Vo olume XX XX XVIII, Number 5 •May/Jun ne, 2017
Route 66 page 4
Southwest Southwe st page 14
Midwest page 17
c on t e n t s
MAY/JUNE M AY AY/ A Y/JUNE J E 2017 Volume XXXVIII, Number 5
4 22
STAFF SST TAFF Editor & Publisher . . . . . . . . . Larry Plachno Business Manager . . . . Nancy Ann Plachno Bookkeeping . . . . . . . . . . . . Dianne Billquist Typesetting/Page Layout . . . . Sherry Mekeel Office Asst.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicole Fehler Editorial Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . Karla Nagy Bus B us T Tours ours M Magazine agazine 9698 9698 W W.. JJudson udson R Road oad Polo, P olo, IIllinois llinois 661064-9015 1064-9015 ((815) 815) 9946-2341 46-2341 Fax: Fax: ((815) 815) 9946-2347 46-2347 Web Web ssite: ite: w www.bustoursmagazine.com ww.b bustoursmagazine.ccom Advertising Advertising
Features 14
ESCAPE TO THE SOUTHWEST Bus groups traveling through the American Southwest will view both vast deserts and towering rock formations, experience the cultures of Native Indian tribes and explore the country’s frontier past. In between stops, oasislike resorts offer luxurious accommodations, fine dining, gaming, entertainment and more.
ESCAPE TO THE MIDWEST A motorcoach tour through America’s Heartland provides an abundance of experiences for passengers. More than open prairies and farmland, the cities of the Midwest offer opportunities for unique tours, one-of-a-kind attractions, historic sites and even insights into the shaping of our greatest leaders. NEW, IMPROVED AND DIFFERENT
Guides 22
D I N I N G / L O D G I NG Like an army, a bus tour group travels on its stomach, and keeping passengers fed and well rested is key to success. These dining and lodging options will ensure that your tour group is nourished, rest ed and ready t o t ackle t he adventures of the day.
Specials 4
RO UT E 66 T he Mot her Road. W ill Rogers Highway. Main Street of America. By whatever name, the allure and mystique of historic Route 66 still draw motorcoach tour groups to explore its remaining asphalt and the towns, attractions and people that define it.
And More 30
SOCIAL MARKETING FOR TOURISM b y C a t h e ri n e H e e g
by Dr. Charleen Jaeb
Central/International C entral/International central@busmag.com – (815) 946-2341 West W est adv@busmag.com – (815) 946-2341 Midwest M idwest midwest@busmag.com – (815) 946-2341 Northeast N ortheast tourgroups@busmag.com – (815) 946-2341 SSoutheast outheast southeast@busmag.com – (815) 946-2341
COVER PHOTO Motorcoach tours traversing the 376 miles of Route 66 through Oklahoma will be treated to many sights connected in some way to the historic highway. This Route 66 sign in Elk City is outside the National Route 66 & Transportation Museum. After the sun has set, its bright neon lights shine as a beacon for those seeking adventure along the Mother Road. ELK CITY, OKLAHOMA CVB.
B US T OURS M AGAZINE (ISSN 0199-6096) is published six times annually by National Bus Trader, Inc., 9698 W. Judson Road, Polo, Illinois 61064. Subscriptions, $15 (in US funds) annually, Canadian & International $20 (in US funds). Printed in U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Polo, Illinois 61064 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: P OSST TMASTER: Send address changes to BUS TOURS MAGAZINE, 9698 W. Judson Road, Polo, Illinois 61064. Change C hange ooff A Address: dd drress: Please send old mailing label (or old address and computer number) as well as new address. Advertising: A dvertising: Display advertising rates sent on request. Advertising deadline is the last day of the second month preceding publication. Founded in 1979, BUS TOURS MAGAZINE is the oldest independent magazine in the bus and group tour market. Circulation includes bus and group tour planners in the United States and Canada regardless of affiliation or whether commercial, private or corporate or group leader. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. The name BUS TOURS MAGAZINE and the logo incorporating the passengers, bus and destinations are trade marks of National Bus Trader, Inc.
Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 3
o u t e 6 6 , e s t a b l i s h e d i n N ov e m b e r 1926, served as the official road for people traveling between the coasts
via car or bus from Chicago, Illinois to Santa Monica, California. During the 1930s, the small towns along America’s first official transcontinental highway were important for providing these travelers with food, lodging, gasoline and other important goods and services. Adventures of Route 66 became the stuff of legends, spawning songs, television shows and modern folklore about journeys, people and unique sights along its nearly 2,500 miles. Although it was replaced or entirely removed by the time it was decommissioned as a federal highway in 1985, its allure is as strong today as it was when it began.
Lebanon, Missouri This bus tour-friendly Missouri community along famed Route 66 has long been part of our country’s westward expansion. It began with early hunters and trappers who followed a well-traveled path they called the “Great Osage Trail,” for the local Osage Indians, who had a settlement along the trail called Wyota. In 1820, years after the U.S. government had relocated the Osages to Oklahoma, the first white residents settled on the abandoned site a n d k e p t t h e n a m e Wy o t a ; i n 1 8 4 9 , w h e n Laclede County was officially formed, the town was renamed Lebanon. The trail still served as a main thoroughfare. D u r i n g t h e C i v i l Wa r, a s a b o r d e r s t a t e
with rich resources, river access and industrial strength, Missouri was a strategic asset for both sides. Lebanon was occupied for
Around 1915, Wire Road became a part
idents of several towns in these counties ral-
much of the war, with Union troops arriving
of the Ozark Trail, spearheaded by the Ozark
lied in protest and convinced the Commission
in the summer of 1861. The Osage Trail, now
Trails Association, a group of private citizens
to take the more “direct route,” and the new
wide enough for wagons, horses and troops,
formed to create road systems through the
paved road, which became Route 66, passed
again came to play a key role in the city’s his-
Ozarks. The group successfully worked with
right through Lebanon, aligning with the old
tory, but as “Wire Road,” so named because
local communities to maintain, connect and
Wi r e R o a d . ( I n f a c t , f r o m M i s s o u r i t o N e w
of the telegraph wire Union soldiers strung
map passable roads to facilitate tourism, and
Mexico, much of Route 66 aligned with this
beside it, running from St. Louis to Spring-
Le ebanon’s Wire Road was a part of this net-
Ozark Trail.)
field. The name stayed long after the tele-
work (which predated the federal highway
Over the years, sections of Route 66 were
graph lines came down. The dirt road was
sy stem). When the Missouri State Highway
upgraded or replaced with modern, four-lane
upgraded with gravel around the turn of the
Commission proposed a permanent paved
roads, and by 1957, Interstate 44, one of five
century, and eventually given a route num-
road in 1922 with a route that bypassed
built to replace Route 66, had bypassed
ber, 14, by the state.
Pulaski, Laclede and Webster counties, res-
Lebanon. Remnants and landmarks of the
4 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Special: Route 66 glorious “Mother Road,” as it came to be known, are still visible in Lebanon, preserved
Munger-Moss Hotel
tery, jewelry and inspirational gifts. Lebanon’s downtown boasts unique shops selling gifts,
and chronicled by its residents for bus tour
books, clothing, bridal items, shoes, musical
groups to explore.
instruments and arts and crafts.
Yo u r g r o u p c a n b e g i n a t t h e R o u t e 6 6
For an authentic Missouri Ozarks dining
M u s e u m a n d R e s e a r c h C e n t e r, i n s i d e t h e
experience, take your tour group to Dowd’s
Le ebanon-Laclede County Library, 915 S. Jef-
C a t fi s h a n d B a r b e c u e, w i t h i t s d i s t i n c t i v e
ferson Avenue. It has displays of antique cars,
bayou-themed décor, seating for 280 and two
a collection of Route 66 books, magazines
private dining rooms. The menu includes
and videos, and recreations of a 1950s gas
award-winning favorites like southern fried
station, a classic diner complete with neon
catfish and authentic Ozark barbecue, as well
signs, and a 1940s-era tourist cabin. Bus pas-
as steak, chicken, seafood, burgers, sand-
sengers can take a free self-guided tour of the
wiches, salads and desserts. Dowd’s is open
museum during library hours, and with
daily, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., and reservations
advance notice, the library’s curator will speak
are recommended. Bus groups in Lebanon
with your group for free. Also on site is Kinder-
can also choose among many locally owned
hook Treasures, the museum’s gift shop.
and chain restaurants, serving up a variety
Distinctive motels (a mash-up of “motor”
of American and ethnic fare.
and “hotel”) are a hallmark along Route 66.
Lebanon I-44 Speedway is the state’s only
In Lebanon, at 1336 E. Route 66, bus tours
fed stream, which puts out an astounding
NASCAR oval asphalt short-track, with races
can view Munger Moss Motel, built in 1946
100 million gallons of clear water each day,
most Saturdays during the season. Lebanon
with 14 tourist cabins – pairs of rooms in a
first drew pioneers who harnessed its
boasts nine city parks, and among them,
stand-alone structure with attached car-
power to run their flour and gristmills. Now,
Boswell Park is the most popular. Tour pas-
ports. As traffic along Route 66 increased,
t h e s t r e a m p r ov i d e s s o m e o f t h e b e s t t r o u t
sengers can swim at the aquatic center fea-
more units were built, and then, the car-
fishing in the country. Bus passengers may
turing two water slides, pitch horseshoes,
ports and areas between the cabins were
hike both easy and more difficult trails
picnic in one of the park’s three lighted shel-
walled in to create more spaces for beds.
within the park’s 3,216 acres; view exhibits
ters or traverse its walking trail. Currently,
To d a y, e a c h o f t h e 4 0 r o o m s a t M u n g e r
interpreting Missouri’s springs and natural
Lebanon city officials are working on trans-
Moss Motel is decorated with its own
environment at the nature center; and even
forming Boswell into a Route 66-themed
u n i q u e t h e m e . To u r p a s s e n g e r s c a n a l s o
watch anglers fly fishing, hoping to land
park, with three tiled murals depicting nos-
s e e t h e m o t e l ’s i c o n i c n e o n s i g n a s i t
o n e o f t h e s t r e a m ’s s t o c k e d a n d w e l l - f e d
talgic scenes and other attractions that cel-
appeared during the route’s heyday; it was
trout. Tour operators can arrange ahead of
ebrate Route 66.
restored and relit in 2010, with assistance
time for visits to the park’s trout hatchery
Lebanon, Missouri is about 165 miles
from the Neon Heritage Preservation Com-
or schedule special group programs at the
southwest of St. Louis and 55 miles northeast
mittee of The Route 66 Association of Mis-
n a t u r e c e n t e r. P a s s e n g e r s c a n d i n e i n t h e
of Springfield, Missouri, convenient to Inter-
souri and The National Park Service.
park’s rustic dining lodge, built in 1930 and
state 44. For more information about bringing
open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
your bus group to Lebanon, visit online at
Tour groups in Lebanon can also discover the many wonders of the Missouri Ozarks.
