Bus Tours Magazine March/April 2015

Page 1

Volume XXXV, Number 4 • March/April, 2015

Norfolk, Virginia page 4

Railroads page 8

Casino Resorts page 22




editor & Publisher . . . . . . . . . Larry Plachno Business Manager . . . . nancy Ann Plachno Bookkeeping . . . . . . . . . . . . Dianne Billquist Typesetting/Page Layout . . . . Sherry Mekeel Assistant editor . . . . . . Laura Wagenknecht office Asst.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nicole Fehler

22 8


Bus Tours Magazine 9698 W. Judson road Polo, illinois 61064-9015 (815) 946-2341 Fax: (815) 946-2347 Web site: www.bustoursmagazine.com Advertising

21 Specials




NORFOLK The history of this charming town goes back more than 300 years when it started as an important seaport located at Chesapeake Bay. Today the city is alive with not only historic sites, but a variety of vibrant modernday tour options.



EDMONTON, ALBERTA If you are looking for a city with something for everyone in your group, Edmonton is the place to check out. Entertainment, education, great eats and drinks and that exceptionally friendly Canadian hospitality are all things visitors to Edmonton rave about.

CASINOS If you love the thrill of casino action, enjoy challenging the fickle mood of Lady Luck or just like to watch, be sure to check out these top notch casinos and resorts that are ready to roll out the red carpet for your group.

The state capital of Texas welcomes student groups by the scores each year to tour the impressive government buildings, enjoy fascinating and educational attractions, experience the live music scene – and even see their famous bats.


RAIL ADVENTURES Take a journey by rail through gorgeous landscapes, historic towns and see the sights from a new point of view. Railroads have that classic appeal that is enchanting to groups of all ages.


And More 26





20 TIPS by Dr. Charleen Jaeb


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COVER PHOTO The Durbin & Greenbrier Railroad has teamed with the Cass Scenic Railroad for an exciting new tour which takes passengers on a fantastic and whimsical journey through historic West Virginia. Check out the details in our Railroad Guide. CHASE GUNNOE.

BuS TourS MAGAzine (iSSn 0199-6096) is published six times annually by national Bus Trader, inc., 9698 W. Judson road, Polo, illinois 61064. Subscriptions, $15 (in uS funds) annually, Canadian & international $20 (in uS funds). Printed in u.S.A. Second class postage paid at Polo, illinois 61064 and at additional mailing offices. PoSTMASTer: Send address changes to BuS TourS MAGAzine, 9698 W. Judson road, Polo, illinois 61064. Change of Address: Please send old mailing label (or old address and computer number) as well as new address. Advertising: Display advertising rates sent on request. Advertising deadline is the last day of the second month preceding publication. Founded in 1979, BuS TourS MAGAzine is the oldest independent magazine in the bus and group tour market. Circulation includes bus and group tour planners in the united States and Canada regardless of affiliation or whether commercial, private or corporate or group leader. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. The name BuS TourS MAGAzine and the logo incorporating the passengers, bus and destinations are trade marks of national Bus Trader, inc.

Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 3

traffic circle in front of the Nauticus museum. Bus parking is done off-site; instructions will be given. There is an on-site café and boxed lunches are available with advance notice. Go to nauticus.org or phone (757) 664-1021 for more information. Other historical groupfriendly sites near the battleship include the Hampton Roads Naval Museum (located in Nauticus, the science-maritime museum), Fort Monroe Norfolk History Museum at the Willoughby-Baylor House, Freemason Street Baptist Church, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, The MacArthur Memorial, Hunter House Victorian Museum and the Moses Myer House.



Norfolk is the hub of music and performing arts not only for Virginia, but the entire midAtlantic region and is home to several performing and visual arts companies, including the Virginia Symphony, Virginia Stage Company, Virginia Opera and Virginia Arts Festival.

The Heart of the Virginia Waterfront

One of the Virginia Arts Festival’s most popular events is the annual Virginia International Tattoo. According to the Virginia Arts

or-fok, or Naw-fok, no matter how

defense headquarters here. Other compa-

Festival, “Tattoos have evolved from a Euro-

you pronounce it, the experience will

nies headquartered in the city are Norfolk

pean tradition dating back to the 17th Cen-

always be the same: fun, vibrant

Southern Railway, one of North America's

tury. They are ceremonial performances of

entertainment and culture, delicious cuisine

principle Class I railroads, and Maersk Line,

military music by massed bands. Each tattoo

and 144 miles of shoreline waiting to be

Limited, who manages the world's largest

is different and influenced by the culture of

explored. Norfolk’s population reaches nearly

fleet of U.S-flag vessels. Guided bus tours are

the country in which they are presented. Most

250,000 and is one of the largest cities in the

available at Naval Station Norfolk narrated

tattoos now include civilian entertainment as

state of Virginia, behind neighboring Virginia

by naval personnel. The tour includes a look

well as military bands and emphasize the


Beach. The city is bordered to the west by the

at Atlantic Fleet training centers, aircraft car-

inclusion of performers from nations outside

Elizabeth River and to the north by the Chesa-

riers and submarines, and features historic

of the host nation.” Groups giving prior notice

peake Bay and is considered the historic, urban,

homes from the 1907 Jamestown Exposition.

will be greeted upon arrival. Passenger drop-

financial and cultural center of the region. Nor-

For more information visit cnic.navy.mil/nor-

off and pick-up information as well as park-

folk’s central location (a short three hour drive

folksta or phone (757) 322-2337.

ing instructions will be given after the reser-

from Washington D.C.) makes for easy day trips

The Battleship Wisconsin, one of the

vations are made. Groups of 25 or more

to Virginia Beach’s oceanfront, Colonial

largest battleships in the world, also calls

receive complimentary admission for escorts

Williamsburg and Busch Gardens or the Outer

Norfolk home. The retired battleship, which

and drivers. For more information phone (757)

Banks of North Carolina, among others.

served in both WWII and the Gulf Wars, is

282-2819 or visit vafest.org.

docked in the city’s picturesque Elizabeth

Norfolk Historical Garden Week coincides

River Harbor. Groups have the opportunity

with the Virginia International Tattoo. Groups

to tour the ship and get a deeper under-

get a chance to tour stunning private homes

history. The world’s largest naval base, Naval

standing of what life was like through a nar-

and gardens, and the main attraction, Her-

Station Norfolk, calls this city home, and the

ration from a knowledgeable docent. Group

mitage Museum and Gardens, a Tudor man-

world's largest military alliance, the North

tours must be reserved at least two weeks in

sion located on a 12-acre waterfront penin-

Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has its

advance. Motorcoaches can unload in the

sula. For group tour information phone (804)

Historic Attractions The 400-year-old city has a rich military

4 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

Check #342 on Reader Service Card

Check #123 on Reader Service Card


History, theater, History, theater, dining, museums and shopping make Norfolk a distinct destination offering offering a variety of itineraries for your gr group oup to enjoy enjoy.. With so much to see and do, the possibilities ar are e just endless. To To learn mor more, e, visit us online or contact Melissa Hopper, Hopper, Associate Dir Director ector of Tour Tour & T Travel. ravel. visitnorfolktoday visitnorfolktoday.com .com | 1-800-368-3097

Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 5

Special: Norfolk 644-7776, Ext. 21. For more information and a scheduled of the 2015

the option of trying one. Down the street from Doumar’s is Five Points

Garden Week go to vagardenweek.org. This is an annual event.

Community Farm Market (5ptsmarket.org), home to a bevy and large

Let us not forget the nationally-renowned Chrysler Museum of Art

variety of locally grown produce, meats and fish, and a unique group

and Glass Studio. The Chrysler Museum houses more than 30,000 orig-

of local businesses. Also housed in the market is a bookstore and

inal works of art that span more than 5,000 years of history in 62 gal-

café. Groups can visit the Farm Market and take a “Two Buck” tour

leries. Named after automobile heir and art collector Walter P. Chrysler,

that informs customers about the history and products and even offers

the museum was founded in 1939. The museum possesses one of the


greatest glass collections in America. The Tiffany collection is world famous and nearly comprehensive in the area of blown glass. The Chrysler Museum Glass Studio,



Events May through October marks the joyful outdoor festival season in


Norfolk. Nearly 100 festivals take place in Norfolk annually, most of

November 2011, is a modern,

which occur in Town Point Park, the city’s outdoor festival venue located

7,000-square-foot facility

on the Elizabeth River. Some of the most popular festivals include Har-

across the street from the

borfest, the bi-annual Virginia Wine Festival (occurs in May and Octo-

museum. The facility is

ber), Bayou Boogaloo and Cajun Food Festival, Jazz Festival and Vir-

equipped to accommodate

ginia Beer Festival, to name a few. During Harborfest, the largest festival

aspiring and master artists

of the season, Norfolk and the U.S. Navy bring in hundreds of Tall Ships

alike. The Glass Studio provides free public demonstrations for groups.

from all over the world to participate in the signature event, the Parade

For information visit chrysler.org or phone (757) 333-6969.

of Sail. During this multi-day celebration, groups can enjoy music, food, fireworks, harbor cruises, entertainment and much more.


