Your contribution to the Appeal will make a vital difference in securing the Festival’s Future How to give • Fill in below to set up a standing order or send a cheque • Remember to sign the Gift Aid form if you are a tax payer • Return to Buxton Festival Foundation, 3 The Square, Buxton, SK17 6AZ I would like to set up a regular standing order for the lifetime of the Appeal. The Manager Branch Address
Account Name Account Number Sort Code Signature Date
You can help us reach our target in many ways
Please pay: Buxton Festival Foundation Account Number: 51216015 Sort Code: 40-15-24
– Make a donation to help us reach our target
HSBC Bank plc 5 Great Underbank, Stockport SK1 1LH
– Attend an Anniversary fundraising event, a way to socialise with friends new and old
Choose monthly donation amount:
■ £10 ■ £25 ■ £50 ■ £100 ■ Other amount £ Please debit my account immediately and thereafter monthly on the 1st of the month until July 2020. Name
– Create a living legacy or remember us in your will, a gift that you can see grow in your lifetime and for future generations
“ I’m determined that young singers should benefit from the wonderful experience of working with Buxton International Festival, which gave me the perfect start to my career.” Lesley Garrett CBE Appeal Patron
– Become an Appeal Angel, our special band of Appeal supporters
Address Postcode e-mail
For more information contact Joanne Williams, Development Manager on 01298 70395 or
A Festival for the Future