BRUSA September 2014

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The Future of Retail is Wireless Behind the Scenes

at Facebook


Startup Smart O U R L E A D F E A T U R E T H I S month is all about startups, or more

specifically, how to fund your startup venture. One of the greatest barriers to startup success is lack of funding, so here at Business Review USA, we have given you a run down of the best options to get your business off the ground. And taking of startup success, we go behind the scenes at one of the world’s most successful startups: Facebook. We ask: How has this student project gone on to change the world? Also in this issue we take a look at the most innovative retail technology on the market and find out how it will change the way we consumer products and services for good. E NJOY TH E I S S U E !

Abigail Phillips Editor


CO CN OTNETN ETNST S FEATURES This month we focus on the customer experience with the latest technology 26 Marketing

Big Data

12 Finance 6 Leadership


How to Fund Your Startup Business

20 Technology

The Future of Retail


34 Top 10

Top 10 Social Tools for Business


88 Bosworth Steel 96 Ocala Utilities

50 CBC Pipeline



104 York Region District School Board

58 Sharp Energy



66 The Delfield Company

112 Videojet Technologies Inc.



74 CG/LA Infrastructure Inc. District

118 Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo HFSE

82 NGC – New Generation Construction


4 September 2014

50 CBC Pipeline



Videojet Technologies Inc.


Bosworth Steel




September 2014

INSIDE FACEBOOK Behind the scenes at the social media behemoth that is Facebook. From is history to its transformation over the years; we look inside one of the most innovative companies in the world.

W R I T T E N B Y: D E A N A C A C U S


LEADERSHIP THE IDEA FOR Facebook came about in 2003 when founder Mark Zuckerberg developed a website called Facemash. Zuckerberg and three Harvard classmates—Andrew McCollum, Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz—wanted to create a website where students could compare photos of Harvard students side by side and label each one as “hot” or “not.” Zuckerberg created the software for the site, which was shut down by university executives shortly after launching. Zuckerberg— then a sophomore—faced charges of violating copyrights, breach of security and violating individual privacy for stealing the student pictures that he used to populate the website from the university student catalogue, or “facebook,” that had been distributed to the students. Although Zuckerberg faced expulsion from Harvard for his involvement in the site, all charges were eventually dropped. The following year, Zuckerberg began writing code for a new website that he called ‘theFacebook.’ At the time, he claimed to have intentions to create a universal website to be used to contact people throughout Harvard. Less than a week after the site went 8

September 2014

Today Facebook has billions of users live, three fellow students accused Zuckerberg of intentionally misleading them into believing that he would help them build a Harvard-wide social network but instead used their idea to build his own competing site. The incident was later dramatized in the 2011 film The Social Network, which Zuckerberg and his fellow Facebook associates dismissed as being inaccurate. Initially, theFacebook was restricted

s around the world to current college students with valid university email addresses, but it soon was made available to all Ivy League colleges, followed by NYU, MIT and eventually, most universities within North America. In June of 2004, the company moved its operations base to Palo Alto, California. Later that month, it received its first investment from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel. The following year, the company dropped

“the� from its name and purchased the domain name Investments in the site increased that year, with Accel partners bringing in $12.7 million and Jim Breyer contributing $1 million of his own money. A high school version of the site was soon launched, and Facebook expanded its membership to include employees of several tech companies including Microsoft and Apple Inc. In late 2006, the site was 9


The man behind the brand

opened to everyone at least 13 years of age with a valid email address. In fall 2007, Microsoft announced that it had purchased a 1.6 percent share of Facebook for $240 million, which gave the social networking site a total implied value of around $15 10

September 2014

billion. Microsoft’s purchase enabled the company to place international ads on the site. A year later, Facebook announced that it would establish its international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. Traffic to Facebook continued to


increase throughout 2009, and by 2010, it was one of the most visited sites on the Internet. For the week ending March 13, 2010, more people visited Facebook than Google. The site continued to be the second most accessed website in America throughout 2011. In early 2012, Facebook filed for an initial public offering. The company was valued at $104 billion and began selling shares to the public and trading on the NASDAQ in May. Shortly thereafter, the site began to sell smartphone apps that operate via Facebook. In each of the first three months of this year, over one billion users logged into their Facebook account via mobile device, and the site continues to dominate the social networking market. But such massive popularity does not come without its share of backlash, and Facebook has seen plenty of it. In July, a report titled “Experimental evidence of massivescale emotional contagion through social networks” was published, reporting that in 2012, Facebook manipulated the news feeds of 689,003 users to see if the emotion solicited through the content on their

news feeds impacted the emotion they then displayed in their own posts. During the weeklong experiment, Facebook tracked the results, analyzing the impact that their content had on users’ posts. The experiment spurned an outcry from Facebook users, as the company did not disclose their intentions prior to conducting the experiment. Although the company apologized, the research appears to have been conducted legally, as Facebook users agree to let the site use their data for analysis, testing and research upon signing up for membership. Privacy concerns have long been an issue with Facebook. Earlier this month, a group of users led by Max Schrems, privacy activist and lawyer, filed suit against Facebook’s Irish subsidiary in Vienna, alleging multiple violations of privacy law. There are currently more than 60,000 individuals listed on the class action suit, and tens of thousands have reportedly registered to be added upon expansion of the claim. Schrems is claiming damages of 500 euros per user from Facebook. The company currently has 1.32 billion active users.



HO YO 12

Month 2014



FINANCE BUILDING A BUSINESS from the ground up takes hard work, determination and strong leadership, however the added pressure of funding a business can often be the deciding factor between success and failure. So you have a great idea, a team of people willing to help you out and a watertight business plan. You have projected your earning for the first year, the first three years and even the first five; you know your market like the back of your hand and your idea for a marketing campaign is solid if you say so yourself. What’s stopping you? According to Statistic Brain, 46 percent of startups fail due to incompetence, which includes no knowledge of financing. A lack of funding, or inaccurately estimating the running cost of your business could very easily be the difference between success and failure. HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY FUND YOUR STARTUP Use Your Own Money It may sound daunting, but the first port of call really does need to be your own bank account. If you have 14

September 2014

Caption Speak toto your thepotential image investors and faith in your business model and your ability to succeed then you need to be willing to put your own financial security on the line. Reward rarely comes without risk. If other potential investors see you shouldering a large portion of the risk they too are more likely to get behind


d walk them through your idea your business financially. Finally, if you have a vested interest in your company you are more likely to succeed. Share Your Idea With Friends & Family When, and only when you have a solid business plan in place, think

about asking your relatives and friends for financial support. You can offer them the opportunity to lend you money or offer them partial ownership for their investment stake. Only speak to people who you believe may have a genuine interest in investing, and make it clear that this is an opportunity they 15



Month 2014

can decline if they wish. If your friends or relatives do invest in the company bare the following in mind: • Be open about what you have already invested in the company; • Give them a copy of your business plan and time to read through it; • Explain how you plan to lead the business to success; • If they do invest in your company, or give you a loan, make sure you keep them abreast of progress at the company; • Never ask for more than you need, and don’t gamble with your relatives’ money. Consider a Business Loan Community banks and credit unions specialize in investing in the local community, making them a potential lender. Typically, you will have more chance of securing a loan if you can prove you will generate income for the local area. Before you enter into discussions with a bank, make sure you business plan and presentation is flawless. Know your industry, do your research and deliver your pitch with confidence. If you’ve never done this type of presentation before its worth speaking to

someone who has been successful. Your bank will expect you to put your own funds at risk and may even be interested in your other funding sources before agreeing to lend you money. Use Credit Cards Proceed with caution when it comes to funding your business using a credit card. That being said, it can be done successfully with the right planning. There are a few things to remember however: using credit to build your business could affect your personal financial wellbeing if the business fails, you also need to remember that at first you may struggle to pay off the full amount of the card each month, making low interest a priority. Managed correctly, funding a startup using credit cards can yield fast returns, which in turn means that you could go back to friends, family or banks who declined the opportunity to invest in the beginning with proven success. If they can see the business potential, you may even be able to replace credit card debt with funds from loans or direct investments. Look to Private Investors 17


Starting a business can be daunting, make sure your finances are in order

Venture capital firms gather pools of money from wealthy individuals and use this cash to invest in a variety of companies whose goal is to go public. As a return for investment, the venture capital firm will take partial 18

September 2014

ownership of the company. The act of becoming a publicly traded company can provide a major payoff for investors who provided capital early in the business’s life cycle, and venture capital firms depend on this.

T E S L A L O O K S T O C H I N A F O L L O W I N G D E C L I N I N G Q 1 R E S U LT S

The ability to raise venture capital often relies on getting yourself in front of the right people. Networking skills play a large role in order to receive startup capital from these sources, and it can be difficult for an outsider

to make the right connections. Don’t be afraid to reach out, though. Find other successful business owners in your field or niche who started their businesses from nothing, and learn from them. 19



September 2014

UTURE OF WIRELESS THE RETAIL SECTOR An in-depth look at how wireless technology is changing the retail sector in 2014 and beyond W R I T T E N B Y: M E L I S S A M A R T I N E Z


TECHNOLOGY SHOPPING IN THE digital world is now a commodity and with a busy schedule, sometimes necessary. This means retailers must stay current in their online presence. Locationbased services allow consumers to immediately receive coupons while being within range of a store as well as notified daily on instant savings when shopping online and applications such as Google Wallet allow customers to keep track of their savings and gift cards while shopping quickly and efficiently. So, why the change? With the introduction of PayPal, customers learned that they can shop online without the hassle of driving and using gas, and virtually checking out nearly all the merchandise the store carries without waiting in line or spending hours strolling through the mall. PalPal offers secure and private methods of payment to thousands of retailers and websites throughout the nation and with one simple click, customers are able to find exactly what they need in the comfort of their home. Not only is technology improving the shopping experience for the consumer but it is providing more profit to retailers and a significant 22

September 2014

Omni-chann is the furtur consumeris

boost in sales. For example, according to Associated Press, “Retail sales rose 2.7 percent in November and December to $265.9 billion, but actual store visits declined 14.6 percent. The data suggests that consumers are researching items online before going into stores to buy. One consumer described his approach as ‘precision shopping’”. In the past year, online orders have increased over 10 percent, according to Forbes. With the introduction of retailers launching online stores, the method for marketing has changed drastically. Though online presence

nel retail re of sm

produces success for retailers, new research must be made to correlate a new audience and consumer base. With mobile browsing an option for consumers, retailers are able to create a stress-free shopping experience by browsing through various categories, choosing the correct size usually listed in measurements, and purchasing the product via the application’s pointof-sale capabilities. This alleviates any stress or anxiety when shopping during a sale and allows consumers to shop on their own time. According to Forbes, “In-store shopping is a highly social activity—it’s

face to face and we run into friends and neighbors while out and about. So it only makes sense that retailers would leverage social media to take full advantage of the customer engagement they already enjoy. Retailers must plus into the social buzz, listen to customers, capitalize on what they learn, and use social tools and marketing best practices to build even better and more seamless customer relationships.” Already, corporations are finding ways to exterminate the need for wallets and cards all together. For example, Disney recently implemented 23


Payment using a smartphone is increasingly becoming the norm the option for their visitors to utilize The MagicBand program. This program allows visitors to store a room key, payment device and ticket in a bracelet to wear while exploring the 24

September 2014

park. The bracelets also allow access to the level of the hotel room in which the owner stayed while visiting the resort as well as allowed access to the room alleviating any need for a wallet.


