A Leadership Journey
The paper records the evolution of the author's thinking on leadership through the course of his work involvement. Leadership is viewed as a dynamic process which consists formal and informal roles. The process is introduced as an individual recognizes opportunities and urged to answer back to evolving patterns and pledge action to enable positive change. The dynamics between formal and informal leadership structures and leadership as a state of mind are conferred.
The following paper shows a reflection on my personal journey and growing understanding of leadership based on my work experience. As I look back in time, I identify that most of my current interest in leadership...show more content...
My favorite definition of leadership relics Sun Tzu in the Art of War: "The way [of leadership] means inducing the people to have the same aim as the leadership, so that they will share death and share life, without fear of danger" (Sun Tzu, 2005, p.43). The definition recognizes the collaborative dynamic that leader and follower share– both share the benefits and risks in its pursuit. Moreover, Senge's work presented me to systems thinking and understanding the unified wholeness of organizations. This view was reinforced by my study of Neurolinguistic Programming and Neuro–Semantics, understanding human communications and the way in which we learn to construct our mental maps of the area. I saw conscious decisions to be freeing and challenging at the same time. This commitment was a challenging as I began to explore the process of leadership outside the hierarchical power structure that could command action by positional authority. Now as an independent contributor I found myself able to lead freely in a variety of ways, highlighting the need of influence in the contexts that I was called for.
I mentally stepped back from the situation and took a look at the business, it's internal and external stakeholders. I would foresee the recede and
flow of people as they enthused about their work, the processes of numerous departments that enabled this organism to be effective. I also realized that minor issues evolved into major
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Motivation and Leadership are intrinsically linked in the fact that one allows an easement in the process of the other. Without the ability to use the mutual relationship of leadership to influence the motivators of followers, leaders stagnate and are limited by their own inability to accomplish all that must be for real change to occur. In less Rostonian terms (that is, based on Rost (1993)), without a motivated group of followers leaders are stranded and not achieving to a level of excellence. This paper will discuss some areas of importance for motivation in leadership as well as an application to leadership theory and a discussion on personal motivators. Motivation is the reason or purpose behind action, or what causes one to act in...show more content...
Osland, et al. (2007) provide a good introduction to three basic motivational content theories. The first theory is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs that proposes man is motivated by a lack in the one or more of the five common needs. The needs that Maslow identifies are physiological, safety, social belonging, self–esteem, and self–actualization. Maslow believed that one fills needs from the most basic (like food and water) to the highest level (self–actualization). Maslow's ideas are easy to relate to and attempt to provide an all–inclusive approach to the concept of motivation; however, there is little evidence to support the idea that man cannot have self–actualization without the other more basic needs first satisfied. The second content theory Osland, et al. discuss is McCelland's learned needs. McCelland states that man is motivated by one of three things: achievement, power, or affiliation– or a mixture of the three. Each of these needs can possess a negative or positive connotation or implementation, but it is argued that people motivated by affiliation make better leaders. The third theory presented is McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. McGregor asserts that Theory X people or employees are inherently lazy and must be controlled and forced to act, whereas Theory Y people are self–controlled, motivated, and ambitious. Steers, et al. (1996) identify an additional theory of motivation, which builds on Maslow's
Motivation and Leadership Essay
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The study of leadership teaches leaders about what motivates people to work. Thus, it's understood that all motivated employees, and team players will be more productive. Therefore, the study of various theories and models of motivation, such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs model, and Herzberg's two factor theory are carefully studied to improve leader's ability to motivate their employees. Also, studyingleadership enables leaders to understand people and the work environment better. However, most importantly, the study of leadership is a personal journey. Helping a person to develop their leadership potentials, which enables one to develop their leadership potentials. Therefore, understanding leadership is really learning about understanding yourself. When I decided to take this leadership class. My expectations were to learn more about myself, how to effectively communicate with difficult people, and become a better leader. My expectations were met. However, I have also learned that I need to develop my interpersonal skills to bring people together. As I reflect over the leadership course, my weaknesses are a need to develop my interpersonal skills, and having an introvert personality. Interpersonal skills are life skills that I use every day to communicate and interact with other people, both individually, and in groups. Steps that I will take to improve my interpersonal skills are expressing more appreciation for team members and support staff, actively listen, slow to
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Is A Personal Journey Essay
Leadership Traits
As a growing debate, the question at hand is whether great leaders are born with specific leadership traits, or if one can be taught certain traits over time. According to (Wikipedia.com) the approach of listing leadership qualities, often termed "trait theory of leadership", assumes certain traits or characteristics will tend to lead to effective leadership. I believe that leadership traits such as honest, competent, initiative, inspiring, hardworking, intelligent, and the ability to lead the masses, are some of the leadership traits one should possess. Within this paper, I will examine the overall concept of leadership traits, while observing the traits that were, or can be associated with successful leaders....show more content...
