Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking
In one cigarette alone, there are more than 600 ingredients. When the cigarette is burned, more than 7,000 chemicals are released. Sixty–nine of those chemicals are cancerous and many are poisonous. Some of these ingredients include arsenic, which is rat poisoning, and formaldehyde, which is embalming fluid ("What's In a Cigarette?"). Even though it is known smoking terribly effects the human body, many people still smoke.
Smoking tobacco first appeared in Mexico and Central America in the 9th century. The Mayans and Aztecs smoked tobacco and other psychoactive drugs. The Mayans and Aztecs first started wrapping their tobacco in plant leaves. When tobacco rolled in plant leaves made its way to Spain in the 17th century, Spaniards started to use thin paper and they called them papelates. The papelate finally made its way to France, where the French renamed it the cigarette ("Cigarette").
In 1845, the French State Tobacco Monopoly began manufacturing cigarettes. The first cigarette machine was invented in Mexico by Juan Nepomuceno Adorno in 1847. Production increased tremendously when James Albert Bonsack developed another cigarette machine in the 1800's. Cigarette companies went from hand–rolling forty thousand cigarettes to making four million every day ("Cigarette").
Americans had smoked with pipes and cigars, but smoking tobacco in cigarette form made its way to America during the wars. During the civil war, cigarettes were sold to the soldiers. Tobacco was
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Smoking is very dangerous, and it has many effects on the health of people. The correlation between smoking and numerous diseases is very high. Throughout the paper, numerous effects are discussed. The change that smoking causes in people's moods can lead to addiction. Addiction leads to an increased intake of chemicals. The chemicals that are in cigarettes are linked to numerous diseases. The toxic chemicals, such as arsenic and cyanide, are not healthy to ingest. They can potentially lead to atherosclerosis, which can cause strokes and heart diseases. Also, smokers often develop a persistent cough because of the toxic chemicals. These chemicals are also thought to damage DNA, which can lead to different types of cancer. It is more content...
One effect of smoking is a change in mood. This mood change comes from an increase of dopamine. Nicotine has an impact on the levels of dopamine in the brain. After inhaling the nicotine, the number of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, in the brain increases. When the levels of dopamine increase, people experience great pleasure. According to Severson (2017), as the reward pathways in the brain are continually used, they begin to require more dopamine to continually enhance mood (Severson, 2017). While being in a good mood may seem like a positive effect of smoking, it actually leads to something worse: addiction. If one is addicted to nicotine, then the effects of discontinuing nicotine use become that much more severe. The disuse of nicotine lowers the amount of dopamine in the brain. This lowering of dopamine causes the person to crave nicotine. If this craving is not fulfilled, the body goes into a withdrawal. The individual's mood changes rapidly, and he or she is often more irritable (Severson, 2017). Another effect of smoking is developing a chronic cough. Smoking causes the chronic cough by causing mucus to develop on a person's airway. From the build–up of mucus, a smoker develop's a nagging cough. The body is trying to keep the mucus from entering the lungs. Also, chronic cough is sometimes caused by lung diseases that could be caused by smoking ("Chronic Get
Smoking Cause And Effects Essay
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Breathe in. Breathe out. It's been said that for every cigarette a person smokes it takes seven minutes away from his or her life. Nicotine is known to be very addictive and kills hundreds of people with diverse diseases each year. Whatever may draw a person to start smoking, there are numerous effects of those breathes. The use of tobacco, specifically smoking cigarettes, is found to have no benefits to human health or the environment. The unknown chemicals and ingredients will leave the consumer with lasting effects. When he kisses you, you blow in his mouth!
According to Jack E. Henningfield, Ph.D. who studied at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; there are thousands of ingredients in cigarette that have not been researched to know if they are considered harmful. Henningfield continues to say there are three main elements of undisputed importance; tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine.
When looking at a burning cigarette the build–up of tar is visible at the end of the filter. Henningfield states, "Tar, not present in unburned tobacco, is a product of organic matter being burned in the presence of air and water at a sufficiently high temperature." (Nicotine: An Old–Fashioned Addiction 32) He continues to say tobacco products such as snuff and chew do not carry tar. Major health risks are started from smoking cigarettes.