A v a r i e t y o f r e t a i l o p p o r t u n i t i e s aw a i t s
At the Ozark Hills Theater, The Prater Country
tour groups in Lebanon. The Shepherd Hills
Music Show presents Branson entertainers,
Factory Outlet, a 20,000-square-foot mall,
national acts and local talent every Saturday
features the largest dealer of Case knives in
at 7 p.m. Adventurous bus passengers can
t h e w o r l d , a l o n g w i t h L e a t h e r m a n To o l s ,
take a Missouri canopy tour at Lebanon’s
Chicago Cutlery, Denby Pottery and Missouri-
NRO Zipline, open seven days a week and
made Ozark walnut bowls, among other
offering group discounts.
lebanonmo.org or contact the Le ebanon CVB, LEBANON
Be Native Tours Oklahoma City, Oklahoma The culture and history of the south-cen-
brand names. The 40,000-square-foot Heart-
tral U.S. is as rich and diverse as any region
A must-see for tour groups is Bennett
land Antique Mall has more than 250 dealers,
in America, and exciting experiences await
Spring State Park, about 12 miles west of
a cheese store and a Russell Stover outlet.
motorcoach to ur groups through Be Native
Le eb ano n . T h e r u s h in g w at e r s o f t h e sp r in g-
MacCreed’s Art Gallery offers wildlife art, pot-
Tours. Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 5
Getaway Itinerar I y - Leb banon, Misso ouri Friendly People. Friend dlyy Place.®
We have morre to do than one day can n hold. Yo ou may need a we eek! If you love the outdo oors and some Route 66 history as welll as unique shopping, ping racin c g and great home cooke k d food, od you have found your getaway. Be sure to see what festiv vals and events are on ou ur website calendar too. We We may have a gun show or bull riding, a car show w or the county fair a in town. Visit our webs site, www.lebanonmo.org g.
Day 1
• Arrive in L Lebanon and check in to o your room. • Stop by the Route 66 Museum & Research Center. (Free) • Enjoy a meal at Dowd’s Catfish & BBQ.
Day 2
• Grab a complimenta ary breakfast at your ho otel (where available) orr stop at Waffle Housse or J’s Family Diner. • A day of Shopping awaits you at the Shepherds Hills Factory Outlets. • On to The Mall to fin nish your shopping experrience. • Stop at T’s Redneck Steakhouse for lunch. • Stop for the afternoon at Bennett State Parrk for an afternoon filled d with great outdoor fun. • Enjoy j y dinner at the Bennett Spring p g State Park Restaurant before returning to your ho otel.
Day 3
• Begin your day with breakfast att La Te ea Da Te ea Room. • Lebanon offers many Antique sh hops, Heartland Antique Mall will keep you busy all day. • Stop St ffor llunch h att Di Dickie ki s BBQ. BBQ • Visit the Civic Center for one of their many performances. (Visit ourr website for more inform mation of events at the Civi C c Center.) • Complete e your stay with dinner at a the Elm St. Eatery.
City y of Lebanon To ourism Dep partment p 500 East Elm Street • Lebanon, Misso ouri 65536 Phone: (417) 532-4642 Email: visit@lebanonmo.org g
Route 66
Dining and Lodging (On Routte 66)
Addiitional Attractions
H si
Shopping and Outlet Mall (On Routte 66)
City y of Lebanon To ourism Dep partment p 500 East Elm Street • Lebanon, Misso ouri 65536 Phone: (417) 532-4642 Email: visit@lebanonmo.org g
Special: Route 66 Be Native Tours is a receptive tour operator company based in Oklahoma City that specializes in group tour opportunities throughout 500 miles in the south-central region of the U.S. From the centrally located headquarters in Oklahoma City, Be Native Tours can help bus tour operators reach any variety of destinations, including exploring such cities as Dallas, Houston, Austin, New Orleans, Kansas City, Little Rock, Tulsa and more. Be Native Tours offers an array of tour options, from custom itineraries, step-on guide services and fly-drive tours to one-day excursions and extended adventures, including art and cultural tours, historical tours, holiday lights tours, horse farm tours, presidential museum tours and Native American tours. Themes of the tours range from the Chickasaw Experience, Taste of Americana to Sights and Sounds of the South and Amish and Azaleas Tour. No group is too
a better place to showcase the rich history of Native American tribes
large or too small to book with Be Native Tours.
as well as explore and revile in the history and cultures of the cowboy
Be Native Tours’ goal is to enhance the group travel business within
and the great American West than in America’s Heartland.
the region by offering all travel partners – domestic and international
Popular locations on Be Native Tours itineraries include scenic
– the opportunity to be part of a well-focused and professionally exe-
g e o g r a p h i c s u r r o u n d i n g s t h a t h a v e d r aw n p e o p l e t o t h e a r e a f o r
cuted tour experience.
decades. At the Chickasaw National Recreation Area in Sulphur, Okla-
Be Native Tours’ expertise has particular depth when it comes to
homa, visitors can explore and photograph the natural beauty of the
Native American history and culture, and can also develop and deliver
region while birdwatching, hiking or biking along various scenic trails
a customized experience on virtually any cultural, geographic or
the area has to offer. Groups can also experience the natural springs
event-based theme within the south-central U.S. region. There is not
in this area by taking a plunge at Little Niagara.
8 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Special: Route 66 Cities and towns along the Chisholm Trail are celebrating its 150th
video monitors, visitor infor-
anniversary in 2017, and in Duncan, Oklahoma, groups can visit the
mation and a gift shop.
Chisholm Trail Heritage Center to experience what life was like along
The Center is located at
this storied cattle route in the late 1800s. Tour passengers visiting the
2 0 0 N. M a i n S t . , i n s i d e t h e
Chisholm Trail Heritage Center can explore “the lay of the land” by
McLean County Museum of
one of the professional tour guides, the 4-D Experience Theater and
H i s t o r y, a h i s t o r i c f o r m e r
Western Art in the Garis Gallery of the American West.
courthouse built in 1903, on
Among south-central U.S.’s greatest assets are cultural destinations
the square in downtown
included on Be Native Tours’ itineraries that offer in-depth looks into
Bloomington, Illinois. Wel-
Native American life. The Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur, Okla-
coming travelers from all
homa is one of the largest tribal cultural centers in the U.S. and is
ov e r t h e g l o b e, t h i s n e w
dedicated to sharing and celebrating Chickasaw history and culture.
attraction serves as a gate-
Groups can participate in an experiential guided tour, enjoy a tradi-
way. The Center is an infor-
tional American Indian lunch and discover the Chickasaw traditions
mation hub about local busi-
for a nominal cost of $10 per person. Groups will learn about the
nesses, destinations and
Chickasaw way of life and experience Chickasaw culture with inter-
points of interest to bus tour groups, including restaurants, historic
active demonstrations.
Route 66 sites, Abraham Lincoln sites, parks and historic communities.
The offerings of Be Native Tours allow motorcoach passengers to
The result of a partnership between the McLean County Museum
enjoy a few hours, an overnight trip or a weeklong stay in the region,
of History, the Bloomington-Normal Area Convention & Visitors
with lodging options that include luxurious hotels and retreats. The
Bureau, the Illinois Office of Tourism and several other county and
Chickasaw Retreat and Conference Center in Sulphur, Oklahoma is
city entities, the facility features a large kiosk that highlights area
surround by scenic sites and nature surroundings, with 43 rooms to
attractions, many located within walking distance of the Visitors Cen-
r el ax in un til t h e n e xt a dve n tu re . T h e A r te si an Ho t el, Cas ino & Spa
ter. The Museum Square is also the site of the Farmers’ Market, open
in Sulphur, Oklahoma is a boutique-style, four-story hotel with 81
Saturday mornings from May through October.
rooms, where groups can relax and enjoy all the grand amenities
Inside the Visitors Center, 10 billboard-style exhibit panels explore
including a spa, shops, restaurant, bathhouse and indoor and outdoor
dining, lodging and travel in the area, during Abraham Lincoln’s
time along the Eighth Circuit and along Route 66 in its heyday. There
Be Native Tours is the perfect partner for any organization or gath-
are two mini-theaters. One introduces motorcoach tour groups to
ering, including church groups, family reunions and generational
area Lincoln-related sites, and the other shares with them what it
tours. Tour guides at Be Native Tours can create proposals and ideas
was like to travel Route 66 at its peak, narrated by Chester Henry,
for your tour, or create a custom itinerary based on a specific loca-
a retired state patrol officer and Route 66 Hall of Famer. The gift
shop features publications related to Route 66 and Abraham Lincoln,
Be Native Tours is affiliated with the Chickasaw Nation and guided by a skillful team with more than 20 years of tour experience. Be
souvenirs, route maps, snacks and items unique to the area, including local artwork.
Native Tours invites motorcoach groups to immerse themselves in
The Cruisin’ with Lincoln on 66 Visitors Center welcomes motor-
this rich cultural heritage, relax in the unmatched natural beauty, and
coach tours, and admission is free. Passengers are dropped off and
explore the history and present-day modernity of the land of the
picked up curbside in the designated loading zone on Washington
Southwest. For more information, contact Angelia Green at (405)
Street, and bus parking is available about seven blocks south at the
YMCA. Restrooms are located on the ground level. A limited number
A N G E L I A . G R E E N @ c h i c k a s a w. n e t ,
of wheelchairs and walkers are also available for use. Tour passengers may also take the elevator up to the McLean
Cruisin’ with Lincoln on 66 Bloomington, Illinois
County Museum of History, which has four permanent galleries that explore people, farming, work and politics in McLean County, and
The Cruisin’ with Lincoln on 66 Visitors Center highlights the her-
two galleries with rotating exhibits. The museum does have a nominal
itage of two important pieces of central Illinois history: Abraham Lin-
admission fee, and with two weeks’ notice, guided tours are available
coln and historic Route 66. Motorcoach tour passengers can compare
for free.
the travels of Lincoln with those of tourists and automobilists during
T h e C r u i s i n ’ w i t h L i n c o l n o n 6 6 Vi s i t o r s C e n t e r a n d M c L e a n
the golden era of Route 66. The Center features interactive exhibits,
County Museum of History are open year-round, Monday and Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 9
Special: Route 66 Wednesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tuesday, 9 a.m. to
recorded histories and personal accounts of life and travels along
9 p.m. (closed Sunday). For information on tour arrangements,
the Mother Road.
p h o n e ( 3 0 9 ) 8 2 7 - 0 4 2 8 , e - m a i l m a r k e t i n g @ m c h i s t o r y. o r g o r v i s i t online at cruisinwithlincolnon66.com.
It also provides an interactive look at the evolution of the automobile. Tour passengers can walk through displays of antique cars and view a short film about the history of transportation. They can
Elk City, Oklahoma A great stop for motorcoach groups traveling Route 66 through
slide behind the wheel of a 1955 pink Cadillac for a virtual ride down Route 66, or climb into the backseat of a 1959 red Impala to watch
Oklahoma is Elk City. Its history stretches from the 1870s, when cow-
classic movie trailers at a Route 66 drive-in theater. “Kids” of all ages
boys drove cattle along the “Great Western Trail,” to its settling in the
can climb into the 1917 Rio Fire Truck, ring the bell and slide down
1890s, to the arrival of the railroad in 1901, when it was established
an authentic firehouse pole.
as an official town. A year later, the population had hit 1,000 and more
than 60 businesses had opened. Soon, Elk City developed into a trans-
To w n M u s e u m
portation hub and continued to grow.
