Doctors and Nurses: Comparing Careers Have you ever wondered what really distinguishes nurses from doctors? Most people see the name and already think that doctors are more qualified. Others think that nurses are the big deal and do most of the work. Doctors have been around long before there were nurses. Doctors rely on nurses to help the hospital run smoothly. Both careers have different job levels which differ from each other but are all just as important. Both jobs have many similarities like basic skills, and medicine and diagnosis treatment, but they also have differences, like the amount of field study, income, and rigorous years of schooling. In the first place, both careers have to develop basic skills such as communication and people skills. They have to be able to communicate with their patients and their family members. Along with this skill, both have to be able to treat patients with respect, even if they come across a difficult patient. On top of having to communicate with people, they must be able to work on the technology. Doctors and nurses must have the ability to operate the machinery. They must also know how to read the data that appears on the screen. Another similarity that both careers have is that they are allowed to legally prescribe medicine and to give a diagnosis. Doctors are normally the ones that prescribe the necessary medication. Nurses are also allowed to determine the best medication for the patient's treatment. Nurses are the first to
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Compare And Contrast Doctors And Nurses
High school, along with college are two major stepping stones in a person's life. Many individuals are able to make the transitions from high school to college pretty easily, while there are others that find the transition into college to be somewhat challenging and hard to adjust to. When I made the jump from high school to college, I found that there are vast differences between the two, and both had very diverse environments. I found the key differences concerning high school and college to be the level of academic responsibilities, time management and scheduling, as well as the methods learning to be the main differences. Obviously, there is a major difference in the level of academic responsibilities between more content...
All the academic responsibilities in college are yours and yours alone. It's up to the student to understand the material given and to keep up with the deadlines given in class. Students are expected to purchase their own materials like textbooks for the class and to prepare beforehand in order to excel. The change in responsibility is a major in difference in college and high school, but it's not the only difference. Another important difference that you will come to realize when entering college is the difference in the amount of time you consumed in college in contrast to the time you spent in high school. In high school, you have set schedule that you follow that usually involves going to school five days a week with spending six hours a day proceeding from one class to another with each class ranging about the same length. Your courses and schedule are based on your grade level and are typically fairly standard. In college thou, you get to decide and maintain your own schedule. You are not given a schedule to follow and can determine what time your classes are depending on time slots that are available to you. In college, students may have a different schedule each day of the week where some days they may end up with a number of classes or there may be days where you have no classes at all. Students usually have long breaks in
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This essay will 'compare and contrast' two approaches made in investigating the 'bystander effect'. It will discuss in some depth as to what exactly is meant by the bystander effect, illustrating when this concept was first shown and why. An outline will be made of the different methods used, those being experiments and discourse analysis, explaining each one in turn, within the framework of two cases. The first being the murder of 'Catherine Genovese,' 1964.and the second 'James Bulger' 1993. The essay will then show examples of the differences and similarities between each method. Concluding with a summary of findings into the two approaches to investigating the Bystander Effect.
First 'The Bystander Effect', states 'that individuals are less likely to intervene in emergency situations when other people are present'. Latne & Darley, (1970) cited in Byford J.( 2014 pp 232). Simply put, where emergency situations arise, if more than one person is present the likelihood of someone in distress being helped reduces. This is the 'diffusion of responsibility' effect were each bystander feels less obliged to help because the responsibility seems to be divided with others present'. (Byford J., 2014 pp233) An example of Bystander Apathy shown within a video (The Open University 2016).
How did this come about? In 1964 New York, Catherine Genovese, was murdered near her home. She Called for help. 38 residents heard this but apart from one shouting out 'to leave the girl alone' no
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Compare And Contrast Tornadoes And Hurricanes
Numerous people would agree that tornadoes and hurricanes are both dangerous and frightening. They may occur almost any time and produce severe damage and injury. The two storms may have days' worth of notice, however on other occasions, there's no notice at all. We call these storms, natural disasters, geohazards, and even state of emergencies. These catastrophic occurrences cause distress in people residing in the storms general vicinity. While, tornadoes and hurricanes are very similar because of their high winds and ability to do extreme damage, they are tremendously different.