After festival season, there is still loads of fun to be had. The annual

If you like shopping, Norfolk has many shopping malls; the largest

Grande Illumination Parade takes place during the holidays and is

and most convenient is the MacArthur Center located in downtown.

group-friendly; in fact seats along the parade route can be reserved

MacArthur features one million square-feet of retail offerings includ-

ahead of time. Festive floats, marching bands, giant balloons, dancers

ing Nordstrom, Dillards, H&M, Apple, Coach, J. Crew, Pottery Barn and

and Santa himself parade through downtown. Not far from down-

Brookstone, to name a few. Entertainment and dining options are plen-

town, at the Norfolk Botanical Garden, groups can see a breathtak-

tiful; fine dining to casual, there is something for everyone. For more

ing “Garden of Lights” display. During this event, the garden is trans-

information visit shopmacarthur.com or phone (757) 627-6000.

formed into a winter wonderland where groups can enjoy a two-mile

Antiques, art galleries, coffee houses and locally-owned retail

drive through a million sparkling lights complete with a spectacular

shops can be found in the historic district of Ghent. Colley Avenue

synchronized light display. Groups can wrap up the day with a trip to

and 21st Street, the two main roads in Ghent, are full of shops, antique

the historic Wells Theatre to see Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”

finds and collectibles.

performed by the Virginia Stage Company (vastage.com). Virginia Stage Company recently introduced a whole new look for this holi-


day favorite, with updated costumes, a bright new set design and

Norfolk has become well known for its wide variety of cuisine and is home to more than 80 chef-owned restaurants, many featuring Virginia

even more music. Bus parking for most events is available in Harbor Park, the city’s baseball stadium.

wine and Virginia-grown produce and meat. Recently, the city has emerged as a culinary destination with the debut of Taste Tidewater

More Information

Tours. Groups can enjoy a narrated pub, wine

For more information on Norfolk, phone (800) 368-3097 or visit

or culinary tour throughout Norfolk that

the Web site at visitnorfolktoday.com. Visit Norfolk offers compli-

showcases some of the regions finest flavors.

mentary group tour planning services and can help with everything

Visit tastetidewater.com to learn about the

from hotel availability to activities, attractions and group discounts.

many tours they offer and for more infor-

A Norfolk Group Tour Planner is available for free download at


visitnorfolktoday.com/group-tour-planning. The guide features Doumar’s

information on local attractions and events, dining and lodging

(doumars.com), home of the world’s very



guides, information on regional attractions, sample itineraries, con-

first ice cream cone. Visitors watch the

tact telephone numbers for various services, city information and

making of a waffle cone and of course have

much more.

6 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015






Take on experiences they’ll want to share. Five inspiring national parks and monuments, lively Main Street Square and more await. Get your free Travel Professionals Guide today by visiting TourRapidCity.com or calling 800-487-3223.

Western Maryland Scenic Railroad

Castle Farms Charlevoix, Michigan Attention, railroad buffs – prepare for some serious amusement. Visit Castle Farms of Charlevoix and check out Michigan’s largest outdoor model railroad. Set amidst the formal gardens and stone towers of a French Renaissance castle, the Castle’s railroad features more than 68 G-scale trains operating on 2,500 feet of track. Built in 2008, the original railroad showcases elements of Charlevoix’s railroad history (1890s-1950s). Trains steam through bridges, tunnels, and around a waterfall. The Fantasy Railroad, from 2010, features a 26-foot bridge, Double Helix Tornado Tower and five-level Twin

Rail Adventures

Coaster. A separate indoor Lionel train room is housed inside one of the towers. Trains operate May to October, weather permitting. Built in 1918, Castle Farms is one of Michi-

Train excursions are time-honored favorites

drawn vehicles, including President Theodore

gan’s top attractions. Guests begin their jour-

with groups. Best of all, most train companies

Roosevelt’s inaugural carriage. One of the

ney into the past with a 10-minute video

are looking for group tour business and are

highlights of the trip is watching the engine

showcasing the property’s history and

eager to work with planners to make an extra

turn on the modern, electric turntable. You do

restoration, followed by a 90- minute walk-

special experience for tour guests.

not want to miss it.

ing tour escorted by Castle guides. History

Western Maryland Scenic Railroad wel-

comes alive as guests view the soaring tow-

Western Maryland Scenic Railroad

comes groups from all over the country. Spe-

ers, stone walls and sweeping gardens based

Cumberland, Maryland

cial rates are available for groups of 25 or

on European design. Vintage collections of

Ride the rails of Western Maryland Scenic

more. Contact the group sales manager at

castles and toys are displayed throughout

Railroad. Your adventure begins at the his-



the buildings, along with royal family mem-

toric Western Maryland Railway Station in

groupsales@wmsr.com for more information.

orabilia. The 1918 museum features items



Cumberland, Maryland. Enjoy the sights and sounds of your journey behind the historic steam engine or one of their vintage diesels. Bring a picnic lunch or dine onboard in the comfort of one of the restored coaches. This scenic excursion will take you west from downtown Cumberland, through a natural cut in the mountains, around a horseshoe curve, over bridges, and through a tunnel. As you glide past scenic ridges, valleys and small towns, you will ascend 1,300 feet in elevation to the mountain city of Frostburg, Maryland. Upon arrival in Frostburg, visit the 1891 Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad depot to view photographs and model train displays. Tour the Thrasher Carriage Museum, which is home to one of the top collections of horse8 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

Castle Farms


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Ride the rails into the beautiful LEHIGH GORGE STATE PARK Regularly scheduled trains run into the state park May through December Bus and group pricing benefits are available by calling in advance Special events throughout the year For more information Call: 570-325-8485

Visit: www.lgsry.com Check #948 on Reader Service Card

Check #622 on Reader Service Card

!" !# "

Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 9

Guide: Railroads from that time period, including a wooden mouse trap collection and artifacts from World War I.

For more information, visit thecog.com or contact Susan Presby, director of group sales, at (603) 278-5550, sue@thecog.com or (800)

Castle Farms is handicapped-accessible. 2015 tour prices are $11


per person (groups of 30 or less); $10 per person (groups of 31 or more). Catered luncheons/dinners are available for groups of 20 or

Wilmington & Western Railroad

more. For details on booking your tour phone (231) 237-0884, Ext.

Wilmington, Delaware

240 or visit castlefarms.com.

Climb aboard the Wilmington & Western Railroad. The whistle of a steam train echoing through the hills is a sound that has

Mount Washington Cog Railway

all but disappeared in the world. Yet there still is a reminder of the

Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

time preserved for you

Considered a must-do for all visitors to New England, the first

to experience at the

mountain-climbing cog railway in the world has been bringing pas-

Wilmington & Western

sengers to the top of Mount Washington since 1869. Mount Wash-


ington is located in the picturesque White Mountain region of New

yourself riding on a

Hampshire, just three hours north of Boston.

real railroad through


While waiting for their train to depart for the summit, visitors enjoy

the Red Clay Creek Val-

time at the railway’s train depot, Marshfield Station. Whether it is to

ley, with its ever-

Mount Washington Cog Railway

Wilmington & Western Railroad

grab a bite to

changing natural beauty and wildlife. Imagine that you are rolling

eat, peruse the

through forested estates, past historic homes and mill sites, aboard

gift shop, visit

a vintage steam train, just like those that your great-grandparents

the open admis-


sion Cog Rail-

Take your group aboard the scenic line. Listed on the National

way Museum or

Register of Historic Places, the Wilmington & Western Railroad is

watch the vin-

Delaware’s only steam tourist railroad. Special railroading adven-

tage coal-fired

tures are available for railroaders of all ages. Whether you want to


explore history, celebrate holidays, wine and dine or just have fun,


modern biodiesel trains arrive and depart at the platforms, there is plenty to see and do before and after the ride.

the Wilmington & Western Railroad has just the event for you. Most of their weekend rides travel to Mt. Cuba Picnic Grove for a

The Mount Washington Cog Railway provides a sense of adven-

short layover – bring a box lunch and enjoy the countryside. A round

ture and history on the three- hour round trip as it makes the spec-

trip ride is 11⁄2 hours. See wwrr.com for a full schedule of events and

tacular climb up to the 6,288-foot summit of Mount Washington.

departure times or phone the business office for further details at

Along the way passengers are treated to an educational guided tour

(302) 998-1930.

by the brakeman about their mountain surroundings and the history of the railway. Once at the summit, visitors have about an hour to explore and

Group tours have the flexibility of riding one of the scheduled trains or scheduling a charter for their bus group. Costs depend on the size of the group. Phone the office to discuss your options.

take in the spectacular panoramic view, spanning the mountains and valleys of New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont, north into Canada

West Virginia Mountain Rail

and east to the Atlantic Ocean from the observation deck of the Sher-

Elkins and Cass, West Virginia

man Adams Summit Building.

New for 2015 the Durbin & Greenbrier Valley Railroad and Cass

Included in the purchase of a Cog ticket is the summit’s winter

Scenic Railroad have partnered to provide new schedules and ser-

weather exhibit, Extreme Mount Washington. Here guests can expe-

vices to make your mountain rail group adventures even more

rience winter on Mount Washington from the comfort of a state-of-


the-art indoor exhibit. Visitors to the summit can also visit the 1853 Tip Top House Museum.

The new “Wild Heart of West Virginia Adventure Package” offers a combined ride on two trains – the Cass Scenic Railroad and the

Open May to November, The Mount Washington Cog Railway

Cheat Mountain Salamander, with overnight options in Elkins or Cass.

offers competitive group rates and add-on options. The Cog is located

Groups coming into the east-central mountain region of West Vir-

on Base Station Road, Marshfield Station, New Hampshire, just six

ginia can ride the steam-driven Shay-powered Cass Scenic Railroad

miles from Route 302 and historic Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

to Old Spruce, change over to the diesel-powered Cheat Mountain

10 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

Check #495 on Reader Service Card

Check #438 on Reader Service Card

87 .06/5" 87 .06/5"*/ 3"*- 5"*/ 3"*- (3061 "%7&/563&4 ( 3061 "%7&/56 63&4

Check #535 on Reader Service Card From Huntington, WV to Hinton, WV and Return!

