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Remember The Titans
The movie Remember the Titans (Remember the Titans) is a film that is focused around the difficulties, and triumphs of desegregation in sports. The story takes place in T.C

Williams High School of Virgina in 1971 when Black student integration into public schools had begun. The football coachHerman Boone is also a newly hired black coach who must find a way to unite his prejudiced and separated team, and compete in the State and advanced championships. With lots of conflict, hard work, and astounding cultural discoveries, team unties and wins the State championship at the end of the movie. With relation to the film I will discuss the concept of power and social posititon among diverse peoples. I will also provide a critical self–refelxive...show more content...
The team's passion for football was also constructive to the unity of the team. As Coach Boone extended practices and demanded perfect unity, the team began to realize that previous prejudices would yield no help to their current conditions.On the other hand it was also interesting that the bond that the Titans were able to create was strengthened significantly, but became weak and diminished as peers pressured for separation. Sometimes even the greatest freindships on the football field were completely forgotten in the school hallways. My greatest take away is that true unity cannot exist until all pride is taken away, and genuine understanding is emphasized.As the group put off their pride, and sought to understand each other they were able to accomplish amazing things both on the game field, in their personal relationships, and their daily lives. I liked the plot of the movie, and the great message that it teaches. I also liked the comical scenes and relief points that keep the movie going because it makes it esier to follow along .I think it could have been better if it were more recent since it is an older film. Overall, the powerful message of success through differences was the greatest
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The movie Remember the Titans takes place in Virginia. The year was when there were no racial mixings in the schools. The movie starts practically the day that the announcement of desegregation was going to come into action. The movie is in a small Virginia town where they say that football is as big as life. The high school team is known for being great and when they here that blacks are entering their school now they are furious. The school comes in and fires the old head coach and replaces him with a black, Coach Boon. At first all of the white players try toboycott the new coach and football program but the old coach, Coach Yoast decides to stay and run the defensive line and not abandon his old boys....show more content... Even though they were very much adjusted to one another and got along so well when they got back home, nothing had changed. When they saw white teammates talking to black teammates everyone starred and no one understood. Coach Boon was not surprised to see how people were acting but he was shocked to find out that when the school gave him the head–coaching job it was because they had to and if he lost a game then he was fired. The people who hired him said that they didn't even think that he would have made it out of camp. The football teams love lived on and they stuck together for their first win. As a victory the quarterback who everyone called Sunshine tried to take a few black teammates to dinner. The owner refused service and that was the beginning of them falling apart all over again. The team calls their own meeting trying to get back together, although they are undefeated they weren't playing well and they knew that wouldn't work for long. On a major game referees were bribed to call penalties against the Titans, but Coach Yoast knew what they were doing and said he would go to the papers. Turns out they were trying to get Coach Yoast back at the head job and forget about Boon. After a major victory the team captain is involved in a major car wreck and was paralyzed from the waist down. Even though they lost a lot they went on and won the state title. The movie ends Get more content