Tornadoes are capable of transpiring nearly anywhere; tornadoes have been recognized on every continent except, Antarctica. However, tornadoes are most common more content...
However, the Caribbean Sea is the most disturbed by hurricanes. Winds from these storms reach 74 mph or higher. Although, these storms normally only occur every 10 to 15 years, there are several storms that follow and could last days. Subsequently, hurricanes form in the water before moving to land, most warnings offer sufficient notice. Hurricanes start in the most conventional time for hurricanes is in the fall months, however they can happen as early as June. These storms go on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 causing minimal damage and 5 causing catastrophic damages.
Although, tornadoes and hurricanes are very different they do share some of the same characteristics. For instance, both tornadoes and hurricanes have strong winds and they both produce a significant amount of rain. A matter of a fact, hurricanes can produce tornadoes in their storms when they come onto land. They equally have abilities to cause a magnificent amount of damage due to their high winds. Both storms are considered natural disasters and caused by drops in barometric pressure. In addition, both storm systems do not generally form within 5 degrees north or south of the
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Compare And Contrast Anxiety And Depression
There are many similarities between mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Often times, many symptoms of one disorder stem off of having the other. For example, symptoms of anxiety can be brought on by depressive thoughts, such as thoughts about suicide, and visa versa. The differences, however, are far more prominent than the ways they are the same. Anxiety is a disorder characterized by fear, doubt, and a sense of vulnerability. People with anxiety tend to have less noticeable symptoms than people with depression, as symptoms of anxiety are things such as physical sensations of strong emotions of fear. Depression symptoms are more physical and noticeable from the outside, such as lack of eating or sleep, or lack of interest in doing things. People with depression may more content...
Anxiety can also run in families, or be caused by outside conditions such as excessive stress, drastic changes in living conditions, or abuse. Depression on the other hand, is caused by changes in brain chemistry. However, like anxiety, depression can be caused by genetics and medical conditions that create an imbalance of the brain's chemicals. Depressive episodes often last for days, leaving a person mopey and sluggish, or, on the other side of the spectrum, frighteningly up, or manic. This is when a person seems to have boundless energy and doesn't sleep for days. Episodes of anxiety last much shorter periods of time, flaring up and disappearing within the same day. Symptoms of an episode can include increased heart rate, sweating, and trembling. These can be combatted with controlled breathing, while generally, depressive episodes have to run their course. Anxiety and depression are two very different, though just as harmful disorders. When you have one, you generally have the other It's a vicious cycle, but luckily, there are proven ways to break it. Help is an
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Compare And Contrast Ancient Greek And Rome
Thesis: The Greek influence of outstanding culture, gods, and their beautiful art to the Romans' they took this inspiration on to their own creation. Both ancient build devotion to their gods they would bring the most precious things to them temples, however, they would focus on making large empire to rule and to take control of their city–states.
Ancient Greek and Rome started out as small city–states they both grew into large empires. From the similar roles they agree on religion, both ancient civilizations approach quite successful. Ancient Greek and Roman admit being polytheistic, adoration of many gods and goddesses. Devotions to all the gods increase importance of recognition of their honorable deeds when they were alive. Donald L. Wasson said, "At the end of the day were concerned with the relationship between the gods and humans, differing in this regard from fairytales and folktales." They thought that performing sacrifices and rituals would satisfy their gods they would gain protection from the bad vibes. Ancient Greece focused on their religion, but they demonstrate different a government. AncientGreece focuses on having monarchies until democracies came along. Monarchy did not work well for the Greek because they did not want to worship one ruler they wanted the entire population to agree. The Greek acknowledges that their gods would offer protection and guide their city–states for a better government. Greek ceremonies and rituals indicate mainly performed at
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Compare and Contrast
The Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let's explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there. It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out on your bed, more content...