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Check #459 on Reader Service Card

Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 11

Guide: Railroads Salamander, have onboard lunch and spend the night in Elkins to

event trains. Onboard food service is available on most trains. Cus-

enjoy multiple attractions.

tomized packaging is also available.

On the other side of the coin, passengers can board in Elkins or Cheat Bridge, ride to Old Spruce, board the Cass Scenic Railroad, ride







653-3852. For online reservations and videos log on to Mtn-Rail.com.

to Bald Knob, one of the

West Virginia Mountain Rail

highest mountains in the

Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad

state, and back down to

Antonito, Colorado and Chama, New Mexico

Cass, then stay at the

The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, located in northern New

mountaintop resort of

Mexico and southern Colorado, is a trip into the past. The coal-fired,

Snowshoe Mountain.

steam locomotives that worked the original Rio Grande Western

This new wilderness

Route that the C&TSRR is a part of, still pull the trains today. Take a

excursion explores the

journey into the past, smell the smells, enjoy the scenery of yester-

most remote areas of the

year and become

Mountain State – some

a part of the liv-

areas so remote that even

ing history.





starts from both

access. Take in the sights of West Virginia’s most pristine rivers and enjoy the mountain top


views – all by Mountain Rail.

Colorado and the Chama,

Other Mountain Rail Group options include the signature steam-

on the Mountain Explorer Dinner Train; and numerous special

Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad

Check #380 on Reader Service Card

12 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015


Mexico depots

powered Climax #3 – the Durbin Rocket; the climate-controlled, vintage passenger train, the New Tygart Flyer; rail dining at its best


daily at 10 a.m. The staff are welcoming


Check #417 on Reader Service Card

Check #435 on Reader Service Card

Experience 15,000 Y Years ears off Histor History! ryy! b 23,000 square feet to explore b Meeting and event rentals

b Family and group rates b Open 10am - 5pm daily

www.columbiagorge.org WA 990 SW Rock Creek Dr. Stevenson, WA


800.991.2338 SPONSORED BY The City of Stevenson and Skamania County Chamber of Commerce

Check #676 on Reader Service Card

Rugged Colorado

Help your travelers experience the wild and natural West in South Park National Heritage Area and its gateway communities. Let us custom design experiences that fit your group, whether staying on a working ranch, visiting an old mining town, learning to pan for gold, meeting artists at work, enjoying stories of local outlaws and heros, or being able to pet a wolf – and many more options. Linda Balough (719) 836-4298 lbalough@parkco.us www.southparkheritage.org

Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 13

Guide: Railroads enjoy chatting about the railroad and steam

trains at the world’s largest classification rail

Just as the rails are open 365 days a year,

locomotives with guests. You can tell that they

yard, Bailey Yard. Just like it was when you

the Golden Spike Tower is only closed for

love working for the Cumbres & Toltec by their

were a kid, trains are taken apart, put back

Easter and Christmas. Otherwise, it is open

enthusiasm when talking about the railroad

together and sent on their way to a new des-

daily for guests to visit and overlook this awe

or their willingness to help in any manner.

tination, from this central Union Pacific rail

striking view. There is plenty of on-site park-

Once boarded, the train will signal its

yard. The Guinness Book of Records deemed

ing for buses with special attention given to

departure from the depot with the steam whis-

Bailey Yard as the largest rail yard in the

pre-booked bus tours. The low admission fee,

tle. Once the wheels start rolling, the passen-

world, based by pure size and volume, of

clean bathrooms and personable staff offer

gers are on their way for a 64-mile journey

nearly 150 trains and up to 10,000 railcars

this unique location as a perfect added value

through the high plain desert, forests, valleys,

each day passing

stop to wherever

along canyon rims, over trestles and through


you are going.

tunnels. The ever-changing scenery is spec-

Bailey Yard is pri-

tacular no matter what time of year. In May

vately owned by

and June, bright green aspen leaves color the

Union Pacific and

Golden Spike Tower

Special events are offered monthly, including sunset

mountains. July often has fresh rain showers

closed to the public,

tours on the third

for part of the day and beautiful rainbow dis-

but is a must-see for

Saturday of each

plays. The rain brings a colorful blanket of

any train enthusiast.

month, the ability

wildflowers to August and the first part of Sep-

The Golden Spike

for catered meals,

tember. The fall aspen colors start mid-Sep-

Tower is a non-profit,

handcar races in

tember and finish in October. Among the

eight-story tower

beauty is often wildlife, deer, elk, antelope and

overlooking this enormous rail yard, with

bear. Hawks, osprey and eagles can also be

panoramic views of rail cars, tracks and oper-

seen soaring on thermals above the train.

ations of Union Pacific.

At the mid-point of the trip, the trains will meet up at Osier, Colorado for lunch. The dining building’s windows give an excellent view over the canyon and hills, while guests

Check #679 on Reader Service Card

ings, or a meatloaf dinner with mashed pota-

salad and more bar. There is also an unlimited dessert bar.

mid-October. For reservations and information phone (877) 890-2737 or e-mail groups@cumbrestoltec.com. Their Web site

Golden Spike Tower in North Platte, Nebraska. This functioning rail yard is an unforgettable experience for the train and railroad enthusiasts in your tour group. Nestled in the fields of middle America, you will find miles and miles of tracks and 14 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

* ('+ * & "& ',* * & ) $ +') * 0* ',)+!',* * !,) ! / & ''% !''$!',* / )"*+ "$$

Trips run from Memorial Day weekend to

Learn about and see railroad history at the

Check #294 on Reader Service Card

# ! "$ ) ! &" "$ ) ! % ) '! ) # "$ ) ##" !& !&

toes, veggies and a roll and lastly a soup,

North Platte, Nebraska


or phone (308) 532-9920.

scrumptious turkey dinner with all the fix-

Golden Spike Tower

To learn more go to goldenspiketower.com

feast on homemade food. The entrĂŠes are a

can be viewed at cumbrestoltec.com.

September, pumpkin patch in October and more.

* + % ' '%'+"- * * ''* * * &, $ ,)&+ $ * "$)' ) #* / $ ' $ ) "& .',+ * & , ! ')


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Check #455 on Reader Service Card

Check #302 on Reader Service Card

Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 15

Student Tours in Austin, Texas by Laura Wagenknecht Texas State Capitol


ustin is a city brimming with energy and vibrant experiences.

It is home to the University of Texas and has a music and

arts scene that is famous the world over. Here is a sampling

of some great student tour attractions you will find in Texas’s capital city. Whether your interests are music, history, food or the bats, your visit to Austin will be something to treasure. For more information, visit austintexas.org.

Texas State Capitol (tspb.state.tx.us/spb/capitol/texcap.htm) This magnificent structure was completed in 1888 and is a National Historic Landmark. Its significance is both architectural and historical. The building features classical round orders, rounded arches and a symmetrical shape. Its complex includes 22 acres of grounds and 17 monuments dedicated to important people and events in Texas history. The Capitol is also the center of Texas state government and is where the state legislature meets. Free guided tours of the Capitol Complex are available or groups can opt for a self-guided tour during normal business hours. Groups will disembark on Brazos Street and drivers will be directed one block east of Trinity where there is street parking for buses. A parking map can be downloaded at tspb.state.tx.us/SPB/Plan/Map.htm.

Austin Zoo Bob Bullock Story of Texas Museum (thestoryoftexas.com)

(austinzoo.org) If you have animal lovers in your group, then the Austin Zoo is a

Located in downtown Austin, the Bullock Texas State Museum is

place not to be missed. This impressive facility is both a zoo and an

one of the city’s most popular attractions, drawing nearly five million

animal sanctuary and home to more than 300 animals including big

people from all over the world since opening in 2001. There are three

cats, monkeys, reptiles, amphibians, birds, bears, foxes and more.

floors of exhibits that tell the story of Texas with artifacts, hi-tech

The zoo is located just outside of Austin on Highway 290 West. Groups

films, as well as an IMAX Theatre. Exhibits are presented in chrono-

with a minimum of 12 people can receive a discounted rate with

Texas State Capitol

logical order and focus on the

advance reservations. Groups can be dropped off at the entrance and

themes of Land, Identity and

there is designated bus parking located in the zoo’s on-site parking

Opportunity and how they tie into

lot. Phone (512) 288-3972 for more information.

Texas history and culture. The museum also features a gift shop and an on-site café. Group tours

LBJ Presidential Library (lbjlibrary.org)

and rates are offered to groups of

The life and legacy the 36th President Lyndon Baines Johnson is told

20 or more and groups must make reservations at least 10 days in

through exhibits, displays and collections at the LBJ Library. Located

advance to receive these benefits. Tours can be self-guided or cus-

on a 30-acre site on the University of Texas campus, library highlights

tomized guided tours. Complimentary admission is extended to dri-

include Johnson’s Presidential limousine, a reproduction of the White

vers. To make a group reservation, phone (512) 936-4649.