Complex is a
Route 66 reached town in 1926, and residents responded with a
Elk City, Oklahoma
Victorian house
variety of attractions, services and lodging options for cross-country
filled with diora-
travelers. Today, Elk City celebrates its rich heritage with museums,
mas and dis-
vintage sights and historic buildings, which give tour groups a peek
plays of early
at the Route 66 era, the Old West, the state’s agricultural roots and
settlers in west-
ern Oklahoma.
The National Route 66 & Transportation Museum gives bus pas-
The lower level
sengers a unique perspective, as they walk through all eight states
of the house is
c r o s s e d b y t h e h i s t o r i c h i g h w a y. R e a l i s t i c m u r a l s a n d v i g n e t t e s
depict the different decades of the road and the interesting places
t h a t m a d e R o u t e 6 6 s o f a m o u s , a n d ov e r h e a d a u d i o k i o s k s r e l a t e
life, including the
Mention BusTo ours17 to receive 10% offf in our Gift Shop!
10 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Special: Route 66 interior of the Rock Bluff School, the Pioneer Chapel and an earlyday pioneer doctor’s office. It also boasts the Stars & Stripes Room,
Va acuum Cleaner Museum
Native American Gallery and a display about Elk City’s own Susan Powell, crowned Miss America in 1981. The upper level is devoted t o t h e e a r l y c o w b o y a nd r o d e o w a y s o f l i f e. T h e B e u t l e r R o d e o H a l l features rodeo memorabilia from the world-famous Beutler Brothers, one of the 20th century’s premier rodeo livestock producers. The Farm and Ranch Museum, located behind the Old Town complex, celebrates western Oklahoma’s agricultural heritage. Tour groups can view exhibits on early farm life and a large collection of earlyday farming equipment, including windmills, tractors and tractor seats, a broomcorn thrasher and barbed wire. At the Route 66 Blacksmith Shop Museum, bus passengers can see how blacksmiths forged objects from iron or steel. It is the new home for several rare pieces of history from the early days of the Industrial Revolution.
This quirky destination, located off historic Route 66, is the perfect stop for groups heading to or from Branson, or anywhere else on the
The National Route 66 Museum Complex is located at 2717 West Highway 66 in Elk City, historic Route 66. It is open daily from Memorial Day through Labor Day, and Monday through Saturday the rest of the
Mother Road. Inside the museum, guests will take a trip through the decades and see how vacuums have changed over time. Exhibits feature working vacuums from among the museum’s col-
year. The museum is closed New Year’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving
lection of more than 700, representing different eras from throughout
and Christmas Day. The museum welcomes bus groups of all sizes
American history, along with accompanying advertisements and fun
for self-guided or guided tours. Tour guides are available at no extra
facts. The museum includes vacuums from the collection of Stan
cost but must be booked 48 hours in advance.
Kann, the most frequent noncelebrity guest on “The Tonight Show”
Buses can drop off and pick up passengers at the front entrance
with Johnny Carson.
of the museum. A new restroom facility designed to accommodate
The Vacuum Cleaner Museum & Factory Outlet is the perfect blend
large groups is conveniently located adjacent to the museum entrance.
of entertainment, education and nostalgia. Its collection is bound to
Buses may park in the museum parking lot. The facility is handicap-
have a vacuum that tour passengers or their families once owned
and used.
Tour planners should allow two hours for passengers to tour the
After tour groups finish their tour of the museum and its collection
complex and browse the museum’s gift shop. Group rates are $3 for
of old vacuums, they can take a private factory tour to see new vac-
eight or more. Drivers and tour planners receive a complimentary
uums from Simplicity, Riccar and Maytag being made upstairs (Monday
ticket. Checks, cash and credit cards are accepted. No on-site dining
through Thursday only).
options are offered, but Elk City has multiple restaurants that can easily accommodate large groups.
Buses will be greeted by the museum curator. Passengers can be dropped off and picked up at the front door, next to a paved, handi-
Contact the Elk City Convention & Visitors Bureau for details on
cap-accessible path. Ample bus parking is readily available. All tours
your complimentary Bus Box Greeting, at (800) 280-0207. For more
are free for groups up to 100. There is no on-site dining, but nearby
i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t E l k C i t y a n d a f u l l l i s t o f r e s t a u r a n t s a n d a c c o m-
restaurants include The Gardens at St. James Winery, Sybil’s Tea Room
modations, go to visitelkcity.com.
and the St. James Public House.
While you are in the area, take your bus group to visit the Stafford
The museum has been listed as one of the 15 Best and Most Offbeat
Air & Space Museum in Weatherford, Oklahoma. Located about 40
A t t r a c t i o n s i n M i s s o u r i a n d h a s e a r n e d ov e r w h e l m i n g l y p o s i t i v e
minutes east of Elk City on Interstate 40, it is another great stop for
reviews on Trip Advisor and Facebook. For more information, contact
bus tours heading through the Southwest.
the Vacuum Cleaner Museum & Factory Outlet at (866) 444-9004 or send an e-mail from the Web site, at vacuummuseum.com/contact.
Vacuu um Cleaner Mus seum St. James, Missouri Keep it clean on Route 66, with a stop at the Vacuum Cleaner Museum & Factory Outlet in St. James, Missouri. Motorcoach tour groups will get sucked in at one of the most unique museums in America today.
Coleman Theatre Miami, Oklahoma An important attraction that runs right through the heart of Miami, Oklahoma is historic Route 66, and motorcoach groups Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 11
Special: Route 66 visiting here will receive an authentic
atre, built by local mining magnate George
lians, live music and the latest Hollywood
“Mother Road” experience. Miami boasts
Coleman. From the day it opened in 1929,
m ov i e s . I t h a s b e e n i n c o n t i n u o u s o p e r a -
the longest Main Street on all of Route 66
a l o n g M i a m i ’s M a i n S t r e e t s e g m e n t o f
tion since it opened, although over the
and is proud to serve as the Gateway into
Route 66, this legendary theater has
years, it did fall on hard times and lost
Oklahoma for all those traveling the
enthralled locals and visitors alike with its
some of its original luster. The theater was
Mother Road. Just outside of Miami is the
impressive architectural beauty and pro-
added to the National Register of Historic
last section of the original nine-foot-wide
vided them with quality entertainment.
Places in 1983, and it has undergone exten-
“Ribbon Road” that is listed as an Okla-
D u r i n g i t s h e y d a y, t h e C o l e m a n T h e a t r e
s i v e r e n ov a t i o n s i n c e b e i n g g i v e n t o t h e
homa National Historic Landmark.
was proudly billed as the most elaborate
City of Miami in 1989 by the family of
One of Miami’s most distinctive Route
entertainment facility between Dallas and
George Coleman.
66 attractions is its historic Coleman The-
K a n s a s C i t y, h o s t i n g t r a v e l i n g v a u d e v i l -
12 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Special: Route 66 Coleman Theatre Lobby
Bus tour groups just passing through Miami can also get a unique Coleman experience, by having lunch on the theater’s stage, where greats like Will Rogers, Sally Rand and magician Harry Blackstone have performed. This unique event provides tour passengers with a special experience very few historic theaters offer. C o l e m a n T h e a t r e i s A DA - c o m p l i a n t a n d h a s a n o n - s i t e g i f t shop. It offers groups rates, free bus parking and a group tour r e c e p t i o n . To u r s a r e a v a i l a b l e f r o m 1 0 a . m . t o 4 p . m . Tu e s d a y through Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. For information on performances and programs, phone (918) 540-2425 or visit online at colemantheatre.org. Miami, Oklahoma has many other attractions for bus tour groups, from an original Route 66 drive-in and a vintage motorcycle museum to historic homes and its Historic Downtown District.
Designed in the Spanish Revival style popular during the Jazz
The Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau has made tour groups
A g e, i t s e x t e r i o r b o a s t s s t u c c o w a l l s , a g a b l e d r o o f , a r c h e d w i n -
a priority, and its expert staff wants to help you to plan your next
dows, hand-carved terra cotta ornamentation and relief carvings,
group visit to the area. With 15 attractions, 13 area casinos and more
parapets, finials, spires, wrought iron railings and twin bell towers
than 500 hotel rooms, the Miami CVB can provide your customers
with red-tiled hip roofs. The interior follows Louis XV design, with
with a truly memorable experience. For more information and assis-
intricately detailed ceilings, rich furnishings, opulent carpeting
tance in planning the perfect northeastern Oklahoma tour or Route
and upholstery, winding carved stairways, lighting held aloft by
66 adventure, contact Tour Sales Coordinator Sherry Spillers at (918)
gilded statues and other gorgeous historic appointments. The the-
542-4435 or sspillers@miamiokla.net.
ater ’s original 2,000-pound chandelier, discovered in a horse barn on the Coleman property, has been lovingly restored and installed i n i t s r i g h t f u l s p o t . T h e o r i g i n a l Wu r l i t z e r o r g a n w a s f o u n d i n a Texas warehouse and brought home. Everything in the facility has b e e n r e t u r n e d t o i t s 1 9 2 0 s s p l e n d o r. The initial design of the facility included offices and shops on t h e g r o u n d f l o o r, a n d a g r a n d b a l l r o o m t h a t i n s t e a d w a s g i v e n b y Coleman as a meeting space for the local Masons, whose lodge burned shortly before the ballroom’s completion. The Masons continued to meet there until 1965, and the space was used for a few years as the studio of a local artist. Finally, in 2011, it became what it was meant to be, a grand ballroom, which serves as a convention c e n t e r, m e e t i n g s p a c e a n d w e d d i n g v e n u e . J u s t o u t s i d e t h e b a l l r o o m ’ s l o b b y, o n t h e n o r t h s i d e o f t h e b u i l d i n g , i s t h e s m a l l “Celebrity Park,” with a fountain, benches and “celebrity wall” with plaques depicting famous Miamians. The Coleman Theatre, 103 North Main Street, welcomes motorcoach groups for performances, tours and special group activities. “Fun, Food & Film,” offered to groups staying overnight in Miami, occurs after regular hours, so that they have the entire theater to themselves. Groups are given a special guided tour, followed by dinner in the ballroom and a special private movie screening. Tour operators can choose from a selection of great old films that include McLintock! with John Wayne, The Road to Bali with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, and His Girl Friday with Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell. Watching a classic movie in a theater built in 1929 is truly like stepping back in time. Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 13
Escape Es cap tto cape o The Th T he Southwe Southwest est Inn of the Mountain Gods s
Resort & Casino Mescalero, New Mexico Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino, conveniently located in the mount a i n s j u s t a b ov e R u i d o s o , i n u n f o r g e t t a b l e Mescalero, New Mexico, is the perfe ct stop for motorcoach tours. Overlooking the M e s c a l e r o A p a c h e Tr i b e ’s s a c r e d S i e r r a Blanca and offering cooler temperatures than the desert below, Inn of the Mountain Gods is truly a Southwestern oasis in the sky. Among its many benefits: ▪ Seasonal outdoor activities
▪ Located less than 45 minutes from Ski Apache ▪ Variety of world-class entertainment every month ▪ Vegas-style casino, open 24/7, boasts 38,000 square feet of gaming ▪ Two ZipTours – Apache Eagle ZipRider at Inn of the Mountain Gods, soaring over Lake Mescalero and the Apache Wind Rider ZipTour at Ski Apache, the highest in
U. S .
third longest in the world Well-equipped to handle any group, Inn of the Mountain Gods boasts award-winning accommodations, with 273 luxurious guest
In addition to award-winning accommo-
rooms and suites, where breathtaking views
dations and dining, Inn of the Mountain Gods
come standard.
