Bus Tours Magazine January/February 2016

Page 1

Volume XXXVI, Number 3 • January/February, 2016

Historical Attractions page 4

The Central States page 14

War Museums page 12



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Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 3

! Sioux Falls, South Dakota

acre park features a triple water fall, visitor’s

attracting well-known Broadway shows and

Sioux Falls, South Dakota’s largest city, is

information center and ďŹ ve-story observation

musical talent ďŹ lling a year-round schedule and

centrally located and provides distinctive

tower, Overlook CafĂŠ and historic ruins all

is home to the South Dakota Symphony.

attractions, customized itineraries and afford-

located on the banks of the Big Sioux River and

able conveniences for your next tour.

visited by people from around the world.

Being located in "The Heart of America" at

• SculptureWalk, an exciting exhibit of 55 sculptures created by artists from the region, nation and around the world, is dis-

the junction of interstates 90 and 29, drive-in

A few other attractions groups will not

played year-round from the Washington

convenience is offered and the Sioux Falls

want to miss are:

Pavilion to Falls Park in downtown Sioux

Regional Airport provides easy access by air. Sioux Falls has recently debuted new

• The Washington Pavilion was the city’s

Falls. The sculptures are owned by the artists

ďŹ rst high school. The Pavilion is one of the only

and loaned to the exhibit for one year. From

state-of-the-art entertainment facilities and

facilities in the world to bring under one roof

May through September, the public votes for

hundreds of new hotel rooms. The new

performing arts, visual arts, interactive science

its favorite sculpture, which is deemed the

Denny Sanford Premier Center seats 12,000

and educational opportunities and is the ďŹ rst

"People's Choice Award.� That sculpture is

and has hosted major acts from country to

in America to do so. At Washington Pavilion

purchased at the end of the exhibit year for

Cirque De Solei and the Eagles, Elton John

there is something for everyone to enjoy. It

the city's permanent collection. Each year

and Theresa Caputo.

houses a three-story Kirby Science Center, Wells

the exhibit will display new sculptures. All of

Falls Park is one of the must-see attractions

Fargo CineDome and six art galleries in the

the sculptures are for sale to the public.

in Sioux Falls and the city’s namesake located

Visual Arts Center. The Mary W. Sommervold

• Experience wine tasting in a unique

on the edge of a vibrant downtown. The 123-

Hall in the Washington Pavilion is known for

building made out of straw bales in a rural

4 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

Come celebrate monumental moments. The 75th Anniversary of Mount Rushmore’s Completion and the 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service are just two big things happening in Rapid City. Get your free Travel Professionals Guide today by visiting TourRapidCity.com or calling 800-487-3223.

setting. Strawbale Winery hosts wine tastings with more than two

ranean, Ethiopian, authentic Mexican, Vietnamese, Brazilian, Chi-

dozen grape and fruit wines available. The winery holds musical events

nese and so much more while still offering many local Midwestern

such as Sangria Sundays, Summer Porch Series and Folk Off. Enjoy a

and American options. Looking for something no one else has? The

relaxing rural setting only minutes from the heart of Sioux Falls. • Badlands Pawn opened Thanksgiving Day 2015 and includes a pawn shop, 24-hour radio station, mint that makes gold/silver coins/bars, gun shop with shooting range, deli, concert stage and in-house band.

Sioux Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau can recommend restaurants featuring chislic, bison burgers, walleye bites and several other featured Midwestern favorites. The Sioux Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau is available to assist

• PrairieBerry Winery is a well-known South Dakota winery which

with any and every detail to ensure groups have a memorable experi-

opened a new location in Sioux Falls. Prairie Berry East Bank offers

ence. The staff provides complimentary tour planning services, group

locally-produced wine and Miner Brewing Company beer, tastings,

itineraries, familiarization tours and has a plethora of testimonials from

sample ights, kitchen and Epicurean Bar.

tour planners who had a great time in Sioux Falls. Go to

• Two local brew masters and a business partner recently opened

visitsiouxfalls.com or phone (877) 782-3661 for more information.

Fernson Brewery. Once funding was in place and a 12,000-squarefoot warehouse was secured, they went to work on designing the

Miami, Oklahoma Convention

brewery. Fernson Brewing Company is well on its way to becoming

and Visitors Bureau

a regional brewery known for bringing people together over unique

If you have a bus making its way through the Midwest soon, a stop

hand-crafted beers. The brewery uses the fresh Sioux Falls water, 30-

on Route 66 is a must. Miami, Oklahoma is conveniently located

barrel system, mill from a local nearby town, hops from the PaciďŹ c

directly on the historic route and also right off Interstate 44. Situated

Northwest, barley from Minnesota and Wisconsin and native South

between Joplin, Missouri and Tulsa, Oklahoma, Miami is a unique

Dakota yeast. Current production capacity is 4,500 barrels annually.

destination for a mystery tour that perfectly ďŹ ts into any itinerary.

• World Champion Pastry Chef Chris Hanmer, named Top Chef of

The Dobson Museum is home to thousands of historical artifacts,

Bravo’s Top Chef Just Desserts (season 2), has created an exciting menu

treasures and Native American belongings that are sacred to Ottawa

of changing avors and tastes that will keep visitors coming back to

County. You will also want to tour the Dobson Home, recently added

see what he offers next in Sioux Falls. Just opened in mid-2013, stop

to the National Registry of Historic Places.

by the patisserie for new creations and avors every day. Fresh Euro-

Just a block away is the Route 66 Vintage Iron Motorcycle Museum,

pean-inspired pastries, sweet luxury candies and gift items, cakes

home to a large Evel Knievel collection. The museum is full of vintage

and other delights to be discovered and indulged await.

motorcycles and memo-

• South Dakota's newest state park, Good Earth at Blood Run, is

rabilia. This place is truly

a National Historic Landmark. The river, abundant wildlife and fer-

one of a kind. Allow extra

tile ood plains made the area a crossroads of Native American civ-

time to browse the store

ilization from 1300-1700 AD and possibly even longer.

for that special Route 66

Each year there is one very “hot� time in Sioux Falls that takes place

souvenir or gift. While

the middle of July. Four nationally-known events fall over the span of

there, step outside and

two weeks and draw hundreds of thousands of people from across the nation. Not only do they rev up their bikes, start their engines, and

take a picture of the new Gateway



attract nationally known musical entertainment, but each of these

replica sign was originally erected in the 1900s. It is a perfect place to

events can be enjoyed completely free of charge. Come for Hot Harley

“get your kicks� on Route 66.

Nights, Hot Summer Nites, and JazzFest featuring past headliners such

Ladies, be sure to stop by Colleen’s. Located next door to the Cole-

as Joe Walsh, Sheryl Crow and George Thorogood. There are hundreds

man Theatre, this quaint, wonderful, little dress shop is chock full of

of year-round events that also take place. View a complete listing of

beautiful fashions, jewelry and accessories. Downtown has antique

events at VisitSiouxFallsEvents.com.

shopping stores, jewelry stores and much more. Step into Chapter’s

Sioux Falls also offers the largest shopping opportunities between Minneapolis and Denver and north to Canada. Whether you are shop-

Bookstore for some Starbucks coffee and browse their fabulous inventory of specialty gifts and accessories.

ping for antiques or the latest in fashions or unique gifts, you will

Take off for lunch at the famous Waylan’s Ku-Ku Burger. The last

have an exceptional shopping experience. Browse the downtown

of its kind, the Ku-Ku has become an icon on Route 66. The restau-

specialty shops, visit intimate neighborhood malls or spend the day

rant is full of Route 66 memorabilia and is home to a giant Ku-Ku

at regional shopping centers.

clock. Make sure to get a delicious Cyclone or Flavor Burst ice cream

Sioux Falls offers more than 650 restaurants throughout the city.

cone on your way out. Miami has more than 30 food establishments

Home to a diverse population, Sioux Falls restaurants include Mediter-

to serve an appetite and many offer catering and unique fun menus.

6 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016







Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 7

Groups love the Food, Film and Fun Package. Spend the evening

Ready to challenge Lady Luck? Miami serves as the hub for casino

at the beautiful, historic Coleman Theatre known as the “Jewel of

entertainment in northeast Oklahoma with 13 area casinos. Live con-

Route 66.� This theater has been catching the eye of visitors on Route

certs are regularly scheduled. Area Tribes hold annual pow-wows in

66 since 1929. Built as a vaudeville theater and movie palace, it hosted

the summer months, an ideal time to visit Miami for those interested

appearances by many early stars including Will Rogers, Bob Hope

in Native American culture.

and Bing Crosby. It has been restored to its original glory including

To schedule a group, contact the Miami CVB at (918) 542-4435.

the return of the “Mighty Wurlitzer� pipe organ.