House Oval Office as it looked during his presidency, items from his

16 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

Check #461 on Reader Service Card

VISIT PHOENIX’S #1 ATTRACTION The World’s Only Global Musical Instrument Museum


Ranked the #1 Phoenix attraction by reviewers on TripAdvisor, the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) features a collection of instruments, music, and objects from every country in the world. MIM is an entertaining, one-of-akind experience for visitors of all ages. With state-of-the-art audio/visual technology, a world-class theater, café, and museum store, MIM provides hours of enjoyment. Visitors to Phoenix won’t want to miss it! Guided, self-guided, and behind-the-scenes tours are available. Motorcoach parking is free. For group tour information and rates, e-mail us at AdultTours@MIM.org. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MUSEUM

MIM.org | 480.478.6000 | Open Daily 4725 E. Mayo Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85050 (Corner of Tatum & Mayo Blvds., just south of Loop 101) Check #448 on Reader Service Card

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There’s truly something in Gatlinburg for everyone. With a vast array of outdoor activities, attractions and lodging options – there’s truly something for everyone. It’s the perfect place to find inspiration and fun! Start Your Journey.

Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 17

Special: Austin, Texas White House years and an extensive gift shop

evening hours. Bat watching at the Observa-

in vintage passenger cars and enjoy the sights

with many items inspired by Lady Bird John-

tion Center is free of charge. There are also

of beautiful Texas Hill Country. You can

son’s beautification efforts. Admission is free

riverboat cruises that include bat watching.

choose between a full-day excursion, which

of charge. For more information phone (512)

For more information phone Bat Conserva-

includes a lunch layover time, or a three-hour


tion International at (512) 327-9721.

round trip journey. Excursions are available on Saturdays and Sundays and special theme

Longhorn Caverns (longhorncaverns.com)

Austin Steam Train (austinsteamtrain.org)

rides are offered through the year. The train departs from Cedar Park, Texas, located

Located in a scenic state park, guided

For a fun railroad excursion, be sure to

about 20 minutes north of downtown Austin.

tours of the Longhorn Caverns offer an expe-

check out the Austin Steam Train. Take a ride

Group rates are offered to groups of 20 or

rience full of breathtaking natural formations. Guests will hear fascinating narration of historical and geological facts on the tour through this underground wonder. Some highlights include the dazzling calcite crystals in Crystal City, the unusual Queen’s Watch Dog formation and the Indian Council Room, which was a gathering place for Comanche Indians. The park offers other tours by reservation including a geology tour, the Backbone Ridge Trail nature trail, a photography tour and a paranormal tour. The park also has a visitor center, a gift shop, a grill and snack shop, an exhibit center and a picnic area. Groups should book tours in advance; discounted rates are offered to groups of 20 or more, along with comps for the driver and escort. Groups of more than 40 people will be split. There is plenty of onsite parking that can accommodate buses. Longhorn Caverns is located in Burnet, Texas, which is about a 90-minute drive from Austin. For more information phone (877) 441-2283.

Congress Avenue Bat Colony Nearly 1.5 million bats call the Austin’s Congress Avenue Bridge home, making them North America’s largest urban bat colony. More than 100,000 visitors every year come to see these nocturnal winged mammals fill the sky as they emerge from their nesting areas underneath the bridge. While bats are often viewed as menacing to many people, they are actually very sophisticated, gentle, ecologically important creatures, and nothing to be fearful of. The Statesman Bat Observation Center adjacent to the bridge is great place to view the bats’ flight, which usually begins in the early 18 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

Check #216 on Reader Service Card

Check #491 on Reader Service Card




Check #145 on Reader Service Card



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In Southwest Florida off I-75, Exit 123, Corkscrew Road iĂŒĂœiiÂ˜ĂŠĂŠ >ÂŤÂ?iĂƒĂŠ>˜`ĂŠ ÂœĂ€ĂŒĂŠ ĂžiĂ€ĂƒĂŠUĂŠ­Ă“ΙŽÊ™{nÂ‡ĂŽĂ‡ĂˆĂˆ ĂŠ ĂŠ ĂŠ ĂŠ ĂŠ ĂŠ

Check #617 on Reader Service Card

Check #457 on Reader Service Card

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Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 19

Special: Austin, Texas more; advance reservations are necessary.

landscapes and native plants. At the cen-

There is parking for buses available in the

ter, visitors are introduced to the beauty of

back of the depot. For more information

wildflowers and other plants in its public

phone (512) 477-8468.

garden, woodlands and meadows. The cen-

Live Music

ter is also used for research by the Univer-

Lady Bird Johnson

sity of Texas. Encompassing 279 acres, the

Wildflower Center

center also offers walking trails, educa-


tional exhibits, programs and unique pho-

Founded by First Lady Lady Bird John-

tographic opportunities. Groups can opt for

son in 1982, the Wildflower Center is ded-

guided or self-guided tours. The guided

icated to preserving and protecting natural

tours must be arranged in advance, cover

Check #898 on Reader Service Card

one-quarter mile of walking and are $10 per person for groups of 15 or more. The Wildflower Café is on-site and offers sandwiches, snacks and beverages for groups that want a quick bite. You can also pre-arrange for boxed lunches from the Café, which can be enjoyed in a picnic area. The drop-off area is by the gatehouse; there is signage that shows the location. Buses park in a designated area in the main parking lot. For more information phone (512) 232-0100.

Check #472 on Reader Service Card

Little Falls is the Heart of Central Minnesota… Where the Mississippi Pauses Day One - Mississippi River bridge - Maple Island Park with a dam nestled in the center of downtown - Linden Hill Historic Mansions tours - Rosenmeier Home Historic tours - Pine Grove Zoo - Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site

Day Two - MN Military Museum (Camp Ripley) - MN Fishing Museum - Vintage Courthouse tours Little Falls is Located Two Hours North from the Twin Cities Area on the Bank of the Mississippi

For personalized tours please contact: Little Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau 606 1st Street SE | Little Falls, Mn 56345 1.800.325.5916 | www.littlefallsmn.com

20 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015



dmonton is a great place to explore history, see some amazing sights, take in culture and shop. With a

thriving downtown arts district, a lively art, music and theater scene, it is no wonder that Edmonton was named Canada’s Cultural Capital for 2007. Ken Fiske, vice-president of Tourism and Special Events at Edmonton Economic Development Corporation encourages bus travelers to explore Edmonton’s unique attractions and inviting atmosphere. Fiske says, “Edmonton is a welcoming and accessible destination. With tourism infrastructure in place,

Old Strathcona Historic Area

our region is ideal for tour groups. Groups can customize tours at their own pace yearround, though our summers’ 17 daylight hours are ideal for a relaxing itinerary.”

Uniquely Diverse Edmonton,Alberta

Places of Interest At the Alberta Aviation Museum, discover

and a special display and interpretation of

Does your group like smoky blues or sul-

a time of “Iron Men” (and women) and see

Morse telegraphy are offered on long week-

try jazz? Improv or Shakespeare? Fresh veg-

how they built Canada’s heritage on the back

ends depending on availability of volunteers.

etables, French baking, great chocolate or

of silvered wings, making Edmonton The

Track motor car (speeder) rides are avail-

cheese? The Old Strathcona Historic Area,

Gateway to the North. Taste the world of the

able. The tour takes about 90 minutes. You

voted one of the Top 10 Coolest Neigh-

“Knights of the Air” in WWI, WW2 and the

can also enjoy a self-guided tour with

borhoods in Canada and also recently

Cold War. Journey through the culture of flight

museum notes and a map. This attraction

named a Provincial Historic Area, is home

from the days of wood and fabric to the Jet

is open on weekends during the summer.

to more than 100 eateries and pubs offer-

Age of today. There are 30 aircraft on dis-

The price of admission is $5 for adults

ing the city’s largest variety of jazz, blues,

play, more than 40 display cabinets and

$3.50 seniors. Train rides are $4 and motor

country, folk, alternative rock and dance.

exhibits to explore, a flight simulator to try

car rides are $2. Phone the museum at (780)

Also known as the Old Strathcona Theatre

and you can even experience what it was like

472-6229 for more information. The Web

District, the area is home to eight theaters

to be in a cockpit of a Cold War fighter jet.

site is at albertarailwaymuseum.com.

and is one of the largest concentrations of

Group admission is $7 per person; the

Fort Edmonton Park is living history at

live theater in Edmonton, bringing theater

museum is open daily except for Christmas

its best. Join the costumed historical inter-

to life with new works and new takes on

and New Years Day. Phone (780) 451-1175

preters and try your hand at living life as

classic material and improvisation. Discover

or visit albertaaviationmuseum.com to learn

an early pioneer. Visitors experience life as

one-of-a-kind offerings, from locally made


it was at the 1846 fort and on the streets

crafts to treasures from afar. Learn more at

Ride the rails at Alberta Railway Museum

of 1885, 1905 and 1920. There are activ-

oldstrathcona.ca or phone (780) 437-4182.

and Archives, a unique, industrial, iron horse

ities for all ages – antique vehicle rides, pio-

Of course there are many other fascinat-

venue located on the northeast edge of

neer games, learning to bead, playing pool,

ing attractions as well as abundant outdoor

Edmonton. This collection focuses on rail-

darts and horseshoes, taking aim at the

opportunities available in and around

way equipment from the Canadian National

shooting gallery and even 1920s style

Edmonton. To learn more about them visit

Railway and Northern Alberta Railways.

miniature golf. Take time to visit one of the

edmonton.com or phone (800) 463-4667.

