Inner Beauty Vs Outer Beauty Essay

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Guadalupe Bartolo Dr. Harper Senior Capstone December 4, 2017 The Perception of Beauty A common aphorism is ,"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Beauty is a combination of qualities– such as shape, color, or form – that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Individuals believe that through personal relationship experience, they create an idea of what aesthetic characteristics they are searching for; women are usually seen as the objective of this appeal. Through generations, one can see the power beauty has over civilizations or societies; such as the fact that ancient Greeks worshipped the goddess Aphrodite– a woman – because she represented true beauty, even though, Greek women were thought of as inferior to males. Beauty is so powerful that external influences take advantage of the significant beauty has on people, to exploit it for their own self benefit. Vivian Diller, a psychologist in New York City, renders to the fact that, "even the words we use to describe it [beauty] reflect its power – like stunning, knockout and bombshell – all of which connote the violent impact it has on others". People believe they choose whom they find attractive yet there are external influences that play a force in the human mind such as the media, public figures, cosmetic industries, and culture influence people's inner perception of whom one finds beautiful. External influences can make the most impact in perceptions and ideals such as the media. The media

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Essay : The Perception Of Beauty

Internal Characteristics Of Beauty

American social consideration on external vs internal characteristics American culture has become troubled in deciding what characteristics make a person beautiful and how that correlates to how people treat them. Is it the external features, such as a person's hair, eyes, complexion, or how someone dresses? Is it about internal qualities, such as intelligence, loyalty, or patience. Is it about more personal aspects such as person's race, gender, abilities or sexual orientation? Is it a mixture of all these things or none at all? It also comes into consideration about what qualities weigh more heavily than others. Is there some type of grading system that society uses today that decides who is better than someone based on these qualities or has society become nonjudgmental to these things? A good reference to this topic is Jane Martin's play Beauty. The play makes the reader question if external or internal qualities make you beautiful. Martin utilizes two characters that have two different types of beauty, physical appearance and intelligence, but hate the type of beauty they are given because they believe America views the other as better to have. The play reaches an emotional level when the reader realizes that one of the characters, Bethany, will use her last wish to become what she believes is beautiful. The girls both explain how their own qualities affect their lives negatively and how they think each other's qualities would benefit them if they had them.

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In recent years, beauty has been classified into two main concepts, inner and outer beauty. Outer beauty refers to the good quality of physical appearance while inner beauty refers to the personal traits or talents which are not easy to observe from the appearance. And there are lots of discussion arguing which is more important to a human being. People with outer beauty could make a great first impression on the others while people with inner beauty could have a long–lasting and impressive personal image imprinted on others' mind which is more critical to the individual. This will be asserted by comparing the persistence, attractiveness and the treatment received from the others of the inner and outer beauty indicating inner beauty is more content...

A study from Victor A. Ginsburgh and Olivier Gergaud examining the effect of beauty and talent on the earning, it shows that people with talent have a higher return than people with beauty(Gergaud & Ginsburgh, 2010). It indicated that people with inner receive a better treatment than people with the outer beauty only. People with outer beauty do receive more opportunities in different aspect on the life however inner beauty is the factor decide whether the individual could hold the chance tightly. Talents and abilities are the main factors of the considerations for the employer to promote their employee. Success in career path also means success in your life. Therefore, inner beauty is more important to a human being. In conclusion, by comparing the persistence, attractiveness and the treatment received from the others for inner and outer beauty, inner beauty is more critical to an individual as inner beauty brings us a long–lasting and positive personal image, help building up a healthy social life, and help people to grip their chance and getting success in their life. Inner beauty is important to people while outer beauty is just a bonus, thus, people should develop good manners first rather than blindly focus on the outer beauty. (726

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Internal and external beauty are both very important in our society. To be beautiful internally means to have a kind heart and be understanding. To be beautiful externally means to be beautiful on the outside such as having a nice figure and an attractive smile. Internal beauty is important because beyond looks, it is your personality that is noticed. External beauty is important because it is your attractive figure that brings notice to someone's great personality or external beauty. To me, internal and external beauty are represented and influenced by familymembers, friends, and society as a whole.

