Butler Bulletin
Butler College Magazine Issue 5/ 2016
Tenth Year Celebra ons A review of what has been and what is yet to come
The First Freshers Being the inaugural intake of Butler Students in 2006
PLUS Working for GCHQ Presidents & SCDOs: Where are they now? Scholarly Ac,vity
Josephine Butler College Trust Fund The Josephine Butler College Trust exists to support the development of the College and its students. Suppor ng the College Trust is a way to support students. The Trust runs two access funds to help students to engage in the life of the college through sports and socie es and it also purchases equipment to enhance the student experience. For example, over the years it has helped fund:
The building of the Mul -Use Games Area
New boats for BCBC
Technical equipment for performances
Musical instruments and stands
Sports equipment
Framing and canvas prin ng of student artwork
It is also currently fundraising for the development of new study space:
“Without the Trust Fund we would never have been able to offer the opportunity to take part in Butler’s largest ever fundraising event to so many. It opened new doors and opportuni es to everyone that took part.” Rupert Maspero, Vice-President 2015-2016
“Pre-sessional students have also benefited from the Trust Fund, through the purchase of Mah-jong sets, mini golf and a karaoke machine.” Neil Crimes, Pre-Sessional Support Officer
You can donate online at h/ps://www.dunelm.org.uk/ dona ons/colleges/josephinebutler. If you would like to discuss the Trust or other ways to give to the College, please get in touch with the Alumni Rela ons Assistant, Sally Crawford, at jbalumni.associa on@durham.ac.uk or 01913347264.
“A club away strip funded by the College Trust Fund has made kit clashes a thing of the past and allowed us to look like a team whoever we are playing!” Joe Colebrook JBCFC President 2015-2016
Contents & Welcome 4 5 REVIEW OF A society showcase Butler students in THE YEAR
of the last year
College Principal, Adrian Simpson, on the past year
Can you spot yourself?
Remembering the London and Durham alumni reunions
20 THE BIKINI How the tenth year An alumnus working LINE celebra,ons have for the intelligence Butler’s Ar,st/ been so far and services Writer-in-residence what is yet to come making a cherished 15 8 MEET YOUR ANTHROPOLOGIST vision become a IN RESIDENCE FUTURE reality IAS Fellow writes Careers and 21 SCHOLARLY networking events about her research ACTIVITY and ,me at Butler from this year Neil Crimes reviews 16 17 WHERE 9 CHARITIES scholarly events of ARE THEY A roundup of this the past year NOW? year’s Charity 22 The Presidents and achievements GRADUATION SCDOs of the last 10 10 SPORTS PHOTOS years. A lowdown on all Congratula,ons 18 THE FIRST the spor,ng Class of 2016! FRESHERS achievements from 23 GRADUATES the year Being in the 2016 inaugural intake of 11 SOCIETIES
It has been an amazing year for the alumni community and college, which you can read all aout in this edi,on of the Butler Bulle,n. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Bulle,n, and also to everyone who has helped make alumni reunions and events possible. Make sure you keep in touch to celebrate the College’s Tenth Year. I would love to say that I will see you at a reunion soon, but I’m not around this year so see you in 2017! It has been incredible being your ARA this year, especially being able to launch the 10th year. Good luck to Sally who will, I’m sure, ensure alumni events are be?er than ever.
Alice Whitehouse x
This years’ edi,on of the Butler Bulle,n is an absolute winner. Each ar,cle highlights a different area of college life and provides a unique insight into the college’s ac,vites. It’s been the perfect introduc,on to my new job and has made me thoroughly excited for the coming year. So enjoy the read and I’ll see you at our alumni reunions!
Sally Crawford x Butler Bulle,n / 3
Review of the Year
wins for indoor cricket, and promo,on to the premiership for our football A team. Socie,es also grew considerably on the back of the new students’ enthusiasm. We saw par,cular growth in music with new groups and with our astonishingly talented Jazz Band being chosen to play for the mee,ng of the Durham County Mayors and other dignitaries. Virtually every society reported an increase in the number of members and events.
College Principal, Adrian Simpson, reviews changes over the last year The academic year 2015-16 saw us take in our tenth intake of freshers and history may show that they quickly proved to be one of the most engaged group of students we’ve ever had. It is not clear whether this was due to the wonderful work of our Freshers Reps, JCR execu,ve, staff and others who supported their induc,on; their own innate sense of community or the camaraderie generated by ‘The Great Power Outage of 2015’ (when we had to spend much of the second night of Freshers’ Week in the dark before reloca,ng half of the new students across town for 24 hours). Whatever it was, the impact on the year was huge.
Butler Jazz Band performing at St Chad’s College
Volunteering has also grown with more people taking part in projects in the local community: Butler now has the third largest volunteering programme in the university and some of our students were rewarded with recogni,on for the efforts in at the university-wide volunteering awards. We’ve also done more to raise money for charity, with the Our sports teams did be?er than ever, coming third in the highlight being the ‘Three Peaks Challenge’ when 50 of our inter-college table in terms of points per student and students climbed the three Yorkshire peaks in a day, coming second in the annual inter-college fes,val of sport. raising over £4000 for Grace House, our college charity. Just to pick out some highlights: Butler B and A (oddly, in that order) coming first and second in the premiership of We have had more academic fellows with us than ever Men’s futsal, with Butler C coming fourth; premiership before, suppor,ng research as diverse as the decentraliza,on of government in Peru, the history of German art, skeletal structure forma,on and the rela,onship between physical movement and landscape. Our ar,st-in-residence worked with our students to start an Art Development Group and held an installa,on in the Botanic Garden to recall the 70th anniversary of atomic bomb tes,ng on the Bikini Atoll.