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Outline Form for Compare Contrast Essays Thesis Statement ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Quality #1 for paragraph #2 Specific support_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Comparative/Contrasting Qualities for paragraph #2 Specific Get more content
Instructions of How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay
First look at the items you are supposed to compare and contrast. Do you understand them? If you are writing an essay outside of class, look them up. Start with your text book but also look at your notes from class, and even go and check them out at Wikipedia. If you are taking a test, and can't look things up, pause and think over what these things mean. The next two steps will help you remember.
Make a list of ways the two items are the same. This is the "compare" part of a compare and contrast essay. (For an in class essay, it will be good if you can bring in extra paper. If you can't, you can make some notes on the back of your blue book.)
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If you feel they are more different than the same, start by comparing the similarities.
Now get to your point of view. If you arewriting a classic "five paragraph essay" you may want to spend a whole paragraph pointing out what is wrong with the arguments you made for the other side. If don't have to meet a specific number of paragraphs, you can just get straight to supporting your own point of view. Look at your list items that support you, and write about them all, and why they are important.
With compare and contrast essays, the conclusion will be a lot like the introduction. You summarize what you just said. You may find that some points came up in writing that you hadn't put in your intro. This is a good time to refer back to those.
How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay
If this is not an in–class essay test, you should try to set the essay aside after you finish, so you can go back later with your mind fresh. You may come up with a few other items you want to talk about on your compare or contrast list. You may come up with a better way to write your introduction or conclusion.
If you can master how to write compare and contrast essays, you will find that you can use that form for a lot of other essays when the instructor doesn't give you a format.
Read more: How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay |
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Compare: Sibling and Body Paragraph
Compare and Contrast Essay Topic: My sister and I
It has been said that many siblings are very similar; However my sister and I are nothing alike we are actually very different. When two people have the same blood type and genotype is not insured that you will be exactly the same. Having same parents increases the chances of having the same genes though. All Siblings have various behaviors and personalities that make them dissimilar. Siblings have a genetic and physical closeness that connect them together. It is reasonable that not all sisters resemble each other. My sister and I are completely opposite. Understanding genetics may be a little confusing. Sharing one half of genetic material from the mother and the other half more content...
Despite having the same genes in common, difference between siblings is the rule not the exception
. Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Topic: My sister and I
Introduce my topic get the readers attention by starting the essay with a good catching attention getter, and follow through with background information about the topic
First Body Paragraph: Being the first body paragraph by talking about our differences
Second Body Paragraph: Second boday paragraph focus on our likes and dislikes
Third Body Paragraph: Talk about our behaviors
Conclude this essay by restating everything and summing it up and adding other facts or opinions
Barnable, A., Gaudine, A., Bennett, L. & Meadus, R. (2006) Having aSibling with Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Study. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 20(3) 247–264 Cicerelli, V. (1991) Sibling relationships in middle and old age. In G.H. Brody (Ed) Sibling relationships: Their causes and consequences, 47–73. Norwood, N.J: Ablex.
Curson,D. & Sharkey, S.(2006) 'Out of the mouths of babes': Drawing upon siblings' experiences to develop a therapeutic board game for siblings and children with a chronic illness. Clinical Psychology Forum, 159, 36–38
Fisher, H., Tobitt, S., Saleem, S. and Steele, S. (2004a) Siblings' and mothers' grief reactions to the diagnosis of psychosis in a young family member. Get more content
Compare And Contrast Two Places
Compare & Contrast Essay
Imagine two places where you could choose with the outcome of receiving new life experiences. You could choose two places that have different settings, where you could visit for vacation or simply choose to live there depending on your decision. But which of these places would you choose? It could be so difficult to decide. Each place have their own environment that has its pro's and con's along with it. Many of you may be asking yourself "What places could the narrator be talking about?" Pretty funny how I can relate to your thoughts, the two places we have come too, to listen to their seminaries & differences are the lovely two states named Florida & North Carolina located in the United States of America.
Florida, more content...