Leadership is an action not a position. With the proper personality, a leader can accomplish many things like knowledge of the organization. Being able to handle all type of situations shows great leadership traits. According to (Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy) the adjustment dimension of the Five Factor Model of Personality "is concerned with how people react to stress, failure, or personal criticism" and it is important for leaders to develop their response to this dimension. Leader trait research examined the physical, mental, and social characteristics of individuals. In general, these studies simply looked for significant associations between individual traits and measures of leadership effectiveness. Physical traits such as height, mental traits such as intelligence, and social traits such as personality attributes were all subjects of empirical research.
When reflecting throughout America's history, two people in particular exemplified the essence of true leadership traits, Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. While others displayed a vast variety of traits, Martin Luther King Jr. as well as Nelson Mandela displayed traits of leadership that stood the test of time, and while today, their traits still influence, as well as affect people in today's society. Throughout his time as political activist, as well as South Africa's first African President, Nelson Mandela's Get more
Leadership Traits Essay example
What I Have Learned of Leadership
It is hard to quantify what I have learned in the semester of Leadership because the courses focus was not about memorizing data, but rather learning about having the will to lead and finding the courage to make it happen. A majority of the information I learned from this course came from learning about myself. Through readings, course activities, and various projects, I learned what makes a great leader, but more importantly what traits I possess that will make me a great leader. In order to be a great leader, one must have an understanding of whatleadership is. Leadership is a social influence (Stogdill, p. 25). It means leaving a mark. It is initiating and guiding, and the result is change. Leading is the result of your passion coming to life.
The readings for the course complimented the activities that were done in class. Many of the overarching themes of the course pertained to finding your own passion in life. You can only be a great leader if you are passionate about the cause that you are leading. The Harvard Business Press published an article by Stewart D. Friedman labeled, Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life. The article's aim is to clarify what is important in one's life. One of the ways in which this is accomplished is by describing your hero or someone you admire (Friedman, p. 478). For my Will to Lead paper I discussed how my grandfather was my hero and somebody that I greatly respect. I have always loved learning, but never thought
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Leadership is a difficult word to define and according to the Miriam–Webster Dictionary leadership is the "office or position of a leader" (Miriam–Webster, 2010). This definition is definitely not one that I would ascribe to when discussing leadership. My definition of leadership is "the ability someone has to motivate and empower others to achieve a goal." Some may add to this definition, others may discard it altogether and have a completely different definition. In the end, leadership takes on many different forms depending on who is doing the defining and we end up asking ourselves, what is leadership and why do we care? J. Thomas Wren (1995) put together a book to help leaders define leadership for themselves. The Leader's...show more content...