Displays include steam and diesel locomo-

many food service outlets and period retail

For planning assistance contact Christie

tive technology, passenger, work and freight

shops. All-you-can-ride steam train and

Makowichuk manager, Leisure Travel Amer-

cars, and various pieces of machinery and

streetcar rides are included in admission.

icas, phone (780) 917-7620 or e-mail

buildings. More than 60 pieces of rolling

For information phone (780) 442-5311.


stack are available for inspection. Train rides

The Web site is fortedmontonpark.ca.


Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 21

Rocky Gap Casino Resort Tropicana Casino and Resort Atlantic City, New Jersey The Tropicana Casino and Resort, New Jersey’s premier resort destination since its opening on November 23, 1981, provides a world-class experience in a spectacular hotel and casino. The sprawling resort includes luxury ocean view hotel rooms and hotel suites, round-the-clock casino gaming, gourmet dining, live entertainment, beachfront and Boardwalk location, and an array of retail options. Tropicana is home to The Quarter, which is one of Atlantic City’s largest non-

Always a Winner

gaming expansions to date and is home to a stunning array of world-class restaurants, red-hot entertainment and nightlife venues, chic and cultured retail and a lavish and lux-


our group will love the thrilling action

Rocky Gap Casino Resort offers four din-

uriant spa facility.

of live gaming, electric entertainment

ing options. Lakeside Restaurant’s buffet fea-

Today, the property encompasses more

and divine dining available at many

tures 30 hot items plus the salad bar, dessert

than 14 acres of land and beach frontage

of North America’s stylish, modern casinos

bar, a full wine list and carving station includ-

of 220 yards along the famed Boardwalk

and casino resorts. There are always fun and

ing rotisserie chicken and smoked brisket.

in Atlantic City. The Tropicana offers

surprises when you roll up to a casino with

Other restaurants at Rocky Gap Casino Resort

guests 2,079 hotel rooms and suites

your tour group.

include LB’s Place, which offers salad bowls,

throughout its four towers including the

flat bread pizzas, signature burgers, delicious

Havana Tower, North Tower, South Tower

Rocky Gap Casino Resort

Maryland crab, and a full bar featuring an

and West Tower.

Cumberland, Maryland

extensive hand-selected wine list. Signatures

The non-stop action on the casino floor

Bar & Grill features a full-service bar, and

features includes more than 132,896 square-

Rocky Gap Casino Resort, which is located within Rocky Gap State Park in

affordable dining. During the warmer

feet of gaming space with more than 116

western Maryland, features a casino,

months, guests can enjoy outside seating

tables, including the 27-table poker room

world-class golf and dining, freshly

with a beautiful lakeside view at both LB’s

and more than 2,677 slots. Open 24 hours a

appointed rooms, an event center, and

Place and Signatures. Those looking for a

entertainment including live comedy and

light snack can stop by A Little Munch to grab

music. The property recently received the

Starbucks® coffee and a pastry or enjoy a

AAA® 4 Diamond® Award, which signifies

sandwich and a drink at the video poker bar.

that the resort is refined and stylish with a

Guests can also take advantage of sev-

high degree of hospitality, service and

eral outdoor activities at the adjacent

attention to detail.

Rocky Gap State Park including fishing,

Rocky Gap Casino Resort’s 550 slot machines offer everything from penny slots

kayaking, paddle boarding, hiking and mountain biking.

to $10 games. Those looking for the excite-

The hotel’s 200 rooms and suites offer

ment of table games can try their luck at

both lake and golf view options. Other

everything from Pai Gow Poker, Mini Bac-

amenities included are an indoor swimming

carat, Blackjack, Three Card Poker, and

pool, spa, fitness center and complimentary

Four Card Poker. The casino also offers

wireless Internet access.

Texas Hold'em poker with both Limit and No Limit stakes. 22 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

Visit rockygapcasino.com or phone (301) 784-8400 for more information.

Tropicana Casino and Resort


THE E ONL ONLY LY YS STOP TOP YOU YOU NEED. NEED. How How much can you pack into a visit sit to the TTropicana? ropicana ropicana? r Infinite possibilities await you at The Quar Quarter ter - Atlantic City’ City’s y’s premier enter entertainment tainment destination.

There’s high-voltage excitement at ever n. D iscover over 24 incredible There’s everyy tur turn. Discover restaurants, over 25 unique shops, more than 18 lounges and nightclubs plus bluemercur bluemercuryy makeup, skincare, spa. Customize packages for your groups.

IIT’S T’S A ALL LL HERE. A ALL LL IIN NO ONE NE PL PLACE. LACE. AC For immediate assistance and to book your day or over overnight night trip, call our TTour our D Department epartment at 1-888-275-1212.



Guide: Casinos day, the casino floor provides guests with

live Thoroughbred horse racing. Check

can also e-mail Kelly@casinosales.com or

continuous action and exciting promotions.

delawarepark.com for the 2015 racing sched-

Bridget@casinosales.com. A minimum of

For motorcoach guests they feature a

ule and current promotions/specials. Phone

40 guests is required to receive the free play

(800) 41-SLOTS for more information.


completely covered motorcoach bus garage, with more than 300 seats for arriving and departing guests. Bell services provide lug-

Also on property is White Clay Creek

Casino at Delaware Park

Country Club, complete with At the Rail Wine

gage pick-up and drop-off to and from your

Bar. At the Rail serves lunch and dinner, as

motorcoach. Located within the motorcoach

well as a delectable Sunday Brunch buffet.

waiting area is a Trop Advantage Card Cen-

Phone (302) 994-6700, Ext. 7194 to make

ter, to assist with any guests’ Trop Advan-

reservations. The country club also features

tage needs as well as room key and bonus

a world-class golf course and a banquet hall

package distribution all conveniently from

perfect for group functions. Visit whiteclay-

one location. A fully trained, marketing staff

creekcc.com for more information.


is on hand 16 hours each day to offer unparalleled service to guests.

Bus packages are available which offer

The Trop Advantage card is the new offi-

some great incentives including $30 in free

cial rewards club of the Tropicana. This loy-

play for each guest, the driver and the

alty card program offers five tiers of mem-

escort. Escorts receive a $20 food voucher

bership: green, copper, gold, platinum and

and drivers get a $10 food voucher. On-site

black. Trop Advantage members earn Comp

eateries include Legends Restaurant, On a

Dollars by playing slots and table games and

Roll Deli, Rooney’s Deli and Picciotti’s. For

can be redeemed for shopping and dining at

assistance in organizing your group trip

any Quarter, Marketplace or Tropicana

contact Casino Sales at (800) 355-7637. You

restaurant, lounge or outlet. The new Trop

MOVING? Please let us know at least 60 days in advance to ensure that your next issue of B US TOURS M AGAZINE reaches your new address. Postcards with changeof-address forms are available at your local post office.

Check #493 on Reader Service Card

Advantage program also introduces Resort rewards, which rewards guests with comp dollars for all cash transactions on hotel


accommodations and at Tropicana-owned restaurants and retail outlets. The Trop


Advantage promotions booth is located in

Enjoy the hottest slots and table games, Atlantic City’s largest standard rooms, exceptional dining, an all new Quickbites Food Court on WKH FDVLQR ¾RRU QHZ UHWDLO VKRSSLQJ and great entertainment! The fun is here at the new Resorts Casino Hotel in Atlantic City!

the South Tower Casino and sign-up is free. For more information phone (800) 843-8767 or visit Tropicana.net.

Casino at Delaware Park Wilmington, Delaware The Casino at Delaware Park is always in play with 24-hour, seven day a week gaming action. This multi-level, non-smoking entertainment and gaming facility offers something for everyone: 2,500 slot machines, an array of live table games, cash and tournament poker rooms, Keno, free Wednesday

Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville entertainment complex featuring a year-round LandShark Bar & Grill on the beach, new Margaritaville restaurant just off the casino ¾RRU WKHPHG 0DUJDULWDYLOOH slot area, retail shops & more.

ENJOY SUMMER ALL YEAR ROUND! ROUND! Contact Meg Lewis at 609-340-7715 for booking and more information.


through Sunday evening live entertainment at HOPS stage and many dining options. The adjoining Clubhouse offers additional dining choices, pro football parlay sports betting, year-round simulcasting and seasonal 24 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015



Bet with your head not over it. Gambling Problem? Call 1.800.GAMBLER.

Check #413 on Reader Service Card

Check #407 on Reader Service Card

Check #606 on Reader Service Card

Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 25

Starline Tours

Starline Tours

Los Angeles, California

Starline Tours, the number one celebrity tour operator in Los Angeles for almost 80 years, in partnership with Turner Classic Movies (TCM), now offers the exclusive Movie Locations Tour – LA to the public. The tour joins the longest-running celebrity tour in the world, the Movie Stars’ Homes Tour, and many others operated by Starline Tours. The interactive, three-hour trip features clips of movies shot on locations in and around Hollywood and Downtown Los Angeles (LA’s prime filming location), presented

The tour begins at the historic TCL Chinese Theatre IMAX® in Hol-

on an 65-inch screen. The custom-designed bus with stadium seat-

lywood. Tickets are $75 for adults and $60 for youth, 3-11, including

ing and panoramic window-wrapped viewing is the only one of its

pick up from one of 250 hotels, or $60/$45 without pick up, with


departure from the Chinese Theatre. It will be offered year-round,

The tour covers more than 50 past and present movie locations

with additional tour times during peak season. The current schedule

in Hollywood, Wilshire Boulevard, Downtown LA, Echo Park and

through October is Monday and Thursday at 1:30 p.m. and Friday,

the Silverlake District, featuring the architecture and landscapes

Saturday and Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Reservations are

in movies portraying Los Angeles as well as New York, Miami and

available online at starlinetours.com or tcm.com/tours. For more

Tokyo – past, present and future, and includes two historic stops.

information phone (800) 959-3131 or (323) 463-3333.

