey not a destination,” says Mortaja. “My role is to build on more than 30 years of success. We want to be the best for our customers, the best for the company, for our employees and for our shareholders, and with that, it’s a journey that must not end.”

“We want to be the best for our customers, the best for the company, for our employees and for our shareholders, and with that, it’s a journey that must not end” – Ziad Mortaja, General Manager, MIS

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Pearl Centre, King Abdulaziz road, Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 11464 +966 (92) 000 0334 info@mis.com.sa www.mis.com.sa

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