As Gardner (1990) points out "Most men and women go through their lives using no more than a fraction – usually a rather small fraction – of the potentialities within them" (p. 7). I happen to agree with Gardner on this point. As a teacher you see numerous children who, with the proper training, could be very great, positive leaders; yet due to their home situation or lack of self–confidence these children grow up never knowing they have that possibility inside them. "We can do better. Much, much better" (Gardner, 1990 p. 7). Along with Gardner (1990) Wren introduces Burns (1978) who wrote The Crisis of Leadership. Initially, I thought a crisis in leadership was happening today because according to Burns (1978) "One of the most universal cravings of our time is a hunger for compelling and creative leadership" (p. 8). However, we need to keep in mind that Burns wrote about this in 1978. So leadership and those who lead have been having problems for a number of decades. "If we know all too much about our leader, we know far too little about leadership" (Burns, 1978 p. 9). What Burns was trying to bring to the forefront was the idea that we, as a public, know far too much about the personal lives of our leaders. The media has been able to bring personal situations into our homes that we would not otherwise be
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What is Leadership? Essay
During my past employment, I had the chance to exercise leadership roles, managing a group of three, and train new employees. One way to motivate them was to let them leave early on the last working day of the week. I also empowered them by providing them some consulting work, which they felt that it was shown to the client as their own work in order for them to feel that they were part of the team and have a sense they belong to the organization. Therefore, this behavioral approach that I exercised would be considered as Employee–centered Leadership. This is because I focused on the people doing the work, while delegating decision making, and satisfying employee needs, which created a creative a supportive work environment (Rama). From there, I also sat with each one alone and try to figure out the goals and objectives that he or she wanted, which was either in the organization or educational wise while developing ideas on how to accomplish their goals. Therefore, as an Employee–centered leader, I was responsible for others and being a team player as well. As a leader, I feel that working in a group or team is a must to see progress within the company. In order to see progress within the company, working together as a team is very important. When the employees see the leader working with as a team, they feel more motivated to work. They feel equally as important as the leader. By enhancing this equality, a team will create a concept that suits the diverse needs of the Get more content
and Style: Personal Narrative
Iana Lukina
What did I learn from my leadership class?
There are lots examples of organizations in which everything seems to be done right, but something is still missing. They have no soul. There is nothing that can breathe life into the administrative system. They exist without faith, love, and hope. They are doomed to such a gray existence, unless there is a person or a team of associates who discover the essence and meaning in this frozen system. Such a person is called a leader and a role in which he operates – leadership. How do people become leaders? With experience, with age or from birth?
In order to rise to the top, you need to have everything to climb. A person, who has the courage to go forward or up, needs two things. He...show more content...
The second thing is to organize and motivate yourself. I understand how to give myself the best chance to flourish. We can make leaders from ourselves. But the main thing here is that by changing myself, I must always stay myself. You do not need necessary to wear a mask of who you want to be, even if you really want it. It will not lead to good results; you will only inflate your cheeks instead of an objective assessment of your capabilities. We need to use the full power of all the energy, talents and abilities that are given to us. There is no need to wait for the results from reading popular psychological literature with the promising titles like "Leader for the Week", "How quickly to become a millionaire" and etc., biographies of "famous and successful." Moreover it will not be useful to visit courses, where self–styled psychologists, of course, for a large fee, are teaching people how to become successful. Objective assessment of yourselves, your capabilities, coupled with self–development and a clear statement of purpose – that is what is needed.
In order to analyze my drawbacks, to accept them (which is itself a step forward) and to uproot it, I find out the following methods: * Talk with my own inside critic. We need to listen to his comments on others and ourselves and objectively contradict him. And even better to have a notebook in which to write down everything he tells you. I should step back and look
Leadership Experience Essay examples
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Examples Of Executive Leadership
In the future I would like to own and operate as the CEO an executive recruiting firm in the high tech market place. My organization will partner and consult with both businesses and not for profit organizations in acquiring senior level executive leadership. Organizations have specific needs when searching for leadership and we will advise and consult with our clients to assist in locating and recruiting top national and international organizational talent. Our mission is to partner with organizations in their search to increase diversity within their executive leadership. By listening and understanding our partners needs we will be able to tailor fit potential candidates for positions on their Executive Board of Directors, ...show more content...