conveniently located less than an hour away from the resort.
offers a full calendar of entertainment rang-
Inn of the Mountain Gods, 287 Carrizo
The resort also offers a variety of dining
ing from comedy to concerts. Recent acts
Canyon Road, welcomes motorcoach tours.
establishments, including the eclectic
have included REO Speedwagon, Bobby Flay,
Upon arrival, all bus groups are greeted by a
Gathering of Nations Buffet; the casual Big
Lynyrd Skynyrd and Clay Walker.
casino representative, who will answer any
Game Sports Bar; the Apache Tee, where
An abundance of seasonal recreational
questions and detail any special offers or pro-
guests overlook the golf course; and Wen-
options are available, including an indoor
motions. Overnight buses can drop off and pick
dell’s Steak & Seafood, a sumptuous full-
pool and workout facility, horseback riding,
up passengers at the hotel porte-cochere, and
service restaurant offering an extensive
hiking, paddleboating and kayaking. Tour
daytrip buses drop-off/pick-up at the desig-
menu with exquisite dining options. Before
passengers can soar through the air on the
nated bus entrance located very close to the
settling in, tour passengers can grab a
Apache Eagle ZipRider at Inn of the Mountain
Player’s Club. Buses park for free at the resort’s
nightcap at the new Casino Lounge, Wen-
Gods and the Apache Wind Rider ZipTour at
designated bus parking area. Free bell service
dell’s Lounge, Club 49 or the Sports Bar, all
S k i A p a c h e, b o t h o f f e r i n g a n e x h i l a r a t i n g
is provided upon request, and check-in/out is
entertaining crowds well into the evening.
experience with breathtaking views. Winter
a fast, easy, efficient process, handled by one
T h e n e w l y o p e n e d B r o k e n A r r o w Ta p
months bring snow to the surrounding Sierra
ofthe booking professionals at the hotel front
House boasts 60 beers on tap and offers
Blanca, inviting groups to enjoy a day of ski-
desk. Group incentives vary and may be avail-
classic gastropub food options.
i n g a n d s n o w b o a r d i n g a t S k i A p a c h e,
able at the time booking.
14 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Escape Esc ap a pe to T Th The he Southwest For more information about bringing your bus tour group to Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino, please phone (800) 545-6040 or e-mail cmeeks@innofthemountaingods.com. To learn more about the resort, visit online at InnOfTheMountainGods.com
Southern Ute Museum m Ignacio, Colorado Motorcoach tour groups traveling through Colorado – called “land of the shining mountains” by southwest Colorado’s Ute Indians – will see the Ute Tribe’s history brought vividly to life with a stop here. The Southern Ute Museum celebrates the living history of Colorado’s longest continuous residents with multi-sensory exhibitions, rare artifacts and recorded stories. Tribal members have loaned many of the artifacts, and many are on view to the public for the very first time. E s t a b l i s h e d i n 1 9 7 1 t o p r e s e r v e a n d p r o m o t e U t e c u l t u r e, t h e museum continues its mission in a modern facility, which opened in 2011 just south of the Sky Ute Casino Resort. Operated by the Southern Ute Indian Tribe since May 2016, the 52,000-square-foot Southern Ute Museum is a new building reflecting an old history. Its collections include historic photographs, baskets, dance regalia, paintings, jewelry, belts, hairpieces, drums, weapons, awls and other cultural objects. The tour begins in the Welcome Center, with Ute Seasons, an exhibit of seasonal relevance for Ute people. Bus passengers will see timber,
Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 15
Escape Esc ap a pe to T Th The he S Southwest outhwest
steel and glass rise 60 feet toward a medicine
photographic curtains; touchscreen displays;
In addition to visiting the exhibits, tour
wheel ceiling, offering a view of the sky. The
a full-size teepee; a cabin replica and school-
groups can schedule a popular “Behind the
Permanent Gallery tells the story of the Ute
room; and more.
Scenes” tour, which offers a closer look at
p e o p l e, b e g i n n i n g w i t h a 3 6 0 - d e g r e e fi l m
Through mid-September 2017, bus tour
t h e m u s e u m ’s i n n e r w o r k i n g s , i n c l u d i n g
experience, the Circle of Life. The narrative
passenge ers can visit Mountain Lion! in the
the journey an object takes, beginning with
continues with a variety of displays: early
Temporary Gallery. Created by the Center
arrival, to collections, to display. These spe-
rock art left behind by the first Utes; large
of Southwest Studies at Fort Lewis College
cialized tours also provide a unique insight
and the Colorado Division of Parks and
and broader perspective of the Southern
Wildlife, this family-friendly exhibit features
Ute Museum’s mission and purpose. There
large dioramas, calls of the lion, fossil rep-
is a nominal charge, and reservations are
resentations, artifacts and an informative
video about large cats.
within walking distance is the Sky Ute
est display to be developed at the museum,
Casino Resort, with 140 luxury rooms, a
presents a unique history of tribal members
4 5 , 0 0 0 - s q u a r e - f o o t g a m i n g f l o o r, b i n g o ,
i n t h e m i l i t a r y. T h i s e x h i b i t p r ov i d e s c u l -
four restaurants, a spa, gift shop, fitness
tural, historical and educational informa-
center, pool, 24-lane bowling alley, minia-
tion with panels, photographs, beadwork,
ture golf and an arcade. The resort offers
basketry, a world map of historical military
discounts and other incentives for group
c o n fl i c t s a n d a N a v y d i v i n g h e l m e t w i t h
select equipment. Lo ocated on the Southern Ute Indian reservation, at 503 Ouray Drive, the Southern Ute
For more information about bringing your bus tour group to the Southern Ute Museum, phone
Museum welcomes large tour groups with
museum@southernute-nsn.gov. To learn more
advanced reservations. It is open seven days
about booking your group into the Sky Ute
a week, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is ADA
Casino Resort, go to skyutecasino.com/accom-
compliant. Buses drop off and pick up pas-
sengers directly in front of the museum, and
The Southern Ute Indian Tribe invites your
motorcoach parking is available on site or at
tour group to visit its museum and the land
the adjacent Sky Ute Casino Resort parking
of the shining mountains in beautiful south-
lot. Admission is free, and a greeter will meet
west Colorado.
groups as they arrive. 16 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Immediately north of the museum and
A Southern Ute Veterans exhibit, the lat-
Escape Esc ap a p to pe to T Th The he Midwest Miidwest M
Conw way, Arkans sas Located in the heart of central Arkansas just off Interstate 40, about 30 miles northwest of the state capital of Little Rock, Conway is
leges and in town are the Arkansas Shake-
Conway’s dining options are also diverse.
speare Company, Baum Gallery of Fine Art and
With more than 200 restaurants, ranging from
the Conway Symphony Orchestra.
local favorites to big name chains, Conway has
Conway also boasts a wide range of shop-
the kind of food motorcoach travelers look for.
an easy stop for motorcoach tours as they pass
ping options, from cute local boutiques and
Mike’s Place serves up seafood, steak and
through the Natural State. The City of Colleges,
antique shops throughout the renovated down-
wood-fired pizzas in a fine dining setting, with
as it is known, offers the quaint charm of a
town, to large well-known brand-name stores
two rooms available for large groups. The
small town with all of the amenities of a larger
to please the many tastes of a group of bus tour
casual Hog Pen BBQ offers down-home bar-
city. From sporting events to the performing
passengers. Opened in Fall 2016, Lewis Cross-
becued ribs, pulled pork, chopped beef, smoked
arts, there is plenty to do in Conway.
ing is home to several large chain stores such
chicken and fried catfish, with seating for 100.
The presence of the University of Central
as Ulta, Michaels and Academy Sports and has
Conway also offers 1,200 hotel rooms,
Arkansas, Hendrix College and Central Baptist
ample parking for large busses. Wilkinson’s
many of which are fewer than five years old,
College contribute to Conway’s already strong
Mall in downtown Conway has more than
within walking distance to restaurants and
local arts and cultural scene. Among the diverse
20,000 square feet of shopping space and fea-
located just off I-40 for added convenience. If
cultural and performance offerings at the col-
tures the largest shoe store in Ark rkansas.
you plan an overnight stay for your group in Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 17
Escape Esc ap a pe tto o The Th T he M Mi Mid Midwest i idwest Conway, the convention and visitors bureau
Trail are part of the Arkansas Historic Trails Sys-
can assist with hotel arrangements, including
working out special rates for your group and
T h e c o nv e n t i o n a n d v i s i t o r s b u r e a u i s
making lodging recommendations. It can also
happy to recommend restaurants that can best
provide city maps and a list of events taking
suit your group size, as well as make reserva-
place while you are in town, from college sport-
tions if needed. Conway Convention & Visitors
ing events to concerts and ballet and theater
Bureau welcomes you and your group to visit
productions. Also available is a list of day trip
Conway and see why it is one of the fastest-
opportunities from Conway if you would like
growing cities in Arkansas. To learn more
to spend a few days here. Nearby is the Cadron
about this small but diverse city with so much
Settlement Park, site of the first white settle-
to offer, phone (866) 726-6929 or visit Conwa-
ment in central Arkansas, a National Historic
yArk.com. For help with group sales, contact
Site and part of the Cherokee Trail of Tears.
Rachel Shaw at rachel@conwayarkansas.org.
Tour groups stopping here will find a historical mural of this pioneer settlement, the
Spangler Candy Company
Blockhouse restoration, Cherokee Trail of
Store & Mus seum
Tears exhibits, hiking and handicapped trails,
Bryan, Ohio
picnic areas, a pavilion, restrooms and parking areas, markers and interpretive signs.
Spangler Candy Company is a family-owned private business founded in 1906. Its products
This port on the Arkansas River was also a
include lollipops, candy canes and marshmal-
stopping spot for the Butterfield Overland Mail
low candies. Spangler Candy Company Trolley
Route. Both the Trail of Tears and the Butterfield
Tours offer a 30-minute ride through the factory that produces one of the nation’s top-selling
18 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Escape Esc ap a pe tto o The Th T he M Mi Mid Midwest i idwest To u r p a s s e n g e r s a r e d r o p p e d o f f a n d
hometown as Dutch and Moon), remem-
picked up at the front door, and a bus greeter
bered best. It is the only Dixon home men-
is available upon request. Bus parking is
t i o n e d i n R e a g a n ’s 1 9 6 5 a u t o b i o g r a p h y,
offered in the large parking lot in front of the
Where’s the Rest of Me?
store or in the lot across the street.