Boys Town

After a guided tour, enjoy dinner in the newly renovated ballroom, then head down to the theater for a private movie showing such as McLintock, Road To Bali, His Girl Friday and many more. Reservations are required for the Food, Film and Fun package. Head north about five miles to Commerce, to the boyhood home of baseball legend and American hero, Mickey Mantle. His father

Boys Town, Nebraska Some of you may recall the Oscar-winning movie Boys Town, but did you know the village made famous by Hollywood is still working every single day to give children a second chance and is open yearround for tours?

and grandfather started training him around the age of five, pitch-

In 1917, a young Irish

ing to him while he stood in front of their barn – you can still see

priest named Father Edward

the dents and dings in the old tin building that served as his

J. Flanagan opened Father


Flanagan’s Home for Boys.

Return to Miami to visit the Ribbon Road, the last original section

Flanagan welcomed all boys,

of Route 66. Walk along this historic pavement put in place before

regardless of their race or

Route 66 was even named. A new historic road marker is now in


place and makes for a great group photo.

In 1921, Father Flanagan

Drive south to Grove, on Grand Lake o’ the Cherokees or spend

moved his Boys’ Home to the outskirts of Omaha where it became

some time on campus at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College and

known as the Village of Boys Town. By the 1930s, hundreds of boys

take in the new Charles Banks Wilson Art Gallery.

Oklahoma’s Premier Historic Vaudeville Palace


Route 66 Roundabout ‡ 9-foot sidewalk highway – Ribbon Road ‡ Miami Main Street – Oklahoma’s longest on Route 66 ‡ Gateway Arch ‡ Vintage Iron Motorcycle Museum ‡ Historic Coleman Theatre

The Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau wants to help you plan your next group visit to our area. With 15 attractions, 13 areas casinos and more than 500 KRWHO URRPV \RX ZLOO À QG we have so much for your customers to experience. For more information and assistance in planning the perfect mystery tour or Route 66 adventure, please FRQWDFW RXU RIÀ FH WRGD\

Mickey Mantle: the early years ‡ Mickey’s Boyhood Home; group photo opportunity ‡ 9-foot Bronze Statue ‡ Mickey Mantle Baseball Field ‡ Fun trivia with step-on guide NEOK: Grand Lake Style ‡ 46,000 surface acres & 1,300 miles of shoreline 15 miles south of Miami ‡ Har-Ber Village ‡ Pensacola Dam Tours ‡ Lendonwood Gardens ‡ Picture in Scripture Amphitheater ‡ G.A.R. Cemetery Historic Walking Tour Mystery Tour?? ‡ Let us tailor to your group

9LVLW0LDPL2. FRP ‡ 8 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

Food, Film & Fun! Dinner in the Coleman Ballroom with a private movie showing. Movies include “McClintock�, “Road To Bali�, “His Girl Friday�, “The Over The Hill Gang� and many more. Let us tailor to your group. Special pricing for groups who overnight in Miami.

Request free promotional items for your group to be delivered to your hotel prior to your arrival. Complimentary mystery tour itineraries are also available upon request. Coleman Theatre Ballroom & Conference Center / .BJO .JBNJ t t $PMFNBO5IFBUSF PSH

lived at the Village which grew to include a

school, dormitories and administration buildings.

history and natural beauty. Open yearround, each season provides breathtaking scenery. Ninety-minute, ranger- led walk-

News of Father Flanagan’s work spread

ing tours overviewing the geological and

worldwide with the success of the 1938 movie,

anthropological histories of the area are

Boys Town. Spencer Tracy won an Academy

also available.

Award for his portrayal of Father Flanagan,

Just an hour southwest from Devils Tower

which he later donated to the priest. This

is picturesque Gillette, Wyoming. Known as

Oscar is on permanent display in the Hall of

the “Energy Capital of the Nation,� coal from

Convention and Visitors Bureau


the Powder River Basin in Campbell County

Although Father Flanagan died in 1948,

Design a tour that takes visitors to the

powers much of the nation. Experience the

his work at Boys Town, which Flanagan called

nation’s most scenic and significant loca-

energy of Campbell County ďŹ rsthand during

“God’s work� continues.

tions – Mount Rushmore, Devils Tower and

summer mine tours, which are available at

Today, more than 100,000 visitors from

Yellowstone National Park. Include an

some of the largest surface coal mines in the

across the United States are welcomed to the

overnight stay in Gillette, Wyoming for your

world. Tour participants will drive alongside

Village of Boys Town each year. Must see

guests to experience the Monumental

the massive equipment, witness reclamation

stops include:


processes that restore coal mining lands and

• Father Flanagan’s Tomb

Located between Mount Rushmore and

see just what makes Campbell County the

Located within Dowd Memorial Chapel,

Yellowstone National Park, Devils Tower is

Father Flanagan’s tomb has served as a

one of nature’s grandest rock formations

Wildlife enthusiasts ock to the Wright area

refuge for many looking for a quiet place to

and a must-see for any tour group. Loom-

to tour the Durham Buffalo Ranch, one of the

reflect and learn about Boys Town’s

ing more than 1,200 feet above the serene

world’s largest and oldest working buffalo


Belle Fourche River and eastern Wyoming

ranches. With approximately 3,000 bison on

plains, Devils Tower is rich with culture, –

65,000 acres, tour participants can see the

• Hall of History Museum

Energy Capital.

The Hall of History Museum presents the

special working facilities that the Durham

unique history of Boys Town through perma-

Ranch has been designing and developing

nent exhibits that use audio and video pre-

since the 1960s. On-site catered ranch meals

sentations. You will discover how Boys Town

are available for your group.

programs developed and how they continue

What better way to end a day of sightsee-

their mission to change the way America

ing than at one of Gillette’s local breweries.

cares for children, families and communities.



• Father Flanagan’s House The Father Flanagan House museum is the

At Prairie Fire, you will ďŹ nd unique and unforgettable avors in their handcrafted brews. Past hits have included a football-special Grid-

former residence of Boys Town’s founder. The

iron Pale Ale, the Wyoming-infused Cowpoke

dĂŠcor and furnishings interpret the year 1929

Wheat and an experimental Cap’n Crunch.

and many of Father Flanagan’s personal

For handcrafted meads and great experiences,

belongings are on display. One of his most

visit the friendly locals and their dogs at the

prized possessions – a desk made for him by

Big Lost Meadery. Your guests can sip on

Boys Town youth – is the centerpiece of the study. It consists of more than 250,000 inlaid pieces of wood.



boystown.org/tours boy bo y

• World’s Largest Ball of Stamps

hibiscus, coconut or other traditional avors of the honey-based alcohol. Made fresh inhouse, tour participants can buy bottles to bring home as souvenirs. For an experience

This is a favorite with children and adults

available only in the Energy Capital, head to

alike. Get your picture taken next to the

Gillette Brewing Company for monumentally

World’s Largest Ball of Stamps.

delicious brews as unforgettable as the Dev-






boystown.org/discover for more information or to book a tour today.

Campbell County, Wyoming

ils Tower view. With more than 20 hotels and 2,000 hotel rooms available, Gillette will serve as a luxurious and refreshing stopping point for your Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 9

tour group to rejuvenate. This level of comfort will mean that your group is up and ready to experience the natural wonder of Yellowstone after Gillette. To experience the best the west has to offer, plan your tour today. Phone the Campbell County Convention and Visitors Bureau at (307) 686-0040 or go to visitgillettewright.com.

Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino Mescalero, New Mexico Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino is conveniently located in the mountains just above Ruidoso, in unforgettable Mescalero, New Mexico. Overlooking the Mescalero Apache Tribe’s sacred Sierra Blanca and offering cooler temperatures than the desert below, Inn of the Mountain Gods is truly a Southwestern oasis in the sky. There is an abundance of seasonal recreation options including an award-winning, 18-hole championship golf course, an indoor pool and workout facility, horseback riding, hiking, paddle boating, kayaking and ďŹ shing on Lake Mescalero. Soar through the air on the Apache Eagle ZipRiderÂŽ at Inn of the Mountain Gods and the Apache Wind Rider ZipTourÂŽ at Ski Apache, both offering an exhilarating experience with breathtaking views. Winter months bring snow to the surrounding Sierra Blanca, inviting guests to enjoy a day of skiing and snowboarding at Ski Apache, conveniently located less than an hour away from the resort. Inn of the Mountain Gods offers a variety of dining establishments including the diverse Gathering of Nations Buffet, casual Big Game Sports Bar, Apache Tee, where guests overlook the golf course and the sumptuous Wendell’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant, offering an extensive menu with exquisite dining options. Before settling in, guests can grab a nightcap at the new Casino Lounge, Wendell’s Lounge, Club 49 or the Sports Bar, all entertaining crowds well into the evening.

In addition to award-winning accommodations and dining, Inn of the Mountain Gods offers a full calendar of entertainment

ranging from comedy to concerts. Guests also love the 38,000-squarefeet of gaming action in the casino, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For more information about Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino, phone (800) 545-6040 or visit the Web site at InnOfTheMountainGods.com. For special motorcoach group rates contact cmeeks@innofthemountaingods.com. 10 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

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GET IN FOR DIRECT REQUEST APPOINTMENT SCHEDULING JAN. 18–28! • On-site business tripled at Travel Exchange ’15 compared to 2014. • NTA tour operators = $9.6 billion in annual sales. • Tour operators made 64 new contacts on average at TREX15.


