Annual Report
JUL 20 - JUN 21
Our Mission Butterfly Dreamz, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps girls develop into women who achieve their dreams and fill the roles of leadership in this nation and world. Through mentorship, scholarships, and youthled community action, we equip girls to be confident leaders who disrupt the status quo.
Our Values Leadership: We see every girl as a leader, and we prove what's possible for girls by disrupting the status quo. Community: We build a supportive and inspiring network of female leaders. Youth Empowerment: We empower girls to see their greatness and create impact.
The Need While pursuing their personal, professional, and educational goals, girls of color, particularly Black girls, in the United States are often faced with racism, stereotypes, and other inequities. In order to challenge and change the systems that are working against them, girls need support—they need a strong and “safe” community that listens to and believes in their leadership, invests in their growth, supports their goals, and gives them an opportunity to show up authentically, while honing their skills. This need has been evidenced by the over 300% increase in our Cocoon Club membership during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our Impact
The Cocoon Club
Being a member of the Cocoon Club has helped and inspired me to take certain risks to obtain things that I want to achieve and to not give up when things get hard.
—Zaharaou, 17 years old, Newark, NJ
It [The Cocoon Club] has given me more confidence to go for what I want and reach out to help and connect with others.
—Kayla, 14 years old, Gary, Indiana
I saw Cocoon Club through an ad on Instagram, and I immediately joined the community. I went through the [community app] feed, and it was so inspiring to see so many strong ladies supporting one another and providing different opportunities for all ages.
Watch the video above to hear some of our girls reflect on their Cocoon Club experience.
——Sandra J., 12 years old, Bronx, NY
Youth Internships To power and help manage our growing Cocoon Club, we enhanced our Write to Lead internship and created two new internship programs, starting in FY22!
Write to Lead
Brand Builders
Community Ambassadors
Author our annual Leadership Journal and design weekly messages and helpful content to encourage and equip the hundreds of girls and women mentors in our Cocoon Club community.
Design and implement marketing and social media campaigns that increase our brand awareness and build recruitment relationships with schools, grassroots organizations, and faith-based communities.
Co-lead research projects to understand our community needs, facilitate youth-led community projects, and provide peer mentorship and support to girls in the Cocoon Club.
In FY21, our Cocoon Club community grew from 50 members to nearly 450 members, supporting over 350 middle and high school girls, 25 alumni, and 50 women mentors.
54% of members were regularly engaged with our Mobilize community app— messaging other members, participating in community discussions, downloading resources, posting content, and reading community updates. Attendance at our weekly virtual programs ranged between 10 girls and 40 girls, depending on the event. The average attendance at our Career Chats was 25 girls and the average attendance at our book club discussions was 15 girls. All weekly programs maintained an over 90% youth satisfaction rate. 96% (25/26) of graduating high school seniors who received Leadership Coaching or Peer Mentoring support enrolled in post-secondary college and career programs and joined our College and Career Network to remain connected to the community. 19 girls were matched with a professional woman Leadership Coach and received monthly one-on-one mentorship—84% (16/19) of girls were satisfied with their match and planned to stay connected with their coach after the coaching program ended.
FY21 Highlights
We employed 19 high school girls as paid interns and distributed over $18K in scholarships and youth leadership awards.
In my experience, the Cocoon Club is an inspiring and encouraging community. With that kind of environment, I often left the weekly meetings feeling like I could do anything. Being surrounded by girls who also have the same aspirations and goals as I do, made me excited to continue my own journey. There is power in seeing yourself in others who are like you, and I think the Cocoon Club does a great job at giving girls the representation they need to grow as leaders and achieve their dreams. —Cristal, 12th Grade Student, Newark, NJ
In FY21, our Founder & CEO, Joy Lindsay, was recognized as an AMEX Founder of Change ($25K award) and a 2020 Echoing Green Finalist!
Financial Summary
Revenue Overview We raised
$200,964—approximately 56%
of our $360K FY21 fundraising goal and a $109K increase from FY20.
Carolyn Jane Scott Charitable Trust contributed $20K for the 2nd year in a row. Excluding Butterfly Dreamz staff and Board members, we had 78 individual donors. Individual donor gifts ranged from $10 to $12,500. The average individual donor gift size was $337 and the median gift size was $100.
Expenses Overview Our expenses totaled
$192,814 and we ended the
year with a savings of $8,150.
We awarded over $10K in annual scholarships and over $24K in intern stipends and youth leadership awards. We contributed $9,500 in unrestricted grants to grassroots organizations with aligned missions. We distributed over 200 free copies of our Leadership Journal and over 150 copies of BIPOC-authored young adult books to middle and high school girls from underserved communities.
What's next?
FY22 Goals Leadership Growth
Improved Mental Health
Connect at least 500 girls to our Cocoon
90% (38/42) of girls who are matched
Club community, maintaining an 80%
with a volunteer Leadership Coach trained
(400/500) membership engagement rate,
in therapeutic mentoring report lower
with 90% (90/100) of girls who are matched
levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, as
with a volunteer Leadership Coach or Peer
measured by the DASS-21 Scale.
Mentor experiencing growth in their leadership skills, as measured by the Roets Youth Leadership Scale.
Post-Secondary Success
Influential Alumni Network Provide college and career support to at least 80% (20/25) of our alumni Cocoon Club members.
90% (27/30) of high school seniors who are matched with a volunteer Leadership Coach or Peer Mentor receive acceptance into a college, university, or another post-secondary education/career program.
Sustainabilty Raise $360K for FY22 and create a 5-year growth and sustainability plan.
Our Team
Joy Lindsay
Deiona Monroe
Founder & CEO
Devlopment Manager
Kyla Carter
Brittani Johnson
Program Manager
Social Worker
Board of Directors Heather Lindsay, Board Chair Tiffany Davis, Board Secretary Mario Antwine, Board Treasurer Mike McCartan, Board Member
Yakima Johnson, Board Member Gregory Brown, Board Member Tanya Johnson, Board Member Ali Holstein, Board Member
Huiying B. Chan Write to Lead Instructor
Cathleen Meredith Brand Builders Instructor
Advisory Board Tony Lindsay Dr. Jamelia Harris Viki Rasmussen
Rev. Cathy Bristow Jessica DeLucia