Dum Dums Trolley
Reagan was elected to the first of two terms
Please note: Bus tours may request special
as President of the United States in 1981; local
tour times, but tours are not conducted on
friends and supporters formed the Ronald Rea-
Saturdays or Sundays as there is no produc-
gan Boyhood Home Preservation Foundation
tion on these days.
in the early 1980s to purchase and preserve the
lollipops – Dum Dums – plus candy canes,
Spangler Candy Company, 400 N. Port-
marshmallow peanuts and Saf-T-Pops. The
land Street, Bryan, Ohio, is located 10 miles
store/museum offers candies and logoed mer-
s o u t h o f 8 0 / 9 0 - O h i o Tu r n p i k e . F o r a d d i -
chandise, and features the story of 111 years
tional information, visit online at spangler-
of this family-owned business that is now in its
candy.com or phone Ann Spangler at (888)
fourth generation of family leadership.
636-4221, ext. 374.
house on Hennepin Avenue. It was added to
Tours are conducted on the Dum Dums Trolley. The trolley station is right outside the store, so there is minimal walking to see the
Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home Dixon, Illinois
500,000-square-foot facility. The tour is con-
Everyone needs “a place to come back
ducted entirely indoors, so weather is not a
to,” and for former President Ronald Reagan,
factor. Each trolley holds approximately 22
that place was Dixon, Illinois. His childhood
people, so larger groups are divided into two
home in this riverside community is the per-
smaller groups. While one goes on the trolley,
fect stop for a motorcoach tour.
the other stays in the store/museum area.
T h e m o d e s t , t w o - s t o r y h o u s e, b u i l t i n
After the first trolley tour is completed, the
1 8 9 1 , i s i n t h e Q u e e n A n n e s t y l e, w i t h a
groups switch activities.
gabled roof and wide covered front porch. It
Drivers and escorts are comped, and no
is situated halfway up a steep hill at 816 S.
deposit is required. Payment is accepted on
Hennepin Avenue, on a street lined with old-
the day of the tour in the form of cash or
growth maples and oaks.
credit card. Reservations for groups of more than 20 are highly recommended. N o o n - s i t e d i n i n g i s a v a i l a b l e, b u t i n
Born in 1911 in Tampico, Ilinois, Reagan spent his formative years in Dixon, from age nine through high school graduation. The
Sauder Village, a 20-minute drive from the
f a m i l y m ov e d t o s e v e r a l d i f f e r e n t r e n t a l
Spangler facility, the Barn Restaurant at the
homes while living here, but the house on
Village offers a great lunch or dinner buffet.
Hennepin is the one the Reagan boys, Ron and older brother Neil (better known in their
Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 19
Escape Esc ap a pe tto o The Th T he M Mi Mid Midwest i idwest the National Register of Historic Places in 1982,
about Reagan. From there, groups head next
as the group restored it to its 1920’s appearance
door for a volunteer docent-led tour of the
based on Reagan’s and his brother’s recollec-
neat, two-story home where he lived.
tions. The home officially opened to the public
Upstairs are three small bedrooms, and
on February 6, 1984, Reagan’s 73rd birthday.
the first floor includes an entry hall, double
Both brothers were present at its dedication.
parlor, dining room, kitchen and pantry. The
The adjacent house has been converted
f r o n t p a r l o r, t h e m o s t f o r m a l r o o m i n t h e
into a visitors center, with exhibits, gift shop,
house, has a large picture window and tiled
library and a small gallery where tour pas-
fireplace. The boys were not allowed to play
sengers can view a short biographical film
in this room, but there is a loose tile in the hearth, where young Ron used to hide pen-
Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home
nies. The 73-year-old Reagan put four pennies here on his 1984 visit. Next, tour passengers can peek into the horse barn out back, where the two brothers raised rabbits and a Model T like the one the family owned is stored; sit on a bench in the tree-shaded pavilion beside the home, next to a statue of Reagan; or go back to the visitors center to pick out some souvenirs. The home is open April 1 through October 31, Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1-4 p.m. Both buildings are fairly small; large groups will be divided
20 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Escape Esc ap a pe tto o The Th T he M Mi Mid Midwest i idwest t into smaller groups and rotated between the visitors center, home and surrounding grounds. Buses can park in the adjacent lot for free, and passengers must walk a short distance along paved walkways to the buildings. Tickets are $7, with comped driver and escort admissions for groups of 25 or more. Reservations for 10 or more must be made two weeks in advance, and tour planners should allot about 90 minutes for the stop. Afterwards, the tour bus can head north down Hennepin Avenue – aka The Reagan Way – to see other Reagan landmarks. At Fifth and Hennepin is the Northwest Territory Historic Center – in Reagan’s day, South Central School, where he attended fifth, sixth and seventh grades. His sixth-grade classroom has been replicated and a Reagan History Room established on the same floor, using personal Dixon and presidential memorabilia donated by Reagan. At the First Christian Church, 123 South Hennepin, young Dutch helped his mother Nelle to teach Sunday school. At the end Hennepin at River Street is a bronze statue of Reagan on horseback. About four miles north is Lo owell Park, where Reagan lifeguarded on the Rock River for seven summers and reportedly rescued 77 swimmers. Dixon has some hotels that cater to motorcoach tours, and several local and chain restaurants can accommodate large groups. To learn more about bringing your tour group to the Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home, phone (815) 288-5176, e-mail director@reaganhome.org or visit reaganhome.org/book-your-tour.
Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 21
bus tour group relies on good and plentiful food in its travels, to para-
phrase Napoleon. Whether stopping
for a quick snack, a fine dining experience or a taste of the local cuisine, keeping hungry passengers satisfied is vital for a successful tour. Equally important is providing top-notch lodging, and a perfect stop combines both.
Pig Out Inn Barbeque Natchez, Mississippi The Southern charm, magnificent river views and gorgeous antebellum homes of Natchez, Mississippi are just a few of the reasons for motorcoach tour groups to schedule a stop here, at the oldest permanent settlement on the mighty Mississippi River. Another is for the authentic Southern fare served up at The Pig Out Inn Barbeque, specializing in slowsmoked meats and homemade side orders. This casual local favorite has been familyrun since it opened 21 years ago. Owners Ann and Archie Willett learned the art of creating perfect barbecue in Dallas before moving to Natchez in 1996, when they opened The Pig Out Inn atop bluffs just one block from the Misssissippi River. Meats, which come fresh from handpicked suppliers, are slow-cooked for 16 hours out back, in a smoker made to order in Dallas. Everything is made in-house, including the barbeque sauce and special spice rubs. The select menu includes sandwiches and dinners and features ribs, beef brisket, pulled pork, chicken, turkey, sloppy joes and hot sausage. Dinner offerings include two- and three-meat combos and come with two sides – cole slaw, baked beans, potato or pasta salad, chips, fresh-cut curly-Q fries, smoked corn on the cob, black bean and corn salad or mac and cheese. Tour passengers can top
Pig Out Inn Barbeque
Dining and Lodging
off their authentic Southern barbeque feast
streets, historic houses, churches and build-
spoil you with our speed and efficiency, to
with ice cream or a homemade mini-pie such
ings, quaint shops and riverwalks.
allow your group more time to experience
as pecan or sweet potato.
Bus passengers can be dropped off and
Pig Out Inn Barbeque, 116 Canal Street,
picked up right next to the restaurant, and
is just a few blocks north of Highway 84 and
drivers can park for free around the corner.
our beautiful city, where the old South still lives,” says owner Annie. The Pig Out Inn is open seven days a week,
the Natchez Visitors Center. This central loca-
Pig Out Inn staff will meet your group, pass
from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and until 3 p.m. on Sun-
tion provides tour groups with easy access
out menus and have everyone eating a deli-
d a y. T h e f a c i l i t y c a n s e a t 1 1 5 - 1 2 0 p e o p l e
to historic downtown Natchez, with its scenic
cious meal in just a few minutes. The group
between the main dining room and enclosed
leader and bus driver eat for free. “We will
patio. It is an open, airy, eclectic, light-filled
22 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Guide: Dining and Lodging spot with a down-home feel, friendly, helpful staff and reasonable
Grand Hotel’s history, dining has been an exceptional feature of the
prices, where everyone is welcome. Its motto is “Swine Dining at its
guest experience, including dressing up for dinner after 6:30 p.m. In
addition to the legendary Main Dining Room overlooking the Straits
For information, phone (601) 442-8050 or visit online at pigoutinnbbq.com.
of Mackinac, other casual options are located around the island. Getting there is part of the fun. On the mainland, groups board the ferry for a 15-minute ferry ride to Mackinac Island. Cars are not allowed
Grand Hotel
on the island so residents and visitors alike travel by foot, bicycle or
Mackinac Island, Michigan
horse-drawn carriage. Grand Hotel and Mackinac Island offer many
Since 1887, Grand Hotel, America’s Summer Place, beckons you
activities, including swimming, a spa, garden tours, Afternoon Tea
to a bygone era of old-world hospitality and charm. Family-owned
in the Parlor, croquet and bocci in the Tea Garden, golfing on The
for three generations, this National Historic Landmark is truly one of
Jewel, complimentary children’s programs, unique shops or relaxing
a kind. Your tour passengers will return to a time of horse-drawn carr i a g e s , a f t e r n o o n t e a , c r o q u e t o n a n e n d l e s s l aw n a n d l i v e m u s i c throughout the day and evening. Groups visiting for the day can enjoy the legendary Grand Luncheon Buffet in the Main Dining Room. This distinct highlight of the Grand Hotel experience includes an assortment of seafood, hot entrées, sliced meats, crisp salads, cheeses, fruits and vegetables, and a dessert table with more than 20 different selections baked fresh daily. After lunch, groups can tour the hotel grounds, explore the Tea Garden and take in the views from the world’s longest porch. An overnight stay in one of 393 uniquely decorated guest rooms includes a full breakfast and five-course dinner daily. Throughout
Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 23
Guide: Dining and Lodging i n a r o c k i n g c h a i r o n t h e w o r l d ’s l o n g e s t
ation for years to come. In the late 1930s,
begin your group’s walking tour, because it is
porch. Mackinac Island has many things to
Starved Rock Lodge was built by the Civilian
just steps away from a staircase which leads
do, such as bicycling, horse-drawn carriage
Conservation Corps (CCC), along with many
from the lodge to the park’s Visitor Center and
rides, hiking, exploring historic Fort Mackinac
of the trails and shelters that still stand today.
13 miles of hiking trails, seasonal waterfalls
and shopping downtown.
The lodge is an architectural masterpiece,
and stunning bluff vistas.
