January 2020
Not just an AGM Friday 14 February in the Pavilion Arts Centre The second half of the AGM will be given over to an introduction to this year’s Festival by Adrian Kelly and Michael Williams. We will again be following the AGM with an enticing piano recital and a “Valentine’s Day Lunch”. Those who endured last year’s acoustics will be pleased to know that we have moved the venue back to the Pavilion Arts Centre! The outline programme for the day is: 10.30 Doors open; coffee 11.00 AGM : see the official Notice and further details on page 4 12.00 Recital – tickets at £10 1.15 Lunch – tickets at £18.50
Stand by for this year’s brochure The Festival brochure will be mailed out in midFebruary and will include all this year’s Festival events – opera, music and books. This year’s opera dates are included in full on page 3 below to help with your early planning.
Priority Booking Dates 2020 Monday 2 March : Directors Circle, Benefactors, Gold Patrons Monday 9 March : Patrons Monday 16 March : Gold Friends Monday 23 March : Friends Wednesday 1 April : Public booking opens
It’s not too late to upgrade and secure your favourite seats.
Full details of the recital and lunch overleaf.
Not yet renewed your membership? We shall shortly be sending out reminders. Please do renew in good time for priority booking. Every year we receive touching letters from some Friends who love the Festival but feel that the years have now caught up with them. If Leaving a Legacy with the Festival Foundation may be of interest, please let us know at the addresses below or email: foundation@buxtonfestival.co.uk
Another gong for Georgiana Following its recent success with a National Theatre Award, Georgiana has now been named by The Stage as one of top five of the 50 best opera productions in the UK in 2019 – in the company of Garsington, Grange, Holland Park and the ROH. What new heights await BIF in 2020? [The Stage has been reporting on the UK entertainment industry since 1880.]