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Light blue: Early Childhood and Middle Childhood Education, Effective Teaching and Leadership, Elementary Education, Middle and Secondary Education, School Counseling Olive: Medical Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Professional Pharmacy Orange: Engineering Dual Degree Program Peacock: Education Administration Pink: Music, Music Composition, Music Conducting, Music Education, Music History, Music Performance, Music Theory, Musical Arts, Piano Pedagogy Red: Religion Silver: Communication Sciences and Disorders, Communication Studies, Critical Communication and Media Studies, Digital Media Production, Human Communication and Organizational Leadership, Interactive Media, Journalism, Music Industry Studies, Sports Media, Strategic Communication, Web Design and Development White: Classics, English, English Literature, English Writing, French, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, German, History, History and Anthropology, History and Political Science, Individualized Major, International Studies, Spanish


Students who receive a cumulative grade point average of 3.7 or higher receive University Honors: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Summa Cum Laude. University Honors are represented by honor cords, which are worn as a part of a student’s regalia.

Blue and white: Cum Laude Gold: Magna or Summa Cum Laude

Cum Laude A 3.7 cumulative grade point average or higher or a 3.5 cumulative grade point average and satisfactory completion of the Butler University Honors Program, including a thesis

Magna Cum Laude A 3.7 cumulative grade point average and satisfactory completion of the Butler University Honors Program, including a thesis

Summa Cum Laude A 3.9 cumulative grade point average and satisfactory completion of the Butler University Honors Program, including a thesis

Graduate students in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences are the only graduate students eligible to qualify for honors.


Honors A 3.6 grade point average in the academic major; Lacy School of Business (LSB) students must also have a 3.6 cumulative grade point average in LSB

High Honors A 3.7 grade point average in the academic major and satisfactory completion of an honors thesis or comprehensive examination; LSB students must also have a 3.7 cumulative grade point average in LSB

Highest Honors A 3.8 grade point average in the academic major and satisfactory completion of an honors thesis and comprehensive examination; LSB students must also have a 3.8 cumulative grade point average in LSB

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