Indoor Cricket A securing the Premiership for the second year
Our SCR also developed a number of new ideas this year. In par,cular, there were links with Auckland Castle and talks on art apprecia,on. We saw many new people joining us as college mentors and par,cularly mentoring as part of our summer Pre-sessional programme. This programme was greatly developed this year with the MCR taking a bigger role in direc,ng the calendar of events and ensuring
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students have representa,on within the College. Earlier in the year, we piloted a new approach to encouraging our students to think about life aLer gradua,on. Built on an idea from the father of one of our freshers, we developed the ‘Meet Your Futures’ dinner bringing alumni and other representa,ves from large graduate recruiters like KPMG, PA Consul,ng and Addleshaw Goddard alongside members of our Senior Common Room. Some of the companies held workshops on job skills, but the main aim was to draw students, recent graduates and employers together in an informal seNng to talk about the world of work. Our alumni events also included two reunions. One in Durham to coincide with the spectacular Lumiere events and the other in London. The la?er featured a new idea of an aLernoon networking event which brought together alumni across quite different genera,ons to meet and get to know each other. The alumni also played a big part in one of the most notable events of the year. Launching our year of celebra,ons for our 10th anniversary, we held a dinner which brought together senior members of the university (such as the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor), members of the local community (including the Mayor), many of our alumni (including past JCR and MCR presidents) and our current students. It included speeches from our current students reflec,ng on Butler as it is now and the unedifying sight of The Principal in the mole suit for the start of the evening (a challenge laid down by our JCR President for which revenge has s,ll to be extracted!) While that may have been one of the most notable events, it was not our biggest. Amongst the usual calendar of formal dinners, the fashion show, trips, concerts and theatre produc,ons, two events stood out. Working with other colleges to pool resources, we were able to get a large marquee in the wonderful surroundings of Hardwick Hall to hold our largest ever summer ball: the Alice in Wonderland theme a?racted 600 people (including two of
Revenge has s,ll to be extracted!
our senior common room who … ahem … thought it was fancy dress!). In addi,on, on the day aLer Butler Day, we held a showcase of the best of our performers with music, dance, cheerleading and theatre. This all capped a wonderful year and provided us with a plaQorm for thinking about our next ten years. In the immediate future, we have some more celebra,ng to do for the 10th anniversary, including a Boat Party on the Thames for alumni and a Cathedral Service of thanks. Longer term we have some interes,ng challenges – we are currently looking at proposals to grow by around 40% as the University nego,ates the knock on effects of the decision to move all of the academic func,ons (including the colleges) from Queen’s Campus, and our Trust Board has launched its most ambi,ous fundraising campaign to build a new annex to create space for new study areas and a library. Butler has always had the reputa,on for flexibility and innova,on – the has,ly chosen mo?o ‘comme je trouve’ has proved to be most appropriate – and the next ten years look to be as exci,ng and engaging for us all as the first ten.
Sumer Ball 2016: A Night in Wonderland
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Tenth Year Celebrations 2015 2016 Alumni Relations Assistant, Alice Whitehouse, (JB 2012 2015) reviews the tenth year celebrations so far and talks about what is yet to come
During the course of the night Ma? Ricke?s, incoming JCR Vice-President, led the evening as the master of ceremonies. He introduced butler groups who performed throughout the night to showcase Butler talent including Butler Tigers, Troupe, Chamber Choir, AccaButler and Jazz Band. Other areas of the College were represented through speeches on sports, socie,es and commi?ees. A silent auc,on took place to raise money for the expansion of study space for students at the College. The dinner managed to raise over £1700 from silent auc,ons bids and pledges. Thank you to everyone who donated.
Launch Dinner On the 3rd of June 2016 the College’s Tenth Year was launched with a celebratory dinner a?ended by the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and members of the University Execu,ve Commi?ee amongst College staff, students, alumni and community members. All guests came together to enjoy the atmosphere that has been created at Butler over the last ten years. The dinner started with a drinks recep,on and an unexpected twist when Adrian Simpson removed the mole suit head and revealed himself under it to do his welcome speech. Adrian reviewed his ,me at Butler and expressed his pride in how the College has grown over the past ten years. His willingness to wear the mole suit showed any external guests Butler’s spirit even before they had sat down for the meal in the Howlands.
Our Master of Ceremonies, Ma? Ricke?s
The dinner concluded with HaNe Pridmore, the current JCR president, speaking about her ,me at Butler. Her speech moved everyone in the room as she said ‘at Butler you will be looked aLer, but much more than that; you will be inspired to be yourself; you will be driven to achieve and inspire others and you will be surrounded by incredible and passionate people.’ The dinner encompassed the diverse and inclusive community Butler has developed over its ten years and will con,nue to develop in many years to come. I was very happy to have had a hand in the organisa,on of the dinner as it truly celebrated the start of the Tenth Year Anniversary by recognizing all that Butler has achieved in previous years.
Butler Day
Students and staff celebra,ng at the Launch Dinner
The fes,vi,es of Butler Day 2016 were the official launch of the Tenth Year celebra,ons for students. The day was Rio Carnival themed and the Butler site transformed to accommodate waltzers and three large inflatables. During the day there were performances from students and local groups, including a drumming act. To ensure all students were kept entertained there was also a balloon ar,st and
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Anniversary. The Boat Party will take place along the River Thames leaving Tower Pier up towards the 02 past the Tower of London, London Bridge, Cu?y Sark and the Royal Observatory. The event is open to all Butler alumni and current students so will be a celebra,on of ten years of Butlerites, with all guests welcome. There will also be a DJ and cash bar on board. If you do not have a ,cket for the boat party yet, you can see whether there are spaces available by contac,ng Sally Crawford (s.e.f.crawford@durham.ac.uk).
Cathedral Service Alumni will be invited to a?end a Cathedral Service on the 18th of February 2017, during the Durham Reunion The Waltzer made a reappearance at Butler Day 2016 between the 17th and 19th of February. The Service will face painter. The highlight of the day was performances by celebrate all Butler has achieved over its ten year development. In the evening of the 18th there will be an Let’s Circus. Acts included the gymnasts, Afrikann Warriors, juggler, Nat Lunatrick, and hula-hoop ar,st, Miss Alumni Formal with all finalists to welcome everyone back to Durham and welcome finalist into the alumni Gracie. community. More informa,on on the Reunion weekend, To mark the Tenth Year, Butler Day had exclusive stash: Cathedral Service and Formal will follow. black T-shirts with every Butler Day logo from the past ten years. Our incoming Bar Steward, Jess Lythgow, was able to secure a special edi,on Tenth Year ale that was sold Residen al during the day. The weekend of the 22nd and 23rd of July 2017 there will be In the evening, the entertainment changed as the Let’s a Residen,al in Josephine Butler College. The Residen,al is Circus performers treated Butler students and guests to a targeted for the first five years of graduates to come fire performance at dusk. All spectators were impressed as together to celebrate the founding and early years of the Miss Gracie hula hooped with fire, especially as everyone college. Plans for the weekend currently include a family in the first five rows could feel the heat of the fire. ALer formal and Butler Musician super group. More events will the fire performance guests returned to the bar to sing also be put on to make the residen,al weekend as special along to Taylor SwiL songs performed by a Taylor tribute as possible. act. Although the night ended with a DJ set from 12am-2am the weekend fes,vi,es were not over. The Sunday aLer Butler Day a Socie,es Showcase was put on. Socie,es took the stage during the aLernoon to showcase Butler’s talent, including Jazz Band, Chamber Choir, STAB and AccaButler. Pudding Soc put on a bake sale to raise money for Grace House. Other socie,es made sure they were part of the day in some other way with films for Disney Soc and Marvel and DC Society, whilst Fem Soc put on a quiz and unicycle society did a taster session. Overall the start of the Tenth Year celebra,ons were very successful with a large amount of Butler’s community involved in some way. Upcoming Events Boat Party On the 22nd of October 2016 at 7:30pm Butler will be hos,ng a Boat Party to celebrate the Tenth Year
Our Rio Carnival at Butler Day 2016
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Meet Your Future Alice Whitehouse (JB 2012 15) and Neil Crimes discuss the growth of careers and networking events this year
Ma? Ricke?s (JB 2014-2017) explained why he used the Angel Scheme: “Before having used the Angels scheme I naively overlooked how powerful having contacts in the field of employment I wish to go into was. With opportuni es for summer internships sparse on search engines and ‘cold calling’ employers, one evening spend scouring through the Butler Angels website gave me over 5 different graduates working and doing exactly what I want to do. Using the in-house email form, all five angel had replied within 24 hours and had extremely valuable informa on and opportuni es for exactly what I was looking for. All Angels gave me direct contacts, and made me aware of opportuni es they can offer me this summer. I really cannot believe I didn’t use this scheme sooner, you would be a fool not to take advantage of such an amazing scheme.” If you are interested in being a Butler Angel please get in touch!
This year we have seen a rise in Angel engagement and student involvement in the Angel Network. During the course of the Careers Week we created a Job Hun,ng and Interview Guide that was well received by the students with useful ,ps about how to ini,ally search for jobs and how to be successful in job interviews.
Addi,onally, on Monday 7 March 2016, Josephine Butler College hosted a special ‘Meet Your Future’ Careers and Networking Dinner at which students got the chance to meet representa,ves from major interna,onal recruiters and local businesses in a casual and relaxed seNng. Before the dinner, representa,ves from KPMG and PA Consul,ng ran workshops on ‘Developing Your Personal Brand’ and ‘A Day in the Life of a Consultant’ in order to give students an insight into the professional world. These were followed by a drinks recep,on in the bar, during which students could network and meet people from a range of careers including finance, consultancy, law, teaching, venture capital, medicine, poli,cs, social work and the armed forces.
During the buffet-style meal in the Howlands, students were sat with several representa,ves from different companies and careers so that they could share their ‘if I knew then what I know now’ type of stories in an informal seNng. Students loved the relaxed atmosphere, appreciated the opportunity to ask ques,ons and get a Over the course of the year there have been three Angels be?er sense of what is necessary in order to enter their events. The first one took place during the Alumni reunion desired professions. Our guests also enjoyed the evening, in Durham and saw many students discussing future career of course, and are excited to come back to Butler in the possibili,es with alumni in different stages of their careers. future! We also introduced an Angels do Masters events which With the graduate employment market geNng increasingly heavily involved the MCR. The event will be built upon in compe,,ve, we are commi?ed at Butler to providing our the future to ensure that students can ask Angels students with the best possible experiences and skills to ques,ons about further study. develop, grow and make the most out of their ,me at Durham. And we hope that in coming years the ‘Meet Your The Networking Event that was held at the same ,me as Future’ event will itself grow and develop to include a the London Reunion was an amazing opportunity for alumni to network with other alumni from a diverse range wider range of careers and representa,ves. of careers and gradua,on years. Feedback for the Angels scheme has been very posi,ve.
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If there is something we excel in at Butler it is dreaming big, and that is exactly what Charity Commi?ee did over 2015-2016. This year saw the revival of popular events like Jazz and Cocktails with a new cocktail menu, alongside classic events like Dare Night, Fashion Show, Grace House Auc,on, Charity Formal and the Winter Warmer. At the end of November a group braved the cold of Edinburgh Christmas Markets to shake buckets on our first Rag Raid in a different country. A very successful Easter Egg raffle raised over £200 and 5 baskets stuffed full of chocolate were distributed.
Charities 2015 2016 JCR Vice President, Rupert Maspero (JB 2012 2016), looks back at Butler’s fundraising achievements this year
sun, of what was set to become the ho?est day of the year. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to conquer all 3 peaks, but that didn’t stop us. Each group was greeted by HaNe Pridmore and Des O’Neill smiling at the check points along the route. Luckily the weather started to cool off as people descended the second peak, but the sound of thunder threated even worse condi,ons. The first group arrived at the finishing point at 18:30, ba?ered and Butler’s biggest ever Charity Expedi,on bruised but triumphant and with 71,000 steps under their belt. The remaining groups completed the 3 mountains This year’s highlight has to be the Butler Yorkshire Three before 21:00. It was a truly fantas,c achievement, and all Peaks Expedi,on. We started off with the vaguest of ideas: for an amazing cause, successfully raising over £4000! a charity expedi,on. It quickly started to take shape, massive ini,al interest, culmina,ng in 49 students climbing This helped bring our totally to over £7,500 for the year! the Yorkshire Three Peaks, Whernside, Ingleborough and Pen-y-ghent. This challenge was all done in aid of our nominated charity, Grace House. With a tremendous amount of hard work and coordina,on from Butler and across the University, a plan was craLed. The expedi,on commi?ee put on map reading sessions and addi,onal relevant first aid training. They also successfully applied to the trust fund and bursary schemes available in college to ensure the trip was accessible to everyone. Unlike the Na,onal Three Peaks, in the Yorkshire Three Peaks par,cipants walk between the mountains making it over 40km, which is no mean feat. The day started at 4:00am with the students taking part filling onto the coach for a 2 and a half hour journey to the start point in Horton in Ribblesdale. Five teams of approximately ten set off. One group took a wrong turn at first leaving in the completely wrong direc,on, however, aLer a 30 minute course correc,on no more naviga,onal errors were made. Everyone made it to the top of the first peak in the blazing
Charity Comm Selfie in Edinburgh
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Sports 2015 2016 Sports Officer, Daniel McElhone (JB 2013 2016), reviews sporting successes this year
season and finish 2nd in order to secure promo,on to the Premiership. These achievements saw Lacrosse being awarded with the Club of the Year award at Sports Formal. Butler Netball club was another team that expanded in size, adding a third team to their ranks and con,nuing to go from strength to strength. Our combined Women’s Rugby team, Milbut, were also league and cup runners-up, cemen,ng their place as one of the powerhouses of intercollegiate Women’s Rugby.
The 2015/16 year proved to be a hugely successful one for the college, with Butler finishing 5th overall in the College Sport League Table aLer amassing 2617 points, also meaning we finished 3rd in the Points Per Student table. There have been a number of accomplishments by our clubs over the past year. Indoor Cricket successfully defended their Premiership ,tle, with first year Richard Nicklin being the star man to bring home the trophy, while other success came from the Men’s Football club; the A team not dropping a single point in Division One and were promoted as Champions under the leadership of Cameron Wild. Not to be outdone, the Women’s Football team won the inaugural futsal tournament and were league and cup runners-up.
Men’s Novice 8 winning Durham Rega?a
2016 has been a triumphant year for the Boat Club, with the Men’s Novice 8 winning Durham Rega?a in June and the Women’s Novice 8 following them a week later with victory at York Rega?a. A huge achievement by both squads in order to mark a spectacular year for the club.
In October we once again descended on York University’s Langwith College for another packed Varsity weekend, and Mixed Lacrosse was another success story of the year, with we are looking forward to welcoming them up to Durham the club over doubling in size and having massive first year next year! The annual Fes,val of Sport tournament in June engagement. The A team went on to have a fantas,c was another occasion when Butler showed their spor,ng prowess, coming second overall to cement our best ever finish in the compe,,on. A revamped Dilston v Milfield saw Milfield take the coveted trophy home aLer victories in Netball, Rounders, Football and Basketball. Throughout the year, Butler have also been involved in campaigns. One of these was the #ThisGirlCan campaign from Sport England, when we celebrated the achievements of our female athletes and encouraged more girls to get involved in college sport. The other notable campaign was the Rainbow Laces an,-homophobia in sport campaign, which saw hundreds of our students don a pair of rainbow coloured laces and sign an an,homophobia charter which is displayed in the bar. Club of the Year: Mixed Lacrosse
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The year in socie,es started as it meant to con,nue, with a record number of sign-ups at the Butler Fair. Living up to the “socie,es college” label, we saw over 150 students get involved in one or more socie,es over the course of the year. We have also con,nued to represent a diverse array of interests, ranging from hiking, to music, to Disney. We like to boast that there is something to suit everyone at Butler but, of course, everyone’s tastes are unique and we are proud that there is scope to start your own society, which students choose to do every year. This year we not only saw the forming of new socie,es but also the revival of old ones. Each has seen incredible success with engagement from all years. Added to the already vast list of Butler Socie,es was Marvel and DC society. It was fantas,c to see this immediately popular society ra,fied by no less than three Freshers – proving once again that if there isn’t already a group to suit you, there can be. Marvel and DC society hosted many successful events over the course of their first year, ranging from regular film screenings to cinema trips and other socials. Media society is another new society, already enjoying fantas,c success with its termly trips to ITV Studios in Newcastle. Finally, Deba,ng society was revived this year by two Butlerites who apparently love to argue. It was a good year for news, so it’s no surprise that debates had a great turnout.
Societies 2015 2016 Societies Officer, Alex Naylor (JB 2013 2017), outlines activities of societies this year
Another new addi,on to socie,es at Butler was the introduc,on of society volunteering. This ranged from one Best New Society: Deba,ng Society -off Christmas workshops to weekly choir sessions all held in local schools. This was so successful that 1 in 3 events outside of Butler, including the Durham Christmas volunteers at Butler got into volunteering through a Market. A par,cular highlight was Jazz Band being asked to society. perform at an event hosted by the Mayor. Music Music at Butler has always been fun to be involved in but Commi?ee has also gone from strength to strength, and I thanks to the efforts of a few individuals and all of the expect to see even greater success in the coming year. Jazz dedicated members of the musical groups, our musicians and Cocktails also filled the bar and as a result will be a have had incredible success this year. The Christmas regular fixture in the years to come. Concert packed out the bar, and all groups performed at Success in socie,es is also evident in the crea,on of Butler’s own Music Room, in order to cater to the large amount of music par,cipa,on at Butler, and the conversion of the Shop into a mee,ng room to create space for all of our other socie,es to meet.
The highly successful Christmas Concert packed out the bar
The year ended with one of the best demonstra,ons of socie,es' achievements this year. Many socie,es were invited to perform at events over the 10th year launch weekend. Dance society and musical groups performed at the Launch Dinner, while STAB and other performers showed their talents at the Socie,es Showcase on the Sunday of Butler Weekend. The Showcase was bigger than ever this year, featuring an outdoor stage, Pimms, and vintage ice cream van. Most importantly, engagement from society members and spectators alike rounded off a fantas,c year.
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Working for GCHQ An anonymous alumnus sheds a little light on working for the intelligence services.
©GCHQ 2014
that feeling of awe I got as I walked through the turns,les into the grand entrance with GCHQ’s intricate logo carved into a massive marble edifice in front of me. The day itself did not actually include any work, but instead involved I’m a civil servant based in Cheltenham. That’s the official exploring the museum, with its variety of working Enigmas line at least. and other exci,ng pieces for a nerd like me to enjoy, and siNng in a training room that would become our home for Not too long ago, I crossed the threshold of GCHQ for the the rest of the week. first ,me to start my new job as a mathema,cian. And that is all I knew up un,l that point; it was a job, for GCHQ, in Eventually I did get to meet my team and find out what my maths. It is a strange thing, having set the first of many job would be. However, as someone who chose their first outrageously early alarms, to go to bed not having a clue laptop based on colour, I was slightly worried to find that what job you’ll be doing in the morning. I struggled to there would be a fairly heLy amount of programming to sleep from a mixture of nerves and, of course, excitement learn for my job! Luckily my team turned out to be a lovely – I was finally going to get to go inside the famous bunch who have always been keen to help me along the doughnut shaped building! way and I am now regularly surprising myself with my Python prowess. Alongside my team I also have a gaggle of The next day, I walked away from the lovely centre of fellow new mathema,cians that I go to lunch with; the Cheltenham reaching the slightly less gentrified outskirts amazing thing is everyone in the group seems to be doing where “the Doughnut” lives. Proceeding through countless different things, so the future opportuni,es certainly look layers of security I eventually reached a building and exci,ng. thought I was in. It turned out it was just the visitors centre… and that is where I stayed for the first day of Since star,ng I have learnt a huge amount, visited induc,on; teased at the sight of the main building, but not Bletchley Park, met Prince Charles (well, he waved at me – allowed in! s,ll counts, right?), and met some great colleagues. Time has flown past far too quickly, which can only be a In the end it was not un,l the second day that, aLer over a testament to how much fun I’m having. Yes the place has year of an,cipa,on, I finally got to cross the threshold. quirks – amusing health & safety requirements, Though it is now a mundane event, I s,ll fondly remember unfathomable bits of bureaucracy, internal poli,cs, and the dreaded hot desking – but what large organisa,ons don’t? There is something immensely sa,sfying about knowing that the stuff you are working on makes a real difference, about seeing an item in the news and knowing a li?le bit more about what is actually going on. And did I men,on Prince Charles? I absolutely love it.
