Bus Tours Magazine Volume XLIV, Number 6 July-August, 2023

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Welcoming GROUPS Since 1620 Plymouth County Convention & Visitors Bureau Destination Plymouth Town of PLYMOUTH visitma.com See Plymouth SeePlymouth.com/groups May ower II, Plimoth Patuxet Museums

Authentic Histor y and Fun for the Whole Family in Amer ica’s Hometown, Plymouth, Massachusetts!

Between Boston and Cape Cod sits the histor ic seaside town of Plymouth and Plymouth County The fir st Pilgr im settlement is home to some of the most renowned histor ical monuments and attractions including Pilgr im Hall Museum, the awe-inspir ing National Monument to the Forefather s, Plimoth Patuxet Museums and Mayf lower II And yet, histor y is just the beginning!

Known worldwide as the landing place of the Mayf lower, the rare combination of fresh and saltwater recreation, incomparable golf cour ses, state forest camping and hiking keeps outdoor enthusiasts and spor tsmen coming back each year Make new discoveries by sea with beautiful sunset cr uises, unforgettable whale watches, deep-sea fishing and so much more! Or explore fur ther afield and visit the other quaint cities and towns of Plymouth County with unblemished coastal landscapes, picturesque waterfront downtown areas and backroads blanketed with cranber r y, pine and countless ponds

Enjoy the diver sely vibrant ar ts scene of the Plymouth Bay Cultural Distr ict which includes the histor ic Spire Center for the Perfor ming Ar ts, Plymouth Memor ial Hall (home of the Plymouth Philhar monic Orchestra!), Plymouth Center for the Ar ts and Amer icana Theatre Company! Catch a play at Norwell’s Company Theatre or be inspired by the renown exhibitions on display at the City of Brockton’s Fuller Craft Museum.

A great Plymouth adventure is just beginning when the sun goes down! Enjoy fir st-class live bands and unique pop-up events all week long at the many great pubs, craft beer brewer ies and award-winning winer ies From upscale, fine dining to casual New England seafood, the area is home to many unforgettable restaurants with dif ferent cuisines and styles to suit ever yone’s palate Plymouth has no shor tage of award-winning dining options for even the most finnicky foodie

Tour guide Leo Mar tin of the Jenney Interpretive Centre leads a group from Plymouth’s historic Town Brook to Plymouth Rock and Mayflower II (cour tesy See Plymouth)

Stay the week! Whether choosing a cute, seaside B & B, a luxur y resor t ready to pamper, a centrallylocated waterfront hotel or a family-fr iendly campground, Plymouth boasts amazing accommodations for all modes of travel The handy “See Plymouth” mobile app allows you to plan your itinerar y and view a calendar chock-full of concer ts, festivals, musicals and more!

Thank you to our sponsor of this digital issue See Plymouth
Bus Tours Magazine • www.bustoursmagazine.com Ph: (815) 946-2341 • Fx: (815) 946-2347
R a i l & S a i l p a g e 9 P l a c e s t o G o N e x t Ye a r p a g e 1 2 G a m i n g a n d E n t e r t a i n m e n t p a g e 1 8 Volume XLIV, Number 6 • July.August, 2023
Please contact: Sandra Needham at: 603-986-7327 or by email at sandraneedham@conwayscenic.com 38 Norcross Circle | North Conway, NH All Aboard! e Mountaineer o ers a supremely scenic journey over Crawford Notch. A Choice of Train Rides! • 1-hr, 2-hr & 5-hr excursions • Tour groups welcome! • One way group fares available • Train charter options • Culinary Choices All trains depart from our 1874 station in the center of North Conway Village.

take in an enjoyable show


Tired of the same old thing? Here are some suggestions for your next bus tour that offer a change of pace or moving in new directions



G a r d e n s a n d e s t a t e s m a k e a g r e a t addition to any bus tour Plants and other growing things are the subject of your visit while buildings with historical significance make things interesting


Located near Green Bay, Wisconsin, O u r L a d y o f G o o d H e l p i s t h e o n l y approved Marian apparition site in the United States and a great addition to your next faith-based tour

And More


D o n o t l e t y o u r p a s s e n g e r s b e scammed at an ATM machine Here is some information for you that you can pass on to your passengers

28 20 TIPS FOR TOUR PLANNERS by Larry Plachno



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Right on Lake Sakakawea sits an oasis of fun – 4 Bears Casino & Lodge in New Town, North Dakota. The MHA Nation-operated facility offers gaming, live entertainment, sports book, dining, lodging, water park, RV park, convenience store and a gaming riverboat A new 95-room hotel expansion is set to open June 2025.

times annually by National Bus Trader Inc 9698 W Judson Road Polo, Illinois 61064 Subscriptions, $15 (in US funds) annually, Canadian & International $20 (in US funds) Printed in U S A Periodicals postage paid at Polo Illinois 61064 and at additional mailing offices

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Founded in 1979 BUS TOURS MAGAZINE is the oldest independent magazine in the bus and group tour market Circulation includes bus and group tour planners in the United States and Canada regardless of affiliation or whether commercial, private or corporate or group leader The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in whole or in par t without the written consent of the publisher The name BUS TOURS MAGAZINE and the logo incorporating the passengers, bus and destinations are trade marks of National Bus Trader, Inc

B U S T O U R S M A G A Z I N E ( I S S N 0 1 9 9 - 6 0 9 6 ) i s p u b l i s h e d s i x
3 Guides 9 RAIL & SAIL W h e r e e l s e c a n y o u fi n d a m o v i n g attraction? Young and old are attracted to the nostalgia of railroads 12 PLACES TO GO NEXT YEAR Bus tour groups are always looking for places to go Here are several places that offer interesting experiences of different kinds while inviting bus groups to come and see what they have. 18 GAMING & ENTERTAINMENT It is a sure bet that your bus group will be happy with some gaming and entertainment Give them a chance to have some gaming excitement or
Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 •
contents JULY/AUGUST 2023 Volume XLV, Number
6 12 18
24 9

Buzz on the Bus

News and notes for bus tour planners

Paul Busse Garden Railway Opens

Columbus, Ohio

O n J u n e 3 , F r a n k l i n P a r k C o n s e r v a t o r y a n d B o t a n i c a l G a r d e n s reopened the Paul Busse Garden Railway The exhibition will be on display from June 3, 2023 through January 7, 2024

Franklin Park Conservatory is proud to announce, with the help of 42 generous donors who raised more than $45,000, the Paul Busse Garden Railway is now part of the Conservatory’s permanent collection

Paul Busse Garden Railway features four botanical themes – Fairytale Land, Wild West Town, European Travels and the animals of Who Lives Here

placed throughout 1,122 feet of track Nine g-scale model trains w i l l w e a v e t h r o u g h t h e b o t a n i c a l l a n ds c a p e s , s o m e t i m e s passing overhead

T h e w o r l d o f t r a i n s i s b r o u g h t t o l i f e b y P a u l B u s s e a n d h i s t e a m a t Applied Imagination, L t d T h e t e a m c o ll e c t e d a l l - n a t u r a l p l a n t m a t e r i a l t o b u i l d m o r e t h a n 5 0 b o t a n i c a l models to accompany the tracks, creating a unique and immersive world to explore Special elements include an enchanted tree hollow, waterfalls and a brook

Paul Busse Garden Railway is included with general admission and special engagements (after 5pm on select evenings) The exhibition is made possible with ongoing support from The Columbus Foundation, Greater Columbus Arts Council and the Ohio Arts Council

For more information on all the Conservatory has to offer, visit fpconservatory.org or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

SeaWorld Arctic Rescue

San Diego, California

SeaWorld San Diego’s highly anticipated coaster, Arctic Rescue, o p e n e d s p r i n g 2 0 2 3 T h e c o a s t e r w i l l b e t h e l o n g e s t a n d f a s t e s t s t r a d d l e c o a s t e r o n t h e We s t C o a s t T h i s f a m i l y - f r i e n d l y m u l t il a u n c h r i d e w i l l i nv i t e g u e s t s t o h o p o n a s n o w m o b i l e a n d l a u n c h a t u p t o 4 0 m p h o n a c h i l l y a d v e n t u r e a s t h e y r a c e t h r o u g h t h e u n p r e d i c t a b l e a r c t i c c l i m a t e t o h e l p a n i m a l s i n d a n g e r

TECO Line Streetcar

Tampa, Florida

The TECO Line Streetcar smashed the all-time monthly ridership record in December 2022 with 118,575 trips It was the highest monthly ridership in more than 20 years of TECO Line Streetcar service

The TECO Line Streetcar has broken several ridership records over the past year with the previous monthly record achieved in March 2022 with 107,956 trips reported The Streetcar also ended fiscal year 2022 (October 2021 through September 31, 2022) with all-time annual ridership of more than a million trips taken.

