T O S E C U R E T H E F E S T I VA L’ S F U T U R E , WE NEED TO RAISE FUNDS TO B U I L D T H E F E S T I VA L F O U N D AT I O N ’ S ENDOWMENT FUND Over four decades Buxton International Festival has grown into one of the UK’s leading arts events; a cultural celebration of the very best opera, music and books. The Festival features the most promising rising stars in the arts world, as well as prominent international singers, artists and literary figures performing in a packed summer programme of 120 events over a 17day period to an audience of more than 30,000.
“ T H E S U N S H O N E , T H E H E A L I N G S PA WAT E R S G U R G L E D U N D E R G R O U N D , A N D P E O P L E AT T E N D I N G T H E B U X T O N F E S T I VA L , A S I WA S , S K I P P E D F R O M A R E A D I N G T O A R E C I TA L T O A N O P E R A W I T H O U T A N A P PA R E N T C A R E . ”
WITH YOUR SUPPORT WE WILL BE ABLE TO Buxton International Festival creates original opera productions every year enticing international artists and production teams to this spa town in the Peak District. However we are determined to create a financial environment which provides for the future security of the Festival. The Foundation was established as a separate charitable trust in 2002 by the Friends of the Festival to contribute to the long-term stability and development of the Festival. The purpose of the Foundation is to grow an endowment fund sufficient to provide a secure financial basis for the next 40 years as the Festival continues to develop the range and quality of its opera productions, and its learning, participation and young artists’ programmes. YOU CAN HELP US REACH OUR TA R G E T I N M A N Y W AY S •
Make a donation to help us reach our target
Attend an Anniversary fundraising event, a way to socialise with friends new and old
Create a living legacy or remember us in your will, a gift that you can see grow in your lifetime and for future generations
Become an Appeal Angel, our special band of Appeal supporters
NURTURE NEW TA L E N T Giving young artists performance platforms as they develop and expand their repertoires. ENGAGE YOUNG PEOPLE Creating opportunities for young people in the local community to expand their horizons and learn new skills through arts projects. INSPIRE NEW AUDIENCES Developing diverse programmes of Opera, Music and Books for young and old. P L AY A K E Y PA R T O F T H E C U LT U R A L R E G E N E R AT I O N OF BUXTON Bringing new life and prosperity to the town and our wider communities as we become one of the most exciting new cultural destinations in Britain.
YOUR SUPPORT HOW TO GIVE 1. Fill in below to set up a standing order or send a cheque 2. Remember to sign the Gift Aid form if you are a tax payer 3. Return to Buxton Festival Foundation, 3 The Square, Buxton SK17 6AZ ABOUT YOU Title:
First name:
Address: Postcode E-mail:
I would like to set up a regular standing order for the lifetime of the Appeal. Please debit my account immediately and thereafter monthly on the 1st of the month until July 2020. Name of Bank and branch address:
Account name:
Account number:
Sort Code:
Please pay: Buxton Festival Foundation, Account Number: 51216015, Sort Code: 40-15-24 HSBC Bank plc, 5 Great Underbank, Stockport SK1 1LH Choose monthly donation amount: £10
A ONE-OFF DONATION I would like to make a donation and have enlosed a cheque for: £100
CHARITY GIFT AID DECLARATION TO BUXTON FESTIVAL FOUNDATION Boost this and all future donations by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.
Please notify us if you: - Wish to cancel this declaration - Change your name or home address - No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains
I declare that I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
Full name:
Date: P R I VA C Y P O L I C Y Buxton Festival Foundation will share your data only with the Buxton International Festival and the Friends of the Festival with whom we share a common Privacy Policy. The full policy is available to read on the Festival website If, at any time, you wish to stop receiving any or all of the information sent out by us, the Buxton International Festival or Friends of Buxton Festival, please email or write to: Buxton Festival Foundation, 3 The Square, Buxton SK17 6AZ 07 / 2018