Marijuana Should Be Legalized Essay

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Marijuana is a green or brown mix of preserved, crushed leaves from the marijuana plant. A psychoactive drug, marijuana contains fifty–percent more tar than tobacco. Smoking the harmful plant can damage the brain, lungs, and the male reproductive system and may escalate the effects of epilepsy and psychosis (Kahler, 1988). Within campus colleges and universities, there are a lot of students who are using marijuana recreationally. Long–term marijuana use can induce negative effects on short–term memory, concentration, attention span, motivation, and problem solving, which clearly interfere with learning. Tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana, can reinforce dependence on thedrug and on other addictive drugs (Joffe & more content...

Currently, possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana is often dealt with through a fine. However, this penalty will heighten as premiers and chiefs are in favor of zero tolerance, early enforcement, and early diversion and rehabilitation. Associations are concerned about any attempts to allow the medicinal use of the drug (King, 1999). We should be eliminating any thoughts of this drug being available. The second reason that the government should not legalize marijuana is that doing so will send the message that is okay to use other psychoactive drugs. Legalizing marijuana could result in advertising of this drug to adolescents. A study was conducted during 2003 showing that roughly 48 percent of twelfth graders reported using alcohol in the past thirty days and 24 percent reported smoking cigarettes in the past thirty days. Household access to illicit substances is coupled with a greater risk of marijuana use among both younger and older adolescents. This is often coupled with parental drug use which sends the message that it is okay to use psychoactive drugs (Joffe & Yancy, 2004, p. e636). The general idea is that we, as people, shouldn't be making it easier for our children to get drugs. Thus far, it is shown that there is a struggle to educate the youth to avoid the use of psychoactive drugs. However, certain organizations, such as DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), have made solid efforts to Get

Be Legalized
about Marijuana Should Not
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We have all heard it over and over again, listening to everyone go on about how its wrong and its not healthy, but honestly people would not act they way they do if they cared what everyone else thought. This pertains especially to those of you who smoke marijuana. If marijuana users actually cared what everyone else thought, they would not be using it, even though it is illegal marijuana is one of the most attainable illegal substances out there. If marijuana is so attainable, and so many people like to indulge in using it then why has it been so hard to get it legalized? Marijuana can be extremely beneficial in several ways. Medical marijuana has many uses, its helped in easing pain, side effects of chemotherapy, and it can more content...

Many diseases cannot be cured but most doctors can prescribe pain killers that can cause serious internal damage. Marijuana is also used to help ease chronic pain, nausea, muscle spasms, and loss of appetite (Anderson 334). With this knowledge further medical research and testing should be done to help those in need. Marijuana has been used medicinally since the 1800s. Marijuana was recognized as a medicinal drug and was listed in the United States Pharmacopeia from 1850 to 1942. The United States has been in a financial repression, our economy is at the lowest point it has been in in decades. Currently $33 billion is being spent on the War on Drugs ( In 2009, over 1,663,582 arrests were made in the year alone, for minor possession charges ( The economy is unstable and does not have the time of money to spent on issues that are minute to society. The economical standing point is clear, the economy does not need to execute something that has been pitifully downgraded by society. People do not understand that marijuana crops could also be used as a source of income for the economy. In Arizona 1,500 jobs alone will be created due to the medical marijuana industry, but not only will those 1,500 direct jobs will be made due to marijuana growers and dispensary employees, but there could be another possible 5,000 due to indirect jobs like grocery

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Essay Marijuana Should Be Legalized

I'm supposed to write an essay about the argument between if Marijuana should be legalized for medical and recreational use. But personally, I believe in legalizing for many reasons, one of them being medical use for people with sicknesses and diseases. Yeah, there may be are some down sides to legalizing, such as the fact it kills your brain cells and that you should not drive while impaired but more and more people every day are going PRO– Legalization. Along with me, there are many other Americans who are all for legalization. There are many very good arguments on this side. The first reason for legalizing it that it's less harmful than tobacco and alcohol. Drinking can lead to liver problems, tobacco leads to cancer, and weed is not harmful. There are so many deaths from drinking (drinking and driving, drinking leading to bad liver). And there have been no deaths of someone smoking too much weed. Another good argument is that it is really awesome for more content...

