Remember The Titans

Remember the Titans is a movie acted in 1970's and directed by Boaz Yakin in the city of Alexandria. It involves two football teams that were forced to amalgamate (Yakin). The film gives a significant life lesson for the teenagers that they can put away their differences to build a prosperous community. My father and me watched this movie more than five times. The film covers themes such as racism, friendship, and leadership styles. Racism and hatred in society are the backgrounds of conflicts in the movie making it hard for a coach to succeed without taking risks as an active leader. Leadership skills are essential to the team's success. A leader defines and structures their roles and the roles of their subordinates' towards accomplishing a task. In the movie, the coach and the team captain works together motivate the team players towards the success of the team (Yakin). Will Patton plays Coach Yoast, a winning coach who encourages the team players to do their best. On the other hand, Coach Boone (played by Denzel Washington) is a polite, tactful and respectful leader. He makes clear his main agenda is winning football competitions. Team captain Gerry, is a leader who had set aside his prejudice and focused on the more content...
The whites and the blacks supporting their races, and they do not even bother to know the reason for the issue. Coach Boone knows that an African American coach is not welcome when he first meets the Titan staff. They push him, but he does not push back (Yakin). Black students are discriminated, called abusive names and referred to as animals. Another example of racism is at a restaurant where a manager could not let Sunshine and her friends have a meal there because they are blacks. The Titans succeed. The coaches did their best to help the students bond together to face a world that is totally against them. A leader helps in time of crisis, relieves oneself opportunity for change, solve problems and build
In 1971 Coach Herman Boone replaced a popular, successful white coach at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia, in that community's effort to finally integrate its schools. The school and community were angrily divided by the federal integration order, and the volatility of the situation was heightened by the abrupt demotion of Coach Yoast and Boone's promotion to Head Coach. In this movie Coach Boone is on a mission to try to get the white and black players to unite and play together as a team. He wanted the two races to become a team. Around that time, there was a lot of racism and a lot of schools were segregated, so the players obviously didn't get along with each other at first. A lot changed when Boone replaced more content...
This team actually started becoming a team after Coach Boone gave an inspiring speech at the graveyard in Gettysburg. That is when a team actually started to form. The speech was about the Civil War that happened at Gettysburg. He told the players to hear closely, because if they do, they can hear people saying things about killing their own brothers. He told the players that they have to stop fighting with one another and start thinking of each other as brothers and come together as a team and start seeing life in a different perspective. After that, they had plenty of practices and worked hard until they learned how to get along, and they finally did that. It was beautiful to watch them get along and become a team. They were becoming friends and would joke with one another in the locker rooms. Mostly everyone get along. Julius and Gary were becoming great friends, which was hard to believe, because they hated each other at first. Later on, they got a new player. He had long hair, and they called him "Sunshine". He was a quarterback and was the newest player on the mighty Titans. The team thought he was gay but he really wasn't. The team was ready to come back home after all the hard practices at camp. The town still didn't accept the fact that these two races were going to play on the same team. The parents of some of the players didn't like it, and the town didn't like it. On top of that, Coach Boone had to win every game. If Get more content

Remember The Titans Essay In the movie "Remember the Titans" by "Boaz Yakin" the character Herman Boone, played by "Denzel Washington", is faced by a difficult challenge that is significantly important to the movie. Boone in a sense faces a challenge of acceptance in which, by the end of the movie, he has experienced in two noticeable ways. Boone faces the challenge of being accepted by the community, revealing to us that he wants the community working together rather than judging and persecuting one another. Additionally Boone fights for the acceptance and respect of his team, The Titans, proving to them that they can indeed "make this race thing work". Boone faces the challenge of being accepted by the community, encouraging more content...
There are avid examples of the work he does with the football team to illustrate these principal ideas. When the members of the football team all prepared to leave for camp, they boarded the two busses according to their color and clearly did not want have anything to do with each other. Coach Boone outraged by a comment from Gerry Bertier calls all the players to the front of the busses. He orders them to pair up according to their positions on the football field, accomplishing team unity and overcoming the first obstacle in getting the boys to work together. Also of interest are the responses of the player's parents when they return from camp. They are surprised to see how Coach Boone has changed them. The parents are still prejudiced however their children have changed once again illustrating that Coach Boone, although he had not yet been accepted by the community he managed to get the boys to work together. He had overcome his challenge. Boone fights for the acceptance, respect and unity of his team proving that school integration, and the black and white players can work together. By the end of the movie there are bonds formed between Bonne and both the black and white player of The Titans. These bonds are important as we as the audience understand that Boone has gained the acceptance and respect of Coach Yoasts team. In the first instance before the camp Gerry Bertier claimed that "he could not play with these animals", by the end of the movie he we could
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