Words of Wisdom from Women at WERC
Words of Wisdom from Women at WERC
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he Warehousing Research and Education Council’s Women @ WERC program was designed to meet the unique needs
of women pursuing a career in the warehousing, 04
logistics and supply chain industries. Through networking, mentoring and educational opportunities, they aim to make it easier for women to build their careers while at the same time promoting the bottom-line benefits of increased gender diversity in the supply chain workforce. “I would love to see more women at the leadership level throughout our industry; one way to do that is to make sure we attract more women to the field at the college level, as these young people are the ones with the potential to be our next leaders,” said Kristi Montgomery, Vice President of Innovation, Research and Development at the Kenco Group and one of the newest members of the WERC Board of Directors. Montgomery is encouraged to see WERC’s increasing diversity on the Board and among
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Better Everywhere.
the membership as a whole, “but, I
more women in leadership roles
still think the industry has room to
markedly outperform those without.
grow and improve, and one of the
Still, most supply chain organizations
best ways women can do that is to
do not have gender diversity goals.
network with each other,” she said. “If
As the program has developed, both
you’re new to the industry, find a men-
female and male members of WERC
tor; if you’re like me and have been
have identified four priorities to help
around for a while, find those people
increase diversity and inclusivity within
that you can help to grow in their ca-
the logistics workforce. These include
reers and become industry leaders.”
offering resources and strategies for
Studies show that gender diver-
building allies within the industry, en-
sity in the supply chain boosts com-
hancing equality within the workplace,
petitiveness, productivity and finan-
advancing careers and growing leader-
cial returns, and that companies with
ship opportunities, and fostering organi-
“ At the heart of the research is a conversation between warhousing professionals and the researchers. We want to answer questions that are relevant and provide real benefits to the industry” — Karl Manrodt, Professor of Logistic
zational cultures that support healthy
specifically tried to step out of my
and productive work-life blending.
comfort zone and always sit with new
When it comes to building professional relationships, Gwendolyn
people at every session and meal.” Former WERC Board President
(Gwen) W. Rogers says being an ac-
(2010-2011) Catherine Cooper, Founder
tive member of WERC (for 25 years)
and CEO of World Connections, credits
was key. Rogers volunteered at the
her time on the Board as offering her
Conference registration desk for the
a chance to develop skills outside her
several years and she recommends
profession that she would not have
it as a fantastic way to meet a lot of
otherwise. “For example, public speak-
people in a very short period of time.
ing in front of 1,000 people—you don’t
“I tend to be a reserved person,” she adds, “so at every Conference I have
often get to do that in a company, but you do at WERC,” she explains, add-
warehouse and it’s all men, and they use bad language. And, if you walk into a warehouse in heels and a mini skirt, don’t be surprised when you get cat called,’” she says, noting that her advice is rooted in her own experience. At her first job in the field, she had two revelations within her first week: “There truly were practically no women in the field at that time. I’d heard people say 98% men in the industry, but it was closer to 99.8% men,” she chuckles. “And, I realized very quickly that, as a woman, I had to know twice as much to gain respect and credibility in the industry.” “I strongly encourage women who are new to the industry to tap into the ing she also mastered financial state-
women who have been here a while.
ments while working with WERC.
We’re all here to help each other, and we
Many of WERC’s veteran women said relationships and mentoring
want to,” she said. “WERC is a perfect resource for making those contacts.”
is key, and several opportunities to provide mentorship to young women have come to former WERC Board President (2004-2005) Susan Rider, President of Rider & Associates, through her WERC connections. “The first thing I would tell them is, ‘you have to develop a thick skin. You can’t get insulted when you’re at a w w w.werc. org
Warehousing Education and Research Council 110 Jorie Boulevard, Suite 170, Oak Brook, Illinois. United States – 60523 T 630-990-0001 | F 630-990-0256 E wercoffice@werc.org | www.werc.org