On the flip side of the range, tobacco kills a greater number of Americans than some other medication, lawful or something else, many times over. This cartoon demonstrates how much worse alcohol and tobacco use are worse than smoking marijuana, marijuana has cause 0 annual deaths. I believe the side with the better argument would have to be the side for legalization. Medical marijuana is very helpful for the sick and if that's what's going to help them feel better, and then they should be able to do it legally. The argument between legalizing marijuana or not is hard, there are few good arguments as to why it shouldn't be legal but I always am for marijuana legalization because the good reasons over power the bad reasons. Sooner or later, it will be legalized, at least for medical use. Whether people like it or not cause the rate of users just keeps


Should marijuana be legalized for recreational or medical use? This is a debate that has been happening for quite some time and this is not just a debate that is happening among people. There are many that have taken sides including medical personal and government officials. Currently in the United States there are two states in which recreational use of marijuana is legal; Colorado and Washington. There are three states currently that have pending legislation to legalize recreational use; California, Maine, and Oregon. On the other hand there are 21 states in which medical use of marijuana is legal; Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, more content...

Let's also assume that marijuana costs $15 a gram and of those 75,000,000 people smoking they smoke 5 grams a week. After calculations of 5 grams a week at $15 a gram times the 75,000,000 people that use, the total revenue would be $5,625,000,000, most of which if regulated by the government would be profit. Would it be more beneficial to society for this substantial amount of money to continue to be made by theillegal drug trade or the economy? Legalizing marijuana would also create jobs. The government would need to employ many Americans to produce and regulate the sales and distribution of the product. Facilities to grow and sell the product would be required and therefore people to run the facilities would be required. Another bonus is the fact that law enforcement can focus on other more serious crime issues within the community, instead of utilizing time and resources on marijuana. The number of people arrested yearly for marijuana offenses outweighs the total number arrested for violent crimes including murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. This also puts a strain on the prison systems that house these offenders which are mostly hard working Americans who simply smoke to relax. While these are all good points those who oppose the legalization state that marijuana is still a drug that alters perception, it is addictive, and long term use

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Essay about Should Marijuana be Legalized?

He smokes Marijuana. Not because he uses it for medical reasons but because he enjoys using it. Suddenly one of his loved ones passes away. He has had them by his side his whole life, and unlike him, his loved one never smoked marijuana. What happened to this person he kept so close to his heart? Could he have been the reason they're gone? People who are using recreational marijuana are not just damaging themselves but damaging others around them. Now that the states legalized recreational marijuana everybody is paying the consequences. Recreational marijuana should be made illegal in all states. Recreational marijuana is harming people around us. "Marijuana's active ingredient can show up in tests even for nonsmokers, if they've had concentrated exposure more content...

According to The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services "Despite 70 years of criminal prohibition, marijuana still remains widely popular among Americans, with over 102 million Americans (41 percent of the U.S. population) having used it during their lifetimes, 26 million (10 percent) having used it in the past year, and over 15 million (6 percent) admitting that they use it regularly." who is using it more? And how does that harm the common good?People now have the green light to use Marijuana. People are abusing this drug. According The American College of Pediatricians "Marijuana use in Colorado was 55% above the national average among teens and young adults, and confirms legalization resulted in increased use."Recreational Marijuana needs to be illegal because people are abusing it. However other americans have have a different perspective about recreational marijuana. Most American believe that Recreational marijuana should be illegal."A new survey finds that 53% favor the legal use of marijuana." Was stated by Pew Research Center. Now that it is legal it is the Americans individual rights that they can use

Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legalized
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Former United States President Thomas Jefferson once declared, "Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country" ("Thomas Jefferson"). Unfortunately, many modern political leaders are not as enthusiastic as Jefferson regarding the beneficial uses of hemp and marijuana. Hemp, as well as marijuana, originates from the Cannabis plant. Surprisingly, marijuana dates all the way back to 2700 B.C.; where it is first mentioned in a Chinese herbal and is said to have many strong values. Regrettably, a majority of countries applied strict limitations on the substance by the late 1960's. With those restrictions came harsh retributions involving sales and possession of the substance. As time passed, research of more content...

Nevertheless, it is proven fact marijuana frequently contributes aid to the struggles which accompany several severe illnesses. For example, marijuana treats the side effects of the treatment of AIDS. Vomiting and nausea are significantly reduced, as well as appetites being increased (qtd. in "Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine"). The substance also assists with intense effects which come from chemotherapy. Constant feelings of nausea are diminished and stomach sensitivity is lessened. Those who have used marijuana, while undergoing cancer treatment, have experienced better results than when using brand name medications. Not only does it help with the effects of treatment, in some cases it stops the disease from progressing or happening (qtd. in "Ibid"). In epilepsy patients who used cannabis, it allowed them to reduce their dosage of other medications and in some cases prevented the epileptic seizure from occurring in other patients (Kubby and Rosenthal 68). Another indisputable reason to legalize Marijuana is its use as an alleviator of pain. Those who must suffer with Multiple Sclerosis felt a lessening of spasticity, as well as muscle pain. Secondly, people who suffer from Glaucoma felt relief of pressure, and it is even reported to have put a halt to the progression of the disease (Kubby and Rosenthal 69). Marijuana is virtually cleansing the poisons out

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Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere Essay

Should Marijuana Be Legalized Essay

Should marijuana be legalized? Marijuana is the most commonly used drugs in all of the United States. Some reasons why marijuana should be legalized is because it will help increase the country's economy , help people to function better , to help generate taxes , help out with all the medical purposes. Legalizing marijuana could benefit all levels of the government, which may include the federal and local. Marijuana is a commonly used illegal drug made from dried leaves of the hemp plant. Some of the ways marijuana is used is by smoking, eating, beverages, capsules or sprays. The legalization of marijuana does not only benefit the people who need or want marijuana, but it can also help increase the country's economy. The main reason why they' more content...

Marijuana really is the only medicine that relieves all the pain and suffering people may go through. It sometimes can treat the symptoms of any other medical condition that may be occurring. More states are legalizing marijuana for medical uses because pain is the main reason people ask for this prescription. Marijuana is also a good prescribed drug for muscle spasms, nausea, and seizures. Muscle spasms are when a muscle tightens and causes pain and potentially serious joint issues. Marijuana can not only calm a muscle spasm while it's happening but it can also treat the direct cause of the spasm in some illnesses. Nausea is a feeling of sickness at the stomach and marijuana is a effective at reducing nausea. For people suffering from nausea smoke marijuana to relieve the nausea symptoms quickly. Seizures are symptoms of many different disorders that can affect the brain. It was a man that was in college the name of Tim Shellman, that use to have seizures back to back so his doctor had referred him to a psychiatrist. Tim kept having seizures until he went to this therapy place and that's when the doctors decided to remove him from his seizure medication, so after he was off the seizure medication that's when he started to smoke marijuana and the seizures were finally controlled. After his wires from the machine was removed from him he didn't have to go back to taking his seizure medication

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Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Against Legalizing–Rough draft Currently in the United States, there is a debate, whether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor 's recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although some believe that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana should not be legalized because it decreases one 's motor skills, it is a gateway drug, furthermore, it negatively affects the minority population. First thing 's first, some,some critics believe that marijuana has various practical uses;however, with insufficient studies done these cannot be proved. If marijuana was legalized people believe that the government would have total control over it, thus overdosing or mixing it would be next to impossible. This can be true, but there is nothing to prove that the drug would disappear from streets. The likelihood of that is actually pretty low since the age restriction would probably be 21, and most users are teenagers. Critics believe that when marijuana is legalized crime would be reduced. One can argue about that and at the end there will always be underage smokers who will want marijuana. All the claims made by pro–marijuana critics do not have enough

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Synthesis Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

Imagine a world where marijuana became legalized.Most believe that legalizing marijuana would would be a be dangerous thing to do and should stay illegal , while others see it as a use of good reliable sources.From a philosophical point of view, individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves. Marijuana has been tested and proven to provide a very positive impact on the American society for many reasons. Some of these reasons are for America's economy, health and even crime. The debate to legalize marijuana in the United States of America has been fought over nonstop since the existence of the drug and its effects. Marijuana should become legal in the state of New Jersey. The most important reason why the state should more content...

People need to open their eyes and stop being ignorant about the fact that marijuana being legal would help the United States in their need of help. Our police have devoted thousands of hours to arresting ,booking and imprisoning marijuana smokers , many of whom are otherwise law–abiding. Unfortunate of these arrests have spent over a decade in prison, for nothing more than possession of cannabis for personal use. These arrests being made take officers away from more urgent issues,(Source C). All the suspects of marijuana possession all end up in court and again without it you have freed up the courts where it can trial other suspects. Again people against marijuana legalization will say court resources will drop due to crime rates rising is completely false and has no evidence to even support that.

Opponents of making marijuana legal would like society to believe that marijuana shouldn't be legalized.It is stated that marijuana is terrible for your physical health.A recent Northwestern University studies have founded that marijuana users have abnormal brain structure and poor memory and that chronic marijuana abuse may lead to brain changes resemble into being diagnosed

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Billy Bob JoeGood Example Persuasive Speech Outline Purpose: To persuade my audience to: support the legalization of marijuana, because of it being able to provide many medical as well as economic benefits for the United States if legalized. Thesis Statement: Marijuana has been regarded as a harmful plant that can endanger lives and is thought to be nothing more than an extra problem to be dealt with in today's society. However, based on its economic value and medical benefits, the cannabis has proven to outweigh its negatives with numerous other positives.

Organizational Pattern: Topical Introduction: I. Getting Audience Attention A. In 2008, an estimated 11,800 people died in drunk driving accidents more content...

Cannabis can treat migraines! (report in California that more than 300,000 cases of migraines solved with the use of marijuana) B. The American Association of Cancer Research has found that marijuana can slow down tumor growth in the lungs, breasts, and brain considerably. C. Marijuana can help treat symptoms of chronic disease as well as other things such as glaucoma. It can also prevent Alzheimer's disease. III.

Economic Benefits

A. Many prisons are filled with people involved with the use of marijuana whether for its medical benefits or as a recreational drug. If marijuana were legalized, it could be taxed in accordance to other regulated products such as tobacco and alcohol. B. This would not only add more revenue, but also provide thousands of jobs to those unemployed which would of course greatly benefit the overall US /Global economy. IV. Negative Aspects (Positives outnumber Negatives!!) A. Risks include increased risk of developing lung infections and lung cancer, coughing, and obstruction of air passages. It also may impair concentration and coordination but only if used in negative–intended/harmful ways. B. Long–term use of marijuana may lead to short–term memory loss and minor brain disorders after the drug has been metabolized. C. Another reason why many people are supportive of the marijuana remaining illegal is because of the addictive potential it can have on people. V. Current Get more content

Essay on Legalizing Marijuana-Persuasive Outline

Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay

Should Marijuana be Legalized or Should It Remain Illegal?

Abstract Marijuana has been on both the good and bad side of people's opinion. However, the pros outweigh the cons. The research of the paper is both from the opinion of the writer and other people's ideas as well. Marijuana is important for many reasons such as medicinal purposes. It can be used to treat people that are sick. Some questions that may occur are: What kinds of things can marijuana treat? What other things about marijuana make it so great? Are there any arguments that is not that great of a thing? All these should be covered in the paper. The method is research articles and finding good supporting details. To show that this topic is very important and worth making an argument out of. Marijuana is not as bad as everyone thinks and is very significant. Some results I found were that it is very even on each side of the spectrum. A lot of people want marijuana legalized and a lot want it to stay illegal. Marijuana can and should be legalized because it increases the economy, it can be used for medicinal purposes, and it decreases thecrime rate. Some of my keywords are marijuana, crime, economy, and medicinal. The conclusion is that the pros outweigh the odds. Marijuana can have a very big impact in someone's life. It can heal them when they are in pain. It can pick someone up and put them on their feet by providing jobs. It can also

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This is a topic that has become a bit of concern amongst people in the past few years. Marijuana has been illegal since the early 1900's, but lately scientists have figured out that there are some uses of marijuana that could benefit people in need, people who are sick of deadly diseases such as aids, multiple sclerosis, and cancer. These are all diseases that are hard for anyone to go through, especially without aid that helps the pain and misery from ceasing. Prohibiting marijuana has just made things worse, by increasing the price of marijuana, the illegal usage, and the money spent on trying to cease its use. Abraham Lincoln once said two quotes about prohibition, "Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts more content...