The record ridership is attributed to population growth along the Streetcar line, visitors in town for events such as the ReliaQuest Bowl and an overall return in Hillsborough County tourism

“When we opened the streetcar system, there were very few people living in downtown and Ybor City,” said Michael English, president, Tampa Historic Streetcar Inc “Now people are riding it, not just for fun; now they’re riding it to get to work, to go to school It has just been astounding The Streetcar is a viable transportation option in downtown and Ybor City ”

T h e T E C O L i n e S t r e e t c a r h a s a r r a n g e m e n t s f o r g r o u p s Vi s i t TECOLineStreetcar.org for a live streetcar map, schedules and more information Illinois Beach Hotel Zion, Illinois T h e n e w l y - r e n ov a t e d a c c o m m o d a t i o n i n Z i o n i s t h e l o n e L a k e M i c h i g a n c o a s t a l f a c i l i t y i n t h e L a n d o f L i n c o l n T h e G r e a t L a k e b o r d e r i n g h o t e l h a s 9 2 g u e s t r o o m s a n d s u i t e s w i t h a b e a c h y f e e l and feature comfy Serta mattresses, as well as amenities like new L C D T V s , c o f f e e m a k e r s a n d h a i r d r y e r s 4 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023

T h e p r o p e r t y h a s r e c e i v e d a c o m p l e t e i n t e r i o r r e n o v a t i o n , i n c l u d i n g a l l n e w l o b b y a n d g u e s t r o o m f u r n i s h i n g s ’ Nolan’s Restaurant and Bar (named after the owner of Explorus) o f f e r s l u n c h a n d d i n n e r N e a r b y a t t r a c t i o n s i n c l u d e S h i l o h H o u s e, T h e Te m p e p l , L i p i zz a n s , G o l d P y r a m i d a n d t h e G e n e s e e T h e a t r e F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n p h o n e ( 2 2 4 ) 2 5 9 - 2 6 0 0 o r v i e w i l l i n o i s b e a c h h o t e l c o m

East Troy Railroad Museum East Troy, Wisconsin

The Board of the East Troy Railroad Museum has announced the election of Ward Komorowski as president of the museum, effective January 1. Komorowski, a volunteer at the tourist railroad and museum f o r t h e p a s t t w o y e a r s , w a s elected to the board of directors earlier this year He retired a f t e r a 3 9 - y e a r c a r e e r w i t h J o h n s o n C o n t r o l s , w h e r e h e was most recently VP Enterp r i s e P r o p e r t y G r o u p a n d Security Ryan Jonas, who has been president of the museum for 10 years, was elected chairm a n o f t h e b o a r d , r e p l a c i n g P a t r i c k D o r a n , w h o w i l l remain on the board

“Ward brings a level of experience and leadership that will serve the organization well, along with a love for trains and railroading,” s a i d J o n a s “ I l o o k f o r w a r d t o w o r k i n g t o g e t h e r w i t h h i m a n d t h e r e s t o f o u r a m a z i n g v o l u n t e e r s i n m y n e w r o l e ”

T h e m u s e u m c e l e b r a t e d 5 0 y e a r s o f t o u r i s t t r a i n o p e r a t i o n s i n 2 0 2 2 F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t e a s t t r o y r r o r g o r p h o n e ( 2 6 2 )

G a t l i n b u r g C o n v e n t i o n C e n t e r

G a t l i n b u rg , Te n n e s s e e

F r o m n a t u r a l l i g h t f l o o d i n g i n t h r o u g h t h e g a l l e r y s k y l i g h t s t o t h e e x p o s e d w o o d e n b e a m s , t h e G a t l i n b u r g C o nv e n t i o n C e n t e r i s b o t h s p a c i o u s a n d w a r m l y i nv i t i n g

The Gatlinburg Convention Center has completed its $15 million p l u s r e n ov a t i o n N e w m e e t i n g s p a c e h a s b e e n a d d e d a l o n g w i t h t h e r e n ov a t i o n o f e x i s t i n g s p a c e a n d a l l p u b l i c a r e a s T h e n e w l y a d d e d i n d o o r / o u t d o o r v e n u e s p a c e a t t h e G a t l i n b u r g C o nv e n t i o n C e n t e r w i l l e n a b l e g r o u p s t o c o nv e n e i n a n o u t d o o r s e t t i n g t h a t c o m e s c o m p l e t e w i t h a s c e n i c ov e r l o o k T h i s 5 , 0 0 0 - s q u a r e - f o o t total space features patio fire pits and is sure to become a favorite a m o n g g r o u p s c o m i n g t o t h e c o nv e n t i o n c e n t e r

Effective January, 2023, the Gatlinburg Convention Center Street n a m e c h a n g e d f r o m H i s t o r i c N a t u r e Tr a i l t o a “ n e w ” n a m e T h e n a m e i s r e a l l y n o t n e w b u t r e t u r n i n g t o t h e o r i g i n a l n a m e T h e new street address will be: Gatlinburg Convention Center, 234 Airp o r t R o a d , G a t l i n b u r g T N 3 7 7 3 8

Tu d o r P l a c e H i s t o r i c H o u s e & G a r d e n Wa s h i n g t o n , D. C .

Tu d o r P l a c e H i s t o r i c H o u s e & G a r d e n i s n o w o p e n Tu e s d a y s through Saturdays from 10 a m to 4 p m and Sundays from noon4 p m G u i d e d t o u r s o f t h e h i s t o r i c h o u s e a n d s e l f - g u i d e d g a r d e n v i s i t s a r e a v a i l a b l e To u r s o f t h e h o u s e s t a r t o n t h e h o u r, w i t h t h e l a s t t o u r a t 3 p m A d v a n c e r e g i s t r a t i o n i s e n c o u r a g e d ; v i s i t t u d o r p l a c e o r g

“ We a r e e x c i t e d t o a g a i n w e l c o m e v i s i t o r s s i x d a y s a w e e k f o r g u i d e d t o u r s t h a t s h a r e t h e s t o r i e s o f e v e r y o n e a t t h i s N a t i o n a l H i s t o r i c L a n d m a r k , ” s a i d E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r M a r k H u d s o n .

Tu d o r P l a c e i s c o m m i t t e d t o s h a r i n g s t o r i e s t h a t r e p r e s e n t a l l faces and facets of this National Historic Landmark – knowing the l i f e s t y l e a n d s t a t u r e o f t h e P e t e r f a m i l y w a s m a d e p o s s i b l e b y t h e labor of generations of enslaved individuals and immigrant domestic workers A model of Federal-period architecture in the nation’s capital, Tudor Place cares for thousands of historic objects, includi n g t h e l a r g e s t Wa s h i n g t o n C o l l e c t i o n o u t s i d e o f M o u n t Ve r n o n The historic house is surrounded by 51⁄2 acres of gardens and rolling l a n d s c a p e s i n t h e h i s t o r i c G e o r g e t o w n n e i g h b o r h o o d q

6 4 2 - 3 2 6 3
Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 5 Buzz on the Bu s

Gardens & Estates

Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden Belmont, North Carolina

Discover 300 acres of rolling meadows, seasonal blooms, waters i d e w o o d l a n d s , f l o w i n g f o u n t a i n s , a r t f u l e x h i b i t s a n d m o r e a t Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden in Belmont, North Carolina. Located mere miles from the hustle and bustle of Charlotte, North Carolina, t h e g a r d e n o f f e r s a t r a n q u i l y e t l i v e l y r e p r i e v e i n t o N o r t h C a r o l i n a n a t u r e

This international destination was founded in 1999, the lifelong ambition of its namesake who invested his dollars into the acreage in 1941 at the age of 28 Daniel Stowe’s vision for a lush conservatory came true 50 years later, following nearly a decade of planning and establishment in the growing community of Belmont

Today, the garden boasts native plants alongside tropical orchids, making it a garden for all seasons From year-long flowers to seasonal festivities, the 30-acre garden – located within 300 earmarked acres along Lake Wylie – showcases unique plants, breathtaking buildings, sparkling fountains and walking trails of annual and perennial displays that enliven the hearts of the young and the young at heart

In previous years, the Garden was named by HGTV as one of the nation’s “20 Great Gardens” with Southern Living calling it one of the South’s best botanical gardens

Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden hopes to not only live up to this high praise, but exceed expectations for its visitors – families who venture near and far for this one-of-a-kind experience

Throughout the spring and summer months, the garden bursts to life with color; shades of pink, purple, yellow and green dazzle under the Southern sun with lively fountains dancing nearby The autumn beckons bolder hues of red and gold as trees and greenery fall into a seasonal slumber The chilly holiday season infuses the walkways with sparkle as the annual Holidays at the Garden shines for soldout crowds Year-round, countless couples commit to true love while nestled in nature, making Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden one of the region’s most popular engagement and wedding destinations

