Butler News Fall 2011

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Fall 2011

E. H. Butler News

Welcome Back! What’s New?

Summon...Your Library Discovered

The first thing you’ll notice when returning to the library is that a lot has changed. The Curriculum Materials Lab has been relocated to the second floor, making room for a new and improved Information Commons area and wireless lounge. Stop by the Information Commons for research help, equipment loan, and computer application support—all in one convenient location!

E. H. Butler Library has chosen Summon web-scale discovery service to address one of the main barriers between libraries and users: the lack of an easy starting point for research. The Summon service, found on the library home page, allows users to search all the library’s formats—books, articles, newspapers, databases and more—from a single search box. “Students, faculty and staff will be able to find relevant full-text content more quickly than ever before,” said Reference and Electronic Database Librarian, Al Riess, “Search results in Summon are clearly displayed and easy for all users to comprehend. Summon search results default to content of all types and formats that Butler Library owns, so users can easily find articles, books, music, and much more.”

RefWorks is Here!

The Summon discovery service, with one search box and one results screen, mimics open web searches and delivers the content that only the library provides. Results from a Summon search are based on relevancy and not impacted by technological expertise—so even inexperienced researchers can quickly and easily access library resources.

E. H. Butler Library announces the acquisition of the popular citation management tool, RefWorks. Creating bibliographies has never been this easy! RefWorks seamlessly captures citations from the library’s databases and the web, allowing you to store and manage your research from anywhere online. Visit our RefWorks page to create an account, view tutorials, and more! http://library.buffalostate.edu/ refworks/

Want to learn more? Summon demonstration sessions will be held in Butler Library room 314 from 12:30 p.m. -1:00 p.m. on the following dates: Thursday, 9/22 Tuesday, 9/27 Thursday, 9/29 Tuesday, 10/4 Thursday, 10/13 Tuesday, 10/18 No registration is required. Hope to see you there! Questions? Contact Al Riess at riessaf@buffalostate.edu.

LibGuides: Check It Out

Announcing New Databases

Librarians are now able to create specialized research guides for any class. Take a look at the variety of subject guides created so far at http:/ /guides.buffalostate.edu/. Interested? Contact your library liaison for more information http:/ /library.buffalostate.edu/about/contact.php? page=bysubject.

Oxford Dictionaries Online A modern English language dictionary and English language reference service, which includes an Oxford dictionary with audio pronunciations, advanced search capabilities, and more. Also included are thesauruses, and sections entitled "Writing skills," "For writers and editors" (with sources on modern English usage), "Example sentences" and "Puzzles." ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I Citations and abstracts of many dissertations and theses from the United States and throughout the world (1861 - present). Previews of some dissertations are available. Formerly known as Dissertation Abstracts International. DRAM (streaming music database) Formerly known as the Database of Recorded American Music, DRAM features high-quality streaming audio of music from independent record labels and sound archives. Includes more than 3,000 albums covering genres such as opera, electronic, 19th Century classical, jazz, musical theater, folk, and more, from the U.S. and beyond.

Buffalo State faculty, staff, and student organizations may bring classes or groups to E. H. Butler Library for instruction in doing library research. Most library instruction sessions occur during regularly scheduled class time in a computerized classroom located in the library. Schedule your library instruction at http://library.buffalostate.edu/ services/instruction.php.

The Digital Commons institutional repository is a service of E.H. Butler Library at Buffalo State College. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited by individual departments and centers on campus. Check it out at http:// digitalcommons.buffalostate.ed u/.

E. H. Butler Library and Instructional Resources are teaming up to offer instructional technology research appointments. Discover new technologies that you can incorporate into your classes, learn more about the equipment available from Equipment Loan, and much more. Make an appointment at https://buffalostate.wufoo.com/ forms/technology-appointments/.

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