The first stop is at the Bradbury Building, an architectural masterpiece built in 1893. It was prominently featured in The Artist and

Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum

Bladerunner, to name a few. The tour also stops at iconic Union

St. George, Utah

Station, the last of the great American railway stations, which has “starred” in dozens of films, including the classic noir film Cry Dan-

Looking for something to do on an upcoming trip to Utah? At the

ger as well as blockbuster films such as The Dark Knight Rises, Bugsy

Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum guests get closer than they have ever

and Catch Me If You Can. Other tour highlights Broadway, the loca-

imagined to some of nature’s finest creations from all over the world.

tion for dozens of movies including Transformers, D.O.A. and Safety

The Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum is conveniently located two hours

Last, and Hollywood Boulevard, noted for The Italian Job, A Star is

north of Las Vegas, on the way to Zion National Park, in southern

Born, Iron Man and many others.


Movie Locations Tour– LA is expertly guided by film aficionados

The Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum features more than 35,000

who delight in teasing zealous film passengers with little-known facts

square-feet of space, which houses the spectacular exhibits and

and anecdotes, and giving TCM-infused context to the movie clips

first-class gift shop. The museum con-

being shown, while they view movie locations in a one-of-a-kind


tains a two-story mountain pathway

viewing bus with surround-windows, including roof views, in plush

(suitable for handicap access) that

stadium seating.

winds through the plains of Africa,

Combining the tour know-how of Starline Tours, the largest oper-

the forests of North America, the

ator in Los Angeles, with insights and curation from the award-win-

mountains of Asia and many other

ning Turner Classic Movies, results in a perfect blend that delivers a

great locations. Along your journey you will see more than 300

“rolling immersion into the movies” throughout the streets of Los

mounted species of wildlife placed in replicas of their natural envi-

Angeles. In specially produced video segments, TCM’s on-air host

ronment, two live waterfalls, periodic thunder and lightning storms,

Ben Mankiewicz, who shares his own family’s history involving Los

as well as, an exotic insect gallery.

Angeles filmmaking, highlights the sights of LA used in both current

Guests will receive a personal audio tour in the form of a wand.

movies as well memorable scenes from the Classics, sure to please

This allows museum patrons to experience the museum at their own

movie lovers of all kinds.

pace. As visitors explore the exhibits, the wand provides a narration

26 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

Check #614 on Reader Service Card Check #217 on Reader Service Card

/ ) & -+ -& ' *#, ! *$ &%(()+ *#,#+" (%-& #

) # % *(-) , + . #% % ' ! "$ AMISH ACRES PACKAGE delivers group A MISH A CRES $99, $99, 2-DAY 2-DAY 1-NIGHT 1-NIGHT P ACKAGE deliv ers g roup fun with farmstead Amish lifestyle, professional Broadway guided far mstead ttours, ours, film on A mish lifest lif estyle, pr ofessional of essional Br oadway theatre, family-style specialtyy shopping shopping.. musical thea tre, famous family -style TThreshers hreshers Dinner & specialt Amish Acres 80-acre Historic Heritage Resort A mish A cres 80-acr eH istoric FFarm arm & Her itage R esort fea ffeatures: eatures: Annual Arts Crafts Festival •A nnual A rts & Cr Cra afts FFestiv estival estiv al - an ABA ABA TTop op 100 ev event ent Renowned family-style Dinner served • Reno wned ffamily amily-st -style yle Thr TThreshers hreshers hr eshers D inner ser ved in the rustic Restaur Restaurant ant Barn Repertory musical “Plain • Rep ertor oryy theatr theatree is home of longest running m usical “P lain & Fanc FFancy” ancyy” anc Two locally owned 64-room • TTw wo lo cally o wned 64-ro 64-r oom ccountry ountryy inns ountr

OTHER STOPS: DAS DUTCHMAN ESSENHAUS amily-owned D O THER TOP TOP ST OPS: FFamily-owned AS DUT CHMAN ESSENHA US’ 1,100 seatt A Amish-style home-style bakeryy fea pie.. -style baker ffeature eature 30 vvarieties arieties of pie sea mish-style rrestaurant estaurant and home shops,, ac activities Quilt Garden Mural create tivities and Q uilt G arden & M ural cr eate a quiet ccountry ountry TTheir heir IInn, nn, shops SHIPSHEWANA Midwest’s largest, escape.. TThe WANA FLEA MARKET MARKET is the M idwest’s lar escape he SHIPSHE gest, open Wednesdays, May October. everything TTuesdays uesdays and W ednesdays, M ay thru O ctober. FFind ind vvendors endors selling ev erything from fresh handcrafted furniture. parking fr om fr esh fruit tto o handcr afted fur niture. FFree ree bus par king and admission. The QUIL QUILT T GARDENS ALONG THE HERIT HERITA AGE TRAIL ... an ABA Top 100 Event seven years in a row! 19 eye-popping quilt patterned gardens (over 1,000,000 blooms!) and 21 gigantic hand-painted quilt art murals blanket seven Amish Country communities. VIEWABLE FREE OF CHARGE ANNUALL ALLY Y MAY 30 - OCTOBER 1!

Visit AmishCountryTours.org V isit A mishCountryTours.org more information group friendly ffor or mor e infor inf ormation on these g roup fr iendly aattractions ttractions or call SSonya onya aatt 800.262.8161.

ET RKE ARK MA M 0 pp! FLEA ANAy only $23 eewan wanaa ry , Shipsh PSHEW Itinera stead Inn, KE - SHI gested g at the Farm & SPO HUB Night Suge, including lodgin 2014 /2 peopl een. 3 Day based upon 30 betw ive, Inclus

t a quil that’s c a ttour her colle ogether t and see iece ttoge P Piec

and dream lover’s

a lot

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Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 27

Fresh Planning about the various animals in each section,

and mansion is open spring, summer and

Schnepf Farms

as well as personal stories and adventures

fall for guided and self-guided tours. The

and Queen Creek Olive Mill Queen Creek, Arizona

from Museum Founder Jimmie Rosenbruch.

property also features a rose garden, a lilac

With advance notice, guests are also wel-

grove, a koi pond, a whispering bench and

come to watch an IMAX-style movie on the

statues. For more information phone (402)

Schnepf Farms (schnepffarms.com), Ari-

17-foot screen.

873-8705 or visit arbordayfarm.org/arbor-

zona’s largest peach grower and Queen


Creek Olive Mill, Arizona’s only olive farm

The museum also features a unique gift shop filled with wonderful gifts of wildlife

In the present there is Lied Lodge. Built in

and mill have joined to create a unique agri-

products and stunning southern Utah mem-

1993 on the Morton Family’s original estate,

tourism experience. Both offer a past and

orabilia for both children and adults, mak-

Lied Lodge and Conference Center at Arbor

present look at Arizona agriculture. They

ing it easy to find the perfect souvenir.

Day Farm strives to “inspire people to plant,

have ample parking and clean, new facilities

nurture, and celebrate trees.” This newly ren-

to accommodate tours of any size.

Tour buses, large groups and interpreted guided tours are available with advance

ovated 140-room hotel and conference cen-

notice. The Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum

ter showcases environmental stewardship

offers special tour pricing. The museum offers

while offering a comfortable, memorable

extended hours to help better accommodate

place to gather. For starters, the on-site din-

your group’s schedule and ample bus park-

ing room serves local, sustainable food and

ing is available on-site.

the pool is heated and cooled with a unique

Come learn, explore and discover at the

Schnepf Farms Patio

biomass fuel system. It is open 365 days a

Roenbruch Wildlife Museum with your group.

year; guided tours are available. To learn

Phone (435) 656-0033, Ext. 3 or e-mail

more phone (800) 546-5433 or log on to

staff@roenbruch.org to learn more about this


Schnepf Farms is a multigenerational

For tomorrow there is the Tree Nursery.

farm, whose family provided the town’s

With a mission to “inspire people to plant,

first mayor and has deep roots in the

Arbor Day Farm

nurture and celebrate trees,” Arbor Day Farm

community. The farm is enjoyed by more

Nebraska City, Nebraska

grows millions of tree seedlings every year

than a quarter of a million people during

in greenhouse and tree nursery facilities.

the year. Through festivals, music events

world-class museum and schedule a tour.