North Carolina is home for a famous NFL team known as the North Carolina panthers, along with famous attractions such as the Nascar hall of fame. It's mainly known for land, along with small towns. North Carolina has a different surrounding as of Florida. North Carolina has a very historical event where the actual Wright Brother's officially flew a plane, outside the outer banks by popular beaches. North Carolina, has great college's too choose from for example you have Duke University, North Carolina State University that provide excellent educational plans to study for a major of your future careers. Here's the fact the minimum wage for North Carolina is way less then Florida currently they're providing $7.25 while in Florida they provide $8.05. Sure Eighty five cent's sounds small but it's a big difference. Along with economic differences. The main differences between Florida & North Carolina is considered an always hot environment while in north Carolina is different, mainly seasonal changes occur, Experiencing all of the changes in your surroundings. If you're looking for a more satisfying place to live in, it depends on your taste but if you'd like to experience many things I'd recommend Florida as I listed the reasons before by experiencing certain aspects such as the state provides more
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Compare and Contrast
Compare and Contrast Economic Market Systems In differentiating between market structures one has to compare and contrast public goods, private goods, common resources, and natural monopolies. All of these are major factors that need to be considered. Public goods are those goods in which all of society benefit from and are equally shared among everyone within. These types of goods can be consumed simultaneously by several individuals without diminishing the value of consumption to any individual. The act of public goods being consumed by several individuals and not allow its value to diminish is known as non–rivalry. When shown graphically, non–rivalry shows that when each of the individuals within society shows a demand for a more content...
Inexperienced teachers have a good subject specialism, this is generally fresh from their training, however not much practical experience in the classroom and dealing with difficult situations. "For many newly qualified teachers, while pupils provide the ultimate reward in teaching, their poor behavior was often the cause of the major low points". In some aspects there is very little difference in experienced or new teachers in relation to their knowledge in their subject, both should know their subject well and keep their knowledge updated on a regular basis. Also both want to make a difference to their students' life, to teach them to the best of their capability. However there are differences in how they teach their subject, how they come across to their students and how they manage their classrooms. More experienced teachers will be more confident in their approach, more prepared to deal with a variety of learning needs, have made mistakes in the past and learned from these to better prepare themselves for the future. Generally new teachers lack the confidence to teach which can only be gained through experience, they need to learn what works and what does not, reflect on this and incorporate this into their next lesson. New teachers do however have a willingness to learn, to adapt, and to mould themselves into a confident and knowledge teacher. In conclusion my insight into the differences and similarities of both the experienced and Get more content
Compare and Contrast
The Compare/ Contrast Essay
First, let's explain compare and contrast:
When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences.
Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information.
This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there.
It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out more content... And you will either compare or contrast, not both. Be careful, sometimes going point by point can make your writing sound tedious and repetitive. Watch your language and transition words. Use several points at a time.
Ending: As in the argumentative essay, bring it all together. Allow your ending to go back to your thesis. Use the transitional words on the next page to help your paper's coherence. Transitions and other connecting words and connecting sentences should be used throughout.
Remember: There are no hard and fast rules as to how many comparisons or contrasts you should offer. For a thorough look into your subject, you must offer enough comparisons or contrasts or both to make a valid statement.
Transitional Words (Conjunctival Adverbs)
Use these words to help you connect your thoughts, your sentences, and your paragraphs:
(Lest you wish to sound pedantic, tiptoe with caution through words such as "indeed," and "of course.") addition again, also, and, and then, besides, equally important, finally, first, further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, last, moreover, next, second, still, too comparison also, in the same way, likewise, similarly
concession granted, naturally, of course contrast although, and yet, at the same time, but at the same time, despite that, even so, even though, for all that, however, in contrast, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the
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Compare and Contrast Essay Community College vs. Universities
Choosing a college means going to a new, unfamiliar world of immense possibilities. One of the hardest decisions a high school graduate face is the choice between attending a Community College or a University. Although Universities and CommunityCollege serve the same purpose, each has its differences and similarities in their learning such as the admission requirements, expenses, size, and student life. Community College are the most common type of two–year College that prepares you to continue your education, are often an affordable and convenient option. Universities you can earn Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees which is more expensive. At a University, you more content... Students attending private universities pay an average tuition of $35,374. Those who attend a community college for the first two year of their education save $8,000 or more. Since most of the same financial aid including Pell grants and Stafford loans is available for any institution choice, students in the lowest income brackets can expect a larger financial aid refund from a community college than a university. Those who need a university education to meet their career goals may be able to attend a community college part time while they work and save up. Then, when they transfer to a university for their final two years, they may have saved enough that with financial aid, they can pursue their four–year degree.
