Bus Tours Magazine September October 2014

Page 1

Volume XXXV, Number 1 • September/October 2014

Historical Attractions/Museums page 7

Escape to the Southeast page 18

Offer expires November 30, 2014

Check #280 on Reader Service Card


SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2014 STAFF editor & Publisher . . . . . . . . . Larry Plachno Business Manager . . . . nancy Ann Plachno Bookkeeping . . . . . . . . . . . . Dianne Billquist Typesetting/Page Layout . . . . Sherry Mekeel Assistant editor . . . . . . Laura Wagenknecht office Asst.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nicole Fehler


Bus Tours Magazine 9698 W. Judson road Polo, illinois 61064-9015 (815) 946-2341 Fax: (815) 946-2347 Web site: www.bustoursmagazine.com




11 Guides




HISTORY/MUSEUM GUIDE Historical attractions and museums are sure to make for entertaining and educational stops for your group. Whether the focus is on local history or important world events, learning adventures are always eye-openers.

SEE WHAT IS IN STORE Exploring a mall, store or specialty shop for that great bargain or that perfect oneof-a-kind item is on the to-do list of many vacationers. Check out these outstanding options for your next tour.


ENTERTAINMENT EXTRAORDINAIRE Whether your group is hitting the town or just wants to relax and see a show, be sure to find out the offerings available in the city you will be visiting. You will often be pleasantly surprised by the variety.

FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA Fargo is North Dakota’s largest city and state capital. This welcoming town offers a unique blending of the contemporary, the traditional, with a pinch of quirkiness, sure to keep your guests smiling.

14 11

WELCOME TO RED ROCK COUNTRY, ARIZONA Considered by many to be one of the most beautiful spots in North America, Red Rock Country, beckons travelers seeking serenity, adventure and enlightenment.


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COVER PHOTO Starved Rock State Park in Utica, Illinois, is a hidden gem well worth discovering. Full of natural beauty masterfully carved over the millennia by Mother Nature herself, groups love to take in the views and hear the history of this scenic wonder. KATHY CASSTEVENS.

The Southeast is full of fun places, great hospitality and amazing attractions just waiting to welcome your group.

And More 27





20 TIPS by Dr. Charleen Jaeb



BuS TourS MAGAzine (iSSn 0199-6096) is published six times annually by national Bus Trader, inc., 9698 W. Judson road, Polo, illinois 61064. Subscriptions, $15 (in uS funds) annually, Canadian & international $20 (in uS funds). Printed in u.S.A. Second class postage paid at Polo, illinois 61064 and at additional mailing offices. PoSTMASTer: Send address changes to BuS TourS MAGAzine, 9698 W. Judson road, Polo, illinois 61064. Change of Address: Please send old mailing label (or old address and computer number) as well as new address. Advertising: Display advertising rates sent on request. Advertising deadline is the last day of the second month preceding publication. Founded in 1979, BuS TourS MAGAzine is the oldest independent magazine in the bus and group tour market. Circulation includes bus and group tour planners in the united States and Canada regardless of affiliation or whether commercial, private or corporate or group leader. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. The name BuS TourS MAGAzine and the logo incorporating the passengers, bus and destinations are trade marks of national Bus Trader, inc.

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 3


or many follow-

ers of popular culture the first

thing that comes to

the Fargo Air Museum. A

Fargo, North Dakota

special treat about these

Waiting for You

mind when they hear

aircraft is they are not just models to look at, they are actually functional

the name “Fargo” is the

and can fly. Flying aircraft

quirky and hugely pop-

by Laura Wagenknecht

include a P-51 Mustang,

ular Academy Award-

Photos courtesy of Fargo-Moorhead CVB

the new L-39 Jet, the DC

winning dark comedy

- 3 "Duggy -The Smile in



the Sky" airplane, Cor-

which featured thick

sair, TBM Avenger, PT -

Upper Midwest Scandi-

19 Fairchild and more.

n a v i a n - i n fl u e n c e d

In addition to their col-

accents, an oddball cast


of characters and a plot-

changing exhibits on




line that was sinister

various aviation themes

and flippant at the same

that entertain, educate

time. The story and

and delight. Special

characters of course

events are also planned

were fictional and not

throughout the year.

representative of the

There is also a stunning

people of North Dako-

Aviation History Mural

ta’s largest city. You will

and the ND Flying Aces

find some very sophis-

Fargo Air Museum

ticated folks, arts and

Wall for your group to check out. The museum

culture, high-tech agricultural practices, and

There are 43 buildings and a collection of more

also offers group tours that encompass avia-

yes, a great sense of humor in Fargo. There is

than 400,000 artifacts – a history buff’s dream.

tion and military history, general principles of

even an attraction or two that pay homage to

Your group can be transported back to the

flight, regional aviation history and more that

the cult classic film that made the town famous

days of the pioneers who settled this very land

can be tailored for groups of all ages and inter-

(or infamous) the world over.

and other areas across North America back

ests. Phone (701) 293-8043 or e-mail Educa-

The city of Fargo is located in southeast

in the 1800s. The village also has a car

tion@fargoairmuseum.org to learn more. You

North Dakota right on the border of Min-

museum, a tractor museum, an air museum

can get all the details on this fabulous museum

nesota at the crossroads of interstates 94 and

and a law enforcement museum. There is also

by visiting fargoairmuseum.org.

29. Its twin city Moorhead, Minnesota is just across the state line. Fargo/Moorhead and





Fargo Theatre

the surrounding area is home to dozens of


Go to a movie on a bus tour? That is not

attractions from museums to shopping to art

which has

a typical itinerary activity, but your group will

galleries to botanic gardens, a state park, a

displays on

get a thrill when they see a flick at a venue

zoo, a planetarium, wineries and more. Here

N a t i v e

as amazing as the Fargo Theatre. This fully

we will explore some of what you can find in


restored 1926 structure is a vintage movie

the North Dakota side of these twin cities.

Bonanazaville Bonanzaville USA is located in West Fargo and is one of the most popular attractions in

of the Red River region, bonanza farms, home-

palace with a vaudeville stage, which harkens

steading and the modernization of North

back to a time before modern cinemas were

Dakota. Admission is $12 for adults, $10 for

even thought of. Still fashioned in its origi-

seniors. Visit their Web site at bonanazav-

nal art deco style, today the theater serves

ille.org or phone (701) 282-2882.

as a multi-purpose venue for meetings, live

the region. If your guests enjoy history, then a visit here should be a must-do on your itin-

productions and of course film showings.

Fargo Air Museum

Fargo Theatre is a premiere showcase for

erary. Offered is a spectacular pioneer prairie

Visitors can dream of soaring to the clouds

cutting edge independent and foreign films.

village, which is located on 12 acres of land.

in one of the impressive aircraft on display at

The 860-seat venue holds events, musical

4 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

Take on experiences they’ll want to share. Five inspiring national parks and monuments, lively Main Street Square and more await. Get your free Travel Professionals Guide today by visiting TourRapidCity.com or calling 800-487-3223. Check #596 on Reader Service Card

Special: North Dakota Fargo Theatre


creative minds to wander and ponder. Their

friends back home get a kick out of seeing

and other spe-

collection contains about 3,000 works of art

these pictures? You betcha.

cial productions

in a variety of media and subjects and they

throughout the

are constantly acquiring more unique pieces.

Red River Zoo

year. A unique

The museum offers several permanent and

Animal lovers will delight in the fasci-

antique treasure

rotating exhibitions, some by contemporary

nating creatures at the Red River Zoo. Offer-

housed at the

artists. They offer studio experiences in print-

ing 16 acres of habitat for 60 animal species,

Fargo Theatre is

making and pottery as well as guided tours

this zoo specializes in the care of endangered

a restored the-

for groups. You can also opt for a self-guided


ater pipe organ

tour. The museum also has artist-designed




gardens on the property and presents com-

the crowd

Wurlitzer,” the same type that used to pro-

munity and educational programs year



vide the background mood music for silent

round. For more information go to


movies before the days of “talkies.” As a spe-

plainsart.org or phone (701) 232-3821.

famous red

cial souvenir, your group can get their photograph taken with a larger than life “Wood


Red River Zoo


Celebrity Walk of Fame

and gray wolves. The zoo is not limited to

Chip Marge” statue which plays homage to

One of the best kind of attractions is a free

furry critters; they also have fish, reptiles,

the movie Fargo’s pregnant police chief hero-

attraction and this one is not only free, it is

birds and amphibians. They offer group rates

ine, Marge Gunderson. The theater offers

fun. The Celebrity Walk of Fame, at the Fargo-

for 10 or more and groups must reserve in

matinees and evening showings. Learn more

Moorhead Visitor Center, located at exit 348

advance to receive a group rate. Your group

by phoning (701) 239-8385 or visiting their

on I-94, contains more than 110 celebrity sig-

members can also feel like a kid again and

Web site at fargotheatre.org.

natures, handprints and footprints in cement.

take a ride on the colorful old-fashioned

Well-known names in entertainment, sports,

Diederich Family Carousel. If you would like

Fargo Brewing Company

music, politics, and popular culture have left

to bring in boxed lunches, the zoo has a pavil-

If your group is in the mood for a cold

their mark right here in Fargo. Some of the

ion. For more information visit their Web site

brew, there is no better spot to kick back and

famous imprints you will see include those

at redriverzoo.org or phone (701) 227-9240.

enjoy a hometown favorite than at the Fargo

belonging to Garth Brooks, Neil Diamond,

Planning Assistance

Brewing Company. The brewery was started

KISS, Maury Wills, Debbie Reynolds, Gover-

by some local guys with a passion for great

nor Jesse Ventura, Richard Simmons, Bill

The Fargo-Moorhead Convention and Vis-

tasting beer which they felt was sorely lack-

Gates, Alice Cooper and many more. Every

itors Bureau has a dedicated staff that is wait-

ing in their neck of the woods. They offer

year more are added to Fargo’s Walk of Fame.

ing to assist

their own hand crafted original ales which include Stone’s Throw, a Scottish ale, Iron


The Wood Chipper


Visitor Center

creating a

Horse, a pale ale, Sodbuster, a porter and of

Another free attraction at the Visitor Cen-


course there is Wood Chipper, an India pale

ter is “The Wood Chipper.” If you have seen

tour. They

ale. Tours of the brewery are available on

the movie Fargo, the notorious wood chip-

will be a

specific dates and are limited to groups of 25.

per scene is one that is probably forever

liaison to

Admission is a non-perishable food item and

etched in your brain. Your group has a great

hotels and

includes a free pint of ale. Visit their Web site

opportunity to get

answer any questions you have about the city,

at fargobrewing.com or phone (701)

their photo taken

group-friendly dining, motorcoach parking,

478-2337 for more information.

next to one of the

itinerary planning and more. You can down-

most iconic props

load a group tour planner at fargomoor-

Plains Art Museum Arts and culture converge with the Heart-

in movie history.

head.org/tour-planners-overview.html. The


contact for group sales is Adrienne White who



land at the Plains Art Museum. Located in a

actual prop used in

can be reached by e-mail at Adrienne@fargo-

renovated turn-of-the-century warehouse in

the movie and also

moorhead.org or by phoning (800) 235-7654.

downtown Fargo, the 56,000 square-foot

a fun replica wood

The Web site for the CVB can be viewed at

facility is a place for artists, art lovers and

chipper. Will your

6 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

The Wood Chipper




istory is all around us. It is what

formed us as a society and a nation.