With three unique venues across a 300-

Twice annually, these seedlings are shipped

and educational programs, Schnepf Farms

acre campus, Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska

to Arbor Day Foundation members around

is one of the largest agri-tourist farms in

City, Nebraska, brings a “past, present and

the world, to be planted in their yards, parks

the country. The attraction features u-pick

future” theme to bus tour visitors.

and acreages and to become tomorrow’s

organic produce and peach orchards, a

forests. In 2014, more than seven million

narrow gauge train, a carousel and the

Reflecting the past is the 52-room Victorian Arbor Lodge Man-

trees were shipped to

Schnepf Family farm museum. Tours

and planted by more

include an authentic hay ride through the

of J. Sterling Morton – a

than one million Arbor

farm’s many acres, lunch and shopping.

politician, newspaper

Day Foundation mem-

The country store and bakery which began

editor and founder of

bers. Tours are avail-

as a roadside stand is now full of gifts,

Arbor Day, the tree

able. The nursery is

preserves, salsas, fudge, housemade

planting holiday. Inside

open seasonally. Facil-

goodies and more. Breakfast and lunch

sion, the original home

Arbor Day Farm

this spectacular home

ities are part of the

are served at The Farm Fresh Cafe. Open

you will find countless period furnishings,

Arbor Day Farm Tree Adventure attraction

hours are Thursday through Sunday, 8:30

priceless artifacts from past presidents and

for all ages. Phone (402) 873-8717 or visit

a.m. to 4 p.m. The café is closed July and

world leaders, and cherished personal

arbordayfarm.org/greenhouse.cfm for more


belongings of J. Sterling and his wife, Car-


Queen Creek Olive Mill (queencreeko-

olyn. Here, you are invited to learn more

Check out arbordayfarm.org/calendar/

livemill.com) is a first-generation sustain-

about the Morton Family’s passion for envi-

index.cfm#available to learn the adult group

able family farm, with more than 7,000

ronmental stewardship and their enduring

tours available for reservation. They also

olive trees. They produce Arizona's only

legacy of tree planting. The 72-acre park

offer a variety of youth group tours.

extra virgin olive oil and a growing list of

28 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

Check #288 on Reader Service Card

Check #612 on Reader Service Card

Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 29

Fresh Planning

Check #607 on Reader Service Card ROSENBRUCH

gourmet food products. Visitors from everywhere enjoy the 30-minute educa-

World Wildlife Museum and Gift Shop

tional tour, unique shopping, local foods

St. George, Utah

and Superstition Coffee, an on-site roastery and espresso bar. Their festivals, which follow the olive growing season, feature live entertainment, seasonal specials, wine

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, it is borrowed from our children

Experience more than 300 animals from around the world set in their natural habitats, live waterfalls, and a thunder and lightening storm in about an hour.

tasting and special events. Queen Creek Olive Mill’s award- winning eatery offers an original menu that shows guests how their products can be used in a variety of dishes while they dine amidst the olive grove, on the patio or inside. Visitors can see almost every aspect of olive oil production and taste the oil fresh from the mill during the fall. Queen Creek Olive Mill is open year-round: Sunday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday and Saturday

• Large gift shop with Utah memorabilia on site. • Convienently located on the way to Zion National Park. • Ample Bus Parking. • Resturants Nearby. •

8 a.m. to 9 p.m. This unique tour includes stops at both farms. You choose which location you want to have lunch and they do the rest. Phone (877) 825-0048 for details and to book your trip. q

Contact friendly staff at (435) 656-0033 or visit us online at www.rosenbruch.org Rosenbruch World Wildlife Museum and Gift Shop 1835 S Conventional Center Drive

Check #494 on Reader Service Card

30 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

THE CURIOUS TOUR PLANNER Number 6 of a Series “The Curious Tour Planner” is a question and answer column that provides simple answers to simple questions involving bus and group tours. It is patterned after a very successful similar column in our sister publication, National Bus Trader, that has run for about 20 years with more than 200 installments. We will accept reasonably simple technical or operating historical questions on bus and group tours and their operations by letter, fax, e-mail or telephone. Unless otherwise indicated, the simpler questions will be answered by our editor, Larry Plachno, who has owned buses and planned tours for more than 50 years. If our staff is unable to answer them, we will call upon our panel of experts. Names and addresses should be submitted with your questions, but we will withhold names from publication on request. We reserve the right to modify questions to make them more useful to our readers. Q. Are there some new regulations pending that would increase tourism crossing problems at borders? –– Reader in New York A. We asked our friend Bill McKibben who is active in that area. Here is his reply. A severe threat to the tour industry and to tourism has come out of the House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security. The bill, H.R. 399, and companion legislation introduced by the Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee would require a wide range of border security measures including extensive biometric screening of all individuals leaving the United States via land, air, or sea border checkpoints. The exit aspect of the proposed legislation will virtually shut down the border crossings that tour operators, bus tours and tourists rely on. Those familiar with border operations point out that backups at these locations will create traffic jams miles long at land ports and long hours – perhaps days – of wait lines at airports and ocean locations. Where travel between the United States and Canada is concerned, this requirement is redundant. The U.S. and Canadian

“Beyond the Border” initiative provides two-way exit and entry information. It is imperative that members of the tour and tourism industries contact their representatives in the Congress – both the House and the Senate – to make them aware of the unintended disastrous impact this aspect of H.R. 399 will have if it becomes law. It is especially vital that you act if one of your representatives serves on the House or Senate Committees on Homeland Security. Check here for a list of the House members: http://homeland.house.gov/about/membership –and here for members of the Senate Committee: http://www.hsgac. senate.gov/about. Q. Why all the concern over trade show schedules in 2015? –– Several Readers A. We get this same concern almost every year because three or four major trade shows schedule events within not much more than about 10 weeks at the start of the year. If you go back to our May, 2014 issue you will find this same question in regard to 2015 dates. In 2015, the problem was that the ABA Marketplace in St. Louis ended only a few days prior to UMA and NTA starting in New Orleans. Unless dates change, the situation in 2016 is that Heartland Travel Showcase starts only two days after the UMA/NTA Travel Exchange. The dates we have are as follows: ABA Marketplace, January 9-12, 2016 in Louisville. NTA/UMA Travel Exchange, January 31-February 4, 2016 in Atlanta. Heartland Travel Showcase, February 6-7, 2016 in Grand Rapids and Travel South Showcase, March 6-9, 2016 in Winston-Salem. Q. Why are my tour friends in Europe complaining about a new German minimum wage for international transport operators? –– Tour Operator A. The information we have is that on January 1, 2015, Germany instituted a minimum wage law that applies to international transport operators including both bus and truck. German authorities’ inter-

pretation of the new law is that it applies to all transport operations in Germany, even when a truck or bus is simply transiting the country for a few hours. German authorities can impose fines on companies of up to 500,000 Euros for violations. Our friends at the International Road Transport Union (IRU) as well as others have asked for an immediate moratorium on enforcement of the new law until legal clarity and practical advice to operators is obtained. The IRU states that European Union institutions and member states were never informed of this new law or the obligations it imposes on companies. It was stated that little information on the new law is available in any other language than German, and even what is available is lacking in detail. The IRU goes on to mention that other unanswered questions include how to calculate the minimum wage for drivers working for companies based outside of Germany. The IRU was calling for a special meeting on this subject in Paris in February. Q. Did I hear that a battery-powered intercity coach is now a reality? –– Coach and Tour Operator A. BYD introduced a battery-powered intercity coach at the United Motorcoach Association’s Motorcoach Expo in New Orleans in January. BYD is a Chinese company and a world leader in battery sales. They also manufacture autos including dual mode and electric cars. Some years back BYD developed a battery-powered transit bus that is in operation in China and being tested elsewhere. They now offer battery-powered intercity coaches with lengths of 23, 40 and 45 feet. While they offer much the same amenities and features as other coaches on the market, their range is limited to less than 200 miles between charges. Hence, until better batteries are available they may be practical for local sightseeing service. Answers not credited to other individuals are provided by Larry Plachno, Editor. q Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 31

20 Tips For Bus Tour Planners by: Dr. Charleen Jaeb

20 Tips on the Art of Gifting

2. Discover what the person or persons

performance or years of service and/or yearly

Do you love getting gifts, giving gifts, shop-

want. The focus should be on the recipient.

ping for gifts and planning events that require

The easiest and best way is to ask them (or

6. Corporate Gifts to Group Leaders: Gifts

them? I do. Right now it is January. I am in

their parent or significant other.) You can

I appreciated from Lakefront Lines include:

Florida happily surrounded with the decora-

survey groups, base it on past positive gift

subscriptions to Reader’s Digest, Lakefront

tions, cards and gifts from the holiday season.

giving feedback or do research. Do not

Motorcoach Bank, desk clock, photo album,

It inspired me to write on the art of gifting as

assume. Ask.

lighted magnifying glass, candy, cookies, bus

it relates to bus tour planners, travelers of all ages and bus companies.

bonuses based on company profitability.

3. Presentation: Gifts should be wrapped

carry-on bag, FAM trips, free trips, discounted

and include a gift card or business card with

trips and an invitation to their annual Christ-

The main purpose of gift giving is to please

personal comments and your signature.

mas dinner and show. Use logos on gifts with

the recipient. It can bring them happiness,

Wrapping gifts keeps the gift a secret until

discretion. Gifts should be of high quality and

decrease sadness, celebrate an occasion or

the moment of opening. It shows respect to

in good taste. Keep the logo small so that it

in gratitude for a favor. Corporate gift giving

make it beautiful on the outside. Give your

does not look like a corporate advertisement.

can enhance a company’s image, improve

gift in private unless you are attending a cel-

7. Gifts to Bus Passengers: Group leaders

both customer and employee relations and

ebration where everyone is giving a gift. Do

can provide cookies, snacks, water, maps,

bring return customers.

not insist they open it immediately. I like

movies, games, prizes and things to read on

tying a balloon on gifts.

the bus, coupons from places you stop on the

My favorite gifts include trips, things to eat, drink, wear, share, spend or use. One of the

4. Gifts for Bus Travelers: Comfy head

turnpike and a group photograph at the end

nicest things about them is the memories they

rests, binoculars, headphones, iPads, lug-

of the trip. Bus companies can award small

bring about the occasion and the giver.