Carbon monoxide is the gas that is produced when a material, substance or element is burned. Henningfield says carbon monoxide can easily pass through the alveoli of the lungs. When a consumer breathes in cigarette smoke, the smoke is travelled down to the lungs where the gas passes through the alveoli. Alveoli are tiny air sacs where the oxygen that is breathed in is absorbed into the bloodstream. Alveoli are then contracted to release carbon dioxide; the leftover waste from the blood stream. During the exchange a smoker would not have a regular exchange in his or her blood. Hemoglobin is the part in blood that carries out the carbon dioxide back to the alveoli to be exhaled in normal metabolic processes. Smokers would have carbon monoxide combined with the hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin in the bloodstream. Henningfield says this is where a shortage of oxygen will occur Get
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In general people are not educated on what they are putting into their bodies. This includes many different areas such as the foods they eat, drinks they drink, drugs, and especially the air they breathe. Our air is not composed of 100% oxygen, it's actually only twenty percent oxygen and the other eighty percent is made up of thirteen different gases. We breathe in things such as nitrogen, methane, helium, and carbon dioxide almost every time we breathe. With the air already filled with such a diverse group of gases, why would anybody want to add anti–freeze, acetone, and formaldehyde into that mix(Composition). It is surprising to think people voluntarily breathe in substances like these, but people conflagrate and inhale toxic substances like these multiple times a day. Cigarettes, Electronic and combustible, contain chemicals such as these. Yes, the foul smelling liquid used in your seventh grade biology class to keep your dead frog from rotting and decaying, is found in almost every kind of cigarettes you can imagine. Why would anybody willingly breath in nail polish remover? Well, you can apparently mix any kind of toxic or horrid chemical or substance with the highly addictive drug nicotine and people will ingest just about anything. Smoking is the leading cause of at least 12 cancers in the U.S. In cigarettes of all different kinds you can find substances that are used in paint, roadwork, house renovation sites, and also morgues. These common ingredients are the Get
Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking
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All around the world, cigarette smoking is becoming an important and serious issue as time goes on. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, about 90% of adult smokers started smoking by the age of 18 in the United States which makes their health worse later in their lives (US Department of Health and Services). Some people who smoke a cigarette daily,smoking becomes their habit day by day which can be harmful for their lives. The World Health Organization stated that in the 20th century, a hundred million people died due to usingtobacco and if the use of tobacco is continued in the 21st century, the death rate of people would go to 1 billion (WHO). Research has proven that cigarette smoking is affecting people physically and socially and it also reduces the person's lifespan.
Smoking is defined as when one takes in or out the smoke made with tobacco, different chemicals, and harmful toxins. Smoking can affect the human body and increase the rate of organ diseases. According to the Center for Disease Control and Health Prevention (CDC), smoking causes a lot of lung diseases, for example, COPD which is emphysema and chronic bronchitis (Respiratory Disease, CDC). Smoking affects the whole respiratory system when one inhales the smoke of a cigarette. Smokers can have an increased chance of lung cancer too from smoking. As said by the CDC, "Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways and the small air sacs (alveoli) found in your lungs"
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Cause And Effect Essay About Smoking
Smoking has become a trend in today's world, even though people know how harmful it is. Smoking causes are obvious it will ruin your health and give you series of health issues. In America 85% teenagers first start smoking from the age of fifteen and sixteen, smoking tobacco is really addicting. Smoking causes heart diseases, blood pressure, series of cancers such as, lung cancer, mouth cancer and throat cancer. I have noticed that many people in my relatives who smoked all their youth quit smoking in their forties after experiencing heart attacks. Some of the people don't even quit after they realize they are having health issues. This is all because of being addicted to nicotine. There are several brands of cigarettes and people more content...
Every smoker has different reasons to smoke such as showing off to public that I am smoking or to look cool. Precaution is better than cure, but yet no one will follow that till they are in a stage of being cure and not being aware that cancer is not curable. Many people lack knowledge about what is going to happen after months and years of smoking. Cancer can make you look hideous and there is a stage where people regret smoking but it becomes too late for them to go back and change their decisions. Occasionally smoking is also not so great yet affecting same as regular smoking. Instead of relieving stress by smoking tobacco a person should do regular exercise which surely will reduce stress and keeps your heath well maintained. Rarely people smoke alone at their first time, it's all on the friend circle the person is with, such as hanging out with smokers will off course make you a chain smoker and it has been now like a tradition seeming like it will carry on to young teens who hangout with the wrong people. Smoking is not legalized till you are the age of nineteen but yet we see young ones smoking and it's sad to know how they will suffer later in life. Smoking gradually affects your whole body where a person starts realizing shortage of breathing or dry skin and headaches. There are some new ways of quitting in the market such as the nicotine gum and the patches but I believe they are costly and not yet helping, which makes people
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Smoking Causes and Effects Essay
Smoking cigarettes can have such an harmful effect on the individuals who abuse it and the people who are in around them. A cigarette abuser is likely to become addicted to the drug resulting the person to face with lung cancer. There are many close people in my life who are trying their hardest to quit this specific addiction. Making it ridiculously easy for me to identify and choose the topic in which I chose. Although, before I chose my original topic I had to focus directly on "tools" and strategies that could possibly help individuals quit smoking. Instead of my initial topic thesis statement which was "Smoking cigarettes can be prevented and there are various tools to help quit smoking." My final thesis statement for the this specific final project is now "Smoking can lead to various diseases although a nicotine patch, nasal spray, and vaporizers are the best tools to help quit smoking."