It is little wonder that so many are

fascinated by where we came from. Nearly every town and city has historic attractions, be they dedicated to nature, anthropology, a specific event or time period or even an obscure or quirky genre. No matter what your group is interested in learning about, there will always be a historical attraction to address any subject.

Boys Town Omaha, Nebraska Whether Omaha is your travel destination or a scheduled stopover, make the Village of Boys Town part of your itinerary. Stretch your legs and stroll around the historic campus or grab a bite to eat in the café. The village is a true American treasure that will leave a lasting impression. Boys Town features a variety of tour options. The interactive Boys Town Tour is designed for you to take at your own pace – all you need is a smartphone. Simply scan the QR code for instant access to faces, photos and videos of the top attractions. They also offer tours led by experienced tour guides who will keep the members of your travel group informed and entertained. Friendly and knowledgeable, they offer an insider’s perspective on life in the village and have plenty of stories to share about the special moments and famous faces that make up Boys Town’s illustrious past. Many groups opt for a standard tour. Your

Boys Town

tour will begin at the Visitors Center, where a step-on guide will greet you. From there, you will start a driving tour through the village and see where the children live, play,

History/Museum Guide

work, go to school and pray. Your first stop will be at the Hall of History. Other attractions include Dowd Chapel Depending on the time of day, your group

for a CD Driving Tour is suggested. Regard-

Chapel, the Garden of the Bible, the historic

can enjoy a hearty breakfast or relax with

less of how much time your tour group has

Father Flanagan House, the Rose Garden,

a delightful lunch.

to spend at Boys Town, staff can create a cus-

and the Father Flanagan Shrine, Chambers

the Gift Shop and Leon Myers Stamp Cen-

Attractions are free. For a guided tour a

ter, both located in the Visitors Center.

donation to the Home of $3 per person or $5

tom tour package that will make the most of every minute. Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 7

Guide: History/Museums More than 100,000 visitors from across the United States are wel-

Tour groups should book ahead by phoning (805) 577-4066. The

comed to the Village of Boys Town each year. Bring your group and

visitor services department will book your reservation, greet your

see Father Flanagan's vision for changing the way America cares for

bus and collect your payment upon arrival. Bus parking is available

children, families and communities at the world-famous Village of

on-site. Groups of any size can be accommodated, but tour guides

Boys Town today. To speak with them about your tour, phone (800)

(docents) are available only for groups of 15 or more. All groups 20

625-1400. Visit their Web site at boystown.org

persons or larger must make a reservation whether or not they elect to have a tour guide. Groups must use one form of payment for the

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum Simi Valley, California

entire group. Open seven days a week, the Reagan Library is only closed on

The American Presidency comes alive at the Ronald Reagan Pres-

Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. With more

idential Library and Museum. From Air Force One to historic photos

than100,000 square feet of exhibit space, it is recommended that you

and video to interactive games to exquisite landscaped grounds, the

plan for at least a half-day visit to the Reagan Library. The Library is

Reagan Library is truly one of the most unique and beautiful travel

wheelchair accessible. Audio wands (in English, Spanish and hear-

destinations in southern California. Wholly renovated in 2011, the

ing impaired) are available for a separate charge. For a complete list

galleries were designed to bring history to life. Where else in Cali-

of Museum admission pricing and exhibits, visit reaganlibrary.com.

fornia can visitors walk onboard an actual Air Force One aircraft that flew seven U.S. presidents, touch an authentic piece of the Berlin Wall or lay a hand on a real steel beam recovered from the World Trade Center after 9-11?

History Museum of Mobile Mobile, Alabama Housed in the beautifully–restored Old City Hall, the History Museum of Mobile preserves and presents three centuries of Gulf Coast history and culture. The History Museum of Mobile is dedicated to illuminating the history of the region in new, interesting and accessible ways through entertaining exhibits and enlightening public programs. Earlier this year, the popular travel Web site TripAdviser listed the museum as the “Top Museum Worth Traveling For” in Alabama.

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

As the oldest cultural institution in the city, the History Museum is committed to maintaining downtown Mobile’s family-friendly envi-

Immerse yourself in Ronald Reagan’s path to the White House.

ronment through a variety of special events for all ages. The History

Through the use of Green Screen technology, step into Reagan’s

Museum also manages two free downtown attractions. Explore

shoes and call a Cubs game, introduce a GE Theater and even act

Mobile’s Colonial roots at the Site of Historic Fort Condé (150 S. Royal

in a movie. Deliver his Presidential Inauguration speech through

Street, open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30.p.m. daily), a scaled replica of the orig-

the use of a teleprompter. Travel the world on board Air Force One.

inal French fort. Earlier this year, Huffington Post listed Fort Condé as

Explore the White House Oval Office and the White House East

one of Mobile’s top free attractions.


Just around the corner, learn about the unique and colorful his-

Enjoy the Library’s outdoor grounds, where you can stroll

tory of Mobile’s volunteer fire companies at the Phoenix Fire Museum

through replicas of the White House South Lawn and Rose Garden.

(203 S. Claiborne Street, open Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

Enjoy a meal in one of the Library’s two restaurants, Reagan’s Coun-

This fall, the History

try Café and The Ronald Reagan Pub. Group tours are encouraged

Museum will continue its

to phone ahead and reserve seating. Group tour meal packages

successful run of in-house

are also available, from sandwiches and salads, to hot chicken and

exhibitions when it opens

beef buffets, to the upscale White House Lunch program, which

Ark of India: An Alabama

comes complete with linen and china service and professional wait

Artist Explores Southern

staff to attend to your group. Lunch options range from $10 per

Asia. The exhibit is an

person through the café, up to $54.95 per person for the White

account of late 19th and

House Lunch program, and everything in between (Price of Museum

early 20th century India as

admission and a docent for your group is included in the White

seen by Mobile artist Rod-

House Luncheon program pricing).

erick D. MacKenzie, who

8 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

Check #467 on Reader Service Card

Check #680 on Reader Service Card

UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY Undergraduate College of the U.S. Navy.

Guided walking tours include the Naval Academy Chapel, Crypt of John Paul Jones, Statue of Tecumseh and the history and traditions of the Naval Academy. HISTORICAL, EDUCATIONAL, JEWISH CHAPEL and MILITARY REUNION TOURS Naval Academy Gift Shop Restrooms, Exhibits, Film Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center (410) 293-8687 - (410) 293-3365 (fax)

www.usnanabsd.com/for-visitors Visitor Center Hours: January-February: 9am-4pm March-December: 9am-5pm Photo ID required, ages 22 and over

Check #608 on Reader Service Card

PRESIDENTIAL PRESIDENTIAL LLIBRARY IBR ARY & M MUSEUM USEUM The Most Beautiful & Unique Travel Destination in Southern California.

Over 26,400 square feet of state state-of-the-art, -of-the-art, highly interactive interactive galleries galleries await awaityou. you. From From Air Force Force One to extraordinary extraordinary photos and video, to interactive games, the Reagan Library Library is the most unique travel destination for your tour group.

Ask ab about out our do docent-led cent - led group tours Two restaurants available with tour group options

40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley Valley | 805.522.297 805.522.2977 7 | reaganlibrary reaganlibrary.com .com Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 9

Guide: History/Museums spent more than a decade on the subconti-

For more information on the History

nent. He rode with princes on tiger hunts,

Museum’s exhibitions and programs, visit

climbed mountains along India’s Northern

historymuseumofmobilecom or phone (251)

border, and saw the sacred Ganges River.


Starved Rock

Through his paintings, drawings and written accounts, MacKenzie left behind a rich depic-

Starved Rock

tion of the place he described as colorful,

Utica, Illinois

exotic and dangerous. The exhibit opens on October 16, 2014 and closes on September 1, 2015.

An unforgettable display of autumn beauty is just one reason to explore Starved Rock in the fall, but every season brings a

The History Museum of Mobile is open

new reason to explore this unexpected nat-

Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,

ural wonder located in north central Illinois.

and Sunday 1-5 p.m., with free admission on

More than two million visitors per year

the first Sunday of each month. Metered street

come to see St. Peter Sandstone rock for-

parking and a free parking lot are both avail-

mations and seasonal waterfalls compli-

able in the immediate area. Complimentary

mented by stunning bluff views of the Illi-

bus parking is available nearby. The museum

nois River Valley.

is wheelchair and handicapped accessible.