Google recently announced their new feature, Google Wallet, which allows a customer to pay in stores much easier, send money to others and pay for things online. Google Wallet also allows customers to store offers and gift cards, saving the frustration of carrying multiple cards just in case they’re needed at a moment’s notice. For companies that have the option of loyalty points, Google Wallet also allows storage for membership numbers so that each purchase is accounted for. For the moment, stores like Apple have apps that allow customers to make a purchase without waiting in line for a cashier. Google Wallets allows payments to be made in stores where contact-less payments are accepted to make shopping less of a hassle. These advances allow retailers to communicate and engage in a more effective and personal way with customers. By providing app features to tailor the interest of the customers, retailers will see an increase in profit and customer satisfaction. In “The future of retail: emerging technology and store formats.” Steven Keith Platt states, “The shift from multi-channel to omni channel

marketing finds retailers integrating various systems in order to achieve a unified customer experience. Retailers are using technology to improve workforce and task management, including the proliferation of handheld devices for use by retail associates. The future of retail will be about choice, consistency, and customization.” Technology provides an intimate connection between the retailer and the customer. Customers are able to go onto their phone, select an application and browse through hundreds of products at any given point in the day while visualizing their product by looking at photos of people already utilizing each product. Customer visualization alone can significantly raise revenue for thousands of businesses. Specific retail applications can allow the customer to browse through their own interests while simultaneously filling their virtual shopping cart. App reviews provide customer feedback to improve customer experience by evolving with the customer, and enhancing the way customers shop at their own leisure.





MARKETING BIG DATA AS a concept has been floating around for years, but do you know how to harness its potential at your business? Business Review USA offers four reasons why your business cannot do without big data. 1. BIG DATA BUILDS CUSTOMER INTELLIGENCE. For businesses with hundreds to millions of customers, recognition is not always an option. But big data is changing that. Many companies are already using big data to identify their most valuable customers. Big data differs from more narrow applications that focus on just one source, as it can examine a wide range of sources including purchase history, CRM (customer relationship management) data and intelligence from industry partners. It can also pull unstructured information from sources such as social media, bringing stats from network feeds, blogs and videos. Sorting through this information can help companies answer the big picture question of who is using and promoting their services the most and identify those who should be recognized for it. 28

September 2014

BIG DATA GOES W MOBILE TECHNOL 2. BIG DATA DRIVES OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCIES. Big data can help companies drive more operational efficiencies from their current investments. Vehicles can report data collected by onboard sensors and dealer service systems. Some vehicles are equipped with RFID technology, as are crates and packages, which generate massive amounts of field data.


WELL WITH OLOGY These data pools, combined with machine-to-machine technology, are fueling predictive analytics. For example, these services enable equipment to determine their own maintenance schedule, which alerts the supply chain to ensure that replacement parts are always available. Elsewhere, big data is moving from the hands of scientists to those tackling everyday business

transactions. For example, in call centers, CRM systems can review multiple data sources immediately to suggest offers that a representative can impart to a customer. At the doctor’s office, health maintenance apps that contain analytics can present physicians with informed suggestions that improve treatment and provide options to the patient. Retailers can use big data to generate 29


BUILD YOUR CUSTOMER INTELLIGENCE AND REAP THE REWARDS point of sale coupons based on the customer’s current and past purchases. DATA-DRIVEN INSURANCE COMPANIES also stand to benefit from the introduction of big data. Analytics specific to the insurance industry will help expedite claims processing while reducing costs. Fraud, long an issue within the 30

September 2014

insurance industry, can be identified through the use of analytics-based solutions like clickstream analysis that can determine whether a claim is safe to process automatically or should be flagged for review. 3. BIG DATA GOES WELL WITH MOBILE TECHNOLOGY. As companies become more datadriven, it makes sense that data finds

its way into the hands of people who can use it effectively. Mobility will contribute to the impact that big data has on operations and customer relations by speeding up processes across the board. The intelligence and immediate decision-making capability that smartphone technology provides allows users to implement valuable new business processes. Combining big data and mobility

gives frontline employees real-time insights where they need them the most. Those insights stem from blending changing data with data at rest. Mobility also enables real-time field data collection, which adds to the pool of knowledge. For example, a delivery company that uses a fleet can improve their efficiency by using smart technology tools that can provide traffic conditions in real time 31


COMPANIES BIG AND SMALL NEED TO TAKE NOTICE OF BIG DATA and redirect a route in response to information that the driver either inputs or receives. This could cut down on delivery time considerably as well as fuel costs. 4. Big data helps companies of all sizes. Yesterday’s most competitive companies had internal big data departments that were filled with servers and teams of scientists. Such operations obviously weren’t 32

September 2014

within the reach of every business or even necessarily a desired core competency. Likewise, spreadsheets used to be the go-to tool for marketing managers who would collect data from campaigns and process it into meaningful insight. That simply isn’t practical anymore, and it’s rarely being done in today’s businesses. Useful information gleaned from social media and other


unstructured mediums have transformed big data to the point where it no longer fits the spreadsheet model. The data pool has grown and become so complex that it simply cannot be analyzed using yesterday’s tools. Offering data and analytics as a combined service will help solve this problem. Companies of any size can utilize big data by sharing a pool of scientists

and resources, eliminating the need to have individual teams on hand. Big data has created new categories of companies, including those who aggregate and analyze industry data. Many of these companies will be situated among several industry leaders who share their data. This will increase opportunities for companies to get the expertise they need without branching out or taking on a sizable expense. 33

TOP 10


Social T

A run down o companies in

Tools for Business

of the most environmentally conscious n America today Written by: Melissa Martinez


TOP 10



LinkedIn, a social site known for acting as an online resume for individuals looking to expand their career is also a major platform for businesses to create relationships as well as provide exposure to their own business. Recently, LinkedIn has announced a new feature that includes a sales navigator, essentially creating a way to gain the funding and support of cold calling without requiring an individual to physically call and pitch their product or service to an investor. The tool is designed to cut down on

cold calls while boosting sales. The tool is available to more than 313 million member online professional networkers. For a fee ranging from approximately $540 for a basic plan to $1,200 annual packages, social sellers that focus on using online social media to seek sale opportunities and leads, LinkedIn guarantees that salespeople are 51 percent more likely to beat their quota than cold calling the traditional, but tedious way. Paid users are also able to see who is viewing their profile and which company they work for. Also, LinkedIn allows registered users and business professionals to keep a contact list with networking options to build business connections, as well as finding out more information of various businesses. When businesses are looking to hire professionals to join their team, LinkedIn provides leads to qualified individuals that may be interested.

2 36

August 2014

Kickstarter For businesses that are


just starting, Kickstarter is a great platform to gain financial support and to network with a large-scale online community. With features to build a project, get appropriate feedback, launch, get the project funded, and send rewards to supporters, Kickstarter allows businesses to excel financially while creating an large, following of supporters.


well as more business connections.





Like Kickstarter, Indiegogo allows individuals to get financial funding for their business as well as network with other businesses and consumers. The difference from Kickstarter is that Indiegogo allows users to campaign as well as gain a networking platform for their new business.

Sharebloc acts as an information hub for


From individual user to multinational corporations, Twitter acts as a great networking tool as well as a large platform to communicate with consumers, 140 characters at a time. The buffer feature allows businesses to queue tweets in advance and schedule when they should be published. This feature creates a constant voice for a business in the Twitter sphere, giving a business the opportunity for more followers as

consumers that want consolidated content focused solely on businesses their interested in. Users are able to choose which businesses they would like 37

TOP 10

constant updates from while shifting through the businesses that they are not interested in. This way, consumers and networkers don’t take a chance on missing valuable information from their favorite businesses, creating a more personal business connection.



Sharebloc acts as an information hub for consumers that want consolidated content focused solely on businesses their interested in. Users are able to choose which businesses they would like constant updates from while shifting through the businesses that they are not interested in. This way, consumers and networkers don’t take a

chance on missing valuable information from their favorite businesses, creating a more personal business connection.



Since it’s inception, YouTube has provided millions of users and viewers the exposure to make them known. Recently, businesses have registered to YouTube accounts to promote their products or services as well as networking with businesses similar to their own.



While Skype is ideal for keeping in touch with friends around the world, thousands of businesses use Skype to communicate with 38

August 2014


branches or companies internationally. The program allows anyone to call around the world and have a conversation via video chat or instant messaging. This allows companies to network with international businesses and communicate to maintain professional relationships.


DropBox for Business



Through the photo sharing application, Instagram allows business to consumer interaction. By gaining a following, businesses that utilize Instagram are able to share photos and create an online community of consumers or investors to network for their business.

More than 300 million people and 4 million businesses utilize DropBox to effectively maintain communication with employees, vendors and clients by storing files that are accessible from any device. 39

Rock Energy Rock, Reinvented

Since the company’s change of focus in January of 2012, R to become a key figure in Canada’s exploration and produc Written by: Kevin Smead Produced by: Alex Hortaridis

Rock Energy is poised ction fields.