My plan was to go in depth in my research and find valuable information relating to my topic. In the beginning, I was extremely confident in my abilities to learn which tools will help the best to quit smoking and had no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't be able to get it all figured out. I've investigated several different sources. Some of the sources I checked out fit perfectly with my topic and a couple other sources we're awfully helpless during my research. After lots of tough thinking about what source I'm going to choose I decided to pick sources that have the most scholarly Get
Thesis Statement On Smoking
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Causes And Effects Of Smoking
As your bad habits changes so will your entire life... QUIT SMOKING
Tobacco smoking is responsible for the deaths of approximately five million people each year, according to the World Health Organization, it is dangerous to your health, Regardless of the way you smoke it.
Cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients, when they burn, they generate more than 7,000 chemicals. Many of those chemicals are poisonous and don't just affect your lungs, they can affect your entire body. Stopping smoking is difficult for two reasons:
1.Nicotine is Addictive
Nicotine stimulates pleasure centers in the brain and when it is discontinued, the smoker will experience physical withdrawal symptoms, such as Headache, Sleep problems, Irritability, Difficulty concentrating and chest tightness which make the person start smoking again to stop these symptoms.
2.Rewarding Psychological Aspects of Smoking Smoking behavior becomes automatically linked with daily activities it is extremely habit–forming, you may not even realize when and why you smoke. How can smoke damage your body? Smoking can cause fatal damage to your body's organs and systems: Effects of smoking on your Central nervous system: Smoking tobacco has powerful effects on your central nervous system, When Nicotine reaches your brain it makes you feel more energized for a while, but actually it also can impair your cognitive functioning and make you feel irritated and depressed and increases your risk of having a stroke by at least 50%
Effects of smoking on your Respiratory system: Smoking can cause fatal damage to your lungs. It starts with Coughs, colds, wheezing and asthma but it ends with fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer.
Effects of smoking on your cardiovascular system: Carbon monoxide from the smoke and nicotine both puts a strain on the heart by making it work faster causes blood vessels to tighten. Damages your heart and your blood circulation increases the risk of conditions such as coronary heart disease, cardiac arrest, and stroke.
In fact, smoking increases your risk of having a heart attack and Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
Effects of smoking on your Integumentary system: Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to your
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Smoking is a habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug. Smoking cigarettes is the inhalation of the smoke of burned tobacco that may occur occasionally or habitually because of a physical addiction to some chemicals, primarily nicotine. It causes many different diseases such as acute myeloid leukemia, cataract, cervical cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, pneumonia, periodontitis, stomach cancer etc. Tabaco like many other drugs contains over 60 known cancer–causing chemicals that affect organs inside your body. The topic that will be discussed and analysed today are what effects of smoking cigarettes have on smokers, on other people that live with them, and the effects on unborn children if their mothers are smoking during their pregnancies. This issue analysis will cover the problem in depth and why smoking should be illegal and prohibit.
Firstly, the effects of smoking cigarettes have on smokers.Nicotine can enter the human body through lungs, skin and mucous membrane. It easily absorbed into the blood through the vessels and spreads out throughout the body. Chemicals that are in the cigarettes reduce receptor's sensitivity that's why people don't feel the disgusting smoke and taste while or after smoking. Smokers inhale about 7,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. Many of these chemicals come from burning tobacco leaves. Some of these compounds are chemically active and trigger profound and damaging changes in the body. This is the reason that smoking is linked to diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and birth defects. Nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco smoke that cause smokers to continue to smoke. Addicted smokers need enough nicotine over a day to satisfy cravings or control their mood. If they do not get enough nicotine they can be angry, sad, stressed or just generally moody. Smokers have lots of trouble quitting for this exact reason.