Centrally located in North Utica, Illinois

Regular admission is $7 for adults, $6 for

near the crossroads of the Midwest (inter-

senior citizens and $5 for students. Children

states 80 and 39), Starved Rock State Park

to interesting trolley tours which play up the

under the age of six are admitted free. Con-

and Lodge is LaSalle County’s premier des-

beauty of bald eagles, fall colors and water-

tact the museum for group admission rates

tination. In addition to 13 miles of hiking

falls, plus weekend tours which share the

trails, the Lodge (located within the park)

rich history about this historic landmark.

and museum membership information. Check #679 on Reader Service Card

offers a wide variety of programming from

its Tribute to the Stars musical performances

Motorcoach groups are most attracted to Starved Rock Lodge because of the many things to do all under one roof. Outdoor dining on the Veranda allows guests a chance to experience the great outdoors and enjoy lunch or dinner with an amazing view. Elements Restaurant, The Back Door Lounge and the Starved Rock Café are other dining options. Shopping opportunities abound at the Gift Shop and Trailheads Concessions. Wine tasting and painting

Looking for more information? Use the Reader Service Card to get information from our advertisers. Visit our Website www.bustoursmagazine.com 10 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

classes are also available at the nearby Starved Rock Marketplace. Group Tour operators love to come to Starved Rock for Mystery Tours because the lodge and park are surrounded by flatlands and cornfields, making the unique geology quite a surprise to those unfamiliar with this part of the state. Step-on guides are always available for larger groups, but there is nothing better than to break into smaller groups for a trolley tour. For more information, visit the Lodge’s Web site at starvedrocklodge.com or phone (815) 220-7386.



hopping trips are always a favorite

activity for groups on a bus trip. Whether it is a quick stop or an all day

mission to find the best bargains around, shoppers delight in finding that perfect item or even just looking and making that wish list. The added fun of shopping on the road is getting to see all the new and different stores and merchandise that are not available back home.

Warm Glow Candle Company Centerville, Indiana The Warm Glow Candle Company began in 1994 in the basement of Alan and Jackie Carberry’s home in Richmond, Indiana. Their goal was to create their vision of the perfect candle, one that would be highly fragrant, long lasting, clean burning and cost effective. In 2000, the company purchased Sweet Liberty Candle Company originally founded

Warm Glow Candle Company

in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The quality and primitive look of these candles appealed to the public and to Jackie and Alan. The pairing and ultimate blending of these two com-

See What is in Store

panies was a positive step in the growth of business. Warm Glow has kept the original

the bath and body section. They have a little

Store and offers fun garden items and home

ideas of the Sweet Liberty Company and

something for everyone. Nestled in the store

decor. They offer a great selection of fairy

incorporated new and enhanced scents to

is the Stone Hearth Cafe, where you can get

gardens and fairy garden accessories.

the expanding product line. In addition Warm

a quick lunch, snack or homemade pie.

Glow continuously tests and develops new

They also introduced The Watering Can

fragrances and products to fulfill growing

in 2013. It sits right next to the Warm Glow

customer requests. With the tremendous growth of business and popularity of Warm Glow candles, the company expanded production. The Warm

Warm Glow Candle Company

At Warm Glow they are committed to quality and customer service the old-fashioned-made-in-the-USA-way. Each Warm Glow Candle is created by hand with meticulous care by production staff, giving the product a personal touch. Located off Interstate 70 at exit 145, they

Glow factory is now housed in an 80,000-

are open seven days a week 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.,

square-foot facility with the capability of hand

closed Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas

producing up to 15,000 candles per day. Other

Day. They are handicap accessible and can

products such as diffusers, atomizer oils, pot-

accomodate bus parking. Bus tours can pull

pourri and electric candles are also produced.

right up to the front door to load and unload.

There are more than 2,000 retailers all over the U.S, Canada, England and Japan that carry Warm Glow products.

They are also known to have the best restrooms on I-70. They do not offer tours of the factory but

The Warm Glow Candle Company Store

welcome bus groups to come shop and

is more than just candles. They offer a wide

browse the wonderful merchandise in their

variety of Wine and Beer brewed in the great

store. Advance notice for large groups is

state of Indiana. They also carry a fabulous

appreciated. Phone (765) 855-2000. For more

selection of homemade truffles and fudge.

information visit warmglow.com.

Do not forget the jewelry and accessories or Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 11

Guide: Shopping The Outlets at Tejon Ranch

rent season fashions and home goods are an

best with them or purchase special articles

Tejon Ranch, California

average of 65 percent off retail every day.

while they are away, many of the items

For more information visit tejonout-

received by UBC are of high quality and in

The Outlets at Tejon Ranch, slated to open in the middle of 2014, is set to become one of

lets.com or e-mail info@tejonoutlets.com.

California’s most exciting retail outlet destina-

excellent condition." Unclaimed Baggage Center offers a num-

tions, offering upscale fashion and home good

Unclaimed Baggage Center

ber of services to complete the shopping

brands at incredible everyday savings. Located

Scottsboro, Alabama

experience at the store including personal

at the junction of State Highway 99 and Inter-

Do you ever wonder what happens to all

shoppers, trip planning services, pet accom-

state 5, between Los Angeles and Bakersfield,

the thousands unclaimed pieces of luggage

modation recommendations and shipping.

this vibrant outlet center is on the main route

left behind by air travelers? Well, many of

For a full list of services and events visit:

from Los Angeles to the Sequoia and Yosemite

their items end up for sale at the Unclaimed


National Parks, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe and

Baggage Center in Scottsboro, Alabama at


other destinations in northern California and

greatly discounted prices.

UBC purchases unclaimed baggage from

the Pacific Northwest. From San Francisco, The

With U.S. domestic travelers citing shop-

airlines only after an extensive and exhaustive

Outlets at Tejon Ranch is on the direct route to

ping as their second most popular leisure

90-day search for their owners has been con-

Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm

activity during travel, Unclaimed Baggage

ducted and then provides a second life to items

Springs, Death Valley and San Diego.

Center (UBC) is a common-sense destina-

through its 40,000-square-feet retail store. UBC

tion for summer travelers.

sorts, cleans, refurbishes and prices more than

Individual travelers and those who are part of an organized group will enjoy a world-

UBC is a 40,000-square-foot store located

a million unclaimed items each year.

class outlet shopping experience with more

in Scottsboro, Alabama that sells items from

For more information about UBC,

than 70 brand-name stores featuring pre-

lost luggage from the airlines and other forms

visit unclaimedbaggage.com or follow the

mium and luxury fashion items, accessories

of travel. The store stocks more than 7,000

store on Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest or Twitter.

and home goods. They will find themselves

items daily and offers something for every-

surrounded by designer labels and captivated

one: treasure hunt and thrifty shopping, cloth-

by the center’s California Mission Ranch

ing, electronics, home furnishings, books, jew-

design and upscale amenities – a testament

elry, trinkets and other unique items.

to the rich legacy of historic Tejon Ranch, a true California landmark.

"Whether the store is your ultimate destination or simply a pit stop on your way, UBC

Tour bus groups will feel right at home at

travelers will be able to check the shopping

The Outlets at Tejon Ranch. The center fea-

portion of their trip off their list in one stop,"

tures convenient bus parking, ample and lux-

said Brenda Cantrell, brand ambassador for

urious restroom facilities, friendly guest

Unclaimed Baggage Center.

services with an integrated food court and

For tour guests who might not need as

nearby sit-down restaurants. It also offers spe-

much shopping time, the store also offers

cial incentives, discounted offers and activi-

other activities. There are events weekly on

ties from select retailers, as well as driver and

Saturdays in the new Children's store, a café

group leader privileges. Group meal packages

and a museum featuring artifacts and other

are also available. There is ample lodging adja-

unique finds. Visitors can also participate in

cent to The Outlets at Tejon Ranch, and Bak-

the UBC Baggage Experience, an interactive

ersfield is a short 20-30 minutes away.

The Museum of Bus Transportation has the largest collection of historical buses displayed under one roof in the United States.

Museum of Bus Transportation

161 Museum Drive (Route 39) Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033 Phone: (717) 566-7100 Ext. 119 www.busmuseum.org thebusmuseum@yahoo.com

event that happens every day at the store. A

Less than two hours north of Los Angeles

visitor is selected to help unpack a piece of

International Airport, The Outlets at Tejon

luggage, viewing the contents of a bag that

Ranch is the perfect stop for groups who are

UBC has received and choosing whether the

either beginning or ending their tour of Cali-

item will be donated, thrown out or sorted,

fornia and the West. They will experience a slice

cleaned and priced for the retail store.

of California history while enjoying substantial

"Each experience at UBC is unique with

savings at California’s newest fashion land-

shoppers never knowing what they may find,"

mark – The Outlets at Tejon Ranch – where cur-

said Cantrell. "Since most travelers take their

12 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

There is more in Hershey than Chocolate

• Group Rates • Gift Shop • Luncheons • Meetings • Banquets Check #452 on Reader Service Card


Check #340 on Reader Service Card

Harriet’s Restaurant

Seating for 250 Breakfast Buffet $8.00 / plus Tax ax & Tip $10.00 Boxed Lunches with FREE Local Delivery Delivery $9.00 “New� Studentt Lunch Buffet $9.60 / plus Tax ax & Tip $12.00 Group Dinner Buffets $15.20 / plus Tax ax & Tip $19.00 per person

Washington, DC 1 Close to: 1 Ford’s Theatre 1 Complimentary 1 Convention Center Meal Me Meals als ls fo for or Al All lll 1 F.B.I. Coac Co Coach ach ch Operators Ope Op per era rat ato tor or rs 1 and Guides 1 Old Post Office 1 White House 1 1 Private room for 40 people 1 eceptions, Meetings, Portable Stages, 1 RWireless Mics, WiFi 1 Legal Curb Cut for Drop Off and 1 Picking Up Passengers Open 6:30 AM - 11:00 PM 1 432 11th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 1 www.harrietsfamilyrestaurant.com FOR RESERVATIONS Call or email John 1 202-255-2707 johnwilliamboyle@aol.com 1

Check #945 on Reader Service Card


Ĺž Ĺž E C N 3I Ĺž G N WI O 'L


&203$1< &$1'/(



Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 13

Welcome to Red R

Photo courtesy of Greater Phoenix CVB

Rock Country, Arizona From the very first glimpse of the glorious

door enthusiasts. Oak Creek Canyon, a

drop for many films shot on location in

Sedona red rock landscape, visitors feel the

spectacular 16-mile gorge with streams

the early 1920s. Since then, Hollywood

majesty and mystery of a place sacred to

and waterfalls between sheer rock walls,

has made the area its back lot, bringing

its earliest prehistoric settlers. It has been

beckons nature lovers. It has been termed

the film stars of each era.

said, "God created the Grand Canyon but

by Rand McNally as one of the eight most

He lives in Sedona." It is awesome yet it

scenic drives in America.

invites personal exploration. Welcome to

As an art community, Sedona has found recognition worldwide. Surreal-

Millions of travelers visit Sedona every

ist painter and sculptor Max Ernst first

year, rivaling the Grand Canyon, just two

settled here in 1950 and attracted other

Above plains and canyons soar bril-

hours north, as a world-class destination.

artists and writers of his time. In 1965,

liantly hued cliffs and rugged spires of

Yet the influx does not disturb the small-

the Cowboy Artists of America was

sandstone sculpted by eons of ocean tides

town ambiance that is part of Sedona's

founded by a group of western painters

and desert winds. It is a 25-square-mile

charm. Shopping plazas, gift boutiques,

as comfortable on the range as with

enclave surrounded by vast stretches of

galleries and restaurants abound. Tlaque-

oils. In the spirit of Frederic Reming-

national and state forestlands that make

paque – an Indian name meaning "the best

ton, the group has created a significant

Sedona seem like a world apart.

of everything" – is modeled after a Mexican

genre of modern art.

Sedona, Arizona – let it inspire you.

Located two hours north of Phoenix and

village, made up of quaint courtyards sur-

Where artists flourish, so do galleries.

30 miles south of the Flagstaff peaks,

rounded by specialty shops, galleries and

Sedona boasts more than 80 showcases

Sedona's mild four-season climate and


for contemporary arts and crafts, as well

high desert terrain assure good year-

First popularized by Zane Grey's Call of

as Native American arts. The cultural

round weather for vacationers and out-

the Canyon, Sedona became the back-

calendar is filled with gallery openings,

Check #577 on Reader Service Card

Rugged Colorado

Help your travelers experience the wild and natural West in South Park National Heritage Area and its gateway communities. Let us custom design experiences that fit your group, whether staying on a working ranch, visiting an old mining town, learning to pan for gold, meeting artists at work, enjoying stories of local outlaws and heros, or being able to pet a wolf – and many more options. Linda Balough (719) 836-4298 lbalough@parkco.us www.southparkheritage.org

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 15

Special: Red Rock Country art and music events, as well as local

When the day wanes and the tours, hik-

Scottsdale, Phoenix, the Grand Canyon,

ing and shopping have taken their toll,

Flagstaff and several state parks are all

New Age settlers and spiritual seekers

visitors turn their attention to the mag-

within a short driving distance.

have found Sedona a very desirable loca-

nificent sunsets. It is easy to understand

theater productions.

If you would like assistance and infor-

tion for healing and emotional rejuvena-

why the Anasazi Indians chose to settle

mation in planning a Sedona adventure, a

tion. In the mid-1970s they proclaimed

here centuries ago, and why Carl and

great place for information is the Sedona

their discovery of four major electro-

Sedona Schnebly, for whom the city was

Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center. You

magnetic energy sources called vortexes.

named, made the same decision in 1902.

can phone them at (800) 288-7336 or just

Today a community of alternative heal-

Sedona’s close proximity makes it an

stop by. They are located at 331 Forest Road

ing practitioners provide a varied sched-

ideal hub and spoke base or an excellent

ule of workshops and events.

place to explore while passing through.

Check #503 on Reader Service Card

and Highway 89A in Uptown Sedona. If you are looking for a step-on receptive tour guide, contact Laura Vandergrift’s Sedona Tours and Guide Service. She has extensive experience as a Sedona guide and works with group tour operators and motorcoach companies. Find out more online at sedona-tour-guide.com or phone (928) 554-4072. For information about attractions, activities, lodging, dining and events

Glass F Factory actory T Tours ours

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in Sedona and Red Rock Country

Monday – F Friday riday 8 am – 9:30 am and 1 10:45 0:45 am – 2 pm

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with some itinerary ideas, go to

Showroom Showroom Monday – Friday Friday 8 am – 5 pm

16 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

9279 Cadiz Road, Cambridge, Ohio 43725 mosserglass.com

Check #380 on Reader Service Card



North America’s North America’s

HEARTLAND Travel Showcase tion a m r call nfo i , r r e t l Fo egis r emai r o t 2o g. 8 and 6 l.or 4 . e 6 v ra .89 hiot 800 o my@ jere

FEBRUARY 20-22, 2015 Hyatt Regency, Chicago Check #465 on Reader Service Card

Heartland Travel Showcase is one of the nation’s largest regional meeting spots for tour operators and tourism suppliers. Its compact format means you’ll do business with far less time out of the office than most shows. And, its regional location is close to home for many tourism suppliers whom you may not see elsewhere. Join us for a powerful few days of booking travel in the heart of America!


Escape to The Southeast For extra special trips, come visit for one of their big festivals: Caboose Days in April, Locomotive Celebration in June, or Trains, Trucks and Tractors in August. Join them for truly unique holiday experiences, such as The Polar Express Experience, where the beloved holiday film comes to life aboard a real railroad car. There are special events happening year-round, so check their Web site at SoutheasternRailwayMuseum.org to see what is happening when you will be in town. There are friendly, knowledgeable docents, informative train crews, a wellstocked gift shop and even spots to sit for a quiet box lunch. They can arrange for food or suggest caterers on request. Buses are welcome and easily accommodated, and group pricing and tours are available in advance. Trains operate on scheduled days (see Web site for schedule) or by previous arrangement, and special trains can be reserved for your group. Add the Southeastern Railway Museum to your next Georgia itinerary. You – and your guests – will be glad you did. Phone (770) 476-2013 for more information.

Cabarrus County, North Carolina Get your group behind the scenes and

Evening Crescent

behind the wheel in Cabarrus County, North Carolina – “Where Racing Lives.” Tour top

Southeastern Railway Museum

sit in locomotive cabs, even ride a restored

NASCAR team headquarters and legendary

Duluth, Georgia

caboose (or heated passenger car in win-

Charlotte Motor Speedway, then drive or ride

ter) behind a vintage engine. The miniature

in a real stock car. Stretch your legs at Con-

side trip in the Atlanta area? Your group

park train thrilled young and old alike half

cord Mills, the largest shopping and enter-

will rave about their trip with you to the

a century ago at the Birmingham Zoo – just

tainment destination in the Carolinas. Con-

Looking for a memorable destination or

Southeastern Railway Museum. Conve-

like it does at the museum today. Warren

tact Carrie Hendrickson, Leisure Sales

niently located in suburban Duluth, Geor-

Harding’s Presidential railcar, the Superb,

manager at (704) 456-7969 or Carrie@Visit-

gia, the museum offers nearly 90 railroad

is here for visitors to see and board. It is the


cars and locomotives, plus historic buses,

century-old equivalent of today’s Air Force

cabs, firefighting equipment and much,

1, and the only passenger car left in exis-

much more.

History Museum of Mobile

tence to have carried a president’s body

The History Museum of Mobile is dedi-

Your group has never experienced any-

back to Washington to lie in state. The

cated to illuminating the history of the region

thing like this. They will be able to climb

restored 1871 passenger depot is a trip in

in new, interesting and accessible ways

aboard historic passenger and service cars,

time all by itself.

through entertaining exhibits and enlight-

18 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

Check #410 on Reader Service Card

Check #485 on Reader Service Card


From art to ar architec chitecture, gardens to gift


there’s something for for everyone to enjoy at Longue Vue Vue. %DPERR 5RDG ‡ 1HZ 2UOHDQV ‡

www.longue www .longuevue.com Check #635 on Reader Service Card

Southeastern Railway Museum Official cial Transportation History Museum Georgia’s Offi

Take a ride into history! • Train rides & miniature train rides • Dozens of rail and road vehicles • Buses welcome • Group pricing and tours available 3595 Buford Highway Highway, Duluth Duluth, Georgia SoutheasternRailwayMuseum.org | 770-476-2013

Check #575 on Reader Service Card

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 19

Escape to The Southeast ening public programs. As the oldest cultural institution in the city,

tory of Mobile’s volunteer fire companies at the Phoenix Fire Museum.

the History Museum is committed to maintaining downtown Mobile’s

View historymuseumofmobile.com for more information.

family-friendly environment through a variety of special events for all ages. The History Museum also manages two free downtown attractions. Explore Mobile’s colonial roots at the Site of Historic Fort Condé, a scaled replica of the original French fort. Earlier this year, Huffington Post listed Fort Condé as one of Mobile’s top free attractions. Just around the corner, learn about the unique and colorful his-

Phoenix Fire Museum

Longue Vue House and Garden Longue Vue House and Gardens Longue Vue House and Gardens is a multifaceted historic estate in New Orleans, featuring a world-class house museum and eight acres of stunning gardens that include an interactive Discovery Garden for children. It is open seven days a week. Visit online at longuevue.com for more information. Check #487 on Reader Service Card

Daily BAT FACTORY TOURS and so much more!


8 0 0 W E S T M A I N S T R E E T / L O U I S V I L L E , K Y 4 0 2 0 2 / 8 7 7. 7 7 5 . 8 4 4 3 /

20 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014


Check #468 on Reader Service Card


Check #485 on Reader Service Card


From moths to butterflies, lizards to turtles,

for everyone to enjoy at Longue Vue Vue. there’s something for %DPERR 5RDG ‡ 1HZ 2UOHDQV ‡

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Check #145 on Reader Service Card


70 OFF %



Check #494 on Reader Service Card

'()*+,& &'







120 Second Ave. North

2812 Opryland Drive Drive | (615) 458-3900 | GeneralJackson.com

ce Experien

ou Fam n Wohrold o lo a S The W rse ild

* , #.% / 0 0 1

Check #583 on Reader Service Card





Located Downtown Nashville, TN

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 21

Escape to The Southeast Country Music Hall of Fame

bled in size, making Nashville’s cultural

General Jackson Showboat

The Country Music Hall of Fame and

treasure an even greater destination.