Rock Energy is a company that understands its position in the Canadian energy market. In January of 2012, the company went through what CEO Allen Bey calls a “reinvention.” With fresh, energetic talent and focus now specifically on oil, Rock is looking to become one of Canada’s most sought after exploration and production companies. While Rock has never been through any major financial crisis, the company realized the trajectory it 42

September 2014

was on was not the most sustainable. Seeing more opportunity in Canadian oil, Rock sold off its gas assets. Also, a capable new team was brought in to help lead in this new era. Nearly three years into this reinvention, Rock’s capitalization on the newfound momentum has paid off greatly, and appears it will continue to do so. Currently a 5,000 barrel per day company, Rock believes it can more than double this number in the next 2 to 3 years and plans on doing


Mantario Battery

so by making smart, calculated decisions. Rock wishes to be a lucrative, yet predictable investment that will attract investors.

ground that we can.” This has afforded Rock the ability to play it safe when it comes to tackling projects and managing finances. A Growth-Oriented Approach “Our quarter end debt is $16.8 Taking a growth oriented approach million, which is very low compared starts with Rock’s biggest focus: the against our bank line of $70 million highest possible recovery factor. and our quarterly cash flow of $19 “With the high recovery factor, million,” Bey said. “What that shows you get longest possible reserve is that we have a lot of excess debt life, lowest possible decline, which capacity that we can be flexible with ultimately yields that predictable once we find the right project. We base of production, cash flow, can deploy capital towards it, don’t and sustainability,” CEO Bey said. need to raise any new equity, and “Everything we’re trying to do is to can weather price storms.” get the most possible oil out of the Rock’s two major projects are in w w w. r o c k e n e r g y. c a




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southwest Saskatchewan: the Onward play in the North of Kindersley and Mantario South of Kindersley. “What’s particularly great about Mantario,” Bey says, “is we’ve got a pool producing about 3,500 barrels of oil per day right now and we’re implementing an EOR polymer flood there. Once that’s operational early next year, we’ll have about a 3300-3500 barrel per day production platform that will stay flat for the next 3-4 years. It’s a very strong foundation of cash flow.” These projects are paying off, since 2012 cash flow per share has increased more than 100 percent each year. Production per share is up dramatically as well and is expected to grow another 25 to 30 percent this year.

Allen Bey President and CEO



Weatherford (NYSE: WFT) is one of the largest global providers of products and services that span the drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention cycles of oil and natural gas wells. Weatherford is a new breed of service company—one that can provide the industry with extended products and services, more efficient operations, more powerful research and development capabilities and greater geographic diversity. Website:

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ROCK ENERGY Finding a Balance In order for these numbers to be possible, Rock Energy takes a balanced approach in two key areas: risk versus reward and aptly enough, its actual balance sheet. In balancing its risk and reward, Rock moved operations out of Northern Alberta, where drilling each well cost between $10 and $15 million, to Southern Alberta, where drill and abandonment costs were only $500,000. “Back in the old area, with $30-40 million a year in cash flow, you could drill 3 wells,” Bey said. “Today, we drill today over 60 wells a year. We have to have enough wells to make statistics work so we can afford to continue to explore.” Managing risk is important, as Rock’s focus on sustainable developments is entirely built on reliability. “What shareholders want is to know that they’re going to get paid every day,” Bey said. On the side of the actual balance sheet, Rock always aims to be below a 1 to 1 ratio of debt to cash flow on a long term basis. Despite having higher available bank lines, the


company still believes in keeping the finances in balance, since they need to be ready to weather a storm. “We’re pretty confident in oil prices, but we’re seeing gas prices take a pretty big dive,” Bey said. “They’re coming back a little bit now, but you want to maintain your financial flexibility in that volatile market.” A Rock-Solid Track Record Rock Energy is looking to continue to add to its already impressive asset base. While many companies are moving away from exploration, Rock is continuing successfully as both an exploration and production company. This has worked out brilliantly for Rock, as all of its current assets were exploration discoveries the company made. Not surprisingly, Rock is going to keep forging ahead with this approach. “We’re allocating $12 million to exploration each year for the next several years,” Bey said. “We’re going to take 10 shots per year and we think that’ll yield us one or two more pools, which will continue the growth of the company. Our track record on what we already w w w. r o c k e n e r g y. c a


have done demonstrates some confidence as to where we can go.” While Rock’s previous efforts are already noteworthy, it’s the future that looks particularly bright. The company is looking to expand to 6,000 barrels per day in the next 6 to 12 months and is continuing its exploration efforts in hopes of finding its next reliable asset. In 2 to 3 years, the company hopes to hit 10,000 to 12,000 barrels per day. Eventually, Rock hopes to switch from a growth investment to a Exceptional Service Since 1986

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dividend pay model. To do this, Rock would need to hit its 10,000 barrel per day target, among other things. “We’d need to also have a corporate decline rate that’s less than 20% and make sure the management team at that point is focused on cost control,” Bey said. To get there, Rock is developing its team to be ready to tackle any future challenges the company may face. “They have to recognize it’s a risky business,” Bey admits. “They have to have a fairly decent risk aptitude. In helping to train them, there’s still a few of us old guys still here, and we’re trying to mentor them to take our positions. We’re trying to build the next generation.” Still, working toward the future at Rock is a daily process that starts with making sure its assets are in line with its philosophies. “We want to be able to get a very predictable production base and low decline rate, so we’re making sure the assets we build are like foundation stones for the company,” Bey said. “What we can do every day is make sure we make the right decisions, build the right kind of assets, and have the right foundation stones in this company so that people will always want to own it and we can continue to grow or roll it all into the next thing.”

Company Information INDUSTRY


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$82 Million

w w w. r o c k e n e r g y. c a



The comp

CBC Pipeline, LLC.

CBC Pipeline, Safety is Key

pany has created a culture where safety is always the top priority—and everything else just comes naturally. Written by: Kevin Smead Produced by: Alex Hortaridis



Founded in 1996, CBC Services, Inc. has been a go-to partner for oil and gas pipeline construction, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), and station installations for over a decade. Brothers Greg, Delton, and Jeff Caskey initially founded CBC Services, Inc. as a local contracting company, but CBC expanded in 2003 and now performs full oil and gas pipeline installations throughout the United States. CBC Pipeline, LLC. is headquartered in Goldonna, Louisiana, has a regional office in Cadiz, Ohio, and establishes local field offices in proximity to 52

September 2014

its current projects. The company has completed work in Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, West Virginia, and Louisiana, as well as Ohio. While the company currently has around 300 employees, 2013 was a banner year for CBC, and while a great year is always cause for celebration, CBC actively pursues expansion opportunities, specifically through the creation of Master Service Agreements (MSAs) with potential energy partners. Keith Caskey, CBC’s Engineer and Project Manager, believes CBC’s safety record will definitely be a factor in its


future success. “We are always striving for growth,” he said, “and we are not willing to compromise safety in the process.”

and to establish and insist upon safe practices at all times, by all employees,” Joe Porcaro, Safety Director and Lead Safety Specialist, said. Because of this, safety training Caring About Safety for CBC Pipeline employees begins For CBC Pipeline, safety isn’t just on the day they’re hired. Upon hire, an industry standard: it’s the top employees are drug tested, provided priority. CBC Pipeline believes with personal safety gear (PPE), and its maintenance of a clean safety immediately trained on all safety record gives its partners confidence protocols. It doesn’t end there, though. in its work and at the end of the day, Staying safe is a constant focus, the goal is that both parties leave because safety is everyone’s job. with a record that’s spotless. “We have an open-door policy, “It is the intent of safety to provide so employees know they can report safe and healthy working conditions, any incident at any time,” Porcaro w w w. c b c p i p e l i n e . c o m


CBC PIPELINE, LLC. said. “Also, we have weekly safety communication meetings to discuss and remind employees of the potential hazards they can face daily on their job.” Along with internal safety checks, CBC Pipeline operates under OSHA guidelines. Due to rising industry standards, many of CBC’s employees are Veriforce-trained for their appropriate tasks before going to the field. CBC Pipeline is certified through Veriforce and ISNetworld, and is currently pursuing certification through PICS. “We cover the potential hazards and concerns to make sure that everyone goes home the way they show up,” Gavin Caskey, Project and HDD Coordinator, said. A Full Service Oil and Gas Contractor A clean record of safety is important to CBC Pipeline, no matter what the project. And the projects are, in fact,


quite diverse—spanning the whole oil and gas spectrum from pipeline construction to station installation and from project start to completion. Whether installing small gathering systems, large transmission pipelines, or performing an HDD bore, CBC Pipeline’s highly experienced staff handles each project in a dependable, efficient manner. Currently, CBC Pipeline has a number of major projects underway with big players in the Utica Shale. In addition to its recently-completed 3.6 miles of 6- and 24-inch pipe in Monroe and Noble counties, CBC Pipeline is currently installing over 30 miles of various sized pipelines throughout eastern Ohio. This includes 14 miles of multiple-sized lines in Harrison County, 10 miles of 10-inch, 4 miles of 20-inch, and 1.2 miles of 12-inch pipe in Belmont County, and 5.3 miles of 12-inch pipe in Carroll County.

“It is the intent of safety to provide safe and healthy working conditions, and to establish and insist upon safe practices at all times, by all employees” – Joe Porcaro, Safety Director and Lead Safety Specialist, said. w w w. c b c p i p e l i n e . c o m



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September 2014

Fostering Strong Relationships CBC Pipeline consistently works with a number of different partners and has built relationships based on trust and accountability. “CBC Pipeline’s mission has always been to ensure that every project is completed as safely and effectively as possible in order to provide our clients with utmost satisfaction,” the company writes. “We strive to meet each deadline while providing quality work, excellent service, and a personable experience that will bring our clients back


Company Information

time and again.” Caskey explained that CBC Pipeline’s relationships with those it works with give it a competitive edge. “We take everything they say into consideration and try to do the best every time,” he said. “If there is any job that needs to be done, we will get it done safe and efficiently. We keep at it and try to be the best. We make sure the quality of work remains high, as well as on time and on budget.” This level of interpersonal and organizational excellence have also allowed CBC Pipeline to foster relationships with its supply chain and partners, making for a more efficient and effective completion of any given project. As CBC Pipeline enters its second decade, it hopes to continue the successes of its first, all while continuing to drive improvement and foster growth.