Secondly, the effect on people that live with or are around smokers. People that live with or breath around smokers can be described as second–hand smokers. Second–hand smoke is the smoke that comes out of the lit end of a cigarette and that a smoker exhales. Second hand smoke is also called passive smoke,
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Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), among the nation's less–educated people with a high school diploma equivalency diploma – the smoking statistic remains more than forty percent. People in rural areas are diagnosed with lung cancer at rates eighteen to twenty percent above those in the city. Lower class individuals smoke more and die more from cigarettes than other Americans (Wan, 2017). After many lawsuits and campaigns, many Americans have quitsmoking saving millions of lives and leading to massive reduction in cancer. That statement does not necessarily reflect poor Americans who are uneducated or live in a rural area. Cigarette smoking has become a habit for the poor (Wan, 2017).Tobaccouse is one of the major public health threats in the world. It is responsible for killing six million people a year and trends predict that the number will increase to two million more yearly (El Hajj, Kheir, Al Mulla, Shami, Fanous, & Mahfound, 2017). Cessation of tobacco use is associated with many health benefits. Many smokers who wish to quit find it difficult to give up on their own without professional support, leading them to several quit attempts (Siddiqui, Huque, & Dogar, 2016).
Cigarette Smoking
Smoking is the leading preventable risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cardiovascular disease (CVD), and lung cancer. Smoking cessation is a proven way to modify the natural course of COPD.Tobacco smokingis Get
Essay On Smoking
Cause And Effect
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Smoking cigarettes is something common all around the world and has been around for ages. Sometimes after a meal, with a cup of coffee, at a social event, hanging out with friends, working on cars, being stressed out, celebrating an accomplishment, being on a break at work, while having a drink, and being in a car on the way to work are all times where a smoker would smoke a cigarette. People that smoke seems to be everywhere you go. There is an estimated 1.1 billion people that smoke today. Some people only smoke occasionally and socially but for others it is a part of their everyday life. Although cigarettesmoking is still a popular trend today, this act directly causes health and safety problems not only to the smoker, but to the people around them and the environment as well.
Smoking cigarettes is known to cause people to develop health issues. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states "the increased risk for smokers is 2 to 4 times more likely for coronary heart disease, 2 to 4 times more likely for a stroke, and 25 times more likely to develop lung cancer than a non smoker". These increased have a lot to do because of what is in them. While you are having a smoke break you might not realize that cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals. Most of which one would not normally want to be consuming. Roughly 70 chemicals that are in cigarettes are known carcinogens. A carcinogen is any substance that is known to promote the formation of cancer. Thus smoking can cause cancer not only in the lungs but just about in any other part of the human body. Most of these health risks can lead to an early death. Smoking is also considered to be the leading cause of preventable death. Most health issues can be avoided by living a healthy lifestyle. Someone just by simply not smoking cigarettes can avoid all the increased risks caused by smoking and live a longer healthy life.
Smoking cigarettes is known to be addictive and habit forming. Smoking cigarettes regularly is what develops it into addiction. It can be seen as introducing people to a life of addiction. Smoking cigarettes is not only addictive because of the nicotine found in tobacco but also because of the habit. Putting a cigarette in your Get more content
Causes And Effects Of Smoking Essay
Over the years, the numbers of people who smoke have increased. Even though smokers have the knowledge of what smoking can do to their body, they still choose to smoke. Sure, smoking is a personal choice. However, the reason why smoking is an addictive habit is that cigarettes contain more than four thousand chemicals and one of the most addictive drugs of them all is nicotine. When a smoker absorbs the taste of nicotine it is hard for them to quit smoking because within ten seconds the nicotine hit reaches the brain. It causes the brain to release adrenaline, which creates a buzz of pleasure and energy. This then makes the smoker continue smoking and eventually develop deadly diseases in the future that could harm their health. In addition, the smoker is not the only one getting affected by thecigarette but it also affects the non–smokers. This is because the smoke travels freely in the air and eventually the non–smokers inhale the smoke from the cigarette. Moreover, people are not the only ones affected by smoking but it also harms animals and the environment. An example would be a cigarette butt washed up into sea and sea creatures eventually ingesting them into their body. Finally, smoking is a fire hazard in homes, forests and public places. This would put living creatures like animals, people and plant's lives in danger. For example, if a lit cigarette accidentally dropped on the carpet inside a house, it could catch fire in a matter of seconds. Therefore, smoking
Cause And Effect
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Smoking has become one of the world's main concerns after the realization of its effect on human health. Tobacco was first introduced by Native Americans. Tobacco was known to be harmless and a stress reliever. Eventually, smoking became popular all over the world and as normal as food. The increase in technology has brought out all the negative aspects and the side effects of smoking. Scientific analysis has proven that smoking is one of the main causes for death in the world. Since smoking has become a part of everyday life, quitting smoking has become even harder for those who are addicted. Advertisements and peer pressure cause smoking with its devastating, life–threatening effects. Advertisements in the past were responsible more content...