gage tags, colorful suitcase straps, postage

trip gift certificates for prizes on the bus, water,

The 20 tips below are guidelines on the art

stamps, travel journals, small battery oper-

wrapped candy, special savings for booking

of gifting. They are from my experiences and

ated games such as Yahtzee, candy, cell

early, offer a senior discount or “frequent trav-

views as part of the “Silent Generation.” They

phone with prepaid minutes or bus carry-on-

eler” rewards, and company trip catalogs.

include family roles from granddaughter to

bags are useful. Bus trips are appreciated by

8. Hostess Gifts: Just as you ask what you

great-grandmother, event planner, group

frequent bus travelers, especially sometimes

can bring to family dinners, neighborhood

leader, bus tour planner, tour escort, years of

you accompany them.

education and teaching. My friend Google helped too.

gatherings and condo get-togethers, you can

5. Corporate Gifts to Employees: Bus

ask trip planners if they would like you to bring

drivers and trip escorts could be awarded gift

food to share on the bus or at pre- or post-trip

1. Understand the reasons for gifting. Refer

cards for complimentary notes from passen-

parties. If in doubt, chocolate candy, wine,

to the second paragraph. Recognize gifts are

gers, or offered choice assignments. In-house

flowers or fruit baskets are traditional hostess gifts.

not a substitute for a caring attitude, good

employees could be given free or discounted

business practices, integrity, patience, avail-

trips, personal name plates and invitations to

9. International Hostess Gifts that are light-

ability and treating others the way you want

annual company celebrations. All employees

weight can fit in your luggage and are uniquely

to be treated.

could receive raises or promotions based on

American or to your city are appreciated. If

32 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015

20 Tips they have not requested something specific, examples include calendars, candy, pecans, Christmas ornaments, Amish or Native American crafts, T-Shirts, baseball hats, $2 bills and packets of American BBQ sauce. Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands is a great book on customs appropriate gifts of other countries. Know the taboos before you go. 10. Gifts for Overseas Travelers: Items that fit in their luggage or carry-on luggage and can pass through security are welcomed. Luggage tags, luggage straps to identify luggage, compact vinyl raincoats, i-Tunes cards, Ziplok Space Bags that triple your suitcase storage space, and Berlitz Pocket Guides are packed with ideas on what to see and offer cultural tips and useful phrases. 11. Souvenirs from Trips: If recipients collect typical souvenirs such as refrigerator magnets, foreign money, toys, key chains,

My Favorite Gifts: White Zinfandel, Kahlua, Address Book, Chanel #5, Boxed Chocolates, Tennis Shoes, Handmade cards, Restaurant Gift Cards, Mel’s Bracelet, necklace from Bahamas, Swiss Army Knife, waterproof Swatch watch, Lighted Magnifying Glass, iPhone, and Mobile Hotspot than connects computer to Wi-Fi.

games, shot glasses, post cards, hats, stamps, dolls or branded bags, I try to accommodate

of gifts to customers or group leaders at

16. Homemade/Handmade Gifts: Share

them. I usually bring back a good piece of

annual shows; e.g. chose gifts that are

your talents. Baked items, canned goods,

jewelry, Christmas ornament, art work, hand-

wrapped, attractive, tasteful, useful and cost

flowers from your garden, fruit baskets, knit

less than $5. Promotional gifts at travel shows

scarves, placemats, information, music or

12. Gifts From Bus Passengers: I usually

can cost less than a dollar such as wrapped

art work are examples. My specialties are

give about $2 a day to bus drivers and trip

candy, pens, magnets, brochures. I shop Dol-

photographs and photo collages, watercolor

escorts. On multi-day trips I give it to them

lar Tree for balloons, cards, table decorations

paintings, cheese balls, vegetable pizzas

in a card with a personal note. Most travel

and inexpensive prizes because nothing in

and fudge.

made items and chocolate candy.

companies and cruise lines give guidelines

the store is more than $1. You do not have

17. Inappropriate Gifts: In most cases

for tipping which I follow. Send a letter to the

to think about price and they have very good

accept a gift gracefully regardless of how you

president of the bus or travel agency when

products and customer service.

feel about the gift or giver. A simple thank

persons are exceptional and give the person described a copy of the letter.

15. Prevent Theft at Large Gatherings. The

you is appropriate. Return a gift that is extrav-

main reasons people steal gifts is that they

agant, too personal, has sexual implications

13. Gifts to Charities: Business owners are

can get away with it or they are not aware it

or can be misconstrued as bribery. Enclose

frequently requested to donate gifts to spe-

is wrong. Remove temptation. Announce

a note that because of the nature of the gift

cial events held by charities. Gift certificates

that table centerpieces are not table door

you are unable to accept it. Tickets to the

for trips, especially one-day casino runs, cre-

prizes. Monitor door prize tables and mon-

opera for a person who is a country music

ate excitement, are appreciated and not

etary gift boxes at large receptions. Empty

fan, tickets to a football game to a person

expensive. As their trip planner, I placed

the box contents to a safe place after most

who prefers indoor sports may be inappro-

thank you ads in the Women’s Club annual

guests have arrived. Remove the box when

priate, although I am not against re-gifting.

scholarship dance booklets, as well as sug-

no one is standing guard. Put guest names

Gifts reflect a person’s shortcomings or to

on individual gifts. Hand them out at the reg-

play a joke are not in good taste.

gesting Lakefront do the same. 14. Stay Within Your Budget. Have guide-

istration desk. Use them for table center-

18. Thank the Giver. Although a telephone

lines when donating; e.g., allow one gift per

pieces. Seat a company employee at each

call or e-mail message may be easier, a thank

year to a charity, only to customers’ chari-

table. If vendors are dinner guests and their

you note written immediately after receiving

ties, must be requested in writing in advance.

booths are in another area, have the room

the gift is better and often expected, especially

Set price ranges when giving large numbers

guarded while they are not in it.

if the gift giver is in the older generation. Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015 • 33

20 Tips

Advertiser’s Index

Although a funny video of our three and five-

friends and family to Amish country to share

year-old grandchildren eating and thanking

our 50th anniversary, Swiss Army knives with

Algoma Central Railway . . . . . . . . . . .15

us for the oranges received was tops this year.

little scissors, chocolate candy, restaurant

Amish Country of Northern Indiana . .27

19. Favorite Gifts Received: Memorable gifts

gift cards, cash and oranges from Florida are

Arbor Day Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

memorable ones.

Atlantic City CVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

received in addition to the ones in photograph are: oranges from Florida in the 50s and 60s,

A gift I would appreciate from you is sug-

Indoor-Outdoor Weather Thermometer (We

gestions for topics on future articles. My col-

give half of it to our neighbor to monitor the

umn in the May-June issue will be 20 Tips on

temperature in our house from in his house

Teaching and Training. The old adage, “When

while we are in Florida. (Good thing because

life gives you lemons, make lemonade” has

this year our furnace went off), clothing, and

inspired many columns. It is a motivator for me

a personalized license plate (1 CHAR).

if I have had a bad experience that could be

Canandaigua Lady, The . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Casino at Delaware Park . . . . . . . . . . .25 Castle Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 City of Aztec, New Mexico . . . . . . . . .13 Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad . . .12 Deadwood Gulch Gaming Resort . . . .25

20. Favorite Gifts Given: Taking our moth-

made better by writing about it. You can con-

ers on some family vacations, taking our chil-

tact me with comments, questions or sugges-

Valley Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

dren and grandchildren on a cruise for our

tions at cdjaeb@wowway.com or Larry Plachno

Elk City CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

50th anniversary, chartering a bus to bring

at reception@busmag.com. Thank you.


Durbin & Greenbrier

End-O-Line Railroad Park & Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

With degrees from four universities, Dr. Charleen Jaeb has been a business professor at Cuya-

Fair Oaks Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

hoga Community College. After her retirement in 2000, she became a trip planner for the CCC

Galesburg CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

retirees and Middleburg Heights Women’s Club, filling as many as 15 buses each year. Jaeb

Gatlinburg CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

and her husband escorted trips for Lakefront Lines in Cleveland, Ohio. She says, “It was won-

Golden Spike Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

derful and somewhat unbelievable in retirement to be able to do what you love to do and get

Hampton Inn by Hilton . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Lehigh Gorge Scenic Railway . . . . . . . .9

paid for doing it.”

Little Falls CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Check #408 on Reader Service Card

Mid-Lakes Navigation Co. . . . . . . . . . .19 Miromar Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Mt. Washington Cog Railway . . . . . . .11 Musical Instrument Museum . . . . . . .17

Cruise into Relaxation on Canandaigua Lake, one of the Finger Lakes of New York, on an Authentic Paddle Wheeler and Replica Steamboat! Narrated Lunch, Dinner & Excursion Cruises! Available May - October

Special Group Rates Available by Referencing Code BTM! Booking Contact: (585)-396-7350 x 2 events@cdgalady.com | www.CdgaBoatCruises.com Located in beautiful Canandaigua, New York 30 miles from Rochester and 70 miles from Syracuse

New River Train . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 North Dakota Div of Tourism . . . . . . . .2 Potawatomi Hotel & Casino . . . . . . . .35 Rapid City CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Resorts Casino Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Rocky Gap Casino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum . . . . . . .30 St. James Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Schnepf Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

Check #440 on Reader Service Card

Secwepemc Museum & Heritage Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Shore Line Trolley Museum, The . . . . .9 South Park National Heritage Area . . .13 Starved Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Tropicana Casino & Resort . . . . . . . . .23 U.S. Army Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Visit Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Western Maryland Scenic Railroad . . . .9 Wild Horse Saloon/ General Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Wilmington & Western Railroad . . . . .11

34 • Bus Tours Magazine / March, 2015



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