CBC Services, Inc. was established in Goldonna, Louisiana in 1996. Beginning as a local, family oil and gas contracting business, CBC’s reputation for quality and service carried us into new fields and locations. In 2003, in order to satisfy the needs of a growing market, CBC Services, Inc. founded CBC Pipeline-a full-service pipeline company dedicated to meeting the demands of a competitive market.

w w w. c b c p i p e l i n e . c o m


Sharp Energy

Fueling the East: Sharp Ener Propane Trend Sharp Energy is educating the industry on the benefits of propane as a fuel for transportation. Written by: Laura Close Produced by: Michael Magno

rgy Leading the



Autogas Van

Sharp Energy, Inc., is the largest propane energy retailer on the Delmarva Peninsula and a subsidiary of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (NYSE: CPK). Sharp Energy is a member of Alliance Auto Gas network, this is a collection of stakeholders throughout the country 60

September 2014

that include propane retailers, service centers, conversion partners a finance company and equipment manufacturers. The company currently has four public sites where vehicles can be fueled for their customers; Mike Petito, Commercial & Autogas


Infrastructure Pic

Accounts Manager, shared that they are looking to add a fifth public site within the next year. Sharp Energy also facilitates remote private fueling sites if that is what the client requires. Although Sharp Energy’s main service is propane sales, education is also a big part of the company’s strategic plan. Sharing the benefits of making the switch to propane allows Sharp to reach out to both interested transportation companies and companies that were not aware propane was a viable option for their operation. Sharing the Benefits of Propane One of the reasons Sharp Energy became a member of the Transportation Association of Maryland (TAM), was to share the benefits of propane.

“We have our own sales team dedicated towards the sales process and education, we have our own technical services coordinator that facilitates the conversions and does all the maintenance on existing public and private infrastructure. We’re moving forward quickly” – said Petito

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TAM is an organization of transportation companies that researches and provides information on logistics and equipment. The association also brainstorms new ideas and provides a venue for study groups to discuss pertinent news and information in the industry. Sharp Energy joined TAM to help educate companies in the industry that can use propane as a fuel source in lieu of gasoline or diesel. “Education is such a big part of what we do: Reaching out to potential customers and letting them know why propane is a good choice for fuel. By purchasing propane from Sharp Energy, customers will quickly see the results of lower fueling bills, roughly 35-50%” said Petito. There are several noticeable benefits to switching to propane. It’s cheaper; you can save on average $1.25-$1.50 on each gallon by using propane as compared to gasoline. The use of propane contributes 30 percent less greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline as well. And because propane runs 105 to 110 octane (whereas gasoline runs 87 octane), there is less carbon build up on the engine and the oil is cleaner, allowing for the potential to extend the vehicle’s lifespan. The technology of producing propane powered vehicles has also greatly improved in the last several decades, meaning there are less hurdles to owning a vehicle that runs on propane. Ninetyeight percent of propane is produced in the US, which could eventually cut down the country’s dependency on foreign oil.

Bob Zola, President

Mike Petito Commercial & Autogas Accounts Manager

w w w. s h a r p e n e r g y. c o m



Sustainable Infrastructure Sharp Energy is ahead of the curve in the industry. Currently, the majority of propane use as a fuel source for transportation happens in the West and South in the US. There is a growing trend, showing propane usage making its way up the East Coast of the US. To capitalize on the trend when the East catches up, Sharp Energy is now putting in the ground work and infrastructure in the area. “In my opinion, in about 5 to 10 years there will be the crescendo when – I don’t want to say it’s going to be the ‘norm’ – but I really feel that 64

September 2014

you will see a lot of public propane stations available to use,” shared Petito. “I honestly feel in the long term, you’ll actually see gas stations having propane on their fueling islands to compete with gasoline and diesel. We’re trying to stay ahead of the curve and be innovative about it and move forward with it.” The Future of Sharp Energy Sharp Energy has around 36,000 customers and ten offices located in Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and eastern Pennsylvania. To expand their business, the company is looking to establish locations on


Company Information INDUSTRY


Maryland FOUNDED



the western shore of Maryland and further into Pennsylvania, increasing their influence out another few hundred square miles. There are nine public fueling stations planned for the next three to five years as well. With the goal of becoming a leader in alternative fueling, Sharp Energy has dedicated personnel specifically to the cause. “We have our own sales team dedicated towards the sales process and education, we have our own technical services coordinator that facilitates the conversions and does all the maintenance on our existing public and private infrastructure. We’re moving forward quickly,” said Petito.


$86+ million

w w w. s h a r p e n e r g y. c o m


The Delfield Company

Optimizing ingenuity with a focus on tech innovation t

Founded on the east side of Detroit, Michigan, The Delfield a worldwide force in the field of food service manufacturing Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano

Produced by: Jason Wright

d Company has grown to become g



Regarded globally as one of the largest custom stainless steel refrigeration equipment manufacturers, the Delfield Company is a leader in the foodservice equipment industry. Founded in 1949, the company made its start by making custom refrigeration food storage equipment for restaurants and since then it has grown in both size and dexterity. The company has been sold and shared numerous times over the years and was most recently acquired by The Manitowoc Company in 2008. Becoming a part of the Manitowoc Foodservice 68

September 2014

led to some restructuring of the company but allowed for a consistent product mix. In April, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recognized Manitowoc Foodservice with a 2014 Energy Star Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award for their continued leadership in protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency. Currently participating in six Energy Star categories, including fryers, ice machines, refrigerators, freezers, steam cookers, griddles, and ovens, Manitowoc Foodservice increased its Energy Star qualified


portfolio to 1,254 models in 2013 - an increase of over 35 percent over the prior year. Convotherm was able to increase triple fold due to the newest commercial equipment category addition launched in October 2013 by Energy Star and Frymaster increased by nine models due to the expansion of their product line. “Manitowoc Foodservice has earned EPA’s highest Energy Star award – the 2014 Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence Award – because of their unwavering commitment to helping consumers become increasingly more energy efficient,” said EPA Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe. Most recently, Manitowoc KitchenCare has launched a new technical support phone system in North America. Now, when Manitowoc Factory

“We have personnel dedicated to the lean journey and try to use that in every step of the process”

w w w. d e l f i e l d . c o m


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Authorized Servicers call 1-844724-CARE or any of the toll-free technical support numbers for Manitowoc brands, calls are answered by the new system. Early data and feedback show that the system is working as planned. Manitowoc nearly has eliminated any wait times for FAS technicians who need help when on service calls. Chain account customers participating in subscription technical support programs for their restaurants and operations teams also are enjoying faster response.

up [and] doing problem solving.” Exhibiting activities that continuously improves all functions involves the cooperation from all employees, from the CEO to assembly line workers, and great employees makes all the difference. Delfield hires pre-screened applicants through a temporary service and works with major schools in the area, such as Central Michigan University, offering internships. On the floor, some of the primary operations are tech welding of stainless steel, assembly work and electrical work. A focus on being lean Hence, the target skills Delfield Increasing production while looks for in employees is welding reducing waste is a feat all and electrician experience. companies attempt and When it comes to such a large Delfield Company has taken work force, communication is key, certain strategies such as lean according to Hale. manufacturing and kaizen into “It takes a lot of communication consideration to achieve such a goal. and we try to work very closely,” said “We’ve had lean here for quite a Hale. “We try to work very closely few years,” said Don Hale, Director so that we’re all on the same page of Operations at Delfield. “We have and are all trying to do the same personnel dedicated to the lean thing. It’s definitely challenging. It’s a journey and try to use that in every very diverse group in a very diverse step of the process to consider those product so there’s a lot of flexibility principles while we’re setting things that we have to have from everyone.” w w w. d e l f i e l d . c o m


Foam Supplies is Proud to Help Delfield Make Better Products that are Better for the Environment. When you buy Delfield refrigeration equipment, you’re not only buying a quality product, but also one that is environmentally friendly. That’s because Delfield insulates its equipment with ecomate® polyurethane foam from Foam Supplies, Inc. Unlike other types of foam insulation, ecomate® does not contribute to global warming, ozone depletion or SMOG production. Plus, ecomate® offers superior insulating properties, which keeps energy costs low while helping to maintain food freshness. Ecomate is U.S. EPA SNAP compliant, and also complies with the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols. So choosing Delfield products isn’t just good for business…it’s also good for the environment.

Better Products. Better for the Environment.

But this flexibility is something that is easily achieved thanks in part to Delfield’s information technology team. “The software that they provide and maintain is a key to our daily operations,” said Hale. New technology unveiled As a company, Delfield has taken acknowledgement of their current technology and has decided to develop and upgrade their systems. Primarily, in the controls.


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“There is a lot of work going on in the controls, mainly with the packages that go out Company with our units,” said Hale. “We’ve had a lot of Information development in that area to get smarter, keeping the unit clean and health safe, and out of the The Delfield Company hands of the operator and more into the controls was founded in a small of the machine.” building on Detroit’s Additionally, a new fiber laser cutting machine east side in 1949 by has been developed – an upgrade from the Paul DeLorenzo and current CO2 lasers Delfield uses. The advances Thomas Springfield. The in the fiber laser allow for a smoother edge in company name was production and with the first one installed at derived from the “Del” in Delfield, Hale expects it to run much faster than DeLorenzo and the “field” the current CO2s. in Springfield. Today, “We’ve had a lot of overtime because of Delfield is one of the capacity returns and I’m hoping to reduce that largest custom stainless overtime through that equipment,” Hale said. steel refrigeration With new product launches and the recent equipment manufacturers release of a new carts and kiosks line, Delfield has in the world. a lot in store for the coming year. “We’re looking at a lot of international work that we’re supplying for different chain groups,” said Hale. “We’ve got new product launches going on. Several of them right now hopefully the market will appreciate and continue Manitowoc-Company-The-Delfield-Companyto grow.” LLC/164737166921832

w w w. d e l f i e l d . c o m


CG/LA Infrastructure Inc Written by: Norman F. Anderson, President & CEO

c. 75


The North American infrastructure market is poised for take-off, ready to ride the way of three fundamental economic transformations. First, the explosion in energy production has given us a tremendous lift, with natural gas prices at less than $5 MMBtu less then 1/3 of our European and Asian competitors. Second, the tremendous growth in US exports is causing a re-design in our freight infrastructure (rail, ports, waterways, highways and intermodal facilities). Third, the increasing orientation toward transit-oriented communities - particularly among millennials - is creating driving new investments in urban mass transit (heavy rail, light rail and even streetcars) along with social infrastructure (schools and hospitals). CG/LA Infrastructure, a global market maker focused on doubling the level of infrastructure investment focuses on identifying priority projects, and ensuring that those projects go forward optimally as productively and rapidly as possible. Through our Strategic Infrastructure Leadership Forum Series and revolutionary online projects platform, GViP, CG/LA is 76

September 2014

bringing order, predictability and even imagination to the global infrastructure marketplace. Strategic Project Identification Norman Anderson, President and CEO of CG/LA Infrastructure and former project developer, founded the company to help countries and regions around the globe become more competitive and successful by making smart, robust investments decisions on strategic infrastructure projects and initiatives. Strategic project identification is the cornerstone of CG/LA’s global vision - bringing innovative leaders together from both the public and private sectors to focus on specific projects and push them rapidly forward to completion. CG/LA releases a quarterly market intelligence report, the Strategic Top 100, of the top infrastructure projects, with business opportunities in the next 3-18 months, in regions that complement the next Leadership Forum. The Strategic Top 100 is the cornerstone on which the Infrastructure Leadership Forums


are built. The most recent report, The 2014 Strategic Top 100 North America list, shows what is actually required – in terms of financial and human resources – to rebuild the competitiveness of North America. Projects were selected over a sixmonth process, beginning with a preliminary list of over 400 projects and narrowed down using CG/ LA’s proprietary ranking model. Comprised only of shovel-ready projects with business opportunities within the next 3-18 months, the 2014 Strategic Top 100 North America is valued at US$369 billion. Download the Strategic Top 100 NA here.

The Infrastructure Leadership Forum Series As a project developer, Norman saw firsthand that the key to both infrastructure project development and business success was leadership. And the Leadership Forum - whether the Global Forum, the North American Forum, the Bahrain/EMEA Forum or the Latin American Leadership Forum - identify and recognize the dedicated and sophisticated executives who develop the strategic infrastructure that defines their country’s futures. The Leadership Forum events w w w. c g - l a . c o m


Gen. Bostick

CG/LA INFRASTRUCTURE, INC are differentiators in the industry, gathering a community of 500+ experts around a dynamic projects marketplace. Forum events focus on 11 infrastructure sectors, from highways, to power generation to water & wastewater projects, convening a global community that includes decision makers from all aspects of a project lifecycle: financial lenders and investors, legal, design, engineering, and construction firms, as well as owner operators. Save the Date: 6th North American Strategic Infrastructure Forum On October 28-30, 2014, over 500 executives will gather at the 6th North American Strategic Infrastructure Forum at the Mayflower Renaissance in Washington, DC to meet with the sponsors of the Strategic Top 100 infrastructure projects in North America ($369 billion in total project value). The North American Forum is a dynamic 2.5 day event, focused on infrastructure development in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico,


while facilitating business and promoting projects across the region. Key Features of the leadership Forum include: • Project Presentations: Rapid project presentations of priority projects, allowing developers to make targeted presentations focused on their needs and business opportunities. • Private Meetings: Prescheduled private meetings system allows registrants to pre-schedule up to 10 meetings with project sponsors and Forum speakers, for the second day of the Forum. • Workshops and Roundtables: Thought leader discussions and debates on critical issues, fundamental for thinking about and building great infrastructure. • Community Building: Receptions, Special Breakfasts, and especially GlobalViP allow you to build strong relationships with project developers and sponsors, and experts throughout the global infrastructure community. GlobalViP (GViP) GViP harnesses the energy of the Infrastructure Leadership Forum w w w. c g - l a . c o m



Series, taking it online for users to access 24/7/365. GViP brings together nearly 1000 (10,000 by the end of 2014) infrastructure experts as a Just in Time resource for project managers to identify and access critical expertise - when they need it, and how they need it. GViP’s algorithms cut down project development costs by 60%, and diminish the time required to develop a project by 50%. This translates into significant costs


September 2014

savings -- and also generates productivity increases that exceed 100%. Join GViP and access this thriving community of infrastructure experts today. About Norman Anderson As President and CEO of CG/LA Infrastructure, Norman Anderson has 35+ years of competitive project identification, advising strategic infrastructure investment, and conducting regional analysis


Company Information INDUSTRY

Energy/Construction HEADQUARTERS

1827 Jefferson Place NW Washington DC 20036 USA

on energy projects worldwide. As the Founder and President of CG/LA Infrastructure, Inc., Norman oversees the development and execution of CG/LA’s proprietary analytic and regional infrastructure demand models, the successful Leadership Forum Series which selects, highlights, and hosts four regional events focused on infrastructure project investment. He is a member of both the World Economic Forum’s Global Advisory Council on Infrastructure and the Strategic Infrastructure Initiative and is fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Guarani.

w w w. c g - l a . c o m


New Generation Constru

A New Generation of Constr

New Generation Construction Group returns the focus to t Written by: Ian Hanner

Produced by: Tom Venturo

uction Group

ruction Company

the client and the employee



If there’s one thing to take away from a conversation with the senior management team at New Generation Construction Group, it’s that relationships are important to them. Founded in 2009, NGC didn’t just survive the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression; it thrived. It’s taken the company only five years to go from start-up to a business that reported close to $80 million in revenue last year. According to President Justin Hernandez, the relationships that company has built are the glue that holds their vision together. 84

September 2014

“We build relationships,” Hernandez said. “We really focus on understanding our clients [and] delivering a project that meets our client’s needs, but more importantly building a long-term relationship. Approximately 70 to 80 percent of our business is repeat.” That’s a responsibility that NGC takes seriously. Since a company operating in the construction market, like so many others, can go for periods of time without having enough work, many businesses turn to subcontractors for both specialized and generalized labor.


St. Michaels

Forging Strong Relationships NGC currently has around 50 employees, according to Hernandez, but that number fluctuates in the summer when work picks up. It’s precisely for this reason that the company tries to make sure that their subcontractors feel like they’re part of one cohesive team. “We do work with our subs; we don’t beat them up,” said Zach Watson, superintendent. “We try to come up with solutions without holding a gun to their head. We realize that not everything’s perfect and not everything works out well. We try to come to a solution together

that’s going to benefit both of us. People, I think, have begun to see that and say, ‘they’re pretty good guys to deal with.’” And he seems to be right; especially as employees are concerned. “I deal with the subcontractors every day,” Watson added. “A lot of them will come up to me and say, ‘ Hey, I have a nephew’ or ‘a son that’s looking for a job and I told him that you guys would be a good place to work.’ I hear that a lot.” The company doesn’t just attribute their relationships with employees and subcontractors to their desire to w w w. n g c g ro u p i n c . c o m


build strong relationships. They also attribute their growth to that trait. “[Our relationships] have allowed us to grow from doing work for one client in 2010-- we started out doing hourly work with him at $35 an hour-- and now we do roughly $10 to 15 million a year for that client,” Hernandez said. “And it’s through not only building those project with him that we’re successful, but we really focus on that relationship and building a strong relationship based on trust and principles that both

our clients and NGC can respect and build upon. It’s allowed us to continue our growth as they refer us on to many other clients also. I would say that’s what sets us apart and it’s how we’ve grown. It sounds simple, but it goes back to just taking care of the client and really building that relationship while listening to [their] needs.” Looking Forward Now the company has seen those efforts pay off. They’re

N E W G E N E R AT I O N C O N S T R U C T I O N C O N S T R U C T I O N currently working on a host of large scale developments, not the least of which is a $32 million redevelopment project in Lincoln, Nebraska. The project is called the Arena Lofts. It encompasses “68 living units and a rooftop bar between and on top of the original buildings built in 1891 and 1922.” According to Hernandez, “That one’s really been kind of the pinnacle of the company.” So if that’s the pinnacle of the company’s work to date, what’s next for the innovative construction company? “We’ve been on a rapid growth pattern for the last four and a half years,” Hernandez said. “Currently we’ve added a lot of key members to our team that have experience with larger companies and larger projects. We realized that we don’t know everything. And I think that’s also what’s helping us grow strategically. As we move forward, we look for others that can help us answer questions that we might not be experts in.” “I would just like to add that one thing that was unique in our industry is our name: Group,” he added. “I see a lot of companies that are named after one person or two people or initials. It’s New Generation Construction Group. We’re doing things a new, different way that might not be accustomed to the older generation and we’re doing it together as a group.”

Company Information INDUSTRY


Lincoln, Nebraska FOUNDED



$80 million

w w w. n g c g ro u p i n c . c o m


Bosworth Steel Erectors

Employees Take Priority at B

Bosworth Steel sees investing in employees as an investme Written by: Ian Hanner

Produced by: Alex Hortaridis

s, Inc.