For more information about bringing your tour
with 69 guest rooms, 23 cabin rooms, a
Trailheads Concessions is located where
restaurant, bar, gift shop and meeting rooms.
the trails meet and hikers begin and end their
grandhotel.com or contact the group tour
The Great Hall, the centerpiece of the lodge,
journey. Trailheads has hiking supplies, sou-
coordinator at grouptours@grandhotel.com
features the largest two-sided stone fireplace
venirs and a menu with burgers, ice cream,
in Illinois, composed of Joliet limestone. The
fresh fudge, soft drinks and more.
or (906) 847-3331.
original mortis-and-tenon furniture has with-
Starved Rock State Park has 18 canyons,
Starved Rock Lodge, Illinois
stood the test of time and still welcomes
seasonal waterfalls and tree-covered bluffs.
by Kathy Casstevens, Starved Rock Lodge
guests to relax in it. The indoor pool complex
The Visitor Center offers free orientation videos
Marketing Director
includes a full-size pool, children’s wading
and is staffed with friendly and knowledgeable
Bus tour groups are discerning travelers,
pool, hot tub and two saunas. The lodge and
guides eager to help hikers find their way on
and Starved Rock Lodge, nestled in the middle
its cabins were listed on the National Register
the park’s many trails. From the Visitor Center,
of scenic Starved Rock State Park, offers a vari-
of Historic Places in 1985.
it is a .3-mile walk to Starved Rock and .4 miles
ety of sights and activities for all tastes. It is
On the east end of the lodge’s veranda, one
to French Canyon. It takes about an hour to
centrally located less than 100 miles southwest
piece of limestone sits quietly among the rest,
walk from the Lodge to the top of Starved Rock
of Chicago, less than two hours from Spring-
but this one is cut in the shape of an arrow-
then in and out of French Canyon and back to
field and only one hour south of Rockford.
head that points directly at Starved Rock. The
the Lodge. Map s of all lodge and park trails
view from this bluff to Starved Rock (the next
can be found at starvedrocklodge.com.
When Starved Rock became a state park in 1911, the goal was, and still is, to preserve
bluff across the valley) is one that should not
The lodge offers year-round guided hikes
and protect property for public use and recre-
be missed. In fact, it is the perfect place to
for adventure seekers (lunch or snack included). Specialty hikes are also offered, such as the MegaHike (which treks to all the canyons in the park in one day) and hikes combined with Yoga. The bluff views of the I l l i n o i s R i v e r Va l l e y a r e a m o n g t h e m a n y photo opportunities in the park. Tour groups love the lodge’s Tribute to the Stars series of musical performances, which take place in the Great Hall. Talented vocal performers entertain audiences with their renditions of hits by stars such as Elvis Presl e y, P a t s y C l i n e , D e a n M a r t i n a n d m o r e . Lunch or dinner is included in the ticket price. To u r g r o u p s c a n t a k e a s e a s o n a l hiking/trolley tour or enjoy an afternoon of win e ta st in g and s ho p pin g . If y o u ch o o se t o use your own bus for a tour, step-on guides a r e a v a i l a b l e . I n t h e w i n t e r, b u s t o u r p a s sengers can take a Bald Eagle Trolley Tour and in the spring, explore seasonal waterfalls and canyons. Summer months bring daily departures on Historic Trolley Tours, which give first-time visitors the perfect way to become acquainted with the Starved
24 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Guide: Dining and Lodging Rock area and learn about the rich history upon their arrival. Warm
Made in Illinois from
weather also launches leisurely land and water cruises aboard the
reclaimed barns and 100-
Belle of the Rock paddlewheel boat, combining the interesting history
year-old hardwoods, the
of the area with a slow-paced ride on the Illinois River. Fall Colors
new furniture is in keeping
Trolley Tours give bus tour passengers a look at a stunning autumn
with the mortis-and-tenon
palette of color set against sandstone and limestone rock formations,
style just as the CCC orig-
which compose this unexpected attraction nestled amid the flatlands
inally crafted it – strong
and cornfields in Illinois. New for 2017 is the “Visit a Canyon” Trolley
and sturdy with no visible
Tour – requested by groups who prefer to ride the Starved Rock Trol-
hardware. In 2013, the
ley to the trailhead of Ottawa Canyon and Council Overhang. Also
same company created
new in 2017 is a low-impact walking tour of the lodge. This 30-
new tables and chairs for
minute tour tells the history of Starved Rock State Park, a National
the main dining room,
Historic Landmark since 1966, and Starved Rock Lodge.
porch and the Back Door
Starved Rock Lodge has several comfortable lodging options. The guest rooms in the historic wing feature knotty pine paneling and an
Starved Rock Lodge
Lounge. In 2014, Starved Rock State Park expanded
authentic feeling of a bygone era. The hotel wing rooms are larger
from 2,700 to 3,205 acres, with the purchase of the former White
and closer to the pool. Several of the Pioneer Cabins located to the
Oak Campground. The lodge’s “Art in the Park” collection is one
east of the lodge stand alone, have heat/AC, a full bath and are pet-
o f t h e l a r g e s t d i s p l a y s o f c h a i n s aw w o o d c a r v i n g s i n t h e M i d w e s t .
friendly to dogs under 50 pounds. Cabins on the west side feature
Recent additions to the collection include bronze and steel pieces
four cabin rooms under one roof. Some of the cabins have wood
of art. In June of 2014, a new kinetic sculpture made of glass and
burning fireplaces and a few have electric fireplaces.
steel was installed in front of the Hotel entrance of Starved Rock
The pine-paneled main dining room is adjacent to the Great Hall
Lodge. To learn more, visit online at starvedrocklodge.com.
and serves breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Guests love the Sunday Brunch, which combines the rustic ambiance of the setting with tasty offerings for everyone. The Back Door Lounge has a casual, s p o r t s b a r a t m o s p h e r e a n d m e n u . L o c a l m u s i c i a n s p r ov i d e l i v e l y e n t e r t a i n m e n t e v e r y F r i d a y n i g h t d u r i n g t h e w i n t e r. D u r i n g t h e summer months, the action moves outside to the Veranda with live music every Friday and Saturday night. Brick oven pizza and freshly grilled burgers and brats are just a few of the menu items available when dining outdoors. The indoor pool complex is open to all guests on the property and features an expansive swimming pool; a one-foot, gated pool for children; a hot tub and two saunas. An overnight stay enhances the overall experience of a visit to Starved Rock, making it more than a day trip – it is a lasting memory. To truly enjoy the atmosphere of yesteryear with modern amenities of today, visit Starved Rock Lodge, where the past is always present. In 2007, Starved Rock State Park was chosen as one of the “Seven Wonders of Illinois,” through an online voting contest sponsored by the Illinois Bureau of Tourism and ABC-7 TV in Chicago. In 2011, Starved Rock State Park celebrated its 100th Anniversary. In 2012, Starved Rock Lo odge & State Park were named the No. 1 Fan Favorite Attractions in the state, in a social media-based Facebook contest launched by the Illinois Office of Tourism. In 2012, all of the guest room furniture was replaced and upgraded. The new, handcrafted additions included headboards, side tables and chests of drawers, plus guest room tables and chairs. Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 25
New, Improved and Different The Corn Palace
The Corn Palace
settle here. The building, as it stands now,
walking distance of the palace. Accommo-
Mitchell, South Dakota
was built in 1921 and is visited by more than
dations, retail stores, outdoor activities and
Motorcoach tours should not miss the
a quarter million people each summer. The
recreational facilities make planning a mem-
newly renovated Corn Palace, located at 604
palace is decorated annually with roughly
orable group tour effortless.
N. Main in Mitchell, South Dakota – where
275 thousand ears of corn and 3,000 bushels
For more information on this unique
new ear-chitecture awaits. The World’s Only
of grains and native grasses, along with a
attraction or to schedule a free guided tour,
Corn Palace appears as if it were drawn
new theme that portrays facets of life in South
p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e M i t c h e l l C o nv e n t i o n &
straight from a storybook, adorned with elab-
orately assembled corn murals, topped with
Free guided tours of the beautiful attrac-
Vi s i t o r s B u r e a u a t ( 8 6 6 ) 2 7 3 - 2 6 7 6 o r v i s i t cornpalace.com.
colorful light-up domes, an Oscar Howe art-
tion are offered daily May through October,
work showcase, improved accessibility, a
8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. October through April,
Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks
walk-out balcony and agricultural exhibits.
free guided tours are available upon request.
Montpelier, Vermont
A vi s it t o th e C o r n Pa l a c e i s i n te r a c ti ve a nd
Plan at least 60 minutes for a guided tour;
Bus tour groups will have a truly authentic
fun for the whole group, offering free admis-
allow extra time if passengers wish to explore
Vermont experience with a stop at Morse
sion and a large gift shop. The Corn Palace
more of the palace on their own. Temporary
Farm Maple Sugarworks in Montpelier. Free
offers a range of menu choices from the tra-
bus parking for unloading passengers is
sugarhouse tours and tastings, multimedia
d i t i o n a l h o t d o g s a n d n a c h o s t o Wo r l d
available in front of the Palace on Main
displays in a real woodshed theater, a nature
Famous Corn Palace Popcorn Balls. Mitchell’s first Palace was built in 1892, when the city was just 12 years old. Early set-
Street. Bus parking is available behind and
trail, country store and an outdoor Vermont
to the North of the Palace. There is no charge
farm life museum make up the diverse Morse
for parking.
Farm experience.
tlers displayed their agricultural bounty on
Mitchell, South Dakota is home to an
The maple has more than 200 varieties,
the building’s exterior to prove the fertility of
array of other group-friendly attractions and,
b u t o n l y a f e w p r o d u c e s a p o f s u f fi c i e n t
the soil and to attract immigrant farmers to
there are many excellent restaurants within
quality and sugar content to be used for
26 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
New, Improved and Different maple sugaring in the Sugar House; trek
maple creemee (soft serve ice cream flavored
t h e M a p l e Tr e e Tr a i l t o v i e w t h e v a r i o u s
with authentic Vermont maple) and stroll the
maple and tree varieties and see how the
nature trail to take in the brilliant colors of
sap is collected; sample a variety of maple
the sugar maple leaves.
syrups and maple-flavored treats; visit an
No on-site dining is available, but maple
outdoor museum that includes an antique
creemies, Sugar on Snow and other treats,
r e p l i c a o f t h e Ve r m o n t S t a t e H o u s e ; a n d
such as milkshakes and floats, are offered
s h o p i n t h e l a r g e, w e l l - s t o c k e d s t o r e f o r
for sale (drivers and escorts get a free sam-
Morse Farm evaporation
authentic maple syrup and other Vermont
specialty foods, produce in season and a
Morse Farm welcomes bus tours anytime,
maple syrup. The northeastern section of
full array of craft and gift items. Selections
with 20-minute guided tours available for a
North America is the only region in the
c a n b e m a i l e d f ro m t h e s t o r e o r c a r r i e d o u t .
small fee (self-guided tours are free). Reser-
world where one is able to find the sugar
In addition, the property is adorned with
vations are required from mid-September to
m a p l e t r e e a n d t h e e nv i r o n m e n t a l c o n d i -
whimsical folk characters carved with a
mid-October, because of the volume of vis-
tions capable of producing sap that will
c h a i n s aw b y o w n e r B u r r M o r s e .
yield maple syrup.