Family members are important how we perceive internal and external beauty. Depending on which family member, more content... Parents have a "duty" to preserve their heritage, and look as someone from a different area of birth, as "outsiders" and therefore their external beauty has to severely overweigh their internal beauty. My brother thinks much differently. He tries to balance both the internal beauty with the external beauty, make the most reasonable judgement between external and internal beauty. My friends are most likely to look at the external beauty before the internal beauty. If they like the external beauty, then they may also consider the internal beauty. If they however, do not like the external beauty, they most likely ignore the internal beauty altogether. So, although friends are friends, they tend to be one of the most hypocritical judges. The thing that matters to friends is that if the girl is pretty, then chances are she may also have a nice personality. If she doesn't appeal to my friends externally, then her internal beauty must also be lacking. This, however, is not always true, since some of my real close friends tend to overlook the external beauty, or not stress it as much as others. Society is the most judgmental of all critics regarding internal and external beauty. In today's society, external beauty Is always stressed significantly. This is one of the main reasons why there are so many girls in our country that have

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Essay about Internal And External Beauty

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Before "The Rest" JedDrek Seeber

Prayer: God I ask that my words be your words and that you open our ears so that we hear what you want us to hear. In Jesus name amen.

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Before "The Rest" JedDrek Seeber

Prayer: God I ask that my words be your words and that you open our ears so that we hear what you want us to hear. In Jesus name amen.

Before "The Rest"

Have you ever wondered how everything in the world began? I know I have. Some of you could be thinking about it right now. Or have already. When you see those beautiful flowers in the summer do you sometimes wonder how they became to be? Well I'm sure most of you would say from seeds. That more content... Only light in the mist and on the water. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening, and there was morning the first day."

The first day. The very beginning of everything, in this old world. The beginning of time, the beginning of history. The beginning of all the happiness and sorrow of mankind. For it was on this day that the great and loving creator, with a wonderful purpose in mind, drew near this blacked–out planet, this dark little speck in space, and said. "Let there be light."

Great Preparations

Inner Beauty vs. Outer

As the light of earths first day fades into night, something strange and wonderful begins to happen. Silently, mysteriously, the heavy, moisture–laden mist that has held close to the ocean begins to rise. All night and all the next morning it goes up, up, up until it becomes a beautiful fleecy white covering high above the world. Between it and the water below there is clear, fresh air, forming the atmosphere.. "And God said, "Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water." So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. God called the vault "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning–the second day." Perhaps you are wondering why God took one whole day of creation week

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Physical Beauty Vs Inner Beauty

Beauty can be defined in multiple diverse ways. To each person beauty is perceived in their own way. Beauty can be broken down into two categories: physical beauty and inner beauty. Physical beauty is the appearance of an individual. Society today has placed physical beauty on a very high pedestal. Now teenagers focus so much of their lives trying to be physically beautiful to amount to what the world or society says they should be, instead of focusing on their inner beauty. Inner beauty is the attitude or personality of an individual. Inner beauty has been pushed to the curb so that one may reach their full potential of physical beauty. To some individuals, physical beauty may be more important, but to others inner beauty becomes the standard of being beautiful. Although physical beauty and inner beauty may seem similar they are in fact quite different in ways such as the definition, qualities, and effects on society. The definition of beauty varies from person to person. defines beauty as, "the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest)." This definition may also help an individual understand that there are two types of beauty, physical beauty and inner beauty. Some individuals may not realize that there

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[Beauty vs Brain!] * In today's world, the packing is more important that the content. The cover of the book is more important the book itself. The cast of the movie attracts the audiences to theatres than the storyline. Just like that, when you meet a human being, the very first thing that you notice is the way he looks. It's very natural, nothing wrong about that. More often than not, a person's talent is ignored just because he/she happens to look .. well, plain. Be it in the professional or the personal life, a man / woman needs to have a good personality to climb that ladder of success. Or not? Why do you need to look beautiful to be successful? Except of course in the glam–world of movies/modelling. It is raw talent and more content...

* If all you have is beauty, you are forever the helpless victim. You will be used in the work place, and at home. You will not have the brains to get out of any problems you might have. You will be ever dependant on the next guy that comes along and wants your beauty for something. And if you really lack brains, you will be too stupid to know or care that you are being used. And that is sad. Beauty is expensive to achieve and maintain[plastic surgery, make up, permanent hair removal, tattooing like to give someone permanent eyeliner, and on and on]. If you have brains, you will be able to make enough money to do all of the beauty things to become or stay beautiful. * I would have to choose brains. Of course, beauty can be a factor of social life (if you want to attract someone to you), though what other uses does beauty have? I say nothing else. * With the brains, you open yourself to many doors of futures coming your way. If you choose the doors that lead to much usage of mathematics, you can bake or design buildings and objects. If you open the door to rhetoric, you can use it to convince other people to make a difference in society. By opening the doors that lead to science, you could possibly discover a cure to a deadly and common disease or cancer. Each door of the mind reveals a way to make life better for yourself, your companions, plus people you do not know yet are still there. You merely have to decide

Beauty vs. Brain
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What is beauty? Some may say beauty is only seen from within, and is in the form of natural beauty. Others may say that beauty is a person with a face full of makeup with designer clothes, and a wallet full of money. While others may say that beauty is about the attitude. Beauty is a very versatile and debatable word, because of the unlimited definitions. The first definition of beauty in the Webster's dictionary states, "beauty is the qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or mind." The main type of beauty that most people are familiar with is external beauty. This comes with the second definition in the Webster dictionary, which states that beauty is a beautiful person or thing. External beauty is the first thing that attracts a person, and people will judge on how a person looks. In today's society, people think that in order to be beautiful a person has to get cosmetic surgery, have a face full of makeup, have an expensive wardrobe, and even be popular.

Though external beauty is important to some because people would like to look good for themselves. Some people work on their physical appearance, because they are not confident with their body. External beauty is nothing but the beauty of the skin. Another beauty that is very familiar is internal beauty. Inner beauty is far more important than external, because of the simple fact that inner beauty is seen to be the essence of the soul. 1 Peter 3:3–4 says, "Beauty should not come from outward

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Beauty Essay : What Is The Form Of Beauty?

Inner vs. Physical Beauty

In today's society, physical beauty and appearance is stressed from a very young age. Maybe unknowingly, your parents submitted you to a life of striving to be "beautiful." Your parents may have given you a faultless, slender, beautiful Barbie doll for you to play with when you were younger, mistakenly cementing you in to a world where beauty is the solution to be happy and successful in life. In many fairy tales, such as "Cinderella," being beautiful is associated with being a good person, which influences women and children to try to achieve beauty and worry less about their thoughts and character. Attractiveness is very crucial to most people's everyday being because of the warped version of beauty our society displays. Instead more content...

That is why, before you fall in love with someone, you need to take into consideration that they're perfect exterior may be reverse on theirinterior. No matter your outermost appearance, all people have some innermost attractiveness. Women are constantly under pressure to become the societies distorted beautiful, when in reality you will find your friends and soul mates based upon your actions and beliefs. When you walk into any store, you will see magazines plastered with faces that seem unrealistically gorgeous. You see eighty pound models walking across runways and of course the traditional "skinny" and "fat." The fact of the matter is that these women on the covers of magazines aren't, in actuality, themselves, but rather a computer generated and enhanced version of them. Studies show that almost every woman in the United States have insecurities concerning their hair, face, body, etc., and the addition of public display of unrealistic beauty decreases a woman's self confidence just by glancing over the cover of a magazine. If there were no superficial standards of beauty in the world, people would not judge people by their looks, but rather by their personality. The real beauty in people would be seen and revealed to others. Some people marry and 'fall in love' with superficially beautiful people

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What Is Beauty In Society

The definition of beauty can vary between person to person. For centuries, beauty was seen to satisfy other people but oneself. Beauty can be judged on the clothes one puts on to wear, the makeup that is being used, the hairstyle that keeps up with the latest fashion and even the shape of one's body. In this generation, we are raised in an indestructible bubble of judgement. Beauty can also be seen as anornament. People cover their Christmas trees with ornaments to make it more appealing to the eye, the same goes with human beings. Specifically females try to present themselves in ways society tells them is right. However, underneath all of the ribbons and ornaments is a simple tree with great personality. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This statement is used vigorously throughout society and is seen as an empowering statement with women. However, it should be rewritten as, beauty is in the eye of society. Society tells people how to live their life and how to present themselves in a "proper way." Nevertheless, millions of human beings are getting plastic surgery to change their outermost appearance. Starting from a nose job to botox all over the face, individuals spend so much time and money to make themselves look unrecognizable With this being said, plastic surgery is not a bad commodity, as it is all a personal choice to an individual. It enhances one's features and makes a person feel better than their best self but in reality the only element that matters is the inner beauty. Growing up in this generation, they are influenced by every person in a magazine. Society altogether, must look past the pictures in Vogue or Cosmopolitan and look deeper in the beauty that is within us all. Children nowadays are growing up and are expected to look like America's Next Top Model and they are not focusing in school, because they are too busy looking at what their friends are wearing and their outermost appearance. Mind is greater than looks, so if students did not focus on what society would think of them, they would most likely score higher on tests. Inner beauty is more important than physical beauty, because it is a representation of a person's true self. Judging a book by its cover can often be

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The Importance Of Inner Beauty

Moreover, society tends to emphasize more focus on individuals' physical appearance than self–competence. People are easily influenced by the media and its promotion of outward beauty. Advertisements, billboards, T.V. commercials are ubiquitous. Often, these are successful at persuading people to act with the intention of "fitting with the bandwagon" by purchasing products from the market or undergoing modification procedures. Despite this intention, the power of persuasion leans more towards what physical attributes an individual should embody such as body size, weight, shape, and clothing style. "Cultural pressures glorify thinness and obtaining the perfect body. Cultural norms value people on the basis of physical appearance and not inner qualities and strengths" (California State University). Rarely does media promote the idea of which performing virtuous deeds or actions cultivate one's inner beauty. Unlike outer beauty, inner beauty is a necessity in a human being, not a trend (Arena, 2017). If external beauty is based on the premises of embellishing outward appearance, then inner beauty must be defined as an entity that is experienced through a person's personality, confidence, self–esteem, and actions. In other words, inner beauty is rooted deep underneath the surface the skin. In addition, it is not only about what one is putting onto the body, but also what being put into the body. Because of the overemphasis that society places on external beauty, the concept of

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In today's day and age, people are judged not on their inner beauty, but rather, their physical beauty. This desire to hold judgement against outer beauty slowly ruins self–confidence. In Cyrano de Bergerac this judgement on outer beauty makes the characters feel insecure about their weaker qualities. This is demonstrated by Cyrano's belief that people think lowly of him because of his appearance. In contrast, Christian finds himself physically attractive but, with little eloquence and fears his handsome looks is all people see of him. And finally, Roxanne contributes to this issue by expressing her judgement on people based on their looks. Appearance does not portend everything, but in most cases, is the quality that is judged predominately. Cyrano is an astonishingly intelligent, and well–spoken man, but has unappealing looks. His appearance affects his self–confidence considering that he believes everyone looks at him as being an ugly individual. When Roxanne is explaining the man, she is in love with, Cyrano assumes she is explaining his characteristics, until she says "his face shines with wit and intelligence, he's proud, noble, young, fearless, handsome..." (Cyrano de Bergerac, Rostand, pg. 77). Cyrano hears that the man is handsome and loses all hope, because to himself he is not considered handsome. Having been judged about his physical features, his self–confidence is poor. Although, he believes his outer beauty decides on how people envision him, he is a very intelligent individual and has marvelous inside qualities, which many people recognize and respect. If only he could realize that his outer beauty is not nearly important as his inner beauty, maybe then he could see how important his strongest qualities are. Being well dressed, groomed, and being physically appealing has its perks, as appearance is what a first impression would be based on if no conversation is involved. But outer beauty does not indicate a person's personality and intelligence. In regards to Christian, he is a very handsome character, but his word choice and poetic sensibility are very poor. He is always at a loss of words and believes he is a dim–witted individual, especially when he tells Cyrano that "... I'm one of those men

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English essay hw Aimee 8A Which is more important appearance or personality? If people could see inner beauty, they wouldn't care about the outer beauty. Too bad people can't see each other's inner beauty. Since we live in a physical world, we go on appearance. When people first look at you, they look at your appearance, whether you're beautiful, handsome, or not. People who are generally better looking will tend to have more advantages. Maybe some people think personality is more important, like being nice, caring, etc is more important, unfortunately, the world sees physical well first, and when they get to know the person they will know the person's personality. I mean, who doesn't want to be born pretty? About personality, we more content...

Because, I think other people choose to interact with them, to spend time near them, talk with them, buy insurance from them, and hire them as employees. They attract people by their beauty, and therefore they can get more money than people with not good–looking appearance. When we look at attractive people, we have a tendency to think that they are funnier, more friendly, more intelligent, more exciting, in possession of better social skills, are more interesting, poised and even more independent. This is the perfect example of 'halo effect'. The 'halo effect' is the idea that global evaluations about a person (e.g. she is likeable) bleed over into judgments about their specific traits (e.g. she is intelligent). Hollywood stars demonstrate the halo effect perfectly. Because they are often attractive and likeable we naturally assume they are also intelligent, friendly, display good judgment and so on. In the same way politicians use the 'halo effect' to their advantage by trying to appear warm and friendly, while saying little of any substance. People tend to believe their policies are good, because the person appears good. It's that simple. We look at attractive people, and we start judging them, about their traits, thinking that they're

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The term 'beauty' may have very relative significance. Something can be beautiful for us, but ugly for other people. The external beauty of a person is often the first thing that we pay attention to. This is the result of the association of beauty with good and ugliness with evil. Through the outer appearance we make a general opinion about a given person. Such a way of thinking may be very misleading. In order to get to know the person we need to look to the inside – into the soul. This is the place where the real beauty and ugliness are hidden. The notion of inner and outer beauty is perfectly presented in the novel 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde. The story described in this book shows how the external more content...

Under the influence of Lord Henry, Dorian is more and more eager for seeking pleasure in life. This becomes his priority. Realizing his astonishing look, Dorian's deeds become more and more cruel and his inside starts changing irreversibly. The first significant change in his inner beauty occurs after meeting an actress, Sybil Vane. At the beginning we may think that his affection to her is true, but soon after it is obvious that he fell in love only with her acting. Therefore, when Lord Henry criticizes Sybil's acting Dorian finds no other reasons for being with her:' I loved you because you were marvelous, because you had genius and intellect, because you realized the dreams of great poets and gave shape and substance to the shadows of art. You have thrown it all away. You are shallow and stupid. My God! How mad I was to love you! What a fool I have been!'(Chapter 7).

The cruel break up becomes the first step to Dorian's downfall. The first change appears in the picture, reflecting the corruption of his soul. The face in the picture changes its expression. It is no longer beautiful and innocent but rather cruel and incalculable. It represents the same emotions, which accompanied Dorian while breaking up with Sybil. He realizes that the wish made in front of the painting became true. His outer beauty did not change at all, but his inner beauty began to fade away. For a short time remorse and fear occur inside Dorian, especially when he learns of Sybil's suicide.

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Inner and outer beauty in Dorian

All of the human bodies in the world were made unalike; some chubby, some slim, some towering, and some petite. A handful will see this as a blessing, while others see it as a curse. I see it in the positive aspect because it makes everyone their own unique person. Every distinct individual has their own type of beauty, whether they believe it is on the inside or the outside. Outer beauty and inner beauty could be seen as contradicting, yet both are similar because they are incorporated into the same category: beauty. The two could vary by how people view them, how it makes a person change, and how long each can last over a lifespan. In my opinion, women and men should strive for inner beauty rather than outer beauty because having a pure heart means so much more to others than having a smooth complexion. First, is how people distinguish a person depending on their inner or outer beauty. Most people, especially in this generation, see what's on the outside rather than what is on the inside of a person. For example: imagine a man walking down the street and he suddenly sees a woman; that man isn't going to say, "Wow, that person has a really good soul. Her heart is so pure and beautiful." They would most likely say, "Wow, that girl is so good–looking. Her hair is so long, her body is so skinny, and her face is flawless. I wish I could be with her." Therefore, this makes people believe that their outer beauty is more important than their inner beauty because it is seen and

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Some things in life don't function well on their own. They rely on one another to be truly of use, and without one, you can never have the other. A first impression of someone is so important, but figuring out why is too. What we deem as important now is no longer the same as it was a hundred years ago. We see things before we think about them, but to see them we must think. So what is more important, the power of beauty or the power of brains? We make many assumptions based on our first impressions of people. When we first meet someone, our opinion of them is overpowered by the way they look, rather than what they say or do. We take notes from the way they look to determine parts of their personality. For example, when we look at a person who is skinny, we assume they eat clean food and have a reasonable sized diet. Humans are also programmed to identify looks with level of health. Smaller bodies are believed to be more genetically healthy, and clear skin indicates youth. But a lot of people in our society assume that our looks can represent other attributes. Psychologists from Princeton University say it takes just one tenth of a second to judge someone and make a first impression, which can determine whether or not a relationship develops between two people. Studies found on Wikipedia have shown that Western people are more willing to listen to a person they meet than make assumptions from their looks. Of course our first impressions have been affected by multiple Get more

Beauty Vs Beauty

Henri Frederic Ameil, who said, "The man who has no inner–life is a slave to his surroundings." makes us to evaluate what's surrounding us in our life and is any part of our life imprisoning us, and what we would like to surround us with, but what is the connection between inner and outer life? The outer life comes from a different source than the inner. The outer life comes from our Parents: their bodies create our body. But the inner life comes from our own growth of consciousness. In our individuality both are joined, the physical heritage from our father and mother and the spiritual heritage of our own life, its consciousness. So it is not absolutely necessary that the outer life will be a reflection of the inner, nor will vice versa be true, that the inner life will correspond with the more content... our outer body may not be beautiful, but the light that comes from our sources, our innermost sources of eternal life, will make even a body which is not beautiful in the ordinary sense appear beautiful, radiant. But vice versa it is never true. our outer beauty is only skin–deep. It cannot affect your inner beauty. On the contrary the outer beauty becomes a hindrance in search of the inner: we become too identified with the outer. Who is going to look for the inner sources? Most often it happens that the people who are outwardly very beautiful, are inwardly very ugly. Their outer beauty becomes a cover–up to hide themselves behind, and it is experienced by millions of people every day. we fall in love with a woman or a man, because we can see only the outer. And just within a few days you start discovering his inner state; it doesn't correspond to his outer beauty. On the contrary it is very

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As most of the people who fit into the "average looking" category know to be true, life just seems to be easier for those who are more attractive. We've all seen the small details throughout life, such as one girl with beautiful, bouncy hair getting the door held for her but not the next. Or people flocking around the male with a shiny white smile and impeccable taste but not the 'average joe' next to you. You may ask why this happens and what is so different about those people than everyone else. What if everyone was seen by what was on the inside of them? Their inner beauty. What exactly is the difference between inner beauty and outer beauty? Inner beauty and outer beauty are very different from each other and yet very similar, more content...

Symmetrical faces are equivalent to having two good sides. Anthony Little, a psychologist at the University of Stirling, says, "People's faces usually only differ subtly in symmetry. Everyone's face is slightly asymmetrical, but in different ways." ("What Makes a Pretty Face?," 2016) Symmetry is created by averages and the averageness of a face is made up of the size and placement of the features on a face. In summary, the faces that seem that most beautiful have the best symmetry. Inner beauty is a much more vast concept than outer beauty. Outer beauty is something that can be seen, described, and photographed. None of those things can be done with inner beauty, it's something that you have to feel and show. Helen Keller once said, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." I believe that one of the main reasons people are judged more by their appearance than their personality is because appearance is much easier to grasp at a glance. If you happen to be walking down a street sometime you can easily look at every person you come across and judge whether or not they are an attractive person. You can not, however, judge someone by their inner beauty just by walking past them on the street. Inner beauty is what you are as a person, outer beauty is how other people perceive you to be. A person cannot simply become physically beautiful, Get more content

Inner Beauty Essay

Physical Beauty vs. Inner Beauty Physical Beauty vs. Inner Beauty

There are many definitions for "beauty" but each individual changes throughout life based on what they perceive. The two major types of beauty are physical (or outer) and Inner beauty. Based on the facts and research on these two topics; I would like to show the similarities and differences in the way individuals may perceive one other. What is the first thing that catches your eye, from the opposite sex? The first thing I see or notice about someone is their appearance (physical beauty). Physical beauty is described as someone's elegance, figure, features, and complexion or to the extreme as race (color). I know when I look at my appearance, I fixate or more content...

People who are confident in who they are will make the right choices in life and if that person likes who they are will not change who they are for anyone. The people who have inner beauty show love, strength, power, and hope in their lives. The inner beauty of women is stronger than, physical beauty but what do other people notice first? If one person that has characteristics of physical beauty and one person that has inner beauty traits both walk by the same guy, which one do you think he will talk to first? You can't see the beauty within a person. If that beauty on the outside is not up to one's standards, of course the one judging is going to walk away. With that, you can't see the inner beauty. One of the strong factors of inner beauty would be intelligence. As it takes time, more like years, to learn and develop so does inner beauty, building the confidence and self–esteem in one another, will improve outer beauty too. Many people believe this saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The similarities and disadvantages of the two types of beauties are equal. I do think if we all focused on both aspects, of both beauties, we wouldn't judge each other on differences. Though one beauty has advantages of appearance, the other may be mental stability and are happy with whom they are inside. Inner beauty may take a toll on a person mentally, what they wish to become, based on someone else's appearance; then an individual with physical

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Physical Beauty vs Inner Beauty Essay examples

Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty Inner and physical beauty has always been around, affecting females and males of all ages. Though what really matters is inner beauty; how a person can express themselves as a human is the only important beauty. Outer appearances can be the only sight that humans are able to see, but inner sensations are the only feelings humans can truly encounter in their lives. People want to keep up with society and trends, therefore, they use themselves like mannequins and do anything to show themselves as "pretty". Everybody is beautiful the way they are, and nobody should change to keep up with a social beauty scale that shouldn't even be there in the first place. Inner beauty is far superior to outer beauty because inner beauty shows who a person really is. To those who have doubts about what real beauty is, the inner beauty of a person defines them as a human; their bravery to stand up for people, their courage to do what's right, their hidden talents, their never broken promises, their ability to be grateful for everything, and the amount of love they hold all define them as who they are; while outer beauty is also nice to have, it goes away at some point in life, basically being useless to a person; inner beauty is far more important and real. To begin with, while having pretty looks can be the most important feature to a person, looks are only temporary and do not guarantee a pretty heart. A person with outer beauty might not be so much as rude, but

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Inner Beauty Vs. Outer Beauty

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