©GCHQ 2014
Government Communica ons Headquarters, or GCHQ, uses intelligence to help keep our forces safe, prevent terrorism and crime and protect against cyber-a0ack. If you’d like to know more, there’s lots of informa on on our website at www.gchq.gov.uk and we even have a Twi0er account: @GCHQ.
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I arrived at Josephine Butler in October 2015. I’d been invited to join a research programme on ‘Evidence’ at Durham’s Ins,tute of Advanced Study (IAS). Ten scholars from across the world, and from very different disciplinary backgrounds gathered in two cohorts to work alongside each other, a?ending weekly seminars and each also giving a public lecture, hosted by their college. From my perspec,ve it was pure chance to find myself at Butler, but I soon discovered that Butler was a keen host of IAS scholars. I was excited to meet people but the first formal dinner was disrupted by a major power cut that, while crea,ng a great bonding experience for the new students, meant that I didn’t really get to know my hosts un,l we all turned up in fancy dress at the Halloween formal! The combina,on of con,ngency, technological disrup,on and sociability are fundamental to my own anthropological research –I felt immediately at home!
Anthropologist in residence Penny Harvey, Harvey IAS Fellow at Josephine Butler, writes about her research and time at Butler
Unlike many others at the IAS I had not travelled far to spend ,me in Durham. I am a Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester. My primary field site is Peru. I’ve been working there since 1983 when I first began my Ph.D. research on bilingualism. My interest at that ,me was in how rural Andean people combined the use of Spanish and Quechua. I was par,cularly interested in the everyday poli,cs of language, in the ways in which speech pa?erns carry forward histories of social difference and discrimina,on. How we speak is every bit as important as what we say when it comes to building and sustaining rela,onships with other people, and I gradually learnt to follow the complex registers of Spanish and Quechua that na,ve bilinguals used to nego,ate, side-step and reinforce the categories of race, gender and class that shaped many of their life chances. worked for a ,me on informa,on systems, primarily in the UK, but then returned to Peru and spent a couple of years More recently I have taken these interests forward by watching what it takes to build a road, and tracking how thinking more directly about the material and different knowledges and understandings co-exist in technological infrastructures of our everyday lives. I spaces of technological development. The road in ques,on was a 700 km stretch linking the highland city of Cusco to the border with Brazil in the Amazon lowlands. In December Butler hosted my public lecture: “Evidence of the Public Good: Scep,cal Reasoning and Public Infrastructure Projects in Contemporary Peru.” It was a memorable evening for me, with a wonderful, diverse audience of anthropologists, staff and students from Butler and the IAS and members of the public, including people who knew Peru well. I am sorry that the Fellowship was so soon over. However, I am now on the Advisory Board of the IAS and will be returning to Durham on a regular basis. I look forward to on-going contact with the scholarly community in Butler for many years to come.
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Where are they now? @PresidentsAndSCDOs Check out what our former JCR Presidents and SCDOs have been up to since leaving Butler 2,006
Tweets Kristina Hagen @President08/09 10 years already – my, how time flies! After the five wonderful years I spent in Durham, honing my organizing skills first at Butler and later at DSU, I packed my bags and moved back to America, got a job with the Obama campaign in 2012, and have been working in Democratic politics ever since. I currently head up the Senate Democratic Caucus in my home state of Virginia, with the goal of electing more Democrats to our state legislature. On a personal note, fellow Butlerite Julian May and I got married in 2015 – so if you are ever passing through Virginia, give us a shout! We are always keen to reconnect with old friends and to make new ones too Retweeted by Where are they now?
Rob Drinkwater @President09/10 After leaving Butler in July 2010 I moved down to South-East London to take up a role for a year, but ended up staying for six! I’m currently working for a national social enterprise operating in the golf, health and leisure sectors, designing projects and products to get people more active. The social calendar still contains numerous sporting commitments, as well as regular catch ups with friends and fellow Butler Alumni over a beer or three. Retweeted by Where are they now? Butler Alumni @butler_alumni Followed by Durham Alumni and others Butler College JCR @butlerjcr Follow
#ButlerAlumni #MovingOnMovingUp #MoreThan140Characters #Butler10Years
Mel Woods @President10/11 I have the joy of working for my Church (Kerith Community, in Bracknell) developing and managing a housing project for men with a background including offending behaviour and/ or addiction. The guys live in the house for up to 2 years, during which time they engage with various support groups and work towards being able to move on and live independently. It is an absolute privilege to bring hope to these individuals and encourage them to reach their potential and live full lives in the community. Retweeted by Where are they now?
Alex Bailey @President11/12 Since leaving Durham in 2012 I have successfully ACA qualified with PwC in London, specialising in the audit and advisory of fast growth and established tech and media companies. Client highlights include a national tabloid newspaper, a country music record label in Nashville, and an augmented reality mobile phone app most recently valued at $1bn. I am also an ambassador for One Young World, a global leadership and activist program backed by the likes of Kofi Annan, Richard Branson and Bob Geldof.
Siri Minsaas @President14/15 A year after leaving Butler, I'm teaching English at a secondary school in Hartlepool, so I haven't strayed too far from Durham. Retweeted by Where are they now?
Matt Armitage @SCDO14/15
After leaving Butler I’ve followed the trend of the JCR office and gone into teaching, by doing a PGDE in Secondary Science at Sheffield University. When I’ve finished my PGDE I plan to teach in Thailand for a year! Retweeted by Where are they now?
Retweeted by Where are they now?
Andrew Hodgetts @SCDO11/12 I am about to begin the Civil Service Fast Stream, having just completed the two-year Teach First programme, teaching at a school in my native, brilliant city of Birmingham. Prior to Teach First, I did a Masters, worked in a hotel and volunteered with an education charity called City Year. Upon returning from Durham to Birmingham, I started a new Scout Troop, which I am sadly leaving as I move away. I still do lots of running, although my football career has generally been limited to 5-a-side. Retweeted by Where are they now?
Hattie Pridmore @President15/16 Since leaving Butler I have moved to the sunny seaside of Scarborough where I have started teaching maths in a local secondary school. Aside from teaching and converting from Lancshire to Yorkshire, I have continued to keep a busy lifestyle volunteering for Diabetes UK, working to create a local youth club, and discovering the beautiful Yorkshire coast. Retweeted by Where are they now?
Alice Whitehouse @SCDO15/16 After leaving Durham in July I have moved to Thailand to complete a TEFL course and teach English in a Thai school. Retweeted by Where are they now?
Sian Daniel @SCDO12/13 Since leaving Butler, I have trained to be a primary school teacher and now spend my days teaching ABCs and trying not to laugh at inappropriate spelling mistakes. In my free time, I put my frepping small-talk skills to good use as an event organiser for the website Meetup, helping people to get out and make friends in Leeds! Retweeted by Where are they now?
Will Garrison @SCDO13/14 I’ve just moved from sunny Rotherham to the sunny Lake District and have come across several other Butlerites there at work. When possible I’ve been venturing out to the lakes, successfully capsizing a canoe on the last outing. I’ve been trying to cycle into work most days and play tennis in my spare time. Playing sporadically for the Butler Old Boys football team has been enjoyable and the team are always looking for more ‘players’ (shameless plug for the next game during the Boat Party weekend). See you all at future reunions Retweeted by Where are they now?
Where are they now? @PresidentsAndSCDOs I believe Dan and Sally have some pretty big boots to fill...
The First Freshers Eve Dwyer (JB 2006 2009), reflects on being the inaugural intake of Butler Students in 2006
mud everywhere, incomplete buildings and, from my recollec,on, no mound which would become the focal point of the college. However, this college-to-be had several key a?rac,ons – including new en-suite bathrooms and kitchens for self-catering. The next ,me I visited Durham, the college had a name, Josephine Butler (a Victorian feminist and reformer). It was the college Welcome Day in 2006, we were the inaugural intake and I was moving in to a ground floor flat in Milfield. There were of course ini,al teething problems: over-sensi,ve fire alarms, plumbing issues and a sinking mound (although I understand the subsidence con,nues). The common areas, which were at first somewhat industrial, later became lived-in and home. Older students from other colleges, who had volunteered to transfer, became our college parents and brought with them some classic college tradi,ons – which mainly involved formals and wine. Since gradua,ng in 2009 I have been back to Durham and Butler many ,mes, ini,ally to see friends who were s,ll students and now with work as part of my firm's recruitment scheme. There are of course many college stereotypes in existence, but irrespec,ve of the accuracy of these, I find it true to say that Butler students are dis,nguished by their mix of backgrounds, openmindedness, fairness and a sense of independence. Durham City itself has changed since I started. I was just entering my third year when the financial crisis of 2008 hit and the face of Durham started to alter, stores began to close and the Woolworths which had provided a reliable source of cheap pick n' mix was replaced with a Tesco Metro. Returning to Durham now it is a relief to see full shop fronts and the Gates looking a li?le less shabby, though it took me a while to get over the reloca,on of “the man on the horse” statue in the centre of Market Place (which now faces the opposite direc,on) and more recently, the closure of Saddlers café!
I remember the first ,me I saw Durham, even now I look for that bend on the track when Durham Cathedral first comes into view. I had received an offer from the '16th College' (as yet unnamed) at the University of Durham to study Anthropology and wanted to see the place that I had entered on my UCAS form. I had missed the 'official' open day for prospec,ve students and instead came armed with a hard copy self-guided tour and my offer le?er. It was also my first, but not my last, experience of trekking up South Road aka The Hill. ALer an ini,al misdirec,on which lead me to Van Mildert (no address existed for this '16th College') I con,nued upwards to a vast building site. The college was s,ll very much under-construc,on with
In my final year I took Mandarin Chinese evening classes and aLer gradua,ng I went on to study an MSc specialising in Chinese anthropology, poli,cs and economics at LSE and I then taught in a Chinese state school before returning to the UK. ALer taking the Law conversion course on my return I joined Addleshaw Goddard LLP and as a member of the Durham Recruitment Team, I have been lucky enough to return to Butler, taking part in the Durham Law Fair and other careers events. Despite the recent poli,cal and economic upheaval I have no doubt that Butler students will con,nue to be some of the most inclusive, diverse and driven of all Durham students.
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The success of this year’s two reunions, in Durham and London, as well as the launch of the Tenth Year has shown how engaged the alumni community remains whilst growing and moving away from their ,me at Josephine Butler College. You can read about all the start of the Tenth Year celebra,ons on pages 6-7.
Alumni Reunions 2015 2016 Alumni Relations Assistant, Alice Whitehouse (JB 2012 2015), reviews this year’s Reunions.
ALer the meal, the group moved onto Grand Union, Chancery Lane, which at first did not seem ready to Durham Reunion accommodate such a big group of Butler alumni, but we The lights of Lumiere could not compare with the smiles of happily squeezed in and took over. More alumni joined the returning Alumni during the Durham Reunion weekend who had not a?ended the meal and even a few cheeky in November 2015. Alumni were welcomed back with open students who have not graduated yet! arms by students and staff. The weekend included a Both reunions were a pleasure to organise and it was brunch in Café Con,nental, a formal style meal in College, fantas,c to meet some new people. It is nice to know and many alumni going into town to look at the Lumiere alumni s,ll have a connec,on to the College no ma?er installa,ons or to return to Klute. how long they have been and how far away they move. The weekend ended with a successful Meet the Angels The diverse community of the alumni popula,on makes event with more students than Angels in a?endance. It conversa,ons with alumni very interes,ng and shows that was a lovely way to promote the valuable career network the Butler spirit that ul,mately defines the atmosphere at that we have at College ensuring that students are the College con,nues in Butlerites aLer they leave. Thank engaged in their career development. you to all those alumni that are s,ll engaged with the College over the past year and especially a?ended reunions. London Reunion
Alumni meal at the Durham Reunion
As the sun shone in London on the morning of 2nd April the London Reunion begin with Butler Angels taking part in an Angels Networking Event. Angels and other Alumni were able to mingle and discuss their ,me at Butler and their current career paths. The mixing of different Butler genera,ons, from an alumnus who started in another college to the current JCR President, was an enlightening experience. In the evening 40 Alumni joined members of staff at the Inn of Court, Holborn to enjoy the London Alumni Dinner. The atmosphere at the dinner was great and helped by the photo presenta,on that included many pictures from the a?endee’s ,me at Butler.
Our Alumni Angels helping out current students
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The Bikini Line Alan O’Cain, O’Cain Butler’s Artist/ Writer in Residence during 2015 16 writes about making a cherished vision become a reality
I have been delighted this year to be in-residence at Butler (shared with St. Cuthbert’s Society). The centrepiece of the year has been a cherished project to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of a li?le-thought-about event. In 1946 a total of 167 inhabitants of Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Marshall Islands were relocated by the US Government in order to carry out nuclear bomb tes,ng in the area. A series of twenty-three nuclear devices were detonated over a twelve-year period. The reef was contaminated beyond safety and only recently have a few intrepid diving companies established businesses on the atoll. The Bikinians and their descendants hope one day to be repatriated. Also in 1946 a new swimwear garment hit the fashion scene. The press was quick to make connec,ons and give a nickname to the revealing two-piece garment and its “explosive” effect on the public. They named it the “bikini”.
The Artworld of Alan O’Cain: www.aoart.co.uk
Since 2008 I have been an,cipa,ng this double Anniversary and hoping to create an artwork juxtaposing some of the serious ques,ons raised, not least the topical issues of forced migra,ons and environmental regenera,on, with the colourful and (some might say) frivolous world of swimwear fashion. I wanted to maximise the opportunity for collabora,on, and to create something that would take student involvement beyond the confines of the college into a public-facing world. I decided the ideal format was “installa,on”. In March 2016 I approached Mike Hughes, Head Gardener at Durham Botanic Garden, and floated the idea. Mike immediately embraced the concept. We would set-up the installa,on in the centre of the garden, hidden tantalisingly in a shady and
Installa,on website: www.thebikiniline.com atmospheric conifer glade. The focal piece was to be a beaten-up and abandoned washing machine, slumped on a mock tropical beach, around it seventy individually designed bikinis on washing lines or strewn in the trees. A further element would be sound: the eerie noise of the washing machine s,ll running. I knew Butler had just the man: Student Support Officer Neil Crimes. Neil is a Music graduate and sonic whizz. We clawed together a modest project budget and set to work. The installa,on opened on June 16th 2016. Students from both colleges and SCR members worked magnificently to help create the seventy hand-painted paper bikinis, as did pupils from Ryhope Junior School, Sunderland who happened to be visi,ng the Botanic Garden on bikini-pain,ng day. Mike and his highlyskilled staff toiled heroically to wrestle the installa,on into shape and transform an unseasonably cold and damp northern English conifer clearing into a South Pacific atoll. My wife Juliet created the alluring project website, concocted the poster and signage designs, ferried innumerable objects back-and-forth in the car and gave her usual invaluable input to the overall concep,on, as did Mike Hughes and Neil Crimes, with their inspired ideas and prac,cal help. Many people have asked about the meaning of the work, and whether it can be truly called art. I regard a work of art as a product of no intrinsic value designed to provoke thought. In that respect “The Bikini Line” is a work of art. But it is also garden design, and theatre. Most exci,ngly it is a “coming-together”, of people to create it, of material elements (sound, vision, texture, colour, vegeta,on) and of viewers, visitors, audience. Visually, it is orchestrated chaos, beau,ful ugliness, or as postgraduate student Emily Carson called it, “a mixture of poignancy and wit”. This duality is a stylis,c trait characterizing all of my art and so I find the completed installa,on par,cularly pleasing. Without enlightened ini,a,ves such as having ar,sts and writers in-residence in Durham University colleges, or individuals like Mike Hughes and his staff at the Botanic Garden who are willing to stop at nothing to make ambi,ous crea,ve visions a reality, or the students, SCR members, staff and others happy to roll-up sleeves and get stuck in, such enjoyable, thought-provoking and life-affirming crea,ve interven,ons could never happen. I give everyone my thanks, and hope for the con,nued recovery of Bikini Atoll from nuclear devasta,on and con,nued innova,on from the world of fashion bringing colour into lives and smiles onto faces.
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Scholarly ac,vity has thrived in Butler over the past year. We have had a diverse series of guest talks, excellent student presenta,ons and have benefi?ed from a number of excellent resident fellows who have added their own unique take to scholarly ac,vity at Butler.
Scholarly Activity
The year started with our first ‘Butler Talk’, the new name for our re-branded guest lecture series. We were delighted to welcome Helen Ford from ITV news who talked about the challenges of accurately reflec,ng the diversity of our communi,es within the news. We went on to welcome a range of speakers to college, including ar,st-in-residence Neil Crimes reviews Alan O’Cain (who talked about his ongoing art project inspired by the le?ers of an inmate convicted of banking scholarly activity of fraud), Ruth Lewis from Northumbria University (who the past year talked about challenging gender-based violence in universi,es), Bruna Maciel-Pearson from Codefirst:Girls (who talked about how to create more gender diversity in who have engaged in scholarly ac,vity and delivered their the world of compu,ng) and the crime-fic,on author John own talks. In par,cular, ar,st in residence, Alan O’Cain, has Connolly (who gave an extremely enlightening talk about even helped to start a new ini,a,ve at Butler, the Arts his life and the wri,ng process). Development Group. This year, this cross common room We have also had a number of fantas,c presenta,ons group helped to source funding for and project manage a from MCR members in our regular Scholars’ Suppers series new art installa,on at the Botanic Garden at which 4th-year undergraduate and postgraduate (www.thebikiniline.com). The opening ceremony in June students get the opportunity to present their work to their was a great way to end the year, with talks by the ar,sts, peers and enjoy a meal together. We enjoyed talks from a music and poetry. range of subjects such as biology, astronomy, computer gaming, geography, sociology and even computer science. The Butler Scholarly Journal (BSJ) has con,nued to go from strength to strength. This year we produced a special Olympics theme edi,on and once again produced a special printed edi,on of the best ar,cles at the end of the year. Our team of dedicated editors also benefited from a special edi,ng workshop which was held in the SCR. Finally, we have enjoyed an excep,onal team of resident fellows,
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Josephine Butler College Graduates 2016 Lae,,a Ajimal Oluwakemi Ajisafe Jamie Alderson Susan Alderson Yannick Algret Sousen AlJadid Richard Allen Cameron Anderson Wai Yin Au Pouneh Babakhani Sandra Baca Servin Maira Bakenova Scarle? Ballantyne Georgina Banks Amy Baron Rebecca Barton Philippa Batey Emma Ba?ell Rosanna Bawn Sarah Beard Melissa Benbow Ruth Berrisford Hannah Biggerstaff Natalie Biggs Thomas Birch William Birchall Rowan Bird Anna Bogar Savanna Bonstow Nikeel Boyd-Shah Steven Bradbury Parampreet Braich Robyn Brailey Halle Broadbent Joshua Broadhead Helen Brooks Michele Calamari Charlo?e Camilleri Carleigh Cartmell Helena Cavell Thomas Cawthorne Rachel Chadwick Yan Yee Chang Claire Chappell Dan Chen Lumeng Chen Siqi Chen Tongtong Chen Zhuoran Chen Victoria Chiles Ho Man Chim Sabrina Chong Frederick Clarke Nicholas Cliffe Ian Coates Sarah Constable Kimberly Cooper Sophie Cope Alexandra Corradine Mar,n Cox Sally Crawford Laura Crick Josef Curry Juan Cuspinera Contreras Rebecca Davies James Dear Mingdi Deng Naomi Denny Zoe Destang
Laura Devlin Amber Di Ferdinand Heather Dickinson Anna Dimitriou Caroline Dixon David Dodds Jordan Drummond Shengnan Duan Eleanor Duckenfield Thomas Eaton Jack Edmunds Elizabeth Edwards David Egan Sophie Ellio? Shanae Ennis-Melhado Roman Erlacher Abigail Eveleigh Jonathan Fairley Rongkui Fan Aishan Feng Qiyuan Feng Clara Fennessy Malachi Ferguson Jacob Fielker Nicolle Finch Emily Fisher William Ford Lucy Foster Katherine Frame Benjamin Franz Stefan French Oliver Fuller Thomas Gale Jiapeng Gao Paul Gape Alexander George Devon Gerencser Jacob Gledhill Leanne Godfrey Abigail Godridge Hannah Gowland Adam Graver Elspeth Green Camilla Grierson Damla Gunduz Adrian Gu,errez de la Torre Hannah Gwyther Lauren Haikney Natalie Hall Oonagh Hamilton Yu Han Naima Harman Donald Harvey Fiona Hathaway Eleanor Hayes Tabitha Haysom Maxwell Healey Victoria Hesketh India Hitchen Ruth Hitchings Rosie Hodsdon Anne Hogarth Charlo?e Hogg Elizabeth Hogg Claire Holden Hannah Holmes Jessica Holmes Jodie Hope Danni Hu
Yue Hu Qianqian Hua Xiaoyue Huang Youxia Huang Jennifer Hudec Emma Hunter Rosie Hunter Soksamphoas Im Nouf Imam Oriel Irvine-Wells Edjona Ismaili Marit Jansen Francesca Jaworska Qiongyu Jia Xuewen Jiang Ethan Johns Eleanor Johnson Elizabeth Jones Ma?hew Jones Anil Joy Yandi Kang Kerenza Kerslake Samuel Ke?le Sabeeh Khan Cansu Kilic Ben King Roman Korchagin Josh Kruse Ankit Kumar Andani Ismira Kusumawardani Sau Mei Lam Suzanne Lau Charlo?e Laycock Emma Lee Daniel Lennard-Jones Sophie Levin Chengxi Li Jun Li Lingjiao Li Ran Li Shangshang Li Wei Li Yunqian Li Xueling Liang Lydia Light Zihan Lin Qi Liu Zhuzhu Liu Sui Yan Lo Rebecca Lodge Christopher Lowans Samuel Lowden Robert Loweth Yi Lu Yi-Ying Lu Gemma MacMillan Raad Mahmoud Emily Maindonald Carl Makin Andrei Markin Christopher Marshall Charles Mason Lauren Mason Rupert Maspero Calum Masters Hannah Ma?hews Louise McCluskey Sophie McCormick Daniel McElhone
Archibald McNeillis Rachel Meredith Adina Mihai Monika Mihelic Kaixi Mo Soe Moe Mudassir Mohammed Faqrul Mohd Nasrudin Sarah Morrison Sam Morriss Jake Moscrop Robert Murray Nijat Mustafazada Yasmin Nayeri Alydia Noble Francesca Nunn Bethan Nye Denise Ocampo Megan O'Mara Antel Ompeintat William Osborne Inhye Park Julie?e Parkinson Lucinda Parsons Lei Peng Sabrina Pervez Amy Poole Briana Powell Alexander Presco? Leonie Price Ma?hew Prince Lin Qi Bohua Qu Martainn Ramsay Louise Ratcliffe Hannah Reed Zoe Reed Cynthia Reeves Lucy Reeves Jingya Ren Peng Ren Bryony Renshaw Amy Rentell Victoria Ribbons Alexander Ridley Juan Rodriguez Gonzalez Emily Rose Georgia Roworth Siobhan Roze Bethany Saddington Disha Sanghvi Thomas Schiller Elizabeth Seeley Jacob Senior David Sergeant Meera Shah Daniel Sheppard Heqin Shi Caroline Shirt Jack Skilton Abdullah Sli, Alexandra Smith Samuel Soh Christophoros Stavrinos Louise Stockdale Emma Stubbe Sastre Yiye Su Louise Swanwick Charles Swindells
Evangeline Tabor Lee Geok Tan Yunqing Tang Paranee Tantbirojn Sam Taylor Rebecca Teece Sivakamy Thangarajah Caitlin Thornton Ma?hew Thornton Samantha Timmins Alexandra Tobin Charles Tomlinson Rosanna Tong Thinh Tran Isobel Turbin Hannah Turner Poppy Turner Chioma Ugboma Grant Vanyants Giorgio Vassallo Hayley Walker Jiayin Wang Shen Wang Yu-Han Wang Katherine Warner Alexandra Waterfall Daniella Watson Phillippa Wealthall Benjamin Williams Chien-Ju Wong Jing-Yee Wong Kelley Wong Lauren Woodland Nicole Worthington William Wright Linshuang Wu Yao Wu Chang Xu Ling Yang Oleg Yanovskyy Enhao Ye Ching-Yi Yeh Chun Ho Yip Ka Yip Utku Yolsal Aiyuan Yong Stephanie Young Daisheng Yu Juan Yue Bonnie Yuen Ho Yin Yung Juri Zanieri Danyang Zhang Meng Zhang Tian Zhang Tingyu Zhang Wenyi Zhang Xiaoqing Zhang Yuhan Zhang Yifan Zhao Weishuang Zheng Yijun Zheng Yuyang Zheng Hanqi Zhou Xuan Zhou Yijun Zhou Yu,ng Zhou Fang Zou
Stay in Touch @butler_alumni Join “Butler Alumni” “Josephine Butler College”
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