itors during fall, and they are appreciated
The two most popular seasons fo r tours
during spring, summer and winter. Buses can
The history of this family-run business
are spring and fall. Tree-tapping – or “sug-
drop off and pick up passengers at the main
begins in 1814, when James Morse first set-
arin’” – which takes place in the spring, has
entrance and park in the adjacent lot. Tour
t l e d i n Ve r m o n t . To d a y, m a p l e s y r u p i s
a very short run, from three to five weeks,
planners should allot at least one hour for
made here by an eighth generation of Morse
beginning anywhere from late February or
groups to take the tour, walk around on their
family members, whose ancestors were
mid-March and running through early April,
own and shop in the store.
taught to tap maple trees by Native Amer-
depending on weather conditions. In winter,
icans. Hatchets were used to cut into the
maples stop growing and store their sap in
t r e e, a n d t h e s a p w a s c o l l e c t e d i n b i r c h -
their roots. By late spring, when the trees
bark baskets. As the sap sat overnight,
have begun to develop leaves and flowers, a
water evaporated and left the sweet dark
chemical change occurs which gives the sap
syrup. Initially, hot rocks were used to evap-
an unpleasant taste. It is only in early spring,
orate even more water until only sugar – or
when warm days cause the sap to flow up
“sinzibukwud” – remained. (Sinzibukwud
from the roots to feed new growth, and cold
is an Algonquin Indian word meaning
nights cause the sap to return to the roots,
“drawn from wood.”) The process was
that the trees can be tapped. During this
a d a p t e d a n d i m p r ov e d u p o n b y E u r o p e a n
exciting time, tour passengers can witness
colonists, who utilized iron pots and other
the maple sap being boiled down into syrup
tools they brought with them.
in the Sugar House and get a taste of “Sugar
In colonial America, revolutionary leaders
on S n ow ” – ho t m ap l e s ugar t u rn ed t o taffy
such as Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin
when it is drizzled over shaved ice and served
promoted the production of maple sugar to
with a fresh donut.
replace the taxed cane sugar imported from
Fall, of course, is prime tourist season in
the West Indies. The term “sugarin” is still
Vermont, when bus groups will be treated to
used today to refer to the spring tapping of
a dazzling display of autumn foliage. At
sugar maples.
Morse Farm, tour passengers can enjoy a
E-mail Glee@MorseFarm.com for more details and reservations.
Morse Farm is open year-round, and each season offers a memorable outing for b u s t o u r p a s s e n g e r s . A n y t i m e o f y e a r, v i s itors can enjoy a video about maple sugaring and the Morse family history, seated on sugar maple stumps in a real woodshed theater; examine the equipment used for Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 27
New, Improved and Different Heritage Adventures/
conditions of payment are negotiable, but
Coal Country Tours
reasonable deposits are generally required
Toms Brook, Virginia Heritage Adventures/Coal Country Tours
to reserve a tour. The company focuses on safety, comfort, unique and interesting des-
is a full-service coach tour company offering
tinations, good food and camaraderie. They
pre-planned and custom tours to central
approach their tours not as a business ven-
Appalachia, the mid-Atlantic and Canada.
ture so much as a chance to travel with new
Its two signature tours are to Old Québec City
and the West Virginia Mine Wars and Coal
Owner and lead guide Doug Estepp gen-
Heritage Tour. Because its tours are educa-
e r a l l y a c c o m p a n i e s e v e r y t o u r. D o u g i s a
tional, fun and unique, the company has gar-
historian who specializes in central
nered a lot of media attention; its tours have
Appalachia, with a focus on the early devel-
been featured by USA TODAY Travel, PBS’ All
opment of the coal mining industry, the Hat-
Things Considered, the Associated Press, CNN,
field & McCoy feud and the West Virginia
the National Trust for Historic Preservation
Mine Wars of the early 1900s. He was fea-
and many more.
tured throughout the PBS American Experi-
Heritage Adventures/Coal Country
ence documentary The Mine Wars, released
To u r s p r ov i d e s c l e a n , m o d e r n , ov e r - t h e -
in 2016, and he also appears briefly in the
road coaches in a variety of sizes and con-
new film Blood on the Mountain, released
Facebook under Heritage Adventures or Coal
fi g u r a t i o n s t o m e e t y o u r n e e d s . T h e y w i l l
on Netflix in April 2017.
Country Tours; contact the expert staff via
pick up your group at your choice of depar-
For information, itineraries, videos and
ture points, and one or more of their expert
more, visit online at coalcountrytours.com
guides accompanies all tours. Terms and
or myheritageadventures.com, and on
28 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
e-mail at myheritageadventures@gmail.com or by phone at (540) 233-0543.
Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 29
Social So S ocia ia ial a Marketing Ma Mark ar rk ke k eting Tour rism s for Tourism by cat c ca catherine atherine Heeg
How to Supercharge Your Social Ads • Do you have a list of your client emails that you have worked hard to compile, fine tune and update? • Do you have a clear picture of your target demographic? • Have you tried the intro-level ad targeting tools and are now ready to up your game and gain more from your social ads? If you have checked off and answered yes to any one of these questions, Facebook Power Editor or Ads Manager is the choice for your next ad campaign. Greater success is just a few clicks away! This is so cool. When you select “Customer List” you simply upload the e-mails of your selected clients and Facebook matches them up with existing Facebook users. For example, if your e-mail list con-
30 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
tains 10,000 e-mails when you upload it, Facebook may match up to 8,000 of its users with those e-mails. You now have a valuable list of 8,000 of your clients who have Facebook accounts. You can target those people in advertising. Here is where you find this option: Ads Manager<Audiences<Create Audience<Customer List. Engagement on Facebook allows you to create a custom audience of video viewers over the last 180 days. It is a powerful way to target video ads to already interested fans. Once in Power Editor (available in Chrome only) the door is open to set up your unique audience targeting. Not only can you target by demographic (learn more: http://bit.ly/22JWTLz ), you can also target by: • Life events
• Relationships • Interests • Travel aspirations • Culinary styles Once you set up your unique Custom Audiences you can save and reuse them for multiple campaigns and ads. While it takes a bit of time to design your Custom Audience for specific markets, the value is that you can re-use, tweak and continue to benefit from them over time (more info on here: creation audience http://bit.ly/1DYyxRk). For example, perhaps you have a new group tour that you would like to advertise to a specific demographic. Simply c r e a t e y o u r g r a p h i c a n d a d c o p y, t h e n create your target audience and build your ad. Each quarter you can evaluate the results of your previous ad and re-use the custom audience or create a new audience. In addition, you can set up two ads and split test the results of your ad campaign. Facebook is starting to introduce a new method of split testing that allows you to build multiple ads simultaneously and test while the ad is live. Do not make these mistakes (http://bit.ly/1xGAPB9).
Heeg Audience Overview Overall, targeting can be as complex as the audience you are aspiring to reach. The more details you know about your desired audience, the more likely you are to attract and engage. Creative Ads Once you have a solid grasp of your ad audiences and ad creation, and are measuring your success, it is time to break into different styles of advertising on Facebook. Carousel ads give you the opportunity to showcase 3-5 images and/or videos in a s i n g l e p o s t . Yo u c a n c r e a t e d i f f e r e n t headlines, links and/or calls to action in a single ad. Learn more here: http://bit.ly/22JWTLz. Upside: Maximize your story-telling o p t i o n s a n d p r ov i d e a v a r i e t y o f c a l l s t o action. Downside: A reader needs to scroll through the carousel to see each image. Here is how you may incorporate this into your group tour marketing campaigns: 1. Showcase attractions you will visit 2. Spotlight a variety of hotels 3. Highlight activities
4. Focus on travel or destination tips 5. Showcase the value of working with a travel pro Canvas ads are a fully immersive vehicle for integrated storytelling. Imagine giving your mobile viewers a singular experience that features photos and videos along with text and links. Call to Action buttons are available. Upside: It is new, exciting and loads quickly. D o w n s i d e : Tw o m i n u t e s o f v i d e o i s allowed in each canvas. You may want to split up the video content with still images to better tell your story. Tip: Consider customizing your Canvas to different target audiences. For example, i f y o u a r e t a r g e t i n g w e e k e n d g e t aw a y tours, you will want to use a different message than if you are targeting girl getaways or luxury senior travelers.
and communication style. The wealth of options available gives you extraordinary ways to get creative and reach your unique audiences. Where have you seen the most success â?&#x2018; with your social ads? Catherine Heeg, international speaker and trainer, focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at cmsspeaking.com and socially.
Ad Style Overview Overall, these new types of advertising media are a powerful way to stand out in a noisy medium and attract new eyeballs to your unique content. Social advertising is about creating the perfect mix of timing, visual appeal
Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 â&#x20AC;˘ 31
20 Tips For Fo or Bus Tour r Planners Pla la l anners by: Dr. Charleen Jaeb 20 Tips for Planning
2016, Fodor’s Alaska 2015, John Hall’s Free
ule, budgets and interests of customers. She likes
Alaskan Trips
Alaska Seminar February 15 in Venice, Florida,
Celebrity and Holland-America Cruise Lines.
This is a follow-up to my last column, which
and an interview with John and Audrey Ogrod-
Here are 20 tips to help you plan a trip to Alaska, which is “Beyond Your Dreams, Within
started out as “20 Tip ps on Trips North of the Bor-
nik, Alaska specialists for AAA Travel in Venice.
der,” including tours to Canada, named a top
An inspiration for this column came unex-
travel destination for 2017, and Alaska, our
pectedly this winter in Florida, the farthest
1. Plan early for Alaska tours. One and
largest state. I visited both and was aware of
state from Alaska. It surprised me how many
a half to two years ahead is not too soon to
their similarities; however, after learning more
people have booked Alaskan trips here with
start. Choose a respected company special-
Your Reach” (Alaska’s state slogan):
about their differences and the probability that
John and Audrey, and both are planning and
izing in Alaskan tours to work with on trip
bus tour planners would not combine the two
accepting bookings for 2018 trips. I met a lady
details. Many of the better stops are not in big
on the same trip, I wrote the March column on
in the beauty shop who drives from Florida to
cities. Choose your target market, dates and
Canadian trips and this one on Alaskan trips.
Alaska to visit her child every year, stopping
length of stay, promotional methods and price
along the way to visit her other children too.
t o i n fl u e n c e c u s t o m e r s t o p u r c h a s e t h e i r
Why visit Alaska? Some reasons include: scenery, wilderness, wildlife, mountains, glac-
From John Hall, the founder and CEO of John
iers, tax-free shopping, Northern Lights, sights
Hall’s Alaska, I learned it is not necessary to fur-
Alaskan adventure with you. 2. Consider seasons and weather con-
above Arctic Circle, Denali Tundra Wilderness
nish meals to make free sales seminars suc-
ditions. Alaska is best visited in the summer.
