Rosie Posie Journal Cover

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Rosie Posie Journal Cover

You will need: Hard=backed book of your choicie Piece of felted blanket or other non-fray material 0.5” taller than your book and about 6” wider than the book when it is opened flat You may wish to cut this rectangle using pinking shears for a nice effect on the edges. Selection of felt in pinks and greens Embroidery floss Bondaweb

© DevonBear Designs 2010

Method Place your book open on top of the fabric rectangle. Centre it upon the fabric, fold the ends over the covers towards the inside of the book and close the book firmly. Holding the fabric in place slide the book out and then press the fabric on the folds.

This will position the book inside its cover and tell you where to position your applique design. As I am using a wool fabric I can’t use any of my usual methods to transfer the design to the fabric. So I printed off the colour version of the pattern and kept it in front of me whilst I positioned the applique pieces. You will need to print several copies of the black and white pattern to enable you to cut out the applique pieces. Working carefully on one flower at a time, iron bondaweb to the felt, then cut and position the felt pieces using the photos and the coloured pattern below as a guide but feel free to use as much artistic licence as you wish! When you are happy with the final positioning then press the pieces with your iron. This will hold them securely in place for embroidering.

Š DevonBear Designs 2010

When positioning your pieces pay careful attention to layering – the pieces at the back should be placed first. To make life easier I cut the whole rose shapes out of pale felt first then positioned the darker petals on top of them.

After fusing your pieces with the bondaweb, blanket stitch around the edges of the petals using 2 strands of embroidery floss. The stems are worked in chain stitch, also with 2 strands of embroidery floss.

Š DevonBear Designs 2010

When you’ve finished your embroidery fold the ends of the piece of fabric under on your previously ironed creases. They will be the pockets that your book covers will slide into. With 6 strands of embroidery floss blanket stitch along the two long sides of the rectangle starting 0.5” in from the corners (ie top and bottom of your cover). Slide the book covers into the pockets and close. FINISHED!! This tutorial is for your personal use only. It is my copyright and may not be sold or used commercially. Please feel free to share it with your friends though.

© DevonBear Designs 2010

Your Patterns

Š DevonBear Designs 2010

Š DevonBear Designs 2010

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