142). I will hold our managers accountable for meeting our diversity goals and will provide training to teach them how to incorporate our priorities and include incentives tied to bonuses that align with our expectations. After completing my pie chart I noticed that there wasn't one specific area that dominated how I see myself. I found that I was fairly balanced statistically on all of the choices I decided to use in the pie chart to identify who I am. That accurately describes how I see myself which is a very well rounded person who doesn't excel at just one thing in particular but is very proficient at many things. I think that this will allow for me to be flexible in my leadership style and I can expand and develop my approach to become a more successful mentor over time. As the CEO of my company I will encounter challenges and opportunities as the leader of a diverse organization. Our diverse team will bring a wider variety of solutions and perspectives based on their own experiences which provides a unique point of view in searching for our client's candidates. We can search for candidates globally because of our team member's cultural understandings and the different languages that they speak. Their insight on cultural sensitivity and understanding specific regions allows for a higher quality search for our clients. More than ever people are working with Get
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Communication skills and leadership go hand in hand. In order to lead a group and influence their completion of specific goals, one must be capable of successfully communicating among ones peers. This is especially true in the healthcare industry. A leader who lacks effective communication skills is unable to maintain camaraderie between their staff, due to misunderstanding and ineffective communication. This results in failed goals. Leadership in the healthcare industry is vital not only to the organization, but also its staff, patients and visitors. According to early research, the process of leadership should encompass certain traits and behaviors. The seven traits that proved to be consistently associated with leadership are: Drive,...show more content...
It allows for the inspiration, organization, and implementation of a vision (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2013, p. 26). A company or organizational vision is that company's framework for success. It allows all employees to see the "positive" in the future. It allows for camaraderie and for achievement. Being a good leader and a role model allows for inspirational motivation–a vision. An effective leader relies on feedback from their peers and does not become self–obsessed, but rather self–aware (Goleman, 2014). Jack Welch states "Nothing you do anymore as an individual matters except how you nurture and support your team and help its members increase their self–confidence" (Welch & Welch, 2013, para. 3). Having self knowledge and organizational knowledge are key characteristics of a quality leader. As General George Patton would say "Know what you know and know what you do not know" (Power, 2014), then act as JFK did during the Cuban Missile Crisis and leave the room. He knew his presence was intimidating as President and wanted to divert any stifling of ideas that would solve the Crisis so he literally vacated the room. He did so after dividing the large group of experts who had diverse knowledge bases and opinions about the matter, into smaller groups, eliminating the chance of groupthink (Sutton, 2014). Their self knowledge and organizational knowledge was spot on. Effective listening, verbal and nonverbal skills, trust, understanding,
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Essay on Leadership and Communication Skills
Personal Philosophy of Leadership
Being a leader is more than simply holding a leadership position or having the ability to lead. Everyone is capable of being a leader, but not everyone exercises his or her leadership abilities. Each person's idea of leadership is different. My idea of leadership has developed over time, and being a member of the President's Leadership Class has helped me develop my philosophy of leadership further than what it was two months ago. My personal philosophy of leadership is the ability to effect change through leading by example, taking initiative, and encouraging others. There have been many things that have affected my philosophy of leadership. Something that has affected me as a leader is my values. One...show more content...
There have also been people who have motivated me to be a leader, especially my high school orchestra director. At the end of my junior year, my director called me into his office and told me he would be moving me from the first violin section to the second violin section. He said he knew I was quiet in the back of the first violin section, but he could see I possessed the leadership skills necessary to sit in the front of the second violin section. This really motivated me to try and make him proud the next year at the front of the section. Many different aspects of my life have affected my leadership philosophy. I want others to be able to see my leadership philosophy at work. To do this, it is important that I be able to connect with those I seek to lead, as "The Relational Leadership Model" states, "Relationships are the focal point of the leadership process" (Komives, Lucas, & McMahon, p. 74). One way I hope to develop a relationship with my followers is by "Modeling the Way" (Kouzes, Posner, 2008). I will do this by clarifying my values and leading by example. Clarifying values is important because "To earn and sustain personal credibility, one must be able to clearly articulate deeply held beliefs" (Kouzes, Posner, 2008, p. 29). By clarifying my values, those I seek to lead will understand my mission and will believe I have a goal in mind. Leading by Get more content
Personal Philosophy of
Effective Leadership Essay
In today's competitive world, leadership skills are crucial for both personal and professional development. Leadership is an important function of management which helps an individual or a business to maximize efficiency and to achieve goals. Leadership has different meanings to various authors.Most commonly, leadership is defined as influence, that is, the art of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals. (Koontz). Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of either formal or informal group in the task of goal setting and goal achievement. A leader is one whose magnetic personality innervates people for some cause. Not by words, but by their actions is...show more content...