Tour, lodge in Talkeetna, panning for gold,
cessful. It helps to put an advertisement in a
The tourist season extends from May through
hunting, hiking, fishing, dog sledding, Iditarod
local newspaper offering a cash discount for
September. June and July offer longer summer
Great Sled Dog Race, Riverboat Discovery trip,
booking a trip at the seminar. It should be held
days, huge blooming flowers, vegetables and
Trans-Alaska Pipeline, meeting Alaskan natives
at a reputable nearby hotel with ample parking.
the chance to see wildlife with their young.
and fresh seafood (where you cannot get
I t a l s o w o r k s w e l l t o p r ov i d e a n i n t e r e s t i n g
Temperatures vary from the 60s to 80s, and it
enough fresh salmon, halibut and crab legs).
detailed program, and to collect names,
rains frequently. It is a bit cooler in August and
A trip here is on the bucket list of U.S. citizens
addresses and e-mail addresses from attendees
September; however, these months provide
who hope to visit all 50 states or who visited
who would like to receive a deluxe catalog and
a chance to see the Northern Lights, beautiful
Alaska when younger and would love to return
DVD at the seminar. John and his team lingered
fall colors and more animal activity.
with family members. Road Scholar has set up
afterwards to answer questions. If you would
3. Decide the length of time to spend
seven Family Adventure Learning Voyages in
like to learn more about his company, you can
on the trip. The majority of inclusive trips
2017 plus an Inside Passage intergenerational
check out his Web site at KissAlaska.com.
from the lower 48 to Alaska run from eight to
boat trip for grandparents July 14, 2017.
From Audrey, a 19-year Venice AAA travel
12 days. Many Inside Passage packages are
department employee who has set up and gone
seven to eight days. Customized tours origi-
memorable land-cruise tour with Holland-
on many Alaskan trips, I learned the importance
nating inside Alaska by Gray Line and John
America with neighbors in the ’90s, bus and
of planning early, and keeping in touch with cus-
Hall’s Alaska can run one day, several days,
travel agency catalogs, “The Other Way to Do
tomers. She works with Trafalgar and Gray Line
a week, two weeks, etc., depending on the
Alaska” by Larry Plachno in National Bus Trader
Alaska to set up itineraries to match the sched-
purpose of the trip.
I n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t A l a s k a c a m e f ro m o u r
32 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
20 Tips 4. Learn basic facts about Alaska.
libraries, social and civic clubs, schools and
on river boat past restored historical Eskimos
Alaska is the largest state in U.S. by area, and
churches; distribute your bus catalogs; adver-
villages; and sailed on a whale-watching boat
larger than all but 18 sovereign countries. It is
tise in bus and travel magazines and local
and large rubber raft in the Bearing Sea from
the least densely populated and third least pop-
newspapers; on radio, television, the Internet
Sitka. Even so, we still missed a gondola ride
ulous state in the 50 states. Its economy is dom-
and your Web sites; use personal selling to
to a mountaintop, dogsled rides, jet boat rides,
inated by fishing, natural gas, oil industries,
former and anticipated customers, group
ZipRider (world’s longest zipline), the Taku
military bases and tourism. Alaska holds more
leaders and the general public.
Glacial Hovercraft and kayak adventures.
than half of America’s national park lands, with
8. Understand how prices are deter-
12. Provide entertainment both on the
17 national park units and 16 national wildlife
mined on Alaska trips. Prices are based
bus and off, especially if you are planning to
refuges. The time zone of most of Alaska is one
on double occupancy rates on overnight trips.
drive to and from Alaska. Along with DVDs,
hour past the Pacific Time Zone. Its 2016 resi-
Rates are affected by when you go, where
music and games, include quiet time to enjoy
dent population was 739,828. Juneau is its cap-
you go, number of included meals, and gra-
the scenery, read or snooze. Stop every two to
ital; however, Anchorage is its biggest city and
tuities, quality of accommodations and
three hours to stretch, use the restroom, eat,
contains half the state’s population.
included excursions. On cruise ships, the
shop or take part in activities. Take photographs
5. Learn Alaska’s history. Its begin-
price depends on where you stay on ship –
of wildlife such as bears and moose from inside
nings date back to about 14,000 B.C. At the
lower inside cabin lowest, deluxe suite high-
the bus. Arrange a group picture be taken.
time of Russian explorers, it was populated
est. Add in port charges, taxes and airport
13. Ketchikan, City of Totem Poles,
with Alaskan native groups. Alaska was pur-
transfers. It is difficult to say what the cost of
Salmon Capital of the World, known for
chased from Russia by the U.S. in 1867 for
an average Alaska trip is. However, for 15-
its rainforest, is where we took our float-
$7.2 million, at approximately two cents per
day land and cruise, my guess is it would
plane through Misty Fiords. It was one of the
acre. The purchase was nicknamed
range from $6,000 to $12,000
first stops we made on our cruise up the
“Seward’s Folly.” It was admitted as the 49th
9. Before the trip begins, share a list
state in 1959. During World War II, Japan
of books, Web sites or television shows
occupied two Alaskan Islands.
about Alaska with your customers. The
14. Juneau, the capital of Alaska, is on
inside passage. The next three cities are often covered on inner passage cruises.
6. Furnish information on packing.
best way to find these sources is to search
the mainland but not connected by road
Dress is usually casual day and night – unless
Google, ask your librarian or find appropriate
to rest of the North American highway sys-
you are on a cruise package. Otherwise, just
Web sites. Since this is a trip of a lifetime
tem. It is surrounded by ice and water, so you
one outfit that is appropriate for “dress-up” is
where new friendships will be made, furnish
can only get there by boat or plane. From
sufficient. Pack and dress in layers of clothes
passengers a list of the names and addresses
Juneau, we flew by helicopter to the nearby
to keep warm or stay cool because tempera-
of the people on your tour.
Mendenhall Glacier where we walked around.
tures change throughout the day. Bring a lined
10. Make sure you comply with bor-
15. Sitka, the former Russian capital of
waterproof, windproof coat with hood; dis-
der-crossing laws. Information should be
Alaska, is one of the best Inside Passage
posable rain ponchos and pants; hiking or rain
furnished to bus tour planners by the Alaskan
towns to explore on foot, according to Foder.
boots; comfortable walking shoes; sun hat;
tour company they are working with. Indi-
With its mild climate, beautiful open-ocean set-
backpack; underwear and warm socks; long-
viduals traveling alone or without help of an
ting you can visit its top attractions like St.
sleeved shirts and long pants; warm pajamas;
Michael’s Cathedral, Sheldon Jackson Museum,
scarves and slippers. Also bring sunscreen,
US.travel.com for information on passports
Castle Hill and Sitka National Historical Park.
sunglasses, camera, iPhone, money, credit
such as cost, processing time, special
Its blend of Alaska native, Russian and Amer-
card, watch, pair of binoculars, personal
announcements, what you need to exit and
ican history was fascinating, as was our whale-
hygiene articles, medications with a list of
re-enter Alaska and the lower 48.
watching boat ride in its harbor.
them, an address book with stamps and busi-
11. Discover forms of transportation
16. Anchorage is Alaska’s biggest city
ness cards. Consider small gifts from your
you may use, besides just the bus. On our
and contains half the state’s population.
hometown for friends you make. There are
trip to Alaska, we flew to Vancouver; boarded
According to Fodor’s the restaurants, lavish
stores available for what you forget.
a cruise ship through the inside passage; took
espresso stands, art and history museums
7. Promote your trip to Alaska a year
a helicopter to Mendenhal Glacier in Juneau;
and performing arts have earned the city the
before departing. Use publicity on social
rode a river raft on whitewater in Denali; took
nickname of “Los Anchorage,” but the occa-
media and your Web site; get speaking
a glass domed train to Fairbanks; took a float
sional moose ambling down a street hints at
engagements wherever you can: TV shows,
plane through Misty Fiords in Ketchikan; cruised
the nearby wilderness, and their streets lined Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017 • 33
20 Tips with white picket fences with large eagles
is now entirely paved. Roads inside Alaska
and enclose a copy of your future trips. Report
perched upon them reminds you that you are
have different conditions, which Alaskan bus
findings to the bus company or travel agency.
not in the lower 48 anymore.
tour companies are familiar with.
Furnish a poster of photos to be displayed in
17. Denali National Park requires at
20. Things to do when the trip ends.
y ou r of fi c e. W r it e a n a r t ic l e f o r yo u r lo ca l
least an overnight stay. Places in and around
Consider having a farewell party. Survey pas-
newspaper or group newsletter with photos.
it include Mount McKinley, the highest moun-
sengers, asking them to rate attractions,
Ke e p i n t o u c h w i t h c u s t o m e r s . P u t t h e i r
tain peak in North America, Talkeetna, home
accommodations, drivers and guides; note
names in a database.
of Denali Flyers, pilots who take you on air tours
what they liked and disliked and why; and
Thank you for your comments on this arti-
on small, sky-equipped planes, whitewater and
suggest changes. Keep it simple. One page
cle and suggestions for future ones. I would
float trips on the Nenana River, Denali Visitor
i s s u f fi c i e n t . G i v e t h e m a s o u v e n i r p e n .
appreciate knowing if this article influenced
Center, Denali Outside Center.
Explain you will send them the results of the
you to plan an Alaskan trip for your group or
18. Kotzebue is a small village above
findings without identifying names of respon-
bus company or take one yourself. My e-mail
t h e A rc t i c C i rc l e where we were given
ders. This might be the time to give them the
address is cdjaeb@wowway.com. My next
parkas when we arrived via Alaskan Airlines
copy of the group picture or make it available
column will be decided based on your sug-
and surrounded by welcoming Eskimo chil-
to purchase. Send them a thank-you letter
gestions of topics that would help you.
dren dressed in T-shirts. Their teacher gave us a walking tour of town, where we gathered wild flowers walking on tundra. Then
With degrees from four universities, Dr. Charleen Jaeb was a business professor at Cuyahoga
flew to Nome, where we panned for gold, vis-
Community College. After her retirement in 2000, she became a trip planner for the CCC
ited an Iditarod dogsled “musher” and played
retirees and Middleburg Heights Women’s Club, fi fillling as many as 15 buses each year. Jaeb
with Siberian husky puppies. 19. Find out current highway updates. Latest word is that the famous Alcan Highway
and her husband escorted trips for Lakefront Lines in Cleveland, Ohio. She says, “It was wonderful and somewhat unbelievable in retirement to be able to do what you love to do and get paid for doing it.”
Advertiser’s Index
34 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2017
Atlantic City/Meet AC . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Morse Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Aurora CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Old Sturbridge Inn
Be Native Tours LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
& Reader Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
City of Aztec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Our Lady of Consolation . . . . . . . . . . .21
Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center . .25
Outlets of Mississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Conway CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Pig Out Inn BBQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Dancing Horses Theatre . . . . . . . . . . .20
Reagan Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Elk City, Oklahoma CVB . . . . . . . . . . .10
Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home . . . . .20
Galesburg CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Sable Point Lighthouse Keepers . . . . .18
Grand Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Scott County CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Inn of the Mountain Gods . . . . . . . . . .15
Southern Ute Museum . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Jacksonville Area CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Spangler Candy Company . . . . . . . . . .19
Le ebanon CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 7
Stafford Air & Space Museum . . . . . . .10
Le ewis County CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Starved Rock Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
McLean County Museum
Vacuum Cleaner Museum
of History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
& Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Miami, Oklahoma CVB . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Wings Over the Rockies . . . . . . . . . . .31
Miromar Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Wolf Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12