There are no positive results associated with the use of alcohol and tobacco at all. Could this be an indication that the determining factor in the legalization of marijuana has very little to do with the assumed negative effects? Alcohol is one of the most life–threatening, mind–altering, motor–skill impairing substances in existence. Alcohol abuse destroys a person's liver and wreaks havoc on the entire body. In many cases, it takes very little alcohol to impair a driver's ability to operate a vehicle and threaten the lives of other people on the road. It seems to me that alcoholics are a much bigger threat to society than "pot heads" will ever be, regardless of the legalization of marijuana, yet alcohol is still legal along with the infamous cancer on a stick substance, know as cigarettes (American Civil Liberties Union). Cigarettes are another readily available substance that yields absolutely no positive effects. Cigarettes not only kill the people who smoke them, but they also kill the people around those who smoke them. They also contribute to the depletion of oxygen from our air. There is only one possible explanation for the fact that these deadly poisons have not been banned. The government is making a fortune on the sales and tax revenues of cigarettes. The tobacco industry clearly values the American dollar more than a human life. How does the government justify the legalization of a deadly drug like tobacco, while at the same

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Marijuana Should be Legalized Essays

Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay

Introduction (1 page)

The legalization of marijuana has been a widespread debate over the last decade. There are some people who believe that it should remain illegal (class 1), be legalized for medicinal use, or have it legal for both medicinal and recreational use. The correct choice on whether to legalize marijuana or to keep marijuana a criminalized drug is unknown. However, the main debate boils down to economic gains, prison reform, ending the war on drugs and overall citizen health. Marijuana, also referred to as Cannabis or Hemp, was first criminalized in the 1970's during Nixon's war on drugs. It was classified as a schedule one drug, the most restrictive category of all drugs stating there to be absolutely no medical benefits from the drug. Later in 1970, public interest attorney R. Keith Stroup found the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) in Washington, D.C. ().Drug Enforcement Administration judge stated in 1988, that "Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man." (). In 1991, San Francisco became the first city to pass an ordinance in favor of medical patients allowing access to medicinal cannabis, with a whopping 79% majority support rate. Many people think marijuana has been illegal for a long time so why should things change. However, for most of human history, cannabis has been ultimately legal. Actually, marijuana has been illegal for only 1% of the time since it has been

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Marijuana Should Be Legalized for Medicinal Purposes

How would most Americans react if the law allowed the use of heroin, LSD, or amphetamines for medical purposes? Many of us would react in disbelief mainly because of the effects of these powerful and addictive drugs. However, in Arizona the law permits the use of heroin, LSD, and amphetamines for medicinal purposes, yet the medicinal use of marijuana remains illegal in the United States ("Facts"). Because marijuana is categorized as a Schedule 1 drug under the federal Controlled Substance Act ("Issues"), physicians cannot legally prescribe it. The national debate on the effectiveness of marijuana as medicine is divided between those who advocate marijuana's medicinal value more content... Cannabinoids are only found in marijuana.

Arguably,medicinal marijuana has proven to be most effective for the relief of nausea and anorexia associated with cancer and AIDS/HIV treatments. For cancer patients who not only go through the unimaginable pains and discomforts of the disease itself but also the process of treatment through chemotherapy, the option of using marijuana may prove to be helpful in relief of the symptoms. In an article published in the San Francisco Chronicle, Kate Scannell, M.D. wrote "From working with AIDS and cancer patients, I repeatedly saw how marijuana could ameliorate a patient's debilitating fatigue, restore appetite, diminish pain, remedy nausea, cure vomiting and curtail down–to–the–bone weight loss" ("Do"). Dr. Scannell concluded by claiming "...almost every sick and dying patient I've ever known who's tried medical marijuana experienced a kinder death" ("Do"). This example alone is worth allowing physicians to prescribe marijuana. If marijuana brings relief by easing the pain and suffering of just one patient, isn't that enough reason to legalize its use for medicinal purposes?

Not only has marijuana proven its therapeutic value for cancer and HIV/AIDS patients, but it has also proven to be more effective for most patients than current prescription drugs used. One of these current prescription drugs is dronabinol, known by its trade name as Merinol, which is a pill form of the primary active ingredient in marijuana, THC

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Why Medical Marijuana should be legal Medical marijuana should be a medical option, because it helps individuals who suffer from illnesses that prescribed medications have failed to treat. It eliminates side effects, and is less addictive than other medications that are prescribed to patients. Marijuana comes from a plant called hemp. The main ingredient in marijuana is delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC which helps in the treatment of different medical conditions. The other ingredient in marijuana is CBD. CBD is a cannabinoid that does not affect the mind or behavior. It has been proven to be useful in reducing pain and inflammation, controlling epileptic seizures, and even in treating mental illness and addictions. But medically prescribed marijuana has more content...