Nashville, Tennessee

Museum is the definitive home of Amer-

Also, do not miss their other historic

At 300 feet long, the General Jackson Show-

ica’s music, safeguarding 2.2 million

properties, RCA Studio B and Hatch

boat is one of Gaylord Opryland Resort’s most

priceless artifacts, including hundreds

Show Print. One-of-a-kind group expe-

visible and popular attractions. Offering year-

of thousands of recordings and pho-

riences are available. Visit CountryMu-

round cruises that include first-class enter-

tographs, numerous stage costumes,

sicHallofFame.org to plan your trip

tainment, delicious meals and views of

musical instruments, and more.


Nashville not found anywhere else, thousands

Recently, the Museum more than dou-

of visitors make the General Jackson a part of their Music City experience each year. “The General Jackson Showboat has a proud heritage here in Nashville. From the moment our guests board the boat, they are treated to a one-of-a-kind experience, which starts with our well-known Southern hospitality,” said Ron Kerere, general manager of Gaylord Opryland Attractions. “Guests get to see the sights and sounds of the city as the boat travels the Cumberland River, all while enjoying Tennessee’s temperate climate. With excellent music and wonderful food, the General Jackson is where memories are

Monroe Gibson Mandolin


Check #337 on Reader Service Card



No one told a story quite like Johnny Cash, and that legacy continues in this one-of-a-kind program at the Country Music Hall of Fame® and Museum. Enjoy a private performance and discussion with Johnny and June’s only child, John Carter Cash. Through touching stories and familiar songs, John Carter retells the story of his father’s legendary career and reflects upon what it was like growing up in this iconic music family.


222 5th A ve. South • Nashville, TN • 800.852.6437 CountryMusicHallofFame.org allofFame.org • @countrymusichof

22 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

Escape to The Southeast Named after President Andrew Jackson, whose historic home, the

For more information about bringing your group to the Gen-

Hermitage, is only 10 minutes from the dock, the General Jackson has a

eral Jackson Showboat, visit generaljackson.com or phone (615)

rich history in its 27-year existence. With four massive decks that allow


for outside or inside experiences, the boat hosts not only show cruises

HistoryMiami City Tours

but is also a highly sought-after venue for group events. Additionally, special event cruises for Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, Tennessee Titans

Savor the rich cultural heritage of Miami with a unique, customized

football games, Halloween and even New Year’s Eve make the General

city tour. For more than 20 years, HistoryMiami, a Smithsonian Insti-

Jackson a popular choice for people looking for a safe, memorable time.

tution affiliate, has offered historic and cultural city tours of South

Experiences aboard the General Jackson include delicious meals,

Florida exploring the vibrant neighborhoods of Little Havana, Wyn-

prepared by Gaylord Opryland Resort’s award-winning chefs. Mid-

wood Art District, South Beach and more. Private tours are available

day and evening cruises feature a delectable Southern buffet. Whether

as walking, bike, boat or coach tours. For more information view

dining al fresco on the outer decks or inside the beautiful Victorian



Theater, guests will no doubt remember their dining experiences. The General Jackson Showboat, built by Jeffersonville, Indiana-based Jeffboat, was launched April 20, 1985 and was christened July 2, 1985. The boat can hold 1,200 passengers and 157 crew members. The paddlewheel riverboat stands 77 feet tall, making it one of the country’s largest showboats. The paddlewheel itself is 36 feet long, 24 feet wide and weighs 36 tons. Two Caterpillar 3512 engines, each with 1050 horsepower and 880 kilowatt generators, are responsible for powering the boat, which has a maximum speed of 13 miles per hour. Most recently, the General Jackson, with its beautiful surroundings and one-of-a-kind experiences, was named “Best Place to Kiss” a distinction from the Tennessean. Check #435 on Reader Service Card

Experience 15,000 Years Y ears off Histor History! ryy! b 23,000 square feet to explore b Meeting and event rentals

b Family and group rates b Open 10am - 5pm daily

www.columbiagorge.org 990 SW Rock Creek Dr. Stevenson, WA WA

HistoryMiami Check #892 on Reader Service Card




SPONSORED BY The City of Stevenson and Skamania County Chamber of Commerce

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 23

Mall of America

Entertainment Extraordinaire et us face it – we all love to have fun

covered. Bloomington is home to the shop-

valley maps. Its 14,000 acres of protected

and be entertained. Whether your idea

ping mecca, Mall of America, adjacent to

habitat make it the nation’s largest national

of fun is seeing a show, listening to

the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Air-

wildlife refuge located within a major met-

live music, dancing, looking at a beautiful

port and minutes from downtown Min-

ropolitan area. Stroll along the winding

art, strolling an exquisite garden or hitting

neapolis and St. Paul.

paths, cross-country ski, bike, hike, watch


the mall, entertainment can be found every-

Experience performing and visual arts at

migrating birds or just relax on one of the

where. The options and choices are limited

Bloomington Center for the Arts with two the-

many benches in the area and enjoy the

only to the imagination. A savvy planner may

aters, two art galleries and the Rose Schnei-

pristine wilderness. For an exhilarating

just want to put several entertainment activ-

der gift shop featuring items created by

afternoon outside, take the Hillside Trail,

ities into the schedule every day.

regional artists. On Saturdays during the sum-

located just east of the Welcome Center,

mer and fall, Bloomington Civic Plaza is home

linking to 15-plus miles of trails that wind

to the Farmers Market with fresh produce,

around Long Meadow Lake to river flats and

breads, nuts, cut flowers, live music and more.

even across the river in Bloomington, where

Bloomington, Minnesota Alive with energy and rich in diversity, Bloomington, Minnesota is a dynamic mix

Bloomington’s most surprising attrac-

of first-class attractions, vibrant restaurants

tion is the hiking and nature trails of the

visitors can get prime wildlife viewing. Bloomington’s hidden gem is Norman-

and group-friendly hotels. Whether you are

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge.

dale Community College's Japanese Gar-

interested in an exhilarating walk in a

Visitors should stop into the newly remod-

den. A two-acre oasis on the college cam-

wildlife refuge or an energizing day filled

eled Welcome Center with static displays,

pus, this garden is filled with beauty and

with attraction hopping, they have got you

a large window for bird watching and river

serenity and the ideal place for contem-

24 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

Feature: Entertainment plation and renewal of the spirit. The gar-

mation and directions on dropping off a

ater while their new space along Wyatt Earp

den is open year-round at no charge. Visi-

motorcoach group and where to park.

Boulevard was converted into a theater.

tors will find lanterns, a waterfall and koi

The Homestead Theater, located at 201

in the pond – elements that are all common

Depot Theater Company

to a Japanese garden. A self-guided tour

Dodge City, Kansas

Boot Hill Repertory Company until 2004 when

brochure is available inside the square shel-

by Mark Vierthaler

the company officially opened the Depot The-

E. Wyatt Earp Boulevard. then housed the

ter located in the garden. If you are not able

More than 30 years ago, a ragtag group of

ater, located in the historic Santa Fe train

to visit the garden, the online tour describes

performers from the Boot Hill Museum’s Long

depot. The company christened its state-of-

the landscaping and architectural features

Branch Variety Show decided it was finally time

the-art theater with the Stephen Sondheim

at normandale.edu/japanesegarden.

to do something with all the talent in the Dodge

show Anyone Can Whistle, and the company

Visit the Bloomington Convention and

City area. While the cast members of the vari-

officially changed its name to the Depot The-

Visitors Bureau’s Web site at blooming-

ety show acknowledged the quality and enter-

ater Company.

tonmn.org for detailed Twin Cities itineraries.

tainment level of the variety show, they began to realize that much more could be done.

Apollo Theater

In the past three decades the company has produced 120 “main stage” productions,

In 1983, these cast mates formed a loose

along with countless smaller productions

alliance and took advantage of the vacant

including cabarets, event hosting and side-

Perhaps one of the most iconic enter-

Old House Saloon located on the east end of

track productions.

tainment venues in the world, the Apollo

the Boot Hill Museum complex. For the first

“It’s been so exciting to watch us grow as

Theater has been the premiere stage for black

few productions, there was no official struc-

a theater community,” said Director of Oper-

entertainers since its opening in 1934. At a

ture. Shortly thereafter, however, as the pop-

ations Connie Penick. “We have some out-

time when African-Americans were not usu-

ularity of the shows outside the Variety Show

standing talent here in Dodge City.”

ally allowed to attend theaters as patrons or

began to grow, the Boot Hill Repertory Com-

perform on their stages, the Apollo was first

pany began.

New York City, New York

Yet, behind all the numbers, Penick stresses that the real story of the theater lies

opened in the Harlem neighborhood and has

The company offered up show after show

changed ownership hands and entertain-

in the tiny cracker box of a theater on the

and those who continue to put their time and

ment styles many times in the decades from

museum campus for 13 years, before they

energy into its continued success.

the 1930s to the 1990s. Today it stands as a

shuttered the doors in 1996. The company

place where legends play, legends are born

then spent some time producing shows at

munity theater with professional shows,”

and legends are remembered.

the Dodge City Community College Little The-

Penick said.

in the people who helped found the company

“We always like to say that we’re a com-

A favorite event is their famous amateur night where rising stars – singers, dancers,

Apollo Theater

comedians, musicians, rappers, actors and entertainers of all types take the stage in hopes of being discovered as the next big thing. Legendary performers like Michael Jackson, Billie Holliday and Tony Bennett have graced the stage; however, many up and coming talents are regularly booked and perform their hearts out every week at the Apollo. Music, dance, family events and entertainment genres of all kinds are on the schedule which can be found at apollotheatre.org. The Apollo also offers special programs which include historic tours, music cafes, festivals, archive projects and more. Groups of 10 or more can get more information and order tickets by phoning (212) 531-5355. The box office can give you inforBus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 25

Feature: Entertainment No one who acts in the Depot’s shows is a professional actor, but rather they are volunteers from across the western Kansas area. They

Old Pasadena

all have day jobs, and then spend their extra time at the theater, investing thousands of hours to make each production happen. Penick sat down this past year and put together the average amount of volunteer hours it takes to make a show work at the theater. Between actors, directors, set builders, set designers, set painters and dressers, tech crew, and guild and kitchen volunteers, the average show takes 2,100 hours before the curtain even rises on opening night. For more information, phone the Depot Theater (620) 225-1001 or visit depottheaterco.com.