People requires good leadership skills at personal, professional and social level. Personal leadership helps us to determine our desires, strengths and abilities. It means Knowing what we want out of life; knowing what success is for us; what are our goals and how to achieve those goals regardless of what other people think, say, or do. Personal leadership helps us to make our present better and shape a good future. Good leadership is also important to run a business. Usually, in companies, management stresses more on decision– making skills. They believe a timely and smart decision will help their company to succeed. They forget that implementation of those decisions are as important as making those decision. Without a proper implementation , there will be no results. Like there is a saying that, it's easier to said than done. Similarly, making a decision will change nothing, its how to get things done in a timely and an effective way will help an organization to accomplish their goals. Leadership is crucial in implementing decisions correctly and successfully. Each of us understand importance of leadership when it comes to our country. We all try to vote for the best person in elections because it matters who is in office. President make decisions concerning our lives, country, and the world. As a nation, we place no greater responsibility on any one individual than we do on the president. Therefore, leadership
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More and more women are rising to the leadership challenge, even in some of the most male–dominated industries. The increase in the number of women attending college, the increasing number of women in the workplace or starting their own business has demonstrated to men who own businesses that women can be both managers and mothers, thus showing their male counterpart that women can in fact "do it all". In this paper the history of women in the workforce will be outlined, as well as the challenges they face. The changing attitudes towards women taking over family businesses will be looked at briefly, how women lead in comparison to how men lead, and a comparison of theirleadership style will also be discussed.
HISTORY AND...show more content...
Those days have since past. As women are achieving higher levels of education and are being employed in more prominent positions, their leadership roles in family organizations have increased. Many young women are refusing to accept the rule of "primogeniture" (Nelton, 1999). Primogeniture is defined as a birthright or an inheritance. Although women are making great strides in this arena, there is still the feeling out there that the son should be considered first and the daughter as a second option, only if there is no son or if the son declines the offer. But, Nelton says that, "young women by and large feel that if they want to go into the family business, the opportunity is there." In each of the cases described by Nelton, the fathers encouraged their daughters to become involved in the family business. As well, each father let his daughter run the show once she was named CEO–the surest sign of support (Nelton, 1999). In more and more families and in business in general, gender is becoming not an issue. As roles increasingly change on the home front, the business world will soon mirror the changes taking place in the family structure. Nelton also urges women in leadership roles to not lose sight of the bottom line. She says it is "easy for women to get caught up in the management of people" (Nelton, 1999). She goes on to say that if you cannot prove that you are also profit–driven, you will never make it to the successor level.
Essay about Women in Leadership Roles
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Definition Essay Leadership
Domenick Caruso
November 14th 2010
Personal Essay
What is Leadership?
Leadership is defined as the position of a leader, the ability to lead. I assure you it is much more then that. Being a leader is not easy, I have learned from personal experience. Being a captain of a football team is hard work. It takes guts to stand up and be a leader.Leadership is respect. Respect by others. You can't force people to respect you; you've got to earn it. A good leader earns respect from his, or her, peers. They know he is their leader and when he tells them to do something, they do it, and they respect his position. A captain deserves respect from his teammates. The respect your team has for you helps drive your team to do their...show more content...
When he yells, he strikes fear into his comrades. Along with leading by example, a captain should be able to speak up. When a teammate is harming the team he should speak up and let them know to stop what they are doing or to leave. A leader shouldn't be quite and expect people to listen and follow them, he needs to speak up and take action. Finally, Leadership is work. A leader works harder than anyone else and they know they need to do so. A captain knows that he has to push himself to work above everyone else. He should run faster, hit harder, and block better than anyone else on the team. If a captain works harder than anyone else, then everything comes together. He earns respect; he takes responsibility, and leads by example. Believe me, being a leader is not an easy job. If you can accomplish all these things then you can be a true leader. From my own experience, being a captain is not easy. Even I struggle with these qualities. The pressure of being a leader of is overwhelming, and takes hard work to accomplish. "Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile," by
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Successful organizations have strong leaders and managers that develop, support and encourage employee longevity within a company. There is a significant difference between leadership and management however both skills have to be used collectively and both are important to a profitable organization. Leadership is a notion of communicating an organization's vision, whereas management is more of the implementation of the organization's vision. The manager typically carries out the responsibilities written by the organization and has a good team underneath them to carry out the duties and meet the goals. Most companies have a mission statement that mirrors and supports a company's vision. When referring leadership and management, the two...show more content...