Community Colleges tend to have fewer students per class, which means more attention from teacher to student. This is good for students who like access to their instructors so they can ask questions and avoid getting lost in the course material. Universities are bigger than community colleges and it takes a little longer to find your way around campus. Most teenagers graduate from high school eager to leave their parents house and do grown up things. The benefit of attending a University is living on campus instead of your parent's home. Not all universities have dorms, but the majority of them do. Which you have to pay for parking, fitness center, laundry and other fees included. Both university and community colleges sponsor Get more
Community College vs University Essay examples
Compare And Contrast The Health Care System
Is it possible for two countries which are thousands of kilometers away from each other to have some similarities in their health care system? Health care system is one of the most important and fundamental sectors in any country or region all around the world. Many countries pour a major amount of their overall income to support the health care system. And the main reason behind this tremendous effort provided by the countries all around the world for the health care system is that each country wants to provide a good and high standard health care services for all the population occupying the land whether they were local citizens or Non– local citizens . This essay will compare and contrast the health care system in two wonderful more content...
One of the biggest issues in the medical field sector in United Arab Emiratesis the lack of work forces such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists (Gov of the UAE). According to Ministry of health statistics, the number of doctors in United Arab Emirates is 1.75 per 1000 people which is a very low ratio. While the nurses represent 2.7 per 1000 people ( MOH of the UAE,2014 ) . The country had realized the huge gap that impaire the health care system. Thus , the priority was set on its agenda for the plan of the year 2030. where it focuses on the issue and state the following " The Authority is also working on a comprehensive plan to attract, train and retain health care professionals with the focus on increasing the number of Emirati work force" (HAAD,2014).On the other hand the main obstacle that is facing Singapore heath care system is finance . The government is only responsible for the basic health care services. Therefore each individual is expected to take responsibility for his /her own health requirements (Lee & Wong ,2008 ).This issue has the major impact on the health care system of Singapore .However an outstanding country as Singapore would not stay still while such a problem exists in its system
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Comparison and contrast of the education systems in the United Kingdom and the United States of America
Table of Contents
Page No.
Section 1. Similarities and differences between the UK and the USA regarding types of schools2
Section 2. Similarities and differences between the UK and the USA regarding university entrance procedure5
Education is widely accepted to be an essential part of people's lives. It is generally agreed that education helps people to develop their own personalities, by acquiring new knowledge, using different sources. An American philosopher John Dewey (n.d) claimed: "Education is a social process. more content...
Students in the USA are dissimilar to students of the UK that they starthigh school right away after middle school, when they reach 14 years. American high school consists of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades, which are also known as freshman, sophomore, junior and senior. In the USA there are also Honours, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate classes that are more rigid and the load of homework is much greater (USA Study Guide, 2007). The transition from middle to high school is challenging indeed because the type of education that is used in
each institution is very different. At high school students not only acquire knowledge, but also get some experience, which is very useful for them in future.
Secondly, the UK and the USA have totally different examinations for the students. GCSE and A–level are the main exams in the UK, whereas the USA has its own method of assessment, which is called GPA. GCSE is the General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a two–year study course for 15–16 years students. Usually British students pass GSCE exam when they reach the age of 16. GCSE is essential for students who want to take further examinations, such as AS/A–levels and enter the university or a college of higher education (Kozma, 2010).