Pasadena, California When it comes to art collections, Pasadena’s museums are among the country’s most distinguished. The Huntington Library, Art Col-

Fragrance or Liu Fang Yuan, an authentic Chinese garden that reflects traditional Suzhou-style scholar gardens.

lections and Botanical Gardens is regarded as one of the world’s fore-

The $20 million refurbished Huntington Art Gallery houses the

most cultural centers, located on a 207-acre estate of the late rail-

famous Gainsborough painting of “Blue Boy” and Lawrence’s “Pinkie”

road baron Henry Huntington and his wife, Arabella. The treasures of the institution include a Gutenberg Bible, Chaucer’s

as well as other 17th and 18th century masterpieces. In addition to an updated infrastructure, the gallery includes 5,300 additional square

manuscript of the Canterbury Tales, Benjamin Franklin’s handwrit-

feet of public space and new gallery presentations of approximately

ten autobiography and Birds of America, the double-elephant folio

1,200 objects of European art. The Erburu Gallery showcases the insti-

edition by Audubon, and its newest addition The Garden of Flowing

tution’s growing collection of American art. The Virginia Steele Scott

Check #424 on Reader Service Card

and Renaissance paintings of 18th Century French artists are fea-

Gallery specializes in American paintings from the 1730s to the 1930s,

tured in the Arabella Huntington Collection. The Boone Gallery is dedicated to changing exhibitions. The Norton Simon Museum of Art houses art from the Renaissance to Van Gogh, Picasso and Rembrandt. It also showcases the masterpieces of such artists as Raphael, Botticelli, Rubens and Goya, and most particularly the impressionist and Post-impressionist paintings of Renoir, Monet and Degas. An extensive collection of South Asian sculpture and the works of Rodin are also on display. Located in the Grace Nicholson mansion, the Pacific Asia Museum is dedicated to the preservation of art and culture of the Pacific and Asia. With a contemporary Asian arts gallery this museum also has one of only two authentic Chinese gardens in the United States. The Pasadena Museum of History is housed in the Fenyes Mansion and also offers a Finish Folk Art Museum, Research Library and History Center Galleries. The Pasadena Museum of California Art is the only museum in southern California devoted to California’s art, architecture and design from mid-19th century to the present. Founders Bob and Arlene Oltman built a residence and rooftop terrace on the third floor of the museum. The Pasadena CVB can help you find the perfect step-on guide or tour company to help you create a perfect arts and entertainment bus tour of this dynamic city. Home to dozens of group-friendly attractions and activities, you are sure to find the perfect fit for your group. Go to visitpasadena.com for more information. 26 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014


Jacksonville, Illinois

Your choices are numerous and you will be sure to have fun (and

Interested in history and the arts? Then the Jacksonville area is

maybe even learn a few things, too). For more information visit jacksonvilleil.org or phone (217) 243-5678.

the perfect place to spend some time. For the history lovers, the city’s rich heritage includes numerous

Woodlawn Farm


Aerie’s Winery Lodging

sites that help

and Grafton Zipline


Grafton, Illinois


past relevant

Few destinations in the Midwest provide a combination of nat-

to all genera-

ural beauty, small-town charm and a sense of history as rich as the

tions. Come

quaint river town of Grafton, Illinois. Nestled high on the bluff over-

follow in the

looking Grafton and the confluence of the Mississippi and Illinois

footsteps of

rivers, sits Aerie's Winery and Lodging and Grafton Zipline Adven-


tures with the "Best View in the Midwest". Many visitors pass the

L i n c o l n

time relaxing on the

through his-

deck of the winery


taking in the magnifi-


sonville. See the actual places and hear the real stories of Lincoln as


cent scenery.

told by his friends and associates, while Looking For Lincoln in Jack-

For those seeking

sonville. Or, visit one of the many Underground Railroad sites, includ-

more activity, Grafton

ing Woodlawn Farm and also some of the historic homes. Jacksonville

Zipline Adventures is

was one of the many stations along the Underground Railroad and

just a short stroll away

one of the busiest during the mid-1800s. Although most are private

and you can soar

residences, many of the homes used in the Underground Railroad

through the trees like

can still be seen in Jacksonville, including Woodlawn Farm, the show-

an eagle. With nine lines stretching nearly two miles with heights

case homestead of Jacksonville’s extensive Underground Railroad

up to 250 feet, it is an exhilarating experience for all ages, with no

network which you can experience first-hand. Lastly, a trip to Jack-

climbing involved. If ziplining is not on your bucket list, climb aboard

sonville is not complete without a visit to the historic Governor Joseph

the Kahuna Matada for a peaceful mid-day river cruise highlight-

Duncan Mansion, the only governor’s mansion still standing in the

ing the historical and geographical points of interest along the scenic

state (other than Springfield, of course).

byway. Maybe a leisurely stroll and a little shopping is what you had

Would you like to explore your “artsy” side? Come visit the beautiful grand structure of the David Strawn Art Gallery. This gallery features monthly changing art exhibits and permanent collections which

in mind. The Aerie’s shuttle will take you to the downtown Grafton shopping area. At the end of the day guests will enjoy wine tasting, dinner

include displays of Miriam Cowgur Allen doll collections. The Jack-

and cocktails at Aerie’s Winery from a menu that will satisfy

sonville Symphony Society is one of the top orchestras in the state,

anyone's tastes. For the grand finale, Stan Corliss, a prominent

or you could even catch a live theater production with the famous

entertainer will provide hours of musical enjoyment. As the show

Jacksonville Theatre Guild.

comes to a close, the shuttle will safely return everyone to their

No visit in Jacksonville is complete without visiting the newly

home away from home in one of the lodging options consisting

restored downtown. You will find entertainment, dining and shop-

of the quaint cottages, the lodge, the villas or the recently com-

ping all in the heart of this downtown community.

pleted suites. Plan an unforgettable trip to a place that is truly

Could they interest you in touring during the week? Stay with the Hampton Inn Sunday through Thursday and they will offer you a nice cheese and wine reception – on them.

unforgettable. For more information visit aerieswinery.com or phone (618) 786-8439.

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 27

Fresh Planning World Championship Old-time

with their rendi-

Contest 2015 begins on Thursday, May 21,

Piano Playing Contest and Festival

tions of Rag-

2015 with the Tune-Ups at Peoria's famous


Peoria, Illinois


Sky Harbor Steak House, where anyone who

America's longest-running old-time music

tonk, Tin Pan

wants to enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet also

contest and festival takes place in Peoria, Illi-

Alley and other

gets a chance to play the old upright piano in

nois over Memorial Day weekend (May 21-

popular tunes

the dining room. The fun starts late that after-

25, 2015) and the motto is “You'll have the

from the 1890s

noon and continues as long as there is a piano


player wanting to perform.

old-time of your life!”


The World Championship Old-time Piano

1920s. Aspiring

Friday, May 22, there is a luncheon cruise

Playing Contest and Festival began in 1975


on the Spirit of Peoria riverboat with more

amid the resurgence of Ragtime music's pop-

have also won

than a dozen piano players pounding on two

ularity when Hollywood's hit The Sting came

cash and tro-

pianos and a calliope up on the top deck. The

out starring Robert Redford, and it was filled

phies for 20 of those years for their own

cruise continues for two hours with a scenic

with tunes by Scott Joplin. Since then, more

pieces, writing and playing them for an

view along the Illinois River. Following this

than 800 piano players from across the coun-

appreciative audience at the New Rag Con-

event, all remaining music venues are at the

try and around the world have come to com-

test. An award-winning documentary, The

riverside Embassy Suites in East Peoria, Illi-

pete year after year for thousands of dollars

Entertainers, was also filmed about the con-

nois, where both a cooked-to-order break-

in cash prizes. With five days of activities, the

test and has played for film festivals from LA,

fast and a manager's reception in the after-

event continues to be America's premiere

Chicago, St. Louis and New York and is avail-


old-time music event, and you can choose

able in DVD format. However, seeing the

complimentary drinks) are included with your

the things you want to do.

contest and its related activities in person is

room. You do not even have to go outdoors

the best way to enjoy it.

to get to the conference center next door

Players from 39 states and six foreign countries have delighted both young and old




where all the music takes place. Check #566 on Reader Service Card

Come be a part of America’s Best-kept Secret

May 21-25, 2015 in Peoria, Illinois Five days of World-Class Ragtime & Honky-tonk Piano Playing, Competitions, Workshops, New Rag Contest, Sing-along show, $4,000 in Cash Prizes, Silent Movies and Lots of Music.

2014 Champ Ethan Uslan

Thursday, May 21 – Tune-Ups Party at Sky Harbor Steak House – 5 p.m. Friday, May 22 – PianoStravaganza on the Spirit of Peoria Riverboat – 11 a.m. Piano Workshop – 4:30 p.m. – New Rag Contest – 7 p.m. – Duet Contest – 8 p.m. Saturday, May 23 – Competitions All Day – Silent Movie Luncheon – 11:45 P.M. Sing-along Show with the Old-time Orchestry and Two-Piano Entertainment. Sunday, May 24 – Finals Competition 1 p.m. Contest events take place at the Embassy Suites, East Peoria, IL. on the Illinois River. Discounted Group Rates for Rooms, Events & Meals

Memorial Day Weekend 2015 Peoria, Illinois Contest Website: Oldtimepianocontest.org Write: Piano Contest, PO Box 324, Bradley, IL 60915

Phone: 815-922-3827 for Complete Information e-mail: hi_jeanx@yahoo.com 28 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014


Fresh Planning Competitions in Junior and Regular divi-

or by e-mail at hi_jeanx@yahoo.com. He will

sions take place all day Saturday starting at

be happy to provide their direct hotel con-

9 a.m., with contestants as young as eight or

tact for all inquiries about group rooms and

as old as 80. The Junior Champ is crowned

reservations. A driver and guide for each bus

Saturday afternoon and 10 adult competi-

are included as complimentary guests,

tors move on to compete for the champi-

including meal events they want to

onship on Sunday afternoon. Crammed into

attend. Discounted group rates will apply for

the weekend: two music workshops, a silent

the contest competitions, activities and meals

movie luncheon with live piano players, din-

versus posted rates. The contest's Web site

ner with a World Champion Old-time Piano

is oldtimepianocontest.org.

Check #622 on Reader Service Card


Player, a sing-along show Saturday night and even entertainment on Monday morning, as

Check #425 on Reader Service Card

they send folks home following their musical breakfast. After singing all the service songs, there is an attire competition with a cash prize. You can opt in for the whole five days or as many days and events as you want, with or without meals and tailored to other points of interest in the area you might want to include en route or going home. Just ask; they have a list. The contest's contact is Ted Lemen who can be reached by phone at (815) 922-3827

World’s top city Garden

!" !# "

By National Geographic

www.vancouverchinesegarden.com Check #522 on Reader Service Card

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 29

THE CURIOUS TOUR PLANNER Number 3 of a Series “The Curious Tour Planner” is a question and answer column that provides simple answers to simple questions involving bus and group tours. It is patterned after a very successful similar column in our sister publication, National Bus Trader, that has run for about 20 years with more than 200 installments. We will accept reasonably simple technical or operating historical questions on bus and group tours and their operations by letter, fax, e-mail or telephone. Unless otherwise indicated, the simpler questions will be answered by our editor, Larry Plachno, who has owned buses and planned tours for more than 50 years. If our staff is unable to answer them, we will call upon our panel of experts. Names and addresses should be submitted with your questions, but we will withhold names from publication on request. We reserve the right to modify questions to make them more useful to our readers. Q. We are thinking about running tours into some of the Midwest and Northeastern states and wonder whether there is some easy way to pay tolls on the various turnpikes and bridges. –– Bus and Tour Operator A. At least 25 agencies in 14 states in the Northeast states make up the E-Z Pass Interagency Group. These states include: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. They accept each others’ highway pass transponders on most toll roads and some bridge tolls. Not all are called E-Z Pass. For example, Virginia, Maine and Maryland use the names SmarTag, TransPass and M-Tag. The Illinois equivalent is called an I-Pass. Each state has their own purchase price and some have a monthly maintenance fee. In most cases, the E-Z Pass works like a debit card and a bank balance. Typically, you have an account for your E-Z pass with the issuing state that is debited each time you pay a toll using your transponder. When your account reaches a certain point, funds are replenished using your credit card account. 30 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

We have an I-Pass on our coach that is accepted and has been used on turnpikes in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Q. I am putting together a small tour that will roll through Orlando about lunch time. Is there some place I can stop with a small group for two or three hours without going to a major amusement park? –– Reader in Tennessee A. I have been in the same situation several times. The place I like to use for a short stop is Downtown Disney. From Orlando take Interstate 4 to Exit 68. Then turn right on FL-535 and a quick left to Hotel Plaza Boulevard. Drive past the hotels and turn left on Buena Vista Drive. Downtown Disney will be on your right shortly after this turn. There is no admission charge and I have never been charged for parking. In a relatively small area you have a huge Disney souvenir shop, Lego Center and several different restaurants including the Rain Forest Cafe and T-Rex Cafe. There once was a McDonalds, but it is no longer there. If you want to walk or take a boat, you can even go to nearby Pleasure Island or the West Side area. Q. We are planning a tour in and around the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Do you know of any knowledgeable step-on guide for the Twin Cities and the northern Mississippi area? –– Midwest Tour Planner A. There is one knowledgeable person I would recommend. Her name is Mary Gilroy and you can phone her at (612) 331-1168. Q. It is true that there are more younger people on tours these days and how can I develop more business in this area? –– Several Readers A. While many people have the notion that it is senior citizens who ride bus and group tours, there are several recent reports indicating that the average age of passengers on tours has been getting younger in recent years.

To begin with, the reports suggest that the number of student tours is increasing. Most of these are planned through the schools but the actual planning and arrangement may be done by others. For example, a bus operation not far from us does a fair amount of business running student tours to Washington, D.C. As a tour planner, you could easily contact your local schools to see if you could provide their tours. In addition, there has been an increase in independent student tours, frequently following graduation. Some of these groups are smaller in size and their planned trip may be international in nature. You most likely could advertise your services for this type of trip if you were interested in this business. Some tour planners are reporting an increase in younger couples without children joining tours. To some extent this is tied in with the availability of WiFi and 110-volt outlets that has helped increase patronage on express scheduled passenger service like Megabus. These people are more willing to join a tour because they can now stay in touch with their offices by laptop or iPad even while vacationing. I would suspect that if you announced that a tour coach will have WiFi and 110-volt outlets, you might sell more seats on your tours. Finally, the one place I have not seen an increase in youngsters is on conventional tours with adults. I have heard of family tours and grandparent-grandchild tours but none have reported overwhelming success to me. I would like to hear otherwise if you have had some success in this area. Q. Did I hear that you people at Bus Tours Magazine were looking for a partner? –– Long Time Reader A. Yes, we are looking for someone who would like to get involved in the business end of the business so we can get more involved and expand in other areas. If you know of someone who might be interested, please point them in our direction. Answers not credited to other individuals are provided by Larry Plachno, editor. q

20 Tips For Bus Tour Planners by: Dr. Charleen Jaeb

20 Tips for Celebrity Trips

ley’s boyhood home, his celebrity home with

in advance is not too early to reserve your

Priscilla, his museum and his grave.

trip. Bus and tour companies should high-

Have you noticed the growing number of

A 2014 catalog from Anderson Coach and

light the celebrity’s name in their catalogs

bus trips that focus on the professional and

Travel contained more than 100 detailed

and notify group leaders who requested

personal lives of celebrities? Inquiring minds

descriptions of tours, half of which had a

early information. Bus tour planners should

want to know. It began with tabloids like the

celebrity connection. For example, the “Honky

notify their group and customers in person,

National Enquirer then magazines like Peo-

Tonk Heroes” tour to Clarksville, Tennessee

by e-mails, phone calls, newsletters,

ple that focused on private lives of celebri-

included An Intimate Evening with Lee Green-

posters, etc.

ties, followed by reality TV shows like Keep-

wood concert, Loretta Lynn in concert, then

ing Up with the Kardashians and Celebrity Wife

visiting Loretta’s ranch.

2. Think Locally. They are ideal for oneday tours that can be taken by motorcoach or

Swap, then social media like Facebook and

For people delighted by past ideas, inno-

mini bus. The majority of celebrity categories

Twitter. Today many bus and travel compa-

vations, discovery and achievements of Amer-

listed below can be chosen. Two of my most

nies are finding it profitable to follow the

icans, the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield

successful were dinner shows in restaurants,


Village, a large indoor and outdoor history

casinos or on ships where famous entertain-

museum complex in Dearborn, Michigan, are

ers performed and secondly visiting well-

welcoming bus trips draws travelers who want

the best places I have visited where you can

known business owners and touring their

to meet them, see them perform, or see how

see and learn so much in a day. The property

business. Day trips are popular with students,

and where they live and discover their secrets.

houses a vast array of famous homes, rare

people with budget or time constraints or who

A well-known person accompanying or

Even the homes, monuments and museums

exhibits including John Kennedy’s presiden-

prefer not to drive by themselves or be away

of deceased celebrities are favorite bus tour

tial limousine, Thomas Edison’s laboratory,

from home overnight.


the Wright Brother’s bicycle shop, Abraham

3. Visit Inventors’ Homes, Museums and

Lincoln’s chair from Ford’s Theatre and the

Historic Sites. Famous inventors intrigue us

Rosa Parks bus.

all. American inventors that have multiple

Barbara Walters, recently retired trailblazer for women in journalism, became a star when she opted to switch from standard news

What celebrities would interest you and

sites you can visit include Thomas Alva Edi-

reporting to concentrating on interviewing

your customers? How do you find and

son, Alexander Graham Bell, Orville and

approach them? Most celebrity tours I have

Wilbur Wright, Benjamin Franklin and George

One of my first big bus trips many years

taken have been fun, educational and mem-

Washington Carver.

ago was to Mexico. Why? It was escorted by

orable. Here are 20 tips that might persuade

one of our favorite TV personalities, Jim

you to consider adding celebrities to your

Governors, Congressmen and the President.

Doney, who hosted the Adventure Road. Last


One successful group leader who worked for


4. Visit Government Officials – Mayors,

summer we chose the “Southern Sights,

1. Plan, Prepare and Promote Early. Cer-

her city arranged surprise visits to her group’s

Southern Nights” Lakefront Lines bus trip

tain celebrities, such as Irish singer Daniel

legislators on her Washington trips. Most are

mainly because it included stops at Elvis Pres-

O’Donnell, fill their performances almost as

set up in advance by the bus tour planner.

soon as they are announced. A year or two Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 31

20 Tips Sometimes you can be at the right place at

welcome a busload of people and guaran-

olina, San Francisco Food Tours, New

the right time.

tees them seats. Your suggestions are wel-

Orleans Culinary Tours. You can make it as

5. Ask Professors, Teachers or Experts.


a one-day tour by visiting a famous local

9. Astronaut and Aviator Homes and

chef or a culinary school (often connected

sors who might bring their students along

Museums – Check out collectspace.com/

to vocational high schools and community

and/or be willing to escort it. For exam-

sightings for astronaut encounter sched-


ple, ask an art teacher to visit an art

ules which include the place, date and name

11. Casino Entertainers – The expo-

museum, a theater professor to escort a

of the astronaut(s). A stop at the boyhood

nential growth of casinos in United States

trip to NYC to visit Broadway shows, or

home of John Glenn in Ohio was a trip down

necessitates them to be more competitive.

invite an expert on president’s wives,

memory lane for my passengers who related

(Was it really that long ago that my casino

known for programs where she lectured

to the years he was growing up. There are

choices were limited to Las Vegas, Atlantic

about them in costume to accompany your

more than 200 aviation museums in the

City and the Bahamas?) Hiring past and

trip to the National First Ladies Library and

USA. Atchison, Kansas, home of the Amelia

current celebrities is a bonus for bus trav-

Museum in Canton, Ohio.

Earhart Birthplace Museum, has an annual

elers, bus companies and casinos. It is easy,

Ask theater, history, music and art profes-

6. Meet Sports Stars. Spring Training,

festival in July that celebrates the life of

inexpensive, fun, ideal for fans and those

where you can get close and pay less for

Amelia Earhart. Charles Lindbergh’s The

who have mobility problems or dislike

major league baseball teams, takes place

Spirit of St. Louis is in The National Air and

overnight trips.

in Florida and Arizona. Check out Citrus

Space Museum in Washington D.C. The

12. Convention Celebrities – Faith-based

League and Cactus League on their sched-

Smithsonian Udvr-Hazy center located at

conventions give you a chance to meet and

ules. Other popular places to visit are major

the Washington Dallas Airport in Virginia

hear prominent leaders of religious faiths

league games, college games, golf and ten-

has more than 170 famous aircraft, space

in the company of believers. Political con-

nis tournaments, and annual induction cer-

crafts and small artifacts and more are

ventions allow you to do the same with

emonies and parades at sports halls of fame.

added yearly.

candidates. (At the time of writing Cleve-

10. Culinary Chef Celebrities – Check the

land just won the 2016 Republican Presi-

erstown, New York expected 50 Hall of

Internet by their name; e.g., Paula Deen,

dential Convention.) Whether it is a comic

Famers to attend this year. The Pro Football

Wolfgang Puck, and review their current

book convention or Red Hat convention,

Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio enshrinement

offerings; or google the top 100 top celebrity

your group will meet their leaders, often for

consisted of four days of exciting events

chefs and find out which have programs

the first time.

including a fashion show, big parade and

suitable to bus passengers. Check for foodie

The National Baseball Hall of Fame in Coop-

two game days. 7. Prepare and Hope for Serendipities. For

tours in the city where you plan to visit, e.g.,

Homes. Meeting a famous author is a

Culinary Tours of Charleston, South Car-

thrilling experience and can open up

example, I have unexpectedly witnessed a TV show and movie being filmed, spotting my former law professor who was recently

13. Meet Authors and Visit Author’s

insights into their work and ideas. The best

Weather Reporter Betsy Kling with Dr. Jaeb

place to meet living authors is at book signings and Meet the Author luncheons and

appointed a U.S. Federal judge, while taking

dinners. There are dozens of homes and

a group through the Justice Center. When I

museums of deceased American authors

asked him to say a few words to us, he took

such as Ernest Hemmingway. Mark Twain,

us to an empty courtroom, and did so mag-

Edgar Allen Poe and Robert Frost open to

nificently. Carry a smartphone and/or a dig-

bus passengers. Southern Literary Trails

ital camera with you.

Trailfest is returning in 2015 with tours to

8. See Television Stars Broadcasting. Many New York City trips include an early

visit in authors’ homes in Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi.

morning trip to watch the Today show. I have

14. Small Business Owners – I have lucked

visited television shows here in Cleveland

out when contacting new small business

with small groups of people and the Grand

owners who have been written up in our

Old Opry Radio Show with bus passengers.

local newspaper, people I do business with

However, I could not locate a Web site that

and friends. Some businesses that we toured

specializes in finding television shows that

with the owners include restaurants, plant

32 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

20 Tips nurseries, ice cream stores, manufacturing

trip set up by seven adult children for their

ally have four to six live shows and are bus-

companies, breweries, wineries, fitness cen-

father who loved gaming and going to casi-

friendly, allowing photographs and a

ters, pet stores and newspapers. Bus and tour

nos on bus trips with friends. The trips start

chance to meet the performers. Russian

companies have contacts with business own-

with a huge home cooked breakfast in the

comedian Yakov Smirnoff thrilled us by

ers that welcome bus travelers.

church parking lot and unlimited food, drink,

boarding our bus after his show in Bran-

15. Create a Celebrity. Examples would

games of chance and music on the bus. Most

son. Yakov and another top Branson enter-

be people celebrating a birthday, anniver-

of the passengers lived in the same town and

tainer, violinist Shoji Tabuchi, travel the

sary, wedding, retirement or even in honor

have been friends for more than 30 years.

of a deceased person. One annual casino trip

16. Live Theater Celebrities – Branson,

I loved filled two buses. It was a memorial

Nashville, Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge usu-

Check #216 on Reader Service Card

country doing one-day performances when not in Branson. Top cities for live theater and bus travelers include New York City, Washington D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, Saint Louis, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Seattle, Philadelphia, Dallas, Atlanta, Toronto, Atlantic City, Myrtle Beach, Las Vegas and cities in Florida during winter months.

Yakov Smirnoff

17. Bus and Travel Company Owners – Many well-known owners accompany an annual appreciation tour for their customers. For example, Great Day of Cleveland is having a 50th Anniversary Tour September 28 through October 2 to the Smokey Mountains and Allen and Ann Kinney will be aboard. Anderson Tours of Pennsylvania is having a 77th Birthday Bash to Pigeon Forge September 1-4 and a Reunion Cruise to Pittsburgh August 27 that the Andersons will be on. It is good for Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014 • 33

20 Tips public relations and to find out what cus-

Confirm your agreement in writing. Remind

Hopefully, at least one of these ideas

tomers like and dislike.

them a day before they are to perform. Keep

will encourage you to consider 36 celebri-

18. War Memorials and Monuments

your promises. Find out how they like to be

ties to your next bus trip. As a student and

Honoring Veterans – The biggest collections

introduced. Treat them the way you like to

teacher, I always felt if I got one good idea

of the USA’S top war memorials are clus-

be treated. Write them a thank you letter after

from a class it was worthwhile. Your com-

tered around Washington D.C. They include

the trip possibly including a group picture. I

ments on this column and suggestions for

Arlington National Cemetery, Vietnam Vet-

sometimes gave them a small gift and

future ones are always welcome. My e-mail

erans Memorial, Korean War Veterans

allowed them to pass out coupons and busi-

address is cdjaeb@wowway.com. Thank

National Memorial, and the World War II

ness cards.


Memorial. Many eighth grade and middle school students visit it for their graduation bus trip. Veterans have been on every trip I gave escorted there including one that had


12 WWII vets. Other war memorials include the World War II Pacific National Monument atop the sunken wreckage of the U.S.S. Arizona in Oahu, the Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Virginia, National World War I Museum in New Orleans, Liberty World War I Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.S. Constitution in Charlestown Navy Yard, which saw battles during the War

Please let us know at least 60 days in advance to ensure that your next issue of BUS TOURS MAGAZINE reaches your new address. Postcards with change-of-address forms are available at your local post office.

With degrees from four universities, Dr. Charleen Jaeb has been a business professor at Cuyahoga Community College. After her retirement in 2000, she became a trip planner for the CCC retirees and Middleburg Heights Women’s Club, filling as many as 15 buses each year. Jaeb and her husband escorted trips for Lakefront Lines in Cleveland, Ohio. She says,

Please return your mailing label or the information on it with your new address.

“It was wonderful and somewhat unbelievable in retirement to be able to do what you love to do and get paid for doing it.”

of 1812 and the National Memorial Arch located in the Valley Forge National Park in Pennsylvania.

Advertiser’s Index

19. Homes of Movie Stars and Celebrities – Most cities from Naples to Los Ange-

Atlantic City CVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

Museum of Bus Transportation . . . . .12

les with resident celebrities have bus, trol-

Cabarrus County CVA . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

National Railroad Museum . . . . . . . . .29

Columbia Gorge Interpretive

Old-time Music Preservation Assn. . .28

ley or boat tours by their homes escorted by knowledgeable local guides. Small

Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Paradise Found Resorts & Casino . . .19

yearly celebrations. An annual Dean Mar-

Country Music Hall of Fame . . . . . . . .22

Park County Colorado Tourism . . . . . .15

tin Festival is held in Steubenville, Ohio fea-

Cumbres & Toldec Scenic Railroad . .16

Potawatomi Hotel & Casino . . . . . . . .35

Depot Theater Company . . . . . . . . . . .26

Presque Isle Downs & Casino . . . . . . . .2

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen

Rapid City CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

hometowns of movie stars often have

turing Dean Martin impersonators, entertainers, family members and friends, auctions, karaoke and Italian food with money going to charity. 20. Recruiting and Retaining Celebrities –

Chinese Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

Ronald Reagan Presential

Elk City CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Harriet’s Family Restaurant . . . . . . . .13

Shore Line Trolley Museum . . . . . . . .29

Heartland Travel Showcase . . . . . . . .17

Southeastern Railway Museum . . . . .19

eye, give them a sincere compliment, tell

Historic Museum of Mobile . . . . . . . . . .9

Starved Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

them why they were chosen, and how it

HistoryMiami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Terry Bison Ranch Resort . . . . . . . . . .23

Longue Vue House and Gardens . .19, 21

U.S. Naval Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Louisville Slugger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Warm Glow Candle Company . . . . . . .13

service in return. To retain them for future

Miromar Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Wild Horse Saloon/General

trips: Ask if a future time might be better.

Mosser Glass Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

In a nutshell: If you do not ask, you do not get. It can be in person or on the phone (best) or by letter or e-mail. Smile, look them in the

would benefit them and the passengers. The worst they can say is no. Mostly mine said yes. Some of the ones who said no offered a

34 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2014

Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21



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For day trips, contact Lisa Pederson at 414-847-7982 or LPEDERSON@PAYSBIG.COM. For overnight stays, contact Sales & Catering at 414-847-8600 or SALES@PAYSBIG.COM.


Check #583 on Reader Service Card


For information contact Heather Colache at 609.449.7151 or hcolache@accva.com

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