According to Hersey and Blanchard (1998), there are three areas required for effective leadership. Technical skills, which includes clinical expertise and knowledge as it pertains to nursing. Secondly, human skills, which is the ability and judgment to work with people in leadership roles. And lastly, conceptual skills which is the ability to understand the complexities of overall organization and figure out how and where one's own strengths of management fits into the overall organization (Cherry, Jacob 2011). Leadership is unique compared to any other role because of its responsibility for people. Good leaders are followed merely because they have gained people's trust and respect.
Management: Management involves the tactical aspect of day to day functions and who keeps control of the work environment to make sure the organization is moving forward and in the same direction of the company's vision. Managers are faced with many responsibilities each day, one of which is managing people. The goal of a successful manager is to achieve the highest productivity of the organization by way of the people he/she manages. A manager is more of a problem solver and takes care of work areas relating to people management, time management, decision making etc.
According to Lewin (1951) and White & Lippit (1960), there are three prevalent management behavior styles: Authoritarian, democratic and laissez–fare (Cherry,
Essay on Management and Leadership
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What Leadership Means to Me Essay
My idea of leadership is being able to inspire others, motivate, set a vision, communicate, respect others, and of course, lead by example. A leader must have an honest understanding of who they are, what they know, and what they are capable of. To be a successful leader, you have to be able to convince your followers, not just yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed. In my opinion, this can build confidence in their followers to have faith in you, in order to be able to lead. I strongly believe that good leaders are made rather, and not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders are developed through a never ending process of self–study, education, training, and...show more content...
The way in which I communicate either builds or can harm the relationship between my soldier and I. When an important moment of discussion arises, I am always prepared to appropriately handle the situation at hand. More than anything else, I believe as a leader it is always important to have great social skills in order to be communicative with clarity and objectiveness, and to have a good relationship with the ones I lead. As a leader, I understand the meaning of recognition and praise when one is doing a good job, which too is significantly important. A leader is not always the first to have an idea, but should be the one who is always seeking out new solutions. One way of being a productive leader is discovering new ways to accomplish a set of tasks while maintaining a positive attitude. If a soldier is demonstrating a bad attitude because he feels that he can not accomplish a task then my job as a leader, would be to steadily encourage that soldier to work at being all that he can be. A leader to me, does not need to always know the answer, but believes it to be important to have the initiative to make an answer appear. One form of bad leadership would be an NCO performing or demonstrating a task that he knows nothing about in front of his soldiers. In the result of the NCO not performing or demonstrating the task at hand correctly, the soldiers then become incapable of knowing the proper ways of that task. However, if that NCO had
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Is a leader as defined in the Merriam–Webster's Dictionary, merely one who leads– synonymous with a boss? Or something more? I believe that a leader is much more than that and can be defined in any number of ways. In attempting to define a leader personally, I will use both myself and others as examples. For many years, I have been told by teachers, family, and friends that I am a good leader. Until fairly recently, I had never truly thought about what it means to be a good leader and just took it as a compliment. Leadership is an intangible concept which cannot be properly outlined in a dictionary, but one which must be formed and explained only through one's own philosophies and experiences. Perhaps the most important...show more content...