Th T he e rre essu ullts ts are in. Members v vo otte e ““q qu ua allit ity y of appointmen ts” as the most importan t part of atttte a en nd diin ng g TRE EX X..

NTA has Georgia on its mind.

Not every appointment is prescheduled. Take advantage of NTA’s open floor. “I had the opportunity to turn three open appointments into a 30-minute meeting with a tour operator, and we put a detailed event together. Those times just don’t happen anywhere else.” —Janie Lawson, Richmond Region Tourism, Virginia

ATLANTA JAN. 31–FEB. 4, 2016 To register and see who’s coming, visit NTAonline.com/convention. #TREX16


merican freedom is a sacred virtue for its citizens and is the

foundation on which this country was built. Over the centuries, it has been necessary to fight to protect this freedom

we value so dearly. Tributes to the military, war commemorations and historical sites which stand proudly having weathered the storm of war and battles always are of interest to those who have served, those who been affected by war and those who love liberty.

Armel-Leftwich U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland The U.S. Naval Academy is a prestigious four-year service academy that prepares future officers for naval service. Located on the banks of the Severn River in downtown Annapolis, the academy is home to the largest collection of Beaux Arts-style buildings in the United States and the final resting place of Revolutionary War naval hero John Paul Jones. Major attractions on a guided walking tour of the academy are Bancroft Hall, the largest dormitory in the U.S., featuring Memorial Hall and a sample midshipmen room; monuments to naval history and Naval Academy traditions; the Naval Academy main chapel; and the crypt of John Paul Jones. Certified Naval Academy guides lead tours Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 3 p.m. Visitors learn about Academy history and midshipmen life. The Visitor Center and Naval Academy grounds are closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Group tours are not available


during Commissioning Week, the week before Memorial Day weekend. Visitors 18 and older must have a government-issued photo ID and international visitors must have an original passport to enter the grounds. Tour buses are not allowed on the Yard. A group reservation must be made for parties of 16 or more peo-

Military and War Attractions

ple. One complimentary ticket is available for every 35 paid tours. A deposit of $50 is required to confirm a group tour booking, with final payment due one week in advance of the tour date. Phone (410) 293-

view today in both grand reception rooms and private family spaces,

8112 for group rates and to make a reservation.

speak of our republic’s continuity through even risky times.

For more information, visit usnabsd.com/for-visitors. Group information and a bus map are found on the For Groups tab.

A National Historic Landmark since 1960, Tudor Place today is a dynamic historic house museum seen on fascinating guided tours covering two centuries of family life, civic engagement and the lives

Tudor Place Washington, D.C.

of workers on a prominent American estate. Nearly every room includes reminders of our nation’s military past. In the Drawing Room

Foreign troops ransacking the U.S. capital? That was no Holly-

hang original portraits of Revolutionary heroes George Washington,

wood fiction in 1814, when British soldiers put D.C. to the torch. Smoke

the founders’ grandfather, and the Marquis de Lafayette, a family

from the burning White House, Capitol building, and other buildings

friend. An upstairs bedroom features the spurs and sepia-tinted like-

wafted to Tudor Place, an estate still under construction in nearby

nesses of two cousins who served in the U.S. Army but, as the Civil

Georgetown. Through six generations, the estate’s owners struggled

War raged, were executed as Confederate spies.

on the home front and, in some eras served, in wars from the War of

In war and peace, Tudor Place’s owners preserved and added to the

1812 through the Vietnam War. Their experiences and artifacts, on

house, garden, objects and stories inherited from those who built the estate in 1816. During its upcoming Bicentennial Year, Tudor Place will

12 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

commemorate its connection to our ďŹ rst president and our nation’s founding

generations, opening to the

public as a museum in 1988.

conict by host-

Tudor Place welcomes large

ing (from April 29

and small groups for house

to May 1) an

and garden visits, popular



teas and on request, special

General Wash-

tours on topics of special

ington’s Revolu-




den remained in the same family through six


Camp Tent. Visitors will have an opportunity

For more information visit tudorplace.org or phone (202) 965-0400.

to tour a faithful re-creation of his “marquee� and dining tents on the estate grounds. Inside the marquee is a set of traveling “camp stools,� commissioned by Washington for the military campaign, that reproduced one of the only originals still in existence – on view during every tour of Tudor Place. Unusually intact and well preserved and sited on 51⠄2 landscaped acres in the heart of Washington, Tudor Place was designed by prominent early architect William Thornton.

Undergraduate College of the U.S. Navy.

Guided walking tours include the Naval Academy Chapel, Crypt of John Paul Jones, Statue of Tecumseh and the history and traditions of the Naval Academy. HISTORICAL, EDUCATIONAL, JEWISH CHAPEL, CORPORATE LEADERSHIP and MILITARY REUNION TOURS Naval Academy Gift Shop Restrooms, Exhibits, Film Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center (410) 293-8687

www.usnabsd.com/for-visitors Visitor Center Hours: January-February: 9am-4pm March-December: 9am-5pm Photo ID required, ages 18 and over

The house, its collection, archive and gar-

Experience 15,000 Y Years eears off Histor History! ryy! * *% -&#%( b )'+ ( 23,000 square feet to explore b *"$! $ , $* ( $* #) Meeting and event rentals

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Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 13


oth educational and fascinating, historic attractions and muse-

ums are favorites for tour groups. Taking a look at a time gone by, be it centuries ago or merely decades ago, is something

that expands our understanding of where we came from and an appreciation for the events, arts and traditions that shaped our American culture.

Bowers Museum Santa Ana, California The Bowers Museum has been voted “Best Museum in Orange Countyâ€? for 16 years in a row, and is one of only ďŹ ve percent of museums in the United States to receive the prestigious American Association of Museums Accreditation. In its mission statement, it promises to “enrich lives through the world’s ďŹ nest arts and cultures.â€? With outstanding facilities in Santa Ana, the Bowers presents world-class exhibitions from the greatest museums in the world. Its own collections are particularly strong in the areas of the South PaciďŹ c, Asia and the Americas. The Bowers Museum is fully accessible to large groups, and can accommodate docent-guided tours for a minimum of 10 guests and a maximum of 100 guests at a time, depending on gallery availability. There is free drop-off and parking for buses in the designated passenger loading zone on 20th Street, conveniently located at the southern entrance to the Bowers Museum. Groups of 15 or more receive one free ticket for every 15 paid

admissions. Groups of 25 or more receive 20 percent discount in the lovely gallery store. There may be limitations on free tickets for spe-

in southwestern Pennsylvania, it played an important role in the

cially ticketed exhibitions.

Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.

A minimum $50 deposit is required in order to conďŹ rm your sched-

This house is the oldest structure in Washington and one of the old-

uled tour, with payment in full due prior to your scheduled tour. All

est in western Pennsylvania. It is the centerpiece of a rich local history

deposits are non-refundable and are applied to your ďŹ nal admission

that a group of loyal and dedicated citizens actively work to preserve.

costs. A minimum two-week notice for all tour reservations is required.

After undergoing many changes in ownership and usage over the

If you are incorporating a dining experience at Tangata on your

decades, the house was acquired by the Pennsylvania Historical and

tour day, groups less than 15 can contact Tangata directly for reser-

Museum Commission in 1959 and underwent an extensive restora-

vations at (714) 550-0906 and receive 10 percent off a la carte items

tion. It is now a valuable and historical jewel. The house was formally

between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Groups of 15 or more must order from Tan-

dedicated as a museum in ceremonies held in the garden of the Brad-

gata’s special group menu.

ford House in 1965, and in 2015 they celebrated the 50th anniversary

Buses can be greeted upon arrival when requested. They ask that one representative of your group check in at the main admissions

of that important event. Your group is invited to enjoy a

desk upon arrival. Tickets, discount cards or other relevant tour items

tour of the house and the garden

will be distributed to your group.

leading to the recently constructed

Contact the Tours OfďŹ ce for additional information at (714) 567-3680 or tours@bowers.org. You can view their Web site at bowers.org.

log kitchen. They offer a variety of tour options such as: • Taste of the 18th Century tours

Bradford House Washington, Pennsylvania It was rare to have a stone house in frontier America late in the 18th century but the Bradford House in Washington, Pennsylvania is such an example. Built in 1788 by David Bradford, a prominent lawyer 14 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

sampling period-appropriate treats • Scents of the 18th Century tours making potpourri sachets • Wine sampling tours partnering with local wineries

• Historic tours promoting the history and heritage of the David Bradford House

This is not a make-believe German village

you can order a plated meal or a sandwich,

or an amusement park. The ambience of the

most visitors opt for the full family-style meal.

In addition, tours can be built to accom-

villages creates a feel that is not quite Ger-

modate your speciďŹ c needs. The Bradford

man and not quite American. It is certainly

House is available for guided tours seven

a culture on to itself and that culture is

days a week except major holidays. To sched-

explained with a quick trip to the Amana Her-

ule a tour contact the Bradford House at brad-

itage Museum.

fordhouse@verizon.net or (724) 222-3604. Learn more at bradfordhouse.org.

