Lifelong learning Talks, Lectures and Webinars

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This Program allows clergy and other religious professionals to earn con>nuing educa>on credit (CEUs) by taking selected residen>al courses. No academic credit toward a degree program current or future can be earned in this way. A short applica>on, and final paper are required. Recharge, refresh, and renew yourself for ministry and life in the Pastor Scholar Program. Study with Boston University School of Theology’s world class faculty and dedicated students in an intellectually challenging and spiritually rewarding atmosphere. Pastor Scholars take regular Boston University School of Theology courses for Con>nuing Educa>on credit. Tui>on for the fall semester is $150 per course.

School of Theology, 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215

Contact Ms. Valen>na Pride, 617-­‐353-­‐3051

October to December 2013 Boston University School of Theology offers many opportuni9es for con9nuing your theological educa9on in conversa9on with diverse students and world-­‐class professors. Many events are free, open to the public, and require no previous registra9on or experience.

STH Office of Lifelong Learining

Image used with permission by Michael Zhang



RSVP N OW for these Sessions "Mass Incarcera5on, Retribu5ve Jus5ce and Retribu5ve Theology: The Response of Restora5ve Jus5ce" Mass incarcera>on, a civil rights and human rights nightmare, is driven in part by a retribu>ve jurisprudence and a retribu>ve theology. This webinar will explore this reality and discuss how restora>ve jus>ce creates a jurisprudence and theology that is faithful to the Gospels and leads us towards alterna>ves to incarcera>on. Thomas W. Porter, Jr., Lecturer Thursday, October 31st, @11:30am-­‐12:30pm RSVP no later than October 29 “The Reforma5on and Marriage” The Reforma>on and Marriage: A brief explora>on of the debates and transforma>ons in Chris>an understanding of marriage and sexuality and the ins>tu>on and prac>ce of marriage that took place in the Reforma>on(s) of the sixteenth century, in the context of the late medieval church and its understanding and law of celibacy, marriage, and hierarchy. Christopher Boyd Brown, Associate Professor of Church History Friday, November 8th @11:30am-­‐12:30pm RSVP no later than October 29 “Revisi5ng The American Dream in Disillusioned Times” This webinar will use James Truslow Adams and Mar>n Luther King, Jr.’s work along with basic story-­‐making elements to provide perspec>ve and inspire hope. Elizabeth Parsons, Lecturer in Religion, Culture, and DevelopmentDate Thursday, December 5th @11:30am-­‐12:30pm RSVP no later than October 29 If you would like to adend one or all of these webinars, please RSVP to Ms. Valen>na Pride at or 617-­‐353-­‐3051

OTHER U PCOMING TALKS & L ECTURES School of Theology Lowell Lecture The Right Reverend V. Gene Robinson, re>red Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire, presents a lecture on his personal faith journey and his spirituality in the light of the controversy surrounding his elec>on and service as the first Bishop to be “openly gay and married to a person of the same gender” in the Anglican Communion. Thursday, October 24th @7pm-­‐ 8:30pm Tsai Performing Arts Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, M A.

School of Theology Back to Class Session “The Church as Incubator/Oppressor – Mo=ve Magazine, Methodism in the Midst of Cultural Upheaval” This “back to class” session features the Reverend B. J. S>les, editor of Mo>ve Magazine from 1962-­‐1969, and a panel of writers and decision-­‐makers including Gil Caldwell, Don Messer and Charlode Bunch. Friday, October 25th @1:30pm-­‐ 4:30pm School of Theology, B 19

Center for Prac5cal Theology Annual Lecture “Jews, Pagans, Scep=cs and Emperors: Public Theology as Chris=an Apologe=cs.” Dr. Elaine Graham, the Grosvenor Research Professor of Prac>cal Theology at the University of Chester, England will present. Dr. Shelly Rambo, Associate Professor of Theology at Boston University School of Theology, will offer a brief response to Dr. Graham’s lecture. Wednesday, November 20th, Recep9on: 5:30pm, Dinner and Lecture: 6:00pm George Sherman Union (GSU) BackCourt, First Floor, 775 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 RSVP to the Center for Prac9cal Theology by Wednesday, October 16, 2013

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