Besides, GCSE gives you a chance to assess your knowledge and skills and help you to define your weak points and how you can
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A Small Difference Can Make a Big Impact Humans have come to a conclusion that all lives are different, but all go through many hardships and tragedies. The impact from a slight difference can vary to be very vast to very small, such a slight difference, however, can change a person's life as a whole. In the book, The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates by Wes Moore there is a difference that can be identified between the author's life and that of the other Wes. This difference, though can be very critical and is ultimately able to lead to a path of triumph or failure for an individual. The lack of involvement a mother has for their child can fundamentally deprive them from succeeding, and parent involvement has the opportunity more content...
Through it all there can be a factor/difference that can be daunting in a person's life and the way they handle it is eventually up to them and will effect in some way, shape, or form. One central difference to think about when looking at the two individuals is the fact that Wes has a more supporting mother than Wes (2), in a person's life a mother is so important and can be looked as a blessing. A mother is the one that supposed to be the person that takes great care of you and guides you, and to teach what's right from wrong. The author's mother was much more supportive for her son, Wes acknowledges, "Every time I looked around at the buildings and the trees and the view of the river, I was reminded of the sacrifices my mother was making to keep me there." (Moore 52). Due to this quote, we can conclude that Wes's mother, although struggling at the time, found a way to put her child in the best possible route in education. Wes presents it as kind of an understatement, however, from his mother doing this, it affects his life so much. By being put in a excellent school, it offers many more opportunities than that of the other Wes and he can gather a lot more help/exposure to guide him toward a bright future. On the other hand, we have Wes (2) that is lost and seems as if he just can't find his way, "Young boys are more likely to believe in themselves if they know that there's someone, somewhere, who shares that belief. To carry the Get more content
The Other Wes Moore Compare And Contrast
Comparison and Contrast Essay Hot and Cold Weather Comparisons Albert Weyant COMM/215– Essentials of College Writing September 15, 2012
Dr. Nancy Reynolds
Hot and Cold Weather Hot and cold climates will be discussed and the different comparisons between them. I will state my opinions and objectives pertaining to the two climates. The differences I will discuss are the climates, activities, and locations. Millions of people prefer to use the two different climates to accommodate themselves when the climates are in a comfortable temperature for them. Each year many lives are lost more content...
Australia has extreme heat and dust that makes their climate hot too. Cold – Within the United States, Alaska, and most of the northern states are known to very cold during the winters, and become less traveled and not as preferred as the warmer climates. Outside the United States, Canada, and Greenland have very cold winters. In Greenland they may never see summer. Conclusion Hot and cold are very different types ofweather. They can adjust to both as long as they are not extreme. The difference is that they can only cool themself down inside where there are air–conditioning systems in the extreme heat. As long as they are prepared, with the right clothing, they can stay outside. Both climates require hydration, but it becomes magnified in the heat. My preference is the cold. I can always put more clothing on to keep warm, but I will not be doing any exercising in it. I could not do them in the heat anyway. The heat just makes me feel like not doing anything. I enjoy the cold weather sports, maybe because as I mentioned, the heat makes one lazy. Living in a hot climate may be the reasons for my preference.
References The American Heritage. (2005). Climate. Retrieved September 15, 2012, Get
Hot and Cold Weather Comparrison Essey
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Compare and Contrast Essay
Dogs and Cats
Compare and Contrast Essay
Marielena Mendoza
ENG 121 English Compositions I
Instructor: Michael Gavino
November 7, 2011
Dogs and Cats
A study done by The American Animal Hospital Association say; that if people were stranded on a desert island, they would prefer the company of their pet. Dogs and cats play a huge role in our lives, weather it's a family pet or a human service pet. They have made their way into our homes and our hearts with their quirky and fun loving personalities. Dogs and cats have been around for thousands of years providing our ancestors with love more content...