From potentially life–saving uses medically, to the numerous economical benefits of recreational sales. You can see that there are many ways that the medicinal and recreational sales of marijuana could greatly improve the lives of those around us, as well as improve the poor economy left for our generation by our predecessors. A neurosurgeon and a chief medical correspondent named Dr sanjay Gupta said "We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that." The american people deserve to have what is rightfully thers because they government and large companies have held marijuana away from it for the past 70 years. There are some good things and some bad things about marijuana but I believe that the good outweighs the bad, and that medical marijuana would be a good thing for this country economically and medically. I hope that the history and how marijuana can help people, along with the business side of things helped you change your mind because It is time to stop this 26 year long battle and make medical marijuana legal all across the United States of

Essay On Why Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal
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Weed, bud, ganja, chronic, dro, herbs, grass, trees, pot, reefer; these are all names of the one drug that causes so much dispute, marijuana. Loved by so many, and hated by the law. It's a two sided argument which everyone has their own opinion on. Is there any specific reason why weed should be illegal, or is the government just making money from catching people with it? Is there any real medical purpose for marijuana, or is it just a gateway drug for kids? These are the questions everyone should know the answers to. Whose side are you on?

First, when trying to decide what you think about the legalization of marijuana, you need to stop to listen, and actually understand where each side of the argument is coming more content...

Marijuana just relaxes you and is just something to make you feel better; it does not make people act stupid. Young people that get caught with marijuana ruin their record and often get stuck in the system with no way out except to continue living lives of crime instead of turning their lives around." The people all for the legalization of marijuana might say something like that, but like every argument, there are always two sides. The people against the legalization of marijuana and that are fighting for marijuana to remain legal, argue, "Marijuana is a gateway drug and it leads to the use of harder, more serious drugs, and marijuana is often the cause of drug addiction. There would more people driving high on weed, which would result in more accidents and traffic offenses, especially among the youth. The drug marijuana is just not right and it was not made to be smoked by humans or used to get high. If marijuana is legal, then there is more likely a chance that kids will start using it at a younger age because it will be easier to obtain. Marijuana is just unhealthy, and physically, not good for your body. It doesn't serve a great or accepted medical purpose. With marijuana illegal, the country can keep all the drug users and criminals off of the streets." These are some of the arguments that some people fight for against the legalization of

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be Legalized? Essay
Should Marijuana

Marijuana Should Be Legalized

Alcohol is legal in every state and country. Marijuana should not be demonized, as it is less harmful than alcohol. Studies have shown that alcohol causes more deaths in the U.S. than any other drug. With that said, smoking pot has never caused any smoking–related deaths. Smoking pot should be legal for three reasons, the main one being potential benefits to any individual. The three purposes are medical necessity, the fact that Marijuana has proved to be less harmful than almost all drugs including cigarettes and alcohol, and the way that prohibiting the drug doesn't help people from getting it. The first and perhaps most important reason why recreational pot smoking should be legal in every state, is for medical use or purposes. Marijuana can be used in more content...

Recent studies at various Universities have shown that marijuana is in fact not an addicting drug. This could go to show that marijuana could be a way safer alternative than drinking alcohol. Alcohol causes more deaths in America than any other drug alone. Alcohol also has taken the lives of many people. If anything alcohol is what should be illegal. People just don't get that being high isn't dangerous. Being drunk on the other hand is obviously hazardous especially when one drives. Cigarettes on the other hand, are a million times worse. Cigarettes have around 1000 different chemicals around 50 of which pose potential threat to the human respiratory system and other organs in the human body. Down to the point, there is almost little to no marijuana related deaths in the U.S. each year which is why this beautiful plant should be available for anyone who needs a little bit. If one has a problem with the drug being legal than better start arguing soon before it becomes street legal world

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Why Marijuana Should Be Legalised There is no denying that the drug problem in our country today has reached epidemic proportions. The problem has gotten so out of hand that many options are being considered to control and/or solve it. Ending the drug war may not seem to be the best answer at first, but the so–called "war on drugs" has actually accomplished very little. Different options need to be considered. Legalization is an option that hasn't gotten much of a chance, but should be given one. It is my position that marijuana should be legalized. Although many people feel that the legalization of marijuana would result in an increase in the amount of crime and drug abuse, I contend more content...