Bosworth Steel

ent in the company



The next generation of the company means a lot to Jimmy Kepple and he’s got every confidence that they’ll be able to carry the torch. Kepple is the vice president of project management at Dallas-based Bosworth Steel Erectors, Inc. Having been with the company since 2004, he’s seen Bosworth go through times of plenty and times of economic downturn. Now as a selfproclaimed member of the older generation, he gives more thought to those that will take over when he eventually leaves the company. “The one thing that you can’t 90

September 2014

replace and the one thing that you can’t train is experience,” Kepple said. “So what we’re trying to do is take [from] some of the older generation, which I guess I’m considered now, and pass some of those decades of knowledge to the younger generation to shorten the learning curve.” Formerly a part of John F. Beasley Construction Company, the organization was founded in 1995 when John Bosworth and a few other partners purchased company assets and started Williams-Beasley, which would later become Bosworth Steel. While


Bosworth Steel’s predecessor had already seen a good deal of success, it was no easy task building the company into the trusted and thriving organization it is today. “From day one, the company has had a reputation to maintain,” reads the company’s website. “[John Bosworth] also became responsible for maintaining the legacy of customer satisfaction.” The efforts of everyone at Bosworth Steel appear to have paid off. Kepple estimated that last year the company brought in about $28 million

“We’ve had about three years of drought in the industry with the economic system taking the dive that it took, but that seems to be turning around nicely now” – Kepple

w w w. b o s w o r t h s t e e l . c o m


BOSWORTH STEEL ERECTORS, INC. in revenue. To add to any pride they might feel over their financial success, Bosworth has attracted a number of high profile clients in not just the company’s native Texas, but nationwide. Significant Projects One of their most notable projects is the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C., slated to open in 2015. According to Kepple, the museum is being built


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with two floors below ground and eight above in a heavy cantilever structural system with four interior concrete core walls. Bosworth has been an integral part of the process the whole way as a construction consultant. Bosworth has also been involved in a project for Lockheed-Martin relating to their F-35 aircraft, which is being developed for use throughout the U.S. military. “Lockheed’s expanding their production capacity, specifically for the F-35,” Kepple


said. “We’re currently finishing up on a component final finish addition [and] looking at a total expansion on the paint building for the F-35. We built the first building for Lockheed in 2007. They’ve got [more] funding now and they’re doubling the capacity of that building.”

or redevelopment of the Browns Stadium in Cleveland,” Kepple added. “Last year we completed the new Cleveland Convention Center. And those were specifically clientdriven jobs there. We don’t normally go to Ohio.”

Next Level Training Plans for Expansion Kepple said he feels none of the Despite the bevy of high profile company’s successes would be clients that Bosworth has been possible if not for the excellent doing business with, Kepple employees that work for them. remains optimistic about the Feeling that the employees are the company’s ability to expand to an company’s greatest asset, Bosworth even greater market. invests heavily in on-the-job “I think we’ve got room to expand. training. In addition to extensive It’s kind of an evolving market,” he safety training that Kepple said said. “We’ve had about three years goes “above and beyond” industry of drought in the industry with the standards, the company also economic system taking the dive that offers a course for employees who it took, but that seems to be turning want a career rather than a job in around nicely now. We’re able to steel erecting. actually look at projects that have “[We] do that through a program a little bit more potential for profit in the company called Next Level margin in them. And of course the Training where we’ll take some of potential for profit margin drives our the brighter, more enthusiastic, desire to go to the national market.” interested, younger guys--and the Bosworth has recently been key word there is interested-- and operating in states that, in the past, we’ll actually try to have them absorb they have had little, if any role in. some of that decades of trial and “We’re also doing the expansion error so that what might have taken w w w. b o s w o r t h s t e e l . c o m



us four or five years to learn, they can learn in a 30 day class session,” Kepple said. All of this eases any uneasiness Kepple has for once he steps down 94

September 2014

from his role. “There comes a point in time that older steps down for younger,” he said. “My hope is that all the work that we’ve done as ‘olders’ transfers


Company Information Bosworth Steel Erectors, Inc. is an industry innovator in steel construction and modification. From project conception to implementation and completion we lead the way with experience, knowledge, and leadership.

over to the ‘youngers’ and they just take it and improve from there. At that point in time when it’s all running well ... I’ll step aside.”

Founded in 1995, we have been sculpting the skyline with elegance, beauty and grace for hundreds of satisfied clients across the globe. Bosworth Steel Erectors, Inc. can keep your project moving forward and meet your completion date.

w w w. b o s w o r t h s t e e l . c o m


Ocala Water Resources

Ocala Water Resources Comme Construction to modify Wastew Facility to Increase Nitrogen Rem

Ed Earnest, Water Resources Engineer, discusses Ocala W one of the Wastewater Reclamation Facilities to increase n effluent and the plans for modification and expansion of (2 so that 100% of the waste water receives increased nitroge Wastewater Treatment) standards. Written by: Lindsey Ryan

Produced by: Tom Venturo

ences water Reclamation moval

Water Resources project to modify nitrogen removal in the wastewater 2) two other city operated facilities en removal, to AWT (Advanced



The City of Ocala’s Water Resources Department is over one hundred years old and in the early years began by modest means with manual labor, and hand dug and/or pulled a plow behind truck to begin to lay pipe and supply the increasing need for essential water and sewer utility services. In the early 1900’s Ocala bought out a private water company, developed its own power company and in 1949 built its first wastewater treatment facility to meet the increasing needs of the growing community. Ocala currently is in the master planning stages of what will the needs be in 98

September 2014

the future and how will it overcome those with limited funding resources, increasing regulatory requirements and a community that feels an economic impact. One option is a comprehensive plan that looks at the utility as one environmental engine that strives for a holistic approach by upgrading treatment systems so that they are more efficient, have less of an energy use footprint, and are still able to supply the same demand but at a lower cost and is better option for both the business and the environment. Ed Earnest, Water Resources Engineer, discusses the most recent

W AT E R A N D S E W E R / U T I L I T I E S

project Ocala Utilities has been working on and what the plans are for the future to bring all three Ocala Utility Wastewater Reclamation Facility locations up to the state’s new regulatory requirements. Earnest graduated from University of South Florida with a bachelor of science in civil engineering and began working for with City of Ocala for twenty six years ago. 100% Recycled Water Ocala Utility Services prides itself on providing high quality and 100% recycled wastewater to the community and in 2008 they were

able to reach 100% recycled “AA” bio-solids as well. The city had in the past used Land application of class “B” Biosolids, however in 2003 the city contracted with a company to build a dryer facility at one of its wastewater treatment facilities, that uses an indirect drying process to reduce moisture and kill pathogenic organisms, and then contracts with a company called “Nutri-Source” to a distribute the “AA” Biosolids to the agriculture market for fertilizer. In 2008, they had their other two facilities set up to route to this facility so that everything is being recycled 100%. w w w. O c a l a f l . o r g


Ocala Water Reclamation Facility

AUMA Actuators is a manufacturer of Electric Valve Actuators and Manual Gearboxes for Valve Automation. 724-743-2862

O C A L A WAT E R R E S O U R C E S Earnest explains, “We’re 100% reuse on our water and 100% on our Bio-solids. Basically in waste water, after the treatment you separate the water from the solids so you have reclaimed water and you have what we call bio-solids and we’re able to recycle our reclaimed water 100% meaning we put it back on the ground at golf courses, baseball fields soccer complexes, and parks and a few residential re-use areas. The Bio-solids we actually treat to “AA” standards and we’re able to sell it to a fertilize company. Any water that comes through the treatment plant we’re able to recycle 100% so we don’t waste anything.” New Reclamation Facility Now that the waste water Ocala Water Resources produces is 100% recycled, the new goal is to focus on spring protection and the removal of nitrogen from wastewater. Ocala Water Resources has (3) three Wastewater Reclamation Facilities (WRFs) and though WRF #3 was built in 2003, with some modifications in 2012, it can remove nitrogen down to the level of AWT

standards that the state approves of, the other two WRFs do not. This prompted Ocala Utilities’ current project to convert WRF #2, a 6.5 million gallons per day facility, into a location that also removes nitrogen at a level that meets the state requirements. Ocala Water Resources reached out to a company called OVIVO, who originally assisted in the design of WRF #3, to confirm if WRF #2 could also be modified to remove nitrogen. OVIVO evaluated the plant and determined that it could be altered to remove nitrogen, and not only that, they could do it without having to build a new treatment system, which had been made by a previous engineering firm working with the city. “We started working with [OVIVO] directly and put together this project and we’re able to save over a million dollars in design services by doing it in house and by converting the existing basins to a “hot-dog” type Carrousel treatment design. Our consulting engineers were estimating a cost of around $18 million to do everything and when the project went out to bid it came w w w. O c a l a f l . o r g



back in at approximately $10.5 million, so we were able to save about $8 million by converting our existing basins and using the concrete basins that we now have, and just modifying them to incorporate the new design,” says Earnest. In addition to saving money by modifying the existing basins, the St. John’s River Water Management District (SJRWMD), the Florida


September 2014

Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the State of Florida have also contributed to the funding, further reducing the cost to the rate payer. Earnest is happy to announce that, “We were able to get 31% grant from SJRWMD and DEP, along with the state granting the city an additional $750,000 toward the project costs. We’ve received approximately $4 million through grants so instead of costing the tax

W AT E R A N D S E W E R / U T I L I T I E S

payers $10 million out of our reserves to fund the project, it’s going to cost us around $6 million.� Ocala Water Resources awarded the project to Brandes Design Build on May 6, 2014, and commenced construction on June 9, 2014. The project is predicted to be 535 days of construction and is expected to be completed by November 26, 2015.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Water and Sewer/ Utilities HEADQUARTERS

Looking Forward Once WRF #2 is completed, the near future goal will then be to take WRF #1 offline, as it was built in 1949 and is an outdated facility, and reverse the flows so that all flows are going through WRFs #2 and #3 so that all the water flowing through Ocala Water Resources wastewater treatment facilities will have nitrogen removed to the level of AWT that the state approves of, and will be required to reduce nitrogen loading for Springs protection. Designs are also currently in the planning horizon to expand WRF #3 and expand that facility from a design capacity of 4 million gallons per day to design capacity of 8 million gallons per day which will assist in maintaining current total treatment capacity when WRF #1 goes off-line and will add some additional capacity for future growth. Just as was done for the current WRF #2 treatment facility improvement project, when the design has been completed, Ocala Water Resources will try to reduce costs and applying for any available grants to help with the funding.


Over 100 years ago EMPLOYEES


$25.6 million/per year

w w w. O c a l a f l . o r g


York Region District Sch

York Region District School B Advancing student achievem well-being through public ed

Serving nine municipalities, York Region District School Bo education, honouring tradition, embracing the future and m Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano

Produced by: James Gilligan

hool Board

Board: ment and ducation

oard is a leader in public maintaining a worldly view 105


Director, J. Philip Parappally


ork Region District School Board has been part of a nearly 200-year evolution of education in Ontario, Canada. From the separation of elementary and secondary schools in 1867 to 106

September 2014

the incorporation of new trustees and staff in 1969, the board has surpassed challenges with innovation, determination and optimism. Starting the 2014-2015 school


Richmond Hill H.S. students and staff wear pink to support anti-bullying efforts

year, the board will have 206 schools within its jurisdiction – 174 of those being elementary schools and 32 of them secondary schools. Four are new to the district this year: Beckett Farm Public School, Anne Frank Public School, Robert Munsch Public School and Tommy Douglas Secondary School, the newest high school in the region. This has been an exciting year for York Region District School Board. They launched a new Mission, Vision and Values statement earlier this year, and the Board’s first slogan – Inspire Learning! The Board’s mission is to advance student achievement and well-being through public education, which motivates learners, fosters inclusion and builds community.