Visitors to the Amana Colonies are quick to note the charm of the villages and the friendly greetings they receive from the shop

Amana Colonies

owners. They also discover the famous high-

Amana, Iowa

quality products that are still produced in the

The Amana Colonies in east central Iowa are an easy four- to ďŹ ve-hour drive from

Colonies including furniture, woolens, wine, beer, meats and chocolates.

Visitors come to the Amana Colonies year-round; however, the largest crowds are

Chicago, Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City

Dining in the restaurants is an experience

during fall weekends and festivals. The most

and St Louis, but they are a whole world

in itself. The meals are served family-style;

popular of the festivals is Oktoberfest. While

away. This German community, a Nation His-

you order your entrĂŠe and the server brings

you will ďŹ nd Oktoberfest celebrations

toric Landmark, is known as the most suc-

bowls of salads and vegetables that are reďŹ ll-

throughout the United States, the Amana ver-

cessful communal society in American his-

able. This dining style is a link to the Colonies

sion truly has a German feel. It is partly the

tory (1845-1932), and is one of Iowa’s most

communal past when individual homes had

setting of the quaint village with the many

popular attractions hosting between 800,000

no kitchens and everyone took their meals

brick and sandstone buildings lining the

and 1,000,000 visitors each year.

in one of the numerous communal kitchens

streets and partly the fact that the residents

spread throughout the villages. While today

are only a couple of generations removed

There is a deďŹ nite feel to the Amana Colonies that is different than other places.

from German as their primary spoken language. To get any more German you will need to hop on a plane. If you are searching for a quick getaway before the holidays, you will enjoy Prelude to Christmas. This festival is the ďŹ rst weekend in December and features Tannenbaum Forest. A converted dairy barn that is transformed into the forest of decorated live Christmas trees – a center piece of the forest is a 15-foot tall German-style pyramid that was built by local craftsmen. For those looking for a peak into the Amana culture, the


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Amana Heritage Museum will give you a

tures contemporary, interactive galleries with

ing his own voice, among others. A spec-

glimpse of Christmas from Amana’s com-

state-of-the-art exhibits narrated in Disney’s

tacular model of Disneyland as Disney orig-

munal era.

own voice alongside early drawings, car-

inally envisioned it is a perennial favorite

toons, ďŹ lms, music, artifacts and more.

with museumgoers.

Visitors to the Amana Colonies should not expect to ďŹ nd an Amish settlement. The

The museum illuminates Disney’s fasci-

Located in a historic brick building on

Amana people are not Amish. While both

nating life: his

groups are religious in base, the Amish can


be found in many states, but there is only one

successes as

cisco’s Pre-

Amana Colonies and it is a place like no

well as his dis-




4 0 , 0 0 0 -





m u s e u m

optimism as

melds history


with state-of-






Walt Disney Family Museum San Francisco, California Find animation, innovation and inspira-


the main post of San Fran-


tirelessly to

the-art tech-

advance the

n o l o g y ,

tion in the remarkable life story of Walt Dis-

art of animation. Disney was a risk-taker who

including more than 200 video screens

ney, the man who raised animation to an art,

inuenced popular culture through pioneer-

sprinkled throughout its galleries. High-

tirelessly pursued innovation and created a

ing animated and live-action ďŹ lms, television

lights of the museum’s collection include:

distinctly American legacy that transformed

programs, theme parks and other new tech-

drawings and cartoons from Laugh-O-Gram

the entertainment world. Located in the

nologies. Visitors to the museum get to know

Films, Walt Disney’s ďŹ rst company; the ear-

scenic Presidio of San Francisco, the museum

him through early drawings and animation,

liest known drawings of Mickey Mouse; the

is a 501(c)(3) nonproďŹ t organization that fea-

movies, music and listening stations featur-

technically innovative Multiplane Camera


16 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016


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815.220.7386 www.starvedrocklodge.com www .starvedrocklodge.com Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 17

that brought vibrancy and depth to his rev-

the art of America, Western America, Asia,

vidual gar-

olutionary feature ďŹ lm, Snow White and the

Europe, Latin America and beyond.

m e n t s ,

Seven Dwarfs; an interactive station that

In addition to its extensive collection,

shoes and

allows visitors to synchronize ďŹ lm and

the museum also boasts an impressive


music; Disney’s 26 individual Academy

annual calendar of world-class traveling

with fash-

AwardsÂŽ as well as the unique Snow White

exhibitions. In 2015, Phoenix Art Museum

ions ranging

Academy Award, which includes a full-size

hosted Leonardo DaVinci’s Codex Leicester,


OscarÂŽ and seven miniature castings; the

along with Andy Warhol: Portraits, from the

18th to the

narrow-gauge Lilly Belle train Disney built

Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. In 2014, it


for his Hollywood home; and a 14-foot

was the West Coast premiere of Hollywood

turies, and

diameter model of the Disneyland of Dis-

Costume, an incredible multimedia exhibi-


ney’s imagination. Visitors can also enjoy

tion of some of the most legendary cos-


the Museum Store, Learning Center

tumes in Hollywood history, a production

from some

and Fantasia-themed theater, which shows

of the Victoria and Albert Museum in Lon-

of the most

Disney classics six days a week.



don. In 2016, the Museum will be the site

legendary names in fashion, including

Groups of 10 or more should book in

of Michelangelo: Sacred and Profane – Mas-

Balenciaga, Chanel, Dior and Yves Saint

advance. A discounted group rate is offered.

terpiece Drawings from the Casa Buonarroti,


Payment is due two weeks before the sched-

one of the most important exhibitions of

Since 2006, the museum has enjoyed a

uled visit. Group beneďŹ ts include express

the work of the great Italian master,

highly-innovative and collaborative part-

entry, a group greeter, designated motor-

Michelangelo in nearly three decades, and

nership with the Center for Creative Pho-

coach parking and bus drop-off point, and

the ďŹ rst time the artist’s work will be on

tography in Tucson, which has enabled the

one comp admission for the escort or driver.

view in Arizona.

museum to greatly expand its exhibitions

For more information on group visits go to

Additionally, the museum will be host

of some of the world’s ďŹ nest photography,

waltdisney.org/groups or contact Sarah

of Super Indian: Fritz Scholder 1967-1980,

including, in recent years, W. Eugene Smith,

Rothstein, tourism and group sales manager,

featuring the striking and colorful paintings

Debra BloomďŹ eld, Christopher Churchill

by phone (415) 345-6853, fax (415) 345-6871

and drawings of Scholder, the critically-

and Stephen Marc. Also on display are the

or e-mail srothstein@wdfmuseum.org.

acclaimed Native American artist.

Thorne Mini-ature Rooms of historic inte-

This year, through March 6, the Museum

riors, as well as a collection of works by

Phoenix Art Museum

will also feature The White Shirt According

renowned Arizona artist and Phoenix Art

Phoenix, Arizona

To Me, Gianfranco FerrĂŠ, which explores the

Museum founder, Philip C. Curtis.

Phoenix Art Museum is the largest art

life and creative genius of the legendary

In addition to great works of art, the

museum in the southwestern United

Milanese designer. The museum is host to

museum boasts Palette, a highly-reviewed

States, with more than 18,000 works in its

an extensive fashion design collection,

restaurant that features delicious, locally-

permanent collection, ranging from mod-

spanning multiple centuries and is one of

grown and locally-sourced foods. Through-

ern and contemporary art and fashion, to

the few of its kind in the entire nation. The

out the year, the museum also plays host to

collection features more than 4,500 indi-

a number of exciting outdoor events in its beautiful Dorrance Sculpture Garden, including Devoured, a popular, two-day culinary festival that highlights the best of Arizona cuisine, with a wide range of locally-owned, unique restaurants. The museum also offers a robust ďŹ lm program, and a number of events designed to appeal to the entire family, including PhxArtKids Day, which offers hands-on creative opportunities for children of every age.

phxart.org/groupsales phxarrt.org/groupsaless

18 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

Contact Group Sales at (602) 307-2090 or visit phxart.org/groupsales.


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Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 19

New, Improved and Different Timber Lake Playhouse

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Mt. Carroll, Illinois In 1961, Timber Lake Playhouse (TLP) was established as a professional, non-proďŹ t summer theater company. Timber Lake is proud of its reputation for excellence. The theater has served as a launch pad for theater artists of all kinds who have gone on to excellence in ďŹ lm, television, on Broadway and stages all over the world. Timber Lake Playhouse wants to help you provide the best outing possible for your group. They are committed to helping you plan your day and customizing the event to your special needs. Productions for summer 2016 include Gypsy, Having Our Say: The Delaney Sisters' First 100 Years, Rock of Ages, A Funny Thing

many lunch or dinner packages available

few years. One of the main reasons for this

Happened on the Way to the Forum, Titanic,

for purchase.

recent inux is the addition of numerous new

and Gaslight. In addition, TLP will produce

TLP’s staff will work with you to set up

evening shows and exciting attractions that

two additional shows this season. Almost

lunch or dinner for your group at a local

have added balance to an already bountiful

Heaven: The Songs of John Denver will be per-

restaurant or right on-site, either on the

entertainment offering.

formed at TLP in early May and Always Patsy

multi-level deck overlooking Timber Lake or

Cline will be at TLP in mid-September.

in the picnic grove next to the theater.

Every group outing includes discounted ticket prices, complimentary tickets for

Phone the box ofďŹ ce at (815) 244-2035 to learn more.

group leaders and bus drivers, preferred seating in the spacious, air-conditioned theater, free parking, wheelchair accessibility,

“We are so excited about this summer here in Eureka,� stated Jack Moyer, hotel manager and past board chairman for the Greater Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce last year. “Even with our summer

Eureka Springs Is Roaring Back

season just a few days old, we are already

with New Attractions.

feeling the positive impact of these new

concierge treatment with your own group

The sound of visitors coming to Eureka

“ambassador,� optional backstage tours and

Springs is a familiar “roar� not heard in this

Moyer cited meaningful year-to-date

historic Arkansas Ozark village for the past

growth in both occupancy and revenue at

shows and attractions.�

his two hotels, the Crescent and Basin Park. “And just from my personal observation, based on 20 years of Eureka experience, it seems as though day-trip crowds have grown by a guesstimated 20 percent,â€? he added. Some of the new attractions for last summer include Arkansas’s biggest variety show, Lovin’ Every Minute, an eye-popping production of songs, dance, live band, Cirque-style acrobats and unbelievable special effects performed in the heart of 20 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016


World Wildlife Museum and Gift Shop

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, it is borrowed from our children

St. George, Utah

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The Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center in Chadron offffers a vaariety of services for your group during your visit to Pine Ridge region of Northwest Nebraska or on your way to the Black Hills. The Center features exhib bits on cattle ranching, loca caal and regional topics, and a SHUPDQHQW H[KLELW RQ RQH RI 1HEUDVND¡V SUHPLHU authors³ Maari Sandoz

For more inform mation, please ca alll 308-432-6401, visit us at www.san ndozcentter.com, or see our article in th his issue.

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When Bob Dylan came to Nashville to make his classic album Blonde on Blonde, he brought unprecedented attention to the city’s ultra-talented musicians. Johnny Cash did the same with his network television show. This exhibit looks at the impact those events had on Music City and its Nashville Cats.



STEP INSIDE This House Downtown Nashville • 615.416.2001 Visit CountryMusicHallofFame.org Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 21

historic downtown at The Aud; Spirits of The Basin, a new guided tour at the 1905 Basin Park Hotel that takes patrons from the edge

Aztec, New Mexico The City of Aztec, New Mexico welcomes groups to come and

of the roof to the chill of the dark limestone cave while being intro-

enjoy its historic attractions and ancient treasures.

duced to spirits of both the paranormal and liquid kind; a behind

Museum and Pioneer Village

the scenes tour of The Great Passion Play’s multi-level, authenti-

The Aztec Museum complex houses one of the ďŹ nest collections

cally-detailed sets provides a new and unique perspective on the

of authentic western Americana. History comes alive at the Pioneer

monumental aspects of this grand production; and Pig Trail Harley-

Village, where young and old are bedazzled by the resolve and for-

Davison has expanded into the Eureka Springs market by open-

titude of our forefathers. Tour ďŹ rsthand the doctor's and sheriff's

ing the long-awaited Eureka Springs Harley-Davidson.

ofďŹ ces, blacksmith and foundry, an 1880 pioneer cabin, general store

“The community has really stepped up and brought in attractions and shows that not only round out the family offering but provide

and post ofďŹ ce, and the Cedar Hill Church – all painstakingly reconstructed from the original buildings.

balance to the menu of things to see and do for everyone who visits

Centuries ago the Aztec Ruins were a central gathering place – a

Eureka Springs,� added Moyer. “These man-made attractions cou-

thriving cultural capital for ancestral Puebloans. Today, they are a

pled with our cornucopia of natural entertainment like the “big water� of Beaver Lake, hiking and mountain bike trails through our forested

" $

World Heritage Site and a dazzling landmark to the roots of civ-

hills and our celebrated motorcycle rides will keep vacationers happy

ilization. Tour the three-story,

and active for days.�

450-room West Ruin. Explore the

Other Eureka Springs attractions include Crescent Hotel Ghost

Great Kiva and marvel at 900-

Tours, Ozark Mountain Ziplines, Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge,

year-old roof timbers that shelter

Intrigue Theater, the performance of The Great Passion Play, Stand

intact plaster rooms. Witness

Up Paddle Boarding, The New Moon Spa, Historic District Trolley

exquisite masonry before passing through mysterious T-shaped door-

Tours, Opera in the Ozarks, Belle of the Ozarks, downtown’s

ways. Mistakenly coined "Aztec" by others, the ancient Pueblo peo-

Spa1905, Crescent Hotel’s productions of Flickering Tales and Not

ple lived and ourished at this very sacred and spiritual place.

Really A Door. “Perhaps Eureka Springs had lost a little bit of its balance as a destination in the past few years; however with these new attractions added to the fact that Eureka Springs remains a unique mountain town, blessed with many artists and located between two major lakes and famous rivers, we are clearly back as an ‘extraordinary escape’ . . . seven days a week . . . for all vacationers,� concluded Moyer. For complete travel ideas and information, go to EurekaSpringsOnline.com. For attraction tickets and reservations, go to ReserveEureka.com.

# !

22 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016






Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 23

Aztec Ruins National Monument

$$ # # $

Unlike most major ancestral Puebloan ruins, Aztec Ruins is exceptionally convenient to visitors. It is within the city limits of Aztec. A UNESCO World Heritage site, it includes 500 rooms and North America's largest reconstructed Great Kiva. The self-guided tour is approximately 45 minutes long. Also available at the monument is a museum, bookstore, restrooms, picnic area and regularly scheduled special events. You can learn more about these and other local and regional attractions for your group to explore by phoning the Aztec Visitor Center at (888) 543-4629 or visiting AztekNM.com.

Little Falls, Minnesota

town was home to many powerful people, such as Charles A. Lind-

Little Falls was established in 1848 on the Mississippi River. The

bergh, Charles A. Weyerhaeuser, Drew Musser, Jessica Lange, Gayle

dam was built in 1890 and provided a power source for several lum-

Gillingham, Brian Kolbilka (2012 Noble Peace Prize recipient), for-

ber, our and paper mills along the river.

mer Minnesota Senator Gordon Rosenmeier and a few more sports

Retail merchants sold everything from axes, zippers and bicycles,


etc. The largest retail establishment in the late 19th century was Bur-

You must tour Linden Hill Mansions (1898), and the Burton-Rosen-

ton’s Clothing and Shoe, founded by Barney Burton who arrived in

meier Home (1903), Cass Gilbert Train Depot (1900), and the St Fran-

Little Falls in 1886.

cis Convent (1890), which are all historic hot spots. Step back in time

If you visit the Modern Little Falls, the historical walking and dri-

has new meaning.

ving tour are a fabulous way to step back in time. The historic videos

As the town has modern luxuries such as retro Dining at A.T. the

can be viewed at littlefallsmn.com under videos and podcasts. The

Black and White restaurant or the local bakery Pete and Joys; which has polish pottery and is a great location to step back in time and have an old-fashioned fantastic experience. Little Falls is a home to Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site and State Park and both are located on the Mississippi River just down the road from the Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Museum. They are also home to the Minnesota Fishing Museum and Hall of Fame and Pine

Grove Zoo. Want the “Up Northâ€? feel and see the secrets they want to share? Just up the road ďŹ ve miles is Camp Ripley, the second largest Army National Guard post in the United States. It is home to the Minnesota

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Military Museum, which has artifacts dating back to WWI with both indoor and outdoor exhibits, located on the Mississippi River. If you are headed up north from Little Falls, Cabin Fever is the recommended place to have dinner, as it offers ďŹ ne dining by candlelight or and “Up Northâ€? dinner and a drink. The Visitors Bureau will help plan your adventure and tour the mansion for your unforgettable visit. Phone them at (800) 325-5916.

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex Cape Canaveral, Florida On the eve of the 2015 U.S. Astronaut Hall of FameÂŽ induction , Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex broke ground on a new attrac-

24 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

tion designed to bridge the gap between the trailblazers of the past and America’s future space explorers.

712 W 2nd St. Davenport, IA JDKF RUJ ‡ Ž

70 OFF %


Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 4pm & Sundays: 12pm - 4pm







Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 25

On May 29, 2015, the Visitor Complex

While many members of the U.S. Astro-

During the ceremony, Protze explained

announced plans for Heroes and Legends,

naut Hall of Fame were there to represent

the significance of holding the ground-

featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame, a

NASA’s proud past, the present and future of

breaking on the 25th anniversary of the

high-tech attraction, opening in 2016,

the American space program also were rep-

U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame, with many

resented by recipients of the

inducted astronauts in attendance. “Today,

Astronaut Scholarship

we take the dream that was first conceived

from the Astronaut

by America’s space pioneers and give it a


new life, a new incarnation, befitting the

Foundation as

service and sacrifice of all those who dared

with a brand

well as stu-

to follow in their footsteps – many of whom

new home.



are in the room with us today,� Protze said.

Apollo Elemen-

“I know I speak for all of those involved

tary School in

when I say, we could not be more proud to

designed to showcase the heroism of America’s

! !

early space pioneers and provide the Hall of Fame

The following day the Visitor Complex played host

Titusville, Florida

to the 2015 U.S. Astro-

create this attraction in your honor.�

“As we celebrate the

naut Hall of Fame induction, dur-

25th anniversary of the U.S.

About Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

ing which four veteran space shuttle astro-

Astronaut Hall of Fame and the ground-

nauts – John Grunsfeld, Steve Lindsey, Kent

breaking for Heroes and Legends featuring

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

Rominger and Rhea Seddon – joined the pres-

the new U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame, we not

brings to life the epic story of the U.S. space

tigious group of space explorers. These

only celebrate NASA’s rich history but also

program, offering a full day or more of fun

events were attended by 26 veteran NASA

look toward the future of space exploration,�

and educational activities, including the

astronauts and hall of fame members.

said Charlie Bolden, NASA administrator.

Kennedy Space Center tour featuring the

Grunsfeld, Lindsey, Rominger and Sed-

“This attraction promises to bridge the gap

Apollo/Saturn V Center with an actual Sat-

don joined the ranks of well-known space

between the trailblazers of the past and

urn V moon rocket, the new Space Shut-

explorers such as Alan Shepard, John Glenn,

those who will write the next chapter of

tle AtlantisSM, Shuttle Launch ExperienceÂŽ,

John Young, Neil Armstrong, Sally Ride and

space travel.�

IMAX ÂŽ Hubble 3D and Journey to Space

Eileen Collins as members of the U.S. Astro-

Heroes and Legends will not only bring

films, Astronaut Encounter, Journey to Mars,

naut Hall of Fame. The induction of these

to life the enthralling stories of America’s

Rocket Garden and many other interactive

four accomplished astronauts brings the Hall

pioneering astronauts, but also invite

exhibits. Admission also includes the U.S.

of Fame to 91 honored heroes. Earlier

guests to vicariously experience the thrills

Astronaut Hall of FameÂŽ, featuring historic

inductees represent the Mercury, Gemini,

and dangers of America’s earliest missions

spacecraft and the world's largest collec-

Apollo, Skylab, Apollo-Soyuz and Space

through high-tech elements and special

tion of personal astronaut memorabilia,

Shuttle programs.

effects, including simulated holograms and

which opens daily at noon with closing

Participating in the Heroes and Legends

augmented reality. The highlight of Heroes

times vary by season. Only 45 minutes from

groundbreaking ceremony were Charlie

and Legends is an omnidirectional theater

Orlando, Florida, Kennedy Space Center

Bolden, NASA administrator and hall of fame

with 3D and special effects, designed to

Visitor Complex opens daily at 9 a.m. with

astronaut; Bob Cabana, director of John F.

make guests feel as though they are

closing times varying by season. The

Kennedy Space Center and hall of fame astro-

floating in the vastness of space. Stunning

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

naut; Cheryl Hurst, director, communication

images will envelope them as legendary

offers annual passes. For more informa-

and public engagement for NASA’s Kennedy

astronauts, including Shepard, Glenn,

tion, phone (877) 313-2610 or visit

Space Center; Dan Brandenstein, chairman

Lovell and Armstrong, invite them to join

KennedySpaceCenter.com .

of the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation’s

in their epic journeys into the vast

board of directors and hall of fame astronaut;

unknown. The new U.S. Astronaut Hall

SpongeBob SubPants Adventure

Jim Houser, president of parks and resorts

of Fame will serve as the culminating ele-

Now Open At Moody Gardens

for Delaware North, which operates the Vis-

ment of the attraction, allowing guests to

Moody Gardens in Gavelston, Texas cel-

itor Complex for NASA and Therrin Protze,

interact virtually with nearly 100 astronaut

ebrated Memorial Day weekend 2015 in

chief operating ofďŹ cer, Kennedy Space Cen-


grand style with the debut of the Sponge-

ter Visitor Complex. 26 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

Bob SubPants Adventure in the Discovery

dance performances with Sandy Cheeks.

feedback we have already been receiving


Meet-and-greet opportunities are available

from guests highlights the non-stop fun and

with SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick

family-friendly entertainment throughout the


whole experience."

To ofďŹ cially kick-off the opening of Moody Gardens' newest permanent attraction, a special ribbon cutting ceremony was held by

The SpongeBob SubPants Adventure is a

This permanent attraction takes excite-

Moody Gardens President and CEO John

one-of-a-kind interactive experience that

ment to new depths in a non-stop whirlwind

Zendt; Marc Epstein, Nickelodeon's senior

allows guests to go on a submarine voy-

of surprises with fun for the whole family to

vice president of sports, recreation and new

age to explore the world of Bikini Bottom

enjoy only at Moody Gardens. Group dis-

business ,marketing and Galveston's Mayor

with the help of their captain, Patrick Star.

counts are offered; phone for details.

Pro Tem Terrilyn Tarlton.

Visitors are able to choose their path

For more information, phone (800)

through the wild and silly deep-sea adven-

582-4673 or visit moodygardens.org. You

ture and have real-time conversations with

can also follow Moody Gardens on Twitter

Star. The attraction takes visitors from dig-

and Facebook.

,,"5 ."#+/

ital to real time through exciting 4D sen-

sory elements, which brings the adventure to life through scents, bubbles and bouncing beach balls. "We are very excited to bring this one-ofa-kind attraction to Moody Gardens," said John Zendt, Moody Gardens president and Visitors then enjoyed a day full of fes-

CEO, who added that guests are enjoying the

tive SpongeBob SquarePants-themed enter-

unique interaction with Star as he asks ques-

tainment, including special Texas-themed

tions and responds to guests' answers. "The

)# /# )#0 1/ (+,3 0 )# /0 " 5/ '+ "2 +!# 0, #+/1.# 0& 0 5,1. +#40 '//1# ,$ .# !&#/ 5,1. +#3 "".#// ,/0! ."/ 3'0& !& +%# ,$ "".#// $,.*/ .# 2 ') )# 0 5,1. ),! ) -,/0 ,$6!#

Rugged Colorado Help your travelers experience the wild and natural West in the South Park National Heritage Area and its gateway communities. Let us custom design experiences that fit your group, whether staying on a working ranch, visiting an old mining town, learning to pan for gold, meeting artists at work, enjoying stories of local outlaws and heroes, or being able to pet a wolf— and many more options. Linda Balough (719) 836-4298 lbalough@parkco.us www.southparkheritage.org

Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 27

Lodging and Dining for Bus Groups wo of the most important things that tour planners consider

tance to restaurants and are located just off Interstate 40 for added

is where their group will sleep and where they will eat. That is



why it is crucial to pick quality properties for these basic neces-

Conway also boasts a wide range of shopping options, from cute

sities. Sometimes you can ďŹ nd the right place in the heart of a bustling

local boutiques to large well-known brands where you can ďŹ nd what

city or sometimes smaller “hidden gem� cities offer dining and lodg-

you need for any occasion. If you are interested in learning more about

ing options that will delight your guests.

this small but growing city with so much to offer, visit ConwayArk.com.

Conway, Arkansas

Located in the heart of central Arkansas, Conway is an easy stop as you pass through the Natural State. From sporting events to the performing arts, there is plenty to do in Conway. Residents and visitors alike can ďŹ nd a variety of entertainment venues as well as free and ticketed cultural events throughout the city. With more than 200 restaurants ranging from local favorites to big name chains, Conway has the dining options travelers look for. They also offer 1,200 hotel rooms, many of which are less than ďŹ ve years old, within walking dis-

Your Next Stop Located just off I-40, Conway, Arkansas is the perfect place to stop on your way through Central Arkansas. From our bustling downtown shops to our many restaurants and hotels, we’re the perfect destination for your next stop.

ConwayArk.com | 866-7CONWAY

28 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

*/ 24;29/ +33 50 5:7 7/+./78 95 6+792-26+9/ 24 5:7 $"#% (/+./78 ):7;/=! 85 </ +7/ +,3/ 95 ,/99/7 :4./789+4. =5:7 4//.8 +4. 15< 95 ,/99/7 8/7;/ =5: '5 95& %%% #!" # ! ' !# $ & Volume XXXVI, Number 2 • November/December, 2015

Rail and Sail page 4

The Midwest page 20

Gaming page 28

Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 29

Wingate by Wyndham Indianapolis Northwest Indianapolis, Indiana The Wingate by Wyndham Indianapolis Northwest is only 10 minutes from the

• Free hot breakfast

Country Inn and Suites by Carlson

• Complimentary guest laundry

SpringďŹ eld, Illinois

• Complimentary 24-hour business cen-

Abraham Lincoln, Route 66, the Heart-

ter including free faxes, copies, com-

land of America – these are just some of the

puter and printer

reasons bus groups love to stay and explore

hustle and bustle of Downtown Indy and

• Indoor pool and whirlpool

SpringďŹ eld, Illinois. When it is time to rest

is the perfect environment for all travelers,

• Lovely outdoor patio with gas grill

after a busy day of checking out Illinois’ cap-

conveniently located off interstates 465

• Free high speed Internet

ital city, an outstanding option is Country Inn

and 65.

• Gym/ďŹ tness center

and Suites – SpringďŹ eld.

Guests can start their busy day with a free

Wingate by Wyndham Indianapolis North-

Featuring 78 guests rooms and suites,

hot breakfast and recharge for the next day

west hotel is a favorite of tour groups visit-

this first-rate lodging property offers all the

with a restful night’s sleep on pillow-top mat-

ing Indianapolis, or just passing through on

amenities groups love. Enjoy a free break-

tresses. They have your needs covered with

the way to other destinations. The whole

fast, free high speed Internet access, a busi-

their inclusive rate, which includes:

team will work diligently to ensure your stay

ness center, free weekday paper, a lend-

• Special group tour incentives

is great, Visit wingateindianapolis.com or

ing library, a fitness center, a pool and the

• Complimentary motorcoach parking

phone (317) 275-7000 to learn more.

Inn Case Market to pick up some travel necessities you may have forgotten or need more of.

Your clients will


They are located near many iconic and fun attractions including Abe Lincoln sites, the University of Illinois at Springfield, the Illinois State Capitol Complex, the Illinois


State Fair Grounds, Sangamon Auditorium,

• Free “Be Our Guestâ€? Breakfast

Hoogland Center for the Arts, Knights,

• Free High-speed Internet Access • Business Center • Free Weekday Newspaper • Fitness Center • Pool • Airport Shuttle Service • Club CarlsonTM Hotel Rewards Program

Action Park, Charlie Parker’s cafĂŠ, the Dana Thomas House, Spartan Sports Park and more. Their Club Carlson Rewards program offers special beneďŹ ts to frequent guests of any Carlson-owned property. Contact Country Inn and Suites - Spring-

Country Inn & Suites By Carlson 3092 Stevenson Drive 217-544-5151 countryinns.com/springďŹ eldil

ďŹ eld by phoning (217) 544-5151 to learn about how your group can fully enjoy their SpringďŹ eld experience with a stay at their hotel. Their Web site is countryinns.com/springďŹ eldil.

30 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

THE CURIOUS TOUR PLANNER Number 11 of a Series “The Curious Tour Planner” is a question and answer column that provides simple answers to simple questions involving bus and group tours. It is patterned after a very successful similar column in our sister publication, NATIONAL BUS TRADER, that has run for about 20 years with more than 200 installments. We will accept reasonably simple technical or operating historical questions on bus and group tours and their operations by letter, fax, e-mail or telephone. Unless otherwise indicated, the simpler questions will be answered by our editor, Larry Plachno, who has owned buses and planned tours for more than 50 years. If our staff is unable to answer them, we will call upon our panel of experts. Names and addresses should be submitted with your questions, but we will withhold names from publication on request. We reserve the right to modify questions to make them more useful to our readers. Q. Can you please settle a question for us? A friend says that none of the tour coaches sold in the United States are completely built here. Is that true? –– Midwest Tour Operator A. While most body-on-chassis buses are built domestically, the integral tour coaches are built in other countries although one model is completed in the United States. The MCI J4500, the most popular integral coach sold in the United States for the past 10 years, is built at the MCI facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The various MCI “D” models are framed up at Winnipeg and then trucked south to the MCI facility in Pembina, North Dakota where they are completed. The Prevost X3-45 and H3-45 coaches are built at the Prevost facility in St. Claire, Quebec, located several miles south of Quebec City. Some Prevost commuter coaches are completed at the Nova Bus facility in Plattsburgh, New York. Also sold by Prevost, the Volvo 9700 coaches sold in the United States are built at the Volvo factory in Mexico. Temsa coaches are built at their facility in Adana, Turkey, not far from the Mediter-

ranean Ocean. They do include American drive lines and components. Setra coaches are framed up at the big Mercedes complex in Mannheim, Germany and then moved by rail to the Setra factory in Neu Ulm, Germany near the Danube River where they are finished. Caio coaches are built at the Caio facility in Botucatu, Brazil, many miles west of Sao Paulo. Drive lines and running gear are supplied by Freightliner in the United States. BCA coaches are built by Yutong in Zhengzhou, China. Yutong is reportedly the largest bus builder in the world and has two huge complexes the size of small cities in Zhengzhou. American components are used. Van Hool coaches coming to the United States are built at either their traditional facility in Koningshooikt, Belgium – a few miles south of Lier – or at their new factory in Skopje, Macedonia. Van Hool also has a facility in Bree, Belgium but I do not think it produces any coaches for the American market. Q. In “The Curious Tour Planner” in the September issue, you mentioned that the feds are looking at a second door on tour coaches following the Orland, California crash. Are two-door coaches currently available? –– Tour Coach Operator A. The unfortunate incident in Orland involved a head-on crash between a large truck and a coach. As a result, passengers could not usethe regular door in the front to exit. While two-door tour coaches are very popular in Europe and elsewhere, they have not been popular in the United States and Canada. Many European coach builders who brought coaches to the United States originally brought over two-door European-type coaches. This would include Neoplan, MAN, LAG and Van Hool. In fact, Van Hool offered their two-door 815 model on the American market for several years. It might be noted that as a general rule, the two-door coaches place their restroom on a lower level near the entrance to the center door. This leaves the rear of the

coach open so you can place windows all around for better sightseeing or use the rear of the coach for a lounge. While some tour operators liked the twodoor coaches, some charter operators were concerned about safety since a single driver cannot assist passengers at two doors at the same time. Today, you can order a two-door Setra coach from MCI. I suspect that if you ask, you might be able to get a two-door coach from Temsa or Van Hool since they offer them in Europe. However, we have yet to hear anything about mandating two door coaches in the future. There has been some discussion about using the lift door for the handicapped as an emergency exit, but someone would have to figure out how to keep passengers from tampering with it at times when there were no emergency. Q. When will the new Ark Encounter exhibit open? –– Faith Based Tour Planner A. Following on the success of the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky (just west of the Cincinnati Airport), the Ark Encounter is being developed near Interstate 75 in Williamstown, Kentucky. This full-size replica of the Ark will contain three levels of exhibits. Included will be Noah’s study, living quarters, exhibits, cages, storage vessels, props and animals. When completed, the Ark will reportedly be the largest timber-frame structure in the United States. We were told that as we reach the end of 2015, the main part of the structure will be sealed off so that the interior can be finished during the winter months. The official opening date is set for July 7, 2016. It was also mentioned that when the Ark is complete, work will start on other projects including a Walled City, the Tower of Babel, a first century Middle Eastern village and several other similar projects. Eventually, live mammal and bird shows will be offered. Answers not credited to other individuals are provided by Larry Plachno, Editor. Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 31

20 Tips For Bus Tour Planners by: Dr. Charleen Jaeb

Twenty Tips on Giving Back People are searching for heroes today. My

mentary charter bus for one day to use in a

questions about bus traveling on radio or tele-

charity auction. Some companies limit their

vision programs. Speakers can present at

gifts to one per charity in a year.

libraries, adult education classes and civic

favorite TV news shows usually end their pro-

2. Help less fortunate neighbors. Baron

organizations on topics I have written about

grams with a story about an ordinary person

Bus Line’s owner Tom Goebel furnishes a bus

in BUS TOURS MAGAZINE. E.g.; Packing light,

making a positive difference. A Cleveland Plain

to take homeless people to a festive free din-

right and cheap; Qualifications for group tour

Dealer section on 100 top workplaces in our

ner on Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter at

planners, How to take prize-winning travel

area described how many winners found cre-

St. Augustine’s Hunger Center in Cleveland.

photos and Attracting bus groups.

ative ways to help others. The AARP Bulletin

3. Help military families. Many American

6. Donate to recognized national chari-

is starting a new column entitled Random Acts

Bus Association members have pitched in qui-

ties. Pink Mystery Bus Trips of West Fargo,

of Kindness inviting readers to submit their

etly to transport military families and wounded

North Dakota started out in 2007 as a

good deed experiences.

warriors to special events. Greyhound gives

fundraiser for ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)

a 20 percent walk-up bus travel discount to

because one of the founder’s husband passed

bus business. This column will describe some

U.S. Active Duty Military veterans, National

away from it. Pink Mystery is still active today

of the unique ways bus companies, their

Guard and families with a VetRewards card.

and a portion of all trips is donated to ALS.

I have discovered many heroes are in the

employees and group leaders give back to

4. Give back to your customers. Give sup-

7. Make sure you are giving to a legitimate

their community. I hope it will stimulate ideas

port to colleges or universities who use your

charity. CharityWatch is America’s most inde-

for my readers. By working 15 years with bus

service. It can be in the form of scholarships,

pendent, assertive charity watchdog. The IRS

companies, their employees and fellow group

money or donations to their charitable events,

provides a search for IRS-approved charities.

leaders, I saw firsthand the dozens of ways

discount prices for certain passengers or at cer-

Do not let your gift fall into an organization that

they give back of which the average bus pas-

tain times. Lakefront Lines allowed seniors a

is poorly run or at worst fraudulent. If it is a

senger is not aware.

10 percent discount on tours booked and paid

small local charity, make sure you know the

Here are 20 tips and examples on giving

for between January 4 and February 12, 2016

person in charge and have references you trust.

back to communities, charities, employees

and five percent the remainder of the year.

8. Do not publish names of “anonymous”

and customers. It is the tip of the iceberg I have

Anderson Coach and Travel of Greenville,

donors. As a volunteer at a soup kitchen, I was

uncovered through interviews, the Internet,

Pennsylvania has a “child rate” for 11 years old

surprised to discover many restaurants who

experience and observation.

and under rooming with two adults.

regularly donate, do so anonymously. There

1. Donate bus trips to local non-profit

5. Share your expertise with customers,

are reasons donors may not wish publicity,

organizations. Most do. One of the most pop-

prospective customers and the public. Have

including when their identity becomes known

ular is a one-day gift certificate for two to a

training sessions at your office for group lead-

they become targets for many requests.

casino – appreciated and relatively inexpen-

ers with question and answers and introduc-

9. Create a foundation. The American Bus

sive to give. Amount of the gifts vary from

tion of company managers. Allow group sales

Association Foundation is a non-profit orga-

small company gift certificates often given on

employees to visit group customers at their

nization with an emphasis on scholarship,

the bus as prizes to an expensive compli-

meetings to present trip ideas. Offer to answer

research and continuing education. Each year

32 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

as part of their Marketplace, they select a

an honest written evaluation of the trip with

developmental disabilities. They can give

deserving non-profit to raise money for and

recommendations to management.

ideas on jobs where individuals would be

awareness of. In the 2015 Marketplace in St.

14. Ways bus travel companies give back

Louis they chose the Animal Rescue Group.

to group leaders: Some allow them free trips,

In the 2016 Marketplace in Louisville they

training sessions, furnish them jackets, hire

18. More unique ways bus companies

will host an opening “Knock out Parkinson’s

them as paid escorts or have a free yearly

give back: Arrow Coach Lines in Little Rock

Party” raising research funds for The Michael

show where they meet, greet and eat. For 34

provides coaches to train S.W.A.T. teams to

J. Fox Foundation.

successful and accommodations employers would need to provide.

years Allen Kinney, president of Great Day

prepare against terrorist activities and other

10. Look at your community to see what

Tours in Cleveland, invites group leaders to

crimes. A California company, Get on the Bus,

is important. Are schools struggling? Do

his Travel Marketplace. In 2015, 320 group

brings poor children and their caregivers

neighborhoods need sprucing up? Does the

leaders started the day with an open bar,

from throughout California to visit their moth-

animal shelter or food pantry need dona-

greeted 75 vendors, had a full course prime

ers and fathers in prison.

tions? Investigate and chose an area that fits

rib luncheon, heard an orchestra and won

19. Go Green. The Hybrid Bus Company

with your company’s mission and resources.

big door prizes including three flat screen

of Honolulu is becoming actively interested


in taking care of their island environment.

11. Participate in a “Stuff the Bus” program in your city. They usually feature an

15. Ways trip escorts give back: Many

Sixty Hybrid buses with “clean exhaust

organization partnering with sponsors and

escorts put their name and cell phone num-

stacks” were purchased with another 19 on

a bus company to provide school supplies or

ber on the back of passenger name tags and

their way this year. They recycle engines,

clothing to poor students at the start of the

allow passengers without cell phones to use

reuse renewable resources, use shorter road

school year. For example, TV Channel Fox 8

theirs when necessary. Others entertain pas-

test routes, shorter engine idle time in the

kicked off their ninth annual “Stuff the Bus”

sengers with their skills in storytelling,

shop, etc. (Going green will be a topic for a

on July 30, 2015 from 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. in

singing, telling jokes and playing games.

future article.)

their front yard. They filled nine buses with

Another took pictures of war veterans visit-

20. Let current and prospective cus-

new donated school supplies given to the

ing Washington, D.C. and had them published

tomers know how you are giving back. You

Cleveland Kids in Need program. There are

in the local newspaper. Others give special

can put it on your Web site, in tour catalogs

numerous U.S. cities on the Internet with

attention to passengers traveling alone with

and press releases. Community involvement

“Stuff the Bus” campaigns.

memory problems.

can boost your bottom line. Most U.S. con-

12. Promote volunteerism among employ-

16. Provide buses to bring in supplies and

sumers consider social responsibility when

ees. Offer employees a chance to volunteer

evacuate people in national disasters. Bus

deciding which services to purchase and

during work hours, or get together off work

companies are among the first responders

where to shop.

hours to participate in walkathons or a com-

when national disasters hit. When we toured

“The amount of gratitude in the world

pany-sponsored softball team. Relax the dress

New Orleans on a bus trip a year after Katrina

increases one thoughtful person at a time.”

code on certain days in the office if they donate

hit, I was impressed by the number of small

Thank you to my readers who send com-

an item for a local food pantry. Follow employ-

buses still there who brought volunteers to

ments as well as ideas for future columns.

ees’ ideas on how they could donate.

rebuild the homes and neighborhoods.

You can reach me at cdjaeb@wowway.com.

13. Ways group leaders give back: One

17. Provide employment opportunities

My March column will give you tips of free

church group leader donates the amount she

for adults with disabilities. In Cuyahoga

and fantastic places to travel in Ohio, where

receives for seats on the bus back to her

County advice is available from community-

the RNC will be held in Cleveland July 18-21,

church. Others bring food, beverages, birth-

based organizations (CBDO) and SAW, Inc.,

as well as ideas on how to find them easily

day cards and small gifts, prizes for games

one of the largest employers of persons with

in all states.

and reading material to share on the bus. Some host potluck cocktail parties in their hotel room on overnight trips. Some take a

With degrees from four universities, Dr. Charleen Jaeb was a business professor at Cuyahoga

group photograph of passengers and give a

Community College. After her retirement in 2000, she became a trip planner for the CCC

copy to everyone in the picture. They treat

retirees and Middleburg Heights Women’s Club, filling as many as 15 buses each year. Jaeb

people the way they want to be treated, make passengers feel welcome, handle emergencies and difficult people calmly, and furnish

and her husband escorted trips for Lakefront Lines in Cleveland, Ohio. She says, “It was wonderful and somewhat unbelievable in retirement to be able to do what you love to do and get paid for doing it.”

Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016 • 33

Advertiser’s Index Bear Lake Valley CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

9>A<DB>$3;D:E=% 8E:@C)6)7:B: + (' ( (/+ % * +, () * , ' &-%, - &( % * %*( +)% .+ () ' ,( , )- %

5:E;A>?>:=($64 &-+2'$0,-).1./ GGG*FE:@CDE:B:*<DB

Heritage Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Boys Town USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Miami Oklahoma CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Bradford House Historical

Mid-Lakes Navigation Co. . . . . . . . . . .23

Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Miromar Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Campbell County CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

Mt. Washington Cog Railway . . . . . . .25

City of Aztec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

National Tour Association . . . . . . . . .11

Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center . .13

Old Sturbridge Village . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Conway CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Phoenix Art Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Country Inn and Suites, SpringďŹ eld . .30

Presque Isle Downs & Casino . . . . . . . .2

Country Music Hall of Fame

Rapid City CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

and Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

34 • Bus Tours Magazine / January, 2016

Mari Sandoz High Plains

Bowers Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum . . . . . . .21

Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad . . .29

Sable Points Lighthouse Keepers . . . .19

Dancing Horses Theatre, The . . . . . . . .7

Sioux Falls CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

Elk City CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Sleepy Hollow Theatre & Arts Park . .23

Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco . .19

South Park National Heritage Area . . .27

Fulton Tourism Center . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Starved Rock Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

German American Heritage Center . .25

Timber Lake Playhouse . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Grissom Air Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Train O Rama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Hilton Garden Inn Louisville . . . . . . . .29

Tudor Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Inn of the Mountain Gods . . . . . . . . . .10

Turkey Hill Experience . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Jacksonville Area CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

U.S. Naval Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Lafayette CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Walt Disney Family Museum, The . . .16

Little Falls CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Western Maryland Scenic Railroad . . .34

Take your group on the Monumental Route from Mount Rushmore to Yellowstone, by way of Devils Tower. After spending the day at Devils Tower, head to Gillette for step-on or guided tours of a working DWǢCNQ TCPEJ, a a JKUVQTKE TCPEJ tour. large surface EQCN OKPG, a EQCN ǣTGF RQYGT RNCPV or Call us today to set up your stopover in Gillette at 307-686-0040.

Buffalo Ranch Tours

Coal Mine Tours

Great Dining & Brew Pubs


For a chance to relive your childhood dream of being an astronaut.

Insider Tip Tip #36

Look inside the NASA suit at the Kirby Science Discovery Center to ďŹ nd a famous autograph.

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