A well–researched knowledge–base is a necessity. Organization is also key to being a leader. A leader must plan thoroughly to properly direct the group. Even though careful planning is crucial, a leader must remain flexible when problems arise. Remaining humble is also important. Once a leader raises her/himself above the group, s/he will lose respect and will be seen as a ruler – and not a leader. A leader must see eye–to–eye with the group to retain an effective role. To manage the needs of the group, a leader must be trusting enough to allow others to help. If a leader makes all the decisions without the group's input, or does not allow the group an active role, the group will no longer agree with the leader and will not feel valued. The leader's effectiveness and respect form the group will the drop. The group must also trust the leader to make wise decisions. Despite the fact that these qualities are mostly seen when leading a cause, they can be extended to other roles of leadership. Generally, a leader will either be given a leadership role, or will create one. For instance, I frequently volunteer at a nature center in my community. Because I possess the leadership qualities mentioned earlier, I have become someone who people approach with questions and for direction. In effect, I have been assigned a leadership role which I had not been
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Leadership Statement Essay
Management and Leadership
Management and leadership, two words that are considered synonymous and are often used in the same context, yet they do not mean the same thing and they describe two different concepts. According to the dictionary, management is
1) The act, manner or practice of managing; handling, supervision, or control;
2) The person or persons who control or direct a business or other enterprise;
3) Skill in managing; executive ability; where as leadership is
1) The position or office of a leader;
2) Capacity or ability to lead;
3) A group of leaders;
4) Guidance; direction. In many organizations, management is a job description; leadership is a positive trait. Managers tend to think incrementally, while leaders think ...show more content...
Management normally consists of people, who are experienced in their field, and have worked their way up the company. A manager knows how each layer of the system works and may also possess a good technical knowledge. Managers are "principally administrators ¬– they write business plans, set budgets and monitor progress." Additional tasks handled by managers are problem–solving and facilitating meetings. Managers usually achieve their position through experience and understanding, and obtain authority through time and loyalty. In business, leadership is "the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals." Leadership is one of the many assets a successful manager should possess. While management is considered a position, leadership is considered a relationship. Thus, leadership is the connection between the leader and their subordinates that makes management successful. This connection can strengthen an organization and make the work more focused and effective. Leadership is the ability to get people to willingly follow. A person who exhibits the traits of leadership is called a leader. The role of a leader is to ensure that the desired tasks and guidelines are implemented throughtout the team. Since managers can not be everywhere at the same time, leaders are put into place to bridge the gap while echoing managements requirements. Because leaders are the link between the
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Management And Leadership Essay example
Examples Of Leadership Statement
Leadership Statement
In the world, different people have different approaches to leadership. For ample, according to Leebol man (n.d), there are four types of leadership: "leaders who emphasize rationality, analysis, logic, facts and data" "leaders who emphasize the importance of people" "leaders who believe that managers and leaders live in a world of conflict and scarce resources" and "leaders who believe that the essential task of management is to provide vision and Inspiration."
However, from my opinion, the main purpose ofleadership is to motivate people to complete a given task. Additionally, leadership is all about collaborating with which involves effective communication, and active listening. This binds their relationship as they get to work together. Leadership also involves listening to people's opinions and views and developing plans which address people's concerns. This creates mutual understanding as leadership creates an environment where everyone feels free to live in.
From Leadership...show more content...
This is because if I do not consider them first I would not be having faith in what they can contribute or accomplish together. When I am leading people, I want everyone to feel he/she is part of the team. For example, when I am working with people, I listen to everyone's opinion and try to filter the important points which can help the team to go forward. Asking people to give their opinions on the given matter makes them feel important in the team, which creates a positive mood the team. Thus, I always strive to create a positive attitude in the team when I am leading people. Moreover, I also believe that people are not perfect and they always need guidance in order for them to perform best. For example, I always expect the people I lead to make mistakes and I always show this to them by admitting my mistakes and showing them how I am vulnerable to mistakes. In other words, I encourage the people I Get
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Leadership Philosophy
My leadership philosophy is best conveyed by example. All units have standards we must achieve. I believe in exceeding them at all times. I intend to demonstrate that by exceeding them myself. I know that not every Soldier is physically capable of maxing their PT test every time or qualifying expert on their assigned weapon, but if the effort and desire to do so is put forth, then we as an organization can be satisfied with meeting the standard in those instances. I believe in letting all Soldiers, leaders and subordinates alike, be themselves so long as it does not hinder the mission or degrade unit readiness. I expect integrity and accountability at all levels. Missions fail when Soldiers sacrifice integrity and fail Get
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Sample Of Leadership Philosophy