“We’re really focused on the environment and looking at ways that we can be more sustainable and be better environmental stewards”

w w w. y r d s b . c a


YORK REGION DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Focus on health, social equality Mental and physical well-being is a primary focus at York Region District School Board. “Healthy schools are really essential for students to reach their full potential,” said J. Philip Parappally, Director of the board. “It’s an important focus in our board.” Action plans that outline their commitment to both mental and physical well-being are submitted by individual schools and, upon approval, are designated as

“comprehensive healthy schools.” The board’s mental health and wellbeing leads assist schools with coordinating such plans to become a part of a larger board plan. The board has in place a Performance Plus Program that provides additional resources and supports to schools that may be experiencing social or economic challenges. These resources could include additional staff, programming support or after school programs.

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Going green Approximately five years ago, the board decided to take a look at their schools and determine how they could reduce their environmental footprint. “We’re really focused on the environment and looking at ways that we can be more sustainable and be better environmental stewards,” said Parappally. “We have a number of green initiatives that we work on in the schools and in the workplace,” added Parappally. “We are a part of the EcoSchool Certification Program which is an Ontario-wide program. So in the past three years, we’ve had over 180 schools and workplaces receive various levels of Ontario EcoSchool Certification for their commitment to reducing their ecological footprint and for being environmentally responsible.” The board has a designated team that oversees various activities related to the environmental sustainability work aimed to reduce waste, conserve energy and educate others on “being green.”

New leadership On August 1, J. Philip Parappally began his new position as Director of Education. The appointment followed the retirement of Ken Thurston. Beginning his education career more than 20 years ago, Parappally joined the board in 2000 as a vice principal. He quickly moved up the ranks and later served as Superintendent of Schools, prior to his promotion. “Mr. Parappally brings a strong knowledge of our board, having worked in it since 2000. He has a solid understanding of our goals and our priorities, but he also brings a fresh perspective , along with his own ideas and his own leadership skills,” said Anna DeBartolo, Chair of the Board of Trustees. “I’m confident he will provide the leadership, guidance and vision to ensure our board continues to build on our success and improve student achievement and well-being.” Upcoming developments Board staff are excited to introduce the York Region District School Board mobile app later this year. The app, currently in production, w w w. y r d s b . c a



will provide information about the school board and a wealth of information from contact information and addresses to breaking news and updates. “We have a website and we use


September 2014

various social media tools but the app will really make it easy for us to provide information about bus cancellations, news we want to share with our community, and information about our schools,�


Company Information INDUSTRY


Ontario, Canada York Region District School Board is the third largest school district in Ontario, with over 121,000 students in 171 elementary schools and 31 secondary schools. York Region students consistently perform above average in provincial testing and the Board is one of the top achievers in Ontario.

said Parappally. “It is one more way we can communicate with our students, parents and staff members.� York Region District School Board is a leader in public education, empowering students to become engaged and caring citizens of the world.

w w w. y r d s b . c a


Videojet Technologies In

Offering Top of the Line Code a World Leader in Coding an

Director of Product Management and Systems Solutions, J Videojet Technologies Inc. has grown to become a world le technology offers high quality Code Assurance to custome Written by: Lindsey Ryan

Produced by: Michael Magno


e Assurance as nd Marking

John Nobers, discusses how eader and how their innovating ers



High resolution Videojet Thermal Ink Jet Printers meet code requirements in pharmaceuticals and other industries

“What our software does is to help ensure not only that you’ve selected the right code for the product, but it also tells each downstream printing operation the exact code to put on the bottle or the aggregate case set. As a customer, you can trigger your 114

September 2014

line from one printer. You don’t have to set up another printer or punch in another number. Our software automatically sets Code Assurance in your line,” states Nobers. This provides a great value to customers both in their productivity and


Videojet Technologies Inc. is a worldwide leader in the product identification market. They offer coding and marking solutions to customers and with over 3,000 employees and thirty direct operations around the world, Videojet provides all regions with high quality service and code assurance. Code Assurance is the Videojet comprehensive approach to centralized message management and printing control to ensure the right code is on the product or primary package and matches the secondary package, and so on through production, to confirm that shipments are labeled and packaged correctly time after time. Director of Product Management and Systems Solutions, John Nobers, explains the importance of Code Assurance in all industries and how Videojet offers exceptional services by listening to customers and assisting them in determining the best solution for their specific business. Nobers explains that “the challenge for us is that we are always looking

to enable a customer’s solutions in whatever industry they may be. Our goal is to understand a customer’s needs and help them choose the right coding technology for their packaging.” Offering Dependable Code Assurance So how does Videojet ensure Code Assurance for their customers? By focusing on some of the main challenges customers have in their coding processes, Videojet can accurately identify the solutions that best meet customers’ objectives. Since customers are always looking to provide the best for their customers, they’re looking for high code quality and productivity to make sure the right code is consistently in the right place on the right product at the right time. Videojet can offer this because their printers are designed to provide low maintenance, low intervention and high uptimes, which allow for less downtime on customers’ lines and longer run times between preventive maintenance.


providing a better value. There are many opportunities for a system to fail in a production line, so Videojet prides itself on maintaining reliability. Videojet has developed technology that can identify when there is a problem within the production and notify the customer so that continued coding errors do not appear on the products. Nobers explains, “We make sure that our customers’ products are getting the marking and coding they need for

General Wire Products, Inc. is a leading edge wire and cable manufacturing company with a commitment to excellence. We offer the technology base and product capabilities of tomorrow with the craftsmanship and attention to detail of yesterday.

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their products and if they aren’t, our printers have the ability to provide warnings or auto shut-downs to alert the customer to take action.” Global Launch of the Videojet 9550 Print & Apply Labeler Recently, Videojet launched its newest labeler the 9550. This new innovation helps the customer reduce downtime and reduce the cost of ownership for parts while offering incredible ease of use. The ribbons on the label reels can be changed in less than 60 seconds. “That’s the type of innovation we bring to the market,” Nobers proudly states. “It’s strengthening an area where we listen to our customers when they need more. That’s the type of innovation and investment we use to bring more value to our customers and help them advance their product lines.” The 9550 was launched the first week of May and has had great success since this global launch. Continuous improvement Videojet focuses on a number of LEAN manufacturing continuous

VIDEOJET TECHNOLOGIES INC. improvement processes and employs them throughout the company’s business, whether it’s in the product development process or their manufacturing system. Employees go through a training program to incorporate LEAN best practices and are trained in Problem Solving Processes (PSP) so that they can best assist customers in getting to the root of the problem to create an effective resolution that has the greatest impact. Nobers explains that there are three very important objectives to Videojet as a company: listening to customers, enabling solutions for customers, and continuing this listening and enabling to bring value to customers’ businesses and provide the best marking and coding solutions worldwide. “We listen to our customers. I think that’s the most important thing. We listen and we take that information and turn it into value for our customers. And then within our own business, we’re always trying to optimize our process and execution. It’s critical to bring that value to our customers and re-invest in the markets and businesses that we’re in,” says Nobers.


Company Information INDUSTRY

Coding and Marking HEADQUARTERS

Illinois FOUNDED




Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo HFSE


Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo Fosters Collabora Chicago Conference Author name: Liz Miller , Marketing Director



ation & Innovation in Annual



The Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo is the original event that examines the trends in healthcare and the trends in healthcare design as one single movement. Industry leaders from design firms to healthcare owners come together for three days of education and collaboration. The Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo will take place September 30 - October 2, 2014 in Chicago with pre-conference events on September 29, 2014. Resonating through the event is the theme of Building Connections. The Healthcare Facilities 120

September 2014

Symposium & Expo is known as a collaborative environment where connections are formed through networking opportunities, sparked by creative ideas, and answering the challenges of attendees by connecting them with solution providers or expert speakers. A hallmark of the event is the willingness of attendees to look past competition and share ideas to further the mission of turning brilliant design into improved healthcare delivery. Building Connections is also echoed by keynote presenter John S. Milne, MD, MBA, FACEP, Founder


and CEO, Avnew Health. Milne will explore the rapid transformation of healthcare delivery and discuss trends including ACO structures, mobile apps, and big data. “I am incredibly excited to be addressing healthcare planners and facility designers at this year’s Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo” says Milne. “I hope that through my presentation, they will see the connections between care delivery trends and the built environment and be inspired to transform the way patients experience healthcare” The conference program will feature sessions presented

by leading healthcare facilities and design firms. Case-studies and instructional sessions will tackle issues challenging design teams today including integrating technology, influence of the Affordable Care Act, sustainability, renovation projects, and the task of doing more with less. Returning for the second year is the Student Charette sponsored by CannonDesign and in partnership with AIA Chicago, the AIA Chicago Healthcare Knowledge Community and The Caritas Project. Promoting interaction and idea exchange between university students and w w w. h c a re f a c i l i t i e s . c o m



attendees, this year’s design challenge will be Completely Reimagining Outpatient Health and Wellness Environments. A Technology Pavilion featured in the Exhibit Hall will bring big data alive in an enticing visual display where attendees will interact and explore how technologies are helping us view, investigate, 122

September 2014

analyze data and understand how technology can make a difference for a health system seeking to know their patients and proactively manage their health. “Two years ago the advisory board of the Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo saw a need to bring technology to the exhibit floor” said Gary Collins, Principal, PFB


Architects. “Something that would capture the interest and imagination of the younger tech generation yet offer real solutions for today’s Healthcare leaders. I was fortunate that Jenabeth Ferguson, VP, Symposium Director, and her staff believed in my Technology Pavilion idea and now we are preparing to launch an immersion experience

like no other.” The project is led by Sensory Technologies, Blue Cottage, Power Construction, PFB Architects, KaziaLi Design Collaborative, Koroseal Interior Products, and Interface. Details: The 2014 Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo includes: w w w. h c a re f a c i l i t i e s . c o m



John Milne

• Educational sessions featuring case-studies and instructional sessions presented by the upper echelon of thought leaders and industry authorities. • Exclusive networking opportunities on the show floor and 124

September 2014

off-site, including The Symposium Party with activities, music and the Annual Raffle which will benefit The Cure It Foundation. • An Exhibit Hall with the latest products and solutions critical to designing cutting-edge facilities.