They are messy, clumsy and will poop where ever nature calls if they are left in the house too long. Dogs claim their territory by urinating on everything; it's a good thing they are trainable. They will chew on just about anything that fits in their mouth; it takes love and patience to raise a dog. But on a good note some dogs learn to fetch your slippers when ask for them. The dog is not known for being independent because they can not be left alone for long periods of time. They require walking and being let out to relieve themselves a few times a day. When alone they seem sad and do not play with their toys; unless they are chewing on something. Their lack of complexity allows the dog to enjoy the out doors like running, pick–nicks, car rides and swimming. They are not moody and are ready for anything. Dogs on top of being potty trained and fetching slippers they can be trained to have human service jobs such as; police, military, fire department, rescue force, Seeing Eye dog, explosive and drug dogs. Dogs have evolved from being wild and harming us to being our protectors and now aid us and rescue us.
People and cats have certainly had a chequered relationship. Revered by ancient Egyptians then reviled in the middle ages as witches' familiars, cats until recently had occupied a cozy, if often unnoticed place in our households, (Gaille Perry, Urban Animal Management Conference Proceedings 1999). Cats from early history were originally Get
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Compare And Contrast Cinderella
Cinderella Compare & Contrast Rough Draft
The tale of Cinderella is universally known, yet every telling of the story is tweaked ever so slightly. Changes, even if subtle, can create differences in the meaning or characteristics of the story. Some more popular versions, such as the Little Golden Book edition, the Grimm Brothers version, and Disney's 2015 film adaptation have distinct traits of their own, along with some parallels between them. Despite the ostensible tedium of the three interpretations, each of them has its own theme, archetypes, and plot, which are occasionally shared between versions.
Initially, despite the handful of similarities between the three versions ofCinderella, the three have largely differing themes. Analyzing the Grimm Brothers' version first, there is a clear message of karma, or as famously coined, the concept of "an eye for an eye". Cinderella endures a long period of abuse at the hands of her family, but eventually marries the prince. At the end of the story, her evil stepsisters, "for their wickedness and falsehood...[,] were punished with blindness as long as they lived" ("Cinderella" Par 65). Thus, it is shown that no act will go unnoticed. In stark contrast, the film adaptation truly drills home the moral of "having courage and being kind", as this line is repeated an innumerable amount of times throughout the movie. Cinderella remains kindhearted in spite of the harrowing situations she is shunted into, and has the courage to go to the
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Another example of a triumph of Buddhism is from the pre–Tibetan view that the land of Tibet was considered to be a gigantic demoness where offerings were made to ensure she was mollified for the good of the people. However, Buddhist practitioners wanted no part of demonic spirits and so therefore defeated this demoness by building temples on her four limbs and over her heart to render her incapable of hindering the spread of Buddhism in Tibet.
The BГ¶n religion although seen to exist on an identical basis with Buddhism however there are some differences between the two religions. BГ¶n ritual movement is counter–clockwise, with different deities and names, mythological origins, coloring, objects or adornments on their personage and the more content...
The similarities of Bön and Buddhism practitioners appear identical, such as the accumulation of merit through good deeds in the same way; that is by living a meaningful and good life, turning hand wheels, chanting sacred prayers, circumambulating stupas, monastery or mountains, hanging prayer flags, even meditational and metaphysical traditions appear similar. All these actions are with the ultimate aim of being reborn into the human realm or a higher paradisiacal world of Tibetan cosmology. There is a complicated relationship of mutual influence that exits between Bön and Buddhism, that traces back through the centuries of shared history and turmoil, while also progressing into the modern era in synchronicity.
In conclusion, the state of modern day Tibetan Buddhism has only been strengthened by the incorporation of practices from other cultures and countries, this has made a thriving and growing religion with approximate 6% of the worlds population, 350 million people practicing Buddhism today. Although, the practice is more widely spread in South Asia and South–East Asia, Buddhism is found in many western countries also. It has been spread by a significant number of immigrant communities or ease of access to travel by westerners to these countries and as a way of keeping alive cultural
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Buddhism Compare And Contrast Essay