Whether a rainy springtime day or summer event under the stars, a sweltering August eve or April’s welcome of live music and wine

walks, Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden upholds its original vision of conservation while extending a lush greenspace to guests from around the globe

Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is a world-renowned botanical garden and outdoor sculpture park

Ranked by Art Newspaper as the 45th most-visited art museum in the world, this international destination features bountiful gardens and more than 200 permanent collection artworks – indoors and out Meijer Gardens

6 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023
Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden

is a must-experience destination for anyone interested in art, nature, gardens or gardening The park is open year-round and the 158-acre, fully accessible main campus is welcoming to all visitors

Meijer Gardens features Michigan’s largest tropical conservatory, one of the country’s largest interactive children’s gardens, arid and Victorian gardens with bronze sculptures by Edgar Degas and Auguste Rodin, a carnivorous plant house, annual horticulture exhibitions, several outdoor gardens and a replica 1930sera farm garden, wetlands and waterfalls, an eight-acre Japanese garden featuring viewing areas and contemporary sculpture, and a 1,900seat outdoor Amphitheater Garden that showcases an eclectic mix of world-renowned touring musicians each summer The permanent collection highlights hundreds of sculptures from internationally acclaimed artists Magdalena Abakanowicz, El Anatsui, Louise Bourgeois, Alexander Calder, Mark di Suvero, Marshall Fredericks, Henry Moore, Michele Oka

Donor, Beverly Pepper, Jaume Plensa, Auguste Rodin, Richard Serra, Yinka Shonibare CBE and Ai Weiwei, among others Indoor galleries with changing sculpture exhibitions have hosted
Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 7
shows by Jonathan Borofsky, Edgar Degas, Jim Dine, Laura Ford, Richard Hunt, Cristina Iglesias, Rebecca Louise Law, Pablo Picasso, George Segal and additional sculptors
Feature: Garden s & Estates
Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park Photo courtesy of Nic Sagodic

Feature: Garden s & Estates

Self-guided and docent-led tours are available for groups of 10 or more, who also enjoy discounted admission and convenient motorcoach access to our Welcome Center entrance. A narrated outdoor tram tour runs seasonally, spring through autumn, as weather allows Plan at least a few hours for your visit, to tour and experience the grounds and to enjoy the J

Keeler Gift Shop

Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park promotes the enjoyment, understanding and appreciation of gardens, sculpture, the natural environment and the arts q

a m e s & S h i r l e y
a l k
a f é a n d t h e D e Vo s –
8 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023
15 minutes from Mount Vernon | 25 minutes from Washington DC 550+ acre site | 3 hiking trails |Potomac River Views Email: grouptours@gunstonhall.org | call: 703.550.9220 Connect with the Ideas that De ne Our Country. Visit the 18th-century home and 1-acre historic garden of George Mason, author of the 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights. Learn how his work inspired the Declaration of Independence and the US Bill of Rights. Museum Galleries | Historic House | Active Archaeology The visit of a lifetime. See it and be moved. C H A R L E S T O N, S O U T H C A R O L I N A | D R A Y T O N H A L L . O R G MOVING? P l e a s e l e t u s k n o w a t l e a s t 6 0 d a y s i n a d v a n c e t o e n s u r e t h a t y o u r n e x t i s s u e o f B U S T O U R S M A G A Z I N E r e a c h e s y o u r n e w address

R a i l & S a i l

Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad

What comes to mind when you hear vintage train cars, knowledgeable volunteers, exciting special events and the occasional mystery? We hope you think of the Oil Creek & Ti t u s v i l l e R a i l r o a d I n o p e r a t i o n f o r 3 7 years, three-hour, round-trip train rides are provided through the “valley that changed the world” and the history of the original Oil Boom is shared

T h e s e a s o n s g e n e r a l l y b e g i n w i t h t h e Peter Cottontail run in spring and end with three Santa Trains shortly after Thanksgiving In between are many regular excursions and special events, and each takes you through beautiful Oil Creek Valley as you hear the his-

t o r y o f t h e O i l B o o m a n d s e e h o w M o t h e r

Nature has reclaimed this once bustling area June and September rides are Saturdays and Sundays, departing at 11 a m In July and August, the train runs Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 11 a m Fall Foliage Tours during October are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 11 a m , and Saturdays and Sundays at 10 a m and 3 p m The ride through the park as the leaves are changing allows for some amazing sights Many people ride just for outstanding photo opportunities

S p e c

, WWII Re-enactment, Christmas in July, Brew Choo, Halloween Ride and Santa Trains Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad also partner with

Oil Creek State Park for several Petroleum Centre Tours during the season

Murder Mystery Dinners are very popular, sold-out events We host 10 of these annually, from May to October Performers are from In All Seriousness of Erie, Pennsylvania, and the meal is catered by Stewart’s Premier Catering of Titusville There is limited seating and it is recommended to phone early for reservations

Across the parking lot from the station is T

overnight stays in real caboose cars Phone (814) 827-5730 for more information

Train departs from Perry Street Station, 409 S Perry Street, Titusville, Pennsylvania There is a Museum & Gift Shop and Conces-

i a l e v e n t s i n c l u d e Wi n e Ta s t i n
h e C a b o o s e M o t e l , o f f e r i n g u n i q u e
Bus Tours Magazine
July, 2023 • 9
Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad

Guide: Rail & Sail

sion Stand inside the station Group rates, car rentals and box lunches are available Phone (814) 676-1733 or go to octrr org for complete details on the excursions “through the valley that changed the world ”

Rockhill Trolley Museum

Rockhill Furnace, Pennsylvania

Welcome to the Rockhill Trolley Museum, a “Living History Museum”, the first operating trolley museum in Pennsylvania Hear the “ d i n g , d i n g ” o f t h e t r o l l e y b e l l s a n d t h e “ c l i c k e t y - c l a c k ” r u n n i n g d o w n t h e t r a c k s Ride one of 23 real, old-fashioned electric trolleys or streetcars three miles round trip by the Rockhill Iron Furnace ruins, along the creek and countryside to Blacklog Narrows.

You will see and hear the volunteers operating, restoring and maintaining trolleys and telling you history and stories about the troll e y s a n d e l e c t r i c r a i l w a y s Vi s i t t h e s t o r e, pavilion and workshop

Check RockhillTrolley org or phone (814) 447-9576 Do the “Run-A-Trolley ” q

10 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023
&4,79,3%698!79815+/293693-195684 -79813007*29.9.9. '6,985/7959632850"4+9(9#-69287 9$5+/946984 7) 0;H8I1F?IC=DE.+=I0BCE$HD ";HB@FGI -H8C:IFGGI?HFD @DC=*F?& DE.;I/H:HD-FC@E8:IAHGBE'H( AAA5/EB,=@GG#DEGGH?5ED+I)I26><>>7<!%73 1@*AHH,I;GHF:HIBFGGI369<>42<7499 3-*:(94$6 :%87998 &62!#"55:1 7 429):'0:+.,3/ &KHJNOKFPJOLKGPM1F8OHKNGHPJAON8@APJAM #JEP(ONK1P"LCCM/P ON5P$HFMNCL,P!%E 'ON84HPLG9PFALOJMOHPBMCFN5MEP 0;I7D-I7??:2P P6LO6*JOLKGOK9MENO@ BBBEJOLKGOK9MENO@ Subscribe by phone at (815) 946-2341

Places To Go Nex t Year

Prestonburg, Kentucky

L o o k i n g f o r a t a s t e o f t h e We s t i n t h e Southeast? Prestonsburg is the perfect mountain destination for those that desire fresh tours that deliver big experiences While Kentucky is often associated with bourbon and h o r s e s , h e a d e a s t a n d d i s c ov e r a w o r l d o f mountains, moonshine, music and magical creatures Eastern Kentucky is home to the s e c o n d l a r g e s t e l k p o p u l a t i o n i n A m e r i c a

From October to March, groups are escorted to the private lands for prime elk viewing and even learn their calls. Did you know elk often weigh around 700 pounds? These amazing sightings are at their peak during fall foliage

While Nashville is often referred to as the b i r t h p l a c e o f c o u n t r y m u s i c, E a s t e r n Ke ntucky is the birthplace of country music legends With iconic names like Loretta Lynn, Chris Stapleton, The Judds and more all hailing from the hills and hollers along U S 23, the corridor was fittingly named the Country

M u s i c H i g h w a y H e r e, g r o u p s t o u r L o r e t t a Lynn’s famous Butcher Holler homeplace in its coal camp community Later, guests will be mesmerized by a private tour and performance at the Mountain Arts Center, where Loretta performed to many sold-out crowds In Prestonsburg, it is about seeing, feeling, being and understanding

While rich in music and history, some may b e s u r p r i s e d t o l e a r n t h a t P r e s t o n s b u r g i s home to one of the world’s most technologically advanced planetariums Unique laser and planetarium shows capture the minds of all ages Do not skip the all-natural skygazi n g , t h o u g h T h e J e n n y Wi l e y S t a t e R e s o r t Park offers a wide variety of outdoor explorations, including elk viewing tours, nature hikes and guided pontoon rides

Prestonsburg attractions are truly remarka b l e , b u t i t i s t h e l o c a l s t h a t h a v e g u e s t s falling in love and ready to return again and again Well, that and the food A free, local

step-on guide will remain with your group from arrival to departure. Re-enactors, historians, and entertainers bring every stop to l i f e J u s t a s k U n c l e S h i n e d u r i n g P r e s t o n sburg’s staple Moonshine Tour

Phone (800) 844-4704 or (606) 886-1341 to start planning Do not forget to ask about group pricing options

Starved Rock Lodge

Oglesby, Illinois

Starved Rock Lodge, located in Oglesby, I l l i n o i s , i s n e s t l e d i n t h e m i d d l e o f s c e n i c S t a r v e d R o c k S t a t e P a r k ( a N a t i o n a l H i st o r i c L a n d m a r k ) T h e u n i q u e l a n d s c a p e f e a t u r e s s t u n n i n g s a n d s t o n e c a n y o n s a n d s e a s o n a l w a t e r f a l l s S t a r v e d R o c k L o d g e i s t h e o n l y l o d g i n g f a c i l i t y l o c a t e d w i t h i n the park Built by the Civilian Conservation C o r p s i n t h e 1 9 3 0 s , t h e l o d g e i s a n a r c h itectural masterpiece, with a massive Great

12 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023
Prestonburg, Kentucky

H a l l f e a t u r i n g t h e l a r g e s t , t w o - s i d e d f i r ep l a c e i n t h e M i d w e s t

T h e m o s t p o p u l a r g r o u p t o u r a c t i v i t i e s are the lodge’s Tribute to the Stars musical m a t i n e e s Ta l e n t e d v o c a l i s t s t a k e g u e s t s o n a w a l k d o w n m e m o r y l a n e w i t h t h e i r r e n d i t i o n s o f f a m o u s h i t s b y E l v i s P r e s l e y, Patsy Cline, Dean Martin and others A hot b u f f e t l u n c h i s i n c l u d e d T h e s e t t i n g i s t h e h i s t o r i c G r e a t H a l l

Trolleys play an important role in the tours offered by Starved Rock Lodge, providing a c o m f o r t a b l e w a y s e e t h e r e g i o n L a n d & Water cruises (aboard the Eagle I River Boat) offer guests a slow-paced cruise on the east s i d e o f S t a r v

Guide: Places To Go

view of the forests, foliage and wildlife from t h e I l l i n o i s R i v e r To u r s o f t h e l o d g e a n d guided hikes are often added to enhance the guest experience

Starved Rock Lodge features comfy hotel rooms, cabins, an indoor pool complex, the

Starved Rock Lodge

c k S t a t e P a r k o f f e r i n g a
e d
Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 13
Albuquerque, New Mexico | Open Daily 9 am – 5 pm | nuclearmuseum.org Smithsonian A liate EXPLORE THE MANHATTAN PROJECT THE MANHATTAN PROJECT LEARN. THINK. IMAGINE. DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS.

Guide: Places To Go

Back Door Lounge, Main Dining Room and Café (where you can get delicious ice cream and fudge) – all under one roof In warm weather, o

County Starved Rock Lodge is more than a day trip – it is a lasting memory Ask about “Mystery Tours” to ExplorUS sister properties (IL Beach Hotel and White Pines Lodge).

The Colony

The Colony, Texas

Just 20 minutes north of Dallas, nestled along 23 miles of shoreline, you will find a uniquely tranquil getaway complemented by metropolitan luxuries The Colony offers a variety of outdoor excursions, world-class restaurants and lively entertainment you will not find anywhere else in Texas

Outdoor enthusiasts appreciate Lewisville Lake’s abundance of recreational opportunities including miles of shoreline trails, guided tours and adventures both on and near the water Travelers can experience everything from relaxing paddleboards and sandy beaches to reeling in the catch of the day or rented party boats and personal watercrafts

While becoming a hub for international restaurants, The Colony’s diverse dining scene offers cuisines for every palate with settings

t d o o r d i n i n g o n t h e Ve r a n d a o f f e r s a s t u n n i n g v i e w o f L a S
P h o n e t h e L o d g e a t ( 8 1 5 ) 6 6 7 - 4 2 1 1 , ( 8 0 0 ) 8 6 8 - 7 6 2 5 o r v i e w a t starvedrocklodge com for more information
a l l e
14 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023

r a n g i n g f r o m c a s u a l t o fi n e d i n i n g M a n y r e s t a u r a n t s i n t h e c i t y f e a t u r e m e n u s w i t h s e a s o n a l s p e c i a l t i e s c r a f t e d f r o m r e g i o n a l produce for a truly local taste Eat your way through dozens of culinary adventures, rangi n g f r o m Te x a s s m o k e h o u s e b a r b e c u e t o authentic Japanese ramen

Grandscape, one of North Texas’ largest i n d o o r - o u t d o o r e n t e r t a i n m e n t a n d s h o pp i n g d i s t r i c t s , f e a t u r e s a w i d e v a r i e t y o f r e t a i l e x p e r i e n c e s s u r e t o i m p r e s s S h o ppers will be in awe of the magnitude of the W o r l d ’ s L a r g e s t A l l S p o r t s S t o r e a n d

N a t i o n ’s L a r g e s t H o m e F u r n i s h i n g S t o r e, both offering more than the names suggest

Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 15
BUS TOURS MAGAZINE The Magazine of Bus Tours and Long Distance Charters
Guide: Places To Go Visit The Colony

Guide: Places To Go

Wi t h a 6 5 - f o o t i n d o o r F e r r i s w h e e l , Wi l d l i f e M o u n t a i n a n d m o r e t h a n 8 0 s p e c i a l t y d e p a r t m e n t s , S C H E E L S i s a m u s t - s e e i n T h e C o l o n y A d d i t i o n a l l y, T h e H o m e s t e a d a t G r a n d s c a p e w o w s w i t h a c o l l e c t i o n o f a r t i s a n s a n d b o u t i q u e s s p e c i a l i z i n g i n c r a f t s l i k e l e a t h e r w o r k a n d c a n d l e m a k i n g

In the evenings, The Colony comes alive with a vivid live music and micro brewing scene Visitors can catch a show at Truck Yard’s h o n k y - t o n k s t a g e , p a r t y l i k e a r o c k s t a r a t L a v a C a n t i n a o r f e e l t r a n s p o r t e d i n t h e i n t i m a t e l o u n g e a t W i n d m i l l s G r a n d s c a p e ’s e x p a n s i v e s e t t i n g a l s o f e a t u r e s h i g h - e n e r g y o u t l e t s i n c l u d i n g A n d r e t t i I n d o o r K a r t i n g , P u t t e r y a n d T h e To p o C h i c o H a r d S e l t z e r S t a g e a n d L a w n ; w i t h e a s i l y a c c e s s i b l e p a r k i n g a n d w a l k a b i l i t y f o r g r o u p s

Plan your next tour with sample itineraries on the Visit The Colony a p p , a v a i l a b l e i n t h e A p p S t o r e a n d G o o g l e P l a y, a n d VisitTheColonyTX com Email visitthecolony@thecolonytx gov or phone (972) 624-5253 for more information.

Outlets of Mississippi

Pearl, Mississippi

At 325,000 square feet, Outlets of Mississippi is the largest outlet shopping destination in the state Offering luxury shopping experiences at outlet pricing, top-name brands include Polo Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors, Coach and Coach Men, Banana Republic, Gap Outlet, Johnston

16 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023

& Murphy, Cole Haan, Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, PUMA, Carter’s Babies and Kids and many more

L o c a t e d m i n u t e s f r o m t h e c a p i t a l c i t y o f J a c k s o n i n t h e c i t y o f P e a r l , O u t l e t s o f M i s s i s s i p p i i s t h e p e r f e c t s t o p p i n g p l a c e a t t h e “ C r o s s r o a d s o f t h e S o u t h ” a t t h e j u n c t i o n o f i n t e r s t a t e s 5 5 / 2 0 a n d h i g h w a y s 8 0 / 4 9 .

You will not leave hungry at Outlets of Mississippi With five restaurants and several snack vendors, there is something for everyone Enjoy Chinese and Japanese food, Southern cuisines, a Mexican Bar & G r i l l , a s w e l l a s c l a s s i c A m e r i c a n d i s h e s l i k e h a m b u r g e r s a n d chicken wings Snack vendors offer fresh popcorn, cookies, brownies, sodas and candies, chocolates and frozen yogurt Shoppers can also enjoy ice-cold beers and daiquiris which can be carried around the property

G u e s t s w i l l a l s o f i n d s p e c i a l d i s c o u n t s , a V I P c o u p o n b r o c h u r e a n d p l e n t y o f t o u r i s m i n f o r m a t i o n f o r T h e H o s p i t a l i t y S t a t e a t t h e Visitor Services Welcome Center. Wheelchairs, strollers and other amenities are also found at Visitor Services which is conveniently l o c a t e d a c r o s s f r o m t h e F o o d C o u r t a n d n e a r t h e b u s t o u r d r o po f f a r e a

Entertainment is abundant at this family-friendly outdoor shopping center and includes axe throwing lanes and pool tables, escape rooms, smash rooms and arcade games

Outlets of Mississippi

Outlets of Mississippi is conveniently located inside “The Connection” which is within walking distance to some of Mississippi’s best

Outfitter, Holiday Inn, Huey Magoo’s Chicken Tenders and Trustmark Park, home to the Mississippi Braves (Double-A affiliate of the Atlanta Braves)

View the Outlets of Mississippi Web site for a full brand directory and map, sales, events and more by visiting OutetsofMS com q

a t t r a c t i o n s i n c l u d i n g t h e s t a t e ’s o n l y B a s s P r o S h o p s , C a v e n d e r ’s Western
Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 17 Guide: Places To Go WILLKOMMEN BUS GROUPS! Book your stay at Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn Restaurant and Lodge for a unique travel experience! Featuring World Famous Frankenmuth Chicken Dinners or customized menus in our European themed atmosphere. Come explore Michigan’s Little Bavaria! Reserve your group and ask about our packages! 989.652.9941 888.775.6343 Visit us at Bavarianinn.com STAY. DINE. PLAY. BOOK TODAY!

Gaming and Entertainment

4 Bears Casino & Lodge New Town, North Dakota

A short drive from Minot sits an oasis of fun – 4 Bears Casino & Lodge in New Town

Right on Lake Sakakawea, the MHA Nationoperated facility offers gaming, live entertainment, sports book, dining, lodging, water park, RV park and even a convenience store

4 Bears is celebrating 30 years of operation this summer with several massive giveaw a y s , f r e e p l a y a n d e v e n a n e w C o r v e t t e Stingray grand prize

Take in the history of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation at the MHA Interpretive Center Check out cultural displays, taste a traditional meal or even see a performance

At 4 Bears you can ride the River Willow, the state’s first gaming riverboat Enjoy three levels with 50 slot machines, live blackjack tables, catering for group events, bathrooms

and a full bar on every level, Daily cruises and private events are available

In addition to a beachfront area on Lake S a k a k a w e a , 4 B e a r s b o a s t s a w a t e r p a r k complete with spacious splash feature, a lazy river, multiple water slides, a toddler-friendly splash pad and a sunbathing deck

Another great way to play and win is with North Dakota’s first-ever sports book Experience Vegas-style betting on virtually every sport – NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, NASCAR, MMA a n d m o r e P l a c e b e t s w i t h s t a f f o r a t t h e kiosks; then enjoy the action right on the flatscreen TVs

When you are ready to grab a bite, enjoy the Cache Marketplace where you can enjoy f o o d f r o m t h e g r i l l , b r i c k o v e n p i z z a s , a h o m e s t y l e m i n i - b u f f e t a n d a c a f e p r o u d l y serving Caribou coffee

Do not forget to take in a show while you are at 4 Bears Visit the Web site to check out a calendar full of concerts, comedy shows, boxing, fights and rodeos

C o m e o u t t o 4 B e a r s C a s i n o a n d L o d g e with the whole family for fun, food and the chance to win big

Atlantic City

Atlantic City welcomes one and all to the seaside destination, where local spirits are connected, and the celebrations are unforgettable

N e s t l e d b e t w e e n t h e l a n d a n d s e a , Atlantic City is the perfect location for visitors to travel to in the comfort of a car, motorcoach or airfare Located within a few hours’ drive of nearly one-third of the nation's population, Atlantic City is easily accessible from many cities along the Northeast

18 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023
New hotel expansion coming summer of 2025

Guide: Gaming & Enter tainment

With more than 17,500 first-class hotel rooms, Atlantic City is an exceptional place to lodge Whether in the Marina District or situated on the world-famous Atlantic City Boardwalk, a stay at one of the nine casino resorts will guarantee a memorable experience Along with precise guest services and waterside elegance, each casino resort showcases panoramic views of Atlantic City from every angle.

Atlantic City is ready to celebrate life’s greatest moments with thrilling year-round events and attractions Stroll the Atlantic City Boardwalk and discover endless family-centric fun at historic Steel Pier and Lucky Snake Arcade & Raceway, the largest indoor arcade along the East Coast For live entertainment, score front row seats at Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall as entertainment’s biggest and most successful acts take the stage Endless excitement continues at Atlantic City’s casino resorts where nightlife and late-night experiences are always celebrated

Relax and unwind at one of Atlantic City’s world-class spas Treat yourself and your group to illuminated spa services for a journey of peace and relaxation Being pampered at Atlantic City’s spas is not only a luxury, but a necessity to recharge and enjoy the many energetic events during your visit

Known for its thriving culinary scene, Atlantic City welcomes all to explore the city’s famous dining establishments Ranging from celebrity chef restaurants to locally-owned eateries, Atlantic City’s restaurants are well equipped to accommodate special events for large or small

Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 19

groups When visiting Atlantic City, come hungry because the diverse cuisine selections will surely satisfy those tastebuds

Atlantic City awaits your arrival as strides t o c e l e b r a t e a n d l e t l o o s e c o n t i n u e t o l i v e every day in the vibrant city

White Pines Lodge

Mt. Morris, Illinois

White Pines Lodge is the hidden gem of O g l e C o u n t y I f y o u h a v e n e v e r b e e n t o Mount Morris, Illinois, you now have a new r e a s o n t o p l a n a t r i p t h e r e T h e y o p e n e d

f o r t h e s e a s o n o n M a r c h 3 w i t h d i n i n g , l o d g i n g a n d a f u l l s c h e d u l e o f m u s i c a l e n t e r t a i n m e n t

One of life’s joys is finding a destination like this less than two hours from Chicago

To u r g r o u p s t r u l y e n j o y t h e h i g h - q u a l i t y

e n t e r t a i n m e n t b r o u g h t t o t h e s t a g e o f t h e L o d g e ’s P i n e s D i n n e r T h e a t e r Tr i b u t e s t o

Gordon Lightfoot and Red Skelton are a few o f t h e t a l e n t e d s h o w s o n t h e s c h e d u l e

Reservations are now being taken for 2023

M a t i n e e s w h i c h i n c l u d e a d e l i c i o u s h o t l u n c h b u f f e t

This quaint, 1930’s era Lodge is nestled deep in the forest of White Pines State Park

T h e r e s t a u r a n t i s k n o w n f a r a n d w i d e f o r i t s d e l i c i o u s h o m e - s t y l e c u i s i n e, g e n e r o u s p o r t i o n s a n d f r i e n d l y s t a f f G u e s t s e n j o y tasty homemade dishes for breakfast, lunch o r d i n n e r i n t h i s t r e a s u r e d l a n d m a r k W h e t h e r y o u a r e s t o p p i n g b y o n a m o t o rc o a c h o r f o r a f a m i l y o u t i n g , w e d d i n g r e c e p t i o n , b u s i n e s s r e t r e a t o r C h r i s t m a s

20 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023
Guide: Gaming & Enter tainment Atlantic City

p a r t y, W h i t e P i n e s t a k e s p r i d e i n e n s u r i n g t h a t e v e r y g u e s t w h o s t e p s t h r o u g h t h e d o o r h a s a g r e a t e x p e r i e n c e A d j a c e n t t o

Guide: Gaming & Enter tainment

the landmark restaurant is a charming and r u s t i c g i f t s h o p f i l l e d w i t h j e w e l r y, l o c a l l ym a d e s o a p s , n o s t a l g i c g i f t i t e m s a n d s o u -

v e n i r s w h i c h w i l l b e c o m e p r e c i o u s m e m e n t o s

A s t h e l u s h g r e e n c a n o p y o f s u m m e r b e g i n s , a w a l k i n t h e p a r k i s a w o n d e r f u l way to spend a few hours outdoors soaking up the photo-worthy scenes of the season.

A u t h e n t i c , c o z y l o g c a b i n s p r o v i d e overnight lodging just a stone’s throw from t h e l o d g e N a t u r a l b e a u t y a b o u n d s w i t h m i l e s o f h i k i n g t r a i l s t h a t c r i s s c r o s s o v e r bubbling streams and along moss-covered l i m e s t o n e b l u f f s T h i s l ov e l y d e s t i n a t i o n i s ideal for relaxation, romantic escapes, fami l y o u t i n g s , c o r p o r a t e r e t r e a t s , w e d d i n g receptions and weekend getaways Be sure t o v i s i t a t C h r i s t m a s t i m e , w h e n y o u c a n t a k e a h o r s e - d r aw n w a g o n r i d e, v i s i t w i t h S a n t a a n d m o r e

Discover White Pines Lodge, where you w i l l fi n d t i m e t o r e l a x a n d u n w i n d i n t h i s peaceful forest Phone (815) 655-2400 or go to visitwhitepines com for details q

Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 21
White Pines Lodge

New, Improved and Different

Aloft Newport On The Levee

Newport, Kentucky

Northern Kentucky, aka NKY, aka one of Condé Nast Traveler's "Best Places to Go in the U S” is your guide to visiting the southern side of the Cincy Region – one of the nation’s most unique destinations

In northern Kentucky, the South literally begins at our front door – where the smallt o w n w a r m t h a n d h o s p i t a l i t y o f n o r t h e r n Kentucky go hand-in-hand with the big-city a m e n i t i e s a n d a t t r a c t i o n s o f M i d w e s t e r n C i n c i n n a t i , O h i o , j u s t a b r i d g e - w a l k aw a y across the Ohio River

You are invited to come meet NKY – but really meet NKY Shake hands with a craft distiller Find quirky treasures at a magic boutique Bet on an afternoon of fun at the racetrack See

the world's largest wooden structure up close Walk across a shark tank on the first of its kind Shark Bridge at the Newport Aquarium

You will find in NKY Southern is done with a b i t o f G e r m a n f u s i o n a n d a w h o l e l o t o f sass From how Kentucky bourbon is made, to the vibrant culinary scene, unique shops and remarkable amount of things to do, NKY has something for you.

Here is a sampling of the one-of-a-kind offerings:

• As the Official Gateway to the Kentucky Bourbon Trail® and home of The B-Line®, a self-guided trail of craft distilleries and bourbon-centric establishments, NKY is America’s ultimate bourbon destination and home to a dozen of The Bourbon Review’s best bourbon bars in the U S

• O r , i f y o


s t o t h e C i n c y Region’s sizable German-American popul a t i o n i n c l u d i n g t h e f i r s t H o f b r ä u h a u s o u t s i d e o f M u n i c h

• Looking for another kind of spirit? Visit the Ark Encounter, a faith-based attraction that is 510 feet long and seven stories high with exhibits centered on the religious tale of Noah’s family and the flood The property also boasts a world-class zip line, petting zoo and buffet restaurant

• Jump from one boat to another with a ride on BB Riverboats Climb aboard an opul e n t p a d d l e w h e e l t h a t r e c a l l s t h e b y - g o n e

opulence of the steamboat era Enjoy an Ohio River sightseeing cruise, or snag tickets for

u p r e f e r I PA s t o O l d
i n t
F a s hioneds,
are more than 80 craft brewe r i e s
h e a r e a , t h
n k
22 •Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023

a sunset dinner cruise You can even reserve the ships for private events

• Go underwater at the Newport Aquarium, ranked one of the nation’s best by USA Today, and located at Newport on the Levee, a bustling mixed-use riverfront hangout with b a r s , r e s t a u r a n t s , a t t r a c t i o n s a n d h o t e l s , including

Learn more at meetnky com

When in the area, have your group stay a t A l o f t N e w p o r t O n T h e L e v e e Vi e w a t w w w m a r r i o t t c o m / c v g p l o r p h o n e ( 8 5 9 )


Gourmet Traveler

West Warwick, Rhode Island

In the summer of 1984, I put together my first bus trip I had never done this before, but it seemed to come easy to me The trip was a three-day Washington, D C tour and I arranged everything down to the last detail The trip was a huge success, which launched me on to a new career That was many years ago

I have since moved on to owning my own t o u r c o m p a n y a n d t r a v e l a g e n c y w i t h a n emphasis on group tours If you are going to write up an itinerary for one person, why not have 40 more people along for the ride? We are now a motorcoach tour company which s p e c i a l i z e s i n m u s e u m t o u r s , B r o a d w a y shows, art exhibits and many other delectable destinations We specialize in group travel with a little twist Included in all our wonderful tours, we add a delicious breakfast, lunch or dinner aboard some our motor-

coaches We also serve wine, cheeses and s o f t d r i n k s a n d a n y s p e c i a l d e s s e r t s t h a t accompany the theme of the excursion We will spoil you with impeccable service, gourmet meals and the most exciting trips imaginable We provide personalized tour

guide service, private tours, with lots of spec i a l t o u c h e s We o f f e r r e g i o n a l d a y t r i p s i n New England, meeting and convention serv i c e s , w i t h t o u r s f r o m a n d i n P r ov i d e n c e, Newport, Boston and New York City and anywhere in between. We are working on a special section for seniors that will allow them a day out and be back in the early evening

International travelers will love the convenience of one phone call or e-mail to take care of all their travel arrangements to the United States Whether it be at JFK, Boston or Providence, Rhode Island, the most convenient airport of them all, we can be there t o w e l c o m e y o u t o t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s F o r group travel, we design itineraries for group leaders all over the United States. We also have a section for groups that are looking for other passengers to fill up their trips We have itinerary ideas, tour guide service and a section on how to become a group leader

“ Yo u a r e g o i n g t o b e p a m p e r e d ” i s o u r motto Sit back and enjoy the day q

Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 23 New, Improved and Dif ferent Ocean & River Cruises Deluxe Motorcoach Tours to New York City & Metropolitan Opera International Escapes to Ireland & Italy We’ve been making travel memorable since 1982! www.gourmettravelertours.com Gourmet Traveler Tours With Taste 401.823.9620 info@gourmettravelertours.com Gourmet Traveler is a tour company out of Rhode Island with superior customer service and small town values. We offer custom day trips, multi-day tours and international escapes. From 20-200 passengers, Group Travel is our specialty. Single travelers are welcome. Come and meet new friends! – HIGHLIGHTS –aloft Newport on the levee 1 Gourmet Traveler

If you are looking for a good location for a faith-based tour or charter, you might want to consider The Shrine of Our Lady o f G o o d H e l p i n C h a m p i o n , W i s c o n s i n

Located just east of Green Bay and near popular Door County, it is the only approved Marian apparition site in the United States and is increasingly bus friendly as more and more visitors and pilgrims arrive by motorcoach

Marian apparition sites are among the most popular locations for faith-based travel The best known sites are Guadalupe, Mexico; Lourdes, France and Fatima, Portugal These locations normally attract as many as four to five million visitors and pilgrims annually The Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help is easily accessible by motorcoach and is increasingly becoming more popular with charters and tours.

T h e s t o r y b e h i n d t h e s h r i n e s t a r t s w i t h

Adele Brise who was born in Belgium and had plans to enter a convent but came with her parents to the United States in 1855 They settled in what was then Robinsville, Wisconsin, a rural area northeast of Green Bay In 1859, o n e y e a r a f t e r t h e 1 8 5 8 a p p a r i t i o n s o f t h e Blessed Virgin to Saint Bernadette at Lourdes, Adele three times saw a lady dressed in white When asked who she was, the beautiful lady said: “I am the Queen of Heaven, who prays for the conversion of sinners, and I wish you to do the same ” She then gave Adele the mission of teaching the local children

Adele’s father built a small chapel on the site, but it proved inadequate for the visiting pilgrims In 1861, Adele’s father built a larger c h u r c h o n a n e x p a n d e d fi v e - a c r e s i t e t h a t had been donated

Adele originally traveled the countryside w h i l e t e a c h i n g c h i l d r e n b u t e v e n t u a l l y f o r m e d a c o m m u n i t y o f s i s t e r s u n d e r t h e Third Order of Franciscans A convent and school were built in 1885, and the current chapel was built in 1941 Virtually from the start, the chapel and property became popular with pilgrims and is known for cures and other healing events Sister Adele Brise and Sister Maggie, as well as some school children, were buried on the site

The Shr ine of Our Lady of G ood Help

In common with other apparition sites, the shrine has had its share of miracles The most noteworthy was the famous Peshtigo Fire of 1871 that took place in early October at the s a m e t i m e a s t h e G r e a t C h i c a g o F i r e a n d numerous other fires in Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin. Known as the worst fire in the history of the United States, it started north of Green Bay near Peshtigo, Wisconsin Fanned by high winds, the flames grew to 200 feet in height and traveled through the forests at high s p e e d s T h e fi r e n o t o n l y m ov e d n o r t h e a s t along the bay into Michigan, but jumped over the water of Green Bay itself and burned major sections of Door County, Wisconsin located south and east of the bay

The Peshtigo Fire burned around 1,875 square miles of forest, approximately twice the size of Rhode Island, and took the lives o f a b o u t 8 0 0 p e o p l e W h e n t h e r a g i n g fi r e a p p r o a c h e d t h e c h a p e l , l o c a l r e s i d e n t s b r o u g h t t h e i r f a m i l i e s a n d a n i m a l s t o t h e chapel property for protection. Miraculously, t h e fl a m e s j u m p e d o v e r a n d s p a r e d t h e c h a p e l p r o p e r t y a n d t h o s e t a k i n g s h e l t e r there In more recent years there have been reports of healings and similar events Seve r a l p e o p l e h a v e l e f t c r u t c h e s , c a n e s a n d other items behind near the Oratory (prayer place) after visiting the shrine

The shrine is easily reached from Green Bay by coach Take exit 185 from Interstate

24 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023
Photos courtesy of the Shrine Shrine Oratory

Prayer/meditation sites

43 and follow Highway 57 northeast Turn right on Highway K and follow it east to the shrine. A second large parking lot has been b u i l t f u r t h e r b a c k o n t h e p r o p e r t y, a n d i t includes designated bus parking spaces You will also find restrooms suitable for groups

Outside activities at the shrine include a rosary/meditation walk, stations of the cross, several prayer sites and a number of statues as well as the gravesites The statue grouping depicting the Fatima apparitions is particularly popular with visitors The shrine is open year-round and there are other activities if the weather precludes going outside. Most o f t h e a r e a s a r e h a n d i c a p - a c c e s s i b l e a n d h e a t e d r a m p s a r e p r o v i d e d i n t h e w i n t e r Mass is celebrated in the upper chapel at 11 a m Some pilgrim groups come for Mass and stay for lunch

The lower Oratory at the apparition site is accessible by stairs from the church or from the outside Adjacent to the chapel is a very n i c e g i f t s h o p t h a t c a r r i e s i t e m s n o t e a s i l y f o u n d e l s e w h e r e F o o d i s a v a i l a b l e i n t h e Schoolhouse Cafe, but groups can make special arrangements for lunch

Two things are offered that have become very popular with groups With sufficient prior notice, the shrine staff may be able to provide guided tours They typically break larger bus groups into two smaller groups of about 25 T h i s o f f e r s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o s e e a n d h e a r about the history of the shrine as well as many of the statues and areas around the property

You can also arrange lunch in advance for your group and meeting rooms are available Food can be ordered from the Schoolhouse Cafe or provided from elsewhere F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n T h e S h r i n e o f O u r L a d y o f G o o d H e l p , v i s i t c h a m p i o n s h r i n e o r g o r p h o n e ( 9 2 0 )


If you are looking for additional stops for your tour or charter, there are several options nearby The National Shrine of St Joseph has m ov e d b a c k t o t h e C a m p u s o f S t N o r b e r t College in De Peere, Wisconsin and is located in the old St. Joseph Church. Another popular stop is the St Francis Xavier Cathedral and Green Bay Diocese Museum in downtown Green Bay Group tours of both the church

Stations of the Cross

and museum will also include some of the history of the area and can be arranged by p h o n i n g ( 9 2 0 ) 4 3 2 - 4 3 4 8 . G r o u p s c a n a l s o v i s i t t h e C a t h e d r a l B o o k a n d G i f t S t o r e located behind the Cathedral

About two hours south of the shrine and a little northwest of Milwaukee is Holy Hill

A l s o k n o w n a s t h e S h r i n e o f M a r y H e l p o f Christians, it is located in Hubertus, Wisconsin Incorporated in its 435 acres are several faith-based sites and activities

To the east from the shrine is Door County, a traditional popular stopping place for bus groups. Known for its long shoreline and many parks, Door County offers numerous places of i n t e r e s t f o r g r o u p s i n c l u d i n g l i g h t h o u s e s , chapels, boats and several dining options q

Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 25
Feature: The Shr ine of Our Lady
Aerial view of Shrine property

Helping Bus Tours Passengers Avoid ATM Scammers

We o f t e n h e a r s t o r i e s a b o u t b u s t o u r p a s s e n g e r s g e t t i n g scammed at an ATM machine by having their personal information and credit card numbers stollen Statistics show that travelers are more vulnerable because they are in strange places and away from their usual bank and ATM location While travelers to foreign countries are more likely to encounger problems, bus tour passengers may be at a disadvantage because of their limited ability to go to a safer ATM Does your bus tour itinerary allow passengers to go to an ATM in a safer location, like a bank lobby, and not be forced to use an ATM in a shopping mall?

Recently NordVPN released its research about six million stolen credit cards found on the dark web The research showed how common payment card fraud is, with more than 3 5 million Americans affected by it As a result, cybersecurity experts want to warn travelers about ATM skimmers which criminals use to steal their victim’s payment card details

“Travelers are usually the ones who fall for ATM scams the most,” says Adrianus Warmenhoven, a cybersecurity expert at NordVPN “That is because travelers usually don’t know what the ATM in a strange city they are visiting should really look like So they risk ruining their own vacation by putting their

the card skimmer attached to it ”

What does an ATM skimmer look like?

An ATM skimmer is a device that can read a credit or debit card’s magnetic stripe after it is inserted into a compromised machine The device stores the data (such as the cardholders’ names, card numbers and expiration dates) from all the cards that account holders insert into the reader until the thief collects t h


e stolen card information in a few ways: to create fake credit cards, make fraudulent purchases or sell the stolen data online

i n a c o m p r o m i s e d m a c h i n e w i t h o u t noticing
C r i m
n a l
26 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023
e d e
e l a t
o u l
s e t h

Skimmers come in all shapes and sizes

Some skimmers are physically attached to a payment machine, extending the card slot Others can be installed inside the machine and are only noticeable to the most cautious u s e r s . C r i m i n a l s a l s o u s e h i d d e n c a m e r a s that attempt to capture sensitive data while a victim uses an ATM Lastly, a false keypad can be placed over the ATM’s original keypad to capture the user ’s PIN without their knowledge

How to spot a credit card skimmer

Although skimming devices are designed to be invisible, it is possible to identify them by performing a visual and physical examination Here are a few simple steps you can take:

● I n s p e c t t h e c a r d r e a d e r I s t h e r e a n y part of the machine that is out of alignment? If any part of it looks out of place, this could mean a skimmer has been installed

● Look for hidden cameras around the credit card reader Check if any suspicious holes are looking down towards where you would insert your card If yes, a hidden camera might capture you entering your PIN

● Consider how you pay Using an application for payments or choosing ATMs in hightraffic areas or inside bank branches is safer than using cash machines located in places where fraudsters can easily corrupt them

Bus Tour Passengers’ guide to secure payment card usage

1 Consider using a prepaid card for your journey If leaked, prepaid cards can not be

used to steal your identity They do not give access to your savings, and it is much easier to freeze them

2 Watch your bank statements online, e v e n o n v a c a t i o n T h i s s t e p i s i m p o r t a n t b e c a u s e m o s t h a c k e r s w i l l t e s t y o u r c a r d before stealing the money They will make a small charge to see whether the account is active Only then will they drain your account

3 I n f o r m y o u r b a n k b e f o r e g o i n g o n vacation Some card issuers will freeze cards if they detect out-of-the-ordinary activity that could indicate fraud

4 B e e x t r a c a r e f u l w h e n u s i n g AT M s Consider whether you really need to use an AT M a t y o u r t r a v e l d e s t i n a t i o n , a n d i f y o u

m u s t , a l w a y s c h o o s e a r e l i a b l e b a n k AT M located in a well-lit and busy area

NordVPN is the world’s most advanced

V P N s e r v i c e p r ov i d e r, u s e d b y m i l l i o n s o f Internet users worldwide NordVPN provides double VPN encryption and Onion Over VPN and guarantees privacy with zero tracking

O n e o f t h e k e y f e a t u r e s o f t h e p r o d u c t i s Threat Protection, which blocks malicious Web sites, malware during downloads, trackers and ads NordVPN is very user-friendly, offers one of the best prices on the market, and has more than 5,000 servers in 60 countries worldwide For more information view nordvpn com q

Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 27
N E W S R E L E A S E S W A N T E D Email editorial@busmag com Phone (815) 946-2341 9698 W Judson Rd , Polo IL 61064 • Attractions • Casinos • Hotels/Resort • Railroads • Restaurants • Shopping • Theaters • Museums Please make sure all attractions/exhibits/events are current for at least 6 months to be beneficial for tour planners.
ATM Scammers

20 Ti ps For Tour Planners

20 Tips on Increasing Bus Tour Passengers

Now that the pandemic is behind us, bus tours are coming back nicely where they have been invited Not only do people want to get out and do things, but our retired and senior population is increasing and looking for places to go Here are some suggestions on where to look for more tour passengers and how to attract them

General Suggestions

1. Look In Different Places. Not every customer or potential customer lives on the Internet, reads the local newspaper or listens to the radio Look in as many different places as possible for new business It is most likely true that as you look at more places you will get more passengers

2 . N o t E ve r yo n e I s L i ke Yo u . D o n o t assume that if you spend 10 hours each day o n F a c e b o o k t h a t e v e r y o n e e l s e s p e n d s 1 0 hours a day on Facebook There is an increasing number of ways that people communicate today with some people using one way and other people using others

3. Do Not Put All Of Your Eggs In The Digital Basket. Be careful of investing too much effort into online options when essentially all of your tour customers are local residents Concentrating on promoting your tours locally can be a wise move

Things to Consider

4 . W h a t D o Yo u O f fe r ? A n i n c r e a s i n g number of tour planners are telling me that it is important to offer more than just the tour Stress the fact that your coaches have reclining seats, a restroom and Wi-Fi In some cases, the Wi-Fi makes a big difference to passeng e r s I t a l l o w s o l d e r p a s s e n g e r s t o s t a y i n touch with their family and loved ones It also allows younger passengers to get away while s t i l l b e i n g a b l e t o c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h t h e i r offices and customers

5 . C o n t a c t U s . H o w d o y o u w a n t c u st o m e r s a n d p o t e n t i a l c u s t o m e r s t o c o n t a c t you? Can you provide a phone number that will be answered? Are you willing to provide a n e - m a i l a d d r e s s t h a t y o u r e s p o n d t o promptly? You most likely will also want to p r ov i d e a s t r e e t a d d r e s s f o r p e o p l e t o m a i l deposit checks or booking forms

6. Mailing List. Most of the people in this business highly recommend having and using a mailing list where you mail your bus tour brochures and catalogs Including customers and potential customers on that list is obvious.

H o w e v e r, I w o u l d s u g g e s t y o u a l s o i n c l u d e local organizations, the library, the Chamber o f C o m m e r c e a n d e v e n s o m e l o c a l e l e c t e d officials If they know what you are doing, they can spread the word for you or even invite you to events and presentations

7 . E - M a i l B l a s t . E - M a i l b l a s t s a r e t h e online version of a mailing list, but they come with a word of caution because there are reg-

ulations on putting people on and taking them off your list It might be best to limit names to those who have checked a box on a form or your Web site and have asked to be included

T h e r e i s a l s o a r e q u i r e m e n t t h a t y o u a l l o w p e o p l e t o o p t o f f o r u n s u b s c r i b e Yo u m a y want to get some help with this

8 Reward For New Customers Some tour planners have had success with offering a reward when an existing customer brings in a new customer This can be something as small as a gift card or a discount on their next tour You would have to determine whether this will work well for you.

Looking Locally

Since virtually all of your tour passengers will live locally, it is important to find as many ways as possible to reach out to them

9. Newspapers. While not everyone reads the local newspapers, they are a great place to list your future bus tours If people know you will be advertising, they may buy or read the paper just to find out what you are doing Moreover, a regular advertising schedule with the newspaper usually makes you eligible to provide news releases from time to time

10. Yellow Pages. Getting your name in the local Yellow Pages is always positive Anyone looking there for bus tours would be an excellent potential customer

11. Radio and Television. Radio and television may have limited application to bus tours but might be worth looking at The problems

28 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023

are that radio only reaches the listeners to that station and television can be expensive You never know what kind of deal you might find

12. Presentations To Groups. Find out whether local groups will allow you to attend meetings and give a presentation This can include the Rotary, Chamber and Junior Chamber, senior organizations and military organizations like the American Legion and Veterans of F o r e i g n Wa r s Yo u w i l l w a n t t o d i s t r i b u t e y o u r c a t a l o g s a n d t o u r brochures and may even be allowed to show a video

13. Local Events. Find out whether there are local events where you can get a table or booth These can include a community event, county fair and other events where the public is invited This gives you a chance to pass out your bus tour catalogs and brochures as well as answer questions

1 4 . M a k i n g B ro ch u re s Ava i l a b l e . Look for places that will allow you to put a tour flyer on their bulletin boards or even leave a supply of your material for patrons to take This can include everything from stores to gas stations to the local library.

15. Distribute Brochures On Your Tours. We always gave away brochures for forthcoming trips on our bus tours This not only got current passengers interested in signing up for a forthcoming tour, but it also gave many a chance to take the brochures and give them to friends Word-of-mouth advertising is hard to beat

Looking Online

While having an online presence is obvious, we need to keep in mind that the Internet is national and international and not everyone is computer savvy

16. Web Site. These days a Web site is mandatory, but there are numerous questions on what you want to include Listing your tours and departure dates is expected but where do you go from here? Do you allow customers to book and pay on your Web site If so, you need to make special arrangements for this and expect that some of your income will go to a merchant service provider How will customers and potential customers contact you? See the section above on “Contact Us ” Do you want to provide a booking form online and have people mail it in with a check? You can also provide check boxes and a form to allow people to opt into your mail or e-mail lists

17. Identify your Web Site. One of the biggest problems with Web sites is identification since the Internet is international. When people reach your Web site, do they know where you are located? Do they want to book your tours if you are 500 miles or more away? If y o u a r e i n S p r i n g f i e l d , i d

something they can download and look at on their own computers They can also pass the PDF files on to friends with an e-mail or print them on a computer printer for friends It not only gives people something easy to download but also helps word-of-mouth advertising

19 Facebook Facebook can help if done the right way It allows you do build up a following and can encourage others to come and look It also allows you to link back to your Web site, list answers to questions from potential passengers and even include some compliments from passengers on past trips

20. You Tube. If you have staff with appropriate expertise, you might consider putting videos of past tours on You Tube You can easily link to these from your Web site They may help attract new passengers, particularly those who have not yet been on a bus tour

21. Other Social Media. Some tour planners are active in other social media including Twitter and various platforms including LinkedIn

You simply need to find out what works best for you Now that WiFi is available on most coaches, there is an increasing number of young business people on buses

In addition, we are seeing more and more specialized tours that cater to particular groups and interests

Whoops, we promised 20 Tips but got carried away and ended up with 21 While not every tip will work for all tour planners, the above gives you several to look at and pick from We would welcome your additional thoughts on this q

n t i f y w h i c h

p r i n g f i e l d


t o p o f t h e Home Page Make sure that it is obvious where you are located and where your buses pick up passengers

18. Putting PDF Files On Your Web Site. An idea that seems to have a great deal of merit is to include a PDF of your tour brochures on your Web site In most cases they can simply be a PDF of the same file used for printing This gives customers or potential customers

a t t
20 T ips Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 • 29
30 • Bus Tours Magazine / July, 2023 4 Bears Casino & Lodge . . . . . . . . . . .19 Aloft Newport on the Levee 23 Atlantic City 32 Bavarian Restaurant & Lounge 17 Biblical Times Dinner Theater 14 City of Gallup 31 Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center 29 Conway Scenic Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden . . . . . .7 Detroit Princess Riverboats 11 Divine Dining Group 20 Drayton Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Galesburg Tourism & Visitor Bureau 17 Glen Rose CVB 16 Gourmet Traveler 23 Gunston Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Minnesota Transportation Museum 10 National Museum of Nuclear Science 13 Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad 10 Outlets of Mississippi 15 Owatonna Area COC & Tourism 21 Prestonburg Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Rockhill Trolley Museum 10 St Lawrence Cruise Lines 10 Silver Slipper Casino 19 Starved Rock Lodge & Conference Center 14 Swiss Historical Village & Museum 23 Terry Bison Ranch 10 The Windmill Farm & Craft Market . .30 Visit Evansville 16 Visit The Colony 15 White Pines Lodge 20 Zoo Atlanta 30 Advertiser ’s Index
In the January/February issue of Bus Tours MagazIne, the incorrect location was printed for Detroit Princess Riverboat. The riverboat’s correct location is Detroit, Michigan
Visit Atlantic City received funding through a grant from the NJ Department of State, Division of Travel and Tourism. Book your Atlantic City Escape! Heather Colache 609.318.6097 heatherc@visitatlanticcity.com visitatlanticcity.com/group-travel Sandy beaches & world-famous boardwalk Award-winning dining 24-hour gaming & entertainment

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page 31

• Detroit Princess Riverboats

page 11

• Gourmet Traveler

page 23

• Owatonna Area COC & Tourism

page 21

• Starved Rock Lodge & Conference Center

page 14

• Zoo Atlanta

page 30

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9698 W. Judson Road, Polo, Illinois 61064 July/August, 2023
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2024 Tours

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