The legalization of marijuana would be a boom to the economy. Duringprohibition, alcohol was still sold and used, but people were doing it illegally. The 21st amendment repealed prohibition, and alcohol taxes were increased. The same thing should happen with pot. Marijuana could be heavily taxed to increase our country's revenue. Moreover, major companies operating under strict government regulations would legally produce marijuana, resulting in a higher quality product free of poisons and other adulterants. Making marijuana legal would greatly reduce the vast amount of money spent on drug law enforcement every year. Drug dealers and users seem to constantly be one step ahead of the authorities, anyway. If one drug lord is caught, for instance, another one turns up somewhere else to take his place. We cannot win. For example: "In 1990, well over 10 billion dollars was spent on drug enforcement alone. Drugs accounted for more than 40 percent of all felony indictments in our nation's courts in 1992. This figure is quadruple what it was in 1985. Forty percent of the people in federal prison are drug law violators". One can only imagine what this figure would be like today. Too much money is wasted on a cause that there seems to be no end to." In 1989, a Republican county executive of Mercer County, NJ estimated that it would

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Should Be Legalised Essay
Why Marijuana

Marijuana was treated as drug and was forbade to use in the past. However, people's mind has changed. They believe that legalization of marijuana can bring many benefits. Therefore, recreational marijuana was legalized in four states including Washington, Colorado, Oregon and Alaska in the US. In fact, legalization of marijuana will brings many problems. In my essay, firstly I will talk about the health, usage, suicide problems brought by the legalization, secondly I will mention the counter–arguments of economic interest and black market. My thesis is that marijuana should not be legalized in the US.

Firstly, marijuana is harmful to human's health. Marijuana cannot be legalized as alcohol because it is much more addictive. According to more content...

After the legalization, selling and buying cannabis involve taxes. Just like cigarette, high tax rate has to be paid by customers. As the demand of marijuana is large, legalization can generate a large amount of tax revenue. In 2015, Colorado collected almost $70 million in marijuana taxes which nearly double the $42 million collected from alcohol taxes. ( Basu) It really proves that marijuana industry can enrich the reverse of the government. At the same time, legalization will increase public costs. In 2005, for every $1 collected in taxes on alcohol and tobacco, almost $14 was spent to repair the vast social damages caused by their use. (The Financial Cost)Legalization raises using rate and social damages. Social damages means compensation of health and education. Marijuana brings physical and mental effects to users. More people smoke cannabis, more people suffer from those diseases. Thus, medicine and medical service are needed. Government have to increase the health expenditure to cue those drug users and maintain the health standard of citizens. Talking about education, it is essential after the legalization. Legalization encourage people to take marijuana and lower the attention to the harmful effects. It is important to teach children and teenagers that people should not smoke it even though it is legal. Expenditure of education increases. Despite increase in tax revenue, legalization also raises the financial cost. Government should not only focus on economic benefits but ignore the side Get

Essay On Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized
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Marijuana Should Be Legalized. Drugs are a major influential force in our country today. The problem has gotten so out of hand that many options are being considered to control it or solve it. One of the most controversial issues facing our generation is if we should legalize marijuana. Usually, people do not know a great deal about marijuana they just considered it as any other drug. There is one thing people should know is that marijuana is not like the others drugs such as heroine or cocaine. But, marijuana is considered a drug, and in fact is illegal, due to number of reasons. For me, and so the various people who agree, marijuana is exceedingly comparable with other substances that are legal, mainly alcohol and tobacco, more content...

However, those who are against it think "there will be an increase in people using the drug and therefore a need to increase rehabilitation programs which will come at the cost of taxpayers and the government". Maybe is right, people can smoke it everyday. But, we all know that man and women are attracted by taboos, I mean everybody is attracted by forbidden things, especially teenagers. Actually, teenagers like to experiment anything outside the norm of society. If the government decides to legalize it, the physical damage created because of the drug abuse, can be control. Besides, the FDA or others could regulate the quality and safety of drugs. Many drug users become sick or die because of poorly–prepared products. After all, there is nothing to regulate what is sold and no way to sue anyone for product liability. By bringing marijuana into the legitimate business world, you can oversee production and regulate sales. Moreover, concerning business and sales, it could be a source of additional tax revenues. During a debate on that matter, one man said that, "An enormous amount of money is raised through government taxation of alcohol, cigarettes, and other "sins". The legalization of marijuana would create another item that could be taxed. I'm sure the government would have no problem spending all that extra money". On the one hand, legalization would mean a lower price; thus, related crimes (like theft) would be reduced. Get more content

Marijuana Should Be Legalized Essay

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