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: 5520 Park Avenue, Suite 305 Trumbull, CT 06611

• Facility tours of the Northwestern Medicine’s 259 East Erie Facility and the Erie Family Health Center (Waukegan). For more information on the Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo please visit www. .

w w w. h c a re f a c i l i t i e s . c o m


Cisco Infrastructure Excellence Brings Market Leadership The Global Service Supply Chain division sees technological agility and the expected boom in the Internet of Things as key components to its ongoing world-class services Written by: Sam Jermy Produced by: Craig Daniels



“Cisco’s strategy is to be number one or extremely close to number one in every market we participate, while growing to at least 40 percent market share in each segment” – Marco van Duijnhoven, Director of Global Repair Operations

Cisco relies on more than 600 suppliers worldwide to manufacture, test, ship, and recycle products


September 2014


he Global Service Supply Chain (GSSC) division of Cisco is hoping to capitalise on the potential $19 trillion value of the Internet of Everything (IoE) revolution after succesfully growing its global installed base to more than $400 billion. This growth in the Cisco installed base of networking equipment such as switching, routing, servers and storage facilities nearly doubled over the past five years and has been supported by ongoing investments in people, processes and technology; something which the company believes is foundational to its evolution. Going back as early as the era of the 1990s, Cisco realised the importance of supply visibility, global demand and process automation and was busy introducing technologically agile tools to stay ahead of the industry curve. The company, which is headquartered in San Jose, California and has 380 global sites doing business in over 165 countries, now sits on the cusp of another digital revolution as it plans to utilise its market expertise to its advantage and gain a share of the $19 trillion expected to be generated from IoE. For Cisco GSSC, part of CiscoServices, it is much more than getting replacements parts to the right place at the right time. The team has a wideranging mission spanning inventory management and distribution, demand planning, service entitlement, fulfillment, vendor management, configuration, lifecycle support, and logistics,


through to acquisition integration and compliance. Marco van Duijnhoven, Director of Global Repair Operations within Cisco’s service supply chain, said: “Cisco’s strategy is to be number one or extremely close to number one in every market we participate, while growing to at least 40 percent market share in each segment. “We’re in a transformational era where we’re beginning to see people, process, data, and things come alive as part of the Internet of Everything; a growing network of everyday things like cars, refrigerators or street lamps that use a web connection to communicate with each other and the people around them. “This transformational era is creating new connections, turning information into action, and creating a huge financial opportunity.” With over 1,100 depots worldwide, Cisco’s service supply chain provides hardware replacement in 128 countries and delivers 840,000 parts annually, so naturally there is an acute focus on supply chain

SUSTAINABILITY Cisco is committed to sustainable and responsible business practices with regard to ethics, labour, health and safety, diversity, and the environment. Sustainability represents as much as eight percent of the total score on our business scorecard for suppliers

Cisco Systems headquartered in San Jose

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transformation to support the customer experience and expected business outcomes from the Internet of Everything. This supply chain transformation includes investments in web services, analytics, data modelling, virtualisation and decision support to provide a pathway from reactive to proactive and predictive capabilities; from real-time monitoring of end-to-end business processes, automatic detection and management of deviations from plan, to real-time reporting and analysis of operational metrics and trends.

With over 1,100 depots worldwide, Cisco’s service supply chain

Internet of Everything Cisco is the only company with market share leadership across all its industry segments, and its diverse product portfolio from


provides hardware replacement in 128 countries and delivers 840,000 parts annually


Knowledge. Expertise. Focus. Celestica provides end-to-end solutions, from Joint Design and Manufacturing through After-Market Services. We service customers in the enterprise computing, communications, industrial, healthcare, smart energy, aerospace and defense sectors. Our global Centers of Excellence are designed to support specific market segments, which allows us to stay ahead of the curve and develop the most optimal market-centric solutions for our customers. Our knowledgeable team understands your industry and can help you gain competitive advantage. Website:

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inControl, Jabil’s Intelligent Control Tower, is a holistic, integrated commercial solution inControl, Jabil’s Intelligent Control Tower, is a holistic, integrated commercial solution powered by data-driven analytics that uncovers hidden costs and pain points by providing powered by data-driven analytics that uncovers hidden costs and pain points by providing customers with actionable metrics, competitive benchmarking and risk management and customers with actionable metrics, competitive benchmarking and risk management and mitigation strategies in a progressive graphical user interface. mitigation strategies in a progressive graphical user interface.

inControl helps inControl helps customers manage customers manage a wide variety of a wide variety of unpredictable risk unpredictable risk factors while factors while proactively proactively optimizing their optimizing their business both business both financially and financially and operationally. operationally.

Holistic Solution Solution Holistic Supply Chain Chain Expertise Expertise && Supply ProprietaryTools Tools Proprietary IntegratedAnalytics Analytics && Integrated Benchmarking Benchmarking Cross-Industry Cross-Industry Experience Experience Proven Results Results && Proven

Globally Globally partnering with partnering with only financially only financially sound suppliers, sound suppliers, major and minor, major and minor, Jabil is able to Jabil is able to insulate customers insulate customers from supply chain from supply chain disruptions and disruptions and maintain business maintain business continuity during continuity during times of high risk. times of high risk.



collaboration, data centre and the cloud, to security and unified computing, has seen it grow nearly four-fold since 2005. Its growth strategy is aligned to several technology transitions that are combining to enable IoE. This includes the Internet of Things (the networked connection of physical objects), increased mobility, the emergence of cloud computing, and the growing importance of big data. The Internet of Everything is expected to have five to 10 times the impact of the original Internet and it is expected to create $14.4 trillion for the private sector, while $4.6 trillion of the overall $19 trillion value will come from the public sector. There are five main drivers of the IoE value at stake: Asset utilisation reduces selling,

“The substantial opportunity customers stand to gain through the Internet of Everything cannot be fully realised without Cisco technology”



Jabil’s unique combination of global expertise, ingenuity, analytics and financial performance has contributed to the success of the world’s most well known brands. We help companies design, build and take their products to market quickly, affordably and efficiently. But more than that, Jabil helps customers intelligently design their supply chains to be agile, economical and effective even in uncertain times. Website:

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Making your customers smile is our primary goal... Trusted partner of the worlds’ leading electronic brands

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JABIL AFTERMARKET SERVICES ARE MERGING INTO IQOR Think of it as a superhighway of support services to get you where you need to go. The combination of Jabil Aftermarket Services with iQor creates the first global company to provide strategic solutions that span the consumer value chain, from customer care and repair solutions to services parts logistics network maintenance and infrastructure repair. Our award-winning technology, logistics and analytics platforms enable us to measure, monitor, and analyze brand interactions, improve business processes, and find operational efficiencies that lead to superior outcomes for our partners across the customer and product lifecycles.



general, and administrative expenses and cost of goods sold by improving business process execution and capital efficiency; Employee productivity creates labour efficiencies that result in increased productivity; Supply chain and logistics efficiency eliminates waste and improves process efficiencies; Improved customer experience occurs as customer lifetime value is increased and market share grows by adding more customers. Lastly, innovation increases the return on R&D investments, reduces time to market, and creates additional revenue streams from new business models and opportunities. “The substantial opportunity customers stand to gain through the Internet of Everything cannot be fully realised without Cisco technology,” the company stated.

As part of its supply chain transformation, Cisco has introduced a platform for real-time ‘Sense and Respond’ capabilities

Infrastructure and Investments Within Cisco’s service supply chain, business agility is directly linked to systems flexibility. Service levels change as new service offerings are introduced and new products may require delivery options that cannot be serviced with a static systems footprint. Specifically within the Service Supply Chain, two years ago Cisco created a vision for a proactive organisation; one that could build and provide services faster than ever before. In collaboration with Capgemini and Pegasystems, it is crafting solutions to accelerate time to capability to address ever-changing market

Repair and refurbishment reduces product cost, extends product utilization and minimizes the amount of waste in our landfills

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Automated test lines running multiple test stations

“Achieving our vision to become a proactive service supply chain is well underway; at the Pegaworld 2014 conference in June, we won the Business Impact Award for our work in the Service Supply Chain domain” – Marco van Duijnhoven


September 2014

forces and has adopted Pega as a platform for real-time ‘Sense and Respond’ capabilities for Global Service Supply Chain operations. “As our business grows, we cannot incrementally increase our operations costs. So as a business, we rely heavily on our systems and partners to meet our delivery service level agreements,” van Duijnhoven said. “Achieving our vision to become a proactive service supply chain is well underway; at the Pegaworld 2014 conference in June, we won the Business Impact Award for our work in the Service Supply Chain domain.” By 2020, there will be approximately 50 billion objects connected to the internet, generating a tremendous amount of data. It is also projected that in this year alone the number of mobileconnected devices will exceed the number of people on earth. Subsequently, this means speed, agility



and flexibility are all needed to spearhead both the adoption and support of new technologies, such as cloud, to enable fast access to IT and new applications.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Competitive advantage Year after year, Cisco has focused on disrupting the technology market to deliver intelligent networks and technology architectures built on integrated products, services, and software platforms. The company’s innovation began with the first multi-protocol router in 1984. By 1993, it had $714 million in revenue and had hit a milestone of shipping 100,000 routers. Most recently, Cisco engineers introduced the Network Convergence System—or Cisco NCS ; it provides the performance and intelligence needed to cope with increasing mobility and cloud computing, as well as the broad capabilities to manage the Internet of Everything. Van Duijnhoven concluded: “As the market continues to change, we’ll continue to see around corners. We’ll also continue to put our customers first, making adjustments where needed. In the 2013 financial year, the corporation spent $5.9 billion, making it one of the top research and development spenders in the world. “At the end of the day, it’s about solving our customers’ problems and helping them succeed.”




75,049 REVENUE

Q4 FY’ $12.4 billion PRODUCTS/ SERVICES

Networking Equipment

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