According to "Teens Health," "Smoking leads people to develop health problems like heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and many types of cancer, including lung, throat, stomach, and bladder cancer. People who smoke also have an increased risk of infections, like bronchitis and pneumonia." The article has also provided many other problems a person may experience: rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, greater risk of injury and slower healing time. Smoking affects the body's ability to produce collagen which will cause the body to heal more slowly in smokers than nonsmokers. Shortness of breath and an increased risk of illness with health problems that increases as you smoke more. These effects limit a person's ability to be normally active, and they can be fatal. Studies provided by the article have proven that in the United States, smoking was responsible for about one out of five deaths ("Teens"). Smoking is more designed to kill and not to help people's health. This is the first thing every smoker has to understand. It can cause death in return for some relaxation that has been designed to do. Quitting this habit is not impossible but people need to stop and think before they start smoking. Advertisements on smoking have been banned after the realization of how badly smoking is affecting health. Cigarette manufacturers started to use anti–smoking warnings on the front of the cigarettes packets because of the Get more content
Smoking in Our Life
Causes and Effects of
Smoking is Unhealthy for Everyone
Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to the body for many reasons, and it also affects not only human beings but our environment. Smoking cigarettes can be harmful to both the environment and humans because of the many chemicals and substances that produce this hazardous product. Smoking cigarettes reduces your ability to do things that require endurance, such as sports, and exercise. The tar in the cigarettes covers up alveoli, which help you breathe, which makes for less surface area for gas exchange. In other words, you must breathe more to get the same amount of oxygen as if you didn't smoke. So the effect that has on sports is that you will get tired quicker due to the lack of oxygen, which more content...
Emphysema destroys the lung tissue which results in the obstruction of airflow and causes inflammation and irritation of airways that can add to airflow obstruction. The immune cells in the lungs, whose job it is to prevent and fight infection, are also affected by the cigarette smoke. They cannot fight bacteria as effectively or clear the lungs of the many particles (such as tar) that cigarette smoke contains. Society smoke cigarettes in order to make them happy or to make them feel like they can relieve their problems from using this product. However, if they learn to channel this energy and budget into something more positive it can help with their health and financial stability as well. Smoking cigarettes can be harmful to not only the person smoking them but the people that are around them as well. For example a mother that smokes cigarettes in her home is not only risking her health but her children health as well. The children can have asthma or bronchitis growing up and this can be harmful to their health when they are trying to grow up and be healthy adults. The start to form a habit that progresses through each generation of the family and like a domino effect everyone in the family is prone to this expensive and unhealthy habit. The children have cancer growing up or
Cause and Effect on Smoking Cigarettes Essay
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The Effects of Smoking Smoking is a silent killer. Smoking is the process of breathing in smoke from burning cigarette, tobacco and weed, which goes into the lungs, bloodstream, and brain thereby causing serious damages to our health. Smoking does many dangerous things to the body of both smokers and nonsmokers that people are not aware of due to lack of education and social influence. Nonsmokers can also be affected just by inhaling the air filled with smoke from smokers. So even if I don't smoke but have people around me that smoke can impact my health negatively. Generations unborn are also at a very high risk of this deadly habit because it damages the DNA in both sperm and egg. Smoking is a dangerous habit that needs to be eradicated completely because of its devastating effect on infertility and pregnancy complications, heart disease and lung cancer. Smoking can lead to infertility and pregnancy complications, like, preterm, low birth weight, ectopic pregnancy, and orofacial clefts in infants. Cigarette, weed, and tobacco contains poisonous chemicals that go straight into the bloodstream via smoking, thereby impact on the development of a female fetus' ovaries. Women that smoke also finds it hard to get pregnant because of the irregular menstrual period. Smoking makes it difficult for women that smoke to know when they are ovulating and when there is a surge in luteinizing hormone. Smoking can also result in early menopause because of the high amount of toxins it
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Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking